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February 22nd, 14, 02:17 AM
Story 1:


MLP Related. On FimFiction: http://www.fimfiction.net/story/162033/rewritten

Rarity and Applejack were always the best of friends. Such a odd match of a unicorn diva and a tough earth pony, but somehow a strong bond had grown between them since one particular day. That day was a year, or, so back, when the two were invited over Twilight's for a slumber party. The two couldn't say no to the eager unicorn and said yes. Sadly, they felt as if they ruined poor Twilight's experience. The first half of it was spent fighting, and throwing jabs at each other for their flaws the other disagreed with, but luckily they turned it around. This a big mark in their friendship, usually they were so distant in the small Ponyville clique they created with their other 4 friends, but now it was one of the strongest. Even their sisters fought between them, when Sweetie took Applejack as a sister. Applejack didn't take this opportunity to shove it in Rarity's face that she was a better family pony, but instead the two worked together to get the little filly to forgive Rarity. It just got stronger and stronger, until Applejack was almost always at Rarity's boutique, or Rarity was at Sweet Apple Acres. Two places their different stereotypes hated, but dealt with.
So it wasn't odd that in the mid-week, of a regular summer evening, that Applejack was at Carousel Boutique. She was helping Rarity move boxes, because the diva hated lifting. Applejack was glad to do it for her friend. It included a lot of work, going up and down the stairs, but Rarity promised a very generous amount of bits the earth pony always refused to take. Somehow Rarity would find a way to give it to her though. This work was usual, and it was the same for Rarity. She usually always made the farm clothing for the Apple family. It wasn't the most fashionable, but it was clothing that could take some beating for the work they had when it was cold.
Applejack was almost done clearing out Rarity's first closet that consisted of her "Old" fashions upstairs, that were moved downstairs to be donated to charity. Just another generous thing the white unicorn decided to do. Rarity was downstairs, doing chores, or sitting at the kitchen table and reading a book in the early evening. This is when Applejack confronted her friend, while she was downstairs. "Well, darn Rarity, this is some mighty hard work. I'm glad ahm' almost done, but-" her stomach growled, Applejack responded with a awkward chuckle "Umm, are we gonna' be havin' sumthin' to eat?"
Rarity chuckled at the hungry earth pony, feeling a little guilty "Why, of course Applejack! I know your working hard darling, and I have something in the oven already cooking. You just hurry along, finish up, and we'll have some tea and a nice meal" she said with a grin.
"Alrighty, I'll just bring down a few more of them things. I might as well start on them other things too while ahm' here... May take til' little late"
"Idea!" Rarity shouted as she perked her ears up. Applejack tilted her head to the side at the unicorns sudden outburst. She almost knocked her glass of water off the table she was sitting at. She was being all lady like, crossing her legs and sipping her water politely, but there were all things that Applejack didn't mind. She just wanted to get all this work done, so she wouldn't have to return tomorrow. It wasn't that Applejack minded, but she did have a farm that needed to be worked on. After tapping her chin, Rarity responded "Why don't you finish up all the work, then you can sleep over! We can start over, this time, we won't fight like we did the last time. Our friendship is greater than ever! Won't it be fun Applejack?"
Applejack was a little hesitant, knowing they would probably stay up late and get some time cut off all the work she had to get done tomorrow. It was Sweet Apple Acre's prime season, soon the Zap apples would be coming. But Rarity was such a good friend she didn't want to let down, and surly her family would understand. "Surly Rarity, ahm' sure it'll be fun... You know, I don' feel like goin' by a book though. Why don' we just do our own thing? No offence to Twilight and all..."
With a warm chuckle, Rarity responded "Why of course Applejack, we'll do things that we like. Twilight isn't here, so it's only us... I don't know if there is much to do with only two ponies though"
"We'll figure it out" Applejack grunted as she put a box on her back, and headed upstairs. Rarity lolled back in her chair, starting to think of the possible things she had to do to prepare for this sleep over. Somewhere for Applejack to sleep, things to eat, things to do, and they were all things Rarity wanted to make perfect.
================================================== =============================================
It was a really easy evening between the two friends. After Applejack finished off the first closet, of the two filled with clothes upstairs, she had a awesome meal with Rarity. It was some type of casserole that had all sorts of different flowers in it, including roses and daisies. It was such a good meal, and a large one to give Applejack some energy to finish up this job. Once she was finished, the sleep over started. Rarity of course, got her room all nice and clean. She had all sorts of dresses pulled out, in what she called "organized chaos", but it was something her friend probably wouldn't understand or appreciate. So while Applejack grunted, pulling heavy boxes down the hall, Rarity made sure the room was extra clean for their sleepover. It was surly big enough to host it, but Rarity did sort of over organize. The pillows were in a pile neatly for a pillow fight, the make-up for the make-over were neatly placed on the table, the cucumbers were evenly sliced on a plate, and in the center was a bowl filled with the face cream for their face rejuvenating session. It was all perfect, for a particular earth pony who wouldn't really mind.
Applejack had finished sooner than she expected. After that, they indulged themselves on even more of Rarity's dinner, then headed upstairs to start the fun. Like expected, Applejack didn't really notice how organized the room was, but didn't mind it at all. It was a large room to her, much bigger than her own, with a king size bed with drapes hanging down from it, a big mirror, stands for her dresses, and big dressers. Tt was perfect for their little party. Rarity started it off when she threw a pillow at Applejack, who wasn't really in the mood for a pillow fight. She just laid on Rarity's bed. "Oh come on now Applejack! I'm ready to have some fun after such a boring evening!" Rarity looked outside "It's getting late Applejack, and I think I already know the winner for the pillow fight!"
"Meh" Applejack said as she laid down. Her stomach was a little bloated from all the food she ate, she definitely knew how to pack it in "Ahm' happy on this bed here... It so darn soft"
Rarity rolled her eyes "Oh, I thought you were more competitive then this Applejack" Rarity threw another pillow, landing right on Apple's head.
"If I were you, I'd stop"
"There we go!" Rarity chirped "Now come on!" She threw another at Applejack, landing almost right in her hooves that were folded over her body.
"Alrighty! You asked for it!" Applejack threw the pillow back, and the war began. Two ponies throwing the diva's soft pillows back and fourth at each other. Though the last time, they were both almost tied, things changed in this battle. Rarity was graceful, and could dodge almost any pillow Applejack threw, but Applejack could throw pillows almost every second, and she could throw very hard too. This battle though, ended with Rarity being able to avoid pillows for a few good seconds to throw them back at Applejack, since she was moving a little slow. It went on until eventually she completely stopped throwing. Rarity wasn't going to kick a man who was already down, so after two hits in her hesitation the unicorn asked "Applejack? Are you alright? I hope I didn't hit you too hard"
Applejack moaned as she grabbed her stomach "Uh... No Rarity, but- Uh, I could really use the little fillies room. Do you know where that might be?"
"Where it always is... The farthest door down the hall" Rarity responded. She knew what the problem was, but she wasn't going to be a bad friend and point it out. She would just let Applejack go and do her business, then they could have fun again. Good thing Rarity decided not to over indulge like she did. Soon, the earth mare got off her bed, and scurried to the bathroom.
Applejack knew what was going on, and wasn't too happy about her tummy troubles. She knew that this bloated belly would soon empty itself, but it was really awkward for her to have to do it at a friends house, usually she had a stomach like steel. But as soon as her hoof touched the door knob, something happened. It was some type of voodoo, or witchcraft that entered her head and re-routed all her thoughts. It was a odd feeling, like deja vu, that completely wiped her mind of what she was doing. Applejack stopped herself completely, not even blinking. Her stomach even stopped grumbling. Now she just stood there, trying to catch her thoughts as they ran away. When the new thought planted itself in her brain, the new objective, Applejack's eyes widened, then shrunk, then came back to normal size. Like her entire body rebooted, Applejack blinked, rubbed her eyes, and looked at the door to the bathroom. "Ah?... What in tarnation' am ah' doin' here? This isn't the bathroom... I'm totally out of mah mind" Applejack turned around, as she headed back down the hallway, and past Rarity's door.
================================================== =============================================
Rarity waited for Applejack to come back, tapping her hooves and keeping her sangfroid as her friend seemed to be taking a long time. Whatever she did, she would not go into that bathroom for a long time. It was a thought that Rarity kept out of her mind, disgusted about it. This was a mare who hated dirt, let alone those things. So she waited patiently, but it took oddly long. When she heard banging around in her attic, it frightened her, but then brought concern. Could it have possibly been Applejack? Rarity waited, and the noise ceased. It was odd, but the problem was that Applejack was still not here. She got up, stretched her hooves, and headed to the other side of her room to see what was the matter. When Rarity opened the door, her friend was standing there with dust all over her, and also a musty smell lingering over her. This was odd, and immediately Rarity asked "Applejack? Where were you? And darling, what is that all over your coat?"
Applejack seemed confused, but soon she was quick with a reply "I was looking for the bathroom Rarity! You said it was in the attic!". Her appearance was the same, that same orange coat, but with a dusty veneer over it, and the same blonde mane
"Bathroom? In the attic? Applejack, I told you it was-" Rarity immediately stopped. The same feeling fell over her. Immediate confusion, and total mind reset. It was quicker, but with the same effect. Her eye's widened, shrunk, then the unicorn was on a totally different train of thought. "Oh yes, I'm sorry... I should of been more specific" Rarity lead Applejack to the other end of the hall, and up a dusty pair of stairs that lead upstairs. She looked around herself, until eventually finding a box labeled "Sweetie Belle". Rarity smiled, like she just found a long lost item. She sighed in relief as she pulled the box out and untapped it.
"So, you found it?"
"Well of course Applejack, it was right here" Rarity said, smiling as she pulled out a package. It was a rather odd package, that was mixed into a lot of foal items. Pacifiers, bottles, toys, and clothes for a newborn little filly, or other things for a larger toddler. Things that Rarity remembered she had when she was this little, that were handed over to Sweetie Belle when she was born. They were kept here at her home, because somehow it got mixed into the things she brought when she first started her business here. The package was a bunch of diapers, that were labeled to be the largest toddler size. They used to be worn by Sweetie, just as she finished up her potty training days, but now they were in the hands of Applejack and Rarity. They were labeled to be a toddlers size. It didn't mean they were actually that size, but instead they were much bigger. Able to fit on adults by the looks of it. Still, they had their prints on them that were mean't for a little toddler. Sparkly and purple on the front, or with flowers going down the back. All pretty and princess-y in the past for a little toddler that was very hard to train. Sweetie was in diapers until she was four, and stopped wetting the bed a year ago.
Applejack let out a sigh of relief "There's the bathroom Rarity... It wasn't that hard was it?"
"It's not my fault" Rarity responded with a chuckle. She pulled out a changing mat that was also enlarged "You were the one who couldn't find them"
Applejack laid down on the mat that Rarity laid out, opening her legs, and preparing for her friend to put her in the 'Bathroom'. She smiled, and so did Rarity as she gather up the supplies, and grabbed on of the diapers out of the package. She was about put it under her flank, but suddenly she blurted out "W-What? Why are we in the attic?".
"To-" Applejack start, but then soon stopped "Uh, you're right" She said quickly as she just started to look at the situation. Why was she doing this? Why was she about to be put into a diaper by Rarity? But it happened again, even faster. Her eyes widened, shrunk, then all of a sudden she was back into the scene, like nothing ever happened. Rarity looked down at Applejack, smiling.
She noticed something she never really looked at before in between Applejack's legs. It was a moist, marehood that was obviously still that of a virgin. Smooth, untouched, and it was something her friend would never touch until some day, in the simplest way possible, she would mate with a stallion in complete private, and have a child. It wasn't much of a ritual, but it still brought intense pleasure. For some reason or another, in Equestria, they didn't look at eachother's plots. They didn't hide them either, they were just there, but they didn't notice them. It was like they were invisible, but now it was clear as day, and Rarity brought her head down and started to suck this marehood passionately, without question.
Applejack moaned in pleasure, enjoying something that was just not done in her usual world. It was alien, but now it felt so good, and she enjoyed it intensely. It wasn't alien in this new thought, that started to flicker again. Applejack raised an eyebrow, opening her mouth and about to ask Rarity what in the world she was doing. But, her eyes changed shape again, and she put her head right back down on the mat and decided to enjoy it again. Rarity did the same thing seconds later, stopping her sucking and questioning what she was just doing. The same reaction was obvious, but instead of putting her head back down, Rarity proceeded to put Applejack in the diaper.
Rarity did a good job, making sure the tapes were tight, and her friends flank was snug. Applejack checked herself out in a old mirror after she had gotten up. Her white bottom, and puffy diaper that she liked. This was on of Sweetie Belle's diapers that had flowers running down the back, but other than that, it was pretty plain. It crinkled when she moved, but after this short moment of admiring herself, she went back to not caring much about it.
The earth mare looked up, her bloated stomach grumbling. Somehow it felt bigger now, and it surly looked that way. Rarity looked right back at her. "We better hurry up, your belly is grumbling... It's all full and jiggly" she rubbed her belly, and Applejack giggled like a little foal. Soon, Applejack was finished looking at herself in the mirror, and Rarity stood up. "Well?"
"Ahm' mighty pleased Rarity, now we can continue to have our fun time downstairs. You just wait, Ahm' gonna' go now. No peaking in the bathroom, okay? I want complete privacy now"
Rarity nodded with a smile "Of course Applejack" she said as she approached her. She put a hoof on her back side, smiling like there was nothing odd about this, and Applejack didn't react. She just waited as Rarity pushed her hoof against her flank, including her mare parts that she massaged for a second before letting her continue.
Applejack squatted down as her stomach continued to grumble, her bowels just sick of the waiting, and wanting to relieve themselves. That's what the mare did. First, her overly stuffed bladder released itself, letting out a small sound as it filled her diaper. It was a diaper white as snow, pretty puffy and bloated. It could handle anything a foal could make, and now it was taking a long stream that came from Applejack, that Rarity had a good time feeling. It kept filling itself, turning her diaper a tint of yellow as she went. Rarity still kept her hoof there, as Applejack let out a sigh and closed her eyes while she felt the pleasure release. The next part was much worse. Applejack squatted more and grunted. Immediately a brown, mushy substance unloaded itself into the back of the mares diaper, starting to slide out quickly. It dropped in, a huge, wet, mess that kept growing and growing in her undergarment. Her diaper ballooned out as it continued to churn, making wet, squishing noises as she continued to grunt and push. The now massive load that Applejack was almost done making, had made a dark brown tint on the diaper, that Rarity kept her hoof in. She groaned a few more times, letting out a few more farts that dropped more onto the pile, until finally it was over for the most part. Her diaper was loaded, brown, and the smell was just starting to rise from it as it hung down. Applejack stood for a moment as she recovered, still somehow having a few farts and squirts of mess that kept coming out.
Rarity was impressed that Applejack made such a large load. It looked huge in her diaper, that was holding up oddly well. It was also odd that she made that much in the first place. The front was swelled up with pee, as the back was lumpy with manure. It was the ultimate loaded diaper, and Applejack didn't think much of what she just did. Regular Applejack would. Rarity decided to say after a long pause "You're not done yet? We have to work a little faster"
"Of course" Applejack responded "We're far from done!"
================================================== =============================================
What possessed such cute, lovable, and peaceful creatures was unknown. All of a sudden, their minds were manipulated, and they did things that were unimaginable. Things that were extremely crude to any adult, or any child. Things that would have them saying "Eww" were now things that Applejack and Rarity were doing in the attic. They were trotting down from it now, Applejack waddling because of the huge bulk in her pants. They were just okay with it, like they did it everyday. Rarity showed some excitement, but Applejack didn't show any, like it was a everyday thing like going to the bathroom. It was odd, and it was not something two friends should have been doing, but they were. They were thinking innocent things, but something hacked into their heads and changed everything they were doing. They were no longer innocent.
When the two got into the room, Rarity shut the door and stepped over the activities they were supposed to be doing. Applejack did the same, while a stench followed her around, and the bulk settled. The two friends looked at each other. "Well what are you waiting for?"
"Ah was going to ask the same Rarity"
She smiled at Applejack "Oh Applejack" she said as she headed over to the bed "Always so demanding"
Applejack rolled her eyes as Rarity laid on the bed. She did as well, coming up beside her and settling down on her belly. The unicorn looked at Applejack, who seemed quiet, and quite annoyed. Rarity on the other hand, was quite happy, and proud of what they were doing. The mess distorted her diaper, making it sag with all that was in it, and the white mare came up behind her. It was untouched, since Apple didn't sit down or anything, but Rarity started to change that. She patted it, smacked it, moved it around, and played with the bulge as her friend stared up at the ceiling. Every so often, her upset stomach let out a fart into the already loaded diaper, and it made Rarity giggle like it was some type of game. It was, apparently, as she got on top of Applejack and started to hump her. Pushing her lady parts into the wetness and bulkiness of her partners diaper, giggling like a child. It was until eventually, her friend spoke up. "Ahm bored... Can we do something else?"
"Fine..." Rarity said as she rolled her eyes, "After a few more minutes". It seemed like it was going to be a long night of diapered fun. So much, that they looked pretty disheveled and confused about what they were doing. They met a fork in the road, and to keep these events from completely stopping, they every so often did something on the dirty side, if it was Rarity poking Applejack's mess, or humping her. Eventually it did stop when Applejack didn't feel like doing it anymore. She had overridden the things they were suddenly told to do, in the thoughts that randomly put themselves in her head. Applejack got up, and Rarity watched her. She got off the bed and sat with a loud squish on the ground. That made Rarity giggle too, but after that, she just waited. It wasn't too long until Rarity did too.

February 23rd, 14, 05:00 AM
Story 1:


MLP Related. On FimFiction: http://www.fimfiction.net/story/162033/rewritten

Rarity and Applejack were always the best of friends. Such a odd match of a unicorn diva and a tough earth pony, but somehow a strong bond had grown between them since one particular day. That day was a year, or, so back, when the two were invited over Twilight's for a slumber party. The two couldn't say no to the eager unicorn and said yes. Sadly, they felt as if they ruined poor Twilight's experience. The first half of it was spent fighting, and throwing jabs at each other for their flaws the other disagreed with, but luckily they turned it around. This a big mark in their friendship, usually they were so distant in the small Ponyville clique they created with their other 4 friends, but now it was one of the strongest. Even their sisters fought between them, when Sweetie took Applejack as a sister. Applejack didn't take this opportunity to shove it in Rarity's face that she was a better family pony, but instead the two worked together to get the little filly to forgive Rarity. It just got stronger and stronger, until Applejack was almost always at Rarity's boutique, or Rarity was at Sweet Apple Acres. Two places their different stereotypes hated, but dealt with.

So it wasn't odd that in the mid-week, of a regular summer evening, that Applejack was at Carousel Boutique. She was helping Rarity move boxes, because the diva hated lifting. Applejack was glad to do it for her friend. It included a lot of work, going up and down the stairs, but Rarity promised a very generous amount of bits the earth pony always refused to take. Somehow Rarity would find a way to give it to her though. This work was usual, and it was the same for Rarity. She usually always made the farm clothing for the Apple family. It wasn't the most fashionable, but it was clothing that could take some beating for the work they had when it was cold.

Applejack was almost done clearing out Rarity's first closet that consisted of her "Old" fashions upstairs, that were moved downstairs to be donated to charity. Just another generous thing the white unicorn decided to do. Rarity was downstairs, doing chores, or sitting at the kitchen table and reading a book in the early evening. This is when Applejack confronted her friend, while she was downstairs. "Well, darn Rarity, this is some mighty hard work. I'm glad ahm' almost done, but-" her stomach growled, Applejack responded with a awkward chuckle "Umm, are we gonna' be havin' sumthin' to eat?"

Rarity chuckled at the hungry earth pony, feeling a little guilty "Why, of course Applejack! I know your working hard darling, and I have something in the oven already cooking. You just hurry along, finish up, and we'll have some tea and a nice meal" she said with a grin.

"Alrighty, I'll just bring down a few more of them things. I might as well start on them other things too while ahm' here... May take til' little late"

"Idea!" Rarity shouted as she perked her ears up. Applejack tilted her head to the side at the unicorns sudden outburst. She almost knocked her glass of water off the table she was sitting at. She was being all lady like, crossing her legs and sipping her water politely, but there were all things that Applejack didn't mind. She just wanted to get all this work done, so she wouldn't have to return tomorrow. It wasn't that Applejack minded, but she did have a farm that needed to be worked on. After tapping her chin, Rarity responded "Why don't you finish up all the work, then you can sleep over! We can start over, this time, we won't fight like we did the last time. Our friendship is greater than ever! Won't it be fun Applejack?"

Applejack was a little hesitant, knowing they would probably stay up late and get some time cut off all the work she had to get done tomorrow. It was Sweet Apple Acre's prime season, soon the Zap apples would be coming. But Rarity was such a good friend she didn't want to let down, and surly her family would understand. "Surly Rarity, ahm' sure it'll be fun... You know, I don' feel like goin' by a book though. Why don' we just do our own thing? No offence to Twilight and all..."

With a warm chuckle, Rarity responded "Why of course Applejack, we'll do things that we like. Twilight isn't here, so it's only us... I don't know if there is much to do with only two ponies though"

"We'll figure it out" Applejack grunted as she put a box on her back, and headed upstairs. Rarity lolled back in her chair, starting to think of the possible things she had to do to prepare for this sleep over. Somewhere for Applejack to sleep, things to eat, things to do, and they were all things Rarity wanted to make perfect.

================================================== =============================================

It was a really easy evening between the two friends. After Applejack finished off the first closet, of the two filled with clothes upstairs, she had a awesome meal with Rarity. It was some type of casserole that had all sorts of different flowers in it, including roses and daisies. It was such a good meal, and a large one to give Applejack some energy to finish up this job. Once she was finished, the sleep over started. Rarity of course, got her room all nice and clean. She had all sorts of dresses pulled out, in what she called "organized chaos", but it was something her friend probably wouldn't understand or appreciate. So while Applejack grunted, pulling heavy boxes down the hall, Rarity made sure the room was extra clean for their sleepover. It was surly big enough to host it, but Rarity did sort of over organize. The pillows were in a pile neatly for a pillow fight, the make-up for the make-over were neatly placed on the table, the cucumbers were evenly sliced on a plate, and in the center was a bowl filled with the face cream for their face rejuvenating session. It was all perfect, for a particular earth pony who wouldn't really mind.

Applejack had finished sooner than she expected. After that, they indulged themselves on even more of Rarity's dinner, then headed upstairs to start the fun. Like expected, Applejack didn't really notice how organized the room was, but didn't mind it at all. It was a large room to her, much bigger than her own, with a king size bed with drapes hanging down from it, a big mirror, stands for her dresses, and big dressers. Tt was perfect for their little party. Rarity started it off when she threw a pillow at Applejack, who wasn't really in the mood for a pillow fight. She just laid on Rarity's bed. "Oh come on now Applejack! I'm ready to have some fun after such a boring evening!" Rarity looked outside "It's getting late Applejack, and I think I already know the winner for the pillow fight!"

"Meh" Applejack said as she laid down. Her stomach was a little bloated from all the food she ate, she definitely knew how to pack it in "Ahm' happy on this bed here... It so darn soft"

Rarity rolled her eyes "Oh, I thought you were more competitive then this Applejack" Rarity threw another pillow, landing right on Apple's head.

"If I were you, I'd stop"

"There we go!" Rarity chirped "Now come on!" She threw another at Applejack, landing almost right in her hooves that were folded over her body.

"Alrighty! You asked for it!" Applejack threw the pillow back, and the war began. Two ponies throwing the diva's soft pillows back and fourth at each other. Though the last time, they were both almost tied, things changed in this battle. Rarity was graceful, and could dodge almost any pillow Applejack threw, but Applejack could throw pillows almost every second, and she could throw very hard too. This battle though, ended with Rarity being able to avoid pillows for a few good seconds to throw them back at Applejack, since she was moving a little slow. It went on until eventually she completely stopped throwing. Rarity wasn't going to kick a man who was already down, so after two hits in her hesitation the unicorn asked "Applejack? Are you alright? I hope I didn't hit you too hard"

Applejack moaned as she grabbed her stomach "Uh... No Rarity, but- Uh, I could really use the little fillies room. Do you know where that might be?"

"Where it always is... The farthest door down the hall" Rarity responded. She knew what the problem was, but she wasn't going to be a bad friend and point it out. She would just let Applejack go and do her business, then they could have fun again. Good thing Rarity decided not to over indulge like she did. Soon, the earth mare got off her bed, and scurried to the bathroom.

Applejack knew what was going on, and wasn't too happy about her tummy troubles. She knew that this bloated belly would soon empty itself, but it was really awkward for her to have to do it at a friends house, usually she had a stomach like steel. But as soon as her hoof touched the door knob, something happened. It was some type of voodoo, or witchcraft that entered her head and re-routed all her thoughts. It was a odd feeling, like deja vu, that completely wiped her mind of what she was doing. Applejack stopped herself completely, not even blinking. Her stomach even stopped grumbling. Now she just stood there, trying to catch her thoughts as they ran away. When the new thought planted itself in her brain, the new objective, Applejack's eyes widened, then shrunk, then came back to normal size. Like her entire body rebooted, Applejack blinked, rubbed her eyes, and looked at the door to the bathroom. "Ah?... What in tarnation' am ah' doin' here? This isn't the bathroom... I'm totally out of mah mind" Applejack turned around, as she headed back down the hallway, and past Rarity's door.

================================================== =============================================

Rarity waited for Applejack to come back, tapping her hooves and keeping her sangfroid as her friend seemed to be taking a long time. Whatever she did, she would not go into that bathroom for a long time. It was a thought that Rarity kept out of her mind, disgusted about it. This was a mare who hated dirt, let alone those things. So she waited patiently, but it took oddly long. When she heard banging around in her attic, it frightened her, but then brought concern. Could it have possibly been Applejack? Rarity waited, and the noise ceased. It was odd, but the problem was that Applejack was still not here. She got up, stretched her hooves, and headed to the other side of her room to see what was the matter. When Rarity opened the door, her friend was standing there with dust all over her, and also a musty smell lingering over her. This was odd, and immediately Rarity asked "Applejack? Where were you? And darling, what is that all over your coat?"

Applejack seemed confused, but soon she was quick with a reply "I was looking for the bathroom Rarity! You said it was in the attic!". Her appearance was the same, that same orange coat, but with a dusty veneer over it, and the same blonde mane

"Bathroom? In the attic? Applejack, I told you it was-" Rarity immediately stopped. The same feeling fell over her. Immediate confusion, and total mind reset. It was quicker, but with the same effect. Her eye's widened, shrunk, then the unicorn was on a totally different train of thought. "Oh yes, I'm sorry... I should of been more specific" Rarity lead Applejack to the other end of the hall, and up a dusty pair of stairs that lead upstairs. She looked around herself, until eventually finding a box labeled "Sweetie Belle". Rarity smiled, like she just found a long lost item. She sighed in relief as she pulled the box out and untapped it.

"So, you found it?"

"Well of course Applejack, it was right here" Rarity said, smiling as she pulled out a package. It was a rather odd package, that was mixed into a lot of foal items. Pacifiers, bottles, toys, and clothes for a newborn little filly, or other things for a larger toddler. Things that Rarity remembered she had when she was this little, that were handed over to Sweetie Belle when she was born. They were kept here at her home, because somehow it got mixed into the things she brought when she first started her business here. The package was a bunch of diapers, that were labeled to be the largest toddler size. They used to be worn by Sweetie, just as she finished up her potty training days, but now they were in the hands of Applejack and Rarity. They were labeled to be a toddlers size. It didn't mean they were actually that size, but instead they were much bigger. Able to fit on adults by the looks of it. Still, they had their prints on them that were mean't for a little toddler. Sparkly and purple on the front, or with flowers going down the back. All pretty and princess-y in the past for a little toddler that was very hard to train. Sweetie was in diapers until she was four, and stopped wetting the bed a year ago.

Applejack let out a sigh of relief "There's the bathroom Rarity... It wasn't that hard was it?"

"It's not my fault" Rarity responded with a chuckle. She pulled out a changing mat that was also enlarged "You were the one who couldn't find them"

Applejack laid down on the mat that Rarity laid out, opening her legs, and preparing for her friend to put her in the 'Bathroom'. She smiled, and so did Rarity as she gather up the supplies, and grabbed on of the diapers out of the package. She was about put it under her flank, but suddenly she blurted out "W-What? Why are we in the attic?".

"To-" Applejack start, but then soon stopped "Uh, you're right" She said quickly as she just started to look at the situation. Why was she doing this? Why was she about to be put into a diaper by Rarity? But it happened again, even faster. Her eyes widened, shrunk, then all of a sudden she was back into the scene, like nothing ever happened. Rarity looked down at Applejack, smiling.

She noticed something she never really looked at before in between Applejack's legs. It was a moist, marehood that was obviously still that of a virgin. Smooth, untouched, and it was something her friend would never touch until some day, in the simplest way possible, she would mate with a stallion in complete private, and have a child. It wasn't much of a ritual, but it still brought intense pleasure. For some reason or another, in Equestria, they didn't look at eachother's plots. They didn't hide them either, they were just there, but they didn't notice them. It was like they were invisible, but now it was clear as day, and Rarity brought her head down and started to suck this marehood passionately, without question.

Applejack moaned in pleasure, enjoying something that was just not done in her usual world. It was alien, but now it felt so good, and she enjoyed it intensely. It wasn't alien in this new thought, that started to flicker again. Applejack raised an eyebrow, opening her mouth and about to ask Rarity what in the world she was doing. But, her eyes changed shape again, and she put her head right back down on the mat and decided to enjoy it again. Rarity did the same thing seconds later, stopping her sucking and questioning what she was just doing. The same reaction was obvious, but instead of putting her head back down, Rarity proceeded to put Applejack in the diaper.

Rarity did a good job, making sure the tapes were tight, and her friends flank was snug. Applejack checked herself out in a old mirror after she had gotten up. Her white bottom, and puffy diaper that she liked. This was on of Sweetie Belle's diapers that had flowers running down the back, but other than that, it was pretty plain. It crinkled when she moved, but after this short moment of admiring herself, she went back to not caring much about it.

The earth mare looked up, her bloated stomach grumbling. Somehow it felt bigger now, and it surly looked that way. Rarity looked right back at her. "We better hurry up, your belly is grumbling... It's all full and jiggly" she rubbed her belly, and Applejack giggled like a little foal. Soon, Applejack was finished looking at herself in the mirror, and Rarity stood up. "Well?"

"Ahm' mighty pleased Rarity, now we can continue to have our fun time downstairs. You just wait, Ahm' gonna' go now. No peaking in the bathroom, okay? I want complete privacy now"

Rarity nodded with a smile "Of course Applejack" she said as she approached her. She put a hoof on her back side, smiling like there was nothing odd about this, and Applejack didn't react. She just waited as Rarity pushed her hoof against her flank, including her mare parts that she massaged for a second before letting her continue.

Applejack squatted down as her stomach continued to grumble, her bowels just sick of the waiting, and wanting to relieve themselves. That's what the mare did. First, her overly stuffed bladder released itself, letting out a small sound as it filled her diaper. It was a diaper white as snow, pretty puffy and bloated. It could handle anything a foal could make, and now it was taking a long stream that came from Applejack, that Rarity had a good time feeling. It kept filling itself, turning her diaper a tint of yellow as she went. Rarity still kept her hoof there, as Applejack let out a sigh and closed her eyes while she felt the pleasure release. The next part was much worse. Applejack squatted more and grunted. Immediately a brown, mushy substance unloaded itself into the back of the mares diaper, starting to slide out quickly. It dropped in, a huge, wet, mess that kept growing and growing in her undergarment. Her diaper ballooned out as it continued to churn, making wet, squishing noises as she continued to grunt and push. The now massive load that Applejack was almost done making, had made a dark brown tint on the diaper, that Rarity kept her hoof in. She groaned a few more times, letting out a few more farts that dropped more onto the pile, until finally it was over for the most part. Her diaper was loaded, brown, and the smell was just starting to rise from it as it hung down. Applejack stood for a moment as she recovered, still somehow having a few farts and squirts of mess that kept coming out.

Rarity was impressed that Applejack made such a large load. It looked huge in her diaper, that was holding up oddly well. It was also odd that she made that much in the first place. The front was swelled up with pee, as the back was lumpy with manure. It was the ultimate loaded diaper, and Applejack didn't think much of what she just did. Regular Applejack would. Rarity decided to say after a long pause "You're not done yet? We have to work a little faster"

"Of course" Applejack responded "We're far from done!"

================================================== =============================================

What possessed such cute, lovable, and peaceful creatures was unknown. All of a sudden, their minds were manipulated, and they did things that were unimaginable. Things that were extremely crude to any adult, or any child. Things that would have them saying "Eww" were now things that Applejack and Rarity were doing in the attic. They were trotting down from it now, Applejack waddling because of the huge bulk in her pants. They were just okay with it, like they did it everyday. Rarity showed some excitement, but Applejack didn't show any, like it was a everyday thing like going to the bathroom. It was odd, and it was not something two friends should have been doing, but they were. They were thinking innocent things, but something hacked into their heads and changed everything they were doing. They were no longer innocent.

When the two got into the room, Rarity shut the door and stepped over the activities they were supposed to be doing. Applejack did the same, while a stench followed her around, and the bulk settled. The two friends looked at each other. "Well what are you waiting for?"

"Ah was going to ask the same Rarity"

She smiled at Applejack "Oh Applejack" she said as she headed over to the bed "Always so demanding"

Applejack rolled her eyes as Rarity laid on the bed. She did as well, coming up beside her and settling down on her belly. The unicorn looked at Applejack, who seemed quiet, and quite annoyed. Rarity on the other hand, was quite happy, and proud of what they were doing. The mess distorted her diaper, making it sag with all that was in it, and the white mare came up behind her. It was untouched, since Apple didn't sit down or anything, but Rarity started to change that. She patted it, smacked it, moved it around, and played with the bulge as her friend stared up at the ceiling. Every so often, her upset stomach let out a fart into the already loaded diaper, and it made Rarity giggle like it was some type of game. It was, apparently, as she got on top of Applejack and started to hump her. Pushing her lady parts into the wetness and bulkiness of her partners diaper, giggling like a child. It was until eventually, her friend spoke up. "Ahm bored... Can we do something else?"

"Fine..." Rarity said as she rolled her eyes, "After a few more minutes". It seemed like it was going to be a long night of diapered fun. So much, that they looked pretty disheveled and confused about what they were doing. They met a fork in the road, and to keep these events from completely stopping, they every so often did something on the dirty side, if it was Rarity poking Applejack's mess, or humping her. Eventually it did stop when Applejack didn't feel like doing it anymore. She had overridden the things they were suddenly told to do, in the thoughts that randomly put themselves in her head. Applejack got up, and Rarity watched her. She got off the bed and sat with a loud squish on the ground. That made Rarity giggle too, but after that, she just waited. It wasn't too long until Rarity did too.

I added some spaces for more readable formatting.