View Full Version : Goethe's Faust RP Recruitment

March 14th, 09, 05:58 AM
This is the update to Battle RP of Epic Proportions:

Backstory: When God created man ordered all the angels to bow before mankind, for they were created in his likeness, Mephisto, who was then the archangel refused, proclaiming that his loyalty was to God alone. For this, he was cast out of Heaven, and thus centuries of fighting ensued. God having seen the destruction the fighting has caused appears to Mephisto, and proposes a strange alternitive, Mephisto and God make a bet; if Mephisto can claim the soul of Ariel, God's favorite man, then the Throne of Heaven will be his. But if Mephisto fails, he must be condemned to Hell forever. Mephisto and his army set out to find Ariel, but the armies of light are determined to reach him first.....


Ariel (Available)– Ariel is an ever-searching person. A prominent young alchemist, he has become disappointed with the inadequacy of science and religion to answer his questions, and seeks the universal truth that they have failed to provide. He feels that this truth is the only thing that can make his life worthwhile. He has no idea that he is in the middle of the ultimate battle of good and evil.
Mephisto – (Kamelot) Mephisto is the archangel who most loved God. He was banished from heaven and sent to earth never to live never to die....a fate worse than death. When he awoke on earth he had found that his blonde hair and bright eyes had turned dark to remind him that his defection from god had cost him his soul. Mephisto wandered the world for many centuries never finding any who would live alongside him. He created a vast army to take the throne of heaven for he burns for his revenge, for the time when the final battle would begin.
Michael - (Mojo) Michael became the archangel after Mephisto's banishment from Heaven. He peacefully served through the centuries judging souls to enter Heaven. When Mephisto started killing inocent people the Armies of Light were formed for the purpose of protecting inocent people he was appointed the leader, but he was given special orders his true mission is to find and kill Mephisto.
Original Characters (Available)-Both armies are vast and have warriors of different types, race, backgrounds, and abilities.

Armies of Light:

Michael - Mojo
Speedcat - Elf/Werewolf

Armies of Darkness:

Kamelot - Mephisto


If you want a major role: Ariel or Michael post and you can have them, I will then pm thier bios and personal info to that specific character that noone else will know. Then all you have to do is copy/paste it in the actual rp.

March 14th, 09, 06:07 AM
Name: Shiva Kihano
Side: Armies of Light
Class: Half Elf/Half Roc warewolf
Weapon: Long Bow with enchanted quiver of silver arrows (more in ability) wolf form Enchanted Claw covers
Description: a 7 ft elf with large black Roc wings. she wheres a black cloack when not flying. upon spreading wings pulls down the cloack to reveal a black tunic she has dark green eyes and long flowing black hair / wolf form a jet black warewolf that is 2x bigger then in elf form... keeps the wings (but cant use them to fly only glide) still same 7 ft hight... changes to ware if she gets in close combat
Background: shiva was rased in a land raviged be war. from the time she was able to draw a bow she was fighting to defind her king... at age 6 she began learning magic to enchant her arrows... then after she turned 16 she was awoke in the night by sound of footsteps comeing to her door... as she was traned soon as the door opend and she saw that it was an enemy he had an arrow in his head and she was rushing to the king... by the time she made it he was dead she spent the next year wandering untell she found nightwatch which she joind with
Abilities: enchanted quiver lets her never run out of ammo and has spells layed on it to let her charge her arrows with one of the 4 base elements or poision then after drawing the arrow she can enchant the arrow to a grater degree.
dayight spell, bind, will push, stone skin, flight, night eyes, shadow melding, multi arrow

ware form

frinzy, bezerk, elimental claw/tooth, spiret wolfs x 5

March 14th, 09, 06:16 AM
Name: Mephisto the Archangel
Side: Armies of Darkness
Class: Fallen Angel
Weapon: Sword of White Woe [One-Handed Longsword]: Forged by Mephisto himself countless ages ago it burns with the fires of hell
Description: 5'7" Black hair Black eyes wears red robe not perticularly muscular and has very pale skin in his true form, though he is never quite what you'd expect. He appears in many forms and guises, normally a very refined person who has an exceptional way with words. He can be very crafty and manipulative if someone stands in his way.
Background: Mephisto once was Gods right hand charged with the task of judging souls. When god created man he had his angels bow to mankind who were created in his likeness, Mephisto refused saying his allegiance was to god alone. He was banished from heaven and sent to earth never to live never to die....a fate worse than death. When he awoke on earth he had found that his blonde hair and bright eyes had turned dark to remind him that his defection from god had cost him his soul. Mephisto wandered the world for many centuries never finding any who would live alongside him. He created a vast army to take the throne of heaven for he burns for his revenge, for the time when the final battle would begin.
Abilities: Mephisto is an angelic being and having eaten from the tree of life he is unaffected by aging. Mephisto was given total dominion over the soul to judge the souls of the wicked. He can assume the form of any entity of a persons past but he will still have black eyes. He can read a persons soul and tell their intentions, if they are good or bad, what they desire, What their next move will be, ect and finally worst of all he can take a man's soul from them if they are tempted into sin.

March 14th, 09, 02:37 PM
I'm skilled at C&Ping.

I'm going to go with Islamic mythology on this one and use my favorite angel. Don't worry, I won't godmod because that doesn't make for a fun game.

Name: Azriel

Side: You know; I’ll let you pick this. I can go with either.

Class: Fallen Angel

Weapon: Scythe

Description: Azriel is generally covered in long black veils that appear similar to a traditional burka as they display none of his body save for gloved hands and pure white feathered wings. Under the layers of fabric he is a beautiful and birdlike man with mahogany skin and long ebony hair. He has cold wounded black eyes that appear to have lost all their sparkle of hope.

Background: As a test, God sent three of his angels to earth to return to him with a handful of dirt. However the earth cried out and begged the angels not to tear it apart and each time the angels returned empty handed, except for Azriel. He ignored the cries of the earth and returned to God with the handful of dirt.

The award awaiting him however was not praise from his Father but instead condemnation for his uncaring actions. He was then given position of the Archangel of Death since his heart had been unmoved by the pleading. When the apocalypse ends and everything on earth has died Azriel was told that he would die alone one hundred times over to teach him the meaning of his actions.

Abilities: Everything that Azriel touches with bare skin falls sick and prolonged contact will cause death. His looks though stunning leave more people frightened than inspire poetry, causing a sudden chill in the air.

March 15th, 09, 02:43 AM
Name: Diashi

Species: Demon

Class: Demon

Side: Armies of the Darkness

Gender: Male

Age: Looks 20, but his age is in the 100s

Height: 6' 2" in human form and 7' 5" in demon form(Yeah. He's fucking tall.)

Weight: 180lbs - 300lbs

Skin/ Fur color: Caucasian in human form but his skin turns a dark shade of red when in demon form.

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Almost a greyish black

Description: In human form he usually is seen wearing dark blue jeans with a white shirt along with a black coat. He has hair that covers his eyes and goes all the way around.

Description in Demon form: His skin turns a dark shade of red along with goat legs and giant horns and ragged wings almost like angel wings. His clothing turns to into a black chain mail kilt around his waist and has chain plate covering his chest.

Attitude: Pretty distant from others. He won't really do anything until something is done to him. When he gets in the mood he is a bloodseeker.

Weapon: He gains a Greatsword in Demon Form.

Abilities: He can manipulate fire(Let me know if this is a bit much.) Also has some telekinetic abilities such as dominate mind and a teleport ability.

March 20th, 09, 09:46 AM
Just for future reference, to make this all easier on me. All Bios should be posted in this manner:

Name: (The Name of your Character)
Side: (Armies of Light - "Good Guys" -or- Armies of Darkness - "Bad Guys")
Class: (If a scientist saw your character and gave it a name: It would go here.)
Weapon: (The weapons your character could reasonably carry while still using both hands)
Description: (What your character looks like)
Background: (Your character's life story... but shortened)
Abilities: (What your character can do) [NOTE: Does NOT have to be specific attacks

March 21st, 09, 03:10 AM
Just for future reference, to make this all easier on me. All Bios should be posted in this manner:

Name: (The Name of your Character)
Side: (Armies of Light - "Good Guys" -or- Armies of Darkness - "Bad Guys")
Class: (If a scientist saw your character and gave it a name: It would go here.)
Weapon: (The weapons your character could reasonably carry while still using both hands)
Description: (What your character looks like)
Background: (Your character's life story... but shortened)
Abilities: (What your character can do) [NOTE: Does NOT have to be specific attacks

Well okay but All that general info is in my bios. Except maybe the background >.>

April 7th, 09, 03:32 AM
Name: Kaelriv Side: Armies of light Class: Vampire Weapon: Median ( obsidian and ivory katana) A sword that seperates the victim's soul, sending the good in a person to heaven and the evil in them to hell. He also gains their knowledge. Description: Frozen forever at 16, this vampire has white hair and black eyes. Backround: He was raised in a family of vampires after being turned. At some point, the family were killed by the armies

April 12th, 09, 10:12 PM
of light for their slaughter of the nearby humans for blood. He wandered for years, confused, and eventually joined the armies of light to redeem himself, swearing off the blood of innocents. His sword was forged at the top of the highest volcano on earth, where heaven and hell meet. It is a symbol that represents the in-between state of his soul. Abilities: Slipstream- stepping out of the time stream temporarily, he can move at impossible to measure speeds.

April 13th, 09, 02:39 AM
Name: Micheal
Side: Armies of Light

Class: Archangel

Weapon: Archangel's Cane. It is a wooden cane that is thought to be unbreakable. It has five jewls as the top.
The jewl of judgement: The jewl that opens the gates of heven.
The Jewl of life: Can replenish life and even ressurect people.
The Jewl of power: makes it a kick ass beating stick.
The jewl of faith: Creates a connection with God that allows you to keep contact with heaven.
The Holy Jewl: Wards of the forces of demons.
A weapon God created for Mephisto. Once he was banished God gave it to Micheal. However, Mephisto had broken off one of the jewls at the top of the cane. He took the Holy Jewl and used it's power to create his sword. (only can be used by the Archangel)

Description: Blond hair and blew eyes. About 5'9" A somewhat babyish face that can make any one feal secure. Huge white wings and wears a light blue robe.

Background: Once Mephisto's assistant, he would do much dirty work for him. Micheal and Mephisto became good friends. Michael became the archangel after Mephisto's banishment from Heaven. Micheal turned his back on Mephisto when Mephisto would only pledge alligiance to God. He peacefully served through the centuries judging souls to enter Heaven. When Mephisto started killing inocent people the Armies of Light were formed for the purpose of protecting inocent people he was appointed the leader, but he was given special orders his true mission is to find and kill Mephisto.

Abilities: Archangel's Wing's: Allow Micheal to fly at amazingly fast speeds and keep him from aging

April 18th, 09, 03:25 AM
Revives thread!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

April 18th, 09, 03:37 AM
*Sighs dramatically, glares at Mojo for getting his hopes up, and falls back asleep*

July 28th, 09, 10:50 PM
Well, this sucks. I thought it was a cool idea.

August 12th, 09, 01:43 AM
Revives MY Thread!!!! (you forgot the magic words Mojo) Tingle-Tingle-Kaloo-Limpah!!!!!!

August 12th, 09, 02:02 AM
Revives thread!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

oh um. for the record. you're no king in these here forums. well. you're no king at all. anyways i think this sounds like a decent idea.