View Full Version : Going to leave

Zebra King
November 16th, 08, 02:28 AM
Well,it's as it is.Im leaving for good.I hope you guys enjoyed my time here putting stories on and RPing alot.It is just the time for me to move on.

Im really gonna miss my friends especially Twilight3 and Shadow King.

Sadly, I will be gone by tomorow.:(

Although,I may return one day!

November 16th, 08, 02:30 AM
farewell ZT may your journies take you far and to better places

November 16th, 08, 02:52 AM
..Your leaving...? Why?

Ok, well that's not my business.. Bye ZT =( We will miss you!

November 16th, 08, 03:18 AM
im not sure why your leaving, if you can please tell us. but its your choice and ill miss you alot

you were an awsome dude....cya :(

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 16th, 08, 05:48 AM
Bai bai...

JOey nevuh gotted to tawk wif choo. >.>

November 16th, 08, 06:09 AM
well im not sure what he means by move on but ok if you want

Zebra King
November 16th, 08, 03:55 PM
I thank you all, and I can tell you the reason why im leaving.I have too much work on my ass now to even be on line.I will be back in the near futur but now I must say Goodbye and goodluck to everyone.

shadow king
November 16th, 08, 04:29 PM
I will miss you greatly, may you one day return and join us again. For now farewell...T.T

Zebra King
November 17th, 08, 06:48 PM
I will be on whenever I can.It is not perminet

November 17th, 08, 07:13 PM
Good luck ZT! ^^