View Full Version : Grand Glade 2 (Open RP)

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November 10th, 08, 06:44 PM
Since the frist one I did turned out quite well I'll start another one then. But I'll be changeing a few things on this. One-No Demons or creatures like it but like Mimi types like catgirls for a example are acceptable. Also with that in mind we will have some new characters.

Now who would have liked to have Kail's postion in the orginal RP thread. I'll be useing Kail again but he will not be the master of Grand Glade.

So who wants to join?

November 10th, 08, 06:45 PM
Id like to join ^_^

November 10th, 08, 06:49 PM
Well just do the Bio and your good to go.


November 10th, 08, 06:59 PM
Name: Ryan Wolf (yeah yeah I use it in every rp :P )
Sex: Male
Age: 17
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 285 (muscle)
Discription: He wears a black wolf fur vest with a hood that he usually wears over a black shirt that has a wolfs head drawn in dried blood on it. Hes wearing baggy cargo pants over a big diaper but its hard to see and black army boots. He has dark brown hair and eyes and a scar on his right eye. His hair is cut short. He also has wolf ears and a wolf tail.
He wears a broken amulet around his neck as a memorian of his past. He also has a napsack which he keeps all of his things in.

Bio/Triva: Born in a remote village of mimi wolf people called Streth meaning the land of wolves in wolven tounge he has gone out to see the world on his own to prove his strength to the wolven malitia and to complete his training as a soldier. He is a nice guy who smiles alot and doesnt mind helping. He tries hiding his diaper because hes embarassed about it. As a young boy he was cursed by one of the high priests as punishment for breaking a scared amulet passed down by generations. He was forgiven after his punishment though but will have to be in diapers 24/7 for the rest of his days. He only has his brother left alive after they survived a bandit raid but he lives back in the village and has been quite ill being cared for by his wife. Ryan wonders what his journey will bring.

November 10th, 08, 07:30 PM
Name: Stacy Masters
Sex: Female
Age: 17
Desciption: She is is five feet four inches tall, she weighs one hundresd twenty-five pounds, she has green eyes, she has aubrun hair aaakweys tied in ponyatails&pigtails, she akwys wears cute outfit in the cutest colors.
Bio/Trivia: Stacy is a long infantilist due being born with no bladder&bowel control, she has to wear diapers for preventing accidents, she is Stephanie's cousin from out west, her parents died in a plane crash over China where thy were starting a chain of inernational daycare centers, she is then in a state of immediate foster care, she bounced around from home to home due to her foster parents wanting a more mature kids that means a non-diapered kid, and she is happy to make new friends who don't judge her for needing diapers on a 24/7 basis.

November 11th, 08, 03:22 AM
*I'll start this RP as of right now. More can join this just make a Bio and then join in on the fun*

Neon after his frist sucessful special children's home desides to open another one. He goes into a orphanage looking for a special child to run this place. He was a very loving man to children and his wife. Unlike some other people in this world.

November 11th, 08, 03:31 AM
Name: nicole
Sex: Female
Age: 5
Discription: small catgirlgirl with long blond hair that goes past her shoulders in the back and,covers one eye in the front with to small ears that perk out from underneath
Bio:5 year old girl whose abusive parents dropped her of in a vacnt lot across the treet from the glade

November 11th, 08, 03:45 AM
*Looks like everything is in order go and have some fun*

November 11th, 08, 04:12 AM
-walks off from his village heading east looking for something to do-

November 11th, 08, 04:17 AM
Stacy takes a bus to the Grand Glade and due to extreme exhaustion she falls asleep on the doorstep afer ringing the doorbell to be allowed into the mansion.

November 11th, 08, 04:20 AM
*nicole parents have just dreopped her off in the old vacant lot acros the street*

m-mommy? *starts crying*

November 11th, 08, 04:23 AM
-he walks into a town and yawns stratching- "hmm what to do..." -he wets his diaper a bit "damn...hopefully it holds"

November 11th, 08, 05:16 AM
While Neon was dealing with things in the Orphanage his wife Karen hears something across the street. As she gets closer she sees Nicole "You poor baby" she said and picks up the small girl into her arms. Karen had alburn hair and chocolate brown eyes. "Do'nt worry little one I'll be your mommy" she said. Karen had accedent several years ago that made her unable or have a hard time bareing a child.

November 11th, 08, 05:18 AM
-he walks into one of the local shops and looks around- "hmmmm"

November 11th, 08, 05:21 AM
Name: Richard
Height:5' 9"
Description an average sized boy weighs about 135 and has black hair with dark brown eyes hair is a little long
Bio: Parents died in a fire that he started he has been on teh run since hoping to find a place where he can let go of the past

November 11th, 08, 05:24 AM
-he sees a collection of weapons- "niiice" -he browses- while browsing he wets himself more- damnit...

November 11th, 08, 05:25 AM
Stacy wakes up suddenly, then she suddenly realizes the door is unlocked, so she walks right into the mansion and passes out on the couch.

November 11th, 08, 05:26 AM
Comes across a house not quite sure where he is he walks up to the house and knocks on teh door

November 11th, 08, 05:28 AM
-starts to walk around again and wets his diaper heavily again making it reach its limits and he ends up wetting himself having the diaper sag heavily right in the middle of public!- he blushes deep red "Oh my god..." -people just stare at him O_O

November 11th, 08, 05:33 AM
Stacy answers the door, then she lets Riachard into the house, and finally she goes back sleep on the couch after shutting the door.

November 11th, 08, 05:36 AM
Sees stacy answer the door and then walks in and looks for the owner of the house

November 11th, 08, 05:37 AM
-he continues to stand their with his mouth wide open everyone poiting and staring at him laughing- he starts to cry a bit-

November 11th, 08, 05:40 AM
Stacy replies "I came here since I have nowhere else to live and I hope the owner of the house lets me stay longer than a few days."

November 11th, 08, 05:41 AM
nods at Stacy and starts to investigate the house

November 11th, 08, 05:42 AM
*wipes away some tears*

okay *sniff*....mommmy

November 11th, 08, 05:44 AM
-he runs away from the public group as fast as he can crying and blushing because of how embarassed he is- he runs far very far and ends up triping on a root and falls down a big hill- he rolls down hitting big rock as he does the sound of bones breaking- he rolls to the bottom bloodied broken and with wet pants

November 11th, 08, 06:26 AM
Neon comes out with a young man about 14 with long snow white hair. The boy was clinging to Neon as they walked out. With Karen and there new baby girl Nicole. The head back to the house until they see Ryan Neon gets out and tells Karen to head on home.

He stays by Ryan and calls a amulance to for the beaten teen. And starts performing frist aid until the ambulance gets there. "Hey kid you with us" he said to him.

Karen gets home "We are home" she said as she brought in to more children into the house. The white haired kid was staying very close to Karen while she was holding Nicole in her arms.

November 11th, 08, 06:28 AM
Hears karen and alks over to here "i don't have anywhere to stay so i was wondering if"

November 11th, 08, 06:29 AM
-he nods slightly crying- "it hurts...so bad" -he wets himself more due to the pain makeing him cry more fealing it

November 11th, 08, 06:39 AM
Neon looks at the wolven looking teen. "Easy there a ambulance is coming so just hold on. Tell me whats your name" he asked him. A all familure sound was coming this way as a amulance was coming.

"Oh of corse sweety you can stay here" said Karen as she looked at Richard. And was surprised that more people were coming to this house.

November 11th, 08, 06:41 AM
"thanks" looks at pant sand sees he had wet them, he had been wetting himself a lo since the incident with his parents "and do you have anything i can change into" looking very embaressed

November 11th, 08, 07:17 AM
"me name is...Ryan wolf.." -he passes out

November 11th, 08, 04:02 PM
Stacy wakes up from her long nap and then she hugs&kisses while replying "I also have nowhere else to go since my last foster parents sent me here on a bus with the understanding that I should not return to their home."

November 11th, 08, 06:23 PM
Karen see's Richard's wet spot "Oh we have some extra clothes for you dear. Also does that happen a lot" she asked him and then hugs Stacy. "You can stay here those people very bad. Why would they let go of a pretty girl like yourself" she said sweetly.

The boy that was with them was so afraid and timid that he wet himself real badly. Karen seeing this quickly takes control of the situation. "Ok you young man will come with me so we can get you changed" she said to Richard. "And you young lady can you take him to a changing room thats over there" she said to Stacy and points to the white haired boy that was with her. She took Richard to a room to get changed. While all the while holding Nicole in her arms.

"Ok Ryan the amulance is here,I'll stay with you until your let out" said Neon as the medics came and put him on a gurny. Loaded him up into the amulance while Neon hoped in with them. "Can you guys speed it up a bit he's in a lot of pain"he spoke.

November 11th, 08, 06:51 PM
-he was still fading in and out of his fainting. He could see blurry figures but couldnt make out much-

November 11th, 08, 07:13 PM
Stacy leads him to the changing room and quickly chnges her wet&messy diapers then she helps change the cute white-haired boy.

November 11th, 08, 07:16 PM
-he slips into a deep sleep on the way to the hospitol and into a nightmare/dream-

November 11th, 08, 07:45 PM
"W...whats your...name and....what are those.......my name is Diamond" he spoke to Stacy and points to a diaper. He had no idea on what they were as if his memory was wiped out.

At the hospital Neon talks with one of the doctors. "This young man has a broken arm real bad. It will take awhile to heal up" said the doctor to Neon. He thinks for a minute or two "It looks like this teen is a drifter....Until he is well enough to move on his own I'll take him home with me" Neon spoke to the doctor and then the doctor walked off to take care of the paper work.

Neon walks into the recovery room he pulls out a chair and waits for Ryan to wake up.

November 11th, 08, 07:55 PM
Stacy replies "I need diapers due being born owth next to no bladder&bowel control and I have no parenst since borth parents were killed in a plane crash."

November 11th, 08, 08:06 PM
-he tosses and turns in his sleep for awhile-

November 11th, 08, 08:21 PM
"Are...they comfortable" Diamond asked as Stacy did look cute in them. Plus he might wanted to wear them too. The boy must have been through a lot and hugs the girl. "I...have no parents as well" he said.

Neon just waits until Ryan wakes up from whatever he was dreaming about.

November 11th, 08, 09:04 PM
Stacy hugs diamond then responds "you should try wearing diapaers and I will support you no matter what your choices are in your daily life."

November 11th, 08, 10:31 PM
"I'll try it" said Diamond as he was unsure of what to do. He would at least try it for awhile to see what they were like. "And thank you" he said and smiles brightly to Stacy.

November 11th, 08, 11:18 PM
*nicole had gotten sleepy and eventually drifted off to sleep*

November 12th, 08, 03:53 AM
-he wakes form his sleep screaming then sees neon and screams more- "the hell...where am I?"

November 12th, 08, 03:58 AM
Follows Karen still really embarresed about having to asked to be changed

November 12th, 08, 04:59 AM
i'll join as the same person i was in the other rp :D

November 12th, 08, 05:37 AM
*I would perfer a new character*

"Ok whats your name and would you need anything besides a change of pants" asked Karen as she was unsure that he needed protection. "Do you have a lot of accidents" she said to Richard while she stops a maid so that they could put Nicole into a bed to sleep comforably.

Neon covers his ears "Easy there kid,Your in the hospital and you broke a arm" he said and tries to calm down Ryan.

November 12th, 08, 05:39 AM
"I havent before but lately i have kept wetting myself and i dont know why" he sarts to tear up but hold sthem back not wanting to cry in front of someone he really didnt know

November 12th, 08, 05:45 AM
(sure :) i'll create a new character)
name: Sakura Yuki
gender: female
age: 15
height: 1.50 m.
weight: 45 kilos
bio: a normal girl who likes to act babily after her parents died in an airplane accident and she was taken care by her aunt who didn't liked her, after turning 15 she left her home to look for a place to live
(here's my info)

November 12th, 08, 09:38 PM
*Ok thats good to go*

"There there its going to be alright" Karen comforts the young man like a mother would. As she give him a hug "Until we can get you see a doctor....I know this may sound very embarising but. Would you be willing to wear a diaper? So you will not have any accidents" she said hopefuly this young man would understand.

November 12th, 08, 10:04 PM
Stacy giggles whule she fills her diaper to capicity with pee&poop and she happily responds to Karen "I really need a diaper change since my current diaper is full of pee&poop plus I never was the best at changing my own diapers."

November 12th, 08, 10:25 PM
"Ok lets get you cleaned up" said Karen as she leaves Richard for a second and takes Stacy to the far side of the room to change her. She quickly cleans,wipes,and powders Stacy and then places a very comfortable diaper which she tapes up. "There you go sweety" Karen said and helps Stacy off of the table.
As they were done Diamond walks over to the two and tugs on Karen's shirt sleeve "Can...I wear a diaper please" he said meekly to her.

Karen turns to Stacy"Would you be a dear and get him diapered" she said and pointed to Diamond. "I have to get him taken care of" Karen said refering to Richard.

November 12th, 08, 10:32 PM
*yuki walks and sees the enormous mansion* :) well......this place looks big and i need somewhere to live.......maybe i can rent a room here :D *knocks door*

November 12th, 08, 10:38 PM
Stacy helps Richard up the changing table she removes hoos pants, underwear, socks, shoes. the she ioils up his diaper area, next she lotions&creams his body, afte that she powders his body below his waist, and she finishes by pulilng his diaper up into place while ensurung he is snugly taped into his new diaper. Stacy puts a blue-green in his mouth while pulling up matching blue-plastic up on yo his waist then tucking his diaper in to thge pants top stop leaks and she puts a clean pair of pants on Richard then hugs&kisses him to finish up his diapering.

November 12th, 08, 10:40 PM
*knocks door again*

November 12th, 08, 10:45 PM
Stacy runs up to the door thane gleefully answers the door and she sees a cute girl at the door so she replies "my name is Stacy&if you wnat to liv eher plase come in so Kail&karen cna allow the pleasure of living here in theuir house."

November 12th, 08, 10:50 PM
wow :D yes....i was looking for a place to live

November 12th, 08, 10:55 PM
Karen had put Diamond into a very comfy diaper and then hears the new comer. She quickly comes down stairs "Well hello there you need a home as well" she asked Yuki.

November 12th, 08, 11:09 PM
y-yes :D

November 12th, 08, 11:13 PM
"um thats fine i guess" now he was bright red

November 12th, 08, 11:15 PM
*walks inside house*

November 13th, 08, 01:14 AM
"Well uhm Stacy would you mind showing this girl around I have to take care of something" as Karen quickly comes back to Richard. "Ok would you want me to diaper you? Or do want to do it yourself" she asked since she knew that this boy would have been embareist if she did that. Although it would have been hard for him to put one on without help.

November 13th, 08, 01:20 AM
Stacy walks the cute girl around the house showing her where everything is on the first and second floors of the house.

November 13th, 08, 02:39 AM
*follows stacy everywhere* u-umm....what's your name :) you are a really good person

November 13th, 08, 03:18 AM
"I dont know how to put a diaper on"

November 13th, 08, 03:29 AM
"my name is Stacy and it hard for me to mean&just out curiousity what is name you little cutie of a girl?

November 13th, 08, 03:31 AM
hehe :o me? cute? *blushes* i-i'm Sakura Yuki............:) hihihi

November 13th, 08, 04:30 AM
"Ok then I'll have to change you so get on the changing table and lay back and I'll put this on for you" said Karen as she gets stuff to change a diaper. She gets a plain white one for Richard since Karen did not want to embarise him fearther.

Diamond had followed the two and was pretty silent. His shorts that he was wearing were ruined. So he was just wearing a shirt,diaper,and socks. He then hears Sakura mentioning her name. "I'm..Diamond" he spoke up and hoped he did not spook them.

November 13th, 08, 04:32 AM
:eek: eek!!! *turns around* oh......i didn't saw you.....you're d-diamond, right? ^_^"
aaww!! cute!! you're wearing a diaper ^_^

November 13th, 08, 04:33 AM
lays down on the changing pad waiting to be changed he is trying to hide his face so tehy cant see just how embaressed he is

November 13th, 08, 04:35 AM
Stacy replies "hello diamond and how are on this fine day of all days to be alive in the worl d of our new life in this wonderful house?"

November 13th, 08, 04:46 AM
uum.........are you always this happy?

November 13th, 08, 04:52 AM
"I'm...dddoing well....I'm in a better place then where I was. I'm just happy that people will love me here" Diamond said and walked over to Stacy. The diaper gave a cute crinkel as he moved. He loved these then the underwear he was wearing. It was softer and loved the feeling of it,pluse he felt very secure in them as well.

Karen quickly get Richard into the diaper and gives him some baggy pants that were in his size. "Here these pants will hide the diaper quite nicely. And if you need a change ask one of the maids here or me" she said to him.

November 13th, 08, 04:53 AM
He puts teh pants on "thank you" and he walks out he keeps walking around when he sees stacy and a bunch of others

November 13th, 08, 04:56 AM
Stacky "I am not alwys this happy, however, ever since I came heere ffel s home for the first time since my parents were still alive and I will always love living here for ther est of my life."

November 13th, 08, 05:04 AM
He walks over so he can see them better but he doesnt say anything yet

November 13th, 08, 05:06 AM
"No problem" said Karen as she went down stairs to make a phonecall to a well known doctor she knew.

"I see I hope I can stay here as well" said Diamond as he then thinks for a second. "I'm kinda thristy did you see a place where I could get something to drink Stacy" he asked her.

November 13th, 08, 05:20 AM
Stacy replies "the kitchen is just down the hall and there is also a pantry with some drinks stocked in it depending on what you want to drink."

November 13th, 08, 05:34 AM
"Thank you" said Diamond as he went to the kitchen and finds a bottle of water. He opens it and starts to drink it and rejoins the main group. "So what do they have here" he asked Stacy again.

November 13th, 08, 06:30 AM
Stacy replies "they have tv's, dvd's, videogames, board games, toys, a gym, a pool, and much much more if you choose to stay here."

November 13th, 08, 06:37 AM
"I think......I....will stay here" said Diamond as he finished his bottle of water. After a few minutes talking to Stacy he feels very odd. And then he looks down and gasps as Diamond wets himself again. He wanted to cry as he felt embarist that he was weting himself with out knowing. Diamond had a few close calls but not like this though. And then looks at Stacy "Can....you change....me" he asked since Diamond did not trust the others yet.

November 13th, 08, 07:38 PM
*I would perfer a new character*

"Ok whats your name and would you need anything besides a change of pants" asked Karen as she was unsure that he needed protection. "Do you have a lot of accidents" she said to Richard while she stops a maid so that they could put Nicole into a bed to sleep comforably.

Neon covers his ears "Easy there kid,Your in the hospital and you broke a arm" he said and tries to calm down Ryan.

(sry I wasnt on ^_^;;)

"Oh im im sorry..." -he starts to relax

November 13th, 08, 08:21 PM
*Not your fault man*

"Well Ryan until you can get better would you want to stay at my house? I have several other kids and teens with weting problems living there" said Neon as he had talked to the Doctor before hand hearing that Ryan had now control of his bladder. Although they did not know what is causeing it.

November 13th, 08, 08:32 PM
"wha wait how do u know I have...." -he blushes and looks away his wolf ears down in embarassment

November 13th, 08, 09:16 PM
"Well you wet the bed you were on a few times. That and I hope that you can forgive me but while you were well asleep I held onto your bag. I accdently droped your bag and a few diapers came out. Only me and the doctor here know about it though" said Neon and put Ryan's fears to rest. "Look at this group home I opend...there are a few teens like you that have to wear diapers. So its alright I do'nt hold anything against you" he spoke again.

November 13th, 08, 09:26 PM
(sorry i missed out quite a bit -_-)

*nicole wakes up in a soft bed and looks around*


November 13th, 08, 09:34 PM
A maid that was close by turns to Nicole "Oh let me get you mother" she said and quickly went to get Karen. But oddly enough she came walking into the room. "I'm here sweety what does my little girl need" she said and hugs Nicole.

November 14th, 08, 12:09 AM
is there a pool here?!?! :) where?

November 14th, 08, 05:27 AM
Stacy leads Sakura to the pool after chnmging into her swimsuit with matching swim diapers and plays in the ppol with new friend from the house.

November 14th, 08, 05:32 AM
decides to look around the place and see what was there

November 14th, 08, 05:33 AM
*puts on pink swimuit and pink swim diapers* hehehe!! :D i love pools

November 14th, 08, 06:14 AM
Stacy swoms a few alps then she put sunscreen on so she cna sun herswelf in the deck chair and she falls asleep in the shade until she is bored. She goe abck inside where hse cahnges her messu&wet swim diapers amd she takes a nap in her crib after a quick shower in the bathroom.

November 14th, 08, 06:21 AM
Diamond walked into the room that Stacy was in and saw her crib. He walks over to her "Uhm Stacy...can I sleep with you" in a very inoscent tone as he was feeling sleepy a bit.

As Richard walks by he could see a room full of clasic arcade games. Rangeing from a lot of things that he could play. As it looked like Neon had a thing for old school games.

As Sakura was having fun in the pool a girly looking boy joins her in the pool. He had brown hair and blue eyes and was wearing a swim diaper and a shirt. The guy could have been mistaken for a girl.

November 14th, 08, 06:29 AM
walks into the arcade room and looks at it "wow this is cool" he sees the game pacman and runs ove rto play it "i sure hope they dont mind"

November 14th, 08, 06:36 AM
No one was around and the Pac Man game would be calling out to him. Saying Play me Play me as it was in extreamly good condition for something that old. And Richard did not have to worry about puting in money it was free!

November 14th, 08, 06:39 AM
Stacy higs&kissses diamond after waking up then responds "you can sleep with me if you want" and she falls cuddling up Diamond in her big crib.

November 14th, 08, 02:34 PM
Name Bethnay rowen
age: an near accidnet gave her amenisa so she doent know
apperance : behtny is very small and weak and is completly blind in one ey and cnat her very well on the ear of the same side . aprt form this hwne she is slothed yo ucant see any othersigbsn of theaccidnet but whebn she is uncovered. ther are man ydeep scars on the left side and ther is a green tatot of a celtic paten on her right side which is not visible on her face, her hair is goldne blonde and curly.

bio : sfter a cataclismic accidnet killing her whole family she left alone and had no medical help theacidnet has almost cuased her ot loose control of her bladder but she donet have access to diapers aalthough she can holdit for it is only a few minutes. . THe accidnet takes palce near the glade and it can be heard form the glade but not see so it needs to be investigated. it is here yo ufind the smal lgirl almost dead but not quite and stil lholding on.

November 14th, 08, 02:39 PM
*the time passed slowly for The little girl at the crashsite, pinned to her child seat she was too weak to move but too brave to die. everythig nwas black but the pain oculd stil lbe felt. she didd not know why she hung on or even how she did it only that she did possibly hoping for some sort of help but she dint think it would come before she couldnt hold on any more but she waits and hopes thats al lshe can do now....wiat for death or wait for hjelp whichever came sooner she knew she was alone noew she heard her parents last screms then silence..

November 14th, 08, 04:44 PM
Stacy where the noise from her room then runs down to the crash site where she sees a girl pinned insisde and she finds a crowbar in the supply room. She pries the doors open to access the girl which frees from the wreckage and carroes her the medical room while screaming out "Kail&Kareb we have an injured gurl here who needs immediate medical attention if you can get it here as soon as possible."

November 14th, 08, 06:35 PM
*Curantly Karen is the only one there,Neon is still at the Hospital*

Karen quickly gets down there "Oh my god....." she said and gets the girl. "Look Stacy your in charge until I get back" she spoke again and treats some of the wounds that she could. And then she quickly gets into her car and then quickly gets to a hospital.The same one that Ryan and Neon were at.

November 14th, 08, 07:05 PM
t*the girl could hear voices nearby she opprayed that help ahd come she didnt know how much longer she could hold out and feels some cold stuff on some of her more minor injuries which helped her but stil lshe dare not open her eys she didnt know if she could

November 14th, 08, 07:38 PM
"Hold on sweety hang in there" said Karen and was deathly worried about this girl. And a few minutes later they get into the hospital. She had the young girl wraped in a few towels. "Please someone help this child" Karen yelled as several orderlies take the girl to save her.

*Who wants to play the Doctor?*

November 14th, 08, 07:38 PM
walks up to the pacman game and starts playing it without any worry

November 15th, 08, 12:25 AM
*wakes up and notices she's in a crib* huh.... i fell asleep here....

November 15th, 08, 12:29 AM
(I can play the doctor unless you want anopther playing the doctor in the rp and either way is fine by me.)

November 15th, 08, 04:45 AM
*Well since you asked you can unless said otherwise*

November 15th, 08, 10:50 PM
Doctor Denise Finestra looks the xrays of the child just brought in for surgery then she walks up to Karen and while responding "the girl has severe visual imapairment whichc can be resolved through surgery but she has minor hearing loss in one that will require occular implants to hear again in that ear."

November 15th, 08, 10:53 PM
"Hold on sweety hang in there" said Karen and was deathly worried about this girl. And a few minutes later they get into the hospital. She had the young girl wraped in a few towels. "Please someone help this child" Karen yelled as several orderlies take the girl to save her.

*Who wants to play the Doctor?*

*I cant felelthe spike now and the pain is dulling i dont have much time but i gotta hold on perhaps the voice are after helping me i must hold on for them i dont want to diee yet.*

the girl suddnely wakes up screaming but ony opens one eye then she felels the pain come back as the adrenalin shot kicks in

November 15th, 08, 11:10 PM
Dr Finestra starst the surgeries which are successful and after many hours she responds by telling Karen "my team was sucessful in restoring her vision to normal and we will have to see if the occular implants will work in the long run for the girl."

November 15th, 08, 11:14 PM
whats happening to me who are you peopel get away from me how did yo usave me? where am i

November 15th, 08, 11:18 PM
Dr Finestra replies "you are ina hospital after successful surgery to svae your life which was saved by a nice lady Named Karen and a cute girl called Stacy who pulled out of the wreckage of your parents wrecked car."

November 15th, 08, 11:28 PM
are they okay or did they not make it huh how long have i bnen here for i have to pee reall bad.

*starts squrming on the talbe then appers to relax and blush then starts to cry feeling warmth betwene her legs*

Waht happend to me? ewww

November 15th, 08, 11:47 PM
Dr Finestra replies "you have been here for a day which is after the death of you parents and we need to repair your bladder&bowel area to stop you from needing diapers 24/7 right now." She puts her under again then does the surgery on her abdomonal and bladder&bowel area which is successful for now then she diapers the girl to be safe."

November 15th, 08, 11:58 PM
(bowel was fine it was only bladder that was injured )

the girls relives the accidnet agin anmd aing whie l in the drugged state tbhough heroutside appeanrce would not give it away.

November 16th, 08, 12:14 AM
the doctor carries her to the recovery where Karen is waiting with Stacy and they are hoping that she wil recover.

November 16th, 08, 12:17 AM
whielshe liestheronethetable a remarkable thing starts to happen the injusres on her start to fomr scarrtissue already this surprise the doctor.

November 16th, 08, 12:31 AM
Karen was through a lot of things and then speaks with the girl that she brought in. "hello there your a brave one are'nt you" she said to to the young girl and was at her side. Just waiting for her to wake up and talk with her.

November 16th, 08, 12:34 AM
she soo nwakes up thogh stil lbadly injuredther is signs of accelarated healing

im brave i came so close to death im not sure iwas brave somuch as stubborn but i dont felel to wel lright now cna we tla klater.

November 16th, 08, 01:21 AM
"Of corse I would like to speak with you later when your feeling better" said Karen as she left the room. But before she left "Whats your name" she said as it was not mentioned to her at all.

November 16th, 08, 06:36 AM
(sry sry sry) -is somewhere in the house after being taken home from the hospitol

November 16th, 08, 10:52 AM
(waht? im alittle confused)

my name er i cnat rember my name or anything really but ithursts so much.

November 18th, 08, 12:00 AM
"You have amnisia from the shock of everything that has happend....I'll try and find your name later when you wake up. So just rest right now" said Karen as she went to talk to the doctor. To see if how long should this girl stay here.

As Ryan wonders around he will spot Diamond playing sometype of game on the PS3. Whatever it was had big explotions and other things that went boom. He looked like he was having fun playing it.

November 18th, 08, 04:58 AM
-hes leaning on his crutches for support looking at this kid- "aww man...what am I going to do...I cant just stay here"

November 18th, 08, 05:03 AM
walks out of game room as he sees ryan walk by he follows him just out of curiousity

November 18th, 08, 05:04 AM
-he limps along in his shorts and diaper just wearing his vest- he notices the kid and tries to crinkle as less as he can

November 18th, 08, 05:05 AM
"hey wait a minute who are you"

November 18th, 08, 05:07 AM
-he turns around- "Oh me? um well I was a wanderer and I hurt myself and some guy helped me...forgot his name but he took me here after the hospitol"

November 18th, 08, 05:24 AM
"oh" looks at him "are you wearing a diaper to"

November 18th, 08, 05:28 AM
-he looks at him in shock- "n..no of course not dont be silly grown ups dont wear diapers" -he stands still trying not to crinkle

November 18th, 08, 05:29 AM
blushes "right of course not that was a silly question"

November 18th, 08, 05:32 AM
"yup...now run along ok kid?"

November 18th, 08, 05:33 AM
"she will need to be in the hospital at least until tommorrow until we are she doesn't have any more head trauma, we also need have her wear diapers until she is fully healed, and we have alreafy processed the paperwork so as soon as she is discharger she can go the grand glade for awhile unless soemone comes forward to adopt her."

November 18th, 08, 05:34 AM
"kid! hey im 16 years old you cant be that much older then me"

November 18th, 08, 05:36 AM
" Oh...you look younger sorry.."

November 18th, 08, 05:40 AM
everyone always said that about him "well my name is richard i also kind of am a traveler i stopped here to get some rest before i headed out again"

November 18th, 08, 05:42 AM
"well ok...nice to meet you now if you excuse me I have to find that dude.." -he tries going along so his diaper doesnt make a sound

November 18th, 08, 05:44 AM
looks down then walks around looking for a place to sleep because he was getting tired

November 18th, 08, 05:46 AM
-wanders around trying to keep his balance- "man this house is friggen big...where is he.."

November 18th, 08, 05:48 AM
finds an empty room with a crib deciding against sleeping in teh crib he sits down and leans against a wall and starts to fall asleep

November 18th, 08, 05:52 AM
-he walks around more trying to find him and end up slipping on a puddle of water and falling- "OH SHI*" -thud- "owww fuc*!"

November 18th, 08, 05:54 AM
is woken up by a noise but quickly falls back asleep

November 18th, 08, 05:59 AM
-he lays there in the puddle of water- "....ok this sucks.."

November 18th, 08, 06:01 AM
slids off wall and now is laying sideways on teh floor

November 18th, 08, 06:03 AM
-attempts to get himself up but slips in the puddle- "FUUUUUCCC***" O_O

November 18th, 08, 06:07 AM
thought he heard something again but once again just shrugs and falls back asleep

November 18th, 08, 06:09 AM
-just lays there until someone helps him my god he felt helpless...-

November 18th, 08, 06:11 AM
curls up in a ball and continues to sleep

November 18th, 08, 06:12 AM
(your evil you know that :D) -he sits there in the puddle and starts peeing- "Greaat..." -his diaper soaks up a good size-

November 18th, 08, 06:16 AM
(ive been told) wakes up due to being really thirsty and starts walking around trying to find teh kitchen

November 18th, 08, 05:52 PM
"she will need to be in the hospital at least until tommorrow until we are she doesn't have any more head trauma, we also need have her wear diapers until she is fully healed, and we have alreafy processed the paperwork so as soon as she is discharger she can go the grand glade for awhile unless soemone comes forward to adopt her."

the rate of healing semems ot be incredible for the tiny girl after a weke more in hospital she is ready to go but her left eye sight had goen agin and her hearing was stil lfuzzy despite the implants

as soon as she was able she removed the diaper filaing to notice it was wet an nd getas up and walks arround in jsjut the hopital pjamas
she felels a sudden desprateurge to bpee but it passes but aobut 5 min s later she is walkign past a nurse and her bladder gives way soaking her pjamas which dint absorb any andhten she cried
"what not agin why again this is not rfiar."

November 18th, 08, 06:47 PM
-he just lays there soaked in water starting to feal kinda soggy- T_T

November 19th, 08, 02:14 AM
*Man its so hard to keep up with all of you -_-;*

Diamond heres the comotion that was going on and spots Ryan. "Hold on let me get some help" he said and went to get someone for help. He does and gets Neon and a few maids. "Ok hold on Ryan" said Neon as he gets Ryan back up. "Well why do'nt these ladies get you cleaned up and changed" he said to him.

A Nurse see's Bethnay walking around and really wet. "Excuse me but it looks like you need a change and some new clothes. We cant have you walking around like this" she says to her. The Nurse did not want Bethnay to get sick or anything like it.

November 19th, 08, 02:24 AM
Stacu watches tv while witing for her new friend to be be brought home and she laughs at the silly tv shows then falls asleep on the cocuh with her pacifier in her mouth.

November 19th, 08, 02:40 AM
Diamond after helping Ryan walks into where Stacy was. Stacy to him was a older sister to him for now that is. He finds his on paci and then gets on the couch and cuddles with her since he felt a bit sleepy right now.

November 19th, 08, 02:43 AM
Stacy ro;s pver wjhile pulling the big fllufy balnket over her&Diamond and sh ehappily sleeps on the couch with him while happi;y using her diaper fpr its intended purposes.

November 19th, 08, 02:54 AM
Diamond feeling content and so happy right now,was very relaxed right now. And this caused him to lose his control on weting. He slowly closed his eyes and went to sleep. He would most likely wet in his sleep but thanks to his diaper. There would not be any messes to clean up.

November 19th, 08, 03:23 AM
-after getting cleaned up he gets back on his crutches and tries to find that guy...again

November 19th, 08, 07:02 AM
*Man its so hard to keep up with all of you -_-;*

Diamond heres the comotion that was going on and spots Ryan. "Hold on let me get some help" he said and went to get someone for help. He does and gets Neon and a few maids. "Ok hold on Ryan" said Neon as he gets Ryan back up. "Well why do'nt these ladies get you cleaned up and changed" he said to him.

A Nurse see's Bethnay walking around and really wet. "Excuse me but it looks like you need a change and some new clothes. We cant have you walking around like this" she says to her. The Nurse did not want Bethnay to get sick or anything like it.

okay but wh yis this happening to me i felel fine then sudnely my pants are wet its ridicules i know i dontneed nappies this is jsut a one off wast it?

November 19th, 08, 07:57 PM
"the doctor said until you are discharged from the hospital you will need to wear diapers all of the duea side effect of the surgeries and the is a better fifty-fifty chance you need diapers at night at the minimum for now."

November 19th, 08, 08:01 PM
"fine if i must but i really dont see the point?"

After dischrge where do i go now thogu hve got nowhere to live and no fmaily . oh yeah and im fine now i gnarette it now let me outta thsi hoprrible palce
*she grudingly accepts the diapers the doctor gives her muttering somthgi nunder her breath*

November 19th, 08, 08:02 PM
-he decides to just sit down and relax in the sitting room he comes across

November 19th, 08, 08:14 PM
*having nowher to g oto andnot knowing the way to ehr home she is sned to the orpahnage to belooked after until lshe is adopted cos she has no recored fmaily exept a siter whos location is unknown
and both aprents are noew in body bags inthe morg
the proscesstkaes a few days but she is now in the orphanage and she semems to reject al lfreindshi pand comfort.

November 19th, 08, 08:16 PM
-he falls asleep on the couch peacefully

November 19th, 08, 08:18 PM
*Again sorry for not keeping up here*

Neon spots Ryan "So doing any better" he said to the wolven teen. Since he was going to get a snack.

"Hello Bethany I know you will like it here. Do'nt worry while your here you will be well taken care of" said Karen as she looked at the younger child.

November 19th, 08, 08:19 PM
who on earth are yo u and im in a hospital how cn i enjoy that or dont you think when you talk.
al liget here is diapers,and tests and im fine btu nonwil lbelive me its so annoying

November 19th, 08, 08:39 PM
-he looks up from his resting- "Oh um yeah im fealing better then when you found me hehe" ^_^

November 19th, 08, 09:08 PM
Behtn yius mutteirgin somthgi nuneer her breath in the next room whebn she hers some tlakign but donet know whos is sayign anything so she sjuts listens with her good ear
without noticing relses alittle pee into her diper

November 19th, 08, 09:46 PM
Stacy wakes up then changes her diaper so she can watch tv and movies in the living room with anyone who wants to watch it iwth her right now.

November 19th, 08, 09:54 PM
beth starts to walk til lshe finds stacies room inthehospital but she dind know who she was but wanted somone to tlak to
she knocks on stacies door ofthe hopital

November 20th, 08, 12:01 AM
*Shadowstar your at the house now.....it will be a Plot hole that we can fix later*

November 20th, 08, 12:42 AM
Stacy continiues tow atch tv while witing the return of Bethany her new friend and she cosnsider her to be more like a sister that she never had in her life.

November 20th, 08, 03:57 AM
*wakes up and walks to sofa and sits down*

November 20th, 08, 03:57 AM
-he stares at this new person- "um hi.."

November 20th, 08, 04:03 AM
hi ^_^
my name is Sakura Yuki and yours?

November 20th, 08, 04:05 AM
um ryan...I was just trying to find that dude who owns this place..but I just sat down to relax my broken leg

November 20th, 08, 04:06 AM
Finally finds the kitchen and gets a drink then he sits down on the first chair he sees

November 20th, 08, 04:08 AM
so your name is ryan, right? i hope we'll be friends :D
and you broke your leg?

November 20th, 08, 04:10 AM
Yeah thats why im here he found me in a ditch and said I could stay here till I healed

November 20th, 08, 04:17 AM
oh well......i hope you get better

November 20th, 08, 04:18 AM
Yeah I didnt intend to stay here to long..but with a broken leg it will be awhile : /

November 20th, 08, 04:20 AM
but don't be so depressed :) you'll like it being here, besides i'll be here with you

November 20th, 08, 04:22 AM
Um thanks hehe...-he lays back

November 20th, 08, 04:23 AM
hehehe ^_^ *sits besides him*

November 20th, 08, 04:24 AM
hehe...so um how old are you? and why are you here?

November 20th, 08, 04:34 AM
i'm 15 and you? ^_^
and i came here cause my family.....you know..........died in a car accident.....so i came looking for a place to live and found this place :D

November 20th, 08, 04:36 AM
Im 17 and aww im sorry that happend...-he tries to go in for a hug but since he doesnt know this person isnt sure-

November 20th, 08, 04:39 AM
hehehe ^_^ *hugs* thanks for saying that

November 20th, 08, 04:41 AM
"its not a problem at all" -he hugs back- ^_^

November 20th, 08, 04:57 AM
*lays down* but it made me happy to hear that

November 20th, 08, 04:58 AM
"heh okay lol"

November 20th, 08, 05:06 AM
*cuddles under his arm*

November 20th, 08, 05:07 AM
-blushes- hehe...^_^

November 20th, 08, 05:11 AM
*falls asleep*

November 20th, 08, 05:24 AM
awww ^_^

November 20th, 08, 05:25 AM
*hugs while asleep*

November 20th, 08, 05:27 AM
-hugs back- "cute kid hehe"

November 20th, 08, 05:33 AM
*wakes up and notices she's hugging wolf* huh?!?! eek!!! *blushes and face turns bright red*

November 20th, 08, 05:35 AM
"Oh sorry " -he blushes as well

November 20th, 08, 05:37 AM
*talks to self* hehehehe i hugged him!!! it's so embarrasing!!!!! but i'm so happy!!!

November 20th, 08, 05:38 AM
-continues to blush and looks away- "um so..sorry"

November 20th, 08, 05:44 AM
d-don't apologize :o

November 20th, 08, 05:48 AM
"But...I um...uh.." o-o

November 20th, 08, 05:53 AM
well....if you don't have where to sleep tonight you can sleep with me at my bed :) just tell me

November 20th, 08, 05:57 AM
"Um nono im good...thanks" ^_^;

November 20th, 08, 05:59 AM
then good night.....lovely.....*walks to room and closes door*

November 20th, 08, 06:02 AM
o-O -wakes to his room and falls asleep

November 20th, 08, 06:10 PM
*Shadowstar your at the house now.....it will be a Plot hole that we can fix later*

no im at the hospital or a mi at the house if im at the house how did i get here
last i rember iwas in the hospital in a freckign diaper.
so waht heppend betwenenme being at hodpitl and arriving here its all blank

November 20th, 08, 07:37 PM
(you passed out from the stress of what happened to you inclduing the surgeries, diapers, your parents fate, being in a new situation, and yiou were taken home by Karen whoo was called by the doctors.) Stacy falls asleep on the couch and continues to sleep while the movies play on th tv which mkes her very happy all of the time.

November 20th, 08, 08:36 PM
(that was beht asdskign in rp btw not me asking as shadowstar.)
some one has alot of explaining to do any volenteers

November 20th, 08, 09:22 PM
Stacy wakes up then replies "I have no clue of your full situation and the best ones to ask are Kail&Karen who know more about all of us tha we know about them at all."

November 20th, 08, 09:26 PM
fine now cna oy uhelp me remove thsi diaper please?

November 20th, 08, 09:31 PM
"I am not allowed tomove you diapers but you can change into your own clothes in changing room right over there next to the bathroom."

November 20th, 08, 09:38 PM
after finishing water he drifts off to sleep in the chair

November 20th, 08, 09:52 PM
"I am not allowed tomove you diapers but you can change into your own clothes in changing room right over there next to the bathroom."

why cnat yo uremove it?
i dont want to wear it
and oyur a carer so why cnat yo uremove it?

November 21st, 08, 12:28 AM
"I will do it this once since you asked so nicely Bethany" and she takes you to the changing room where she removes your diapers while handing you clothes incluidng panties in your size.

November 21st, 08, 02:40 AM
*wakes up and yawns*

November 21st, 08, 03:59 AM
-is still sleeping drooling on his pillow with his leg supported at the end

November 21st, 08, 04:00 AM
*walks out of room *

November 21st, 08, 04:06 AM
-wets his diaper in his sleep

November 21st, 08, 04:07 AM
*stares at wolf dreamingly*

November 21st, 08, 04:11 AM
-for some reason starts sucking his thumb in his sleep

November 21st, 08, 04:12 AM
aaaawww ^_^ he's so adorable and cute!!!!

November 21st, 08, 04:16 AM
-even with his broken leg he cuddles a bit in his sleep with his stuffed wolf

November 21st, 08, 04:19 AM
he's too cute *aproaches him slowly*

November 21st, 08, 04:22 AM
-sleeps soundly

November 21st, 08, 04:29 AM
he's so dreamy!!! XD *lays down besides him and hugs him*

November 21st, 08, 04:30 AM
-moves a bit feeling someone but is so sleepy he just lays there snoozing

November 21st, 08, 04:31 AM
*hugs him thightly and cuddles undre his arm*

November 21st, 08, 04:35 AM
-he continues to suck his thumbs and cuddles with the stuffed wolf and whatever was under his arm- he peed a bit more in his diaper

November 21st, 08, 04:37 AM
h-he's hugging me :o *hugs him too*

November 21st, 08, 04:39 AM
-he smiles in his sleep moveing around a bit

November 21st, 08, 04:40 AM
h-he's smiling :D he's so adorable!!!!

November 21st, 08, 04:46 AM
wakes up and then starts to walk to his room and sees ryan and sakura cuddling and walks in

November 21st, 08, 04:47 AM
eek!!! *stands up*

November 21st, 08, 04:48 AM
"what are guys doing"

November 21st, 08, 04:50 AM
-wakes up in shock- "who what?" o_O -looks at who was under his arm and blushes alot then see his thumbs wet and hes holding a stuffed animal and blushes even reder

November 21st, 08, 04:53 AM
nothing!!! i...i *blushes*

November 21st, 08, 04:55 AM
"I didnt even..." -his face is real red and he pees his diaper alot

November 21st, 08, 04:56 AM
looks at them with a confused look "im old enough to know that it wasnt nothing"

November 21st, 08, 04:56 AM
i.......i was just......eeek!!!! >_< *starts crying of embarrasement*

November 21st, 08, 04:57 AM
"oh sorry i didnt mean to make you cry its just"

November 21st, 08, 04:57 AM
*keeps crying*

November 21st, 08, 04:58 AM
walks over "i am so sorry please stop crying"

November 21st, 08, 05:00 AM
-just backs away real red faced trying to avoid anyones eyes

November 21st, 08, 05:00 AM
*sniff* o-okay.......i need to go now *walks to her own room and shuts the door then falls asleep*

November 21st, 08, 05:00 AM
"glad that is over" looks at Ryan

November 21st, 08, 05:02 AM
don't talk to me!!!!!!!!!!!! *shuts door and keeps crying and then falls completely asleep*

November 21st, 08, 05:03 AM
-looks away- "what happend..

November 21st, 08, 05:05 AM
"i dont even know i just saw her cuddling with you and i walked in to see what was going on"