View Full Version : Gundam Seed Destiny rp (Private)

June 5th, 09, 10:01 PM
If anyone wishes to join they are going to have to message myself or arfan. You can be an oc, just post a bio.

Plot: A virus is effecting pilots and crew members in many strange ways.

I am going to be Kira Yamato pilot of the Strike Freedom Gundam, and a crew member of the Archangel.

*Kira was walking down the halls of the archangel when he suddenly felt pain in his stomach and started messing and wetting his pants* Kira: "Why does this keep happening to me it's just not right."

June 5th, 09, 10:18 PM
*Meyrin Hawke sees Kira while she is on a maintainance, and security patrol in the new hangars.* Meyrin waves hello to Kira and politely asks him "Kira what is the matter with you&did you hear the reports of similar instances among the others?"

June 5th, 09, 10:28 PM
*Kira looks up at Meyrin, and his eyes grow wide* "H-h-hi Meyrin ummmm yeah i heard about the similar incidents that have been occuring & I need to go back to my quarters so please excuse me." *Kira gets up and makes a mad dash back to his room to change and to avoid being seen by anyone else*

June 5th, 09, 10:48 PM
Meyrin finishes her patrols, then she decides to go see what was wrong with Kira, and the other as of late. Meyrin knocks on Kira's door with some force and she asks "Kira would be ok if I come in to talk with you for a bit?"

June 5th, 09, 10:52 PM
*Kira opens the door for Meyrin so she can come in* "Sure come on in. What's up Meyrin?"

June 5th, 09, 11:07 PM
Meyrin: "I have been feeling strange as of late, you seem to be having accidents, and my breasts seem to be bigger, while I am taller than I was in the past." *Meyrin waits for a response while stretching her muscles, and fixing her hair.*

June 5th, 09, 11:11 PM
*Kira is shocked to hear this* "Meyrin on top of the accidents i have been also feeling the need to suck on something and it's usually my thumb, for some reason when i get the urges it relaxes me. One other thing, lately my clothes have been feeling smaller. What do you think could cause this to happen?"

June 5th, 09, 11:46 PM
Meyrin: "a new virus has been reported in the area, my guess is we have the virus, the virus has random effects based on each person it affects, and I ended up the strain that make me want to baby others."

June 5th, 09, 11:55 PM
"I guess i have the virus where I want to babied huh?" *Kira slips his thumb in his mouth to relax*

June 6th, 09, 12:08 AM
Meyrin lays Kira down on his bed, then she powder, oils, and tapes up the new diapers on his waist. Meyrin somehow changes Kira's clothes to baby clothes and places a paci in his mouth. Meyrin finishes by placing Kira on her lap, and she slowly nurses him off her breasts.

June 6th, 09, 12:17 AM
*Kira is suprised by Meyrin's actions, but soon relaxes and lets her have control* Kira: "Meyrin do I call you mommy now?"

June 6th, 09, 12:33 AM
Meyrin: "yes you can call me mommy Kira, I need to find a cure for the rest, but for now I am quite content at the moment." Meyrin sends her results to the medical wings, and cuddles close to Kira in the mean time.

June 6th, 09, 12:35 AM
*Kira feels loved by his new mommy Meyrin, and cuddles close to her, as well as relaxes in her arms* Kira: "Thank you mommy"

June 6th, 09, 01:10 AM
Meyrin waits on what the medical teams have to say, and she puts a new candy paci in Kira's mouth. Meyrin falls asleep with Kira in her arms, and smiles at her new baby boy.

June 6th, 09, 01:19 AM
(I've asked and been allowed n.n)
Troa Barton piolet of heavy arms custom called out to the base to help on a new matter

June 6th, 09, 01:27 AM
*Kira falls asleep sucking on his candy paci in Meyrin's arms happily and snuggles closer to her for warmth*

June 6th, 09, 04:11 AM
the medical teams manage to find a short term cure the nasty unknown space virus in the nonregressed&nonmother types, and they are looking for a cure for the other variants. Meyrim feels an odd sensation in her panties but she continues to sleep with baby Kirs in her loving embrace.

June 6th, 09, 04:20 AM
*Kira's paci falls off his mouth when he turns over and faces Meyrin's breast*

June 6th, 09, 12:12 PM
Troa walks toward the commanders office to get more information on what he's here for "commander you wanted my help" troa states

June 6th, 09, 03:39 PM
*The commander turns around* "ahhhh yes Troa Barton pilot of the gundam Heavy arms. good to have you aboard, you are here to investigate a new virus that is having some disturbing effects on some of the crew members, and report back to me."

June 6th, 09, 04:10 PM
Meyrin sends a report to the commander, theh she carries Kira to the commander's office to show him what is going on with the virus. She also shows the commander her virus effects, and she tell him of the medical team's attempts to cure it.

June 6th, 09, 04:13 PM
"alright what spacificaly are you looking for sir?" troa asked standing relaxed

June 6th, 09, 04:20 PM
*The commander looks at the data that Meyrin has given him, and looks up at Troa* "I would like you to observe Meyrin Hawke and Kira Yamato and see how the virus progresses until the medical tema finds a cure for this strange occurence."

June 6th, 09, 04:24 PM
Meyrin thanks the commander, then she gives Troa her permission to stay in their rooms, and she gives the commander the patrol vids she has from before the vrus. She leaves hoping they can find a cure, and she goes to the mess hall to eat.

June 6th, 09, 04:27 PM
*Kira looks at Meyrin as they go back to their room* Kira: "Mommy what are we going to do now?"

June 6th, 09, 04:34 PM
"alright commander will do" troa says saluting the commander before following kira and meyrin

June 6th, 09, 05:13 PM
*While in Meyrin's arms Kira asks Troa* "Why were you chosen for this mission Troa? Not that I mind you being here, but I kind of feel embarassed that the captain wants you to observe us, because I was hoping to keep this private between mommy and, I"

June 6th, 09, 05:28 PM
Meyrin brings a meal in for all three of them, then she sets the table, and she breastfeeds Kira in between feedings of the meal. She slowly eats her meal while telling Troa how she ended up here and she isnt sure how Kira regressed so quickly.

June 6th, 09, 05:35 PM
*Kira eats greedily and gets food all over himself and after he eats he starts to grunt softly as he fills the back of his diaper with a big mess and wets it too* "Mommy i went potty"

June 6th, 09, 05:37 PM
"I don't know why maybe he's hoping that I will be uneffected by the virus" troa smiles softly not paying attention to him being breast fed. "thank you for letting me stay here for thentime meyrin"

June 6th, 09, 06:07 PM
Meyrin: "you are most welcome Troa, Kira&I cannot do our jobs with our virus affects, and I feel another effect since my butt just got bigger." Meyrin changes Kira into a fresh diaper, than she dresses in him in his favorite outfiit, and she cleans up all the food debris, so they can have fun playing board games.

June 6th, 09, 06:09 PM
" if you don't mind me asking you two. When did you start feeling odd?" troa questions

June 6th, 09, 06:15 PM
*Kira plays the board game with the Meyrin, and Troa* Kira: "it started for me about a week ago, it started with wetting the bed then eventually turned into me messing my pants, then sucking my thumb and then here we are now."

June 6th, 09, 06:15 PM
Meyrin: "I started feeling strange after the pilots came back from that long campaign, and I am not sure where the virus came from." "I only know that the virus spreads quickly, the effects are varied, and once contracted, there is no known cure."

June 6th, 09, 06:24 PM
*Kira looks at Meyrin* "Mommy do you think we ever will be cured?"

June 6th, 09, 06:29 PM
Meyrin nods to the affirmative and she cuddles him close to show Kira she will love him even if there is no cure. Meyrin looks at Troa and tell him "you seem awfully quiet Troa&you seem to have an odd complexion."

June 6th, 09, 06:29 PM
"do you think this virus is contageous?" troa asked playing the board games

June 6th, 09, 06:35 PM
*Kira hugs Meyrin tightly after hearing that* "Mommy I love you, and if there no cure i will happily be your baby forever"

June 6th, 09, 07:06 PM
Meyrin: "the medical teams here managed to slow it down in the nonregressed, non mother types, and with time, there should be a cure." "I hope so anyways and Troa you look ill which is a very bad sign."

June 6th, 09, 07:10 PM
*Kira looks at Meyrin* "Mommy can I have more milk please?"

June 6th, 09, 08:13 PM
Meyrin gives Kira the remainder of her special milk, and she repeats the process with Troa who is looking quite ill. Meyrin hopes there is a cure for her, Kira, and Troa in the long run.

June 6th, 09, 08:28 PM
*Kira is happy now that he drank the milk that Meyrin gave him, and snuggles close to her* "Tank you mommy"

June 6th, 09, 08:59 PM
Meyrin dresses Troa&Kira in matching outfits dowen the diapers, and she gets ready for Troas fiirst dirty diaper. She smiles at both of her babies and slowly sings them a new song from her mom's book.

June 6th, 09, 09:02 PM
*Kira sits on the floor and holds his arms up to Meyrin to pick him up* Kira: "Mommy tan oo wick me up?" *Kira gasps as he notices his speech is getting worse*

June 6th, 09, 09:53 PM
Meyrin picks up her regressed baby boys, then she bottle feeds them both, and sets up the games&movies for them to be entertained. She also sends all the new data to the commander, showing the virus spreads faster through contact, and there are now a ton of strands of the virus.

June 6th, 09, 10:03 PM
*Kira tries to play the games but gets frustrated and starts crying when he can't control his player right*

June 6th, 09, 10:10 PM
Meyrin shows him how to control the characters, then she sets it on easy, and offers to help him if he gets stuck. She tucks Trao into bed with the sides up, and she cuddles close to Kira while playing the games.

June 6th, 09, 10:17 PM
*Kira cuddles close while playing the game Meyrin set up for him and is now Haveing fun* Kira: "Mommy me having fun now and me wuv oo"

June 6th, 09, 10:23 PM
Meyrin: "I love you to Kira, I hope Troa is feeling better very soon, and I have a feeling the cure will be here soon sweety." Meyrin slowly plays some happy new tunes on her ocarina, and smiles at how cute Kira look at all times.

June 6th, 09, 10:32 PM
*Kira smiles at Meyrin and he starts to get sleepy* Kira: "mommy an me drink some of your wilk pwease?"

June 6th, 09, 11:08 PM
Meyrin feeds Kira a ton of her milk, then she rocks him to sleep while playing a lullabye on her ocarina, and she tucks him bed with Troa. Meyrin falls asleep cuddled up with both of her boys, and she happily snuggles up with them in a motherly embrace.

June 7th, 09, 01:44 AM
*Kira has a nightmares about the war and having killed a lot of people during that time and begins screaming in his sleep*

June 7th, 09, 03:22 AM
Meyrin cuddles Kira&Troa close, then she breastfeeds them as if by magic, and she carefully changes them both while they sleep. Meyrin falls back to sleep soon after and she has many happy dreams wiith her new family.

June 7th, 09, 04:30 AM
*Kira calms down when he feels Meyrin close to him and snuggles into her*

June 7th, 09, 07:51 AM
troa felt odd being taken care of all of the sudden. After being put in a diaper then tucked into a crib he fell asleep his diaper was clean when meyrin changed him as he slept

June 7th, 09, 02:20 PM
*Kira messes his diaper again in his sleep*

June 7th, 09, 03:22 PM
Troa woke up early only to find his diaper full. And to top it off he couldn't climb out of the crib he was placed in

June 7th, 09, 03:31 PM
*Kira wakes up soon after Troa, and starts crying from his messy diaper he is also hungry *

June 7th, 09, 09:16 PM
Meyrin changes both of their diapers, then she finds a temporary cure which progresses them them to the age of ten, but they are diaper dependant for life. Meyrin changes them into new stretchy outfits, then she feeds a big meal with lots of her milk, and she sends a new report to the commander. the final result is she can control their ages somehow, Meyrin adds there is no solution at the moment, and she tells the commander they cant work until their is a full cure.

June 7th, 09, 11:51 PM
Troa is freaking out he was fine until he came back onto base and agreed to watch tree two. "meyrin what is happening I was feeling completely fine until I woke up this morning with that used diaper" be complains

June 8th, 09, 12:10 AM
Meyrin: "the vrus has given me ther powers of age changing, reality bending, and more over time if there is no cure at all."

June 8th, 09, 12:28 AM
Troa looks at meyrin scared "no that's not possible" he said before running to his gundam

June 8th, 09, 12:29 AM
Meyrin watches as Troa is teleported back by personal since they think he is a kid, and they cordon off the hangars after he is back in Meyrin's room.

June 8th, 09, 12:44 AM
Troa pulls out a knife from his boot "do you think a kid would be allowed on base? I'm troa Barton I need to get to heavy arms"

June 9th, 09, 06:00 AM
the guards confisicate the knife from Troa, then send him back to Meyrin's room, and they tell the commander Troa has contracted the virus, so he needs to be quarantined with Meyrin&Kira.

June 9th, 09, 11:01 AM
"I'm not going back dam it I want out of here" troa yells at the guards

June 10th, 09, 11:47 PM
the guards teleport Troa to Meyrin's room, the room is sealeed with a magical seal that only Meyrin&a few other can unlock, and Meyrin cuddles Troa close with her magical breastmilk. Meyrin falls asleep with her kids in the her arms, and she rolls over to let them sleep.

June 11th, 09, 11:11 AM
Troa nursed a little struggling slightly "I don't want to be here" he said before falling asleep

June 12th, 09, 12:57 AM
Meyrin cuddles with her kids, then she manages to cure the virus in all the nonregressed&non mother types, and she hopes they will always be together as a family in the happiness of her room. Meyrin sends the good news to the commander, and she sends the medical teams to isolate the remnants of the virus to cure it.

June 12th, 09, 01:21 AM
Troa tries to get to the commanders room by sneaking through the airducts

June 12th, 09, 01:55 AM
the commanders security kicks in sending into the playpen in the playpen in his office, and Meyrin talks to the commander while putting more toys in Troa's playpen. Meyrin gives all her reports to the commander, and shows how the virus has progressed over time.

June 12th, 09, 02:00 AM
Troa refuses to play with the toys trying to talk to the commander and trying to climb out of the playpen

June 12th, 09, 03:22 AM
Meyrin lets Troa talk to the commander to save her some headaches, then she hands all her reports over, and lets Troa talk first. Meyrin is there if Troa needs any help, and she is confident in her abilities as mom.

June 12th, 09, 05:25 AM
*Kira plays with some toys waiting for Meyrin to come back*

June 12th, 09, 12:14 PM
"commander I want transfer off base I don't know what happened but I was fine until meyrin started helping me" troa explain slowly the words forming slowly though he knew what he wanted to say

June 12th, 09, 02:49 PM
Commander: "I can grant a transfer to you Troa until the remaining cases of the virus are cured, we have isolated the virus to find a cure, the only ones who have resisted a cure are the regressed&mom types, and noone can leave the base until the virus is eliminated." "you will have to listen to Meyrin until we find a cure for the remaining vrus cases, and as of right now you are her ward until I tell you the virus is gone."

June 12th, 09, 03:01 PM
"no I won't you can't make me stay here with her" troa stammered standing in the playpen a tantrum starting up

June 12th, 09, 03:09 PM
Meyrin injects Troa with sedatives to make him sleep, and she breastfeeds him to make him forget he was older. Meyrin gives all the data she has on the virus, she tells the commander the whole story, and the commander teleports her&Troa back to Meyrin's room.

June 12th, 09, 03:19 PM
Troa quickly falls to sleep after he is injected with the seditive

June 12th, 09, 04:00 PM
Meyrin cuddles Troa&Kira close her while breastfeeding them, and she is in no hurry for a full cure to be found for the virus. Meyrin finishes breastfeeding when all her milk is gone, and she loves being a mom all of the time.

June 12th, 09, 04:17 PM
Troa nursed sleeping his memmory being lost of his formor age along with his boddily waste into his diaper

June 12th, 09, 07:42 PM
*Kira wanders into a testing lab where they make clothes for all the polits and sees a onesie that can change into any kind of clothes the mommy wants for her child and he puts it on*

June 13th, 09, 02:00 AM
Meyrin grabs extras, then place one on Troa, next she feeds them lots of yiummy foods, followed her milks, and some vitamins that tastes like candied. Meyrin cuddles Kira in her arms, and she tell the commander to take his time finding a cure.

June 13th, 09, 02:06 AM
*Kira snuggles into Meyrin's breasts and asks* "Mommy can I be your baby forever?"

June 13th, 09, 02:11 AM
Troa is still asleep when he is placed into the clothing changing onsee

June 13th, 09, 03:18 AM
Meyrin order some pizza, then she puts the pizzas in the fridge for later, and she goes back to sleep with kids cuddled up to her body.

June 13th, 09, 03:26 AM
*Kira sleeps cuddled with Meyrins sucking on his thumb and dreams of playing on the floor with his mommy watching, building a tower of blocks*

*Meanwhile with the commander* Commander: "Darn the enemy decides to hit us when our best pilot is regressing and our on base gundam pilot is also reggressing" *A shockwave hits the base*

June 13th, 09, 03:29 AM
Meyrin wakes when she hears the noise, then she temporarily makes Troa&Kira old enough to pilot their gundams, and she runs to her station to get them ready.

June 13th, 09, 03:34 AM
*Kira wakes up and runs to the Strike Freedom and gets in and goes out to fight* Kira: "This is Kira in the Strike Freedom ready to launch." *Kira launches and goes off to fight*

June 13th, 09, 03:37 AM
Meyrin sends Kira the new upgrades needed to fight the enemies, and she waits for confirmation of the upgrades. Meyrin offers to fill in for Troa, and she will do her job in the mean time.

June 13th, 09, 03:41 AM
Troa looks around after he is woken up seeing himself old again he runs to heavey arms his gundam "heavey arms ready for launch" he says before raidoing kira "kira hold up a minute and wait for backup"

June 13th, 09, 03:45 AM
*Kira turns on his radio and sends a message to Meyrin confirming that he has aquired the new upgrades for his gundam and cuts down more enemies in his path* Kira: "Mommy I have the new upgrades you sent thank you now i can protect everyone better."

*Back with the commander* Commander: "Meyrin Hawke you are to go out and assist Kira Yamato in the Destuiny Gundam."

June 13th, 09, 03:48 AM
Troa launches out and starts clearing a path from the base and taking out large groups of enemies

June 13th, 09, 03:51 AM
Meyrin suits up while nodding in agreement, she gears up with all the upgrades, and launches once she is confirmed. Meyrin sees enemies all around her, so she summons her energy pulses to disable them, and she equips the the destiny cannons.

June 13th, 09, 04:04 AM
*Kira uses all of his Dragoon and his beam weapons and destroys most of the mobile suits but doesn't kill anyone* Kira: "Mommy, Troa use all of you missiles and cannons to destroy the suits but don't kill anyone we want to take them in for questioning later." *Kira states over his radio*

June 13th, 09, 04:08 AM
Troa nods "understoon kira" he says taking careful aim he unloads his missles and most of his ammo into the remaining moble suits ripping then apart leaving the piolets alive. He then takes off away from the base

June 13th, 09, 04:08 AM
"confirmed Kira" Meyrin fires everything she has to destroy the suits, there are no casualities, and the only damage is cosmetic to the gundams.

June 13th, 09, 04:13 AM
*Kira messes his diaper while fighting and he heads back to the base after finishing off the last of the mobile suits, and once he docks and gets off the gundam his clothes change back to a footed sleeper*

June 13th, 09, 04:15 AM
Troa continues to fly away from the base wetting his diaper as he flies

June 13th, 09, 04:21 AM
Meyrin teleports Troa Gundam&all back to the base, then she undoes the progressions, and carries her babies back to her room.

June 13th, 09, 04:23 AM
*Kira snuggles in Meyrins arms* Kira: "Mommy i went potty during the battle can you change me pwease?"

June 13th, 09, 04:26 AM
Meyrin changes Troa&Kira's diapers, then she tells the commander that they have the enemy pilots in the holding wing, and to talk to them now.

June 13th, 09, 04:31 AM
*Kira sticks his thumb in his mouth and begins to nurse as he falls back asleep in Meyrins arms*

*The commander congratulates everyone on a job well done and notices Kira is falling asleep* Commander: "Looks like you have a little one that needs to go back to his bed and snuggle with his mommy, Meyrin, dismissed"

June 13th, 09, 04:45 AM
Meyrin thanks the commander, then she goes back to her room with Troa&Kira in her arms, and she dresses everyone for bed&falls asleep with them cuddled against her body.

June 13th, 09, 04:49 AM
*Kira dreams of his mommy playing with him and he is cooing and giggleing back at her*

June 13th, 09, 05:03 AM
Meyrin dreams of always being a mommy even when her babies grow up, and she sedns a signal through her mind to kills off the virus forever&all that remains is the powers the virus gave her.

June 13th, 09, 05:12 AM
*Kira sucks on his thumb contently and dreams peacefully until the morning when he awakes*

June 13th, 09, 11:56 AM
Troa threw a tantrum "you let one get away" he screamed when he was teleported back to base

June 13th, 09, 02:38 PM
Meyrin teleports into her Gundam, then catches the last bad pilot, and places the pilot&their Gundam in the secure lock up. Meyrin sends a report to the commander that she caught the last bad pilot, the leader of the attack force was a rouge female Gundam pilot, and she goes back to sleep after finishes the missions.

June 13th, 09, 03:02 PM
*Kira wakes up wanting Meyrin to play with him*

June 13th, 09, 03:43 PM
Meyrin cuddles with Kira, the gives him lots of toys&games, and feeds him lots of yummy foods with her milk to wash it down.

June 13th, 09, 03:57 PM
*Kira plays happily with Meyrin and eats and gets food all over himself and then messes his diaper*

June 13th, 09, 04:04 PM
Meyrin cleans up Kira, then she puts him in clean puffy diaper, and she breastfeeds him to cure his mental regressions.

June 13th, 09, 04:30 PM
*Kira drinks Meyrins milk and feels his head becoming less cloudy and more clear*

June 13th, 09, 04:41 PM
Meyrin tells Kira "I cured all of your mental regressions, I did the same for Troa, and I am not sure I can undue the physical regressions fully as of yet sweety."

June 13th, 09, 04:54 PM
*Kira snuggles closer to Meyrin and tells her* "It's ok Mommy me want to be your baby forever"

June 13th, 09, 05:00 PM
troa sat in the cornor of the room watching the two play "how could you want this kira?" he asked coldly

June 13th, 09, 05:03 PM
*Kira looks over at Troa* "I want a life where I don't have to fight anymore where i can relax and have fun, and not have to worry about anything, and if this virus can do that for me then i will be Meyrin's baby for life."

June 13th, 09, 05:35 PM
"I see what you mean.." troa said softly "but as a baby?"

June 13th, 09, 05:38 PM
*Kira looks at Troa and sighs* Kira: "Again I don't want to have to worry about anything I just want to enjoy life while I can"

June 13th, 09, 05:51 PM
Meyrin: "the virus doesnt exist any longer, I gained special powers from the virus, and I can make you any age&size you want forever."

June 13th, 09, 05:54 PM
troa struggles in his head he wants a peaceful unworried life like kira does but he knows as long as there is evil in the world it won't come unless he is a baby

June 13th, 09, 06:01 PM
*Kira hugs Meyrin and looks at Troa* "Would being a baby be so bad? Mommy could make us adults to go and fight when we need to, and then babies so we can have fun"

June 13th, 09, 06:04 PM
"no.. It wouldn't be that bad" troa agrees softly

June 13th, 09, 06:20 PM
*Kira messes his diaper again* "good i am glad you agree"

June 13th, 09, 07:01 PM
Meyrin changes both of her baby boys, then trains them to be pilots again, the commander agrees they can pilot if they are able, and they are interrogating Violet Darkbloom, who faces the same fate as her comrades, which is regression.

June 13th, 09, 08:13 PM
*Kira trains and becomes the best pilot again and never kills anyone only damages the suits*

June 13th, 09, 11:02 PM
Meyrin becomes the best female Gundam pilot ever, she also becomes an integral part of the daily operations of the base, and she waits to see what Troa becomes in the long run.

June 13th, 09, 11:08 PM
Troa trains daily and becomes the bases best weapons user mostly guns and knives when he is older

June 13th, 09, 11:10 PM
*Kira messes his diaper and it leaks, and Kira starts crying because he doesn't want to upset Meyrin*

June 13th, 09, 11:24 PM
Meyrin cuddles Kira while changing his diapers, and she breastfeeds him until he is her happy baby once again.

June 13th, 09, 11:31 PM
*Kira is happy again and happily sucks on Meyrin's breast* "Wuv oo mommy"

June 13th, 09, 11:39 PM
Meyrin: "I love you more than mere words can say, then you cuteness is overwhelming, and that is why I love you so much Kira hunny."

June 13th, 09, 11:44 PM
Troa stands in the firing range firing at only nonvital points that will bring a person down quickly

June 13th, 09, 11:45 PM
*Kira plants a sloppy wet kiss on Meyrin's cheek, and hugs her tight* Kira: "mommy can we play?"

June 16th, 09, 06:56 PM
Meyrin takes Kira to the playroom where she plays games, and watches movies with her baby boy. Meyrin gives Troa a new set of clothes so he can be on missions, and always be close to her forever, since she is now an elite gundam pilot.

June 16th, 09, 07:19 PM
*Kira has a lot of fun playing with Meyrin, and never wants to stop being Meyrin's baby ever*

June 18th, 09, 03:37 AM
Meyrin shows Kira&Troa the newest gundams, they are called silent fury, the beatiful angel, and her personal favorite the mothers love.

June 18th, 09, 03:41 AM
*Kira likes the new model of gundams that Meyrin has shown him* "Mommy is the last one yours?" *Kira points to the Mother's love gundam*

June 18th, 09, 03:57 AM
Meyrin: "yes the last one is mine naturally, the other two are for you&Troa, and our old gundams will be fixed up for special missions."

June 18th, 09, 04:01 AM
*Kira looks at the other 2 gundams and wonders which one is his* "Mommy which one is mine?"

June 18th, 09, 04:11 AM
Meyrin: "Kira the beautiful angel is yours, it has an ultimate form called angels blessing, mine has the ultimate form of the protective bond, Troa will have the silent fury, and the ultimate form of it is the heavy silence."

June 18th, 09, 04:14 AM
*Kira looks in awe at his new Gundam the Beautiful Angel, Kira also messes his diaper* "What do each of the Ultimate forms do mommy?"

June 18th, 09, 04:17 AM
Meyrin: "they work together to eliminate the enemies gundam without hurting any pilots, and they also can heal the pilots if they are sick&injured."

June 18th, 09, 04:20 AM
*Kira is happy that these gundams do not hurt people and can heal if need be* "Mommy can these gundams combine too?"

June 18th, 09, 04:22 AM
Meyrin: "yes they combine into the ultimate gundam known as the bonds of love, and they are built to make each other more effective in battle."

June 18th, 09, 04:27 AM
*Kira's eyes widen in suprise* "Thats so cool mommy i can't wait to test them in the field."

*Kira's messy diaper is starting to irritate his skin* "Mommy i neeed a change please"

June 20th, 09, 04:26 AM
Meyrin changes both of her kids into fresh diapers, then she trains them further in the use of the new Gundams, and she is very happy with her kids. Meyrin learns more styles of combat in&out of her Gundams, and she teaches her kids the same moves.

June 20th, 09, 04:32 AM
*Kira gets promoted to captain of the mobile suit division, and when off duty plays with Meyrin, or learns new techniques with her* "Mommy can I have some milk pwease?" *Kira asks with puppy eyes*

June 25th, 09, 04:08 AM
Meyrin who has been promoted to lieutenant, slowly breastfeeds Kira, and she is also the best technician after her boss on the base.

June 25th, 09, 04:14 AM
*Kira sucks slowly, and savors the taste of Meyrin's milk, and feeels happy and care free as long as he is with Meyrin* "Mommy can you make me three for a little while? i wanna have some baby time with you before the next mission"

June 25th, 09, 02:36 PM
Meyrin makes him 3, then she cuddles Kira close to her body, and she strarts singing a lullabye to him. Meyrin shows him the upgrades they will be using on future missions, and how they will be used by them in the future.

June 25th, 09, 04:06 PM
*Kira's eyes begin to droop, then he sticks his thumb in his mouth, and starts sucking slowly. Kira snuggles closer to Meyrin, and listens to the things she tells him before drifting off to sleep*

June 25th, 09, 06:31 PM
Meyrin files all the paperwork for all the missions with Kira&Troa, she leaves Kira with the nanny, then she does the all the required maintainance&cleaning required at the base, and she gives the commander a gift basket. Meyrin goes back to her room. then sends the nanny back to the nursery, and she cuddles in bed with Kira&Troa.

June 25th, 09, 06:35 PM
*Kira messes his diaper while sleeping and wakes up crying for Meyrin* "M-m-mommy *sob* m-me *sob* g-go p-p-potty i-in m-me d-d-dippie *sob*"

June 25th, 09, 06:39 PM
Meyrin changes Kira, then cuddles him close, and plays some babyish games with dolls&stuffed animals with him. "I love you Kira honey, we dont have any mission for awhile, since we beat them, I feel sorry for the lady we captured, and the reason is she is being babied until she joins us."

June 25th, 09, 06:44 PM
*Kira looks at Meyrin with curiousity* "Mommy am me toing wo wave a wiswer?"

June 25th, 09, 07:17 PM
Meyrin: "yes you will Kira, it will take awhile since she is resisting the treatments, and I have the nanny making her transition, a quick one at all times."

June 25th, 09, 07:30 PM
*Kira looks excited at the fact that he is going to have a sister* "Mommy tan wes wo wisit her?"

June 27th, 09, 11:22 PM
Meyrin takes Kira&Troa to meet the black Rose who has been renamed Keiko, then they get the clearance to see her, and she cries for mommy to change her diapers. Meyrin changes Keiko's sagging diapers, and slowly cuddles her she nurses her in her lap.

June 27th, 09, 11:24 PM
*Kira looks at his new sister curiously as she is feed by Meyrin* "Mommy wis dis me wew wiswer?"

June 27th, 09, 11:28 PM
Meyrin nods to Kira, then signs all the paperwork to make Keiko part of the family, and Keiko smiles up at them with no clue she was an assassin in the past. Meyrin carries her babies&their supplies back to her now deluxe room, and she thanks the commander for helping her daughter adjust to the changes in her new life.

June 27th, 09, 11:31 PM
*Kira tries to play with his new sister, and help her see that she is accepted by him, Kira then hugs her for further reasurrance* "Me wuv oo Keiko. Oo wis wart wof te wamily"

June 27th, 09, 11:44 PM
Keiko starts playing with her toys, then she shows Kira how to play house, and make food in their toy ovens. Meyring is amazed at Keiko huge improvement, since she was bratty&violent when she was brought in for treatment, and Keiko is the cutest baby girl in the world.

June 27th, 09, 11:55 PM
*Kira happily plays house with Keiko, and pretends to eat the fake food she has prepared for him*

July 2nd, 09, 06:23 PM
Meyrin plays house with all of her kids, and slowly feeds them the milk she has in bottles from the fridge. Keiko is surprised to feel how much she loves the feeling of a soiled sagging diaper, and she hugs Kira close to her big baby body.

July 2nd, 09, 06:28 PM
*Kira loves the feeling of a soiled diaper as well, and messes his filling it to the max just before leaking. Then he wets it to, and hugs Keiko close to him as well*

July 2nd, 09, 07:01 PM
Meyrin changes everyone diapers, then gives them her special enema to keep them from getting constipated, and she cleans up the mess after she is done. Meyrin gives all of her kids the new gundam plushies, and they will be collectors items later.

July 2nd, 09, 07:37 PM
*Kira loves his Strike feedom Gundam Plushie and plays with it while playing with Keiko*

July 2nd, 09, 11:37 PM
Troa played with some blocks in the playpen alone after getting in a small fight with meyrin

July 3rd, 09, 04:53 AM
Meyrin lets Troa out when the time is right, then she feeds her family, and sees she might have another baby when the time is right.

July 3rd, 09, 04:58 AM
*Kira eats his dinner happily, but gets tons of food all over his face then messes his diaper big time* "Yummy winner mommy"

July 9th, 09, 03:51 AM
Meyrin cleans everyone up after dinner, she then changes everyones diapers, and she puts them down for a nap in the playroom. Meyrin gladly accepts her promotion to head of security, and senior pilot in high standing.

July 9th, 09, 03:52 AM
*Kira falls asleep sucking his thumb, and dreams happily*

July 11th, 09, 11:55 PM
Meyrin happily accepts all the accolades from the commander who is now female, and she gives all them time off between missions. Meyrin tells her kids about the commander becoming female, and she gives all her kids new clothes&toys.

July 12th, 09, 12:01 AM
*Kira is happy to have some time off, and he loves his new clothes and toys* "Tank oo fo te the clothes an toys Mommy" *Kira hugs Meyrin happily*

July 12th, 09, 11:39 PM
Commander Dedra is happy to see what a wonderful mother Meyrin has become, and she gives everyone presents from her family. Meyrin is curious as how the commander became female, Dedra explains it took awhile, and she became female at the same time Rose became a diaper dependant little girl.

July 13th, 09, 12:08 AM
*Kira's eyes widen* "Woah dat is wierd. Mommy can oo wake me 18 again pwease?"

July 13th, 09, 12:16 AM
Meyrin makes everyone their requested ages&genders, then she lets commander Dedra show off her powers, and Meyrin helps Rose pick her desired age&gender. Meyrin shows everyone around her expanded room, and she lets everyone watch her new tv.

July 13th, 09, 12:31 AM
*Kira is 18 again, but still has to wear diapers, and is thank ful for those new regression, and progression diapers the medical staff invented for Kira specifically* "Wow great Tv mommy" *All of the sudden the base shakes, and the alarms go off* "Is it the enemy again?"

July 14th, 09, 04:40 AM
Rose becomes her teen baby form, she explains her ex cohorts are trying to recover her, and she jumps in the gundams with her family. Meyrin has them join in formation to get rid of the ships without injuring anyone, and she helps her family reach that goal until a monster gundam approaches.

July 14th, 09, 04:42 AM
*Kira's eyes widen* "Woah that is one big gundam. What do we do Mommy? I have never faced a gundam this size before." *Kira is slightly afraid but tries not to show it*

July 14th, 09, 04:55 AM
Meyrin activated the link function which makes their gundam even bigger, and the updates&upgrades work fully. "you need to strike it with all we have, since it has loads of power, but the defenses are weak."

July 14th, 09, 04:58 AM
*Kira nods and goes into seed mode, and gathers all the dtrenght of the gundams and attacks the giant gundam* "AHHHHHHHHHH" *Kira shouts as they attack it*

July 14th, 09, 07:13 PM
the attacks break the giant gundam back its smaller gundams, and Meyrin tells them to capture the enemy pilots. Meyrin helps them destroy the enemy gundams, then the enemies are teleported to the reform part of compound, and she tell them to search for missing enemies.

July 14th, 09, 07:17 PM
*Kira finds 2 more enemies hiding out on a near by meteorite, and captures them and has them teleported to the base for questioning and rehabilitation*

July 14th, 09, 07:48 PM
Meyrin&Rose find the female commanders&assassin nearby, then they send them back to the base, and Rose tells them there is noone left. Meyrin uses her advanced scanners to check for cloaked enemies, finding noone she helps everyone get back to base, and she tells the commander of the new rehabiliation candiates in the holding wing.

July 14th, 09, 08:20 PM
*Kira sighs as he gets out of his gundam as he just finished messing it and wetting it before coming out* "Mommy could you change me?"

July 14th, 09, 09:28 PM
Meyrin changes Rose&Kira, then goes to commanders office to hand in the paperwork on the mission, and show how the enemy pilots need rehabilatated. Meyrin thanks the commander after ther details are finalized, then she shows the commander the now even cuter Rose, and the commander gives them time off until the next missions.

July 15th, 09, 02:28 AM
*Kira watches some anime while enjoying his time off from fighting the enemy*

July 15th, 09, 08:47 PM
Meyrin shows her kids the patterns in the attacks, she is happy to notice that they are happening less often, and the new programs should stop them for good. Meyrin nurses Rose&Kira off her swollen breasts, and she shows her kids the new parts of the facility.

July 16th, 09, 02:39 AM
*Kira sucks happily on Meyrin's breasts, and is happy that peace will soon be obtained*

July 24th, 09, 05:21 AM
Meyrin is amazed at how fast they are moving towards peace, and the only obstacles are some minor semmantical issues. the nation slowly agree to peace, the new law is everyone can use diapers, and potty training is done on an individual basis.

July 24th, 09, 09:15 PM
*Kira is asked to be at the signing of the peace treaty, and happily accepts*

July 26th, 09, 11:20 PM
Meyrin is the lliason between the groups, then she makes sure to help everyone, and in the end they all agree that potty training is optional. Meyrin is surprised to be given an award as a bastion of peace, and she is dressed in the cute uniform of her group. Meyrin lives happily ever after with her huge family, and she becomes a major supporter of diapers for all ages.

July 26th, 09, 11:30 PM
*Kira lives happily with Meyrin, and is diapers for the rest of his life, He eventually gets out of the Military and Keeps both his gundams incase he ever needed them again*