View Full Version : Hailey Ashton Haywood (WIP)

September 3rd, 13, 08:41 AM
Name: Hailey Ashton Haywood
Age: 14
Gender: Male
Height: 5’0
Weight: 95 lb.
Hair color: White
Eye color: Jade Green
Race: Hitsuji-jin (Sheep)
Birthday: April 4th

Appearance: Hailey wears what he thinks normal people would wear. Usually looking something like a strange mash of casual school uniforms. Polo shirts, or button down shirts and sweater-vests and shorts. He doesn't pay much detail to accessories, other than a watch on his wrist and a few buttons and dangly decorations on his backpack.

Hailey carries himself with enough confidence not to be a doormat, but not enough to really turn any heads. He doesn't have to be the pretty one or the cute one. He's the smart, quiet one. And that's good enough for him.


Personality: Hailey tends to act a bit like a typical middle child. He doesn't cry out for attention, and doesn't immediately get it handed to him either. And he's okay with that. Hailey's mostly content to let others have the spotlight, and doesn't need much attention himself, beyond the occasional reassurance that he hasn't been forgotten. He has a lot of tolerance for very small children and has alot of patience for their antics.

Hailey tends to over-think things, especially in social situations. He might come off as 'easy-going' but it's simply that he doesn't quite know what to do. So he doesn't take any risks in letting things upset him or get him worked up, always thinking twice, maybe three times before making almost any decision. Sure, it might be frustrating to wait while he ponders, but it helps to center him.

One of the first things you'll notice about Hailey is that he's quiet. Very quiet. Don't take it as a sign that something is wrong, he's just like that.


Hailey gets A's. Anything below an A- and he'll flip and lock himself away for some intense studying.

Interests/Hobbies: Hailey enjoys most of his classes, and doesn't really mind any of them, even math. He actively participates in his school's choir and has a fairly good singing voice. Hailey also enjoys reading, and computer games.

-Hailey doesn't like fighting or confrontation, and tries his best to avoid it.
-Takes baths instead of showers. They're relaxing.
-Has a fondness for bugs.
-His favorite colors are light blue, white, and forest green.
-He bites his fingernails.
