View Full Version : happy family(open)

July 21st, 10, 05:06 PM
mommy: scarly-chan(corona)
daddy: open
older sister: anifan(Lydia)
middle sister:me(makie)
younger brother/sister: asher95(damien)
other spaces(best friends,other relatives/siblings,etc.): open

info:She's in 8th grade. At home she is openly a teen baby,her parents excepted it when she refused to be potty trained,but outside of home she dresses like a normal teenager,excluding the diapers she wears under her skirt,and the pacifier hidden under her shirt. She is petite and cute,almost like a pre-schooler.

Daimein Vale
July 21st, 10, 05:07 PM
(do you mind if i be the little brother)

July 21st, 10, 05:11 PM
(Nope,I don't mind :3 just post the info. and stuff like I did please ^^)

Daimein Vale
July 21st, 10, 05:28 PM
name damien
age 3

her baby brother loves her very much and had a vocabulary but it is very limited

July 21st, 10, 05:29 PM
(okay,that's good :3 you wanna wait for an adult or should we just start and hope one jumps in?)

Daimein Vale
July 21st, 10, 06:03 PM
i would rather have an adult so lets ask some friends)

---------- Post added at 01:03 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:32 PM ----------

(i foudn one so lets start)_

July 21st, 10, 06:17 PM
(yay okay ^^ )

Makie opened her eyes lazily,light streaming through the curtains into her big girl nursery. She turned on her side in the crib and pulled the warm covers over her head."I d-don't wanna go to school today..."She muttered,forgetting about the baby monitor.

Daimein Vale
July 21st, 10, 06:18 PM
daimein was sleeping peacefully in bed with her

La Mago Piccolo
July 21st, 10, 06:22 PM
Name: Corona
Appearance: Refer to signature, The character on the right.
Role: Mother character
Occupation: Police officer
Corona is a closet Adult Baby, as she has to balance being a police officer and being a mother at the same time, which really stresses her out. However, she feels like she'd be ashamed if they knew that their own mother was actually weaker than her police-officer image showed. She does tend to punish harsher than the crime begets, but that's because she only cares about her kids and she wants them to grow up right. She is supportive of Makie's teen-baby tendency, considering she's an AB herself. Her husband knows about this and babies her when there's something really hard on her happening.

"How's my cute little baby girl today?" Corona cooed as she picked her up. "Sorry, l'il girl, but you're going to have to go to school, unless you're skipping, in which I'm going to have to take you into truancy myself... you don't want that, now do ya?" She giggled as she picked Makie up and put her on the changing table... "Stinky little girl, aren't you?" She smiled as Corona continued to change her little princess, jealous that she couldn't have this all the time... only when no one was around but her and her husband.

Daimein Vale
July 21st, 10, 06:25 PM
daimein had asked the night before to sleep with makie

July 21st, 10, 06:27 PM
Makie blushed,realizing how she had heard her earlier."B-but mommy...c-can I please call in sick today?"She asked,sucking on her pacifier as she was changed.

(I like you're character :3 it's interesting)

La Mago Piccolo
July 21st, 10, 06:28 PM
Corona also picked up Damien too... "What a cutie, aren't you? You excited for what you're gonna get put in today?" Corona was a little... eccentric when it came to dressing people. She had a sense for weird clothes and such as she decided to get a bunny-eared hat and a pair of shortalls with a cotton tail for Damien. For Makie, she had prepared a short-skirted jumper dress, it would hide her diapers and had a snap crotch for when she needed a change. It still looked adult, though, so that was good. "You're not getting out of school, y'hear? Unless you want a long hard spanking and a full week of having to be big at home."

Daimein Vale
July 21st, 10, 06:30 PM
when he was picked up he woke up and smiled

July 21st, 10, 06:33 PM
"N-no mommy,I don't want that..."She muttered,not wanting that. She got off the changing table in-case damien needed a change and took off her footy-pj's,waiting to be dressed for the day.

La Mago Piccolo
July 21st, 10, 06:37 PM
Damien was changed and put into his own cute baby clothes. "And as for you, Makie..." Corona picked up the dress and slipped it over her head, after snapping the onesie she was in off and pulled the dress down. "And now doesn't my big little girl look adorable?" She smiled as she patted Makie's head. Corona then got dressed in her big captain's coat, as seen in the player's signature. She picked up her custom gun as well, also like the player's signature, as she prepared to go to work. "Mommy has to go catch the bad guy now, be good for the school teacher and the preschool workers!"

Daimein Vale
July 21st, 10, 06:41 PM
(where im from preschool doesnt start until the age of five )
she smiled and waved bye bye and giggled at his tail

July 21st, 10, 06:41 PM
Makie pouted but nodded."Otay mommy.Hab a good day at work."She said,putting her back-pack on.She ran downstairs for a bottle and a pop-tart as her breakfast.

La Mago Piccolo
July 21st, 10, 06:43 PM
(It starts at three here, preschool then Kindergarten at 4.)

Corona drived off in her large SUV... being the captain of the police crew had it's perks. She smiled as she looked at her gun... so shiny and golden as she pulled into the driveway of the station and looked at her workspace. The largest division and the one which sees the most action, the young captain walked in with a very aggressive stance. "YOU THERE! What are you doing, just standing around, get to filing these!" She handed the lazy officer some paperwork as she walked over to the coffee dispenser and the donut-maker.

Daimein Vale
July 21st, 10, 06:44 PM
he started crawling down the stairs but ended up rolling down it

July 21st, 10, 06:47 PM
"Crud.."Makie muttered,hurrying over to the stairs as soon as she heard damien tumbling down and catching him at the bottom."You okay?"

Daimein Vale
July 21st, 10, 06:48 PM
"head" he said before crying

July 21st, 10, 06:57 PM
"I-it's ok damien,don't cry,y-you're not bleeding."She rocked him and kissed his head,trying to remember how else mommy made him feel better.

Daimein Vale
July 21st, 10, 06:59 PM
the sobbing slowed but t the water works

July 21st, 10, 07:02 PM
"I-it's alright."She sighed and took out her pacifier,putting it in his mouth,hoping that calmed him down.

La Mago Piccolo
July 21st, 10, 07:03 PM
Mommy usually just popped a bottle into his mouth, full of milk... that's how she calmed everyone down, even herself. She was also usually in some of her bambinos and some other babyish stuff, but that'd be elaborated on later. Corona sighed as she began to work on one of the new cases... a serial killer targeting school teachers. They hadn't alot of clues, but the profiler had been able to pull some information from it and a security camera showed some features. Now, it was about a stakeout at a school... they selected Makie's school, to be more precise as Corona smirked. "Time to go down, Teacher Killer..." She frowned as she drove over to the school with a small disguised squad.

Daimein Vale
July 21st, 10, 07:04 PM
spat it out and cryed

July 21st, 10, 07:07 PM
"Oh no I'm gonna be late.."She muttered,considering she had to walk damien to pre-school on the way there. She put her pacifier back and grabbed the bottle she was drinking earlier,sticking it in damien's mouth.

Daimein Vale
July 21st, 10, 07:13 PM
he began suckling calming down

July 21st, 10, 07:18 PM
She sighed and took it from him when he was done,putting it in the sink then holding his head."Alright,you ready for pre-school damien?"

Daimein Vale
July 21st, 10, 07:20 PM
he nodded yes" he smiled and he liked the pre-school workers

July 21st, 10, 07:26 PM
"Alright."She smiled,holding his hand and walking with him part of the way there,carrying him the rest,until she finally dropped him off at the pre-school."Have fun."She said,waving as a teacher took him.

Daimein Vale
July 21st, 10, 07:27 PM
he waved to his sister before being crried inside

July 21st, 10, 07:35 PM
Makie smiled and walked the rest of the way to her school,heading to her first class.

Daimein Vale
July 21st, 10, 07:37 PM
he crawled around his eyes red and puffy

La Mago Piccolo
July 21st, 10, 07:40 PM
The squad was ready. A lure was placed, apparently this person liked to target male teachers... and there was one in particular here that fit all the descriptions. Always hitting the science teachers, this school was renowned for it's science program. As an announcement was made on the PA that all science classes were canceled today due to the setup that was happening with the stakeout. Corona made this announcement and would be recognized.

July 21st, 10, 07:43 PM
Makie made it just in time to hear the announcement and was half-relieved,half-nervous.She recognized her mother's voice and hoped she wouldn't embarrasse her like most parents have a tendency to do. She was relieved because science was her first class though. She walked to the office to see if her mother was still there.

La Mago Piccolo
July 21st, 10, 07:49 PM
Corona WAS there, and had her special gun strapped onto her hip. She smiled as she hugged her little girl and checked her discreetly. "How's my baby girl? Wet? Messy? Both?" She smiled as she put her on the changing table just in case. "I'm here to catch a serial killer, so stay out of the way. Once he's caught, I'll have to stay around for a bit to do the write up and then give it to some secretary to file." She giggled as she remembered her secretary. Corona untaped her soaked diaper and quickly changed her, kissing her on the forehead as she left her with a rookie officer who wasn't part of the stakeout. "Stay with him, he'll take care of you." She smiled as she left and pulled out her gun, waiting for the serial killer.

July 21st, 10, 08:08 PM
She was blushing heavily but nodded,glad the windows were closed,and hugged the officer's arm nervously,she got scared when-ever her mother was working near her.

La Mago Piccolo
July 21st, 10, 08:23 PM
Easily an hour later, the serial killer arrived. Armed with a gun and a dagger, he was about ready to kill that bastard of a man, the science teacher. A religious man who didn't like science, he was determined to kill each and every single science teacher, starting with the worst room possible... the one where Corona was in. As soon as the killer burst in, Corona shot. "FREEZE, POLICE!" he fired back, actually grazing her arm and snapping her left arm, her gun arm as she screamed, firing the pistol in her right hand, bringing his pistol flying away, where a cop was waiting to take the gun away. The teacher had a pair of cuffs as he put them on the killer's arms behind his back. "Now, now now... who do we have here?" She took the dagger from him and took off his mask, holding her left arm with her right. "Damn it, it's you." She spat in disgust as she told him that he was going to jail for a LONG, LONG time.

Daimein Vale
July 21st, 10, 08:31 PM
daimein had hit his head again causing him to start crying again

July 21st, 10, 08:32 PM
Makie was still cringing to the rookie officer and cringed when she heard gun-shots."D-do you think that was mommy d-do you th-think she got him!?"She asked,anxiously waiting to find out.

La Mago Piccolo
July 21st, 10, 08:36 PM
Corona came back with the douchebag serial killer in her hands, a red stain on her jacket. "Got him." She smirked as she called for a medic. As her jacket was taken off, she revealed her standard police officer wear along her Kevlar protective suit. "Thank god I had this on. Bullet proof vests are nice." She smiled as she winced when her left arm was bandaged up...

"This arm is broken... I'm surprised you could grab anything with this arm, thankfully the nerves are still working. You'll be fine, Captain. Just take a break from field work." The medic nodded.

July 21st, 10, 08:42 PM
"Mommy!"Makie screamed,running out with the rookie chasing her,she had managed to distract him and make a run for it. She hugged her tightly and looked at her arm."What h-happened mommy why's you're arm like that did he hurt you!?"

La Mago Piccolo
July 21st, 10, 09:11 PM
"He only shot my arm... it's broken but nothing this medic can't heal." She smiled at Makie as she kissed her forehead. "I'll be fine, now I've gotta make sure that they do the paperwork right, I'll leave money on the table for take out... for the next six to eight weeks, I'll be staying home, but I can't cook. My arm's broken, the one I use to cook with." She frowned, because it would mean she'd have a hard time living like this. Her thoughts raced as she thought about what she could do... maybe post on her ABDL forums, and do some other stuff. She straighened her uniform as she put her captain's jacket back on. "Good luck officers, I'll see you at home, Makie.

Daimein Vale
July 21st, 10, 09:26 PM
at the end of the day he waited outside for his mommy

July 21st, 10, 09:51 PM
Makie sighed,relieved she wasn't hurt at least. She was to worried during her classes to learn anything and she decided she'd stop and wait for her with damien."So how was you're day damien?"

Daimein Vale
July 21st, 10, 09:56 PM
"hit head" he said his eyes puffy

July 21st, 10, 10:01 PM
"Awww."She hugged him."What is it with you and hitting you're head today?"She asked.

Daimein Vale
July 21st, 10, 10:04 PM
he wasnt sure how to respond

La Mago Piccolo
July 21st, 10, 11:15 PM
Corona drove by the preschool after she finished her checkups and filed all the files. It was still around 5:00 PM when she drove by and picked up the two. "Hello, little Damien, and how are you today?" She cooed, putting him in the carseat and checking his diaper... yeah, wet, but not yet. She checked Makie next and then noticed she was soaked... "Makie... make sure that we photograph that diaper, you're going to be the next Niagara falls." She smiled and laughed as Makie was strapped in too. "Alright, then, we're ordering out tonight and for the next 6-8 weeks until my arm heals up." She nodded.

Daimein Vale
July 21st, 10, 11:22 PM
"me hit head alot" he said

La Mago Piccolo
July 21st, 10, 11:28 PM
"Aww... I'll fix you up a nice baba of warm milk when I get home, that shouldn't be too hard!" She smiled as she looked at her two angels. Her arm was now casted up while her coat was stained with blood permanently now. She kept it like that because it kinda looked cool. "Mommy's going to be on the news tonight, because she caught the bad man killing the science teachers!" She smiled as she couldn't wait to see that segment. Ever since she had her children at the age of 20, she joined the force to protect them. Now that she had protected their future, she could relax a little bit.

Daimein Vale
July 21st, 10, 11:31 PM
his eyes were puffy and he had a knot on his head

La Mago Piccolo
July 21st, 10, 11:35 PM
They soon pulled up into the driveway and she picked up the three year old. "You really should be potty training soon." She smiled at Damien as she put him on a change table and undid the snap-crotch as she began to change his diaper. First came the untaping of the diaper and then she wiped him down. Then baby oil and baby powder and another diaper being taped up. "Alright, then, my little one, I'll warm up a bottle for you!"

Daimein Vale
July 21st, 10, 11:43 PM
he sniffled then sneezed

July 22nd, 10, 12:16 AM
"Mommy,can I have a bottle to?"Makie asked nervously,waiting in line to be changed."A-and please don't actually take a picture of it ^^; I d-dont' want that going to my friends."She looked at her room,anxious to ger changed into a baby dress for the rest of the day that mommy had just bought her.

La Mago Piccolo
July 22nd, 10, 12:20 AM
"Your friends don't know? Makie! I thought I told you to come clean already!" she frowned as she looked at her very disapprovingly. She wanted friends who cared about Makie for whom she was. She then slipped the baby dress onto Makie, after taking her big girl clothes off. "Alright, you need a change too, so get on!" She smile as Corona slipped Makie onto the baby changing table.

July 22nd, 10, 12:24 AM
"Th-thanks mommy. and you know that I'm t-to shy to tell them..."A couple of them knew about the diapper thing,none of them knew about the baby thing though. That was way~ to embarrassing."O-oh,and good job today,I'm glad you caught the killer."

Daimein Vale
July 22nd, 10, 12:25 AM
dante started a sneezing fit

July 22nd, 10, 12:35 AM
"U-um,is dante sick mommy?"

La Mago Piccolo
July 22nd, 10, 12:36 AM
"Damien is not sick, I don't think... you guys need to just chill, I'll get you some bottles." Corona put some bottles into the microwave and snuggled up with her two babies. "Now, you two wanna tell me how your days went?" She smiled at the two as she patted both of their padded bottoms.

Daimein Vale
July 22nd, 10, 12:40 AM
"hit head rolled stairs feel...." not sure what word hes looking for

July 22nd, 10, 12:45 AM
"N-nothing happened to me except m-mommy coming to school really."Makie said,smiling and holding her pink teddy.

Daimein Vale
July 22nd, 10, 12:46 AM
he remembered the word he was looking for "cold"

La Mago Piccolo
July 22nd, 10, 12:49 AM
Corona immediately got the bottles out and felt Damien. "You're pretty cold right now, do you need your blankie?" She smiled as she wrapped him up in something warm and nice to try to raise his body temperature as she bottle-fed Damien. "You're next, Makie!" She smiled and put felt her diaper, then her head... "Are you okay, Makie? You seem to be a little hot too."

Daimein Vale
July 22nd, 10, 12:54 AM
he nursed on the bottle and and enjoyed his cocoon

July 22nd, 10, 12:54 AM
"H-huh? Well I hab been wid damien awot today..."She said,sucking on her paci. She hadn't noticed earlier,but she was shivering.

Daimein Vale
July 22nd, 10, 01:19 AM
damien stopped nursing and turned his head away from the girls

July 22nd, 10, 06:16 PM
Lydia the happy go lucky older sister offers to help with the care of her younger siblings, and she gives her mom a huge hug.

La Mago Piccolo
July 22nd, 10, 06:21 PM
Corona smiled. Lydia was always so helpful and nice... "Thanks, Lydia... My hand's literally shot, could you order dinner tonight?" She asked Lydia sweetly as she went up to the master bedroom, so tired... as she fell asleep straight up, waiting for her husband to come back home.

July 22nd, 10, 06:23 PM
"Onee-chan!"Makie smiled,reaching for her big sister. She had a big sister complex,so of course she really liked her big sis and looked up to her.

July 22nd, 10, 06:41 PM
"Hello Makie how are you today, I see you are happy as always, I bought you this stuffed kitty, and her you go little sis."

She picks up Makie, then makes sure she has a grip on the stuffed kitty, the kitty looks like a neko version of her little sister, and even comes with optional diapers.

July 22nd, 10, 06:45 PM
"Kawaii tank oo onee-chan."She smiled,the neko in her hands she hugged her sister."It wooks famiwiar..."

July 22nd, 10, 06:48 PM
"Yes Makie it is you if you were a neko, I had it specially made at the build a friend shop, and it even has optional diapers in the box."

La Mago Piccolo
July 22nd, 10, 06:53 PM
And now, Corona was in a cute baby dress and a thick bambino's diaper as her husband began to baby her, bringing out her own larger bottles of milk and some baby booties and mittens. Her broken arm was still in it's cast, but she was now relaxing for once as she leaned on her husband, sucking a pacifier... "Tank oo, daddy..."

July 22nd, 10, 06:55 PM
She giggled,realizing now that there was a diaper on it."I kawaii,tank oo. Did onee-chan get anyting fow damien? ^^"She asked innocently,showing damien her new dolly.

July 22nd, 10, 07:10 PM
Lydia hands Damien a nice bunny that looks like him in blue, then she cuddles up with her siblings, and offers to play games.

Daimein Vale
July 22nd, 10, 07:11 PM
daimein coughed into his blanket

July 22nd, 10, 07:13 PM
Lydia gives Damien his medicine, then tucks the bunny in with him in the blanket, and she begins to sing cute songs.

Daimein Vale
July 22nd, 10, 07:17 PM
when being given his medicine he fought against her

July 22nd, 10, 07:21 PM
"Damien,take te medicine to feew bettew."Makie said,smiling at him,sitting on lydia's lap.

Daimein Vale
July 22nd, 10, 07:29 PM
he just turned his face away from them

July 22nd, 10, 08:20 PM
Lydia holds Damien nose, then make him take the medicine, next she allows him to settle down, and she smiles at her siblings.

Daimein Vale
July 22nd, 10, 08:35 PM
daimein pouted after being forced to take the medicine

July 22nd, 10, 08:49 PM
Lydia kisses Damien on the head, then she feeds him a bottle of chocolate milk to settle him down, and get rid of the medicine's taste.

Daimein Vale
July 22nd, 10, 08:55 PM
his eyes sparkled as he saw it

July 22nd, 10, 10:01 PM
She slowly feeds him to bottle of her homemade chocolate milk, she smiles down at her brother, and gives one to Makie as well.

Daimein Vale
July 22nd, 10, 10:31 PM
he suckled on it blissfully

La Mago Piccolo
July 22nd, 10, 10:39 PM
Corona came back downstairs, now in a short skirt and hooded T-shirt, sans diaper or any sign of being babied, minus the pacifier in her pocket which she used for the children. "Hello, children!" She smiled as she stroked Makie's and Lydia's hair.

Daimein Vale
July 22nd, 10, 10:44 PM
he tried to get attention without stopping the drink

July 22nd, 10, 11:51 PM
"Hello mom how are you today, I have been taking care of my siblings like a good sister should, and they seem to love me."

July 23rd, 10, 03:29 AM
Makie was also drinking her bottle of chocolate milk,but when her mommy came down and touched her hair she smiled and giggled a little,getting abit of chocolate milk on her pretty dress."Oopsie"

Daimein Vale
July 23rd, 10, 03:42 AM
dante again tries to get attention without spillling any milk

July 23rd, 10, 03:17 PM
Lydia cleans Makie's dress up with taking it off, then she picks up Dante with a gentle touch, and hands him to her mom.

July 23rd, 10, 06:45 PM
(I thought his name was damien?)

Makie finished her bottle and giggled.

July 23rd, 10, 06:54 PM
(it is we both were confused) Lydia cuddles with Damien&Makie, she smiles down at her siblings, and sits down to watch some tv with them by her side.

La Mago Piccolo
July 23rd, 10, 06:58 PM
"I'll order dinner, guys... KFC?" She smiled as she flicked her cell phone on as she ordered some food. Lots of fried chicken for everyone, as she loved to eat fried foods and gravy, being a Louisiana girl at heart. She also got a poutine for herself, having been in Canada for a while and now addicted to the Canadian delicacy. "Now... what have you been doing, Lydia?" She smiled as she stroked Lydia's hair.

July 23rd, 10, 07:01 PM
"I have been bonding with my siblings mom, I even managed to get Damien to take his medicine, and they love my homemade chocolate milk."

July 23rd, 10, 10:35 PM
"Yay chicken!"Makie said,smiling and cuddling up to her onee-chan."Wub oo onee-chan."

July 23rd, 10, 10:51 PM
"I love you too Makie, you will always be so very important to me, I am glad that you are my sister, and I need to tell mom something later."

La Mago Piccolo
July 23rd, 10, 11:42 PM
Corona scratched her head at Lydia's comment, but forgot about it and decided to turn on the TV... "And on feature local news, a serial killer was caught during a stakeout in our local high school. Devon Devant, a local devout religion follower was the culprit, as his alibi did not check out with anybody in the force. One officer, the police captain was injured as Corona (insert last name here) is now injured with a broken arm. No other injuries were reported, but this tells us about how effective our police officers are!" She smiled as she cuddled Damien, being praised on the news for her good job.

July 23rd, 10, 11:49 PM
Makie giggled,hugging her big sis."Yay dey pwaised mommy ^^"She said,not aware that she was wetting her diaper right now.

July 23rd, 10, 11:49 PM
Lydia whispers in her mom's ear that she needs to tell her something now, she patiently waits for a response, and kisses her mom on the cheek.

La Mago Piccolo
July 23rd, 10, 11:50 PM
Corona nodded and motioned for Lydia to come with her to the backyard. Confident no one followed her, she looked at Lydia. "Yes, Lydia?"

July 23rd, 10, 11:52 PM
Makie watched them walk out of the room,sitting on the couch and pouting because they didn't bring her.

July 24th, 10, 12:16 AM
"I have been having strange dreams mom, I dream that I am both myself on one hand, and a big baby on the other, what exactly does that mean?"

La Mago Piccolo
July 24th, 10, 12:19 AM
"I think it means that you wanna be like Makie... or something like that, I'm no dream interpreter. I don't belong in a circus!" She giggled as she took Lydia's hand. "Now, it's your choice... do you want to be a baby or a big girl?" She smiled at Lydia and stroked the girl's hair. Corona knew that whatever choice she made, she'd support as she had with Makie. "If you want to be Makie's caretaker or her twin when I'm away, either one is fine. Just as long as you both don't scheme to take me with you." She giggled, knowing about her secret fetish.

July 24th, 10, 12:27 AM
"I would love to be her twin mommy, I will be her twin always, when she grows up so will I, and she will probably love having me as a playmate."

La Mago Piccolo
July 24th, 10, 12:37 AM
"Then let's get you pampered... can you keep a secret? I have diapers big enough for you, but they're kind of a secret that you're not allowed to tell to ANYONE." She asked her if she could keep a secret, as she was delving into her secret bambinos stock that she kept for herself.

July 24th, 10, 08:31 PM
"Yes I can so keep a secret mom, I won't tell even my siblings where they came from, and you are very generous for sharing your secret stash."

La Mago Piccolo
July 24th, 10, 08:33 PM
"Look, Lydia... you know, I'm sort of... stressed out having to keep the guys at the station handled and then I come home and have to handle three kids... I have problems keeping all of this stress in check without SOME sort of release..." She drags Lydia up to her room and sets her down. "So, I do all of this." She reveals her secret set of Adult-Baby clothing, and her bambino diapers. She smiled weakly as she exposes herself to someone other than her husband.

July 24th, 10, 08:43 PM
Lydia giggles happily thanks to her moms generosity, she smiles without any complaints, she vows to keep a secret forever where the diaper came from, and she asks for a pacifier.

La Mago Piccolo
July 24th, 10, 08:46 PM
Corona pulls the pacifier from her out of her secret stash and pops it into Lydia's mouth. "Let's get my big little girl into some baby clothes now." They were virtually the same size so it was all good. She also decided to go padded today as she slipped a nice bambino on, sighing... "So good!"

July 24th, 10, 08:59 PM
Lydia is amazed at how far apart her legs are due to the bulk of the diaper, she loves it anyway, and hugs her mom happily.

July 24th, 10, 10:19 PM
Makie got impatient and started crying when she made a stinky.

Daimein Vale
July 24th, 10, 10:30 PM
daimein whimpered feeling abandoned then fell off the couch head first

July 24th, 10, 10:31 PM
Lydia waddles off to go help Makie, she doesn't want her to even be sad again, and she hides the pacifier in her pocket as asks her sister what she needs&She kisses Damien on head in apology.

Daimein Vale
July 24th, 10, 10:34 PM
he randomly says "THREE!"

July 24th, 10, 10:48 PM
"St-stinky."She muttered,calming down abit but still crying.

July 24th, 10, 10:48 PM
She starts to feed him off the refilled bottle, she also lays Makie down for a very gentle diaper change after she smells it, and she plays happily with her siblings.

Daimein Vale
July 24th, 10, 10:49 PM
he giggles but says why

July 24th, 10, 10:51 PM
Makie giggled,playing with her after the change."Onee-chan diaper oo?"She asked,not noticing it at first.

La Mago Piccolo
July 24th, 10, 10:54 PM
Corona came back downstairs, thickly padded in one of her bambinos as she made her way downstairs. She smiled as she looked at her children so happy when the food arrived. Walking over, she picked it up and paid for it as she sat down and opened up all of the bags. Grabbing her poutine and other food, she ate first and called everyone over.

July 24th, 10, 10:54 PM
"Yes I am now your twin sweety, now we can play as much as you wish, and Damien you have been so good that is why."

July 24th, 10, 10:56 PM
'Yay twinny."She giggled and hugged her sister,then she crawled over to the tabled and waited next to her high chair.

Daimein Vale
July 24th, 10, 10:57 PM
daimein tried to stand on his hands

July 24th, 10, 11:12 PM
Lydia sits down with a major crinkle from her diaper, then she allows her mom to put her food out, and feed her if she wishes.

Daimein Vale
July 24th, 10, 11:16 PM
he starts giggling as he gets on his hands upside down "look mommy"

La Mago Piccolo
July 24th, 10, 11:19 PM
Corona had begun feeding the three... though she quickly stops realizing she has only one hand to feed three people. "Sorry, one of you two needs to be big and feed yourself... I can't handle three of you at one time." She nodded as she fed Damien.

Daimein Vale
July 24th, 10, 11:21 PM
he ate the food put in his mouth

July 25th, 10, 12:17 AM
Makie pouted and sighed,she figured since her sister was new and her mom was injured that she'd feed herselft tonight,so she did.

July 25th, 10, 12:20 AM
Lydia decides to feed herself after this, then she helps to feed her siblings, she kisses Makie's head, and enjoys the food.

July 25th, 10, 12:22 AM
Makie enjoyed it to and smiled when her sister started feeding her."Tank oo."She said,smiling,her face dirty from all the food.

July 25th, 10, 08:18 PM
"You are most welcome Makie," then she cleans her up when she is done eating, and relaxes to allow all of her bodily functions slowly empty in her diaper.

July 28th, 10, 04:33 PM
She watched curiously,not realizing she was wetting herself.

La Mago Piccolo
July 28th, 10, 04:48 PM
"Alright, children... movie time?" She smiled as she got up and toddled over to the TV, turning it on and getting their on-demand access to search for a movie. "What's up for today?" She smiled and giggled. Corona was not a child at heart, but she felt so... infantile, with this very thick diaper around her waist and hugging her crotch... it made her feel SOOO hot, it was incredible!

Daimein Vale
July 28th, 10, 05:03 PM
daimein just layed on the nearest person

July 28th, 10, 05:14 PM
Makie smiled,crawling over to the couch and sitting on the ground,hugging her neko-plushie.

July 29th, 10, 01:24 AM
Lydia smiles she tells her mom, "Mom I think I might need a new diaper once the movie is over, and whatever you pick is fine."