View Full Version : has anyone messed in their diaper?

baby lucario
January 1st, 09, 09:45 PM
im not allowed to mess in my diapers cuz them my mom will get mad. one time i really had to go so i when to the bathroom but couldnt take my belt off. so i desperatly tried to get it of, next thing you know i had already messed in them. i then ran to my mom with a few tears in my eyes. still crying, she took my belt off by cutting them off and had to clean me off. i now learned not to put belts on that are too tight

January 1st, 09, 10:31 PM
well if i wore diapers i wouldn't it just would fell weird nd gross

January 1st, 09, 11:28 PM
if im honest ive done it severaltiems and it gets easier each tiome btu it iis not a good thing to make ahabit of cos it wquickly weaknes yourmuslce andcould reslut in incontinence though it does defon felel weird

January 2nd, 09, 01:11 AM
I can't say that I have, no.

January 2nd, 09, 01:20 AM
I have not, and i do not plan on doing so, ever.

January 2nd, 09, 01:27 AM
I have not, and i do not plan on doing so, ever.

it might grow on you, you never know. First wear, then wet, then.. yeah.. All depends on you though. :D

January 2nd, 09, 01:30 AM
i have, it.. doesnt feel the best, but i regrefully sat in it for a few hours <btw my parents still dont know i wear them or like them at all> and i stole the childrens diapers my mom babysat for; every friday when they went to the bars and left me home 0= but that was like a year ago xD(no im not talking like yesterday, literally about 365 days ago >>)

January 2nd, 09, 01:36 AM
<btw my parents still dont know i wear them or like them at all> and i stole the childrens diapers my mom babysat for; every friday when they went to the bars and left me home 0= but that was like a year ago xD(no im not talking like yesterday, literally about 365 days ago >>)

my parents still don't know either, and i dont plan to tell em.

January 2nd, 09, 01:40 AM
When my folks found me on a diaper related site.I told them "I read stories of people with more miserable lifes then mine so i can wake up happy in the morning".However i lied, this isn't miserable :O

January 2nd, 09, 01:48 AM
When my folks found me on a diaper related site.I told them "I read stories of people with more miserable lifes then mine so i can wake up happy in the morning".However i lied, this isn't miserable :O

LOL that was pretty fucken funny :P

January 2nd, 09, 01:52 AM
Well I guess I have to be the brave one and say that I actually enjoy messing in my diaper and sitting in it. Muhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Also, it is true.

January 2nd, 09, 01:54 AM
Well I guess I have to be the brave one and say that I actually enjoy messing in my diaper and sitting in it. Muhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Also, it is true.Can i ask why?Do you not feel disgusted?Doesn't it smell bad?Doesn't it feel bad?Sorry i'm curious.

January 2nd, 09, 01:55 AM
Well I guess I have to be the brave one and say that I actually enjoy messing in my diaper and sitting in it. Muhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Also, it is true.

I don't really get enough of them to actually know what that's all about.. I think the last time I had one was like.. last year, and i didn't do anything with it.. i would imagine it would feel gross. Your opinions on it?

January 2nd, 09, 02:15 AM
Wow I feel very honored to be asked such a question. I will be honest with you the smell doesn't bother me and if it did I would just use the method I always use and that is to just put baby powder down the back of the diaper after you mess in it and it takes away the smell and gives it a baby powder like smell. Also, I really enjoy the sensation of actually just sitting in the messy diaper and squishing it. I know that sounds weird but for me the sensation is kind of a turn on. That is what most people who enjoy messing will tell you. Also, a lot of them like it because of the fact that it makes them feel more like an infant and the fact that for some it makes them feel naughty to do it because it is something they would naturally be punished for as a kid if they messed their pants.

Also, most people who do it are actually bothered by the clean up and I don't have to worry about that since I live alone and have my own shower that I can use to just wash it off. So that factor is automatically elimated for me.

January 2nd, 09, 02:20 AM
Wow I feel very honored to be asked such a question. I will be honest with you the smell doesn't bother me and if it did I would just use the method I always use and that is to just put baby powder down the back of the diaper after you mess in it and it takes away the smell and gives it a baby powder like smell. Also, I really enjoy the sensation of actually just sitting in the messy diaper and squishing it. I know that sounds weird but for me the sensation is kind of a turn on. That is what most people who enjoy messing will tell you. Also, a lot of them like it because of the fact that it makes them feel more like an infant and the fact that for some it makes them feel naughty to do it because it is something they would naturally be punished for as a kid if they messed their pants.

Also, most people who do it are actually bothered by the clean up and I don't have to worry about that since I live alone and have my own shower that I can use to just wash it off. So that factor is automatically elimated for me.

I guess i can't necessarily judge since I've never done it. Guess the only thing to do now is.. well... do it, I guess I have to try it at least once.

January 2nd, 09, 02:21 AM
nice description spidey 0= i wish i could say i wear diapers on a regular basis, but i dont because i haven't mentioned it to my parents, and... well there aren't any available.

January 2nd, 09, 02:22 AM
I guess i can't necessarily judge since I've never done it. Guess the only thing to do now is.. well... do it, I guess I have to try it at least once.

Well you know the old saying dagreatpanda you never know until you try he he

January 2nd, 09, 02:24 AM
Yes, I mess in my diaper. It has a nice feeling if you get used to messing.

January 2nd, 09, 02:25 AM
Well you know the old saying dagreatpanda you never know until you try he he

Yeah it'd feel wrong to judge without actually doing it. :P That's just the way I feel though.

nice description spidey 0= i wish i could say i wear diapers on a regular basis, but i dont because i haven't mentioned it to my parents, and... well there aren't any available.

ah... same situation here.. but I'll have my license and money within a couple weeks.. I have too for college :P

January 2nd, 09, 02:28 AM
Ah College I miss those times good times good times.

January 2nd, 09, 02:29 AM
Ah College I miss those times good times good times.

Especially when it's fully paid by financial aid :)

January 2nd, 09, 02:36 AM
Especially when it's fully paid by financial aid :)

Yes that is even better he he

January 2nd, 09, 02:39 AM
Yes that is even better he he

yeah, leaves me money for car insurrence, gas, and maybe diapers. and just over all random shit that i know ill spend my money on, like my computer :)

January 2nd, 09, 02:43 AM
Ah I remember when I first got the nerve to go out and buy my first diapers young man. I am sure you will find a way to get them if you want them bad enough. However, the good news for you is that the price of gas has gone down a lot recently.

January 2nd, 09, 02:45 AM
It's going to up again, however the thing is not being nervous for some of us.It's the fact that it still costs money.

January 2nd, 09, 02:47 AM
Ah I remember when I first got the nerve to go out and buy my first diapers young man. I am sure you will find a way to get them if you want them bad enough. However, the good news for you is that the price of gas has gone down a lot recently.

yeah but 15mpg is still 15mpg... and i dont come in contact with much money. good thing the college is also offering me a job :)

January 2nd, 09, 02:49 AM
Well I don't have to be nervous Cero I can't legally get a car until my neurologist says I can. So I have nothing to worry about he he.

January 2nd, 09, 02:59 AM
Well I don't have to be nervous Cero I can't legally get a car until my neurologist says I can. So I have nothing to worry about he he.

you and your not being nervous and your not giving me money

January 2nd, 09, 03:26 AM
To be honest, I have. Just like the description Spidey gave, it makes me feel somewhat "turned on". I can't technically say I enjoy it at all, mostly because of the clean up, and the smell during clean up. Made me almost sick one time. I don't like doing it at all. Sometimes, in a very, very long time, I might. But next time I need to poop, It's going in the toilet. :/

January 2nd, 09, 03:35 AM
To be honest, I have. Just like the description Spidey gave, it makes me feel somewhat "turned on". I can't technically say I enjoy it at all, mostly because of the clean up, and the smell during clean up. Made me almost sick one time. I don't like doing it at all. Sometimes, in a very, very long time, I might. But next time I need to poop, It's going in the toilet. :/

Guess it's a good thing that I don't care about thing that smells. Has to be very bad for me to gag or make me sick.

January 2nd, 09, 03:56 AM
Guess it's a good thing that I don't care about thing that smells. Has to be very bad for me to gag or make me sick.

Well, I mean, it wasn't so bad. It takes a lot to make me sick also. It's just that I've been used to the smells of air fresheners and plug-in scents all the time. The change was huge, and made it very.... noticeable. :P This is sort of awkward, but like almost any person out there, we all have genital hairs. And when you mess yourself and squish it, it usually slides itself down there and into those hairs, making it 2x harder to clean up. Plus, it looks disgusting, too. :(

January 2nd, 09, 03:58 AM
Well, I mean, it wasn't so bad. It takes a lot to make me sick also. It's just that I've been used to the smells of air fresheners and plug-in scents all the time. The change was huge, and made it very.... noticeable. :P This is sort of awkward, but like almost any person out there, we all have genital hairs. And when you mess yourself and squish it, it usually slides itself down there and into those hairs, making it 2x harder to clean up. Plus, it looks disgusting, too. :(

:D shave? XD

January 2nd, 09, 03:59 AM
Well, I mean, it wasn't so bad. It takes a lot to make me sick also. It's just that I've been used to the smells of air fresheners and plug-in scents all the time. The change was huge, and made it very.... noticeable. :P This is sort of awkward, but like almost any person out there, we all have genital hairs. And when you mess yourself and squish it, it usually slides itself down there and into those hairs, making it 2x harder to clean up. Plus, it looks disgusting, too. :(

That is why I am happy God gave my apartment a shower young man he he

January 2nd, 09, 04:01 AM
:D shave? XD

Thought about it, but I don't really think I could. It's the symbol of man. :cool:

January 2nd, 09, 04:03 AM
That is why I am happy God gave my apartment a shower young man he he

I have a shower, which is what I use every time anyways. I always have to plan ahead when my parents will be leaving, so I can use the shower freely. This is why I can't wait until I live alone.

January 2nd, 09, 04:07 AM
Yeah then you can wear diapers as much as you want to when you live alone huh DX. I did the same thing when my mom went on vacation to Floridia that is when I planned to use my vacation days at work so I could have the house all to myself.

January 2nd, 09, 04:09 AM
I have a shower, which is what I use every time anyways. I always have to plan ahead when my parents will be leaving, so I can use the shower freely. This is why I can't wait until I live alone.

I live with my parents, i can shower anytime i want :) i took a shower at like 4am one day, they didnt care.

January 2nd, 09, 04:10 AM
lol well everyone likes their own thing when it comes to diapers to me messing is relaxing yes I feel a lot younger and a lot less in control. Meh its not bad its not great but I wont deny even with a shower its a pain to clean XD

January 2nd, 09, 04:12 AM
lol well everyone likes their own thing when it comes to diapers to me messing is relaxing yes I feel a lot younger and a lot less in control. Meh its not bad its not great but I wont deny even with a shower its a pain to clean XD

I would imagine.

January 2nd, 09, 04:15 AM
I live with my parents, i can shower anytime i want :) i took a shower at like 4am one day, they didnt care.

It's not that I take showers, its trying to hide the "evidence". XP

January 2nd, 09, 04:17 AM
lol well use a lot of baking powder it absorbs the smell

January 2nd, 09, 04:21 AM
I agree DX hiding the evidence is hard. That is why I was greatful that we had a praire path next to my house with a string of garbage cans along the way for me to dump the evidence in.

January 2nd, 09, 04:23 AM
I just grab a trash bag throw it in and dump powder on it wrapping it up and throwing it under some trash in my bin XD

January 2nd, 09, 04:26 AM
I just grab a trash bag throw it in and dump powder on it wrapping it up and throwing it under some trash in my bin XD

eh essentially the same thing, but i use 2 places, when i do get them, and when i occasionally wet them, i double bag em in a garbage bag, and stick em in the bathroom under one of the cupboards that arent used, then at night i get em out and go out the back door and put em in the trash can.

January 2nd, 09, 04:27 AM
lol well another way you can reduce the smell in the trash is to make use of the toilet when cleaning up lol

January 2nd, 09, 04:37 AM
I just grab a trash bag throw it in and dump powder on it wrapping it up and throwing it under some trash in my bin XD

I do the same thing, but I never knew about baking powder, dude. I used baby powder, which we're running out of anyways. I just don't want to go ask for my parents to buy anymore. xD

January 2nd, 09, 04:38 AM
XD dude the baking soda absorbs the smell the baby powder covers it but cmon it would be suspicious to smell that wouldnt it :3

January 2nd, 09, 04:43 AM
XD dude the baking soda absorbs the smell the baby powder covers it but cmon it would be suspicious to smell that wouldnt it :3

But.. but.. it smells so gooooooood. :3 And I haven't had a problem with it ever smelling afterwards. We used baby powder to stop a smell coming from the pipe lining in our house, and it hasn't smelled since. But, seeing as we have a greater supply of baking powder than baby powder, I'll use that instead. Thanks! :D

January 2nd, 09, 04:45 AM
well no dude lol use baby powder for when you use the diaper use baking powder after to cover it up don't use baking powder while using the diaper XD that would be uncomfortable lmao

January 2nd, 09, 04:52 AM
Yeah Baking powder on my butt sounds very painful Wolfie. Unless we are making rump roast he he.

January 2nd, 09, 04:54 AM
Yeah salt pretty much XD

January 2nd, 09, 04:56 AM
XD dude the baking soda absorbs the smell the baby powder covers it but cmon it would be suspicious to smell that wouldnt it :3

good idea, i never thought about it :P ill have to do that if i ever try

January 2nd, 09, 05:02 AM
lol well ok :3 and believe me it works like a charm XD

January 2nd, 09, 05:10 AM
I might try it to get the neighbors to quit complaining about the smell wolf he he.

January 2nd, 09, 05:12 AM
Messing is awesome :D

x HiS MaSteRs DoG x
January 2nd, 09, 05:17 AM
I mess my diapers very rarely. It's ok I guess, but its a real pain in the ass to clean up afterwards >.<

January 2nd, 09, 05:19 AM
Well at least we all agree on that point XD

x HiS MaSteRs DoG x
January 2nd, 09, 05:21 AM
Well at least we all agree on that point XD

lol, yesh, yesh we do x3

January 2nd, 09, 05:23 AM
Yes we can all agree on that.

January 2nd, 09, 05:27 AM
I mess my diapers very rarely. It's ok I guess, but its a real pain in the ass to clean up afterwards >.<

at least its not an actual pain in the ass.

January 2nd, 09, 05:32 AM
at least its not an actual pain in the ass.

Well if you leave a messy diaper on too long dagreatpanda it can be with that diaper rash he he.

January 2nd, 09, 05:34 AM
XD lol yeah

x HiS MaSteRs DoG x
January 2nd, 09, 05:37 AM
at least its not an actual pain in the ass.

this is true rofl

January 2nd, 09, 05:41 AM
Well if you leave a messy diaper on too long dagreatpanda it can be with that diaper rash he he.

ill remember not to hopefully :P

x HiS MaSteRs DoG x
January 2nd, 09, 05:45 AM
ill remember not to hopefully :P

you might want to write it down so you don't forget, in that case, what if you forget where you put your rememberance paper at?!?! OH NO!

January 2nd, 09, 05:48 AM
you might want to write it down so you don't forget, in that case, what if you forget where you put your rememberance paper at?!?! OH NO!

ill pin a note to my shirt. wait? what was i talking about?

baby lucario
January 2nd, 09, 05:21 PM
When my folks found me on a diaper related site.I told them "I read stories of people with more miserable lifes then mine so i can wake up happy in the morning".However i lied, this isn't miserable :O

wow, smart!!! im not sure what i wouldf said. but dang!! never would of thought of saying that:D

January 2nd, 09, 05:31 PM
I like to refer to it has sweet talking.Talking in an intelligent matter over a subject that do not require such intelligence.But i digress, I'm still debating with my imaginary friend over who is smarter.

baby lucario
January 2nd, 09, 05:38 PM
hehe, im the one who started this thread and have only poeasted twice, was i gone for that long? anyways, i'll have to practice on the sweet talking too, im not too god on it.

January 2nd, 09, 05:54 PM
To answer the subject title, yes I have but that was back in my grade school days when I first started having this problem. Was a real pita and hard to hide the fact you wore diapers in a school, even harder when you needed a change but couldn't get one either because you are taking a test or listening to the teacher read ya a book.

Now-a-days though? No, thankfully that no longer happens... maybe once or twice in a month at night but for the most part it's cleared.

baby lucario
January 2nd, 09, 06:07 PM
oh, so you coulnt contol when you pooped? did you pee as well? ^_^

January 2nd, 09, 08:39 PM
I like to refer to it has sweet talking.Talking in an intelligent matter over a subject that do not require such intelligence.But i digress, I'm still debating with my imaginary friend over who is smarter.

Um. The way I'd see it is not intelligence, but fast thinking. Yes, they are in fact quite different.

hehe, im the one who started this thread and have only poeasted twice, was i gone for that long?

yeah you better watch it, it might get derailed by a panda, not that i try.

baby lucario
January 2nd, 09, 11:14 PM
Hehe, noooo... XD ^_^ oh well, thats what i get for not going online as often

January 2nd, 09, 11:29 PM
Actually it wasn't fast thinking at all.However if it were it's still thinking and believe it or not thinking requires intelligence.Impressive i know right!?Back on subject i prefer to see it as an abuse of intelligence over a simple matter.But i digress, it would seem that the panda in fact did derail. ;p

January 2nd, 09, 11:36 PM
Actually it wasn't fast thinking at all.However if it were it's still thinking and believe it or not thinking requires intelligence.Impressive i know right!?Back on subject i prefer to see it as an abuse of intelligence over a simple matter.But i digress, it would seem that the panda in fact did derail. ;p

you told you these slanderous lies!?

Lil' Robbie
January 3rd, 09, 01:07 AM
I have once (not out of choice though, I dunno what happened that day) but I didn't really like the feeling of it, and the clean up afterwards was tedious as hell.
Thank god I was alone in my dorm room at the time

January 3rd, 09, 01:12 AM
I have once (not out of choice though, I dunno what happened that day) but I didn't really like the feeling of it, and the clean up afterwards was tedious as hell.
Thank god I was alone in my dorm room at the time

Sick maybe?

Lil' Robbie
January 3rd, 09, 01:16 AM
Nope, I was feeling pretty much 100% that day. I think it might have been something I ate earlier in the week but again I'm not sure

January 3rd, 09, 01:19 AM
Nope, I was feeling pretty much 100% that day. I think it might have been something I ate earlier in the week but again I'm not sure

drink any juices? may not be all people but for me, drinking 2 - 4 glasses of AJ would make me go without wanting too. (and i mean mess). Luckily I CAN hold it. :P. It's pretty much diarrhea.

baby lucario
January 3rd, 09, 01:55 AM
youch, i dont like diahrea its nasty. i dont think any TB AB DL would want that

January 3rd, 09, 01:58 AM
youch, i dont like diahrea its nasty. i dont think any TB AB DL would want that

you find me me a person who likes diarrhea and i will give you $50.

baby lucario
January 3rd, 09, 02:00 AM
uh... thats gonna be freeeeeeeeken hard!!!

January 3rd, 09, 02:01 AM
uh... thats gonna be freeeeeeeeken hard!!!

yeah but you get $50 if you do ^^

baby lucario
January 3rd, 09, 02:03 AM
nobody i know likes diahrea................BUT I SHALL NOT GIVE UP!!!!

January 3rd, 09, 02:05 AM
I love the warm feeling when I wet myself, and I really like messing myself [wets], I also like sucking on soothers for some reason, though I hate my parents spanking me when I mess myself [wets again]. Sowwy I get wet so fast.

January 3rd, 09, 02:12 AM
I love the warm feeling when I wet myself, and I really like messing myself [wets], I also like sucking on soothers for some reason, though I hate my parents spanking me when I mess myself [wets again]. Sowwy I get wet so fast.

you mean mess or wet? im confused.

baby lucario
January 3rd, 09, 02:14 AM
i think she means that she's wetting herself right now (Wets) i love the warm squishi feeling of my diapee.

January 3rd, 09, 02:16 AM
I love diapers mainly because when I wet, my wee-wee gets trapped in my diaper and it feels so warm [joy joy].

January 3rd, 09, 02:17 AM
i think she means that she's wetting herself right now (Wets) i love the warm squishi feeling of my diapee.

alrighty then :) just confused me for a second :P

baby lucario
January 3rd, 09, 02:31 AM
yup, warm pee feels good. since its winter time, i did something really crazy. i took one of my diapees filled it with cold watter, let the diaper outside in the snow for a while and got it back after 3 hours. i wore it and it was really cold but oddly satisfying.

January 3rd, 09, 02:35 AM
Wierd I went outside in a wet diaper once on a cold day (I live up in Canada, very cold there), and when I went in, my diaper had frozen to my butt! I needed boiling water to get it off. Siance then I've never gone outside while wet (It was -50c or something that day).

baby lucario
January 3rd, 09, 02:37 AM
wow, i cant imagine how cold that would feel. actually i do ^_^ i froze it up on purpouse though. i kindof liked it for like 10 sec.

January 3rd, 09, 02:40 AM
u wanna be friends lucario ps lucario is my favorite pokemon I even made an evolved form for him called Icarius fgt-stl

baby lucario
January 3rd, 09, 02:43 AM
i was thinking the same thing, i wanna be friends. and im a bog lucario faan myself. i think i sent you a friend request

January 3rd, 09, 02:43 AM
yup, warm pee feels good. since its winter time, i did something really crazy. i took one of my diapees filled it with cold watter, let the diaper outside in the snow for a while and got it back after 3 hours. i wore it and it was really cold but oddly satisfying.

im at a loss of words, oh wait that was easy.

baby lucario
January 3rd, 09, 02:45 AM
hehe. (pees again) gees im full of pee today, dont know why. i really need a changing but i get changed at 10 and its 9:44 here

January 3rd, 09, 02:47 AM
hehe. (pees again) gees im full of pee today, dont know why. i really need a changing but i get changed at 10 and its 9:44 here

no liquids for you!

baby lucario
January 3rd, 09, 02:49 AM
wat about milky? (shouts for baby bottle)

January 3rd, 09, 02:51 AM

baby lucario
January 3rd, 09, 02:53 AM
*drinking his bottle* i luv my warm milky!!! *shouts for more*

baby lucario
January 3rd, 09, 03:25 AM

January 3rd, 09, 03:58 AM
*drinking his bottle* i luv my warm milky!!! *shouts for more*

no milk for you!!! *drinks glass of milk*

January 3rd, 09, 06:59 AM
oh, so you coulnt contol when you pooped? did you pee as well? ^_^

Errr... I was rather young at the time and due to stunted growth in that region, at least according to what the doctor said, it hadn't developed fully - and ya that includes the bladder.

January 3rd, 09, 08:00 AM
Errr... I was rather young at the time and due to stunted growth in that region, at least according to what the doctor said, it hadn't developed fully - and ya that includes the bladder.

that must have sucked :(

January 3rd, 09, 10:47 AM
In more ways than you can think; though I wish I could return to those days - life was actually a whole light simplier. Only had to worry about the next possible accident, the next change, and perhaps a student who would rub it into your face - only to get face planted by an angry kid (I grew to hate anyone who teased me about my condition)

January 3rd, 09, 11:04 AM
In more ways than you can think; though I wish I could return to those days - life was actually a whole light simplier. Only had to worry about the next possible accident, the next change, and perhaps a student who would rub it into your face - only to get face planted by an angry kid (I grew to hate anyone who teased me about my condition)

Sigh, i wish I could agree with you, but I hated those years... elementary and middle school sucked so much for me..

January 3rd, 09, 12:18 PM
sorry for spaming but what happened to cahoswolf and Brightgirl? why were they baned temporarily? when will they come back? i miss them already? *starts to cry* WHY?!?!?
brightgirl was banned cos she was spamming the rp forum with warhamemr 40k junk im not sure aobut chosewolgf have alook in the questions and answeers forum i enqured about it and thefeed back i gotis ther i nqand a okay but iknow brightwas banend for spaming theforums

baby lucario
January 3rd, 09, 05:22 PM
thanks sunstar, but............. i rather not talk about that much. others say that you could get banned for tlaking about this stuff so..... i'll shut up now. 0_0

Girl in Very Messy Pants
January 3rd, 09, 06:32 PM
I enjoy messing my diaper! I do it all the time!

January 3rd, 09, 07:24 PM
Sigh, i wish I could agree with you, but I hated those years... elementary and middle school sucked so much for me..

I think mostly anyone hates elemental school - And that goes for "the popular kids" aswell. (Well, they don't really exist anyway, the "popular kids", since no-one really likes them anyway), everyone's too childish to just respect one another.

thanks sunstar, but............. i rather not talk about that much. others say that you could get banned for tlaking about this stuff so..... i'll shut up now. 0_0

Oh, I'm pretty sure that talking about it is pretty okay. As long as you don't start questioning his ban and say it's unfair or something like that. And even then, a ban sounds a bit exaggerated. I did it, and I only got a temporary infraction. Of course you still shouldn't do it, if it's discouraged by Ai - questioning the ban, but I don't think you should be so afraid of being banned. ;)
Asking Ai the reason through a PM would probably be the best and safest. You could probably even complain about the ban without getting in trouble, as long as only he can see the complaint.
And of course I don't really know for sure, since I'm not a mod.

back to TOPIC. :P

Again, I have yet to wear diapers, so my most "naughty" fantasy only gets as far as wetting, and even that isnot something I'm planning to do right away, when I get my hands on some diapers.
I don't really fancy the smell of poo much either, but ofc one never knows for sure.

baby lucario
January 3rd, 09, 10:20 PM
I enjoy messing my diaper! I do it all the time!

how do you deal with the diaper rash? (if you do get one) i have sensitive skin so i get them easely when i mess in it.

January 4th, 09, 12:54 AM
I think mostly anyone hates elemental school - And that goes for "the popular kids" aswell. (Well, they don't really exist anyway, the "popular kids", since no-one really likes them anyway), everyone's too childish to just respect one another.

Ah.. well maybe most people hate elementary and middle school, but if i could i'd like to forget all of it.

on a side note: Lucario that must suck to have that sensitive skin. :(

on another side note: diarrhea sucks hard. :(

January 4th, 09, 09:42 AM
yes i have, it was weird at first, but...
you get used to it.

baby lucario
January 4th, 09, 08:15 PM
yes i have, it was weird at first, but...
you get used to it.
so u enjoy messing urself?:)
i would if it werent for my sensitive skin. i use baby puder now so i wont get a rash. i dont mess in mine though. and yup it stinks to have sensitive skin:(

January 4th, 09, 08:17 PM
how do you deal with the diaper rash? (if you do get one) i have sensitive skin so i get them easely when i mess in it.

i suppose diaper rash creams for babies will work

baby lucario
January 4th, 09, 08:19 PM
yup i use that too. it stings sometimes though so i dont use it as often.

January 5th, 09, 01:41 AM
im not saying i enjoy it, but i dont hate it.
The smell can sometimes just be annoying.

January 5th, 09, 02:34 AM
seeing the replies in this thread ALMOST makes me want to try. ALMOST.

January 5th, 09, 03:13 AM
lol it doesnt hurt to try
i enjoy messing hehe ^^

January 5th, 09, 03:14 AM
lol it doesnt hurt to try
i enjoy messing hehe ^^

yeah but first i need diapers

January 5th, 09, 08:18 AM
yup, warm pee feels good. since its winter time, i did something really crazy. i took one of my diapees filled it with cold watter, let the diaper outside in the snow for a while and got it back after 3 hours. i wore it and it was really cold but oddly satisfying.

I've heard of that before, believe it or not. Well, almost. What I read was to double-diaper then fill the outer diaper with ice cubes, it gives the same sensation and then the ice-cubes melt over time... ;) I think i also just read about storing diapers in the freezer for summer? *shrugs*

It's been a looong time since I've read this stuff, like 3 or more years since I really hung around what is now ADISC. 99% of what I know I learned from hanging around there.

In response to the topic, yes I have. Why exactly I like it, and pictures of girls with full diapers, I've never really taken a hard look at to explain it. It's weird, because when I see a picture of girl wetting or messing herself I don't like it if it's not in diapers... o.O The best way I can describe it, is as a turn-on it's like that forbidden fruit that can't be had all the time - wetting isn't as much of a turn-on to me as it was at first because I experienced it over and over again so much.

Otherwise, all I have to say is... you know how they say you always like your own brand? With the smell, it's kind of like that. As long as you throw it out relatively soon after changing, it shouldn't stink up the place. It's only after it's been sitting a while that it starts to smell. Which includes being on your butt for too long. Oh, and don't sleep in it, that just ends up leaving your pants/pajamas/sheets smelling bad when you wake up, last time I did this my pajama pants still smelled some even after going through the wash once... D:

January 5th, 09, 08:31 AM
I've heard of that before, believe it or not. Well, almost. What I read was to double-diaper then fill the outer diaper with ice cubes, it gives the same sensation and then the ice-cubes melt over time... ;) I think i also just read about storing diapers in the freezer for summer? *shrugs*

It's been a looong time since I've read this stuff, like 3 or more years since I really hung around what is now ADISC. 99% of what I know I learned from hanging around there.

In response to the topic, yes I have. Why exactly I like it, and pictures of girls with full diapers, I've never really taken a hard look at to explain it. It's weird, because when I see a picture of girl wetting or messing herself I don't like it if it's not in diapers... o.O The best way I can describe it, is as a turn-on it's like that forbidden fruit that can't be had all the time - wetting isn't as much of a turn-on to me as it was at first because I experienced it over and over again so much.

Otherwise, all I have to say is... you know how they say you always like your own brand? With the smell, it's kind of like that. As long as you throw it out relatively soon after changing, it shouldn't stink up the place. It's only after it's been sitting a while that it starts to smell. Which includes being on your butt for too long. Oh, and don't sleep in it, that just ends up leaving your pants/pajamas/sheets smelling bad when you wake up, last time I did this my pajama pants still smelled some even after going through the wash once... D:

I'd say this is a very awesome explanation of why. Makes me want to try it even more now. If I don't like it, I don't like it, but I won't all out disregard it. I have to try it at least once. Some good tips as to what not to do too ^^

Anyways, now all i need is some money :P

January 5th, 09, 08:42 AM
It's weird, I've never gotten diaper rash but the other day I had some irritation on my underside when I hadn't worn a diaper let alone messed in one for weeks... I just hadn't changed my underwear for three days, ended up staying at a friends house for an extra day because of weather conditions messing up the roads. Is that weird?

January 5th, 09, 08:55 AM
Nah, skin rubbing against the material from sweat I imagine.

baby lucario
January 5th, 09, 12:47 PM
i tried baby powder and it works like a charm !!! ^_^

January 5th, 09, 12:48 PM
i tried baby powder and it works like a charm !!! ^_^

"lies! you lie!"

baby lucario
January 5th, 09, 12:49 PM
nope, i found some last night in my mom's drawer. turns out the baby powder is for my baby sister ^-^ im sure mom wont mind if i borrow sum. XD

January 5th, 09, 12:51 PM
nope, i found some last night in my mom's drawer. turns out the baby powder is for my baby sister ^-^ im sure mom wont mind if i borrow sum. XD

haha :) you crafty crafty so and such!

baby lucario
January 5th, 09, 12:56 PM
its so soft!!! XD XD XD XD

January 5th, 09, 12:57 PM
i bet it is!

January 5th, 09, 11:17 PM
ya, baby powder helps

January 6th, 09, 12:34 AM
I'll have to buy some when I get some.

January 6th, 09, 12:44 AM
I'll have to buy some when I get some.
if some1 skips to this sentence and dont read the rest it could confuse them...

January 6th, 09, 12:45 AM
if some1 skips to this sentence and dont read the rest it could confuse them...

Alright, I'll have to buy some baby powder when I eventually buy some diapers.

Happy? Me too! Now where's my whip?

January 6th, 09, 12:46 AM
oh no!! not the whip!!

January 6th, 09, 12:47 AM
*whips cero* that's right armydude! now you know not to mess with the panda!

January 6th, 09, 12:48 AM
poor cero...

January 6th, 09, 12:49 AM
yeah he gets the shaft, too bad he doesn't read this, at least the few times Ive seen him on in the past days.

I swear to god you post faster than me!

January 6th, 09, 12:50 AM
lol i like posting
it makes me feel happy

January 6th, 09, 12:52 AM
I like posting because I like replying when I can :P Not spam mind you, but conversation I guess.

January 6th, 09, 12:53 AM
are u saying i spam?...=[

January 6th, 09, 12:54 AM
are u saying i spam?...=[


January 6th, 09, 12:55 AM
wow, aparently i do post fast, ive gotten the 30second warning 4 times...lol
"u have to w8 30second between posts"

January 6th, 09, 01:01 AM
wow, aparently i do post fast, ive gotten the 30second warning 4 times...lol
"u have to w8 30second between posts"

short post much?

January 6th, 09, 01:02 AM
i dont post that short of messages do i?...='[ makes me sad.

January 6th, 09, 01:03 AM
i dont post that short of messages do i?...='[ makes me sad.

maybe, who knows, it doesnt matter though.

January 6th, 09, 01:04 AM
ok, wat was this thread origonally about lol?...oh ya messy diapers...lol

January 6th, 09, 01:05 AM
Ah... bsing with people, how my boredness goes away for a short while!

January 6th, 09, 01:05 AM

January 6th, 09, 01:12 AM

yeah all im doin is listening to my music and posting on this site, i really have nothing better to do, its kinda sad.

January 6th, 09, 01:12 AM
same here cept im watching tv

January 6th, 09, 01:13 AM
same here cept im watching tv

yeah i wish i had a tv in this room only fucken room too

January 6th, 09, 01:14 AM
haha...lol...stink 4 u

January 6th, 09, 01:17 AM
haha...lol...stink 4 u

yeah except i can blair my music and no one will get mad :)

January 6th, 09, 01:18 AM
i can when my mommy isnt home

January 6th, 09, 01:19 AM
i can all the time :) not a tv person anyway

January 6th, 09, 01:23 AM
ooh i see, dude we are having like 4 different conversations...its getting confusing...

January 6th, 09, 01:24 AM
wierd how that works right?

January 6th, 09, 01:26 AM
yes indeed, very weird.

baby lucario
January 6th, 09, 02:21 AM
not a tv person myself, more of a computer/music person. after all, music makes da world go round!!!XD

January 6th, 09, 02:34 AM
not a tv person myself, more of a computer/music person. after all, music makes da world go round!!!XD

fuck yes! I'm the same way, especially a computer person! i mean, its essentially why I'm going to college!

baby lucario
January 6th, 09, 02:45 AM
yup, dont know why but im addicted to computer. it got me out of tv and into something more fun.

January 6th, 09, 02:47 AM
yup, dont know why but im addicted to computer. it got me out of tv and into something more fun.

because you can do so many things with a pc. that's why.

baby lucario
January 6th, 09, 02:48 AM
yup, that must be why. like posting for example XD

January 6th, 09, 02:49 AM
yup, that must be why. like posting for example XD

XD You lie!

baby lucario
January 6th, 09, 02:50 AM
hehe, neva!!!

January 6th, 09, 02:51 AM
hehe, neva!!!

of course you don't ^^

baby lucario
January 6th, 09, 02:54 AM
nope, only if for good reasons. but usually no.

January 6th, 09, 02:56 AM
huh "internal database error" just popped up. wonder what that's all about.

and i can say i lie when necessary.

baby lucario
January 6th, 09, 02:58 AM
yo same thing happened here! weird huh? the dayabase error thing. i just pressed refresh and it worked

January 6th, 09, 02:58 AM
yo same thing happened here! weird huh? the dayabase error thing. i just pressed refresh and it worked

hit refresh and nothin happened, just had to retype the address.

baby lucario
January 6th, 09, 03:00 AM
ooo 0-o

January 6th, 09, 03:00 AM
ooo 0-o

well its fine now, just posted what i was gonna post in the thread that did it.

baby lucario
January 6th, 09, 03:02 AM
it hasnt happened again yet, so good so far...

January 6th, 09, 03:02 AM
it hasnt happened again yet, so good so far...

prolly too many posts being processed at once. no biggie

baby lucario
January 6th, 09, 03:04 AM
oh, up that must be it.

January 6th, 09, 03:13 AM
so... how bout them jets?

January 6th, 09, 08:29 AM
i havnt had any posting probs..

January 6th, 09, 08:34 PM
i havnt had any posting probs..

yeah it looked like it was a one time thing, i haven't seen it today.

January 6th, 09, 11:08 PM

May 12th, 09, 04:46 PM
yep it fells ok, but then it gets annoyin after a while

May 12th, 09, 05:27 PM
im not allowed to mess in my diapers cuz them my mom will get mad. one time i really had to go so i when to the bathroom but couldnt take my belt off. so i desperatly tried to get it of, next thing you know i had already messed in them. i then ran to my mom with a few tears in my eyes. still crying, she took my belt off by cutting them off and had to clean me off. i now learned not to put belts on that are too tight

If you can't take your belt off and your above the age of 8, you're either wearing your belt too tightly or are mentally challenged in which case, I'm sorry.

May 12th, 09, 07:27 PM
I like to mess and wet in my diaper when im wearing one. I just took the biggest shit of my life(on the toilet)

May 12th, 09, 07:33 PM
still sitting on my boyfriends knee in a wet messy diaper (revenge for 24gh12) and i haven't been to the toilet in a while so..... ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh there we go now its even more wet

May 12th, 09, 09:36 PM
still sitting on my boyfriends knee in a wet messy diaper (revenge for 24gh12) and i haven't been to the toilet in a while so..... ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh there we go now its even more wet

Interesting to say the least.

Spirit Breaker
May 12th, 09, 09:51 PM
Interesting to say the least.

ugh.. i totally agree with this.

May 12th, 09, 10:15 PM
I love wetting and messing in my diapers, sometimes the cleanup is a bit annoying but its worth it and great fun, especially when you try holding it in for as long as you can until you just fill your diaper almost against your will

May 13th, 09, 11:08 PM
i have messed my diaper sevel times but i only like it when it is soft it feals good that way.

May 14th, 09, 01:18 AM
I mess from time to time. It does feel good if I am in the mood but the cleanup turns me away half the time. :\

May 14th, 09, 07:17 AM
Ive pooped my undies.

teen baby 22
May 6th, 11, 03:45 AM
i was wearing one when i was sick last month i did not make it and i just could not hold it so i soiled my diaper

May 6th, 11, 05:01 PM
i messed in a goodnite while i was making banana bread

May 7th, 11, 05:16 PM
heh well since this thread, was brought back from the dead.
Guess I will post, before it turns back into a ghost. :p

I have messed .. I don't know 100s of times. Do I like it? Yes. It's the best.
The clean up is a pain. Can I deal with it? Yes, maybe I am insane.

Though I don't do it all the time, so I think now I will stop this rhyme. :p

Diapered Magician Girl
May 8th, 11, 01:37 AM
It's fun, but only in the moment. It's a fun experience while you're going, but after you're done it's really gross and a hastle to clean up..

May 9th, 11, 08:04 AM
I have not, and i never plan doing so

May 9th, 11, 03:51 PM
I just gave myself two 1.5 liter enemas and wore a Bambino after the third. I was watching Spongebob lying down (on a pad of course) and was trying to hold out as long as I could. I managed the full half hour with minor leakage. I released quite a bit on the way the the bathroom though. Great thing abaout it, is it gives the feeling, fills and inflates the diaper with very very warm liquid, but after two previous enemas there is no mess to deal with. It just gives you a great sensation and a nice color to the diaper (yellowish). But again, that is after already cleaning out. Wearing one for the first enema would be very very messy indeed. I am not sure I could handle that really.

May 21st, 11, 12:41 PM
yes I have, and it felt sooo great :D

May 23rd, 11, 05:13 PM
I personally love messing.
Just the wonderful feeling of it filling the back of my diaper and then sitting in it :) good times

June 1st, 11, 03:07 PM
I have. Glad that I was wearing a diaper but dang it all to heck the clean up was horrific. All I knew is that I thought that I had a huge fart so I squeezed it out and it was not a fart at all. (0_0)

June 1st, 11, 07:06 PM
yes, quite a few times. I enjoy it quite a lot.
its what diapers are for, for to wet and mess in.

June 2nd, 11, 03:54 AM
I messed a diaper once. But I had no choice. I was locked in a room with no toilet.

June 2nd, 11, 03:57 AM
I messed a diaper once. But I had no choice. I was locked in a room with no toilet.

i'm so sorry to hear that.
you mind my asking why?

June 2nd, 11, 04:09 AM
Well my friends decided to pull a "prank" on me.

Bandit Keith
June 2nd, 11, 04:11 AM
As I said in a newer thread about this same topic only time is when I'm real bad sick or got a bad case of diarrhea.

June 2nd, 11, 04:17 AM
Well my friends decided to pull a "prank" on me.

oh dear, i'm so sorry to hear that.
did they know you were in a diaper or something?

June 2nd, 11, 12:52 PM
New rule! Never ever ever, ever ever, ever ... use any type of quick acting laxative again. This includes the banana trick. Expecially right before bed >.>. It turned out totally wrong in so many ways. Lets put it this way, I have been caught again. I fail so bad when it comes to keeping this hidden, I sometimes think I might just be stupid or retarded rofl.

June 2nd, 11, 11:50 PM
New rule! Never ever ever, ever ever, ever ... use any type of quick acting laxative again. This includes the banana trick. Expecially right before bed >.>. It turned out totally wrong in so many ways. Lets put it this way, I have been caught again. I fail so bad when it comes to keeping this hidden, I sometimes think I might just be stupid or retarded rofl.

HEY! you are not stupid everyone makes mistakes some more than others but every mistake we make makes us stronger and smarter.

learn from past mistakes you must or destined to repeat the past you are.

June 12th, 11, 09:35 PM
Yeah, when I wear diapers I make sure to use them to their full potential I mean hey that's what diapers are for right? Besides I like it...don't know how to explain it though.

---------- Post added at 04:35 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:33 PM ----------

New rule! Never ever ever, ever ever, ever ... use any type of quick acting laxative again. This includes the banana trick. Expecially right before bed >.>. It turned out totally wrong in so many ways. Lets put it this way, I have been caught again. I fail so bad when it comes to keeping this hidden, I sometimes think I might just be stupid or retarded rofl.

I thought it would be a cool idea to sleep in a poopy diaper over night when I was 15, I almost got caught, for one it got out of my diaper and all over my pajama pants and 2...Well I forgot to open a window so the whole day my room smelt like a mixture of poo, perfume and febreze. Now THAT was stupid.

June 12th, 11, 09:37 PM
I have, and while I like the feeling, cleanup isn't that great...

September 5th, 11, 10:22 AM
though i have to wear diapers for medical reasons i dont need them for pooping. though there have been times when i was sick or just had the runs wehre i messed in my diaper. dont really care for the feeling. its a pain to clean up. if you dont get it all you end up feeling liek ur on fire down there. and it just plain stinks and i try not to let anyone figure out that i wear them to avoid the questions.

September 14th, 11, 08:07 PM
Messy clean-up isn't too bad if you get most of it with wipes or toilet paper, and then take a shower. Just make ABSOLUTELY SURE you scrub that shower from top to bottom when you're done!

October 5th, 11, 08:41 PM
i did it at work [good thing i was working on my own at the time] mind you there was no toilets for about 15 miles so all 3 of us was payed extra for wearing them [good times] to bad they were crappy pullups apart from mine witch was a lile lite adult diaper [the best that i can get in the area where i live] i returned to the van and both my colleges had wet pants where there pads had leaked lol
i was the odd one out in a clean diaper messed one in the bin and i was clean and dry
and crying in lafter they soon realised i was in a proper diaper and thats when they told my dad /the boss not good!!!!!! [he has never forgiven me yet]

October 6th, 11, 08:10 PM
Yeah, I did it now and then, but that's really rare - I either really need to feel the urge to do it or I have to be so terribly lazy that I don't want to go to the toilet right know... both of which is pretty uncommon. XD

October 7th, 11, 05:06 AM
i did it at work [good thing i was working on my own at the time] mind you there was no toilets for about 15 miles so all 3 of us was payed extra for wearing them [good times] to bad they were crappy pullups apart from mine witch was a lile lite adult diaper [the best that i can get in the area where i live] i returned to the van and both my colleges had wet pants where there pads had leaked lol
i was the odd one out in a clean diaper messed one in the bin and i was clean and dry
and crying in lafter they soon realised i was in a proper diaper and thats when they told my dad /the boss not good!!!!!! [he has never forgiven me yet]

oh that really sucks, i'm sorry to hear that.

October 12th, 11, 07:29 AM
Tried it before and never really liked it. The cleanup is just too much work.

true blue
October 12th, 11, 06:17 PM
Tried it before and never really liked it. The cleanup is just too much work.

going to have to agree with you on that. but its good to do once in awhile

October 22nd, 11, 06:12 AM
The cleanup is a PAIN but the moment of release is just so intense it almost makes it worth it... keyword being almost.

November 1st, 11, 12:28 AM
ya i have before but only like once or twice............ maybe 3 times but all i got 2 say about it is that its not gross or anything but i wouldent recomend doing it that much because it weakens your bouls (or how ever you spell that) and can lead to incontence. Unless your going for that then by all means do it all yo want but make sure you have plenty of moist wipes near you :)

November 17th, 11, 11:02 PM
i wouldent recomend doing it that much because it weakens your bouls (or how ever you spell that) and can lead to incontence.

I've heard that a lot, but I've done it quite a few times and nothing has happened to me at all in the way of a weakening bladder or bowels. How could it weaken them, anyway?

November 18th, 11, 01:05 AM
I've heard that a lot, but I've done it quite a few times and nothing has happened to me at all in the way of a weakening bladder or bowels. How could it weaken them, anyway?

quite simply like this,

by going too often, and by using diapers at will whenever / wherever (if you're into going in public and don't mind it, not caring who sees or whatever) the point being, if you go too often and/or force yourself to go, it'll severely weaken your bladder and/or bowels (judging by what you do, just wetting, just messing or both) because your body will get used to going like that, and then won't be able to hold it back very well or rather very long due to being used to going in a diaper.

November 18th, 11, 01:20 AM
But as long as you don't force it, you should be fine, right?

November 18th, 11, 02:22 AM
But as long as you don't force it, you should be fine, right?

if you're still going a lot, it doesn't matter. you'll still weaken your bladder and/or bowels due to going a lot. The more used to going in a diaper and going often and all, would cause your bladder and/or bowels to weaken because of that. Going often can cause weakening and incontinence just the same as forcing it and going often. If you use diapers, instead of the toilet at all times, even just going like you usually would, (be it every hour or few hours) you'll be used to going in a diaper, and it can cause mild incontinence possibly even full incontinence. Its the reason why people who wish to be incontinent just use their diapers at all times. There are many ways to become incontinent, but that's the main way people do it. There's one way that involves surgery, but its illegal and any doctors performing the surgery would lose their license.

Anyways, back on topic here, the point is going 24/7 in your diapers, instead of using the toilet, whether it be forced or just naturally flowing out, somewhere in between or however its done, can still cause incontinence in some form, be it mild or full.

Zebra King
November 18th, 11, 02:44 AM
I use to make my own diapers when I was around 16, usually when my parents were out. That's probably when I started messing my diaper. It was hard to go, and I had to squat to acually mess, but I did it. It did feel weird back then, and made me feel kind of naughty, but I got over it and now I do it all the time :)

November 18th, 11, 03:55 AM
Kind of hard to mess when I haven't worn yet :(

November 19th, 11, 07:03 PM
Once, then never again. :/

November 26th, 11, 07:01 AM
I mess mine sometimes, depending on how I feel.

November 30th, 11, 12:08 AM
That would seem like an inconvenience. i guess everyone has there thing.

January 2nd, 13, 05:35 AM
Heh.... Yes.... Doesn't feel great makes it worse when belts are tight... Let me tell you some good tips.
1. Sweats. Makes it all easy.
2. If you don't want anyone to know your wearing one that's the easiest way to keep it hidden.
3. If you must absolutely use jeans and a belt. Don't tighten it too much!
And if you don't mind me asking... How come you weren't allowed to? I have to wear them constantly... Let's just say incontinence gets the best of me a lot....

December 23rd, 14, 09:03 AM
I love to mess my diaper!

December 26th, 14, 03:51 AM
Twice, a long time ago. Planning my next go soon.

December 26th, 14, 05:36 AM
I have it's realy warm and feels nice... till it gets cold

February 11th, 15, 04:58 AM
I have twice. I do not like it because it just feels dirty and gross, plus the clean-up is horrible. I prefer to just imagine I did.

February 11th, 15, 05:14 AM
I will admit I have. Though its usually always on accident. I kinda hate the idea of messing due to the cleanup. But the times I have was usually because I can't really control my bowels half the time. I guess something caused me to have some very frequent messing accidents.

February 20th, 15, 06:41 PM
you find me me a person who likes diarrhea and i will give you $50.

I do it doesn't matter if it is liquid or solid I like it all. Plus it is a.bit easier to clean

---------- Post added at 11:41 AM ---------- Previous post was Yesterday at 10:54 PM ----------

I always love messing diapers thats what they are for. Plus my big bro said I can't go to the bathroom in the toilet for 5 days

October 26th, 16, 05:17 AM
I love messing my diaper does anyone know how to mess the bed

October 27th, 16, 04:34 AM
I love messing my diaper does anyone know how to mess the bed
Goddamnit,how many times are you going to ask this?

Aside from that momentary threadjack,no I haven't messed my diaper (in the very few times I've padded up myself). I've tried to but never could force myself to. (tmi warning-I eat a lot of bread/dairy,so i'm kinda always plugged up if you catch my drift)

November 11th, 16, 11:16 PM
Yes, many times. I love the warm feeling of it.

November 13th, 16, 11:09 AM
I think many people worry too much about this. I've never had any real problem, myself, though admittedly the first times I ever did it were out of reluctant necessity (though realising very quickly that it wasn't that big a deal). Since then, however, to me it just makes sense that if you're going to be wearing a diaper, and you need to do something, you ought to just do what you gotta do. It seems kind of silly to take one off, once it's on, just because you find you need to poo as well as pee. It works just fine for both. Just make sure you have a sensible diet, with plenty of fruit and vegetables, and not too much fat and junk food, and the results in your diaper should be quite manageable for most people (accepting, I know, that some people have IBS and the like). Perhaps I'm just blessed with a particularly reliable digestive system, but I've changed poo-diapers before now in toilet-cubicles and changing rooms without difficulty, and the only times I've regretted it, or been grossed out, have been those when I've had an upset stomach or been eating particularly badly. Otherwise, it's just a sticky ball in the seat, to be lifted away and wrapped up, followed by a fair bit more wiping than if you'd used a more conventional method; but it's the same stuff outside you as it is on the inside, as long as you don't leave it too long, just held in contact with a different part of your body. I wouldn't want to sit in anyone else's, but my own doesn't bother me in my diaper any more than it does inside me.

May 30th, 17, 07:46 AM
I guess it depends on on what you mean by really messing up ?
I did pee in big fat diapers enough the the point that they woudn't work well anymore.
But i guess messing up even goes more for poop ...
I once pooped in my diapred while i still being in bed sleeping/laying down for 4 hours once i did finally pull my diaper it i got reminded of a programme from discovery channel called dirty jobs where they had to get a baby diapers from a daycare the content of the diapers was being used for fertilizer and lab experiments.
The lady at the daycare said that baby's have pancakes in there diaper unrecognizable to adults but at that moment i had also completly pancaked the contents of my diaper just like those babies at that daycare which made me feel really small like i was one of them :p
I suppose that's the most i have ever gone so far laying in bed for 4 hours with a crapped diaper.

June 3rd, 17, 02:48 PM
How I see this thread still active it was made back in 2009.

June 5th, 17, 01:16 AM
I pooped in a goodnite and it was soft and mushy and I felt like a cute lil pwincess