View Full Version : Has anyone told their BF/GF?

October 18th, 08, 10:22 AM
Has anyone here ever told your significant other (BF/GF/Wife/Husband/Whatever) about your diaper secret? If so, how did it turn out? Has anyone had a successful AB/DL relationship?

October 18th, 08, 01:03 PM
Chaoswolf has I'm responding for him sense we dunno when the next time he will be on.

October 18th, 08, 02:53 PM
As far as i know, there's at least two couples on this site. And if you look around the threads, you'll quickly find more people who has significant others they seem to share the diaper interest with.

I haven't had a gf yet, but I'm pretty sure that I'll tell her everything as soon as i find one, that i can trust enough to call my girlfriend. That is, only if i still have this fetish when i meet her.

October 18th, 08, 02:55 PM
Indeeds I must agree with chibigo. I need to find a girlfriend first x3

October 18th, 08, 03:24 PM
Uh. I told my cat >.>

October 18th, 08, 03:26 PM
I have nothing to say to that but well never mind I have something to say. Does that count? and 1k posts x3

October 18th, 08, 09:01 PM
Yep! My boyfriend and I are both ABDL's. n.n We met through a mutual friend who is also an ABDL. We have a great relationship. We switch between him being Daddy and me being Mommy, so it's the best of both worlds for us.

October 19th, 08, 01:42 AM
Uh. I told my cat >.>

lol, how did your cat respond? My cat knows too, but she is very disinterested.

October 19th, 08, 03:48 AM
I think my dogs might now >.> but umms yeah I dont think they care much >.> do they?

October 20th, 08, 07:16 PM
and men why are he cutest guys stright sighs

October 20th, 08, 07:20 PM
Yeah I did tell my gf and she thinks its cute >.< and wouldnt mind taking care of me. She even thinks the idea of diapering up with me is cute. Good thing shes a raver she has alot of pacis XD. I need to go to a rave sometime its been awhile lol.

October 20th, 08, 07:21 PM
giggls ur lucky chos

October 20th, 08, 07:22 PM
I have been wondering where to get those paci. I saw a cute girl come through my line with one and It was very hard not so smile and blush while looking at her.

October 20th, 08, 07:23 PM
giggls ur lucky chos

Yeah I know lol but she is just more then a loving and accepting person. Theres just a connection between us...

October 20th, 08, 07:27 PM
well thats love or so i heard

October 20th, 08, 10:49 PM
I've told a really good online friend of mine... If that counts. XP As of now, I don't have a girl friend, and I don't really feel like it until I'm a lot older.

October 21st, 08, 12:11 AM
Yeah I did tell my gf and she thinks its cute >.< and wouldnt mind taking care of me. She even thinks the idea of diapering up with me is cute. Good thing shes a raver she has alot of pacis XD. I need to go to a rave sometime its been awhile lol.

uummm.....what's a paci? and you're really lucky to have a girlfriend like that :( i wish i would be you

October 21st, 08, 12:19 AM
paci is pacifier lol

October 21st, 08, 12:20 AM
A paci is short for Pacifier.

October 21st, 08, 04:10 AM
I told my first GF and she said she liked diapers as well but that was as far as it ever went. I am about to tell my current kind of girl friend (we are in an odd place right now where we are kind of dating but not really, she does way to much so we hardly have any time to hang out with each other) that I like to wear diapers. Knowing her though, she will most likely think its really cute and want to be diapered her self.... so we will see how it goes or if I even get around to telling her.

Other than that, sadly I have never really had a friend close enough to tell them :-(

October 21st, 08, 04:36 AM
i told my best friend and he weared one at a sleepover we had

October 21st, 08, 12:04 PM
All im going to say is tell your gf/bf if you trust them and really know them. Oh and its best to tell them early you have to open up completley early on so you both know eachother well which will help make your relationship blossom into something more quicker :3

October 25th, 08, 09:25 PM
I told my g/f awhile ago. she is so nice and she's very supportive. She is even open to try diapers with me!

Girl in Very Messy Pants
October 25th, 08, 10:16 PM
My gf knows, in fact, she's into it!

October 26th, 08, 02:23 AM
yeah seriously if you find a partner who not only accepts you but wont mind doing it your in heaven :3

November 1st, 08, 07:30 AM
I told my ex girlfriend she just giggled quietly during class at school... we r just friends now

November 2nd, 08, 12:21 AM
My girlfriend knows and she is very supportive. It's great to be able to wear them around her any time without having to worry. Being closeted sucks. If you haven't got a gf/bf a the moment, find a friend (or a group of friends) to confide in. You'll feel a million times better about yourself and it stops the binge/purge cycle.

November 5th, 08, 02:29 AM
damn, i love girls and all. i'm just too shy to go up and talk to one. i've never had a real GF before. i'm 20 yrs and still a vergin. but if i did have a GF i would definatlly tell her.

November 5th, 08, 03:09 AM
i'm 20 yrs and still a vergin.

Like that's the worst thing in the world. PAH! Losing it at the wrong time, now that's bad.

November 5th, 08, 06:26 PM
Dont think of it as a big deal society pressures people into being more adult into having sex a job drinking smoking at earlier and earlier ages because being grown up is somewhat cool to them

December 21st, 08, 03:37 PM
my girlfriend thinks it's cute but i practically told her my lifes story and she feels sorry 4 me. so i think it's both out of kindness and her love 2 me ^^

December 27th, 08, 09:51 AM
I did manage to tell my ex she was kinda ok with it but refused to take actual part in it, sadly :/
then we sorta broke up and she told all of her fiends about it and they gave me shit about it for about a year and I was like screw it Idk care anymore :P

baby lucario
December 27th, 08, 02:07 PM
sorry to hear that. im like the tuffest of my friends so if they talk bad about me.... i'll put them in their place.

mr. smiley
December 27th, 08, 05:18 PM
yes i actually have told my present girlfriend of 2 years an not only was she ok with it but she actuactually got interested an is now an abdl an a mommy as well. That doesnt mean it wasnt hard for me 2 tell her i get choked up everytime i say anythin diaper related

baby lucario
December 28th, 08, 03:49 AM
the way i got my gf into it was like this: first i starte crying in the middle of the night, she wakes up and askes wats wrong, i say nothing, she sais comon tell me, i say "youll laugh", she sais "it cant be that bad", i show her my wet diaper, she giggles and sais "you look so cute!!, i blush, then she's ok with it. it did take a long time for me to tell her and to plan out how i would tell her. so its not easy

December 28th, 08, 04:01 AM
XD so few women would not freak out from that. Well the ones I know anyway :P

December 28th, 08, 04:25 AM
Lucky Chaoswolf with his diaper girlfriend :P man he's so lucky ><

December 28th, 08, 04:36 AM
meh lol im still to nervous to ask her yet XD shes still fine with it of course but im like ahhhhh X_X

Elemental Anon
December 28th, 08, 02:34 PM
I did manage to tell my ex she was kinda ok with it but refused to take actual part in it, sadly :/
then we sorta broke up and she told all of her fiends about it and they gave me shit about it for about a year and I was like screw it Idk care anymore :P
No offense, but what makes you think that any average person would take part in it? Then again, Chaoswolf and Lucarios girl seemed to "help" with it. I understand that many people don't mind the fact that I or anyone else has this fetish(I've told quite a few people), but for some one to help buy diapers and such things as that seems unusual to me.

baby lucario
December 28th, 08, 03:14 PM
Tip: if you want a girlfriend that will be willing to take part in it then choose a girl that yu know is understanding. those kind of girls are usually shy, that the kind of gorlfriend i have.

Elemental Anon
December 28th, 08, 03:20 PM
Tip: if you want a girlfriend that will be willing to take part in it then choose a girl that yu know is understanding. those kind of girls are usually shy, that the kind of gorlfriend i have.

I never said I wanted a girlfriend that would take part in such things. That, to me, would be creepy. This fetish is some thing that is personal and I see no point for anyone to positively care for the fact that I have it, unless they themselves naturally have the fetish.

December 28th, 08, 03:22 PM
I never said I wanted a girlfriend that would take part in such things. That, to me, would be creepy. This fetish is some thing that is personal and I see no point for anyone to positively care for the fact that I have it, unless they themselves naturally have the fetish.

my girlfriend doesn't mind it and she would take part in it.

baby lucario
December 28th, 08, 05:27 PM
She only bought me that one pack because she also wanted to try them on. turns out she likes wearing them. she wont wet or mess in them though...

December 28th, 08, 06:04 PM
She only bought me that one pack because she also wanted to try them on. turns out she likes wearing them. she wont wet or mess in them though...

ehh she might it might not b instant but still if she works up the courage she might. but then again she might not. only time will tell.

baby lucario
December 29th, 08, 01:46 PM
i think sshe used them as a suubstitute for pads (she had her period)

December 29th, 08, 01:52 PM
i think sshe used them as a suubstitute for pads (she had her period)

well i wouldn't know nore would i want 2 know. but hey ask if u want or ignore it.

baby lucario
December 29th, 08, 02:20 PM
ask what?

December 29th, 08, 02:31 PM
ask what?

if she uses them as a sub 4 pads

Elemental Anon
December 29th, 08, 06:23 PM
You guys must be bored.....

baby lucario
December 30th, 08, 05:29 PM
yup, i am

December 31st, 08, 03:13 AM
Sigh.. I wish I had a girlfriend. Not the worst thing in the world though.

January 3rd, 09, 02:35 PM
i had a couple of seriosu igrlfriend and oens iknew icoul dtrust them i told them and mostly they were ver ysupposritve and carign but they dint shre it with me so it nevwer amounted to much but the fact they knew that ona date i might be waering a diaper made me fele better and less slef conciosu anoyone else have a similer story . the most understanding wis my mostr recent gf who said i dont think any less of yo uand stil llove yo ubut i dont understand it but iwont ask yo uto chnge

January 4th, 09, 09:48 AM
ihavnt told my gf yet but i want to. im kinda scared.
ive told 2 of my best friends and they dont mind.

my gf found my diapers and asked bout them, but i lied and said they were my baby cousins

baby lucario
January 4th, 09, 08:12 PM
oh, this reminds me of when my friends found my wet diapers. they asked if they were mine and i said "yea they are mine, thats why i put them in an ovious spot so that people can see them" i said in a sarcastic tone. they said "shure they are yours". so they never thought they were mine. and i have told my GF. she's ok with it and sometimes wears some herself

January 5th, 09, 10:27 PM
oh, this reminds me of when my friends found my wet diapers. they asked if they were mine and i said "yea they are mine, thats why i put them in an ovious spot so that people can see them" i said in a sarcastic tone. they said "shure they are yours". so they never thought they were mine. and i have told my GF. she's ok with it and sometimes wears some herself
lol thats funny

Kingston Wallace
January 9th, 09, 01:26 AM
There A Girl I Like Who Likes Me Back But We Arent A Couple Because We Can Never Hang Out (Family Problems) & I Havent Told Her...........................Yet

I'm Afraid It Might Creep Her Out

2 Of My Otaku Friends Know About My Fetish But Not The DL Aspect
(They Are Cool With It But Not Into It) & I'm On The Verge Of Telling Another (He's Been Bugging Me Ever Since I Told Him I Have A Glasses Moe & Have another Fetish)

January 9th, 09, 03:20 AM
I think we're all just afraid that our... how to put it... "counterpart" will get creeped out and leave us. I mean, that's not exactly a highly unlikely reaction.

January 9th, 09, 03:35 AM
I think we're all just afraid that our... how to put it... "counterpart" will get creeped out and leave us. I mean, that's not exactly a highly unlikely reaction.


January 9th, 09, 09:24 AM
guess it just depends on how serious you think your relationship is. If it's a serious relationship, don't expect her to jump right into your fetish or immediately induldge it. She's there to be supportive. She might be a bit wierded out, but hopefully, she'l be supportive and tell you that she loves you, doesn't think less of you and wants you to know you don't have to be embaressed. She may not understand why you like wearing diapers, but if she accepts that you do, id consider that a win.

January 10th, 09, 09:19 AM
guess it just depends on how serious you think your relationship is. If it's a serious relationship, don't expect her to jump right into your fetish or immediately induldge it. She's there to be supportive. She might be a bit wierded out, but hopefully, she'l be supportive and tell you that she loves you, doesn't think less of you and wants you to know you don't have to be embaressed. She may not understand why you like wearing diapers, but if she accepts that you do, id consider that a win.

haha if i can find myself a cute girl that accepts it and isn't creeped out by it…i think i could call that the second greatest win of my life!

January 10th, 09, 02:33 PM
how do u think i got into this mess as it turnes out my gf was into the ab fetish.
she was sneaky on how she came out with it she got me into the bedroom with promises of sex she then got me drunk and then started to diaper me
i dident know what was happening

Kingston Wallace
January 10th, 09, 08:07 PM
Hmm I Think The Thing Here Is (I At Am) Looking For An AB/DL "GIRLFRIEND" With That Being The Key Word Here.

I Dont Think A Serious Relationship Is Worth It Unless We Really Love Each Other For More Than That Reason.

After Reading Posts By Some Of The "Older" Posters It Seems They Have Grown Out Of Their Fetish.

I Dont Wanna Make A Girl My Wifey Just Because We Like Plowin' Booty & Peeing Our Collective Pants Because Some Day We (Or At least I) Might Grow Out Of "It" & We Will Have Nothing Together (For Lack Of A Better Way Of Puting It).

Now I Hope I'm Wrong About This But Still
Do Any Of You Feel The Same

Kingston Wallace
January 10th, 09, 08:39 PM
Last Night I Stayed At My Friend Tim's House And While We Were Watching Tropic Thunder (Which Was Awesome) I Showed Him A Picture Of That One Chick Who was From Another Thread Here
(Which By The Way Was Really Kawaii)
& Fully Explained My Fetish. He Than Proceded To Smile & Complement The Pic & Gave Me That Cliched Responce That Sounded Like "I Dont Understand Why People Make Fun Of/Hate People Because Of Their Fetishes".

& This Morning While Watching Another Movie(Step-Brothers Which Again Was Awesome) I Showed Him Some More Pics

I'm Just Happy My Friend Was So Supportative Of Me.

January 10th, 09, 08:42 PM
thats how i told one of my freinds...we were watching a movie and i showed her some pics from here then started telling her everything...then she said that its really cute and she wants to meet more ab/dl's