View Full Version : hello

Princess Felicia
October 5th, 08, 02:47 AM
talking on here now i have been gone for a while just popin bye to say hi

October 5th, 08, 02:47 AM
OMG, ITS FELICIA!!! I haven't seen you on in a while... HOW ARE YOU?!?!??!?!

October 5th, 08, 02:48 AM
No kidding! Where you been girl? I missed you!

Princess Felicia
October 5th, 08, 02:49 AM
im good just been working and hanging with old friends back for a while so how is everyone

October 5th, 08, 02:50 AM
Good, a lot of use got upgrades tonight.

October 5th, 08, 02:51 AM
Yep, we are good.. Me, dei, sparky, and Twilight got upgrades... Yeesss... 'Course you already know that XD

Princess Felicia
October 5th, 08, 02:51 AM
i can see i want one saying im the site mommy XD

October 5th, 08, 02:52 AM
If... If that were to happen, we'd all be screwed.. XD

October 5th, 08, 02:53 AM

Princess Felicia
October 5th, 08, 02:54 AM
o and why is that im a good mommy

October 5th, 08, 02:56 AM
Your the best mommy, I'm just laughing cause I'm happy you're back.

Princess Felicia
October 5th, 08, 02:56 AM
see good mommy

October 5th, 08, 02:58 AM
no, abusive mommy. XD

October 5th, 08, 02:59 AM
No, mommy isn't abusive, she just isn't around much.

Princess Felicia
October 5th, 08, 03:00 AM
spankings arent abuse when a baby is bad

October 5th, 08, 03:01 AM
Not that! When you slap people and are all like, "no soup for you!"

Princess Felicia
October 5th, 08, 03:02 AM
oo the soup nazi thing lol i watched senfield to much

October 5th, 08, 03:04 AM
Well, when you steal from old homeless people...

Princess Felicia
October 5th, 08, 03:05 AM
i dont do that

October 5th, 08, 03:06 AM
I was talking about big sister Hammy

October 5th, 08, 03:07 AM
HEY! DO NOT- Ok, I'm not gonna lie... I do! T_T

October 5th, 08, 03:10 AM
And you started a trash eating habit...and getting married :D

October 5th, 08, 03:14 AM
HEY! TRASH IS A GOOD THING! *eats some trash* And yes, I am getting married... XD

Princess Felicia
October 5th, 08, 03:15 AM
*swats hammys but for the homeless thing*

October 5th, 08, 03:15 AM

Princess Felicia
October 5th, 08, 03:16 AM
now be a good girl and also stop eathing trash

October 5th, 08, 03:18 AM
But trash is yummy! *stuffs some trash in my mouth and runs away*

October 5th, 08, 03:19 AM
*Uses whip to tie feet, drag you back* While you were gone mommy, I've become a part time dominatrix :D

October 5th, 08, 03:20 AM
yay felicias back HUZZAH!!!!!! :3

October 5th, 08, 03:20 AM
grandma why did you leave for such long time it made me so hyper and it also taught me how change my diapers in so many different ways.

October 5th, 08, 03:21 AM
AYE! You suck Twilight!

October 5th, 08, 03:21 AM
I love you to big sis :D

Princess Felicia
October 5th, 08, 03:22 AM
*swats hammys but three times for disobaying* and sorry arfran but i get on aim sometimes

October 5th, 08, 03:24 AM
AYE! *eats more trash to show felicia I'll do what I want* XP

Princess Felicia
October 5th, 08, 03:25 AM
*takes hammy turns her over my knee pulls down her diaper and gives her ten swats on her bare but*

October 5th, 08, 03:26 AM
....You all sucks, ya know that?

Princess Felicia
October 5th, 08, 03:26 AM
*gives her twenty more swats on her bare but* bad girl apoligize

October 5th, 08, 03:27 AM
...I'm sorry for eating trash and stealing. Happy?

Princess Felicia
October 5th, 08, 03:28 AM
apoligize for saying people suck now

October 5th, 08, 03:28 AM
What the hell, I believe her.

Princess Felicia
October 5th, 08, 03:30 AM
*takes twilight and swats her for saying a bad word*

October 5th, 08, 03:30 AM
Me sowwy mommy, me no curse again.

Princess Felicia
October 5th, 08, 03:31 AM
good girl

October 5th, 08, 03:32 AM
....Fucka! *jumps off lap and runs away*

Princess Felicia
October 5th, 08, 03:34 AM
*takes whip and catches hammys leg then drags her back* VERY BAD *swats her bare but ten times with a wooden spoon*

October 5th, 08, 03:35 AM
*Uses whip to hog tie Hammy* Am I a good girl mommy?

Princess Felicia
October 5th, 08, 03:36 AM
no your to young for the whip

October 5th, 08, 03:37 AM
......I hate you twilight...

Princess Felicia
October 5th, 08, 03:38 AM
*unties hammy and swats her once more then pulls up her diaper* be good ok

October 5th, 08, 03:38 AM
Maybe, but the pay is good :D

Princess Felicia
October 5th, 08, 03:39 AM
*swats twilight with a brush* no be good

October 5th, 08, 03:39 AM
*Whimpers* T-okay

October 5th, 08, 03:40 AM
Fine, no promises, but I'll try to be good...

Princess Felicia
October 5th, 08, 03:40 AM
you both better be or else

October 5th, 08, 03:40 AM
Actually, I'll go with big sis's answer.

October 5th, 08, 03:42 AM
Copycat.... XD

October 5th, 08, 03:42 AM

Princess Felicia
October 5th, 08, 03:42 AM
^.^ silly girls

October 5th, 08, 03:42 AM
*giggles* Makes you love us all the more

October 5th, 08, 03:43 AM
Yep! XD

Princess Felicia
October 5th, 08, 03:43 AM

October 5th, 08, 03:47 AM
*walks in*
what i'd miss out
*waits for an answer shrugs and leaves xP)

Princess Felicia
October 5th, 08, 03:48 AM
*pokes kimmy* lei how ma

October 5th, 08, 04:37 AM
FELICIA!!!! yay!!!

*jumps in ur arms and hugs you ;P*

Princess Felicia
October 5th, 08, 04:39 AM
*hugs dei* hello baby girl

October 5th, 08, 04:41 AM
*pokes kimmy* lei how ma
say wha...
i'm korean not chinese babo :P

Princess Felicia
October 5th, 08, 04:42 AM
i know lol XD

October 5th, 08, 04:44 AM
im amercanidanishdetchenglish xD

October 5th, 08, 04:45 AM
No! Dei, don't trust it-her! It's a trap! omg!

Princess Felicia
October 5th, 08, 04:47 AM
no dei is the good one

October 5th, 08, 04:49 AM
...Awwww... Thats no fun... *gives dei a glass of beer* Loosin up a bit... KILL FELICIA!

Princess Felicia
October 5th, 08, 04:49 AM
*smacks hammys but realy hard with a studded belt* WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH THAT

October 5th, 08, 04:51 AM
Uhhh...Uhhh... I'M NOT GONNA ANSWER THAT! *drinks all of it and runs away*

Princess Felicia
October 5th, 08, 04:53 AM
*takes hammy over my lap and pulls down her diaper and spanks her with a brush*

October 5th, 08, 04:54 AM
*looks down at empty beer bottle*


October 5th, 08, 04:54 AM
Fucka! I will kill you in your sleep and- owww!!! Stop that!!!!!!!!!!!!

Princess Felicia
October 5th, 08, 04:55 AM
*spanks you more with a paddle (50 times)*

October 5th, 08, 04:55 AM

October 5th, 08, 05:04 AM

Princess Felicia
October 5th, 08, 05:04 AM
wat wrong dei

October 5th, 08, 05:14 AM

October 5th, 08, 05:20 AM
comes in with ten bottles of alcohol and slams em all down on the table
lets have a drinking contest

October 5th, 08, 05:23 AM
OMG! *jumps off Felicias lap and drinks all the alcohol* I WIN!! XD

Princess Felicia
October 5th, 08, 05:25 AM
*spanks hammys bare but with the wooden paddle 100 times then puts her in a play pin with mittens that wont let her grab anything*

Princess Felicia
October 5th, 08, 05:25 AM
*takes kimmy over my lap and spanks him 50 times with the paddle*

October 5th, 08, 05:26 AM

Princess Felicia
October 5th, 08, 05:27 AM
*shoves a pill down hammys throught* there *pulls her diaper back up*

October 5th, 08, 05:28 AM
ow! what was that for?

Princess Felicia
October 5th, 08, 05:28 AM
no beer or alcohol be good all of you

October 5th, 08, 05:30 AM
*stabs Felicia with a porno DVD* Die! MOTHER FISHER!

Princess Felicia
October 5th, 08, 05:30 AM
*shoves another laxative down hammys throught and makes her swallow*

October 5th, 08, 05:32 AM
I WILL NOT BE TREATED THIS WAY AND THERE FORE- Oooooo.... This pill tastes good...

October 5th, 08, 05:35 AM
shoves a sleeping pill down felicia's throat TAKE THAT!

October 5th, 08, 05:37 AM
GO KIMMY! I would give you a highfive.. But I can'ts... T-T

October 5th, 08, 05:37 AM
oohh i want a pill thats tastes good *eats one* so what what are these anyways

October 5th, 08, 05:38 AM
*rips off the gloves from hammy's hands* HIGH FIVE!

October 5th, 08, 05:40 AM
YES! *gives kimmy a high five*

October 5th, 08, 05:42 AM
lol :3

October 5th, 08, 05:43 AM
*brings another ten bottles of beer*
lets have another contest! the first one to fall asleep loses and pays the other 100 bucks

October 5th, 08, 05:45 AM
okay xD
takes sleeping pills.....oh SHI-zzzzzz

October 5th, 08, 05:47 AM
*drinks ten beers* YOUR IN FOR IT NOW KIMMY!

October 5th, 08, 05:48 AM
*chugs down ten beers*LETS BRING IT HAMMY!!!

October 5th, 08, 05:49 AM
YAAAAAAAAA!!!! *drinks 15 more beers* HAHAHA!

October 5th, 08, 05:53 AM
GRRRR!!!!*chugs down twenty more and gets drunk* you...you know wat?!?! i...i....i...will never lose...lose

October 5th, 08, 05:56 AM
*drinks 40 more* Oh shit... *throws up* I MGIHT DEI OF ACOHOL POISNING!

October 5th, 08, 05:58 AM
dei is me die is death :P

October 5th, 08, 05:59 AM
HAHA- *throws up on dei*

October 5th, 08, 06:04 AM
T~T you are puree evil *swigs beer and lights a match*....*breathes fire and goes to take a shower*

October 5th, 08, 06:06 AM
I... I have no... responce... T_T My hyperness ran out...

October 5th, 08, 06:08 AM

October 5th, 08, 06:10 AM
I don't know... I think that the intact level of my sugar today just burned off and died. This is... is werid for you isn't it dei?

October 5th, 08, 06:12 AM
no not really

October 5th, 08, 06:15 AM
omg... my decrease of hyperness isn't werid.

October 5th, 08, 06:16 AM
PUHAHAHAHA *chugs down 45 more beers* Not...a single little...little...*throws up on hammy*

October 5th, 08, 06:19 AM
*cleans myself off* I'm not feeling the hyperness... T-T

October 5th, 08, 06:22 AM
awww D:
drink some coffee :D

October 5th, 08, 06:24 AM
Na, I'm logging... So... tired... Night-night everyone..

October 5th, 08, 06:24 AM
go drink some real coffe then ull be hyper again :D

October 5th, 08, 06:24 AM
oh nvm


October 5th, 08, 06:26 AM

Princess Felicia
October 5th, 08, 06:43 AM
*takes kimmy and hammys pulls down there diapers and spanks them each 100 times with the paddle (with hole in paddle for extra sting and speed) then puts them in shackles atached to the wall both hands and feet* ok now whoever releases them other then me will join them

October 5th, 08, 02:36 PM
I give kimmy and Hammyluna giant enemas followed by magically diapering them in the worlds thickest diapers plus locking pacifiers in their mouths.

October 5th, 08, 02:43 PM
O_o mmmmmmmmkay

October 5th, 08, 03:17 PM
*Walks in, looks at Hammy and Kimmy on wall* *Smiles, grabs whip* Lets have some fun girls :D

October 5th, 08, 03:24 PM
Don't forget I gave them their punishment enemas and punishment pacifiers so I leave them in your capab;e hands while I watch all the fun with you permissiom misstress twilight3.

October 5th, 08, 03:28 PM
*Looks at whip, shugs, drops it* Meh, I don't need it for this. * Takes out girl's pacifiers, dips them in baby oil, straps back in mouths. Opens fronts and backs of diapers, pours a bottle of itching powder down each* There we go, enjoy girls ;)

October 5th, 08, 03:33 PM
I follow twilight3 whereever she going and ask her if she wants to watch Megaman with me on the big flat screen tv in the tv room.

October 5th, 08, 03:36 PM
*Shrugs* Meh, why watch when you can play? I challenge you to a netbattle! *Pulls out Nintendo DS and Megaman Battle Network 5 Double Team DS game* You won't beat my Dark Megaman!

October 5th, 08, 03:39 PM
I pull out my Megaman blue DS with BN5 with my ultimate navi whose levels are off the scales but after a long battle my navi succumbs to dark Megaman on the last turn of the battle.

October 5th, 08, 03:40 PM
*Sephiroth pose* Give into the dark! *Flashes peace sign*

October 5th, 08, 03:47 PM
I shake twilight3's hand while saying you might want to check on the girls and I have already submitted to your will mistress twiliight3.

October 5th, 08, 03:48 PM
*Grins* Glad to hear it, and I will. *Walks to other room, then back* Meh, they still sleeping.

October 5th, 08, 04:00 PM
Wtf? You guys scare me~!!

October 5th, 08, 06:10 PM
gah...wat just happened?!

October 5th, 08, 06:46 PM
I helped Twilight3&Princess Felecia do naughty things to you and Hammyluna all while we played video games until we were too bored.

October 5th, 08, 06:48 PM
Thats... Thats just wrong...

October 5th, 08, 06:50 PM
I am sorry I just rolled with the randomness and naughtiness which are spreading like a disease whenever we get bored&overhyper on a regular basis.

Princess Felicia
October 5th, 08, 07:25 PM
...*takes twilight and arfran and pulls down there diapers spanks them 200 times each with the paddle then shackles them then gives them poth enamas and itching powder on there diaper areas then puts them in diapers*

Princess Felicia
October 5th, 08, 07:25 PM
*releases hammy and kimmy* you two be good but u can tease twilight and arfran if you want

October 5th, 08, 07:28 PM
I smile happily through the whole thing even twilight3 and I hopelessly fill our diapers with poop&pee while I laugh like a maniac with the pleasure of the punishment.

Princess Felicia
October 5th, 08, 07:29 PM
...must think of something worse then that for her then

October 5th, 08, 07:31 PM
I am sorry grandma and please no punishment for me please&thank you since I promise to not go crazy like that againw hile I make no promises about twilight3.

Princess Felicia
October 5th, 08, 07:51 PM
you no longer aloud to be punished or babyied for one day

October 5th, 08, 07:57 PM
....Thats cruel man! XP

October 5th, 08, 08:01 PM
thank you grandma that sounds fair, non crazy, and balanced considering my behavior was beyond immature on so many levels.

October 5th, 08, 10:58 PM
cant punish arfan shes to joyous :P

October 5th, 08, 11:10 PM
Hey Dei when did you come in and I only rp as girls since it is more than rping as guys other than YuYu Hakusho characters which I usually rp Hiei, Kurama, or Keiko.

October 5th, 08, 11:25 PM
i got here a little bit ago im up in the moantains right now on a freinds comp