View Full Version : Help: Setting the mood?

April 28th, 13, 06:04 PM
Well I'm plucking up the nerve to write out an idea I've had for a few months, and the one thing I don't wanna do is rush the pacing--but I'm finding it hard to set the right mood, more of a disgruntled/domestic/4am phonecall kind of feel and I was wondering how best to describe how someone reacts, even if it's just a list of words/reactions to get the ball rolling.

Also I'm thinking music might help; when writing does anyone have any 'go to' songs to help set the scenes in ya head?

Thanks, much appreciated! =D

April 30th, 13, 12:17 PM
I don't know if it helps, everyone has another way to settle down:

1 Finish all the work in your real life. You know, things like throwing out your trash or paying your bills. ( I love bills http://i1242.photobucket.com/albums/gg521/gfgr/bild_0003_zps847f7b73.jpg)
Just accomplish everything what may disturb your thoughts. It's hard to think about other things while the daily stuff tries to play air guitar on your nerve.

2 Listen to music, which you like, to gain a better mood. I can't show you the perfect mood song. I'm just listening to a Rock radio, and it eases my thoughts.

3. When you write something about a already existing character, you should put a peek on some of their pictures, movies or animations. Ideas may flow better when you see your protagonist in action.

4. Yeah emotions are difficult to describe: As first think, how you would react to this situation and then think how your char would react. That eases the flow effect.

5. Don't think too much about mistakes! When the thoughts flow, let them flow! Afterwards you have always time to correct it.

April 30th, 13, 02:50 PM
I sometimes listen to music to help me write; the music type depending on what type of scene I'm writing. Friendly banter, a happy and upbeat song. Urgent scene, a fast paced song.

As for pacing yourself, that is a good thing, but so is actually getting your work down on file. I often finish a chapter, then re-read it and if I feel something is wrong with it, or my beta readers point out something I missed, I got back and change it. My next chapter I have re-written 4 times; just cause you finish a chapter doesn't mean you have to post it immediately.

Another thing I found, worked for me but may not work for you, was that when I am somewhat stressed or have something weighing on my mind, I find it Easier to write. I remember I got quite a few chapters done in college from working in that setting. Different people, different things work for you.

Hope some of this helped. If you wanna chat about your story, drop me a PM; no promises if it's a fanfic about a series IDK of though.

Darius chishiki kojitsu
April 30th, 13, 10:16 PM
Like mistress and deadlamb said, get things done. I do stuff easier with music and when everything is out of the way and done. If you dont have a personal way of relaxing, then consider experimenting.