View Full Version : Hetalia Fans

May 20th, 11, 07:52 AM
Please i am looking for hetalia fans out there

May 20th, 11, 01:11 PM
.... here... , i'm a fan

May 20th, 11, 07:13 PM
Watched about 13 ish episodes of it. It's alright. Funny.

May 21st, 11, 10:57 AM
I am a epic hetalai fan and i am glad i love the series so much politics and anime what more could one want

May 21st, 11, 06:59 PM
I have watched a few episodes, is funny. Can't really get over the whole making lite of WW2 concept.

May 23rd, 11, 12:23 PM
well its not just world war 2 its more or less about the world it self they belive despite some countrys mistake we are all human and have our flaws

Bandit Keith
May 23rd, 11, 01:02 PM
So theres really a series called''Hetalia'' !? Never known that I always thought it was just a running gag or mispelling of ''Hentai'' on the net . Guess I was wrong so I got a anime added to my ''going to watch list '' now thanks to this thread .

May 23rd, 11, 01:29 PM
Yes it is a internet phenomenon go to any anime convention we have cosplayers who rival naruto and bleach sometimes in numbers

May 23rd, 11, 01:44 PM
Fellow fan of Hetalia right here 8D

May 23rd, 11, 02:00 PM
yes thankgoodness there are fellow hetalia fans like me and do the ab stuff to double win for me arent i epic all *is being america

May 29th, 11, 12:09 PM
Yes .these are really nice pics of hetaila.if you have more please share this.

July 9th, 11, 08:47 AM
Kinda clear that I'm a Hetalia fan x3333 *raises hand*

July 17th, 11, 05:27 AM
I've seen a few~
At the moment I'm in love with Italy he's just so cute <3