View Full Version : Horrible Day

August 30th, 08, 09:20 PM
Well first off, my little hamster Luna kicked the bucket today... I got her about three years ago. As you guessed, thats were my username came from... :(

Second, I stepped on a stray thumb tack and it went all the way into my foot again..

Third, when I started cleaning out my hammys cage outside, I tripped on a rock and went head first into the litter...

It's been a reeeaaaalllyyyy bad day.... Don't you just love days like this?

August 30th, 08, 09:24 PM
Well darn, that does suck. The closest thing I can relate to is lossing pets. I first had 2 pets, cats. One died, and we had to put the other one down. My grandma had a cat to, Tigger, boy I loved that cat. But when they both grew old, grandma gave Tigger away, I couldn't take him because my sister insisted on getting Jack Russle Dogs.

I feel for you.

August 30th, 08, 09:57 PM
awww...altho i have no pets i love hamsters and its terrible losing someone or something close ='(...feel better!

August 30th, 08, 10:27 PM
i understand very much how you feel i work with my mother in a etinary clinic where i voulenter and somtimes she puts animals down but no matter how many times i see it even if i just met the animal its never any easier i really feel your pain and i hope your day gets better ;(

August 30th, 08, 11:15 PM
thanks for the support =)

August 30th, 08, 11:49 PM
Gosh, make sure you keep a watchful eye on that would, especially if it was an older tack, tetanus and all. And I'm so sorry to hear about your pet. :( I have a 13 year old cat, and I've been getting worried about her getting older and passing. Are you going to bury your hamster or anything? You could do a little memorial, might make you feel better. :)

August 31st, 08, 12:24 AM
Well those are just small incidents.....I guess it sucks though. My dogs 16 and has three tumors im wondering why even keep him alive and suffering? He does seem happy though but i think thats his old age lol.

August 31st, 08, 12:53 AM
Yeah, we're not the only ones who get old. My cat is my best friend though. She's had three major surgeries. I couldn't ever deny her medical help or if she needed something. I give her a few treats a day, but I don't spoil her to where it's bad for her, you know? But she's 13 and the vets always tell me she's really healthy, so I'm positive. n.n

Princess Felicia
August 31st, 08, 01:32 AM
*hugs* sorry hammy

August 31st, 08, 02:48 AM
I guess I feel a little better now... I burried her in the spot that I had the little gate up with the mat over it where she could run freely... Bah, here comes the waterworks =(

I know it's just a hamster, but three years of her... She was like a part of the family... Anyway, thanks again for all the support. Makes me feel better.

August 31st, 08, 02:48 AM
Anytime Hammyluna.

August 31st, 08, 04:16 AM
Group hug :D

August 31st, 08, 04:22 AM
it always makes me kinda sad how animalslive sooo much shorter than people but i guess its so we can love evn more animals ya know :)

August 31st, 08, 04:36 AM
group hug.....backs away

August 31st, 08, 04:43 AM
*grabs wolf and shoves him into group hug*


August 31st, 08, 04:46 AM
-turns into black blood and ozes away

August 31st, 08, 04:46 AM
*starts squeezing wolf so he wont be able to breathe*
hehehehehe *w*

August 31st, 08, 04:51 AM

Princess Felicia
August 31st, 08, 05:00 AM
*gives wolf a kiss on the cheek* you like a big brother

August 31st, 08, 05:01 AM
I respect your difference but dude please dont kiss me lol........

Princess Felicia
August 31st, 08, 05:04 AM
XD i was just messing with ya

August 31st, 08, 05:05 AM
ok lol so im not like a big brother T^T

Princess Felicia
August 31st, 08, 06:06 AM
meh i dont know lol XD

August 31st, 08, 06:08 AM

August 31st, 08, 07:09 AM
felicia's the one dats older yet again shes an lg so probably wolf's teh big bro xD

August 31st, 08, 07:45 AM
felicia acts like my big sis somtimes
lol :P

August 31st, 08, 07:59 AM
lol dats cool

August 31st, 08, 04:26 PM
Im the crazy drunken uncle XD jk

Princess Felicia
August 31st, 08, 06:30 PM
no no crazy druken uncles XD we no need them

August 31st, 08, 06:34 PM
Goku appears out of nowhere and takes chaoswolf into another room for a little sparring plus a huge banquet to eat before they fight.

August 31st, 08, 06:36 PM

August 31st, 08, 06:40 PM
Goku decides not to fight you instead you both just eat a bunch of food and go out to the club together to watch the exotic female dancers.

August 31st, 08, 06:42 PM
ROFL...i then offer sum ecstasy pills to u guys lol

August 31st, 08, 07:04 PM
O_o -takes ex and later in the night takes a hot female dancer back to his house lol

Princess Felicia
August 31st, 08, 07:08 PM
Hot female turned out to be chaoses father

August 31st, 08, 07:22 PM

Princess Felicia
August 31st, 08, 07:37 PM
your on ex you dont know XD

August 31st, 08, 08:25 PM
How the fudge do all the threads I start get off topic??? LOL

August 31st, 08, 08:45 PM
lol its a short topic to discuss about we get bored xP

August 31st, 08, 08:45 PM
wolf den strips down his fathers clothes xPP

August 31st, 08, 08:50 PM
What happened to everyone? This used to be a good, clean site...Strike that last comment, LOL.

Princess Felicia
August 31st, 08, 09:36 PM
XD wow chaos your ikky

September 1st, 08, 12:40 AM
Oh stfu I didnt choose to have that happen :P

September 1st, 08, 02:08 AM
haha of course u did *w*

September 1st, 08, 02:19 AM
-hits azn with a bat anime style >_>