View Full Version : Ice Storm!!!

December 13th, 08, 10:46 PM
Hey all, for those who haven't heard, there was an ice storm in NY state, at the very least. Power was out all day yesterday, and most of today. My car hood got dented by a fallen tree branch, windshield smashed, and a branch took out my home's electrical lines. Had to sleep at a neighbor's house, who had a generator, and I'm now at a Holiday Inn with only a few hours of internet access. All in all, my family and I are okay, just without power for a while. Just thought I'd give everyone a heads up not to expect me for a while.

December 13th, 08, 10:50 PM
Oh thats lovely hope everything turns out fine

December 14th, 08, 12:02 AM
I am sorry to hear that Twilight. You and your family will be in my prayers.

December 14th, 08, 12:23 AM
That sucks hopefully, everything will be fine.

Shining Fire
December 14th, 08, 01:07 AM
Where in NY did this happen? I'm also sorry to hear about your car, and your power XD

December 14th, 08, 04:06 PM
The news about it finally reached Denmark this morning (About 7+ hours ago now). Sounds like it isn' just new york that's hit, and that it has happened a dozen times before, eh?

Good luck on getting everything restored to the daily!

December 14th, 08, 05:02 PM
Thanks everyone. It looks like I'll be stuck here at Holiday Inn, with only 6 hours a day of internet access...I'll try to keep in touch.

December 14th, 08, 05:04 PM
6hours/day seems like plenty to me? ^^

December 14th, 08, 05:13 PM
6hours/day seems like plenty to me? ^^Some could disagree, but i digress what's an ice storm?Is it when rain turns into big pieces of ice?

December 14th, 08, 05:46 PM
It's when you have a storm where ice flies around. Eg. if you're having supercooled rain + strong winds or just snow falling + ice lying around and frozen trees falling into your cars because of the winds.

Winnie Cooper
December 14th, 08, 07:26 PM
Could be rain that turns into ice when it hits the ground or wherever it lands (freezing rain), or it could be small pellets of ice falling rather than rain or snow (sleet).

Big pieces of ice would be a hail storm.

December 15th, 08, 01:36 AM
Hey all, for those who haven't heard, there was an ice storm in NY state, at the very least. Power was out all day yesterday, and most of today. My car hood got dented by a fallen tree branch, windshield smashed, and a branch took out my home's electrical lines. Had to sleep at a neighbor's house, who had a generator, and I'm now at a Holiday Inn with only a few hours of internet access. All in all, my family and I are okay, just without power for a while. Just thought I'd give everyone a heads up not to expect me for a while.

Ah, you got hit with the curse of ice too >< I got hit by it... Power was out, no heat, and no hot meals -_-''

Seems like you got it worse though.. Curse the ice storm! >< Hope your week gets better, Twilight...

December 15th, 08, 02:07 AM
I love you all, but yeah we don't have storms where i live.I can only imagine how it looks.Hope everything will be better for you all.

December 15th, 08, 02:37 AM
Okay...you guys won't believe this. The hotel lost power just after I Posted! Luckly, this is the one all the workers are staying at, so they got power back about an hour ago, so everything's okay now. My house has power, so tomorrow we'll be moving back, but we won't have cable or telephone and thus no internet...and I'm not brave enough to go on this site in public so it may be a day or two till I'm seen again here. That's my report, everyone in the area seems to be recovering, so all is well here.

December 15th, 08, 02:41 AM
Okay...you guys won't believe this. The hotel lost power just after I Posted! Luckly, this is the one all the workers are staying at, so they got power back about an hour ago, so everything's okay now. My house has power, so tomorrow we'll be moving back, but we won't have cable or telephone and thus no internet...and I'm not brave enough to go on this site in public so it may be a day or two till I'm seen again here. That's my report, everyone in the area seems to be recovering, so all is well here.Doesn't this site have like a work safe thing?Oh well hope you get your stuff back soon.

December 17th, 08, 07:24 PM
This sucks, this completely and utterly sucks. The cable guy won't be here till next week, leaving my house without tv and internet until possibly next Friday!!! I'm sitting in the library, wishing I was wearing right now cause I'm scared shitless someone will look over my shoulder any second now, and I'm bouncing off the walls with nothing to do!!! Writting can only last me so long! T_T I-I think I'm going mad!!! (Tears off screaming into the ever cold night)

Don't know when I'll be on again.

December 17th, 08, 07:51 PM
This sucks, this completely and utterly sucks. The cable guy won't be here till next week, leaving my house without tv and internet until possibly next Friday!!! I'm sitting in the library, wishing I was wearing right now cause I'm scared shitless someone will look over my shoulder any second now, and I'm bouncing off the walls with nothing to do!!! Writting can only last me so long! T_T I-I think I'm going mad!!! (Tears off screaming into the ever cold night)

Don't know when I'll be on again.The more you're scared the more chances you get caught.You really should just put the AI anime banner on people won't notice the small little link.

December 17th, 08, 09:28 PM
i know how you people feel i had to respond to thirteen car accidents today due to the snow and icing we got here Pottsville Pa Iam a volunteer firefighter so it sucked all day i just got back now from the thirteenth wreck all wrecks had no injuries

December 18th, 08, 12:27 AM
Chain reaction or were they all separate?

December 20th, 08, 09:30 PM
Hey all! I'll be getting cable and internet within the next week, so I should be able to last that long with some of my sanity left. I managed to come up with a good idea for one of my stories and post a chapter here for my True love one, so everything seems to be working out at the moment. Oh, and before I forget, Merry X-mas and Happy Holidays to everyone!

December 20th, 08, 09:35 PM
It will be good to have you back twilight n.n I hope you make it out in one peice