View Full Version : Im new and have a quick question please!

Omutsu no Jutsu
August 1st, 10, 11:56 PM
Hi there! Im new so please dont be mean to me if I sound to dumb...
Okay so I need help with just my avatar and profile pics, I cant seem to get one up because they are all to big so im stuck without one. You would think this would be easier for me but I must really be that dumb...
So how do I find pics small enough to be avatars or profiles? Or how do I make pics I already have small enough to be used as avatars or profiles? My thanks to anyones help or support on this issue!

August 1st, 10, 11:58 PM
I save the pictures I find onto my computer and upload them. Its easier for me. ^_^

August 2nd, 10, 12:43 AM
avatars are to be no bigger than 120*120pixles and if l remember rightly less than 100k in size.

Bandit Keith
August 2nd, 10, 12:45 AM
avatars are to be no bigger than 120*120pixles and no bigger then 50.0 KB

August 2nd, 10, 01:12 AM
Paint, open, tools, play with the Schew.

Omutsu no Jutsu
August 4th, 10, 10:59 PM
Hey sorry it took so long to post back but I had to sneak on when no one was awake and so im here now. ^-^
You see the problem is I cant seem to find pics no bigger than 120*120 pixles and no bigger than 50.0 KB. I've been using Bing Images and using the smallest picture option to look around for some but they are still too big! And as for the Paint and Schew thing your going to have to explain that one to me, I dont know what that is. I already have alot of pics saved to my computer, if only I could make them smaller...

---------- Post added at 06:59 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:01 PM ----------

Yipee! I finally figured it out! Went to paint, clicked a bunch things, finally found the mysterious and well hidden Skew thingie. You can close this thread now or can I do that? Im not sure how...
Anyways thanks for everyones help and support!

September 10th, 10, 02:56 AM
It's really easy if you use Photoshop... Problem is just affording Photoshop...

Bandit Keith
September 10th, 10, 03:01 AM
just theres a easy site to do it just need to find it seeing as I had a downloaded that thing awhile back on a add on for my needs on changing pic size's