View Full Version : Inappropriate Age Content

January 2nd, 09, 03:49 AM
There is a serious problem with the age content of a lot of the pictures in the gallery. Do these pictures not go through an approval system before they're displayed? The apparent ages of some of these young girls is disgusting. This problem borders on ped*******a and needs serious attention. I'm sick of seeing these pictures and plan use the report button to my leisure.

January 3rd, 09, 01:12 AM
NOTE: All other replies removed as many contain keywords I simply do not with search engines to associate with this site. (My full reply is in the process of being typed)

January 3rd, 09, 01:23 AM
First of all I will make the point that this is an adult site. To be a member here you HAVE to be aged 18+ (21 in some countries / states). The talk of an 18+ gallery is therefore pointless. If you do not wish to view pornographic images I highly recomend avoiding "dojin page scans", "unknown artists" and especially "Graphical manipulation" - instead stick to "Resident" and "Non-Resident" artists.

The rules and laws on lolicon are virtually identical. If it is not 3d or photorealistic (ie a pesudophoto) it is not against our rules. At the end of the day we are all adults here yet many members are acting like 14 year olds. If you do not like a picture simply move on... Drawings of children are NOT real. Nothing on this site is real.

Excessive use of the report button for pictures that are not against our rules will piss me off bigtime as I have to check each and every reported image. Members seen to be abusing this button will be subject to discipline.

If every drawing that contained a child or a person who could be concieved to be under 18 in it were removed from the gallery we would most likely end up with 5 pictures. This is a great resource for ALL diaper related artwork. Different people have different tastes. If the entire gallery were suited to my tastes only, all furry drawings and all male srawings would be removed - but this is not going to happen. Learn to live and let live and stop making mountains out of molehills.

Every single picture on this site is most likely offensive to somebody, therefore we will NEVER please everybody. Those are my final words in this matter.