View Full Version : Innocence of Foalhood(Private )

Bandit Keith
August 9th, 14, 11:14 PM
A young filly Luna was rather excited way more then her slightly older sister which both are still a filly physically along some mental traits aswell. Celestia on the other hand doesn't seem that excited,Reason Luna was excited she had overheard well in truth listen in on a talk about somepony else they can play with will be arriving soon and be stuck with them for awhile. The fact its a changeling slated as a possible queen and being used as a token/sign of trust had went in one ear and out the other metaphorically speaking anyway ''Tia we are getting a new playmate,why aren't you happy about that?''Luna asked beaming with energy as a new playmate and possible friend would add more then children of their parents guards and their own guard children to play with.

Meanwhile a Changeling excourt was walking up to the dwelling of the royal family and future Rulers abode reason its a changeling group is they can easily find and detect another changeling if they had transformed at the moment they got a young sleeping Changeling on one of their back. They was soon at the front gate waiting for somepony to meet them

August 9th, 14, 11:50 PM
"Oh, I am Luna, I'm just a bit busy here." Celestia said, as she squatted down on all fours, and began pushing a load of manure into her diaper, "Ah, there. So, whose our new friend again?" She asked, sitting down

Bandit Keith
August 10th, 14, 12:13 AM
Luna put a hoof to her snout and had a look of displeasure seeing her sister sit down in a messy diaper''I don't see why you resist potty training or mushing the mess around Tia.''Luna herself was having trouble potty training but atleast she clearly makes attempts to use the potty well when it comes manure anyway as she doesn't mind wetting that much if any so she isn't in the hurry for the urine control''She's a changeling,named Chrysalis.'' (I'll put Chrysalis in within afew posts)

August 10th, 14, 12:21 AM
"Because I look cute in them, and it allows me to play longer." Celestia giggled, "And whose the filly here who waits to get a change when she's in a wet diaper?" She smirked.

Bandit Keith
August 10th, 14, 12:42 AM
Luna at that point tried to think of something that would divert/delay the answer as she almost never goes to somepony to be changed when she wets unless asked by a being in charge of caring for the two sisters,offers to change them or her diaper started to get near leakage level even after all this time of lectures about not waiting that long do to a rash might form but she still does it. But upon not being able to think of something choose to admit to her sister that Celestia clearly knows''Of course its not me''

August 10th, 14, 12:46 AM
"Oh yes it is." Celestia giggled, nuzziling her sister, "I'm the one with the amazing memory, 'member Woona?"

Bandit Keith
August 10th, 14, 01:13 AM
Luna gave a pout at the memory line as its true Celestia has a better memory then her on specific things ''you do big sis''Luna then choose to add her own reason for waiting on changing if in a wet diaper''But changing from just one wetting is a waste so I wait''Luna had always used that as her argument on when asked why she waited for a wet diaper to be changed when in truth its that but its more in the fact she just liked how a wet diaper feels

Soon The door to the playroom Celestia and Luna was in opened revealing two changeling guards/escorts keeping the doors open ready to leave as once there former charge walked in they closed the door

Chrysalis had been woken up when her former guards/escorts was at the playroom she was let down and the doors opened she walked in and yawned looking at Celestia and Luna''You're both weird looking''Chrysalis said mostly as she may have been taken from the hive at times to where ponys was she never seen a pony that had at the same time a pair of wings and a horn

August 10th, 14, 01:21 AM
"That's mean." Celestia pouted, before smiling, "So, what's your name? I'm Celestia, and this is my sister Luna." She gestured to the midnight blue Alicorn.

Bandit Keith
August 10th, 14, 02:13 AM
Chrysalis weighed the pro's and con's of introducing herself in a specific way she choose to do something of a intimation or impress kind so she jumped up in the air buzzing her wings as she used abit of magic to cast a errie shadow she smiled showing her fangs in a creepy manner''I am Chrysalis possible future changeling queen of hive 1 the biggest and toughest hive of the current 6''Chrysalis then lowered herself to the ground pouting as her display hadn't given her what she desired to see as she wanted somekind of fear or awestruck. Upon Chysalis noticing the 2 Alicorns was in diapers smiled as she won't have to fear for now about ridicule by those she more or less is forced to stay with for quite some time thanks to idiot adult political agreements .

Luna had a pout herself at the weird comment then frowned messing with shadows was her trade mark skill then she smiled seeing Chrysalis diapered aswell thats a good fact

August 10th, 14, 02:21 AM
"So, Chrysalis," Celestia trotted over, "Do you need a diaper change?" She asked, having noticed the charcoal grey diaper around Cadence's waist.

Bandit Keith
August 10th, 14, 03:01 AM
Chrysalis checked her diaper and shook it in the negative''Nope but I will soon from mexicolt food''Chrysalis but used that as a pun and truth as she had leech love energy off of somepony in a mexicolt restaurant that was leaking it all over the place that pony has a love for the food and she also ended up with some youth friendly mexicolt food ''So...''Chrysalis trailed off not sure how to voice her thought ''What do you two wanna do?''

Luna had went to Chrysalis and was looking at the natural holes in the changeling legs interested in that fact as its odd to her even though she was taught about other species its another thing to see a species in person. Upon the question Luna said without a second thought''I wanna play make believe''

August 10th, 14, 03:06 AM
"Sure, what should we pretend to be? Pirates? Space Explorers?" Celestia asked her sister excitedly, as she pushed a chest full of clothes over.

Bandit Keith
August 10th, 14, 03:29 AM
Luna had a small splash of a a ideal ''How bout pretending I'm some mass of evil that reawakened planning to rule in darkness and only a heroine with a pure heart or wielder of the elements of harmony can beat me?'Luna suggested as Celestia always choose the badguy and Luna wanted a excuse to use some of her shadow manipulation magic and show magic she had recently learned

August 10th, 14, 03:44 AM
"That sounds fun!" Celestia smiled, her wings fluttering with anticipation. She then turned to her guest, "What do you wanna be Chryssie?" She asked.

Bandit Keith
August 10th, 14, 04:30 AM
Chrysalis had a awkward smile at the nickname''Well badguys in this case badgirls almost always have minions and a shapeshifter fits the darkness theme''Chrysalis nodded abit to herself''I could play 2 roles if we play right one on both sides''Chrysalis looked in the trunk withdrawing a dual sided pendent the simple ideal for the pendent even for young fillies and colts should get in the make believe playing is the twin role where one is with the hero and the other the villain

August 10th, 14, 04:35 AM
"Even better!" Celestia grinned, donning a suit of chain mail and plastic armor. She then posed, "Alright, Luna, what are you gonna wear?"

Bandit Keith
August 10th, 14, 05:07 AM
Luna already having a plan dug into the trunk as she produced toy armor that had a enchantment to not reflect or have a shine at all from light it brings to mind a blackhole as it almost seems to absorb the light into it. While she had also dug out a cape that had a enchantment to mirror the night sky ''Okay names I think Nightmare Moon for my role works''(Yeah I'm going with Nightmare Moon was a name that Luna came up with as a filly deal with it )

''Moonbeam for my role as the minion and Sunbeam for the other ''Chrysalis wings was buzzing as to be honest hardly any changeling played with her

August 10th, 14, 05:12 AM
"Alright, sounds good, and I'll be Solaria." Celestia smiled, "Now, who wants to begin this epic tale of ours?" Celestia asked, "Not it!" She called out.

Bandit Keith
August 10th, 14, 05:47 AM
(Yes I made a samurai jack reference in the start but I couldn't resist plus its not been make in our rpverses yet anyway)

''I call it!''Chrysalis used a slight illusion spell to make it appear like mist was rolling in as she used abit of changeling magic to make her voice sound like the type of voice you'd find that would draw your attention but still it sounded like what one could imagination a more mature Luna with abit of sterotype how a evil voice would sound like''Long ago in a distant land, I, Nightmare Moon, the mistress of darkness unleashed a never-ending night! But, a foalish pony warrior, wielding a magic stone stepped forth to oppose me! Before the final blow was struck, I tore open a portal in time and flung her into the future, where my darkness is law! Now the foal seeks to return to the past, and undo the future that is Nightmare Moon!''For a sudden on the spot making up of a epic tale intro it was amazing

Luna in that time of the start somehow had positioned herself on a nearby chair as if it was a throne of somekind with a toy ceptor giving mock orders to toys she was using telekinesis spell to move dropping in every once and awhile a order of keep looking for Solaria

August 10th, 14, 06:31 PM
(That was amazing.)

Celestia smirked, easily batting aside each of the toy minions with a foal broadsword she had in her chest, "Take that!" She said, poking a stuffed pig,

Bandit Keith
August 10th, 14, 09:07 PM
The stuff pig was manipulated to do a overly dramatic way of dieing mostly for amusement purposes on that way it finally fell to its side with a squeak laying motionless

Luna looked over acting like she had been enjoying the show ''Oh Solaria,how long has it been sense we last seen each other?''

August 10th, 14, 09:23 PM
"A few hundred years." Celestia said, drawing her sword in a dramatic flourish, "Now engarde, Nightmare Moon!" She said.

Bandit Keith
August 11th, 14, 12:24 AM
Luna choosing to do the dramatic villainess fighting against a heroine the villainess not needing a real weapon or one at all''Oh you're serious but such a sword can't defeat me''

August 11th, 14, 12:29 AM
"Well, maybe my friend Sunbeam can help!" Celestia looked over at Chrysalis, motioning her friend over.

Bandit Keith
August 11th, 14, 12:45 AM
Chrysalis joined in holding a plastic toy dagger that looks like it was stone''Sunbeam has finished off the minions ''Chrysalis was going with a third person speech as she kinda liked that method of talking

''I've heard much about this Sunbeam from Moonbeam it's a shame if they fought''Luna was clearly using a spell to keep the tale going as a shadow warped into a shadowy image of Chrysalis only the pendent image was the reverse any attacks would just go through the shadow

August 11th, 14, 12:51 AM
(Your up in the Lyrist)

"An evil version of Sunbeam has appeared!" Celestia said, her diaper crinkiling, as she started whacking away at the shadow, "Maybe light will work." She lit up her horn, as a ball of light sped towards Moonbeam.

Bandit Keith
August 11th, 14, 01:44 AM
(was that has appeared a pokemon reference or not? )

The light had put a hole in it but had been repaired moments later as if it never hit but if light detonates in Moonbeam it would cause a fair amount of damage''She's more then she was when she first joined me as I gifted her with power ''Luna suddenly felt a pressure start in her belly she pounce towards Celestia planning to get a tickle fight going.

August 11th, 14, 01:51 AM
(Hah! Funny enough, it was unintentional, but I just realized it, so kind of.)

"Tickle attack!" Celestia giggled, rolling around with her sister, using her slightly longer wing tips to tickle Luna's back, while her hooves working on Luna's chest.

Bandit Keith
August 11th, 14, 02:04 AM
Chrysalis pouted her newest and practically only pony friends went into playing in a manner she couldn't join in oh well she'd take and do a tickle fight with the winner

Luna was giggling both from the tickling and the fact she was having fun though she was focusing on tickling Celestia's ticklish spots as a way to compensate her shorter wing reach to get the most out of tickling her sister

August 11th, 14, 02:07 AM
Celesta laughed, wetting her diaper in the process, "I'm gonna win Lulu!" She grinned, increasing her speed.

Bandit Keith
August 11th, 14, 02:56 AM
Luna soon stopped tickling as she disengaged laughing too much to tickle back her own diaper somewhat wet from laughing till she peed so when the butler walked in asked if she needed a change she rose a hoof

Soon in came somepony that has been caring for Celestia and Luna for awhile now,well not that much directly albeit the pony does do direct caring at times as the stallion has the job as the head Butler,this Butler known as Walter gave a half bow seeing as he was dealing with his employers children and a child that is a important token/sign of trust''Young mistresses,Mistress Laurel Faustis and Master Artemis has sent me to gather you three for lunch''The Butler then went from businesses mode to friendly'' but first who needs a change?''

Chrysalis licked her lips at that news as she had been needing some more emotional energy to feed on and theres bound to be some over flowing positive emotions flowing off of afew ponies and none ponies plus her last meal had been a light one. Chrysalis raised her hoof as the mexicolt food had made its way through her system by now and being bug like its a surprise Celestia or Luna hadn't made a playful teasing comment about her being a stinkbug

August 11th, 14, 03:00 AM
Celestial giggled, raising a hoof, as her wet and messy diaper swung between her legs. "I do Walter."

Bandit Keith
August 11th, 14, 04:07 AM
Walter walked over to who clearly needed a change worst namely Celestia if the smell,bulge and diaper moving is anything to go by'' I'm not sure who's the biggest stinkbug the morning beetle or the deceptive beetle ''It was Walters attempt at playful teasing of Celestia and Chrysalis seeing as both was messy,regardless he took Celestia to the changing table and got to the changing process

Chrysalis gave a snort thats the first time she found amusement for a long time in a stinkbug teasing as it was done with a more original flare to it then most

August 11th, 14, 04:09 AM
"Thanks Walter, you're the best." Celestia smiled, her hind legs swinging slightly as she was changed.

Bandit Keith
August 11th, 14, 11:05 PM
Walter carefully changed Celestia in a quick effective yet gently''If you wanna thank me well...''Walter trailed of a moment''Try eating more vegetables and grass''Walter figured it'd be worth a attempt to get Celestia to eat more variety albeit it'll likely fail given the look he got on the statement when he set Celestia down and started on Chrysalis getting changed

Luna ironically is the sister that will eat vegetables and grass with very little fuss its ironic as she's the younger of the 2

August 11th, 14, 11:11 PM
"I'll try Walter." Celestia giggled, before sitting down on their bed.

Bandit Keith
August 11th, 14, 11:54 PM
Chrysalis was somewhat squirming while changed as her wings may be more flexible,They're like most changelings placed at a area of the back along with positioned that its not that good of feeling if laying on her back unless transformed as they naturally get altered in a kind of shell.''This is why I hate pony places getting changed at''Chrysalis said out loud in a grumbling manner when the changing was done for her insect like wings was bend out of shape even though its clear they was correcting themselfs as she spoke that complaint Chrysalis got by Celestia ''So I'm likely going to be stuck with you and Luna for the foreseeable future. As such who's more into mischievous you or Luna?''Chrysalis asked mainly to keep her mind off her wings that are still correcting themselves

Lunas was the quickest on getting changed both because of the type of clean up required and she hadn't squirmed like Chyrsalis so they was soon on the way to the dining area

August 11th, 14, 11:57 PM
Celestia nodded to Luna, "She's a bit more mischievous, though I tend to be from time to time." She giggled.

Bandit Keith
August 12th, 14, 01:09 AM
Chrysalis clicked her tongue''She's mostly nocturnal or does she seem more awake at night and lacking energy in the day?''Chrysalis was asking mainly because she had spent time with nocturnal changelings and Luna was acting like how those changeling do in the day . The answer is a yes on the energy factor for sure

Luna was only half listening mainly because she knew this meal could be interesting giving what she had read about Changelings and emotion leeching so Luna was wondering if Chrysalis would be provided a pony to do such regularly and if at meal time

August 12th, 14, 01:16 AM
"Yeah, she's a vampony as well." Celestia answered, her diaper crinkiling with each movement.

Bandit Keith
August 12th, 14, 01:50 AM
Chrysalis eyes lite up at that news but then narrowed her eyes in suspension as that is rather odd for vamponies to handle daylight unless that spell that she had heard about called Sun Protect is real. Luna is a damphir which is a half vampony and half pony or just got lucky as there are afew daywalker vamponys that gets sun burn easier then normal ponies. Though Chrysalis noted moments later how the diaper herself Celestia and Luna was put into are extremely crinkly''Why did your parents choose really crinkly diapers anyway? Was it capacity or what? ''

August 12th, 14, 02:14 AM
"That, and we look,cute in them." Celestia giggled, popping her pacifier into to her mouth, as she began suckiling on it.

Bandit Keith
August 12th, 14, 02:33 AM
Chrysalis rolled her eyes at the cute line though Chrysalis made a mental note to investigate noise damping or better yet silencing spells as she couldn't do any pranking or sneaking around in such a noisy diaper. At times like this she curses her laziness in spell and magic learning seeing as if she became queen she'd assimilate all of the prior queens knowledge anyway. On the bright side of the lazy factor atleast she has a even more of a personality then most of the other slated for possible Queenship'' How you started potty training yet?''Chrysalis as nervous on the answer to it as she has been for ages with barely any luck unlike the peers that age just as slow as her with is slated as possible queens and kings

August 12th, 14, 02:34 AM
"Nope, and I never want to!" Celesta grinned, wings fluttering with glee, as she bounced.

Bandit Keith
August 12th, 14, 02:57 AM
Chrysalis felt like facehoofing or doing a face fault at how gleeful and serious Celestia was about that declaration but didn't as the first was do to training on how to act while her training on unsuspecting surprises or shocks had keep herself from doing that . Still she was confused how somebeing could like that''Why won't you? I mean aren't you going to be like the Ruler of Equestian in the day and Luna the ruler of Equestian at Night or something? If so you'd be a laughing stock'' Chrysalis wasn't privy to much Intel aside from what she absolutely needed to know about ponies and such given her role as a sign of goodwill/token of trust so she had taken a educated guess on the two Alicorns future roles

Luna was by then interested in her sisters and Chysalis's discussion

August 12th, 14, 02:59 AM
"Well, I have a plan for that too." Celestia smirked, "I happen to know a few Invisibilty spells." She flexed her wings.

Bandit Keith
August 12th, 14, 03:32 AM
''You'd also want to add odor control spells to that aswell''At that moment they was at the dining hall which isn't that big at this time given as Laurel and Artemis has opped for royal business be done somewhere thats not the castle ever sense they had Celestia and then Luna to extremely cut down the chase of the kids being taken illegally for some reason.

(How do you want the meal to go in terms of Celestia,Luna and Chrysalis arrangement?)

August 12th, 14, 03:37 AM
(High chairs)

Celestia was lifted into her white and yellow high chair, giggiling as the tray was shut over her.

Bandit Keith
August 12th, 14, 05:27 AM
(I'll let you choose the meals if you want)

Luna like normal protested when she was lifted up as she wanted to get up by herself as unlike her sister she wants to in somethings be more grown up/independent

Chrysalis when she was picked up and set in a highchair she enjoyed it as those slated to be possible queens more often then not are pushed to get as independent as they can as fast as they can so not much parental or caring attention happens thats why Chrysalis was in a daze of enjoyment at that

August 12th, 14, 05:31 AM
Celestia licked her lips, as a tray of warm, buttered pancakes was laid before her. Her mother, Laurel Faustis, began feeding her,

Bandit Keith
August 12th, 14, 06:44 AM
(Who has pancakes for lunch? Well I have before but still my point stands its a odd time for such a food )

Luna had attacked her food so to speak for well her vampirec nostrils and tastebuds detected the underlining smell and taste of blood in her own pancakes

Chrysalis was eating hers noticing abit of honey had been mixed in with hers something she highly enjoys is honey and nectar mainly for the hives ration both out to possible future queens

August 12th, 14, 06:59 AM

Celestia dug into each forkful Laurel gave her.

Bandit Keith
August 12th, 14, 07:41 PM
(I'll give you that)

Soon the main part of lunch was over atleast for the children as even though its not needed given the type of food a desert was brought out for Celestia it's a recipe the cooks found that it holds alot of healthy ingredients when compared to standard recipes which on the plate was also a bottle of milk to finish the meal off

Lunas was blood pudding and a sippy cup of milk

Chrysalis had a smile when she caught the scent of honeybuns and it grew when she noticed she had a bottle to drink from as she hoped on the bottle aspect seeing as she barely recalled sippy cups let along foal bottles thanks to how the hive works with possible future queens

Artemis cleared his throat a moment'' Celestia,Luna as you no doubt realize or should by now Chrysalis will be staying here with us we would of told you sooner but things came up''Artemis had rubbing the back of his neck sheep'ish when he was done saying that as unlike his wife Laurel hes not the type that likes springing things on somebeing unless needed. Which Laurel and Artemis honestly had the arrangement just sort of come about afew weeks ago thanks to varying circumstances

August 12th, 14, 08:09 PM
"It's alright daddy." Celestia giggled, popping her bottle into her mouth. She laid back in her high chair, closed her eyes, and sucked, smiling.

Bandit Keith
August 12th, 14, 08:33 PM
Luna had a look of indifference on her face at the fact they wasn't told sooner as it wasn't major and Luna albeit she wouldn't say it out loud but she would have been all over the place excited for a new friend/playmate while she'd have been waited longer then she had been''Daddy does she get her own room or be with us?''Luna asked as she didn't want Chrysalis to be alone in a room,upon her fathers reply she smiled''I say we share the room with her''Not like its that big of a loss in space as the room is really roomy as is

Artemis gave a relieved sigh at his oldest daughters reply namely Celestia but wasn't sure what to feel about Lunas question ''If its okay with you both and Chrysalis you three could share the same room''

Chysalis was drinking her milk that was warm with honey in it stopped and looked at the older of the 2 foals namely Celestia hoping its the same answer as Luna gave

August 12th, 14, 08:53 PM
"Of course she can share a room with us, it's pretty big after all." Celestia grinned, before swiftly going back to her bottle.

Bandit Keith
August 12th, 14, 09:22 PM
Chrysalis nodded''I'd like to share it aswell''Chrysalis returned to he bottle finishing it around the time Celestia finished hers mainly for they're both about the same size of a bottle, Chrysalis upon being undone without being asked Walter started to burp Chrysalis

August 12th, 14, 09:40 PM
Celesta burped on her own, giggiling, "Can we go play daddy?" She asked, pouting cutely.

Bandit Keith
August 12th, 14, 09:57 PM
Artemis nodded''Yes and daddy has sometime he can play with his girls today''Artemis said in a rather father nature reply this should be a treat as neither parent has had much time with Celestia or Luna over the years from business

Luna to her embarrassment let out a cute sound of happiness with a afew moments of hopping around ''Yes daddys going to play''Luna upon realizing and getting herself under control blushed as she had prided herself as being the more grown up in alot of things out of her and Celestia even if shes younger then Celestia

August 12th, 14, 10:26 PM
"Thank you daddy!" Celestia zipped over, and began hugging her dad's leg.

Bandit Keith
August 13th, 14, 12:02 AM
Artemis couldn't help but pat Celestia on the head''Its not daddy you should thank its Uncle Star Swirl and Aunt Clover you should they've helped Daddy and Mommy alot ''Artemis called those pony uncle and aunt as Luna and Celestia had called them that in the past

August 13th, 14, 12:25 AM
"Alright, thank you and them!" Celestia grinned, her diaper crinkiling.

Bandit Keith
August 13th, 14, 12:45 AM
Artemis seeing how hyper Luna was at the prospect of playing with him and Celestia just as much if not more so,then he looked at Chrysalis who had for some reason migrated over to his wife Laurel''Well that's surprising she doesn't want to play or she has a ideal of how special this time is to Luna and Celestia.''thought Artemis''Well Lulu picked what we did last time together ''Artemis only mentioned that as hes unsure if the girls had recalled who picked last.''So what does Celest want us to do?''

Chrysalis would have went for Clover if she know what she looked like but she knows who Laurel is and was being as patient as a young filly could for Laurel to address her in someway

August 13th, 14, 01:25 AM
"Can we play hide and seek daddy? We can hide, and you try to find us!" Celestia hopped about, her diaper crinkiling.

Bandit Keith
August 14th, 14, 12:40 AM
Artemis smiled''Yes we can ''Artemis then choose to add a rule''And no hiding in the dungeon if you hide indoors ''

August 14th, 14, 12:59 AM
"Ok daddy." Celestia smiled, her diaper crinkiling, "Alright dad, we'll go and hide!" She then sped off.

Bandit Keith
September 21st, 14, 02:52 AM
Chrysalis choose to try to get some information on her situation as all she had gotten from the changelings was its a political reason she was to stay with the pony rulers. Its rather annoying for her not to be in the loop in this case so she waited till Laurel Faustis was done eating ''Miss Faustis I hate to bother you but could you um, please give me some details about my situation? I only got information as being a political peace offering or something like that''

Luna instead of speeding off to hide choose to with her developing power over the darker side of magic went to a shadowed part of the room and shadow traveled to the last place she thinks any pony would look for her namely her parents bathroom

Artemis chuckled as he got up and counted to 10 before heading off to search for his daughters without using the magic sense as that'd be cheating

September 21st, 14, 03:16 AM
Laurel smiled, looking up from her plate, "Well sweetie, your daddy and I wanted to try and restore the peace between our kingdoms, so, in a sign of good faith, we decided you three should try and become best buds."

Bandit Keith
September 21st, 14, 04:20 AM
''Well Miss Faustis to be fair its unavoidable not to have much peace when changelings are known to feed on positive emotions most of the time''Chrysalis more or less was going off the bias knowledge she was taught by other changeling teachers that so long as changelings need to feed on positive emotions it'll prevent peace ''Though perhaps those in prison could serve there time in the hive to feed Changelings after all emotions regenerate so no harm there still they'd be in a cell or in those cocoon things ''Chrysalis had a rather good ideal that might pay off there

September 21st, 14, 02:45 PM
"Fair, and, as I'm sure your parents have taught you, Changelings, while positive emotions are your primary food source, you can eat regular food as well, granted, minus some nutrients." Laurel explained.

Bandit Keith
September 21st, 14, 05:33 PM
Chrysalis nodded''Yes I know, but a changeling does periodically need positive emotions for what normal food lacks but for my physical age once a week on positive emotions works''Chrysalis said but then looked over and Starswirl who had a beard''I can sense that bearded pony has a rather odd love for his beard he'd do nicely if you don't want him to have that beard I could drain him long enough he'd shave it ''

September 21st, 14, 08:58 PM
"Let him keep his beard, I'm surprised he hasn't married it." Lauren chuckled.

Bandit Keith
September 21st, 14, 09:09 PM
Chrysalis snickered herself but then grinned mischievously planning to make Starswirl have a neon pink beard when she has the perfect chance to cause it''Thanks for your time Ms. Faustis I'll be going got something to do''

September 21st, 14, 09:22 PM
"Alright dear, have fun." Lauren then went about cleaning the mess of food and plates.

Bandit Keith
September 21st, 14, 09:33 PM
(Do mind if theres a time skip? to Starswirl somehow getting a neon pink beard or catching Chrysalis trying to cause it? as I'm not sure how to handle the hide and seek game)

Chrysalis started her mission of covertly acquiring the items she need to cause whoever that bearded pony is to end up having a pink beard as she found that image to be funny as that beard is about as long as the pony itself aswell

January 1st, 15, 04:23 PM
Celestia and. Luna, while Chrysalis conspired for their uncle to have a neon pink beard, were playing a board game, waiting for Changeling Princess to return.

Bandit Keith
January 1st, 15, 06:02 PM
Chrysalis was soon back with Celestia and Luna and joined in on the board game but about a hour of the three fillies playing different games a scream was heard all through out the castle

The scream was Starswirl obviously the strange thing is it wasn't of joy or frustration like it normally is,this scream was of the kind the Alicorn fillys tend to cause when they do get in the mood to prank somepony . The Scream was as follows''PINK?! WHY IS IT PINK?!''If a pony investigates they'll find StarSwirl with a neon pink beard

Luna looked at Celestia''What did you do Tia ?''Luna asked her older sister as Luna hadn't done anything to prank any being for awhile and she felt she might aswell get to the bottom of this if her sister caused the scream from a prank

January 1st, 15, 06:13 PM
"It wasn't me this time, I swear." Celestia defend herself, holding up her hooves, before she giggled, "Uncle Starswirl with a pink mane is funny though." She then grunted, as the Alicorn filly filled her diaper with a sigh.

Bandit Keith
January 1st, 15, 07:20 PM
''If not you then who?''Luna glanced at Chrysalis but dismissed the thought,after all what pony would do such a thing as pranking those that you are living with in the first few days let alone the first few hours of being there?''Couldn't be ''Luna muttered as she got up ''Well we got a mystery to solve''Its ironic how Luna could switch gears even if its slightly related to what she had started on about

January 1st, 15, 07:26 PM
"Maws it you Chryssie?" Celestia asked, cocking an eyebrow. Her diaper mushed the mess against her skin, "Nopony would suspect you." She pointed out

Bandit Keith
January 1st, 15, 08:09 PM
''Now why would I prank ponies so soon that haven't done anything to me yet?''Chrysalis asked as she buzzed her wings a moment''Besides what kind of idiot would I be if I did and admitted just because I was asked?''Chrysalis genuinely had to let wonder enter her voice at that point

January 4th, 15, 04:12 AM
"You have a point." But Celestia still wasn't done being suspicious, "Wanna go play?" She asked.

Bandit Keith
January 4th, 15, 04:34 AM
Luna had picked apart the last question from Chrysalis as a indirect admittance but said nothing on the subject as she still might be wrong and doesn't want to risk being wrong thereby hurting a slight friendship.

''Sure! What do you have in mind ?''Chrysalis asked clearly ready to do something

January 4th, 15, 04:43 AM
"We could play Change. Tag. Whoever loses has to change the winner'd diaper." Celestia grinned, her weighs buzzing, "And Luna's it!" She tapped her sister with a hoof, giggled, and zipped away

Bandit Keith
January 4th, 15, 06:32 PM
Chrysalis laughed evilly as she literally ran up the castle wall onto the ceiling for to her understanding only times ponies can walk on walls or ceilings is when either a Pegasus is in a cloudhouse or Unicorns cast a cloud walking spell on somepony and that pony is in a cloudhouse. So Chrysalis was sure she will win even if its borderline but not quite cheating. Still when she got tagged by Luna Chrysalis shut up and started looking for Celestia first as she atleast has a vague clue where the white Alicorn filly is

Luna demonstrating not to be underestimated hot got to Chrysalis then teleported off somewhere

January 4th, 15, 06:42 PM
Celestia zipped off, deciding to hide inside their toy chest, wondering if. Luna had managed to tag Chrysalis yet.

Bandit Keith
January 4th, 15, 07:04 PM
Odd noises was coming from the ceiling enough to draw someponies interest and perhaps check it out and if checked it'd reveal Chrysalis had just walked into the room via the wall and ceiling walking while still on it

January 4th, 15, 07:10 PM
(A Denzel Crocker reference works for me)

Celestia could tell hoof steps when she heard them, guessing it was either Luna or Chrysalis. She decided to wait and see, quiet as a door mouse.

Bandit Keith
January 5th, 15, 04:53 PM
Chrysalis dropped down and searched the room stopping at the toy chest slowly opening it

January 5th, 15, 05:43 PM
Celestia, still as a statue, had buried herself in a pile of plushies held within the toychest. She looked through a tiny sliver between a monkey and a donkey plush.

Bandit Keith
January 5th, 15, 06:03 PM
Chrysalis having down this sort of hiding from the other potional queens as they kinda liked tormenting her like crazy to the point it was at times passed bully level seeing as she is or was the only one out of the current ones when she left that was still in diapers.Thats why she scanned the contents of the chest with her eyes for real living body bits or movement thats when she just barely noticed Celestia's eye ''I see you in the plushies ''Chrysalis stated but then had a smirk''I could let you win but still closing the toychest and locking it while your in it''Chrysalis partially joked yet was partially serious after all the toychest does have a lock on it

January 5th, 15, 06:08 PM
"You better not Chryssie." Celestia's muffled voice replied, "Otherwise I can't help you find Luna." Celestia retorted, sticking her tongue out.

Bandit Keith
January 5th, 15, 06:48 PM
''So?''Chrysalis at that point tagged Celestia then was slowly closing the lid going to lock Celestia into the toychest not like the young Alicorn filly will need the potty

January 5th, 15, 06:50 PM
Celestia teleported out, right behind the changeling, "You can't lock me in there even if you tried." She then zipped away at lightning speeds.

Bandit Keith
January 5th, 15, 07:41 PM
Chrysalis frowned but went to one of the last places she thinks Celestia and Luna will look for her at seeing as she isn't it anymore. The location you might ask she choose? A bathroom more specifically she's hiding where the TP is stored

Luna had taken to hiding where she keeps her stash of moonpies so if she gets hungry while hiding she can eat on a moonpie or 2 which is her favorite food so much so she gets vindictive if anypony eats one of hers or the last one that the group gets served/brought

January 5th, 15, 07:48 PM
Celestia slowed down, knowing where to look for her sister. She slowly buzzed into the room she knew. Luna would be in, and began searching.

Bandit Keith
January 14th, 15, 09:13 PM
Luna was using a camouflage spell only problem she forgot to put a silencing spell on her diaper and a smell blocker on the diaper if she messed so well her diaper was giving her a way do to the noise when she moves once and awhile

March 9th, 15, 05:39 AM
Celestia looked about,rubbing her chin as she searched for her sister

Bandit Keith
April 3rd, 15, 04:08 AM
The sudden smell of a mess should be obvious along with the sound of farting giving Lunas hiding spot away

April 3rd, 15, 04:13 AM
Celestia quickly opened the toy chest, "Found ya sis!" Celestia grinned

Bandit Keith
April 3rd, 15, 04:18 AM
Luna jumped out pouncing on her older sibling who has for the most part shown to be the immature one funny given the age difference. Still Luna choose to be foalish by trying to get her padded flank to Celestia's face for the gross out factor

May 20th, 15, 03:40 AM
Celestia giggled, as she was pounced on. With an aim push smirk, she stuck her snit forward, rubbing against the diaper.

Bandit Keith
May 20th, 15, 03:47 AM
Luna let out a fart adding to the smell of the already messy diaper but had a part when Celestia was rubbing her(Celestia's)snout against the diaper

May 20th, 15, 03:50 AM
Celestia inhaled the fart, chuckling. "So, what now you two?" She asked her sister and Chrysalis

Bandit Keith
May 20th, 15, 04:01 AM
''Lets prank somepony or better yet explore abit outside''Chrysalis suggested the later remark more so to her interest as the changelings don't have much lush land or much plantlife for that matter so Chrysalis wanted to take it in as much as she can

Luna looked at her older sister''We should bring a guard if we go outside''

May 20th, 15, 04:04 AM
Celestia nodded, as she slid out from under the other's tush. She signaled a guard,mand noticed her they wished to go outside, in the Royal Gardens.

Bandit Keith
May 21st, 15, 12:36 AM
Chrysalis seemed to be both on cloud nine and a sugar high at the same time as she darted to and fro in regards to the flowers in the Royal Gardens as she loved seeing flowers up close

Luna had choose to wait for a change at this time wanting to get more insight on Chrysalis still she choose to talk to her sister on a matter both have been avoiding''So sister how do you feel about the fact we're to be rulers someday? I hate the very thought of ruling and fear if either of us get jealous or upset enough to do something we would regret''