View Full Version : The Island

August 12th, 09, 02:30 AM
I will soon be starting a SERIOUS RP, with no magic, no powers, no siliness... Here's the backstory and description:

In 1935 the government started a clandestine program called "Outreach" under Roosevelts "New Deal". This program was originally created to secretly take kids who don't become adopted to a secret care facility. It had positive effects and grew to include underpriviledged kids, and kids who just generally who don't fit in the foster care/adoption system. Once located at a military base, the government felt it was too stressful of an enviroment. They they sold the program to a private nameless company, in exchange the company would receive a budget equal to any other government program. The treatment of the kids had also changed with the privitization of the program, rather than a building on a military training base, the program was moved to a huge fully staffed and stocked facility with anything the kids could want on an island somewhere off the coast. Instead of eating in a military mess hall, the kids enjoyed anything they could wish for in the kitchens of the facility. In the 90's they realized that people with a difficult past would be likely to commit a crime, and twice as likely to repeat crimes. The facility grew to include anyone with a troubled past up to 35 years old. New "residents" are brought by boat, checked in and erased from all government systems, and their families are told they've died. Thus they are removed from the public, and erased from memory. All "residents" are kept in diapers all day every day, and are not allowed to change themselves. With this dependancy, "residents" form attachments to staff members, and hopefully refrain from misbehaving. All residents are treated their age, but will lose privelidges for misbehaving. For example good behavior may be rewarded with freedoms such as being allowed toplay on the beach without a care taker present, but misbehaving may result in more supervision, early bedtimes, ect

The Island is a large island with sandy beaches, crystal clear water, a single story building in the middle that goes underground several stories. The bottom floor is utilities such as washing machines, the next floor contains the "Residents" rooms, the next floor is nurseries with changing tables and playpens, ect, the next floor is the dining floor with kitchens and dining rooms with plenty of highchairs, the top floor is pure entertainment it contains everything imaginable.
Outside there are tons of sports equipment, and things like sand volleyball pits, and basketball courts.

Lastly there is the dock, where all residents enter, and all supplies come from. There is a smaller building to handle "resident" processing

August 12th, 09, 02:33 AM
I will join! I'll be a resident I guess. :P

August 12th, 09, 02:39 AM
I havent decided yet... i could go either way.

August 12th, 09, 03:55 AM
so.. whats the limit on age?

August 12th, 09, 04:05 AM
None really, but like noone over 35 and if youre a baby (as in youre char. is like 2 then you cant talk like a grown up) just dont exceed the actions for your age...

August 12th, 09, 04:07 AM
erm.. okay? so then are we regressed or just brought in as our age..?

August 12th, 09, 04:11 AM
Like how so, Idk if I follow...

August 12th, 09, 04:17 AM
Are we regressed or are we the age we want to be when we are brought in.. That's what I'm asking.

August 12th, 09, 04:23 AM
Oh, well it depends... Imean if youre good, noones gonna do that, but if you show you're not to be trusted... Then privileges will be taken away...

August 12th, 09, 04:27 AM
well.. okay i guess

Name: Jamie
Age: 14
Bio: Jamie was sort of a trouble making kid. His parents never even talked to. They were much to busy to even do so.. He was pretty much on his own until this weird organization picked him up.. Said they'd "Help him.."

August 12th, 09, 07:14 AM
Name: Sir Wesley Bradford Esquire II
Age: 28
Background: Wesley is the only son of Wesley Esquire I the man who bought outreach from the government. He is a sort of adventurer, but gets to business when needed. He has billions of dollars from starting a Major Cruise Company, OCEANone, which is the leading luxury cruiseliner in the world. He was knighted in 2004 for circling to globe in a solar-powered airplane, raising funds for green technology. Wesley has come to the island more and more in recent years, so much so he had a small cabin built on it.

August 12th, 09, 12:41 PM
id like to join as a resident
Bio:Saki's parents died when she was young and then she became to much for the foster care program. So they sent her off to some organization.

August 12th, 09, 01:45 PM
I'll use my usual
Bio: Grew up in a home with an alchoholic mother and an abusive step father, and has moved from foster home to foster home ever since she was 3 years old. Thus, she has no major connections to the outside world, so the transfer was easy for her to make. She is timid, but often finds herself getting in trouble due to bad timing.

August 12th, 09, 04:15 PM
Wow, umm never thought this would take off... Now we just need a couple caretakers and we can start

August 12th, 09, 04:55 PM
If you get desparate, i could take that spot with my male character. I'd rather not play mroe than one role though.

August 12th, 09, 08:18 PM
We'll see how it goes, but I hope you won't have to...

---------- Post added at 03:18 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:02 PM ----------

Hope being the keyword...

August 12th, 09, 08:27 PM
Give it a few days, maybe by the weekend it will be ready to take off.

August 12th, 09, 10:15 PM
ill join not sure wht role yet though

August 12th, 09, 10:17 PM
ill join not sure wht role yet though

YAY!!! you're joining!!!! *hug tackles again*

August 12th, 09, 10:24 PM
i guesse xb

August 12th, 09, 11:33 PM
We can start as soon as we have a couple caretakers, and if anyone wants to join later they can, I just wanna start it...

August 12th, 09, 11:50 PM
Can't wait for it! Let me know when you open that post up!

August 13th, 09, 08:19 PM
Will do, hopefull today or tomorrow

---------- Post added at 03:19 PM ---------- Previous post was Yesterday at 09:09 PM ----------

Hmmm... Maybe? IDK there's still time left in the day...

August 13th, 09, 09:25 PM
cmon! we need a few more people for this and its good to go!!

August 16th, 09, 04:45 AM
*sigh* this thread is getting a worse reception than the invasion of poland... and that started WWII... T.T