View Full Version : Joey Maxwell

July 4th, 13, 07:03 AM
Name: Joey Maxwell
Age: 14
Gender: Male
Height: around 5 ft even
Weight: 102 lbs
Hair color: Blue
Race: Ookami
Birthday: March 16th 2000,

Appearance: He has black wolf ears. He typically sports a buzz cut since he doesn't like getting his hair cut and likes to go for as long as possible without getting one.

He typically wears blue jeans and shirts when he goes out. Some of these shirts may have funny things written on them such as “I'm Not Deaf. I'm Just Ignoring You."

History: Joey Maxwell grew up in America in Cleveland Ohio. His parents never had a lot of money and grew up in a pretty substandard house complete with the standard jerk landlord who seemed to neglect basic maintenance.

The family lacked the resources and the know how to fight about it and didn't want to risk becoming homeless. So the best move as they saw it was to save up to buy a new place to get the hell out.

The plan was actually working pretty well. His father, a self employed carpet cleaner, landed a major 2 major gigs. One was at a major multiplex. Another was at a hugely overpriced restaurant. But the universe has a rather nasty way of turning the best laid plans upside down.

His family lived in a rather bad neighborhood. Several of the local gangs had been fighting over territory. During the dispute, someone had taken to trying tp firebomb a house that belonged to one of the gang members. However, the firebomber got Joey's house by mistake. Joey, because he was staying at the home of a friend, survived. His parents were not as fortunate. He had no relatives able to take him in and his antisocial personality, it was difficult to find anyone willing to take him in for very long. He was eventually referred to the Quinn Home.

Personality: Joey has a mischievous streak. He enjoys pulling pranks and manipulating people into doing what he wants (though he does his best to keep pranks from doing permanent physical damage). He also has a lazy streak. He has been known to fake sick to get out of school or church (the former because he hates it and the latter because he's less than happy with whatever higher power controls the universe). He doesn't like fighting, though he's more than willing to lay someone out if it came to that. Instead of lashing out, he prefers to express his anger in bits of sarcastic quips and dry observations. In the event he does have to fight, he has limited concept of honor. He fights dirty and is unapologetic about it.

School: Joey is smart and rather well worded for his age. Partly because he'd spend afternoons at the local library since there was little to do at home and the library had better climate control. The trouble is, he is only motivated in subjects that interest him. English, history, social studies, and biology are subjects he excels in. Math, physics, and art, not so much. This is especially true for art. He considers things like drawing, painting, and posters to be a waste of his time since he has no talent for them. This has negatively impacted his grades, since a good portion of the points in his classes come from art projects that he typically does a slipshod job on if he doesn't pawn it off on someone else entirely.

Likes: He enjoys board games like chess and Risk. The trouble is, he can never find someone as interested in playing as he is. He also enjoys card games, especially those that involve money. He enjoys reading sci-fi books such as Ender's Game. He likes any kind of meat. He's also a fan of metal and has his alarm clock set to the metal station. Dubbed, "The Alarm Clock of Unspeakable Horrors."

Dislikes: Being part arctic wolf, he hates the heat, preferring to spend the summer in air conditioning whenever possible. He also hates getting dressed up for any reason. Given that he lost his family to gang violence, he has an extreme dislike for people in gangs as well as rap music since a large amount of it is produced by people who are or have been in gangs and often promotes the same lifestyle.

Miscellaneous: He likes writing stories. Some of them are horrifying.
On account of living in an area with a high Eastern European population, he is relatively familiar with Serbian. He also knows the swear words and insults, a fact he exploits maliciously.

July 5th, 13, 04:36 AM