View Full Version : Junko "June" Miyamoto

June 15th, 13, 07:26 PM
Name: Junko "June" Miyamoto
Sex: Female
Age: 11
Birthdate: September 7th
Race: Human
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black
Height: 145 cm
Weight: 38 kg

Appearance: June is of a trim, sleek build, her muscles well-toned for a girl her age. She has a round face, narrow but gentle eyes, a small and straight nose, and full pink lips. Her straight black hair flows down past her shoulders, though sometimes she prefers to tie it up in a ponytail. She has a fairly light complexion, but she finds it easy to tan.

History: June was abandoned by her mother at the steps of a church when she was but an infant, the name "JUNKO MIYAMOTO" inscribed on a band around her wrist. She was raised in a foster home, never knowing her real parents. While living in the home, she managed to leave a mostly positive impression on her caretakers, thanks to her good cheer and eagerness to help. This impression was often marred, though, by her uncommon but spectacular bursts of anger, usually set off by the other kids teasing or bullying her for her tomboyishness.

She was ejected from her former home after one such outburst, in which she viciously attacked one of her housemates who has teased and mocked her relentlessly, purposefully mispronouncing her name and telling her to "go back to the junk heap where your mother left you". It was decided that she needed to be sent somewhere she could learn to control her temper, and so she was put in the custody of the Quinns.

Personality: June is excitable, cheerful, and outgoing. She delights in the company of others, and she's always eager to participate in adventurous activities with other kids. She has a healthy amount of respect for authority, but when forced to decide between following the word of adults and going along with her friends, she'll often opt for the latter. As friendly as she is, though, she also has a short fuse, and it can be hard to tell what might set her off -- something as simple as a misunderstood turn of phrase can make her temper flare up, and if she's in a particularly bad mood, she won't even give the offender time to explain themselves before she starts getting violent. In particular, she HATES it when people mispronounce her proper name, and so she insists on being called June instead.

Interests/Hobbies: June is deeply into Shotokan karate -- she's even won a few tournaments! -- but she enjoys many different physical activities, like basketball, running, and dancing. She also likes to read and write poetry, and she enjoys traditional board games such as chess and go, although she isn't very good at them.

Miscellaneous: Though she enjoys the occasional rain, she has a fear of thunder and lightning that she's not yet outgrown. During heavy storms, she will often hole up in her room and cower under a blanket with her hands over her ears.

June 15th, 13, 08:28 PM

October 27th, 21, 01:47 AM
how do i join huh
I wanna RP