View Full Version : Kamikaze's bios

October 10th, 10, 07:28 PM
For the 'A neko's dream' (http://diaperedanime.com/forum/showthread.php/nekos_dream_open-5995/index.html) roleplay
Name: Imouto, Shizolaki "Baka-Taka" Takashi

Age: 17

Birthday: July 4th

Blood type: B+

Height: 5'8"

Weight: 115 lbs

Eye color: Green

Species/Race: Mortal human; but has a tiny ounce of neko blood in him.

Sex: Male


Biography: Growing up being the normal human in the family - besides his father - Takashi was often jealous of his siblings magical abilities. And as a result was often teased because of that. Takashi would often tag along with his father on his business trips around the world, such as the States, France and Russia so to avoid being around them most of the time. Not to mention the town they lived in, which is well known for crawling with demonic persons than any Japanese city combined. Takashi soon had a fond for swordsmanship by the of 15, and with the guide of a old family samurai friend, Master Gearfried.

They trained in Korea for a partial year until a tragic event left the old samurai warrior killed in a surprise ambush by Korean soldiers. Takashi was forced to leave behind Korea and went on another trip with his father to live in the US until he moved back to Japan to live with Alissa and the other gang.

Likes: Coke-Cola, dangos, ramen, a special fond of katanas, hot tea and cute things.

Dislikes: He very much hates the sight of blood and violence, but he will only fight in defense when the time is needed.

Nationality: Japanese

Name: Yumasumi, Saya

Age: 17

Birthday: February 14th

Blood Type: O

((Note: She has long hair that extends down to the waist area, but preferably keeps it in a cap))

Height: 5'6"

Eye Color: Hazel

Weight: 104 lbs

Species/Race: Vampire

Sex: Female

Biography: According to her, she grew up in the rural countryside of Japan, staying out of contact with human beings until she 8, when Saya's family moved to Nippon City when they felt they were ready to reemerge to civilization. She became a good friend of Takashi and has the tendency of calling him 'Taka-Tan' a lot. Because she can basically live off blood and fruit, Saya can easily go without being hungry for weeks.

Special abilities: Higher average of hearing, strong night sight, can transform into a bat but finds it incredibly difficult to do so, the ability of hypnotizing someone at will.

Likes: Anything that has to do with tomatoes, cats, classical music.

Dislikes: Onions and peppers

October 15th, 10, 12:41 AM
For the 'War of universes (http://diaperedanime.com/forum/showthread.php/war_universes_open-6199/index.html)' roleplay, and possibly Pampered Kari's war rp.
Name: Pierre Vorman

Date of Birth: December [???], 2110

Age: 27

Sex: Male

Rank: Corporal

Home Planet: Mars

Species: Earthling; Australian

Enlistment: United Planetary Defense Force (Earth), 88th Takemikazuchi Destroyer Company.

Specialty: Gunner of an Takemikazuchi

Looks: Black clean buzz-cut hair with stubble starting to show, light Blue eyes and tan skin. Usually wears a Gray jumpsuit with olive pouch vest and a Black soft cap. There's also a large bandage covering up his upper left leg.

Biography: Lived in the poorest slums of Mars and had a rough childhood when growing up. The oldest of three, Pierre had to skip school at times to work at a part time job to support the family. After surprisingly graudating from High School, Pierré was unable to find a job. And not willing to go back to his previous role in life supporting the family he decided, at the age of 17, to sign up in the military career of life where he found himself the gunner of a large Spider mecha, Takemikazuchi (http://joewii.files.wordpress.com/2010/03/crunchysubs-sora-no-woto-11-480p-mkv_snapshot_03-28_2010-03-15_20-41-16.jpg), stationed in the dense forests of Diya'bath, a forest planet in one of the distant galaxies surrounding the Milky Way. When word reached the military commanders of Dyia'bath in the summer of 2130 of Jin'Yar's declaration of war against humanity for their unhonorable attack on the 'Outwards Reach'. Pierré along with the company he was assigned with were redeployed to defend a immense air, sea and land invasion from Jin'Yar's forces; one of the first deadly and costly battle of the war, and also in human history, where many human soldiers were slaughtered by the dozens. Pierré along with his crew members, barely escaped with their lives. Pierré however had gotten severely wounded, a shrapnel wound from a penetration round to the left leg. Pierre had participated in several more military campaigns against the Jin'Yar and to a lesser extent the Abanox.

October 30th, 10, 06:43 AM
For the 'The Wolf pack (http://diaperedanime.com/forum/showthread.php/wolf_pack-6275/index.html)' roleplay

Name: Eric Paulson

Age: 19

Sex: Male

Faction: White Hound

Caucasian, French
Head: Blue silver leathery Wintercap, shaved fuzzy head.
Face: Scarlet eyes, lively broad face, snowy green checkered bandanna covering up his lower face.
Torso: White winter jacket covering up a orange vest and short sleeve black shirt.
Left Arm: Ensign of White Hound
Right Arm: A patch with the number '23rd' in bright red letters.
Right hand: Gray thick woolen glove
Left Hand: Black thick woolen glove
Back: Assault rifle usually strapped to
Waist: Gun holster, ammunition belt
Leggings: Matching white cargo pants, Walkie-talke attached to the belt.
Feet: Dark brown heavy boots

Personality: Generous, can be serious and stubborn at times.

Bio: Erik was conscripted into the White Fall city garrison unit at the age of sixteen, and has happily been doing his job ever since. Since there was little to no combat in his times on sentry duty. Erik could barely be considered a novice or let alone a newbie. At times when patrolling the outer skirts of the city there would be a small skirmish here and there but nothing to be quite accountable for in a real gun battle.


FAMAS G-2 Assault Rifle w/ strap; primary, 5 magazines
Colt M1911 Springfield pistol; secondary, 3 magazines
M9 Bayonet knife; melee weapon
2 standard issued hand grenades
1 standard issued smoke grenade

Miscellaneous items

Battered old MP3 player with thin headphones

A couple bills of crumbled Canadian dollars; C$6.50
Two family photos, both looking faded and old
Small blue box of matches
Handheld flashlight
2 unused batteries
Used worn out harmonica

January 9th, 11, 10:04 AM
Character sheet for in-use for Forever [Ever!] Friends roleplay (http://diaperedanime.com/forum/showthread.php/forever_ever_friends-6727/index.html?t=6727)

Name: Karrin Naomi
Age: 18
Species: Elea; one of the oldest races of the formally known race commonly known as "Elf"
Date of Birth: August 1st
Born: Utashinai, Hokkaido, Japan
Blood type: B-
Height: 5'1"
Weight: 95 lbs
Skin color: Tan
Eye color: Violet Green
Diapers: Generally does not prefer them, but Karrin tends to wear them from time to time ("I-I m-m-mean, it-it's not like I do like to wear them, you silly b-baka!"
http://i.imgur.com/sEriD.png]click me)

(Green hair color instead of pink.)

Personality: Tends to have have a tsundere attitude. But still shy and flirty towards Karis.

Short biography: Karrin had became good friends with Karis when they were younger. Going as far back as to elementary school. Karrin tends to be protective of her younger soul-mate but likes to tease her herself, jokingly, of course.

Likes: Karis, teasing Karis about her height.
Dislikes: Other people making fun of Karis, sweet flavored stuff.