View Full Version : Kampfer(open)

July 19th, 10, 03:24 AM
A kampfer is a 'warrior',and all are required to be female. There are two teams-red and blue. The two teams must fight and will 'transform' when near an enemy. When a kampfer transforms,she changes personality(and becomes a girl,if not one before-hand) completely or slightly,and she gains a power,either 'gun,sword,or magic'(I can't remember the german) to fight with. When a kampfer is eliminated,all signs of there existence dissapears. Each kampfer has a bracelet with the color of there team on them to show what team they're on. Each kampfer also has a harakiri(AKA roadkill) animal plushie that talks and moves,which gives them information on kampfers.

name:Makie tonasawi
appearance:http://i826.photobucket.com/albums/zz185/lilkitty13/Lesbian-Bisexual-Anime-Art-lgbt--2.jpg (the pink one,what she's like normally,looks that way in kampfer form to)
normal:Sexual(to put it nicely),lesbian,naughty(mischievious),over-active bladder.
kampfer:REALLY shy,cute,incontinent,still lesbian,shorter. Has ice magic.