View Full Version : What kind of diaper dream have you had?

September 1st, 08, 07:47 AM
lol well this thread is here to discuss any diaper related dreams any of you have had. One of my diaper dreams was the classic in the classroom nightmare. I was sitting and taking a test and I raised my hand and asked If I could go to the bathroom and the teacher asks me why. I say that I really have to go. Then she says isnt that what the diaper is for? I stand up shocked and look down and all im wearing is a diaper and shoes lol. I get laughed at for the rest of it >_> but its still damn funny twist on the classic lol

September 1st, 08, 07:49 AM
closest thing ive had is a few dreams where my clothes get stolen and i have to sit in class and cover me chest and waist with my hands

September 1st, 08, 07:51 AM
lol nice. Ive had to many diaper dreams to remeber really....even when I really wasnt into it and thought it was extremely weird.

September 1st, 08, 08:09 AM
hmm im bored ...what should i do..mabye ill slip into a diaper or two and relax a little that sounds nice....brb ^-^

September 1st, 08, 08:19 AM
kk im back ^-^

September 1st, 08, 08:22 AM
-starts to tear up T^T I wanna diaper! I need to buy alot more next time......8 just wasnt enough T^T. ill buy the 48 pack from bambino next time. That will probably last me. Be hard as heel to hide though. God im just getting chills thinking about how good it would feal to be diapered up again

September 1st, 08, 08:08 PM
(Oo, yes Bambino diapers are quite lovely. ^^; ) I haven't had any diaper dreams honestly. I was introduced to the community about a year ago, so it's been a while, still no dreams. But then again, I either have very far out or strange dreams, or nightmares. Dreaming about getting caught in a diaper would be a very dull dream for me, so maybe that's why it doesn't happen. I either have very intense/odd dreams, or no dreams at all. There's no happy medium =(

September 1st, 08, 08:11 PM
Ok, you guys are so going to laugh at me, but last month I had a dream that I got to go cross country with my favorite WWE wreseler, Shawn Michales, HBK to those who don't recognize him by name, and he gave me diapers to wear, forbiding me to use the bathroom. It was so bizzar.

September 1st, 08, 09:21 PM
Ok, you guys are so going to laugh at me, but last month I had a dream that I got to go cross country with my favorite WWE wreseler, Shawn Michales, HBK to those who don't recognize him by name, and he gave me diapers to wear, forbiding me to use the bathroom. It was so bizzar.

AWESOME XD thats the best dream, ever LOL

September 1st, 08, 09:24 PM
Sry twilight but i jst had to laugh xDD thats an interesting dream u had there...and as for me...i remember one where all my friends at skool were wearing one it was pretty cool ^^

September 2nd, 08, 12:21 AM
Sry twilight but i jst had to laugh xDD thats an interesting dream u had there...and as for me...i remember one where all my friends at skool were wearing one it was pretty cool ^^

oh that sounds like a sweet dream lol

shadow king
September 2nd, 08, 11:52 PM
well, I seriously about every other night have a diaper dream. For the most par though it's me sleeping in a diaper and that's about the only one I can remember...the other part of it which makes me feel wierd when I think of it is that when I need to go to the bathroom in the dream I see myselfuse the diaper and it almost FEELS like I'm doing so in real life, but then I'll wake up and need to get up and go to the bathroom like nothing happened.

Its crazy

Princess Felicia
September 3rd, 08, 01:22 AM
ive had yomany diaper dreams to count XD

September 3rd, 08, 01:40 AM
Yeah I have them every now and then and in between I usually have nightmaers lol. Ive had so many nightmares I just call them dreams now. They dont really scare me just show my twisted thoughts lol.

diapergirl jessica
September 5th, 08, 08:55 PM
whenever i wear diapers to bed i usually see myself in them in my dream but when i wet im always aware that im wetting them but thats about it

September 5th, 08, 10:01 PM
Well, in one of my dreams, I was walking around my house looking for something (but I don't even know what it was xD) and I checked a cabinet under the sink. There was a little door handle in the wall. So I pulled the door thing open and there were a couple packs of diapers. I took one out and put it on. As soon as I started pissing into it, I woke up and realized I'd leaked a little in my underwear. It was so embarrassing, but its a good thing my parents and brother were gone that day. >_>;

September 5th, 08, 11:27 PM
dont EVER try to control ur dreams i have FREAKY nightmaresd

Princess Felicia
September 5th, 08, 11:29 PM
its sorta easy to control the dreams but for me i feel more painy when i do

September 5th, 08, 11:46 PM
Really? O_O I've been trying to do that since I was 6 years old and it hasn't worked once. D:

Princess Felicia
September 5th, 08, 11:47 PM
i meditate alot XD so yea that helps i think

September 6th, 08, 12:37 AM
dont EVER try to control ur dreams i have FREAKY nightmaresd

I had a dream one time, I was in a diaper at school running away from my spanish teacher, and I took control and made my dream self open a door. But when we opened the door I went into a sleep paralizes state, which is some scary crap. (that comes from being asleep but aware at the same time, you cant move. Your bodies awake but your muscles aren't.)

September 6th, 08, 02:56 AM
Yeah ive controlled my dreams and tried to force things and the results....not so pretty....trying to force yourself to wet in a dream will most definatly make you wet >_> oh and I jumped off a cliff in one of my dreams once and woke up on my floor in pain XD. I do beleive dreams can possibly kill lol.

September 6th, 08, 03:02 AM
oh and I jumped off a cliff in one of my dreams once and woke up on my floor in pain XD. I do beleive dreams can possibly kill lol.

LOL! You would not believe how many times that's happened to me. Except as soon as I hit the ground, I like bounce really high in bed and wake up. xD It's scary when it happens but it's hilarious when I think about it. XD

September 6th, 08, 03:04 AM
What I really hate is when im half dreaming and half awake and I respond to people but with extremely weird comments. My mom told me my friend wanted to talk to me and I said whats the point? hes dead anyway......weird lol

September 6th, 08, 03:17 AM
I hate it when every time I get a good dream, It always ends RIGHT before the best part. I HATE HATE HATE that!

September 6th, 08, 03:19 AM
so do I XD I also hate when you have a certain ightmare and you start seeing things when your awake lol. Actually that makes life kinda fun :D lmao

September 6th, 08, 03:46 AM
Its sure makes interesting stories. "I opened my eyes and I saw Micheal Jackson next to my bed!! I'm serious!... Hey, thanks for the jacket, it was cold in here... Wait.. what's this giant padded room for?..."

September 6th, 08, 03:46 AM
XD lmfao yeah

September 6th, 08, 03:49 AM
you got a fat ass now Wolf?

September 6th, 08, 03:53 AM
wait what? O_o

September 6th, 08, 03:56 AM
I assumed that's what lmfao meant, laughing my fat ass off.

September 6th, 08, 03:57 AM
oooooo um no lol its laugh my fucking ass off :p

Princess Felicia
September 6th, 08, 03:57 AM
it is and miachel jackson has been dreaming of diapering chaos XD

September 6th, 08, 03:58 AM
oh...I like mine better, lol

September 6th, 08, 03:58 AM

September 6th, 08, 03:59 AM
yeah if he is I will kill him slowly

September 6th, 08, 04:01 AM
MJ is musically gifted, but other than that, he's a menace to society.

September 6th, 08, 04:04 AM
indeed...*nods head*

September 6th, 08, 04:07 AM
agreed he made thriller man.........T^T

September 6th, 08, 04:51 AM
i keep having strange dreams its like this humongous mall and i keep having dreams of seperet parts and eventually all the parts come together ...its almost like a movie

one of my most common and favirote is this shop in a mall where the sell all fish and te walls are coverd in fish tanks and they have these humongous fish that like dive out of the floors and...well im rambling...but it is just so amazing to me its kinda like somthin special bout me :P

September 6th, 08, 05:05 AM
I just mostly have nightmares lol really cool ones XD. You know like zombies or silent hill kinda things

September 6th, 08, 05:11 AM
Lol I used to have nightmares of zombies when I was little. Now I hardly have any nightmares. When I do, it's just something really embarrassing, not usually scary.

September 6th, 08, 05:15 AM
i hardly get dreams nowadays xP

September 6th, 08, 05:29 AM
Well they arent nightmares my nightmares are now my dreams lol thats how fucked in the head I am now XD

September 6th, 08, 03:03 PM
Lol I've gotten over the existence of things like zombies and Jason Voorhees. My worst nightmare when I was a kid had to do with this scary Beethoven statue that my dad kept in the house. I dreamed it grew like 20x it's size and was about to eat me. >_>; I had a crazy imagination as a kid. xD

September 11th, 08, 12:42 PM
I just mostly have nightmares lol really cool ones XD. You know like zombies or silent hill kinda things

Silent Hill is the 2nd most best game ever! i even had a dream of it once, Pyramid head from number 2 chasing me down the corridor of one of the hotel apartments o.0

September 11th, 08, 06:09 PM
Pyramid heads my homie lol. Yeah some real disturbing shit can go on in my head :D it takes alot of horror knowledge and knowing what scared people and the evolution of fear, knowledge of the workings of different organisms and what the look like on the inside, stories from the bible and last revelations and a few other religious texts(god loves scareing us good thing im an athiest lol) and a pinch of imagination. Then ya got one fucked up brain my friends

September 18th, 08, 11:11 PM
This may sound weaird, this may not. when I have to pee at night, I have dreams i'm wearing a daiper. I wlak and relize I have to go then.

Strange thing is... thats been happening sese like..... i was Seven. And back then I didn't know i liked daipers.


September 18th, 08, 11:19 PM
The last diaper dream I had was where I was forced into a diaper by a nurse in some nursery. Was odd, felt great to not have any troubles. sadly I woke up right after that.

September 19th, 08, 02:07 AM
lol if I had that dream there would be silent hill monsters roaming about

September 19th, 08, 09:21 AM
I had this really freaky dream the other night... I had worn a diaper to bed (abriform X-plus with cloth all in one over the top) and taken some sleeping tablets 'cause I had to be up early for work and wasn't tired... I don't remember much of it but in my dream I was lying in bed and wet the diaper but I couldn't stop peeing I kept going until it leaked. Then my mom came in and caught me wearing just the diaper and hugging my bunny plushie and the dream ended.

The weird thing is when I woke up 'cause my alarm went off I had actually wet the diaper... that's never happened before. I always wake up needing to pee and if i'm wearing a diaper use it before going back to sleep (If I not I gotta get up and go to the bathroom BOOO! lol) It's not happened since... but I'm so glad I was diapered that night!


September 19th, 08, 06:28 PM
Thats very interesting Crystelle. Though a little creepy I want to have something similar happen to me but am unable to. oh wells maybe later in life.

September 19th, 08, 07:16 PM
it was really creepy! I freaked when I realised the diaper was wet!


September 19th, 08, 07:22 PM
Eh its not really creepy during your dreams your mind can process an action in your dream and cause you to do certain things. You may be unconcious but your body is still moving about a bit.

September 27th, 08, 10:18 PM
I use to have alot of diaper related dreams before i knew about TB/DL and other people.
i guess they where trying to tell me something lol xD

September 27th, 08, 11:17 PM
It's funny, I had a lot of diapered dreams too. Especially when i was still young enough to have bedwetting problems and wore nighttime diapers. But back then, it was more like the nightmare of sitting in kindergarden only wearing a diaper
Though, it ought to be several years since i had my last dream involving diapers now.
Coming to think of it, it's actually at least two weeks since i had a dream at all.

September 27th, 08, 11:32 PM
It's funny, I had a lot of diapered dreams too. Especially when i was still young enough to have bedwetting problems and wore nighttime diapers. But back then, it was more like the nightmare of sitting in kindergarden only wearing a diaper
Though, it ought to be several years since i had my last dream involving diapers now.
Coming to think of it, it's actually at least two weeks since i had a dream at all.

same here it's been about a year or so before i've actually had a diaper dream xD

September 28th, 08, 10:36 AM
Ive actually had a few lately which is pretty coool :3 Just some pretty simple ones rly and I cant remember to much. My dreams have also gotten odder and odder lol

September 28th, 08, 11:08 AM
Lol have you heard of Lucid dreaming ChaosWolf? these something called a dream
journal that's suppose to help you remeber your dreams

September 28th, 08, 01:27 PM
I've had several. I've had a lot of them where I wind up in the place of the cartoon character, like the Baby Bottleneck episode.

Though I had one where I was visiting my friend, and I fell asleep on the couch and rolled off, busting my head open on the nearby coffee table. She came in, shocked and concerned. She cleaned me up, thought for a second, and said something like she wasn't going to let it happen again. So she rushed off and set up a baby crib in her room next to her bed. I walked in expecting it to be a joke, but she stopped me at the door and told me I wasn't ready for bed yet. She led me by the hand into a nursery. She told me to get up on the changing table, and when I wouldn't she picked me up and laid me on it, strapped me down, and stripped me naked. She diapered me in huggies that surprisingly fit, and a t-shirt with the words baby boy on the front. She put me down in the crib with a spiked bottle. I woke up the next morning, soaking wet. I got a bath, re diapered, and breast fed. The dream ended when someone knocked on the door. It was a good dream ^^

September 28th, 08, 01:49 PM
The one I had last night I was in a store looking at the diapers and other baby stuff. I walked up and down the row a few times looking at a small pack I looked at the label and it said Bambino 8 pack. Saddly I woke up right after I saw that

September 28th, 08, 02:09 PM
The one I had last night I was in a store looking at the diapers and other baby stuff. I walked up and down the row a few times looking at a small pack I looked at the label and it said Bambino 8 pack. Saddly I woke up right after I saw that

Sounded like a great dream too xD

September 28th, 08, 02:56 PM
It was a good dream... Though after I woke up I had to go and couldn't get out of bed in time.... was very nervous still am dunno what I'm going to tell my parents (Still living with them and havnt wet sense I was 4 or so.

September 29th, 08, 03:25 PM
I've had several. I've had a lot of them where I wind up in the place of the cartoon character, like the Baby Bottleneck episode.

Though I had one where I was visiting my friend, and I fell asleep on the couch and rolled off, busting my head open on the nearby coffee table. She came in, shocked and concerned. She cleaned me up, thought for a second, and said something like she wasn't going to let it happen again. So she rushed off and set up a baby crib in her room next to her bed. I walked in expecting it to be a joke, but she stopped me at the door and told me I wasn't ready for bed yet. She led me by the hand into a nursery. She told me to get up on the changing table, and when I wouldn't she picked me up and laid me on it, strapped me down, and stripped me naked. She diapered me in huggies that surprisingly fit, and a t-shirt with the words baby boy on the front. She put me down in the crib with a spiked bottle. I woke up the next morning, soaking wet. I got a bath, re diapered, and breast fed. The dream ended when someone knocked on the door. It was a good dream ^^

Thats an awesome dream

September 30th, 08, 01:22 PM
Damn that is a very good dream. I hate when people wake you up like that *knock knock8 'damn that was a good dream' you never can fall right back into that dream

September 30th, 08, 01:24 PM
Well unless your good at controlling your dreams :3 you just have to think about it hard. Problem is the dream usually ends up twisted and heading off to something else.

September 30th, 08, 01:24 PM
I really wish I had lucid dreaming

September 30th, 08, 01:25 PM
Meh its on and off for me

September 30th, 08, 02:32 PM
I had a dream i could control this morning. Damn it got weird. xD

September 30th, 08, 02:33 PM
oh oh please share n.n

September 30th, 08, 02:42 PM
At first my family was for some reason singing some weird song for me with drums and all (no, it's not a very music-oriented family).
Then later i get angry that someone had removed our nabours house in order to build a supermarket and a mcdonalds just next to an enormeous highway. I detest mcdonalds, and the part of my town is a very quiet one with only a slightly trafficated road some 300meters from here, so that highway mystically popped up in my dream aswell.
After that, I woke up, but decided to sleep again, and then that same dream just got too awkward to depict in words.

September 30th, 08, 02:51 PM
lol awkwardness is always nice XD

September 30th, 08, 02:58 PM
Depends on the kind of awkwardness it is i guess dream yes...

September 30th, 08, 03:00 PM
lmao naw any kind is funny to me when it doenst involve me XD I just love how everything stops

September 30th, 08, 03:09 PM
lol I see. Yes thats true. its funny how everything stops

September 30th, 08, 03:10 PM
I just want to break the silence every time because it makes things more awkward XD

September 30th, 08, 03:12 PM
Its hard to start a new conversation after an awkward pause. its just ummm.................... So.... yeah....

September 30th, 08, 03:12 PM
XD never hard for me :3 im like well new topic muwahahaha

September 30th, 08, 03:16 PM
Its always good to start a new topic at times like that

September 30th, 08, 03:21 PM
lol and I make it an even more awkward topic :D

September 30th, 08, 03:25 PM
>< That doesnt help...

September 30th, 08, 03:28 PM
I know :D XD

September 30th, 08, 03:30 PM
well as long as you know i guess xD

September 30th, 08, 03:31 PM
lmao :3

September 30th, 08, 03:35 PM
Hmms Boredom is setting in again...

October 7th, 08, 03:42 AM
Sadly (And strangely) I cannot recall any dreams of this nature.....

November 5th, 08, 02:31 AM
i havn't had a diaper dream!! >.< but i would love to have one. though i have had a few anime dreams.

November 5th, 08, 02:44 AM
I dreampt that I went over to this girl's house with a wet diaper on underneath my clothes. You see... ^///^ this girl I'm kinda close to, so that was kind of wierd. But I didn't seem to have a problem with it. It's like I wouldn't care if she found out. But anyway, that one was really good. I think I've had one other but I'll have to think about what it was...

I think I had this because I fell asleep in a wet diaper. I couldn't help it, it was my first one in months!

November 5th, 08, 06:39 PM
I um had a dream recently lol which suprised me cause I thought I stopped having them. I was at one of my relatives houses and there was like a party or sumthing and well I dreamed of stealing one of my cousins diapers...yeah I know but um anyway I was caught and I was talked to by every family member about it in like a circle and they were baby talking me..and well then I was put into a very thick diaper and baby clothes and In the dream I shrunk to about the size of a toddler and was babied by everyone. It kinda scared me and idk if you can feal embarrasment in a dream but yeah I was embarrased at times. Anyway the dream went on and I ended up using my diapers I mean really using them which at that point I woke up and thought I had a diaper on and was using them in real life it kinda freaked me out and thank god I didnt wet the bed or anything...it was a cool dream but still very embarrasing.

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 7th, 08, 11:59 AM
Well, I don't know if you'd count mine as a diaper dream, ha ha, but this is actually a dream I basically have every night of February, and have had for the last three years.

So, I'm going to visit some friend of mine (that's the one thing that's usually different), and when I arrive, it is actually fairly late and all. So more than likely, she's asleep, which kind of gets me. As a result, I sneak into their house, in a attempt to surprise them (yes, I know a B&E is illegal, but a dream is a dream, right?). However, as I'm moving down the halls, something starts to get me, and everything starts to get bigger. My balance dwindles, and even my clothes are looking different. It doesn't take long for me to realize what has happened, but for the most part, it isn't that bad of a thing. The last thing I always see is a pair of hands going to lift me up, and I hear something cooing something of comfort.

Now why can't this happen in real life?

November 7th, 08, 12:43 PM
Now why can't this happen in real life?

lol do you know how many time people here ask themselves evreyday xD

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 7th, 08, 12:44 PM
Well, Dei, I know I ask myself at least thirty times a day.

November 7th, 08, 12:45 PM
Well, Dei, I know I ask myself at least thirty times a day.

same here my freind,same here

November 7th, 08, 02:41 PM
Due to the fact that I am an insomanic I don't dream all that much and I have never really had diaper dream. However, if I did have one I hope it would be of a girl babying me because that would be awsome.

November 7th, 08, 05:50 PM
well in all my dreams i'm usually in a diaper and i always have accidents in it in my dream.

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 7th, 08, 11:33 PM
Most of my dreams are lacked out upon waking.

November 8th, 08, 12:35 AM
Meh I have dreams now and then but everything else is either a nightmare or just so twisted welll no one could understand them :3

November 9th, 08, 08:29 PM
I have dreamed that I can't control my bladder and I have to pee on my diaper and it feels like real but when I wake up at morning my diaper is dry. Once I had dream where I just ran on the streets only wearing my diaper and I saw few friends there too :D.

November 9th, 08, 09:10 PM
my diper dreams are ueslalyy of mine and my bf`s weeding day its relly bizzere even the prist is diapered

November 9th, 08, 11:30 PM
diaper dreams hm
wel live had one where i was a diapered superheroe and i peeded and whne i woke up my diaper was wet

i had one wher i was hthe father of a little girl and diapwers played alarge part in that for her atleast i rember saying wos shes clever dodes she really need diapers any more
ive had others as wel lim sure but i jsut cant recal lthem

November 9th, 08, 11:39 PM
Well, falling asleep diapered is obviously not my trigger, because the second time i tried it it didn't work...

November 10th, 08, 03:17 AM
well try concentrating hard before you sleep the more you concentrate the more likely your dream will be based on your thoughts

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 10th, 08, 06:12 AM
So... I actually managed to remember another dream. This one was more... embarrassing than anything. ha ha... Well.. it was actually pretty assuring as well, I guess.

So the girl I like and I were out for once, alone, and we're walking around the mall. For some reason, I'm wearing my diaper, and I hear it crinkling, though she doesn't seem to (Probably me being self conscious). So we continue on down, when I feel my diaper begin to soak more and more, until it actually leaks. At this point, I'm starting to break down about this, when she just pats my shoulder and pushes me onto a bench.

That's where I lost it. Xp

November 10th, 08, 06:13 AM
aww I bet she changes you >w< cute lol

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 10th, 08, 06:18 AM
I would just love that.

I know one girl that likes me online. (She says once we meet, no matter what, she's gonna pants me to see if I'm wearing a diaper XD)

November 10th, 08, 06:23 AM
XD lol sounds..embarassingly fun

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 10th, 08, 06:26 AM
She said: "When we meet, you had better be wearing a diaper. I don't care if it is the mall of america, or in the streets. I will get you"

So i'm not sure if it's like a "That's really awesome" or a "Eep..."

November 10th, 08, 06:37 AM
XD yeah im not either

November 10th, 08, 07:16 AM
Mine are really weird, if I remember them at all theyre kinda blurry, and even though im not incontinent I almost always wake up wet after I have dreams like that, its kinda creepy >.> this one I remember was something along the lines of riding really fast (rollercoaster) in an old mine cart in this huge underground cavern, with the track all interwined, more detail than that I dont usually remember lol.

November 10th, 08, 09:56 AM
I just woke up from a nap and I had a dream where I saw a girl on a bus with a pacifier attached to her bag, but it fell off and landed under my seat. I picked it up and cleaned it off before handing it back, and she had the cutest blush on her face as she thanked me. When she gathered her things to leave I caught a glimpse of a diaper under her skirt. I quickly wrote my name and E-mail address on a piece of paper and gave it to her as she left. I checked my E-mail a few days later and sure enough she contacted me. I clicked on the message.....and that's when I woke up. Damn I hate it when that happens!!!

I can usually remember my dreams fairly well if it's only been a short while since having them, and 9 times out of 10 if it's a diaper dream I wake up with my thumb in my mouth. (I still suck my thumb :o ) The cool thing is, this is my second diaper dream in as many days, and I'm hoping that I keep having them.

Chaoswolf has a point. If you concentrate or make up wishful scenarios before you fall asleep, then it may help you have dreams relating to what you were thinking about.

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 10th, 08, 11:41 AM
I know. When you think that something really good is about to happen, and then they cut it right before it happens.

November 10th, 08, 07:05 PM
whos they? lol

November 10th, 08, 09:42 PM
Alot of my diaper dreams have been weird, some blurry, some clear as day. The problem is I have a powerful and very active imagination so when I sleep my dreams are all over the place. I can simply say that this dream I'm going to explain to you is F'ed up. It was my first diaper dream ever. I dreamed that I was adopted by an alligator and made into a baby and wouldn't let me use the bathroom and change me after I used the diaper. and then I was taken to school in a stroller. Then I woke up...it certainly didn't help that when I woke up I had wet the bed. ^^;

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 10th, 08, 09:45 PM
To quote South Park," You know... *points skywards* Them." "Yeah... they're.. they're bast****..."

November 19th, 08, 11:32 PM
Alot of my diaper dreams have been weird, some blurry, some clear as day. The problem is I have a powerful and very active imagination so when I sleep my dreams are all over the place. I can simply say that this dream I'm going to explain to you is F'ed up. It was my first diaper dream ever. I dreamed that I was adopted by an alligator and made into a baby and wouldn't let me use the bathroom and change me after I used the diaper. and then I was taken to school in a stroller. Then I woke up...it certainly didn't help that when I woke up I had wet the bed. ^^;

lol oen diaper drema i ahd was wher i ve came a father to a relly cleverthreeyear old and hellpedherleanr andstuffthen for some of it i was the little girl who wet herslf butnotoften and irember thinkg does sherelly need diapers now as i was lookin g at her dry pamper aftershed benenin irt for hours
when i was her and wet then i kidna wet my diaper alittle in the rel world

November 26th, 08, 08:35 AM
There are times when I dream about wearing thick and bulky diapers and wetting them, I'd wake up in the middle of the night with a wet dream. The interesting thing is that the moment that I wet my diapers in my dreams is the moment the wet dream occurs. I know this because I'd spring up and running to the bathroom to get my pants changed. I'm very sensitive with feeling wetness on my body.

December 1st, 08, 07:33 PM
i had a dream that wearing diapers would become the next fad, in the dream i was wearing one when a couple of my friends saw me and laughed, then i said "you should try wearing them they are comfortable" then the next day they told me they tried wearing diapers and they also spread the word, then a week later wearing diapers became a worldwide fad

December 1st, 08, 07:36 PM
lol its not a crazy thing probably starting in Asia soon XD the childish stuffs been there for awhile anyway lol

December 2nd, 08, 03:19 AM
maybe it'll make it over here to America someday

December 3rd, 08, 06:28 AM
last night i had a dream (possibly a premonition) about me buying adult diapers then after i bought them (in the dream) my mom found out and i told her that i need them for overnight protection and that if i didn't use them overnight i would wear them for the rest of the next day and if i have to go bathroom i will do it in the diaper

February 22nd, 09, 06:43 PM
I had a diaper dream the other night that was kind of kewl.

I was at some house and apparently my gf was having a sleepover w/ 2 other girls. For whatever reason they found these goodnites and decided to wear them. They went out of the house wearing only shirts and these diapers (and I followed them, of course).

One of them had actually wet their diaper, so they came back to change, then the dream ended when I started getting into an argument w/ my gf about why she wore diapers when here friends did it, but got angry anytime that I started to get near the subject of them....

February 22nd, 09, 11:19 PM
I only had one dream about wearing a diaper. I dreamt that I was in my room and I ahd a really thick diaper on and started rubbing myself to get off. I was younger and it turned into a wet dream and it turned out I had stuck my pillow between my legs.

February 22nd, 09, 11:40 PM
I only had one dream about wearing a diaper. I dreamt that I was in my room and I ahd a really thick diaper on and started rubbing myself to get off. I was younger and it turned into a wet dream and it turned out I had stuck my pillow between my legs.

LAWL wow. im sorry.

I've never had one. Sorry : /

February 22nd, 09, 11:54 PM
i haven't had a diaper dream in so long. but alot of diaper and regression day dreams i have

February 22nd, 09, 11:56 PM
I have never ever had one. I'd like to have one, but I don't dream.

February 23rd, 09, 01:41 AM
had alot of diaper day dreams not alot of diaper dreams in sleep

February 23rd, 09, 01:41 AM
had alot of diaper day dreams not alot of diaper dreams in sleep

Hah I don't usually think about it.

February 23rd, 09, 03:33 PM
Ive been forgetting my dreams a lot lately but I do rememeber diapers o.o;

February 23rd, 09, 07:13 PM
Ive been forgetting my dreams a lot lately but I do rememeber diapers o.o;

Well that's just unfortunate.

February 24th, 09, 02:44 PM
meh lol :3 ill live X3

February 24th, 09, 10:32 PM
I dont really have diaper dreams... more like NIGHTMARES. Since I have my issue and the nightmares come along it sorta kicks in. Anyways off topic here. Last one I can remember is that I was out with some friends and my gf. At the time (which of couse IS reality) I had (and still do) really bad control. In the dream i had a huge accident infront of my friends and gf. Then out of the blue she offered to diaper me while my friends watched in shock. Of course as almost everyone would, I accepted happily. As far as I can remember I think I had been wettign my diaper many times totally embarrasing myself and at one point making my pants too wet so I'm stuck there in my diapers.

February 24th, 09, 10:38 PM
I dont really have diaper dreams... more like NIGHTMARES. Since I have my issue and the nightmares come along it sorta kicks in. Anyways off topic here. Last one I can remember is that I was out with some friends and my gf. At the time (which of couse IS reality) I had (and still do) really bad control. In the dream i had a huge accident infront of my friends and gf. Then out of the blue she offered to diaper me while my friends watched in shock. Of course as almost everyone would, I accepted happily. As far as I can remember I think I had been wettign my diaper many times totally embarrasing myself and at one point making my pants too wet so I'm stuck there in my diapers.

oh man that sucks lol..

February 24th, 09, 11:16 PM
Meh. I'm used to these nightmares. The only thing im not used to yet is my control being so suckish. My GF and some of my GOOD friends know and they dont care. I'm glad to have such great friends.

February 24th, 09, 11:20 PM
i said it b4 and i'll say it again.

i have more diaper day dreams then dreams. basicly it's me saving people from an organization of people that regresses people.

February 24th, 09, 11:22 PM
Meh. I'm used to these nightmares. The only thing im not used to yet is my control being so suckish. My GF and some of my GOOD friends know and they dont care. I'm glad to have such great friends.

suckish? what do you mean.

February 24th, 09, 11:29 PM
What I mean is this;
Weak control, horrid control, things along those lines. Good thing its only my bladder. If it was the other way around or both then I'd be screwed.

February 24th, 09, 11:30 PM
like achmed the dead terrorist

February 24th, 09, 11:42 PM
Lol. Ok I have no clue who you mentioned but it sounds funny. So I'm just going to go ahead and nod while agreeing with you ok? Good.

February 24th, 09, 11:56 PM
one of jeff dunham's puppets

February 24th, 09, 11:57 PM
What I mean is this;
Weak control, horrid control, things along those lines. Good thing its only my bladder. If it was the other way around or both then I'd be screwed.

well i wouldnt sweat it too much, you seem to have friends that understand.

February 25th, 09, 12:06 AM
True. But the thing is if i messed by accident at school it would be noticable and id get picked on for AGES.

February 25th, 09, 12:16 AM
i had several first was were everyone in school had to wear diapers second one was wear i was at the store and my friend told me to folow them so i first botught some diapers called saggers but then noticed i was already wearing diapers when my friend pantsed me in front of all my other friends and third one was were me and my parents go to the market and they boguht me diapers telling me that i have to wear these or else they would ground me so i had to wear them to my friends hose and play gasmes with him

February 25th, 09, 12:19 AM
i had several first was were everyone in school had to wear diapers second one was wear i was at the store and my friend told me to folow them so i first botught some diapers called saggers but then noticed i was already wearing diapers when my friend pantsed me in front of all my other friends and third one was were me and my parents go to the market and they boguht me diapers telling me that i have to wear these or else they would ground me so i had to wear them to my friends hose and play gasmes with him

wowwwww really??????

February 25th, 09, 12:25 AM
like achmed the dead terrorist

I KILL YOU lol achmed is so funny

February 25th, 09, 12:28 AM
hallo i am Lindsey lohan

February 25th, 09, 12:33 AM
Has anyone tried interpretations for dreams?

February 25th, 09, 12:37 AM
theres a user that pops in that does that

February 25th, 09, 12:38 AM
theres a user that pops in that does that

and you're talking about kamelot formerly know as birdistheword?

February 25th, 09, 12:40 AM
yes panda yes i am............

February 25th, 09, 12:42 AM
yes panda yes i am............

yeah you see hes having a bit of trouble now.. hes being framed.. i know the whole story, rather not say though. i have not heard anything in a long time, hope the guys okay.. hes a nice guy, he doesnt deserve that.

February 25th, 09, 12:50 AM
[quote=diaperdei;4176]i keep having strange dreams its like this humongous mall and i keep having dreams of seperet parts and eventually all the parts come together ...its almost like a movie

i know what you mean when i was like 7 or 8 i watched kids next doors last episdoe and in my dreams i saw the next episdoes that came out to the smallest detail he had an alien rat pet a alien with angl feaths and a one with bat wings and they fight these aliens that were green slimy and like a glob i rmeebr takign control of the dream as the alein eith teh bat wings

February 25th, 09, 01:02 AM
i keep having strange dreams its like this humongous mall and i keep having dreams of seperet parts and eventually all the parts come together ...its almost like a movie

i know what you mean when i was like 7 or 8 i watched kids next doors last episdoe and in my dreams i saw the next episdoes that came out to the smallest detail he had an alien rat pet a alien with angl feaths and a one with bat wings and they fight these aliens that were green slimy and like a glob i rmeebr takign control of the dream as the alein eith teh bat wings

you missed the endquote lol... but ive had stuff like that happen too.

February 26th, 09, 01:54 AM
you missed the endquote lol... but ive had stuff like that happen too.
ty about the quote thing and when you asked botu my dreams ya they happened but sadly i cant control my diaper dreams only other dreams its weird though i think whenever you get hit or soemthing in a dream you feel it in real life for example i was once having a dream i was flying but then got shot in the shoulder when i woke up my shoulder was hurting like crazy and i woke up on the ground but whenever thta happens i ususaly turn blind for a few seconds like my brain id tryign to save me plz some tell me what is wron with me lol

Jack nife
February 26th, 09, 04:43 PM
(I don't know what is wrong with you Locololo, sorry)
It's realy anioyng, every other dream I have is a diaper dream. THe one I remember cerently is I get sent to the land of Oz exept every one is in diapers and it's called DZ. THat has been going on for a while.

February 27th, 09, 06:44 AM
I don't have a diaper dream. I just want myself to be comfortable in diapers

Shining Fire
February 27th, 09, 10:16 PM
I don't have a diaper dream. I just want myself to be comfortable in diapers

I think he means have you ever had a dream involving diapers?

As for me, I once had a dream where I was diapered, and in a crowded place (No idea where) and no one cared, because even though I couldn't see it, my mind was like "Oh yeah, everyone else is too..."

Dreams are weird like that.

February 28th, 09, 02:05 AM
I think he means have you ever had a dream involving diapers?

As for me, I once had a dream where I was diapered, and in a crowded place (No idea where) and no one cared, because even though I couldn't see it, my mind was like "Oh yeah, everyone else is too..."

Dreams are weird like that.

Yeah they are, though I do wish I could have a dream where I control it fully. But I don't dream often other than those 'nightmares' that I have every 1 - 2 months.

March 21st, 09, 09:15 PM
(I don't know what is wrong with you Locololo, sorry)
It's realy anioyng, every other dream I have is a diaper dream. THe one I remember cerently is I get sent to the land of Oz exept every one is in diapers and it's called DZ. THat has been going on for a while.

if there is something wrong with me idk but still last night i had another diaper dream i was at the store and i saw package of diapers ripped open so i grabbed one and the store manager said why would you wear one you already have onee on and i looked down i was wearing nohing but a diaper. i sware i am weird

March 22nd, 09, 04:14 AM
I can honestly say i've only had one dream involving diapers...
there was a package of them, they were orange, then i had to get the egg of a gigantic big-bird....

when I DO dream, it's usually pretty screwed up o_O

March 22nd, 09, 06:09 AM
I recently had a dream where everyone in my school became incontient, don't remember how, something involving robots or some crap like that. Then my sister takes me to the store to get the diapers i need and when we get home she diapered me without me asking. And i can't remember after that.

March 22nd, 09, 05:46 PM
I had a dream where I was in an old side-scrolling shooter (Duke Nukem style FTW) and was rescuing AB's from a mad scientist who was working on some sort of ray (can't remember what) and then halfway through the alarm rang... I hate my alarm, always ringing at crucial moments...

March 22nd, 09, 06:00 PM
wit me it just starts like a normal day of school (even though i hate school) then there's a new teacher and offered food and every1 eats it but me and later that day my classmates are regressed and i try 2 stop the person and later succeed at stopping her.

March 22nd, 09, 06:07 PM
Diapers are in my dreams all the time. Most of the time I'm at the store and I can't buy diapers because people I know are nearby and I can't risk being seen buying diapers around people who know I don't have kids. Other times I go into an abandoned mansion with a sex partner and we seem to always find a vacant nursery full of diapers. She puts on some very pretty pink diapers, and we go into the master bedroom, where along the way my dream-girl lover disappears or I wake up. The things inside the dreams tend to be covered in dust and cobwebs for some reason and always leave me with a yearning, unsatisfied feeling, an emptiness, along with an untended hard-on.

March 22nd, 09, 06:28 PM
Diapers are in my dreams all the time. Most of the time I'm at the store and I can't buy diapers because people I know are nearby and I can't risk being seen buying diapers around people who know I don't have kids. Other times I go into an abandoned mansion with a sex partner and we seem to always find a vacant nursery full of diapers. She puts on some very pretty pink diapers, and we go into the master bedroom, where along the way my dream-girl lover disappears or I wake up. The things inside the dreams tend to be covered in dust and cobwebs for some reason and always leave me with a yearning, unsatisfied feeling, an emptiness, along with an untended hard-on.

Check a dream dictionary, those things a scary accurate. I say this because this sounds like more than just a diaper dream, sounds like it could have a hidden message.

---------- Post added at 11:28 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:14 AM ----------

Checked Dream Moods, seems you have great potential and your letting it go to waste.

March 22nd, 09, 06:45 PM
I waited way too long to begin college. I am notorious in my family for sleeping recreationally. I have been marked "intelligent" and I refuse to read any material or study any subject, as if the approuching end is too near for action, or because I do not trust being labelled intelligent. Only recently has my behavior changed thanks to the relationship I'm in. I think I will be ok now, I am becoming a much happier and energetic person of late. My dreams, too, are changing. Last night's dream was nothing typical. It was actually an anime space-drama with shapeshifters, space terrorists, and super-hot anime heroines. One chick got wrongly and violently run over by a tank, which shocked me, but not enough to wake me up. Diapers where in the dream, an anime girl carried a diaper bag for her lesbian lover, and was heartbroken when she saw her lover cheating with the male hero of the dream-feature, but she secretely wanted the male hero as well, and forgave her partner, but not the male hero, knowing he had seduced her lover.

March 22nd, 09, 07:32 PM
my teacher diapered me in ciassroom i 7yr old

March 22nd, 09, 09:40 PM
I waited way too long to begin college. I am notorious in my family for sleeping recreationally. I have been marked "intelligent" and I refuse to read any material or study any subject, as if the approuching end is too near for action, or because I do not trust being labelled intelligent. Only recently has my behavior changed thanks to the relationship I'm in. I think I will be ok now, I am becoming a much happier and energetic person of late. My dreams, too, are changing. Last night's dream was nothing typical. It was actually an anime space-drama with shapeshifters, space terrorists, and super-hot anime heroines. One chick got wrongly and violently run over by a tank, which shocked me, but not enough to wake me up. Diapers where in the dream, an anime girl carried a diaper bag for her lesbian lover, and was heartbroken when she saw her lover cheating with the male hero of the dream-feature, but she secretely wanted the male hero as well, and forgave her partner, but not the male hero, knowing he had seduced her lover.

And you just activated my trap card: Bullshit card - Disapproves any theory of this ever being real.

March 22nd, 09, 11:57 PM
My dreams tend to be vivid and I have strong recollection of them. It's the reason I sleep for recreation. You play your hand poorly.

March 23rd, 09, 12:08 AM
My dreams tend to be vivid and I have strong recollection of them. It's the reason I sleep for recreation. You play your hand poorly.

It sounds like bullshit to me.

March 23rd, 09, 03:59 AM
Dreams are bullshit. I find them interesting.

March 25th, 09, 06:51 AM
I have plenty of those dreams. That is how I get to sleep, I started a mini story in my head were I am about 7 or 8 because I believe that is a age were a person in reality would be still cute wearing a diaper. This story that I use to go to bed also has other people that wear them because they feel comfortable wearing them while they are at my house. Remember this is about a story in my head.

---------- Post added at 01:51 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:48 AM ----------

There are more details to the story. I do not feel comfortable telling more because I just joined this week.

March 27th, 09, 04:35 AM
I've had multiple dreams where I've successfully obtained a pack of Pull-Ups, but then I always wake up before I have the chance to put them on.

March 27th, 09, 05:01 AM
just recently i had a dream that i had just bought a pack of adult diapers in it i was walking up to a local gas station and went in and bought a pack, then walked home, then i woke up, seems like everytime i have a dream like this i end up pissing myself while i sleep

September 6th, 09, 07:24 AM
this morning i had a diaper dream, i was going with my mom to a nearby wal-mart supercenter (about 30 minutes from where i live), anyways i'm sitting with her in the car (red 2006 Ford Taurus SEL) (this may have been a premonition, i guess i will find out soon) anyways, so i'm sitting in the front passenger seat, listening to classic rock on my favorite radio station, then i go and ask the question, mom what would you say if i wanted to go back to wearing diapers?
her answer, "go ahead, just don't stink up the house"
then i say "thanks mom, i thought you would be upset about this, but your not, so as soon as we get to wal-mart i'm gonna go look at stuff, and save the diaper aisle for last"

*starts crying* the sad thing, i never got to go to wal-mart today because my mom and stepdad needed alone time, so i guess is a premonition for another day or month, wow what a long post

Tavi Munk
September 6th, 09, 09:08 AM
most of my dreas with dealt with either letting go and regressing into a baby or toddler.

September 10th, 09, 05:16 AM
Let me start off with my dreams are like super crazy and seem to make sense in the dream then make know sense when i wake up, anywho... so i was just getting ready to leave from a game of dnd, and im all alone in the basement were we played finishing up my character. while writing down my level i knock off a 20 sided die from the table. so i turn around to pick it up and theres this really small yellow dragon on a ball (its the dragon from someones sig on this site and i dont remeber there name) and he looks down at the die and says to me "you have gotten a 1 my friend" i look at him confused and ask "what does that mean" out of no where this british lady with short black hair is laughing at me "that mean you gotta wear a nappy" so i walk up stairs scared, because i'm already wearing a diaper and its quite messy. so i go into the bathroom to change out of my diaper fearing what they will do when they find out in already were one. i start to untape the diaper revealing my messy bottem, when a tall slender woman bursts into the room with her red curly hair bouncing behind her. she looks down at me and says "i've been looking everywhere for you" then she notices my mess "you already made a stincky didn't you? lets get you changed" so she tapes up the messy diapee back onto me and carries me to a changing table. she lays me down on the cold plastic and i shiver. she pulls out a thick blue diaper and a pair of lockable plastic panties. i stare at the panties while she explains "this is so your not temped to use the potty" she untapes my sagging diapee revealing my mess completely to her. she starts to clean me up wiping my bottem with a baby wipe. once im clean she re-diapers me and slides the plastic panties on locking them with a click. Then the wizened (and he was wizened in my dream) dragon he slowly explain " you have blood like no others flowing through your viens and we are taking you into the family" i look at him with questioning eyes "oh and the diapers are there because that is what fate has decieded for you"... i would tell the rest but its late and my bed time so yeah thats the first half of my dream good night people

Kid Chimour
September 10th, 09, 05:33 AM
My diaper dreams were never really vivid, and most of them were wet dreams, and so I wish I could get another =/
My dreams in short made NO sense.
Like one of them I was in a local Wal - Mart in the diaper isle, and I took one of the packages down and diapered myself, but the dream ended before I taped the diaper on completely and so it was not the wet dream I was hoping for.
Another dream was kind of terrifying to say the least.
I was at my brother Andy's house in Louisianna in this dream, and my brother has two baby girls, and so I usually stole diapers from him in real life until he caught me and almost killed me in a blind rage since he is a homicidle mad man when he loses his temper.
Needless to say this dream terrifyed me because of this reason because why else would I go and tell you this.
Okay so the dream in specific was of me in Andy's living room and so I saw a package of pampers on the floor and picked them up and started to diaper myself while in Andy's sight range so yeah.
Another one is when I was walking into my bathroom where they was a package of diapers there for NO reason what so ever, and so I laid down in the tub and started to diaper myself, but was found out by my mom because stupid me forgot to lock the bathroom door.
I have more dreams of this variety, but seeing as they all play out the exact same way I will not tell you any more of them since I don't want to annoy you.

September 14th, 09, 04:01 AM
Last weak I deam about beein changed in the backseat of my father car.
Seams a common dream but I really enjoy it.

September 15th, 09, 04:07 AM
Time for an Orwellian Edit.

September 24th, 09, 03:01 AM
I don't remember dreams that arnt worth remembering but I had a dream once were I was in someones basment they had shelves full of diapers and some of my family members were down there I wanted the diapers but I didn't want my family to know. I hate conflicting emotions its like a giant what if battle inside my head. I'm sure there was more but thats all I remem so cia.

October 4th, 09, 08:14 PM
this one time i was in the mall with nothing but a diaper and a bra..

baby lucario
October 5th, 09, 09:48 PM
i remember this dream too clearly. Dream:I woke up in my wet diaper as usual thinking about my camp out and how cool its gonna be. i still needed to buy some diapers though. I went off to buy some and in the store i saw my friends. i bought the diaper and went straight home. my friends followed me and said what i bought "Hey can i have some of your chips or whatever it is that you bought?"
"uhh, i gotta go" i said and ran. they chased after me and one of them managed to snag my bag.
he looked in the bag and chuckled a little.

whats weird about my dream is that half of it ended up happening. i went to store but my fav. diapers weren't there. during the camp out my mom went off to buy me some and called me through to go and get them inside my house. i had the phone on speeker so..... my friends kind of heard.

November 10th, 09, 10:31 PM
I can control ny dreams and i dont meditate X3

November 15th, 09, 08:24 AM
My ones are mostly just being able to wear them and just poop or pee in them. I love those dreams. They feel so real. I probaly have those cause im really unable to get proper Adult diapers and im too embbarised to buy them if they were sold.

November 15th, 09, 03:17 PM
I have had a few but the best one was one I had about Twilight (I'm a big fan of the books) in it i was adopted by the Cullens and they diapered me it was so cool.

January 2nd, 10, 11:26 AM
iīve had a couple of amazing diaper dreams, one of them is: it was a party, it lokked like a graduation or something where everybody dances, then is a lot of girls in wedding dresses and everyone looked at me, then slowly their face got smiling. then I started to lay down in the floor and i was getting all my clothes off by the pretty girls. thatīs what i dreamed. and even more but i dont really remember clearly. i hope you enjoyed :3

February 24th, 10, 05:44 PM
i once had a dream... where i was like running on the streets from something... then i entered to a store... where the clerk carried me inside *baby like... u know holding me from my back and bottom* and layed me on a changing table, where i started to kick playfully... the she brought out a diaper a started changing me... when i was about to wet it... i woke up -__________-U

maybe from the sudden emotion... anyway it was awesome... i do really want that to happen to me~

Bandit Keith
February 24th, 10, 05:59 PM
well I have had a few weird as hell diaper dreams.I thinks its from both being a insomniac and watching to much anime when I can't sleep namely every night.also half the time I don't remember half the shit that happeneds in my dreams so well its not well detailed.

well first in no order is

I was inside the world of naruto shipp got cot by some rouge ninja and was made there baby.

2 was this

I em in some kinda anime world kinda like inuyasha and I was brought to a kind demon sage and was turned into a true baby.

3 was this.

I em the most powered person in the vers and got my powers zapped for destroying a hole world by a attack throw of its targeted path and well I pissed off anuff of the prisoners they made me hert so bad I had to where diapers and be feed by some one.

February 24th, 10, 10:24 PM
Usually when the dream is about diapers, I can hardly remember it, but diapers would just show up randomly in the dream and there wouldn't be any focus on them.

For example, Im at my closet and I open it up to get dressed, half of what's in the closet is clothes, the other is diapers. I put on a new diaper, got dressed, and there wasn't another instance of a diaper the whole dream.

Miss Manners
February 25th, 10, 07:19 AM
i've never had any "diaper" dreams per se. regressed baby dreams yes, but not where diapers are the sole focused object, action, and purpose of the dream.

Bandit Keith
February 25th, 10, 07:35 AM
this one time i was in the mall with nothing but a diaper and a bra..

ok this is kinda off topic but well.sounds like a twist of the classic dream where you in school or some where with out pants or shirts in public in with nothing but underwear on for the guys and the girls samething but plus a bra.

K00l name
February 25th, 10, 04:12 PM
I had a dream where I was taking care of a bunch of anime girls in diapers

February 25th, 10, 07:19 PM
k00l name you trollin

---------- Post added at 01:19 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:17 PM ----------

Ok, you guys are so going to laugh at me, but last month I had a dream that I got to go cross country with my favorite WWE wreseler, Shawn Michales, HBK to those who don't recognize him by name, and he gave me diapers to wear, forbiding me to use the bathroom. It was so bizzar.

thats pretty bizzar, but i wish i was running with you, no pun intended

March 1st, 10, 04:15 PM
Well I just woke up from one. I stole some from a dresser I found at where ever I was. Put one on and used some kind of spell to keep people out of my room. Then I was outside some how. Weird thing was Kairi and Namane were in my dream. (The only thing that wasn't weird to me was they were a couple.) Then two people thake them away. and the dream ended there.

March 1st, 10, 10:37 PM
Hmmmm...I've had a couple, but for the life of me, I can't remember any of them right now! ^_^'...

I'll post one if I remember it!

March 5th, 10, 09:01 AM
Back when I was younger I had a recurring dream that I was in this big machine that put me in a diaper and fed me a bottle. I think that was how I got interested in diapers...

March 16th, 10, 02:46 AM
In most of my dreams, I'm standing on the edge of a cliff, rocking back and forth in the wind. Then when I fall, I instantly wake up, and find myself sitting in a pool of my own feces. :)

March 16th, 10, 11:20 PM
I had a dream were my girl and i wore diapers all the time and we loved it and another dream were i owned every single diaper and no one really cared if i wore them or not

March 16th, 10, 11:27 PM
I had a dream one time where I was little again once and I went to the pool and came out with a swim diaper then some chick changed right in front of everyone

March 17th, 10, 04:54 PM
i had a wierd bleach manga one .The wierd thing is
that i found one near enough to my dream

---------- Post added at 04:54 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:47 PM ----------

i had a bleach diaper dream
i wasent even thinking about bleach when i fell asleep

March 26th, 10, 07:47 PM
I had one once or twice.. it wasn't anything special though.

I just found some diapers, and put it in and ended up soaking it so bad it overflowed all over the floor..

I was honestly surprised I didn't wake up wet after that >_>...

Bandit Keith
March 26th, 10, 08:15 PM
hell one to know the two oddest dreams with diapers I have had for me.

well first is I'm watching anime as I'm wearing a wet diaper.

second was well I was lissing to music and playing a game at the same time wearing a diaper.

Echo chan
March 27th, 10, 04:08 AM
i had one where i was runiing around a deserted building with one of my friends from school then we saw a store in mid condision so we walked in and it was filled with pretty baby clothes and cribs bottles etc. but from behind the both of us is a lady in one of those ballroom gowns she said why are you girls runing around here half naked then i noticed i was naked except for a wet diaper and so was my friend but she seemed so casual about it the lady in the ballroom gown put us in babydoll dresses and put us in a playpen but the second she put us there she left and my friend and i both started to cry for some reason i woke up and realized my diaper was soaked and i had been crying it was soo weird that was the first dream i could totaly remember every second of

March 29th, 10, 05:09 AM
Just several of the "Nude with diaper only and no clothes in sight in public" sorts.

Not very arousing though, to my surprise, as humiliation of that kind does get me going.

March 30th, 10, 01:24 AM
I once had one..
i was with my aunt, whom i havent seen inages, and for some reson we were both in nothing but diapers. I guess it was taking place when i was still younger becuse everything looked taller than usual, dream didn't last very long and made no sense at all, we had some sort of wetting contest andi pretty much instantly filled my diaper, and it overflowed at the top,not threw the legs... then i just woke up perfectly dry but REALLY fricken thirsty o.o

August 12th, 10, 03:58 AM
(Reborn thread, cuz I say so!)

I had a dream of my favorite video game character, Larxene, and I was taking care of her, changing her and everything. When I woke up, I was upset that it wasn't real...

August 12th, 10, 04:53 AM
I constantly have dreams were I almost get diapers, I think I've only had one were I actually got some.

August 13th, 10, 03:09 PM
only 1 that i can remember...and it was rather interesting

i had this dream about 5 years ago; i had recently got some depends from a local drugstore, and was hiding them in my room. anyway that night i put one of them on, and went to sleep.

the dream starts off with me and my family going down a highway in our minivan at the time, and then we were going across a bridge, and ended up going up a ramp, that sent us over the edge of the bridge. instead of waking up from fear like usual in these types of dreams, i enjoyed the fall (i had recenty gone to six flags.) then when we hit the ground, i woke up in a second dream.
in the dream instead of waking up in my bed, i woke up in a sleeping bag at my dad's house. laying parallel to me was by bother and sister asleep, also in sleeping bags. i began to look around and when i looked at my dad's bedroom door, my dad came out, walked over to me, and said "your secret is going to be discovered, and you cannot prevent it."

then i woke up...i was a lil frightened about the dream, but i wrote it off for the most part, and figured that it was caused from how paranoid i was while i was wearing the diaper when i fell asleep. so then i peed in the diaper, and i just layed in bed for a while, thinking about the dream. i noticed it was about time for me to start getting ready for school, and i decided i'd just hide the wet diaper(i hid it under my bed, i know now that it was a stupid move) and get rid of everything when i got home.

when i did get home i went to my room, and found that the wet diaper that i had hidden had been moved from deep under my bed to the edge of under my bed. my mom didn't question me about it yet, so i didn't know if by some chance she had moved something else from under my bed and not noticed it or what; but i grabbed the pack of depends, and wet diaper, put them in my backpack, chucked it out my window.
i figured it would draw too much attention if a neighbor or someone seen me sneek out my window or took my backpack with me out the front door, so i walked outside around to my window, grabbed the backpack, went to a nearby creek and dumped the depends into it.

turns out my mom had found the diaper under my bed, and had just spaced it.
a day or 2 later she remembered about it, and decided to question me about it...i denied the whole thing and claimed i had no idea what she was talking about. luckily, she eventually gave up, and just wrote the whole thing off...

August 20th, 10, 04:22 AM
I Had 1 A Bit While Ago. I Was Walking Home And Walked Into My Room To See A HUGE stack Of Them. In There I Used Them All :D

August 20th, 10, 12:11 PM
The usual with anime graphics, me having giant automatic rocket launchers and gatling guns with everyone else using swords or other medieval weapons...

ABDL Army vs. Creatures of Evil... twas' epic.
That's the most frequent one.

August 20th, 10, 12:32 PM
sounds like a very good dream :)

August 21st, 10, 10:42 AM
then we all had fun after the battle ;)

Toddler Naruto
July 17th, 15, 04:05 PM
Most of the time in my diaper dreams I'm a little kid again, and in most of them I'm always diapered and babied, no matter what the age.

Also, no one ever laughed or made fun of me in these dreams.

Sigh, it's too bad the dream world isn't reality :(.