View Full Version : Knuffles, the Magazine

Winnie Cooper
December 18th, 08, 09:08 AM
Either we don't have a links board, or my sleepiness has caused blindness in me. That being the case, and on the possible chance that there may be other LGs ( known or latent) here, I submit my "press release":

Hee! I got it finished! The 2008 Christmas edition, and first issue of Knuffles in a year, is now online!

There are a couple changes now. A few Knufflettes seem to have fallen off the edge of the world. We have search teams out for them... and are always looking for new ones. The logo has changed a little bit. The translator has been ditched - most browsers now have this capability already built in. Knuffles the Kitten (our mascot) and the cbox for comments are still there, as well as our map. Some pages have been put together to conserve space and bandwidth, yet we have also lengthened some things in hope of delivering more fun content. Also, a way of commenting on some articles has been added (such as Spinner's movie review this issue) ... PLEASE make use of these, so our Knufflettes (and our editress) feel appreciated!!

Ok - did I forget anything?

Oh! The link! http://www.lil-vickie.com/knuffles/

Note: Seeing as I make no money from Knuffles, this is not advertising.

February 18th, 11, 06:32 PM
i miss lil vickies site luckily i got to meet her in a certain chatroom which shal remain name less