View Full Version : What was the last anime/manga that you finished/completed?

Toddler Naruto
April 27th, 09, 08:58 PM
Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children Complete (http://myanimelist.net/anime/2952/Final_Fantasy_VII_-_Advent_Children:_Complete) (English Dub) - 9/10.

This movie was f***ing awesome, thank god the english dub was leaked out early :).

April 27th, 09, 10:33 PM
You know, that's a really good question for me. I haven't really been watching any old ones, nothing except the ongoing ones, like One Piece and the new Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood. If movies count too, then the last one I watched was an old Lupin III movie written and directed by Hayao Miyazaki himself before he made Studio Ghibli. That's right, The Castle of Cagliostro. To anyone who's never seen this movie, rent it, buy it, do whatever you can to see it. I can guarantee you won't be disappointed with this genius take on an already genius character. It's everything you could ask for in a Lupin movie. Action, adventure, romance, comedy, it's all beyond textbook charming. As a rating... well, of course, 10/10.

If we're talking about just regular anime, I did get the '80s Astro Boy series on DVD recently, so I think that one was the one I finished last. And honestly, I think I have to say that so far, this one is my favorite of the three. Let's admit it, the '60s anime was classic, and it was the first one to grace our televisions, but there were almost no animation and there was no color. But it was still entertaining. This Astro Boy series, like the last one was made when Osamu Tezuka was still alive and I think he helped a lot with the show, although he died shortly after it ended. Regardless, Tezuka's influence really shines through here. This is a surprisingly deep anime for it being a kids show, and enough so that both children and adults can enjoy it.
Like The Castle of Cagliostro, Astro Boy is one of those things that you need to see as an anime viewer. It's one of the most classic anime series one can buy. 9/10

June 9th, 09, 01:15 AM
Ah My Goddess <<<< great anime

August 3rd, 09, 07:09 AM
Welcome to the NHK.

If anyone's ever had strong social anxiety this would be the anime to watch.

August 3rd, 09, 01:06 PM
oh my goddess never finished it and faries landing

August 3rd, 09, 01:12 PM
Initial D, the Manga.

I also listened to Initial D arcade tracks the whole time, if you ever get a chance to read the manga I suggest listening to the music during the races, it really does add to the experience.

August 8th, 09, 05:42 PM
Wolfs Rain the anime, that show was fantastic

August 12th, 09, 08:11 PM
Last Manga I finished reading was "Pretty Face"

August 12th, 09, 08:36 PM
Strawberry Panic! the anime -rewatched it-

August 13th, 09, 12:07 AM
D.Gray-man T_T.. I'm so sad.. Even the manga is on haitus right now =( It's saddening because I love it so much.

August 15th, 09, 09:35 PM
i always wanted to watch this anime in my whole life but i just recently watched the movie, "Akira".

i only have one word to describe it.


i'll give it five stars!

September 22nd, 09, 08:37 PM
Excel Saga... except from a bunch of meningless fillers right in the middle of the series, it was great fun! Especially when they become all postapocalyptic and serious-like right at the end.

September 22nd, 09, 09:20 PM
The last anime I saw to completion was probably Eureka 7.

October 2nd, 09, 05:26 PM
Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, the subbed version. gotta love galaxy sized mecha's powered only by hot blood!

January 31st, 10, 09:00 AM
Slayers season 4 aka Slayers Revolution

February 1st, 10, 06:14 AM
Love Complex and K-ON.

Bandit Keith
February 1st, 10, 06:26 AM
yu-gi-oh seanon 0 heres a vid link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u8q9d-nM7rM&feature=related

February 1st, 10, 06:43 AM
The last one I finished completely was death note. It wasn't what I expected at first but it drew me in.

February 1st, 10, 09:29 AM
Lol, I just finished Re-watching Deathnote as well. Good show. Next on my list is Re-watching K-ON, while I wait for someone to upload the Nanoha movie.

February 1st, 10, 10:07 PM
The last one I finished completely was Ruroni Kenshin off of OneManga. However, the one right before that was 666Satan, which is also incredibly good. It's written by Masashi Kishimoto's (the creator of Naruto) twin brother, who (not surprisingly) has a very similar art style. However, the story and mechanics of the manga are infinitely more interesting than his brother's. I strongly suggest reading it if you haven't already.

http://www.onemanga.com/666_Satan/ It's pretty short, and some of the scans get rather crappy near the middle, but it's a great manga.

February 23rd, 10, 12:18 AM
The last anime series i completed was last exile. It was a really well animated series and i would sugest it to anyone.

February 23rd, 10, 07:13 PM
Watched EVERY single Death Note episode none stop LOL. then I read the books 1-13 and then the novels LOL.

February 28th, 10, 01:38 PM
i finally , just recently read the full length of rurouno kenshin manga number 19, i had read every single other volume at LEAST once ovr if not 3 times and this one was impossibleto find

March 8th, 10, 04:20 AM
i finally finished watching the Original Full Metal Alchemist Anime, now for Brotherhood and the manga

Bandit Keith
March 8th, 10, 04:27 AM
well I just finished watching Eureka 7and foooly cooly for about the 60th time not really but have watched them alot.now onto another anime I'm trying to finish is Tenchi Muyo (http://www.animefreak.tv/watch/tenchi-muyo-tv-episode-13-14-english-dubbed-online-free) gpx can't find it all.

March 12th, 10, 07:37 PM
True Tears.

Was "meh."

Didn't really care for the ending.

March 13th, 10, 05:05 AM

Very interesting romance anime.

March 14th, 10, 07:17 AM
Last one completed for me was: To Aru Kagaku no Railgun. Watched that one before I realized there was a previous season. So, now I'm watching: To Aru Majutsu no Index.

March 14th, 10, 10:20 AM
Pretty Face was the last manga i finished (ive read it twice and love it) and the last animes i have seen all of were The slayers seasons 4 and 5

March 22nd, 10, 06:06 PM
Wow, that's a good question... Death Note, I think? The anime, though.

April 6th, 10, 02:15 PM
I believe it was Gravitation and Cowboy Bebop. This was like 2-4 years ago.

Bandit Keith
July 19th, 10, 10:28 PM
fooly cooly

btw the finale fight is the coolest

December 23rd, 10, 10:19 PM
The last manga I've finished recently was "Fall in Love Like A Comic!"

January 15th, 11, 11:39 PM
Midori Days. For a show about a guys right hand turning into a girl, it can get surprisingly emotional at times.

January 16th, 11, 02:19 PM
It is Color Cloud Palace...

I love it and I fall in love when watching it...^_^

conan edagawa
February 7th, 11, 05:31 PM
case closed 129 episodes in english. cant stand sub. case closed (detective conan) japanese is still going. watched all the movies in english also

February 8th, 11, 03:10 AM
last manga i completed Mermaid Melody
last manga i read however was Demon Sacred Vol. 2

February 18th, 11, 06:05 PM
Skull man was the last anime I watched.

March 17th, 11, 11:31 PM
lase manga I finished was Maximum Ride by James patterson. and I HIGHLY recommend it.

March 18th, 11, 10:26 PM
Last anime I finished was Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt.

March 25th, 11, 01:57 AM
The name of the anime that I finished reading is Initial A and Code Geass! I can't wait for the another article to be published soon.

March 25th, 11, 02:13 AM
Lets see I finished My bride is a mermaid, Full metal alchemist brotherhood (japanese with subtitles), before that I finished watching higarashi no naku koro ni, death note, fooly cooly, cowboy bebop, big O, the irresponisible captain taylor.

April 15th, 11, 05:01 AM
I my gosh this totally drives me insane ... I am trying to go through my list to figure out which one was the most recent that I finished T.T

Well what the heck ... it's not the most recent but however I had watched it not to long ago .. Salty Rei. I thought it was really really good.

If you want a more comprehensive list of what animes I have completed visit my list http://myanimelist.net/animelist/brabbit1987

May 16th, 11, 12:39 AM
Infinite ryvivus-pretty Kool space adventure. Kind of like a space version of lord of the flies. Not much action but did not really need it.

May 16th, 11, 01:39 AM
Clannad After Story and before that, Angel Beats.

May 16th, 11, 01:52 AM
I just finished Eden of the East and am now onto Black Butler. :)

May 17th, 11, 02:14 AM
Witch Hunter Robin. is the last i finished. i watched it all before but it was years ago and about a week ago i decided i wanted to watch it through again

June 9th, 11, 12:01 AM
Finished fate/stay night last week and just finished Robotech Next generation.

June 9th, 11, 06:07 AM
Just finished Kaichou wa Maid-Sama!. Was pretty good. I enjoyed the cute romance :p.