View Full Version : A Lesson of Privileges (Private for Cuddlebabyrachel)

June 6th, 17, 06:27 AM
Sitting in the cab of a car, Anna a 18 year old girl about 5'4 was with her sister in the back seat. After a scuffle at there mom's house, There mother had got fetup with the sarcasm and disrespect they kept spouting off with. So for a few months the pair of girls would be living with a distant relative that reached morals, respect, and manors.

Anna didn't know her family much, she mainly didn't care about it. She was always sucked into her phone or lap top to really not pay attention much. Seeing the car pull up to a house, the brunette haired girl stepped out to see a taller woman towering a few inches taller then them over her.

"You must be the two that was sent to me to go through my program. Come in, come in." The woman said smiling. Although Anna groaned a bit as she didn't care for the kind gestures of the woman. "When are we going to get to eat? I'm hungry, and tired."

June 7th, 17, 05:35 AM
Luna looked at her twin sister for a bit as they walked in Luna then whent back to playing on her phone. Luna dident talk all that much but when she did it was genrualy sarcastic or condescending.

June 7th, 17, 05:39 AM
"Well let's get you two inside then, I made some fresh cup cakes with chocolate frosting. But first let's get you both in some clean clothes." The women said leading them in. Anna sighed some at this as she went inside behind the women.

"Sounds good, although you haven't told us your name. " Anna said huffing some at the Lady. "I am your Aunt, my name is Mary Rose. Or you can just call me Aunt Rose."

Anna rolled her eyes a bit at the gesture.

June 7th, 17, 05:41 AM
Luna just keeps walking and play8ng on her phone

June 7th, 17, 05:54 AM
Stopping in the first room, Rose looked at her nieces and smiled. "Alright, now at my house there will be no phones or computers." She said taking the electronic from the girls, locking them in the closet. Rose smiled, "now I need you both to strip completely and get in the warmth bath I gave ready for you."

Anna gets mad at her phone being taken and crossed her arms. "That was mine! And why should I strip?" Anna said rudely. Rose shook her head, "Well you want clean clothes and food right?" Rose stated reminding the girl.

June 7th, 17, 05:57 AM
Luna sighs but if we can't use electricity ,does that mean we have to turn the lights off?

June 7th, 17, 06:06 AM
"Such a silly question, I'm saying you can use phones or computers here dear. " Rose said to Luna pinching her cheek gently. Anna swats her hand from Luna's cheek. "We're not five, so don't do that." Anna scoffed as she undressed and sat her clothes down. She then went into the bathroom and got in the tub.

"Stubborn huh? Well hurry up and undress Luna dear, I'll have some new clothes and fresh cupcakes and milk ready after your bath with Anna." Rose said picking Anna's clothes up.

June 7th, 17, 06:08 AM
Luna noods and undresses and gets in the tub

June 7th, 17, 06:12 AM
Picking her clothes up to, Rose locks them in the closet and heads to another room to get the clean clothes. Getting two thick diaper's, then two onesies, and socks with frilly ruffles on them. Rose set them on the floor as she waited for there bath to finish.

June 7th, 17, 06:15 AM
Luna gets out and drys off leaving the towel for her sister

June 7th, 17, 06:18 AM
Seeing Luna coming out, Rose grabbed her and gets her down on the open diaper. "Alright hold still while I get you dressed dear." Rose said getting the diaper pulled between Luna's legs and half fastened.

June 7th, 17, 06:27 AM
Luna waits for her sister to yell at this women as she sits and slowed the woman to diaper her

June 7th, 17, 06:29 AM
Getting Luna diapered and forced in the pink onesie and socks, Anna comes out of the bathroom next with a irritated but mad look. "What the hell you doing?!" Anna yelled before getting yanked down next on the other diaper. "Wait no! Stop! I don't want to be back in diapers!" Anna protested as she squirmed and thrashed.

June 7th, 17, 06:33 AM
Luna sits and watches her twin struggle and laughs.

June 7th, 17, 06:37 AM
Getting forced into the diaper and outfit, Anna groans. "I'm leaving!" Anna said before receiving a firm swat on her butt by Rose. "No your not, your 39 miles from the nearest town and your phones are gone. Now I'm going to show you two the board I got planned out for you two as you eat."

Anna slightly teary eyed groans as she was lead into the dinning room to where cupcakes and milk was Waiting

June 7th, 17, 06:38 AM
Luna fellows and plays with her fingers

June 7th, 17, 06:49 AM
Sitting at a chair with a crinkle Anna starts to eat a cupcake. "Plans?" Anna asked while eating.
Rose smiled, "Yes dear, you and your sister are going to start over in life. From now on you have to earn your privileges back. Each time you do a good deed I will give you a coin and you will add it to your pouches on your onesie. During this you may spend them on buying privileges. "

Rose said pointing at a chart.

Potty privileges

30 to go to pull ups

40 for toilet training again.

Eating privileges

20 to get to feed yourself but food will be cut for you.

40 to feed yourself without help


15 for kids shows

30 for adult shows

60 for rated R


20 to go from crib to cot

40 to go to cot to bed


15 to bath yourself.

June 7th, 17, 06:51 AM
luna reads the list and noods

June 8th, 17, 03:53 AM
Groaning at the list, Anna looks at Rose. "So your telling me that we have to shit in are pants until we save up that much?" Anna growled. Rose nods, "Yep that's the sum of it. The better you behave the more you earn. The less you behave the more you get to shit your pants and be stuck doing baby things "

June 8th, 17, 05:35 AM
Luna noods and starts taping her thumbs together

June 9th, 17, 03:28 AM
"Now this might take awhile to save up, but remember the faster you behave the quicker you get privileged." Rose said smiling. Looking at Rose, Anna grumbles a bit as she ate her cupcakes. "I just sneak into the bathroom." Anna said looking at her aunt.

"Well dear, that wouldn't work either. Because the bathroom is locked up tight." Rose said grinning.

June 9th, 17, 05:11 AM
Luna waits for her sister to stop complaning and gives her sister her cupcake

June 10th, 17, 03:48 AM
Seeing the cupcake getting offered to her, Anna sighed and accepted it. She then started to eat it.
Rose smiled. "Now after you finish eating it will be bed time, after all it's late and you two have had a long day."

June 10th, 17, 04:57 AM
luna noods and looks at rose

June 11th, 17, 03:40 AM
Hearing this, Anna groaned at that. She was indeed tired but didn't like what the bed was, and how she was dressed. "Fine, I'm done eating already." Anna said getting up before being lead to the crib by Rose. "Let me know when your done Luna dear and I put you in bed." Rose said exiting the kitchen and into the bedroom with cribs.

June 11th, 17, 04:29 AM
Luna noods and smiles I never ate can I just go to bed

June 12th, 17, 04:02 AM
Raising a brow at the response she got, Rose shrugged. "Alright let's get you in the crib with Anna then." Rose said smiling. "Since you been have you earned two coins dear." Rose said putting them in Luna's pouch.

June 12th, 17, 04:04 AM
Luna smiles as the two coins go in her pounch thanks

June 12th, 17, 04:12 AM
Patting her head Rose smiled. "Your learn fast dear, keep up the good responses and you'll getting your stuff back in no time." Rose said proudly as she latched the crib with both girls in it before exiting the room. As she closed the door, Rose turned off the lights leaving the nightlight beaming brightly.

June 12th, 17, 04:14 AM
Luna smiles and goes to sleep

June 12th, 17, 04:21 AM
Going to sleep on the other side of the crib, Anna snoozed about three hours before waking up. "Not now.. " Anna said having a very familiar urge. Anna had used the bathroom before bathing, so why did she need to go now. That's when she realized. The cupcakes were spiked! "Crap.. I don't want to fill my pants.." Anna grumbles.

June 12th, 17, 04:25 AM
Luna sleeps heavaly as she always did it was easy to see why she wet the bed still

June 12th, 17, 04:28 AM
"No please.. no.." Anna begged as she soon ended up squatting. Feeling a solid mass pressing into the diaper Anna try to stop it. Feeling poop forming into a big lump under her butt, Anna grunted as it pressed between her thighs. Finishing up taking a dump Anna groaned.

June 12th, 17, 04:38 AM
Luna wraped her arms around her sissters tummy in her sleep making it worse

June 12th, 17, 04:40 AM
Noticing that Luna had her arms around her, Anna then realized that's why she pooped so fast. Waiting a bit like that, Anna soon went back to sleep.

June 12th, 17, 04:42 AM
Luna sleeped with her arms around her sister all night

June 12th, 17, 04:55 AM
As morning started to come around, the smell of freshly cooked biscuits, eggs, and bacon could be noticed in the air. Starting to wake up, Anna felt the reminder of last night's events. But it was cold and sticky now.

June 12th, 17, 05:14 AM
Lunas tummy rumbled as now she smelled something good

June 12th, 17, 05:18 AM
Seeing Rose come in the room, She smiled. "Looks like the baby's are awake." Rose said causing Anna to growl at her. "I'm not a baby, and I demand a diaper change."

June 12th, 17, 05:29 AM
Luna looks at rose could i please have a diaper change

June 13th, 17, 03:49 AM
Hearing this Rose nods, "Sure can, let's change you first since you asked so nicely dear." Rose said helping Luna on to the changing table. "Since you behaved all night in the crib, used your diaper, and even asked for a change nicely. You just earned four more coins dear! That's 7 all together."

Rose said laying Luna on the table as she proceeded to change the girl. Anna on the other hand got more irritated hearing how much coins Luna had. She only had one but Luna had 7.

June 13th, 17, 04:39 AM
luna smiles as her diaper is changed thank you auntie rose

June 13th, 17, 05:01 AM
"Your welcome dear, if you want can you go to the dinning table and wait there while I change miss stinky pants there?" Rose said pointing at Anna whom had her arms crossed stubbornly.

June 14th, 17, 05:10 AM
Luna noods and waits at the dinner table as her sister is changed

June 18th, 17, 04:56 AM
Laying still during the change, Anna was a bit frustrated about having to be in diapers. After she was cleaned Rose started to poke two coins in her pouch. "Since you used your diaper and laid still during the change you earn two coins dear."

June 18th, 17, 04:59 AM
Luna smiles as she waits hoping for yummy food

June 18th, 17, 05:10 AM
Soon Rose enters the kitchen with Anna. Heading to the stove, Anna splits off and sits at the table as Rose got food plated and sat Infront of them. She then smiled, "alright I have to feed to both so whose first?" Anna points at Luna.

June 18th, 17, 05:16 AM
luna shrugs and looks at rose as she allows her self to be fed

June 18th, 17, 05:25 AM
Seeing Luna go along so well with it Anna groans. "Alright open wide for the chocho train!"

June 18th, 17, 05:29 AM
Luna opens her mouth alowing food to go in

June 19th, 17, 03:58 AM
Putting the spoonful of food in her mouth, Rose pulled it out after the food was off the spoon. "Alright now chew it up dear." Rose said smiling.

June 19th, 17, 04:23 AM
Luna started to chew as she ate the food

June 20th, 17, 04:25 AM
Seeing how well Luna was cooperating, Rose smiled as she continued to feed her. Meanwhile Anna was getting a bit jealous at how Luna was doing better then her. Which was good in some ways since it would encourage better behavior for Anna.

June 20th, 17, 04:28 AM
luna smiled as she ate its good.

June 20th, 17, 07:02 AM
"That's good dear, glad you like it." Rose said as she kept feeding Luna till bacon was only thing left on the plate. "Since you behaved so well, I let you eat the bacon without my help. "

June 21st, 17, 05:07 AM
Luna noods and politly eats the bacon.

June 21st, 17, 05:13 AM
Seeing Luna do this, Rise began to feed Anna whom ignored the sounds that rose made as she was fed.

June 21st, 17, 05:16 AM
Luna sits as she finished her bacon

June 21st, 17, 05:21 AM
After about 8 minutes or more, Rose had most of Anna's food fed to her.

June 21st, 17, 05:39 AM
Luna smiles what are we ganna do today auntie rose

June 22nd, 17, 04:50 AM
After Anna was finished eating, Rose gave both them two coins.
"Today we are going to do games, and cartoons." Rose said two them.

June 24th, 17, 05:44 AM
luna noods and smiles what kind of games

June 26th, 17, 04:53 AM
"Well with games, there more of simple things. Such as coloring, painting, board games, etc. Going back to basic times, before electronical games times." Rose explained.

July 26th, 17, 05:40 AM
I know, but what kind of a game would you like to play?

July 26th, 17, 05:47 AM
"how about a game of candy land." Rose said looking at her two nieces

August 3rd, 17, 04:15 PM
Okay luna smiles and sits down on the floor