View Full Version : Libero XL+ (scandinavia)

April 13th, 09, 10:27 AM
This Swedish baby diapers (20-25+ Kg) can hold big amounts of liquid without leaking! The diapers are really soft, elastic and thick (baby diapers dont use to be this thick).

The bad thing about them is that the brand only sells in Scandinavia (Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland) and the diapers are a bit expensive. This diapers only fit to skinny people. Luckily, I live in Sweden and i am skinny so it is not a problem getting and wear them :)

April 13th, 09, 05:21 PM
I think I tried them once, they didn't fit at all. : (
Wasn't possible to get them on. How old are you if you manage to use them?

April 14th, 09, 06:22 AM
I think I tried them once, they didn't fit at all. : (
Wasn't possible to get them on. How old are you if you manage to use them?

I am 19 soon and i have a BMI of 19,1. The diapers fit perfectly on me.

April 18th, 09, 10:40 PM
If you're willing to go through all the trouble and pick a pack of diapers up, then why use baby diapers? Even if you might be able to get them on, won't they be extremely tight still? Not to mention them being baby diapers, they'll only have two tapes instead of four, thus be very insecure?

I have some right here actually (These are the Danish versions at least. I don't know if they are precicely the same). Just stretched one and found out that it'll probably stretch enough to fit a 60cm waist. You could probably up it to 70cm or 80cm, if you place the tapes on the white cloth, but how secure is that going to be? Even worse: How'd you make that comfortable?

Also, if you stretch it, the diaper has a length up to 58cm, which is how much you have to cover your entire bottom.

If you're thin enough, I bet they're going to be pretty cool. After all: It can't be more babyish being a baby diaper with cute bunnies on (That's how the ones I have here looks). And yeah: They seem pretty thick enough for baby diapers, and feel pretty nice and soft in my hands. If you're not absolutely sure you have a very thin waist, then be carefull. You might just waste a lot of money on diapers you can't wear (even though they're really big for baby diapers).

I have a BMI about the same as TTTT, but I'm not going to try one. They're definely too small for me. I'll save the thrill of finally wearing again for some bigger diapers. (Oh, and I just loant two, so I don't know their price).