View Full Version : Little Akatsuki

Obito Uchiha
November 16th, 08, 12:38 AM
Okay were we go. All I know so far on who is joining this RP is arfan5890 diaperdei and widdle Zetsu. So if you would like to join the RP Please Pm me. I will edit this post soon cause I think I got some names wrong.

also sorry for the lame name I dun make good names.

Anyway Arfan5890 is starting this thread cause she wanted to start it.^^ Enjoy it.

November 16th, 08, 11:12 PM
Konan awakes in a strange room where she is forced to show the unknown captors her newest version of the shadow clone jutsu which lets them have an army of clones that know everything that all active members of the akatsuki under their supervision at their secret camp somewhere in the mountains.

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 17th, 08, 02:45 AM
((So wait... is Konan going to find the akatsuki as baby/toddlers?))

Obito Uchiha
November 18th, 08, 12:58 AM
[ I think so WiddleZetsu not fully sure.]

"Despite you being so close to Pein you were easy to capture Konan." Hissed a dark cold voice from behind Konan. "Now why not show me more of this technique of yours?"

November 18th, 08, 01:18 AM
Konan snarls"I will as soon as you let me use a restroom you creepy jerks unless you prefer me crapping&pissing over your fine camp site and I chose to let myself be captured tp learn more about your secret group which has a powerful reputation right now."

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 18th, 08, 01:23 AM
((I hope you don't mind if I take the devious actions into my own hands otherwise. >.>))

Dark hair fell over the shoulders of one shinobi, one that had been behind the whole situation with the Akatsuki. He wore a simple set of clothing, a bow of rope tied in the back. The pallid face with the violet edging around the eyes... Lord Orochimaru, one of the Legendary Saanin and ex-member of the akatsuki, had developed a technique which would give him an edge... He smiled, having been able to use it a few times, unknowing of what else was to come within the encampment.

((Sorry if i seems like I'm taking over))

November 18th, 08, 02:25 AM
"what do you have planned for me you perverted freak and does it involve you twisting my about needing a bathroom so I am wearing bathroom around my wiast 24/7 for the rest of my life Orochimaru?"

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 18th, 08, 02:39 AM
Orochimaru chuckled a little. "You'll be the first specimen," he smiled as he began to form the seal in consistent movement. Tiger, Ox, Boar Ram monkey, and finally Tiger. "Wakai Izumi no Jutsu - Shin'you," he said simply with a smirk upon his lips. With that, a serpent lunged forth from his sleeve, meaning to bite into the flesh of the akatsuki member.

November 18th, 08, 02:47 AM
Konan wakes feeling weird with her in a very strange room with cute purple walls&she passes out in her strange new bed from the pain of the jutsu.

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 18th, 08, 03:09 AM
Now, Orochimaru smiled a little, standing back to observe the shinobi. After all, there was nothing he could do at this moment, since she was the first subject of the jutsu for a specific area. Should anything happen, he would use the whole jutsu on her...

November 18th, 08, 03:14 AM
Konan wakes up with wet&messy underwear and she starts crying out "I don't want to be baby and I don't want wear diapees daddy Orochimaru."

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 18th, 08, 03:19 AM
Now, Orochimaru couldn't help but laugh. He performed a few signs, so as to remove te mental inhibitor that seemed to have set in upon the woman. "You can take care of yourself," he said aloud, indicating the stack of diapers in the corner. He smirked merely.

Obito Uchiha
November 18th, 08, 03:27 AM
Obito otherwise know as Tobi was looking for his fellow Akatsuki Memebers."Konan? Pein? Deidara Sempai! Whereis everone!"

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 18th, 08, 03:56 AM
((Alright... Let's try something like this...))

The shinobi smiled at the messy shinobi before him. However, he made no movements towards her, but rather the door. He signaled for one of the Sound to change her rather quickly, so that she could begin a mental rehabilitation. Someone had wandered into the territory, and he would fix that. His steps fell lightly, as he summoned a serpent in which he rode towards the breach in the barrier.

November 18th, 08, 03:58 AM
*deidara was siting up in a tree branch outside the base*


Obito Uchiha
November 18th, 08, 04:10 AM
'This place is creepying me out whereis everyone?' Tobi thought as he slowly wandered around."Hello! Deidara! Konan! Zetsu? .....anyone?"

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 18th, 08, 04:13 AM
"My my... you must be a new member..." the saanin said from the backgrounds. He was already forming the seals as he was smiling maliciously. There was no way for them to worry about much more. One just hoped that he wouldn't be seen with it. "I hope you like life on a smaller scale," he chuckled," Wakai izumi no jutsu." Once more, a serpent flew forth, this time, towards Tobi.

Obito Uchiha
November 18th, 08, 04:17 AM
"A snake person!" Tobi shouted and ran for his life. "Leave me alone and what do mean a smaller scale!" Tobi shouted as he tried his full best to get away from Orochimaru.

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 18th, 08, 04:20 AM
Orochimaru smiled as the serpent dashed through the air, nipping at Tobi's heel. He would feel the effects within a matter of minutes, "You may wish to stop.. For only I have.. the anti-venom," he chuckled.

November 18th, 08, 04:22 AM
*hears tobi screaming*

oh god what now tobi un!?

*sees the snake*


Obito Uchiha
November 18th, 08, 04:30 AM
Tobi falls to the floor."Ugh I am not feeling very well." Tobi then looks up at Orochimaru. "Who are you and what did you just do to me!"

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 18th, 08, 04:32 AM
"I've just made things a lot easier for you," Orochimaru laughed as he turned, spotting yet another member of the akatsuki. Once more, he formed the seals, which were now rather relaxed since it was merely his replacement from when he departed. "Wakai Izumi No jutsu," he said smugly as the serpent made yet another lunge, revitalized, towards the nearest limp that was Deidara's.

((A little chance for Obito to get revenge. lol))

November 18th, 08, 04:33 AM
*jumps down off the tree landing on the snakes neck*

soooo.....orochimaru what have you planed now un?

Obito Uchiha
November 18th, 08, 04:43 AM
Obito withe tlast bit of enegry he he had copied the jutsu with his Sharingan and threw it back at Orochimaru before he passed out.

[I hope that works since I was going to make him bite him lol]

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 18th, 08, 04:48 AM
The moment in which Tobi performed the jutsu happened to be identical to the one in which Orochimaru used his... The technique was aimed at Deidara so as to affect him rather simply and efficiently. With the last bit of his chakra, he used a fire technique in the air, to let his encampment know... something went wrong. He was unsure of if it hit Deidara or not, but his lights slowly fazed out, causing him to pass ot.

November 18th, 08, 04:53 AM
*as the snake bit him in the arm deidara cringed in pain*

ow....*rips off snake an throws it through the air*

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 18th, 08, 05:00 AM
'Well.. I got two..." he muttered as he felt the effects of the venom. He himself had not figured out a ay to avoid it so...

November 18th, 08, 05:15 AM
Konan goggle sas hse is diapered then carried into the mental rehabilition room and she rersponds "thank you so much for diapering since it seems that I will need them forver unless I can convince lord orochimaru to cure me right away."

Obito Uchiha
November 18th, 08, 06:04 AM
Obito woke up a few hours later."Oh man where am I? Why do I feelike I want my Sensei?" Obito mumlebed and stood up on his feet."..... Why do I feel smaller and why am I wet?" Obito looked around for a mirrior not noticing he was tiny. down to the size of 5 year old.

[I hope this is okay everyone Pm me if I need to change it.]

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 19th, 08, 01:10 AM
Orochimaru had gained consciousness just before the akatsuki member... Tobi, if he remembered correctly. He himself seemed to have been hit with the jutsu harder than the one there. Seeing as it had been used against him... the child must possess the sharingan and on top of it, quite powerful. However, at a young age, power was cut down on for everyone and the boy now had the advantage due to the fact that Orochimaru had barely managed past two years old himself. The sound would come save him soon though.

Obito Uchiha
November 19th, 08, 01:37 AM
Tobi looked down at himself. "How am I so small! I want my Sensei! Where am I at!" Tobi then noticed Orochimaru."You! You did this to me didn't you! I am gonna get beat you up you snake person thing!"

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 19th, 08, 01:41 AM
Holding his robes on still, he smirked still. "Stay daw... oh I won't hewp yoo geh back," he demanded. After all, even if he was smaller, he still had the possibility of a cure in store for them. Though he knew he had not developed one just yet.

Obito Uchiha
November 19th, 08, 01:57 AM
Tobi growled as he went up to Orochimaru and picked him up by his shirt. "No I want my Sensei! Give him here or I am gonna beat you up! How did I get here!" Tobi was terrified and could barely remember to much.

November 19th, 08, 02:02 AM
Konan was diapered by one of Orochimaru's flunkies and is forecfeully placed in an adult sized crib with a bottle of muilk which she is forced to drink.

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 19th, 08, 02:46 AM
"You shood stop now... Someone's comin'," he smirked as he looked to the distance. It was something simple no doubt, but it was going to work. Through the flora burst a small group of shinobi, in search of Orochimaru himself.

Meanwhile... back at the encampment. "koran? We're going to need you to be a big girl for a little while..." the shinobi said," the lord needs someone's help."

November 19th, 08, 02:51 AM
"I will do what I can do for him right now and before we do that would you please change diaper again it is very wet&messy from the justu."

Obito Uchiha
November 19th, 08, 03:05 AM
"Dun care if people is comming or nots! I am gonna beat yous up!" Obito yelled and threw Orochimaru down to the floor with a hard thunk. "Change me back or give me my Sensei two options!"

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 19th, 08, 03:09 AM
"I can no do dat if you is mean," Orochimaru said, getting back upon his feet. His eyes were still slit like a serpent's though not quite as much. He smiled hearing the footsteps of the shinobi that were searching for him. "Obuuh hewe!" he announced loudly, waiting for the trio to come and save him.

"I suppose we can do that..." the ninja said as they let the Ab'ed akatsuki member out and led her to the changing mat laying on the floor. They wasted no time in changing the filthy diaper, replacing it with a new clean one.

November 19th, 08, 05:16 AM
She quickly helps the sound ninjas use her newest version of the paraylsis justu to temporarily inacapacitate all ninjas except Orochimaru and the sound four while she cannot be affected by her own justsu.

Obito Uchiha
November 19th, 08, 05:20 AM
Tobi heard foot steps and grabbed his Kunia."Who is there! Iw ill kick your butts peoples if yous try and messes with me!" Obito growled cutely as he was not 5 again. "Sensei is dat you have you come back form Obito?"

November 19th, 08, 05:23 AM
"yes I have come back but right now I'm not your sensei since I am joining lord orochiamru;s team in hopes of findindg a cire to theis regression justu>"

Obito Uchiha
November 19th, 08, 05:31 AM
Obito looked up at Konan and tried his best to remember who she was. "Huh you is a very pretty lady ma'am but what is you talking about when you says huh wegwession Justu? I knows whats jutsu is and all but I dun know what you are talking about."

November 19th, 08, 05:35 AM
"he cast the fontain of youth justi on which makes you physically regress&mentally into a child of a random age and my variation he used on me is the fountain of youth diaper dependance justu makes me need diapers 24/7 for the rest of my life."

Obito Uchiha
November 19th, 08, 05:41 AM
Tobi just kinda fell to the floor which made him even colder."Wow lady I am sorry to hear but we kick the snakes butt for it ya know we just gotta catch him and is that why I am all wet I dun like being wet. That is why I gotta find my Sensei he will know what to do. My Sensei he hmm very smart I am lucky to have him as my Sensei"

November 20th, 08, 08:00 PM
Konan continues to try to find lord Orochimaru and hop he has a cure for her current dependance on diaper 24/7 for the rest of her life if tehre is no cure for the jutsu.

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 20th, 08, 10:08 PM
The toddler managed to make it so he was a little well covered, but all in all, once he heard Konan call him Lord Orochimaru, he knew she was with him. And so, the toddler ran out and wrapped his arms around the diapered shinobi's leg. "Up," he demanded sternly.

November 20th, 08, 10:44 PM
"yes up yp go lord Orochimaru and I have the only bottle of your special age maintainance tonic which is here for you to drink right now."

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 21st, 08, 12:01 AM
"Not now... It takes a widdle wong," he said looking down at the five year old," Take him wif us to da camp."

November 21st, 08, 12:16 AM
She carries lord Orocimaru&all the akatsuki she can grab and she heads off to camp with the spund four on her heals.

November 21st, 08, 02:38 AM
(i am zetsu!!!!)
*zetsu is just spying some people camouflaging as usual*

Obito Uchiha
November 21st, 08, 06:24 AM
[welcome to the RP Zetsu]

Tobi forgot how much he loved to be held when he was young So this ws fun for him."Oh boy are we gonna go see my Sensei are we huh?"

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 21st, 08, 12:31 PM
Orochimaru couldn't help but laugh as the once serious child faded into something so juvenile. He didn't mind this whatsoever though, but there was one thing that bugged him.... That 'cure' he had created was only a temporary fix. It would last no more than two days.

November 21st, 08, 03:43 PM
*deidara woke up in a strange camp surronded by what looked like orochimarus goons

well....looks like i might be taken prisoner un........lets make this a blast*

*deidara reached down for his puch of clay but noyt finding it*

.....its gwone......w-wait why am i tawkiing wike dis !?

November 22nd, 08, 02:59 AM
*zetsu is walking by and tries to spy on orochimaru's base but he can't find him and starts looking around*

November 22nd, 08, 03:35 AM
"lord Orochimaru could you please get some help since I really ned a diaper change and I'm very extremely lousy at chnging own diapers wothout help especially when I have messy diaper like right now."

November 22nd, 08, 03:40 AM
*hears konan's voice and walks towards it*
konan must be here.............somewhere..............

November 22nd, 08, 07:10 AM
*Konan calls over all the akatsuki in the area in oreder trap into becoming lord Orochimaru's prisoners and victims if they don't cooperate with isevery request.*

November 22nd, 08, 07:57 PM
*walks slowly to where konan's voice can be heard*

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 23rd, 08, 04:40 AM
Orochimaru laughed a little, as he asked one of his subordinates to change Konan and himself. He couldn't waste the antidote just yet. He was changed promptly into some new clothing, and selecting his best shinobi in the camp, he began to show the technique to her.,

((This is a made up Character that I'd be using, or she can just remain unnamed. Up to you Obito))

November 24th, 08, 05:32 PM
*finds konan and orochimaru* huh...........what happened to both of you?...............

November 24th, 08, 10:26 PM
"I was hit by the fountain of youth diaper depedance justu by lord orichimaru and he was hit somehow by his fountain of youth justu by one of the akatsuki."

November 25th, 08, 01:47 AM
so........you can't go back to normal? you'll be small all the time?..........

November 25th, 08, 02:12 AM
"I am not smaler you are right and you gorw i time but right now you cant be returmed to normal without grwoing up all over again.'"

November 25th, 08, 02:26 AM
me? i'm afected too?

November 25th, 08, 04:40 AM
"you might be in future since the justi is really powerful to my knowledge and no you have been affected so be careful you moght find us all a cure for the justu.

November 26th, 08, 02:51 AM
someone's coming!! *hides inside a wall*

December 9th, 08, 03:07 PM
*Konan stays in the incase lord Orochimaru comes bakc and he does he wil tell him where all of the Akatsuki are hiding right now.*

Obito Uchiha
December 17th, 08, 03:22 PM
Little Obito gets scared and runs off. "I am outta here I gotta find my Sensei!"


ooc: hey guys I am back XD

PaddedPrinceling Joey
December 18th, 08, 05:31 AM
Orochimaru smiled, although he was a quarter of the size of his subordinates, he was still the awe inspiring sanin, which made him... giggle? The toddler waddled down the camp's alleyway in search of his big baby, and the other children as well.

Obito Uchiha
December 18th, 08, 08:57 AM
Little Obito ran past Orochimaru in fast pace. "Bye bye snakey dude! I gots to find my Sensei!" Obito called and then tripped over a rock."Ouchie I fell..."

December 18th, 08, 04:05 PM
"Lord Orochimaru I am inside your tent and I know where all of the Akatsuki's are hidng at the moment if you need me to capture them for you."

PaddedPrinceling Joey
December 19th, 08, 01:03 AM
"No.. I dun need dat... I gotsa 'nobi on da twail," Orochuimaru smirked. The big girl couldn't be trusted.

December 19th, 08, 01:19 AM
*zetsu is spying all the conversation from a wall*

December 19th, 08, 04:57 AM
"I wont dare to cross you Lord Orochimaru in any fasion since ther is no cure my justu based regression and I know of a possible for your regression."

Obito Uchiha
December 19th, 08, 10:02 AM
Obito ran out of the place as fast as he could looking all over for Minato. "Sensei where are you? Come out I need my Sensei!"

OOC:I know that Obito/Tobi's Sensei is actually dead seeing he saved the village but if anyone would like to play him I have good excuse hoe he was brought back to life.

December 20th, 08, 05:08 AM
(I will try to play the sensei and Konan can have a smaller role until the sensei finds a possible cure to the jutsu.)

Obito Uchiha
December 20th, 08, 11:56 AM
[Ah thank you very kindly Arfan5890 Minato is fun guy to play enjoy him and as for a good excuse why he is alive in all my other Rp's Tobi's breves Hidan to bring him back using Jashin and other stuff but since that would not fit well here we will just say that the third Hokage was the one to seal the ninetailed fox in Naruto.]

Obito looked everywhere for his SenseiHe looked at the tree he looked around a cave he looked near a lake and he looked nearby a town. "Please Sensei Obito needs you and I am getting very tired I dun feel like I can walk to much longer."

December 20th, 08, 03:25 PM
"I am back at the akatsuki camp taking a bath and I will help you with your problems with lord Orochimaru's newest justus if you need me."

PaddedPrinceling Joey
December 21st, 08, 09:08 PM
Now, Orochimaru frowned. "Konan! Whewe is dat new atski!?" he yelled, frustrated by the lack of the victims. After all, they shouldn't be permitted to depart.

December 22nd, 08, 05:04 AM
"Im right here in my crib and I am not feeling so well so Im going to take a nap after I find yur netx victims which are at the akatsuki camp."

December 22nd, 08, 05:18 AM
konan is a traitor? *whispers to self* this can't be

Obito Uchiha
December 22nd, 08, 11:43 PM
Obito was tried now and sat down being small did not help him in anyway he was just glad he had found his Sensei so he layed down on the ground."I feel like nap."

PaddedPrinceling Joey
December 23rd, 08, 11:41 AM
Rubbing his own eyes, Orochimaru frowned. He waddled from the room and began to look for his right hand woman. Kabuto wasn't present, and so, he was being cared for by someone else, and he had already taught her what he needed to take care of akatsuki.

December 30th, 08, 09:59 PM
*Konan gives lord Orochimaru a map the akatsuki camps and hidden routes to the safe hidng spots for the akatsukis.*

PaddedPrinceling Joey
December 31st, 08, 01:33 AM
"Why tank yoo konan," the toddler smiled. It was something fairly nice. "Yoo wiw come wif me," he ordered.

December 31st, 08, 05:08 AM
"you are the boss Lord Orochimaru and I dont ever want a cure for the justi since you are like a father to me at all times."