View Full Version : little girl looking for a mommy

June 2nd, 08, 05:32 AM
Hey everyone! I'm looking for a 1x1 RP on AIM ( xAesopFablex ) I'd love to play a young girl (furry would be loverly!) who is trapped as a child forever. Mommy should love to touch her daughter, diaper her daughter, breast feed, take care of, like piss, scat, and giving enemas to her little girl!

You do not need to be female to play a female.

I may not check this page often so please IM me and post here if you are interested!

June 4th, 08, 04:28 AM
I can do it Im a guy though

June 4th, 08, 04:52 AM
Thats fine ^_^ gender doesn't matter.

June 4th, 08, 11:30 PM
When/ how do we start Ive done rps before but this id my very first diaper related one

June 5th, 08, 03:45 AM
If you dont mind- i'd prefer the RP be over AIM ^_^ you can PM me for details

June 6th, 08, 03:38 AM
As long as the piss and scat stay in the diaper ONLY I can play with you I an a great PR on AIM its 2nd nature to a Fan fic writer like me.

Also I may be BE a girl but I know how to lie and play one! lol ^_^

June 7th, 08, 06:53 PM
As long as the piss and scat stay in the diaper ONLY I can play with you I an a great PR on AIM its 2nd nature to a Fan fic writer like me.

Also I may be BE a girl but I know how to lie and play one! lol ^_^
Its past that point haha