View Full Version : Looking for Sonic/Pokemon roleplayers?

Jet Prower
May 11th, 09, 05:17 PM
I finally got around to posting on this site. I've been around for awhile, just not gotten the courage to post on the forums.

Well, as the title said, I am looking for people that will do Sonic or Pokemon roleplays with me on my instant messengers. They don't all have to be diapered, but it would be preferred. I would like someone if possible that is comfortable doing caretaker and the person being cared for, not just one or the other. You know, so the people can both enjoy it.

Another factor you should all know is that I am sorta detail oriented. I like to write like two to four sentences per post. I often use quotes " " for talk and I like to describe actions that are happening, not just assuming they happened or trying to rush threw actions as fast as possible. I like to take my time so we can enjoy a rp.

As long as this topic is here, the offer is available. Get in contact with me if you can.

May 11th, 09, 06:33 PM
im a fan pof pokemon ill rp with yo uif yo ulike and thats agood way to rp i think being detail orentated

Jet Prower
May 11th, 09, 07:03 PM
All people that are interested, you can post here, but also be sure and PM me so I know your IM addresses. Thank you!

May 11th, 09, 07:11 PM
yo ucould start an rp thread i nthe forum

Jet Prower
May 11th, 09, 07:15 PM
I know, I just tend to like private roleplays is all. That's why I usually ask for messenger roleplays so we can do it one on one and a bit faster. I would do them on forums here, but I prefer roleplays where we have planned it out and its private between friends, not just ones where everyone can jump right in and join it randomly.

May 11th, 09, 07:28 PM
mostly on this website if oy usay priveate or closed people repsct it imean i prefe im as wel l but if yo uwant ed amore popen one this is a good palce

May 11th, 09, 08:15 PM
You happen to be speaking to the biggest Sonic fan on this site (That's the title I gave myself). You want to start a new Rp with me I'd be more then happy to (the other Sonic Rp I created all ready has it's roles filled and is past 100 pages so I doubt you'd understand what was happening.) :D

Jet Prower
May 11th, 09, 08:37 PM
Cool, glad there are other sonic fans on here as well. Do you have an IM address? If you do, could you PM it to me? I'd love to hear from ya. Always can use some more sonic pals, diaper lover ones as well. COOL!

May 11th, 09, 08:39 PM
bet it could be good for my own part im more apoke fan ubt i cna adapt

Jet Prower
May 11th, 09, 08:43 PM
Doesn't matter to me, as I said I'm looking for both Pokemon and Sonic rp people. Can be two separate roleplays and such. That's why asked for messengers so we can talk and such and get to know each other.

May 11th, 09, 08:47 PM
It is cool. There's a quite a bit of people on here who have entered my Sonic Rping interest. (If you're interested in the one we're doing it's about a page back in the Roleplaying Realm section if you'd like to read a bit of it.)

And I don't have an IM. Sorry. But whenever you'd like to start a new Rp I'll be waiting.

Jet Prower
May 11th, 09, 08:57 PM
Well, everyone that is interested, should come and say hi then. Interested in find some new people as I said.

May 11th, 09, 09:03 PM
this was one of the reaosni suggest we set up private rps inthe foum yo uto as songic chracter me asapokemon or another sonic chractee but id need fillling in

May 11th, 09, 09:05 PM
I like keping things in their own community for the most part. But I wouldn't have a problem with that persay.

Jet Prower
May 11th, 09, 09:15 PM
Yeah, I'm sorta the same and try and stick with the particular community each character goes with. I'm more into Sonic than I am Pokemon, but dont push away Pokemon that easily. I love the games there too. I just usually like to have Pokemon things on one side and the Sonic stuff on the other side.

May 11th, 09, 09:59 PM
No one's pushing Poke'mon away. I was obsessed with the anime when I was little. Now I'm more neutral on it then anything.

But I LOVE Sonic to death.

Top 6 Favorites: Dr. Eggman, E-123 Omega tied with Charmy Bee, Vector the Crocodile, Tails, and Sonic.

May 11th, 09, 10:08 PM
i like rought the bat knukles soic of course crem and charmey but im sitl lmore apokemon fan

Jet Prower
May 11th, 09, 11:08 PM
My top five are:

1. Tails
2. Blaze
3. Sonic
4. Espio
5. Shadow

May 11th, 09, 11:16 PM

I love the Chaotix. They need to appear more. Vector's simply one of the most creative characters out in the franchise and funny to boot. Charmy's awesome in ways only some would be able to understand. Espio's cool but the seriousness angle he has would make me think he was a boring character if it weren't for the fact that he usually ends up participating in Vector's crazy schemes and the way he gets frustrated when they don't work.

They're all awesome really.

Jet Prower
May 11th, 09, 11:57 PM
I love the chaotix as well, though Tails is still my top favorite character and always will be no matter what anyone ever says.

May 11th, 09, 11:59 PM
Yes and why should what others say matter anyone. Nuts to those idiots who hate Sonic and his pals.

Eggman's my favorite character (and favorite villian of anything of all time.) I have a general idea about what it is I like about him but I can't explain it. His charm is just out there man.

I don't really hate any Sonic character. The only one I really and truely hate is Sally Acorn from SatAM and the comics. (And maybe those Freedom Fighters).

Jet Prower
May 12th, 09, 12:17 AM
I like the comics alot, I spend a bunch of money ordering them on ebay and have nearly the entire stack of them. There is a very interesting story going along with these characters if you get into it, its really extensive and branching all over the place.

May 12th, 09, 12:24 AM
I read the comics. Of course I haven't ordered any of the old ones. I don't have anything before Issue 181.

I think the comics have an interesting story (and interesting setting. One that could easily work for a diaper Rp actually). I just hate Sally and those Freedom Fighters.

And if you ask me, from what I've seen so far, Tails and the Chaotix aren't getting that much attention.

May 12th, 09, 12:29 AM
wwhat are oy utalkign about now guys?

Jet Prower
May 12th, 09, 12:30 AM
He was making a mention of the archie sonic comics. But yes they are a little downplayed right now, but we are at the biggest arch of the series in a long time, so this is sonic's time at the moment.

May 12th, 09, 12:32 AM
cool wel llike i say pm me if yo uwantme i nan rp with yo u or both of yo u same for yo udc il lsee ya later

May 12th, 09, 12:36 AM
He was making a mention of the archie sonic comics. But yes they are a little downplayed right now, but we are at the biggest arch of the series in a long time, so this is sonic's time at the moment.

At the moment. Though Sonic Universe isn't giving them much attention either.

Jet Prower
May 12th, 09, 12:42 AM
Sonic universe is played by character Saga's. Right nowthe comic is focusing on Shadow, for the first three, it will shift to a different character I'm not sure of for issues 4 through 6, then to knuckles during issues I think around what issue 7 or 10, I forget which. So Tails might be next, or it might be someone else. That just seems what that series is doing, its basically the side stories for the main comic.

May 12th, 09, 12:44 AM
Oh I know that's what the series is doing. I'm just impatient. Tails might not be my favorite persay but the stories about him (and the Chaotix) are the most interesting for me.

I wrote a highly successful fanfic about Tails actually. It got over 350 reviews on FanFiction.net. I'm so proud of myself.

Jet Prower
May 12th, 09, 12:52 AM
Your lucky then, my long fanfic isn't getting as much success and views that I want. I know I should update it on fanfiction.net, but I just haven't gotten around to it yet. I would love a long extensive review of how I have done so far.

May 12th, 09, 12:58 AM
I'd be happy to check it out.

My story is called Homeless Two Tail. What's yours?

Jet Prower
May 13th, 09, 12:15 AM
If there are any others out there, you are free to get in contact with me. Just thought I would say so. Thanks to my new friends.

If you're out there, I'm waiting for you!

May 18th, 09, 01:28 PM
do oy u2 sitl lwant a thrd rper andfellwo sonic/poke fan?

Jet Prower
July 2nd, 09, 04:07 AM
I am simply bumping this since I am always looking for more pokemon and Sonic roleplayers, but please if you contact me, I have a style I like. And I want to play a story format story, where there is no rushing, one liners, or anything that is focused on being mega short. I don't want short. I want details and a story.

Contact me for play on here or messages are even better for when I can't get onto the site. Please contact me if there is anyone else out there.

July 2nd, 09, 04:36 AM
I am simply bumping this since I am always looking for more pokemon and Sonic roleplayers, but please if you contact me, I have a style I like. And I want to play a story format story, where there is no rushing, one liners, or anything that is focused on being mega short. I don't want short. I want details and a story.

Contact me for play on here or messages are even better for when I can't get onto the site. Please contact me if there is anyone else out there.

One liners tend to actually make the story longer sometimes considering that less tends to happen and be explained in a single post that way. It's easier to stretch out rather then have things be extremely condensed.

But more explaination is always a good thing regardless.

Jet Prower
July 2nd, 09, 05:20 AM
Yeah, That's why I enjoy how we play most of the time, because we take our time in our rp. Alot of people want to rush threw everything and want to try and get threw everything as mega fast as they can. I like things to progress slower, because I tend to enjoy it and have more control over the situation of what is going on.

July 2nd, 09, 05:25 AM
I guess I understand. It is hard to come up with an explaination for "every" post though.

Jet Prower
July 2nd, 09, 05:32 AM
Yeah, I can understand that too. I just get tired of the people that want to play where everything is one line, where actions like going across the house take half a second, people just appear places, diaper usages and changes happen all in one post and all at once you know. That stuff just tends to get annoying when I want to have a serious rp. If I was just kidding around, maybe some of that was ok, but I'm here because I want to have fun and get a good story out of this too.

July 13th, 09, 04:59 PM
by my name, i am a simple new comer, and i love pokemon (sonic i like, but pokemon takes the wi in definantly) and i may possibly be interested, i'll PM if thats alright