View Full Version : Lots of stuff

July 13th, 09, 05:42 PM
I can roleplay in many Omake roles, both male and female. I can also do Bleach RP's really well and Naruto's fairly well. If you ever want to RP, VM or PM me, i will most likely be more than happy to join.
Main Male Character: Reven
Age: variable based on RP
Appearance: Red hair, golden eyes, 6'0" tall, muscular
species: Human
History: Grew up in the desert and had parents murdered as a small child, grew up alone and fended for himself for many years isn the desert until moving to a more civilized world.
Diapers: Mostly no, but can be if playing a young role.

Main Female Character: Lexi
Age: Variable
Appearance: Red hair, green eyes, 5'4" tall, average
Species: Human, may be Neko depending on RP
History: Grew up in an abusive home so was transfered to foster care.
Diapers: yes. Night time wetting and some day time leaks, but not enough to merit diapers unless they are frequent enough in the RP.

Those are my main characters, and i hope to hear from you soon!
Shanx a Bunches