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November 13th, 08, 03:57 AM
(this is a RP for widdlezetsu and Pyroh only)
The back round for this is zetsu and I are teens who are regressed by our parents for not listening to them very much.

Trinity age 15 had long silver hair with green eyes she was about your average high school student always busy she was very close with her brother closer then most siblings were.

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 13th, 08, 04:00 AM
Joseph is about fourteen years old. He has the same silver hair as his sister, although he has a blue eye to go along with his green eye. He got to skip a grade, and managed to maintain the same classes as his sister.

((Should we make a mom and a dad too?))

November 14th, 08, 02:13 AM
-Trinity walked around the school campus saying 'hi' to all of her friends before heading to her last class of the day. Law studies a mandatory class that all students had to take at some point- "Well best not be late" Trinity says to herself before rushing off to class making it before the bell

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 14th, 08, 02:19 AM
Joey was already within the class, and he was all in all, fairly calm. His sleepless night had occurred once more. Sleep had been difficult for him to find since he had skipped the fourth grade, although he never told his mother or father. He was excited to eb with his sister.

((Dad is also known as Casey to her husband. He's about thirty-two years old, and maintains a high scale business from home. He works there, making enough money to live on well. Although he often misses holding his baby.))

November 14th, 08, 02:27 AM
-Trinity took her seat next to Joey- "Hey little man how has your day been?"

((Mother is Rachael. She is thirty-one private tutor for highschool kids and does a large amount of work from home going to the childs house every so often))

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 14th, 08, 02:33 AM
"hey Trin..." Joey said as his sister took her seat beside him in the class. "It's still exhausting... and on top of it, I'm not feeling too good," he sighed. He leaned his head on his sister's shoulders.

November 14th, 08, 02:42 AM
-Trinity rubs his head softly- "You should take a nap when we get home that might help a little"

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 14th, 08, 02:53 AM
"I don't know Trin... Well.. school is almost over," he smiled. He was glad his sister cared so much, and he sighed. "Only so long..."

November 14th, 08, 03:05 AM
"Maybe you should rest right now a little I'll take the notes this time and I can explain everything the the Prof. if he asks anything" -Trinity took out her notebook which she normally drew in during this class to take some notes this time-

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 14th, 08, 03:13 AM
"no... I can't do that..." Joey replied, sitting up again. He grabbed his own notebook as he began to take notes, since class had begun.

November 14th, 08, 04:05 AM
-Trinity playfully pushed him- "your fine you can copy my notes you need some sleep you havnt slept well since fourth grade and yes I do know more then you think"

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 14th, 08, 04:12 AM
'Fine..." Joey said quietly as he leaned over the desk and closed his eyes. he soon slipped into sleep.

November 14th, 08, 04:22 AM
-Trinity smiled in victory and started taking notes like promissed-

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 14th, 08, 04:28 AM
It was about a hour later when the class ended and Joey woke up, looking sleepily at his sister. "Trinity?" he said yawning," you got them?"

November 15th, 08, 04:50 PM
-Trinity smiles at her sleepy brother- "If by them you mean notes then yes if not then I dont know if I got them." -Trinity stands up and waits for her sleepy brother to fully wake up before heading home on the bus-

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 15th, 08, 08:56 PM
Rubbing his eyes, JOey grabbed his bag and slung it over his shoulder and wrapped a arm around his sister lovingly. "Let's go," he yawned once more.

November 16th, 08, 03:03 AM
-Trinity put her arm around her brothers shoulder and walked out to the bus to head home with him- "So what homework do you have to do when we get home Joey?"

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 16th, 08, 05:46 AM
"Some algebra and some science... Nothing special," he told her as they got on the bus. It was always a short ride for the two of them, after all.. They were the first stop.

November 16th, 08, 05:55 AM
"well thats good at least you dont have much to do" -She said as the bus pulled infront of their house- "Well looks like dad and mom are home, maybe we can sneak up stairs with out them noticing us"

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 16th, 08, 05:58 AM
"I'm hoping so... Mom always freaks out when I'm not feeling well," he said as he stepped off the bus. He pulled a hat down a little, so the bill was angled more towards the ground than anything.

November 16th, 08, 06:01 AM
-Trinity laughed a little- "Yeah your right about that one, anyway come on lets go" -Trinity heads off towards the house slowly-

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 16th, 08, 06:05 AM
((Jus diffe'nt cowohs in the same postie foh mommy and daddy?))

Joey followed after his older sister rather carefully, so as not to make any unnecessary noise in the movement that was his.

November 16th, 08, 06:14 AM
-as they reached the door it opened with a start causing Trinity to jump- "Mom what are you doing?"

"Oh sweeties your home, how was school?"

Trinity replied- "It was fine Joey and I have some homework to do so we will be upstairs working on it we will call you if we need any help" -at that Trinity walked past her mother not saying another word and headed for her room-

Rachael stood there in slight shock as her daughter walked past her and looked to Joey- "Did something happen at school today?"

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 16th, 08, 06:20 AM
((Pwease change da cowuh to bwue when usig da mommy pwease. Sabes some time, ya know?))

JOey wasn't sure how feverish he looked, but he smiled. Shaking his head, he headed up the stairs towards his room, which was adjacent to his sister's.

Casey looked at his children, before wrapping a arm around Rae and kissing her cheek for a split second. "Kids are growin' up... And I'm missin' the ol' days," he said trying to be friendly. He had read a article for a doctor, who had a idea on how to get their children closer to them.

November 16th, 08, 06:25 AM
-Rachael looked at Casey"I know what you mean casey, You were reading something you said was from a doctor about getting close with your children again right?"

-Once Trinity heard Joey reach his room she walked over and knocked on his door- "Joey need any help on your homework?" -She knew that he wouldn't but tried it to keep an eye on him anyway-

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 16th, 08, 06:37 AM
"Yeah... you wouldn't believe the interesting things I've read," he smiled, leading his wife over to the PC. There was a article on regression, and how to induce it. "WEll... simply put... we go and put them in a situation that they can only be forced to act littler," he said, a little nervous on how she would reply.

Joey shook his head a little," No.. I'm not doing it right now. But if you wanna come in..." he offerred. He smiled a bit.

November 16th, 08, 06:42 AM
"How would we do that? If it means I can be closer to my babies again Ill try it" -Rachael looked at Casey smiling-

-Trinity grabbed her stuff and walked into his room to start her homework as well- "Yeah I just you know wanna make sure you get it done thats all" -Trinity tried to put on a face that wasnt so worried-

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 16th, 08, 06:47 AM
"Well... first we should try and find a reason to instate some form of punishment.. like here," he said, pointing to a small part in the article. Diaper punishment. "Let's just check on the kids real quick..." he smiled, seeing as a few minutes had passed. Maybe they could catch them in a lie.

"I'll get to it a little later," JOey said plopping onto the bed. He was sitting back, looking out the window.

November 16th, 08, 06:51 AM
-Rachael nodded and smiled- "Ok lets go we need to be quite so they dont know we are comming up"

"I would advise getting started you know how mom and dad are about i--" -Trinity heard a noise outside the door and looked to see two pairs of feet outside of it and whispered to Joey- "I told you"

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 16th, 08, 06:53 AM
The door was still open, and Casey looked at the pair of children. One really doing their work, and the other just staring. "Joseph," he said sternly, "You lied to your mother."

Joe looked up from the window and stared at his mother and father. It was only a small lie, that much was true. However... he wasn't sure what to say. He merely gawked.,

November 16th, 08, 06:58 AM
"Joseph, Go down stairs and wait for us to come down you know better then to lye to me, Trinity I want you to go to your own room we will call you if you are needed, and finish your homework."

-Trinity sat there staring at their parents- "and If I don't?"

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 16th, 08, 07:01 AM
"Well.. you'll be punished as well," Casey replied. He sort of hoped for his little girl's insubordination. After all, it would be better to get them both as babies at the same time.

JOey nodded a little. He didn't want to fight it so much.... And so, he slid off his bed and headed past his parents, waving goodbye to his sister as though it were the end. He had to admit, he had lied quite a bit....

November 16th, 08, 07:03 AM
-Trinity sat there and waved to joey quickly- "Joey was doing nothing wrong he sat on the bed for a few seconds and your punishing him for that?! What is wrong with you"

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 16th, 08, 07:06 AM
"Trinity sweetheart... I don't think he was just lying about that," he said as he motioned for his wife to go after JOey. He sat upon his son's bed, and smiled at Trinity," Daddy's glad your being honest... But still, you should trust mommy and daddy."

Joey headed downstairs and sat on the couch, relaxing a little. He had to... otherwise he probably would have a panic attack. He was already not feeling well, and his feverish look that he saw in the reflection of some glass made it obvious.

November 16th, 08, 07:09 AM
"If your talking about how he feels I'm watching him more then you are and yes I know hes not feeling well I still think its wrong to punish him for just lying to you" -Trinity was starting to raise her voice a little becoming slightly angry with her father-

-Rachael followed joey downstairs and sat on a chair across from him- "Joey are you sure your feeling alright? you look really sick"

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 16th, 08, 07:12 AM
"Please... I'm not asking you to overreact... Let daddy explain something before you start to overreact," he said calmly. He was one that wasn't to hide behind everything. "Mommy's going to explain to JOey that it's not really a punishment... she's just feeling a little... alone," he told his daughter.

"Yeah mom... I'm fine," he said in a feverish response. He rubbed his eyes, and a few beads of sweat rolled down his face.

November 16th, 08, 07:20 AM
-Rachael got up and went to the kitchen and got a terminator and walked back behind Joey and took his temp quickly- "Joey ill ask you one more time, and that's it. Are you sure your feeling alright?" -She sat next to him- "I don't want to punish you sweetie I'm just feeling lonely with out you and Trin talking with us much its saddening"

-Trinity stared at her father- "Over react? But mom as you I though, or are you not good enough anymore?"

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 16th, 08, 07:22 AM
"Oh no... it's not like that.. she's missing the part she used to play in your lives, sweetie," he said a little shocked. Maybe he shouldn't have given her the talk a couple of years ago...

"Mom... really, I am," he said insisting on it. This time, he wasn't really trying to be bad, he was just trying to get her to stop worrying about him. He was a big kid now, after all.

November 16th, 08, 07:27 AM
"Joseph you have a temp of 102.5 degrees F Your not feeling well and I can see it and hear it. I'm your mother sweetie please I just want you to let me have that part back you seem to be growing more and more away from me you may be a big kid but you will always be my little baby"

-Trinity sat there in silence for a few minutes- "Shes missing what exactly? We are still here dad, I'm seventeen now what are you two thinking of doing"

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 16th, 08, 07:32 AM
"Could you humor your mommy for a couple of weeks by just playing the baby?" Casey asked Trinity with a smile, kissing her forehead," We'll order some nice things for you. And daddy'll buy you a new movie when the next few weeks are over." Another way to get around the situation was to offer some way for her to empathize.

"I know I'm not feeling well... But I've got school... and I have to keep up with everything and then there's all the people that don't like me because they think I'm a know-it-all..." he started, and his rant went on for another minute or so, before exhaling. He was completely stressed out, and now he was feeling it as the room spun about him and then it went black.

((A little hospital diagnosis to get him stuck. lol))

November 16th, 08, 07:37 AM
-Trinity stared at her father- "But I have school and so does Joey, though he could stay home for a few days to get better, I mean... I could but what about school dad?"

-Rachael caught Joey and called for Casey and Trinity go come downstairs-

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 16th, 08, 07:44 AM
"We'll talk about it," he told his daughte getting up and running down the stairs. Seeing his son like that, he grew worried. Dialing 911, he called for an ambulance.

November 16th, 08, 07:47 AM
-Trinity was worried about joey and rushed downstairs behind her father as well- "Mom what happened to Joey?"

"He passed out after saying he wasnt feeling well and that no one at school liked him because they thought he was a know it all" -Rachael got up and hugged onto Casey whispering- "How did Trinity react?"

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 16th, 08, 07:49 AM
"She's a little.. confused,' he whispered. He passed the remaining time in silence until the ambulance came. They wheeled his son into the amulance, and Casey insisted that Rachel be the one to ride along. And that he and Trinity would follow behind in the car.

November 16th, 08, 07:55 AM
-Rachael agreed to riding with Joey and climbed into the back of the ambulance Running her fingers through Joey's hair cooing-

-Trinity rushed out after them and got into the passenger seat of the car- "Dad what did you plan about school?"

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 16th, 08, 08:00 AM
"Daddy's already set up a vacation for him and mommy for a couple of weeks. Vacation days from school, along with some of the excused sicky days would cover it," he told his daughter as he drove behind the ambulance. He watched as Joey was wheeled into a hospital room.

November 16th, 08, 08:04 AM
-Trinity looked down and thought for a little while- "Dad..... I'll do it for mom if Joey does..... and only if Joey does" -Trinity avoided her dads eyes for a while-

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 16th, 08, 08:07 AM
"Alright sweety... I know your mom will be thankful," he smiled.

((We're gonna skip ahead to later in the evening, that cool?))

November 16th, 08, 08:10 AM
-Trinity sat in her room and finished up her homework that she started on earlier-

-Rachael sat in the living room with Casey talking about what they were going to do- "Should we call Trin down and talk with her, or let her finish her school work?"

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 16th, 08, 08:16 AM
"Well... JOey already agreed," Casey said smiling. It was the best way for him to relax, or at least, that was how his son had put it. "He said he'll wait for a diaper in the morning."

Joey was laying in his bedroom quietly. He stared at the cieling, glad that he hadn't stayed at the hospital, something about it unnerved him greatly, even greater so to the point where he had agreed on his father's mad plan to get "closer to his mother"

November 16th, 08, 08:24 AM
-Trinity finished her school work and slowly walked down stairs and sat next to her mother- "mom I'm sorry for the last few years I didn't mean to get so distant"

-Rachael hugged Trinity tearing up a little- "Trin thats find mommies glad you'll play along for a little while"

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 16th, 08, 08:26 AM
Now, Casey didn't say much, letting the mother and daughter calm down. "So... would you like a head start on your brother?" he asked his daughter. He had purchased a couple packages of diapers to fill the time until the over night shipment came in and was delivered the next day.

November 16th, 08, 08:33 AM
-Trinity looked at her dad in slight shock- "You already got some of the items?!?"

-Rachael smiled behind her daughter- "Please Trin it would mean the world to me"

-Trinity looked from one parent to the other and finally gave in- "Sure I guess I will..."

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 16th, 08, 08:40 AM
"Thank you sweetheart..." he smiled. he patted for the girl to lay on the couch as he got up," Do you want mommy or daddy to change you?"

November 16th, 08, 08:45 AM
-Trinity got up and laid down on the couch- "Up to you two" she said blushing deeply

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 16th, 08, 08:46 AM
"Would you mind if I?" he asked his wife with a smile. It wasn't anything that was a must, but he was leaning more towards it, since he was not too comfortable in changing his son for some reason.

November 16th, 08, 08:48 AM
"No dear I wouldnt mind at all Ill watch" -Rachael remains seated smiling-

-Trinity was blushing deep red now-

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 16th, 08, 08:50 AM
"Oh... my poor little girl," he smiled as he held out a few strips. "Which design would you prefer?" he asked. The diapers themselves were plain white, so he had printed out some strips so he could make them a little more captivating. While he let her choose, he started to pull off her pants.

November 16th, 08, 08:53 AM
-still blushing- "up do you dad they are both cute"

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 16th, 08, 08:55 AM
Chuckling, he pulled down the girl's panties as well, sliding the diaper underneath her bottom. They weren't as thick as the ones that would be coming were, but that was part of the fun. Powdering her bottom, he taped it up, which was followed by a quick addition of the little bears dancing across the front. Helping her up, he hugged her," Now run off to bed. Maybe mommy and daddy will read ya a story."

November 16th, 08, 08:59 AM
"but dad its still early" -which wasnt really true as it was close to 9:30 pm-

"Trin daddy has told you do go off to bed please do or you will go to school tomorrow like that" -She had no plans to actually do that but her threat worked as Trinity ran off to her room quickly-

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 16th, 08, 09:01 AM
"My my... my wife is a evil genius," he chuckled, kissing her gently. "Go ahead and read her a story... I'm going to turn in since we';ve got a big day, you know?" he said getting up and heading to the master bedroom.

November 16th, 08, 09:06 AM
"alright sweetie Ill be there shortly" -Rachael headed off to Trinity's room and read her a few chapters out of the book that Trinity was reading-

-Trinity fell asleep quickly as she had had a long day at school and then a confusing one at home-

-Rachael laid the book down on the nightstand and left the room after kissing Trinity on the forehead- "Thank you my little princess mommy is happy your going along with this" -with that Rachael checked to see if Joey was sleeping as he looked like he was she walked in and kissed his forhead- "mommy loves you sweetie may tomorrow be easier on you then today was" -Rachael started towards the master bedroom-

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 16th, 08, 09:10 AM
((Alright! Next morning!))

Joey woke up to his alarm at 6:30 AM like usual, and as he rolled out of bed, he realized that there was no school for him. He was to stay home for a couple of weeks with his parents. Feeling the need to go to the bathroom, he walked out from his room and went to open the door,only to find it locked.

November 16th, 08, 09:15 AM
"Good morning sleepy head." -Rachael was walking up the stairs to make sure that Trinity and Joey knew that they didnt have school today-

-Trinity stayed in bed still asleep as she never turned on her alarm last night-

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 16th, 08, 09:19 AM
"Mom? Why's the bathroom locked?" he asked nervously. He really really needed to go. And he didn't know where the key to the door was.

November 16th, 08, 09:20 AM
-Rachael smiles- "Because silly your not using the potty for a few weeks now lets go get you changed so you can be like your sister"

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 16th, 08, 09:23 AM
"Fine... but please hurry?" he said, nearly dancing. Joey wasn't one to be able to hold on for long, and he'd rather have someplace from aside his pants to do it in.

November 16th, 08, 09:25 AM
-Rachael pulls Joey back into his bedroom and pulls off his pants and boxers sliding a a diaper under him, Then powders him with a fair amount of powder and tapes up the diaper- "there you are sweetie mommy is going to go back downstairs and make some breakfast what would you like?"

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 16th, 08, 09:27 AM
IT wasn't more than thirty seconds that his mother had taped the diaper on that it began to grow warm. His bladder had never been made of steel. "Umm... mom? COuld we take care of somethin' fiirst?" he asked, blushing a crimson red.

November 16th, 08, 09:30 AM
-Rachael smiles- "sure sweetie" -She undoes the used diaper quickly leaving it under him and wipes him down then removes the diaper from underneath him and lays a clean one down and rubs some baby oil and powder in then tapes up the clean diaper.- "so what would you like for breakfast sweetie?"

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 16th, 08, 09:33 AM
"How about some pancakes and bacon?" he said, feeling slightly relaxed after the change. The diapers were only slightly thicker than the underwear, which was weird. When he usually thought of diapers, he thought of them puffing out a good six inches. He stood up and smiled meekly, trying to find this appealing.

November 16th, 08, 09:43 AM
"If that is what my baby wants you can have them come on sweetie let's go get you breakfast" -Rachael took joey's hand and lead him to the kitchen and started making pancakes and bacon for joey- "so what does baby think about this"

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 16th, 08, 09:47 AM
"I'm not crazy about it..." he said quietly. JOey wasn't sure what he was supposed to think,. He had overheard something about shopping later earlier in the night when he had snuck out of his room. He really hoped shopping didn't involve him or Trinity.

November 28th, 08, 03:38 PM
Trinity awoke late in the morning feeling the diaper between her legs and remembered the events of last night and decided to stay in bed for a bit longer

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 28th, 08, 05:08 PM
Joey sat himself down at the table, and he found the squishiness of the diaper and how thick it was to make their hard chairs rather comfortable. He watched his mother carefully, hoping to see her set the food before him whole rather than in a puree. It was only a fear still...

Casey decided it was time to check up on his little girl pretty soon, and so, he rolled from his bed, wearing a pair of shorts and a T-shirt, he peeked his head into Trinity's room. "Sweetie? Are you awake?" he cooed as he walked in, laying a changing mat on the floor and setting a stack of diapers beside it.

November 28th, 08, 06:13 PM
Trinity responded softly "yes dad I'm awake" Trinity rolled out of bed slowly revealing a slightly wet diaper as she had wet while lying in bed
Racheal set the food infront of her deciding that it would be best to feed her little baby herself while Casey was checking in on Trinity.

PaddedPrinceling Joey
December 1st, 08, 11:36 PM
Joey looked at the little bit of food, hungrily. He reached towards it, not knowing his mother's complete intentions. Things could go one of two ways.
Casey smiled a little, and made his way over to her. rather than asking her, to make it feel more real, he slid a finger into her diaper and smiled. "Someone needs a change," he chuckled, letting her walk over to the pad, rather than carry her.

December 2nd, 08, 12:13 AM
Trinity blushed deeply as casey checked her but didn't say anything about it but just walked to the pad and laid down
Rachael smacked joeys hand softly "I don't think so sweetie I'll be feeding you this morning" she cuts the pancakes and feeding joey

PaddedPrinceling Joey
December 2nd, 08, 03:55 AM
Now Joey was quiet as his mother offered him bite sizes pieces of pancakes. And of course... after a few minutes he agreed to feed so quietly and ate. It wasn't so bad.

"Now that's my good girl," he cooed as he went ahead and peeled his daughter's diaper away. Wiping her bottom, and making sure she was all clean, he grabbed a new diaper and taped it upon her. "Let's get to breakfast now," Casey smiled.

December 2nd, 08, 04:07 AM
Trinity nodded "Thank you daddy. Umm. What are Joey and I going to do about school" Trinity asked as she followed Casey to the kitchen seeing Joey "morning Joey morning mom"

Racheal smiles at Trinity and Casey "good morning sweetie" Racheal went back to feeding Joey smiling at how easy this was turning out for them to be babies again.

PaddedPrinceling Joey
December 2nd, 08, 11:38 PM
Joey ate quietly, knowing his mom wanted her baby, he decided to throw her a little bone. After chewing up a bit of pancakes, he let is slide from his mouth and plop right onto his shirt. He could feel it rolling down still.

"We already told you, sweetie... we're on a little 'vacation' and will be to grammy's summer house this afternoon," he smiled. He had arranged the trip last night while his wife was sleeping too," She's got the stuff for a big baby."

December 3rd, 08, 12:19 AM
Trinity looked at casey in fear "grammy's summer home Grammy is going to see us?!?" Trininty wasn't sure on what else to say.

Racheal quickly cleaned up the pancake mess joey made cooing "wooks wike my widdle baby is habing fun" and looked to Trinity "you could go to school like you are if you don't want to come I'm sure I can arrange for the school nurse to change you"

PaddedPrinceling Joey
December 3rd, 08, 12:23 AM
Joey looked over at his sister shaking his head as his mother tried to clean him up. "That's a very bad idea..." he said quietly. He waited quietly then for his next bit of food.

Now, Casey laughed," She won't be up for a few weeks, and unless you two are up to going to school then, we'll probably be gone by then," he smiled. He was fixing two bottles of formula in place of the milk they normally drank. He slipped in something else though when they weren't looking to help them go a little later in the car.

December 3rd, 08, 12:36 AM
"no I'll go I said I would right. Dad" Trinity took her seat at the table next to joey finding the chairs comfertable now that she had a diaper on.

Racheal cleaned joey and continued to feed him slowly making sure he got it all in his mouth "so we are all going up to the summer home then this is your last chance to go back to school instead but you will be in diapers no matter what."

PaddedPrinceling Joey
December 3rd, 08, 12:40 AM
Now that the breakfast was finished, Joey smiled happily and wiggled. It was pretty comfy now. He watched as his father set the bottle in front of him and set the other in front of his sister.

"Well, that's good news," the father smiled and set the bottles in front of his children," now now, hush my children and drink this." There was nothing that would work any better than the simple use of a laxative spiking the bottle.

December 3rd, 08, 01:07 AM
Trinity looked at the bottle but didn't protest anymore but drank it despite it's odd taste "dad what is this stuff it doesn't taste like milk"

Racheal cleaned the table quickly and washed the used dishes whispering with casey "so all the stuff is at Grammys and they will be going in the car?"

PaddedPrinceling Joey
December 3rd, 08, 01:21 AM
Joey sucked on the bottle, cringing a little. He looked over to his father and looked. "I have to say... this isn't very good," Joe said agreeing with his sister, though he continued to drink.

Casey nodded in response to his wife with a smile. "It's formula is all," he told his kids as he prepared the bottles with laxatives already mixed in the water, then they'd just have to add the formula. "Alright kiddies, mommy has outfits for you up in our room and she'll get you dressed and then we'll be gone."

December 3rd, 08, 02:39 AM
As joey and trinity finished their bottles racheal takes them to her room to change them into more "approlrate" clothing. She sets trinity on the bed and strips joey down to his diapers and puts him in a light blue onsie and snapped it shut then places him in in a whiney the pooh overalls snapping them shut at the crotch. "you two should get use to this" she says and sits joey on the bed and strips trinity down to her diapers and places her in a light pink onsid and yellow sundress that just covered her diaper while she was standing

PaddedPrinceling Joey
December 3rd, 08, 02:49 AM
This was the humiliating part right now. A diaper he could hide. But the baby clothes he could. At least he was in the house right now, and the car was in the garage, with its tinted windows. He smiled though, noting how it felt roomy and yet not.

While Rachel took care of the children, Casey went ahead and set the car seats up in the car as well as prepared a changing mat for the seat furthest back so they wouldn't have to stop for the children. And so, he finished packing a diaper bag for each of them and slid it up front in between the driver's and passenger's seat. "Alright kiddies! Rae! The van's ready!" he called.

December 3rd, 08, 03:53 AM
Rachel took the kids out of the room and towards the van "there's a nice supprise waiting for you in the van and another one on the way to grammys house"

Trinity was blushing deep red she didn't really like the color yellow but some how it fit really well right now. As she followed Rachel to the van she was hungry still sense all she had was the bottle of formula "dad I'm hungry" she hoped they would get something before they hit the road.

PaddedPrinceling Joey
December 3rd, 08, 12:52 PM
Joey was quiet as they headed out, and they reached the van. It was all who could do not to turn around. But he bit his lip quietly, accepting the situation. What else would he be able to do?

Casey nodded for a second. "I'll get you some cereal and I'll feed you on our way up to Grammy's," he told her, leaving the child behind to grab a box of cereal and a small container of milk which he placed in a cooler. "You want Trix? Or Count Chocula?"

December 3rd, 08, 01:53 PM
"count chocula please daddy" trinity replied glad no one would see her or joey as they traveled to grammys summer home

rachel helped joey into his carseat behind the passanger seat so casey could feed trinity while she drove the 7 hours to Grammys summer house.

PaddedPrinceling Joey
December 4th, 08, 02:57 AM
Joey sat in the car seat, getting buckled in. He had to admit, this was far more than just humiliating. But he was quiet, looking out the window.

Casey smiled as he poured the cereal into a bowl and entered into the van. He set them on the diaper bag as he led his daughter into the van and set her into the car seat and buckled her in. He poured the milk in and let the cereal grow soggy before offering hsi daugther a spoonful.

December 4th, 08, 03:48 AM
Trinity blushes as she was buckled in "where did you get all this stuff" she took the spoonful and ate it quickly and opened her mouth for more as she knew she wouldn't be feeding herself.

Racheal pulled out of driveway and stared driving towards Grammys house

PaddedPrinceling Joey
December 4th, 08, 12:16 PM
"Yeah... I'd like to know that as well," Joey said aloud, rather curious. But... part of him he didn't want to know. But right now, he let childish curiosity run rampant, wiggling in the car seat.

"Well, mommy and daddy found a nice little web site," he laughed as he fed her another spoon full, and scooped up yet another. He would keep her happily fed.

December 4th, 08, 12:21 PM
Trinity glanced over at joey qukcky taking the spoonful until the cereal was gone "thank you dad what was the site?"

PaddedPrinceling Joey
December 5th, 08, 01:11 AM
"Now... I don't think a baby should have to worry about that, now should she?" he asked with a big smile as he set the bowl on the ground and settled into the passenger's seat without a care in the world. After all, they had their babies and that was the most important.

December 5th, 08, 01:29 AM
"no dad I shouldn't I guess" she settled into her car seat getting comfortble.
rachel pulled onto the interstate and headed to grammys. After a few hours she thought 'it should be kicking in about now'

PaddedPrinceling Joey
December 5th, 08, 01:33 AM
Joey was getting a little antsy after a little while. He didn't know why... but after a few minutes more... he felt it. The reason he should have been antsy. His pants were being soiled, and he just screamed.
'Mommy and daddy's first messy diaper in a while...' Casey thought to himself as he rolled down the window.

December 5th, 08, 01:53 AM
Trinity wasn't sure to say she was soiling herself and didn't know why she was and couldn't stop. "daddy" she wimpered

rachel pulled over so casey could climb back safely smiling thinking 'we have our babies back now to keep them here and never let go'

PaddedPrinceling Joey
December 5th, 08, 11:56 AM
Casey looked back at his children, looking so helpless and confused while they were messing themselves. First, he took his little boy back there and began to change him. It was difficult, but he made it work rather quickly. After making his baby bboy all clean, he settled him back in the car seat and laid his little girl back there, tickling her first.

December 5th, 08, 12:48 PM
trinity let's out a fit of helples giggles and wets herself a little while casey tickles her
Rachel pulls back into the interstate slowly speeding back up to the speed of the other cars

PaddedPrinceling Joey
December 6th, 08, 08:55 PM
"Oh my my, lil Trinywet her dipey," Casery cooed as he peeled away the filthy diaper and started to wipe away the mess. It took a few minutes, but soonm, he had Trinity freshly diapered and tucked back into her car seat. He resume his seat up in front.

"Way to go, Trin," Joey smiled. He was trying to be supportive, although it did sound a little bit sarcastic.

December 7th, 08, 08:41 AM
"you think I wanted to wet myself? Dad was tickling me in case you didn't notice" trinity snapped quickly unable to tell he wasn't being sarcastic. "is there anything to do dad I'm bored back here"

rachel drove "it's only a few more hours "casey do you need to use the bathroom now?" there was no reason to stop at one of the rest stops of he didn't but she knew it would be fun to do so for their kids to get use to being in public

PaddedPrinceling Joey
December 7th, 08, 07:53 PM
"Calm down, Trin," Joey said shaking his, laughing.

"Yeah, i do. So why don't we pull over and you can take the kids out for a few minutes,' Casey replied. It was something he did need to do.

December 7th, 08, 07:59 PM
"sorry joey didnt mean it" Trinity's eyes widdened and stared at joey then at the front their parents "out like this?!?"

"alright casey let's find a stop with a small play ground" they drove for a little longer finding what they were looking for "ok we will be at the playground waiting for you" rachel got out and went to unbuckle joey

PaddedPrinceling Joey
December 7th, 08, 08:09 PM
Joey smiled a little, until they mentioned a rest stop. Were they going out? And it was evident with the next bit as his mother was unbuckling him. He wasn't even covering his diaper rigth now! What were they thinking?

"Alright. I'll leave Trin to you as well," he smiled as he got out and walked to the bathroom. In there, he relaxed. He was going to take a little while for the kids' sake.

December 7th, 08, 08:17 PM
rachel finished unbuckling joey and snapped up his onsie and overalls before taking him out of the van and standing him on the sidewalk and moved to trinity and started unbuckling her despite her protests and struggles she managed to get her onsie snapped up though her short dress didn't help hide the fact that she was in a diaper. She walked them to the play ground and swatted their bottoms softly "go play we are leaving when daddy gets back"

PaddedPrinceling Joey
December 9th, 08, 01:46 AM
Joey was a little indignant as his mother swat his bottom, but he smiled at his sister. After all, they might as well pass the time. "Let's go, Trin," he smiled.

December 13th, 08, 05:04 AM
Trinity turned to get back into the van "I don't wanna play though" as she did so she was met by her mothers fierce glare and another swat to the bottom. "but mom.." she was cut off by a finger to her mouth.
"Trinity go play for a bit it will do you some good." rachel watched her two babies walk to the play ground slowly smiling

PaddedPrinceling Joey
December 14th, 08, 05:40 AM
"This is one of those things where we made a promise and we should be quiet..." JOe told his sister whispering as he waddled towards the park. Once there, he just stopped at the slide. How would it feel now?

December 14th, 08, 01:52 PM
"I know joey but I'm regreting it now but I have to see it through or I'll be in school like this" trinity slowly climbed up the playground.

PaddedPrinceling Joey
December 14th, 08, 11:12 PM
"Yeah... That'd be bad..." Joey nodded as he followed her up, and plopping down at the top of the slide. "There are some good things though... I barely felt that." The boy laughed a little about that. It saved time.

December 14th, 08, 11:41 PM
Trinity pushed joey down the slide and followed quickly giggling a little

PaddedPrinceling Joey
December 14th, 08, 11:49 PM
"This feels kinda funny with the diaper," he said with a laugh. It was kind of fun.

"So honey, how are the kids faring?" Casey asked as he approached his wife with a smile.

December 15th, 08, 12:46 AM
"yeah I know what you mean joey"
They are doing well it took a bit to get trinity to go play

PaddedPrinceling Joey
December 15th, 08, 12:52 AM
Joey shrugged it off though as he poked his sister and ran. Ran as fast as he could.

"Well... I have to say we should get going," he smiled," After all, the kids have stretched their legs, and I've still got lax bottles made."

December 15th, 08, 01:02 AM
i think your right joey trinity let's go
Trinity is chasing joey around the playground

PaddedPrinceling Joey
December 15th, 08, 04:27 AM
Joey heard his mom's call, and he began to ran towards the van. "Van's homebase!" he called laughing.

Casey watched as the kids passed him by., "if they weren't so big... I'd think they were three... but I don't really think that's enough," he smiled, wrapping an arm around his wife's hip.

December 15th, 08, 04:38 AM
"hey no fair you had a head start"
I know rachel kissed casey smiling "well let's get our babies fed and get going" rachel strapped joey into his car seat tickling him a little "have fun joey?"

PaddedPrinceling Joey
December 15th, 08, 04:53 AM
Joey laughed a little and nodded. "yeah!" he smiled.

Casey wasted no time as he scooped his daughter into her car seat and buckled her in. "Same for you missy, have fun?" he asked as he fished out a couple of bottles. He tossed one to Rachel and then held the nipple before his daughter's mouth.

December 15th, 08, 04:58 AM
"yeah I had fun" she looked at the bottle "dad people can see though"
Rachel smiles holding the bottle for joey

PaddedPrinceling Joey
December 15th, 08, 05:06 AM
Joey thought similar grounds, but he remembers that he had agreed. And on top of it all, he did want something to eat. And so, he let his lips close around the nipple and sucked, feeding at his own pace.

"And? You're a baby, remember? You're lucky mommy let you run around like that," Casey told his daughter," Now, drink your bottle, or I'll do something you'd really wish I wouldn't do in front of people."

December 15th, 08, 05:11 AM
Trinity didn't wait to find out his threat and started drinking the bottle slowly.

PaddedPrinceling Joey
December 15th, 08, 05:13 AM
Joey was of course, the first one finished, as he had been first to drink and smiled as some dribbled onto his overalls. It was his mother's wish after all to have a baby.

December 15th, 08, 05:20 AM
Trinity finished shortly after joey did and let a little dribble out as well
Rachel smile widened as she wiped off joeys face cooing "did my little baby enjoy his bottle?"

PaddedPrinceling Joey
December 15th, 08, 05:22 AM
Joey laughed a little. He seemed to enjoy this almost as much as his mother did.

"There's daddy's baby girl," Casey cooed as he wiped his daughter's face and tickled her side. "Daddy's gonna drive, so mommy's gonna take care of the two of you on the rest of our journey."

December 15th, 08, 05:27 AM
"daddy what would you have done had I not drank the milk?"
Rachel climbed into the passenger seat looking at casey smiling

PaddedPrinceling Joey
December 15th, 08, 05:36 AM
Joey was quiet as he watched his mother climb in the seat right in front of him.

"Well honey.. I don't really want to spank you again, so please... just be a good baby?" he asked his child as he sat in the driver's seat and started the car. They were soon back on the highway.

December 15th, 08, 11:20 AM
Trinity nodded "I'll be daddy I don't want another spanking" trinity gave a small yawn long car rides made her somewhat sleepy.
"I'm glad you'll be good sweetie we don't want to spank you either". "joey your awful quite is something wrong?"

PaddedPrinceling Joey
December 15th, 08, 12:26 PM
"Yes, mommy. I'm just fine," he replied with a smile. "Can you put on a DVD?"

Now, Casey smiled at his baby girl. She was so good. It was so pleasant o be the father of the two babies.

December 15th, 08, 12:49 PM
casey where did you put the movies for the kids to watch?" rachel digs through finding a few of the movies "never mind found then" she then spreads them in her hands which one do you want joey?"

PaddedPrinceling Joey
December 15th, 08, 09:17 PM
"I dunno.." Joey said quietly. All of them were kidddy movies, and all of which were ones he would not pick. "You can pick... I don't mind..."

December 16th, 08, 12:08 AM
rachel picked out the most childish one there and pops it in for joey and looked at trinity who was falling asleep slowly "this trip always did tire her out I'm a little supprised she must be getting use to the diaper to sleep now.

PaddedPrinceling Joey
December 16th, 08, 01:53 AM
"Yeah... you are right about that... Grammy's always did tucker her out... But now she'll get to wake up pretty soon, and we'll be there," Casey smiles. He glanced back real quick to spot his son and daughter. Joey nodding a little, while watching the kiddy movie, and his daughter almost out.

December 16th, 08, 02:00 AM
rachel smiles patting trinity's leg as she fell asleep. "looks like one is out now joey is going soon too I guess" she looked at him smiling

PaddedPrinceling Joey
December 16th, 08, 02:08 AM
Casey kept watch as his little girl fell to sleep, and then his boy followed soon after. "All done," Casey smiled.

December 16th, 08, 02:27 AM
"it looks like it" rachel turned off the DVD smiling "so now that they are asleep what other supprises do you have in store for the kids casey"

PaddedPrinceling Joey
December 16th, 08, 12:18 PM
"I don't quite know... this is going to be the first time they are going to wake up in a messy diaper... And we're gonna cut the walking... " he smiled.

December 16th, 08, 12:24 PM
"I wonder what they will do when they wake up trinity will likely question the bottles but they are our babies again." rachel giggled a little looking at her peaceful sleepers in the back.

PaddedPrinceling Joey
December 17th, 08, 03:50 AM
"Or we could use a excuse like a psychological regression," Casey replied. He knew Joey wouldn't say anything.

December 17th, 08, 03:54 AM
rachel nods "I think that would be a good idea and will be easy to explain to them that their minds are accepting their baby state"

PaddedPrinceling Joey
December 17th, 08, 03:58 AM
"Then they won't bother to fight much more," he smiled. Casey relaxed. It would be a few hours until they were there.

((Skip ahead?))

December 17th, 08, 04:12 AM
rachel shook joey's leg sweetie you need to wake up we are at grammys house now"

PaddedPrinceling Joey
December 17th, 08, 04:14 AM
Joey stirred a little, rubbing his eyes. The first thing that hit him was the disgusting feeling, which was then rushed by the scent of his own mess. He sniffled and looked to his mother.

"Trinny-bear? Wake up sweetheart," Casey cooed as he unbuckled his daughter's car seat and he smiled," let's get goin' in." He barely noticed the scent that slid from his children.

December 17th, 08, 04:21 AM
Trinity got up sleepishly "daddy something is wrong"
"what's wrong sweetie?" rachel cooed as she unbuckled joey from his carseat following casey and trinity to the door

PaddedPrinceling Joey
December 17th, 08, 04:29 AM
JOey didn't hesitate to lean on his mother's shoulder as he thought. His mother had wanted a baby. Not a big boy complaining about poopy pants, and so, he whimpered a little, and wiggled.

"What's wrong, Trin?" Casey asked as he opened up the door to the cabin and smiled. So their orders had arrived her as well.

December 17th, 08, 04:33 AM
"what did you give us I pooped myself in my sleep I have never done that" trinity stood a few feet away from him glaring slightly
rachel patted joey on the back softly "there there it's okay you can tell mommy"

PaddedPrinceling Joey
December 21st, 08, 09:18 PM
"I need.... a change..." Joey answered quietly. It was awful feeling to sit in such a mess.

"We didn't give you anything... I think you're just getting used to it already," Casey cooed. He didn't worry too much as he walked about, patting her bottom, making it smear slightly.

December 21st, 08, 10:07 PM
"there there it's ok let's go get you changed again. Do you like being mommies baby again?" rachel picked up joey and walked inside the house with him
"I am not getting use to this though" trinity pouted

PaddedPrinceling Joey
December 22nd, 08, 04:29 AM
JOey stiffened at first as he felt the mess in his diaper, but struggled to relax. He nodded just a little, trying to avoid drawing much attention.

Casey chuckled a little," You sure about that sweety?" he asked as he laid her upon one of their new changing tables. It was rather nice.

December 22nd, 08, 04:52 AM
"no daddy i'm not sure" trinity relaxed a little laying back in the changing table "hey daddy when is grammy comming here?"
Rachel patted his back and laid a changing pad out laying him on it "I know it's not as nice as what trinity is getting but we only have one and we need to change you quickly"

PaddedPrinceling Joey
December 23rd, 08, 11:36 AM
"Okay mommy..." JOey answered quietly as he relaxed on the changing pad, and waited for his mother to begin the task.

"Grammy won't be here for a few weeks. And if anything, we'll be gone by then," Casey smiled as he popped the tabs of the diaper and began again to clean his daughter's bottom.

December 23rd, 08, 02:20 PM
"ok thats good" trinity relaxed more on the table giggling slightly as casey cleaned her
Rachel peeled away the diapers tabs grabbing some wipes then peeled away the messy diaper cleaning her babyboys bottom quickly and effectntly "how is my baby feeling about this new idea of ours?

PaddedPrinceling Joey
December 24th, 08, 10:10 AM
"Well... I don't mind it... I really don't mom," Joey said in an attempt to keep his mother calm. Sure, there were spots he really loathed it, but,,, it was for her.

"Is my sweetheart having fun with this?" Casey asked as he went and finally grabbed the new large diaper, which was nearly twice as thick as the previous one. He lifted her legs and slid the new one beneath...

December 24th, 08, 05:03 PM
"a little I'm not at school but I don't like some" trinity admited slowly "daddy this one is thicker the the others" trinity complained as the new diaper was taped up

rachel finished cleaning joey and grabbed one of the new diapers. She proceded to lift joeys legs slidding it under him setting him down slowly. "I'm glad you don't mind it baby I love taking care of you so much again"

PaddedPrinceling Joey
December 25th, 08, 04:32 PM
"I know you do, mama," Joe answered as he felt himself lifted and then taped up. He squirmed a little, noticing its difference, but not really minding.

"The way you've been messing your diapers, you need it," Casey chuckled as he finished up his daughter's change and the pulled her skirt back over the diaper, though it didn't hide much.

December 25th, 08, 06:42 PM
Trinity smiled softly "alright" she went to stand up wabbling slightly

"what does my little baby wanna do now that he's all clean?" rachel cooed as she lifted him up to his feet hugging and kissing him tenderly

PaddedPrinceling Joey
December 26th, 08, 07:26 AM
Joey couldn't help but laugh a little once he was hugged and kissed. "I dunno..." he answered truthfully. After all, he was supposed to be his mother's baby, no?

"Now, it's not so bad, is it, honey?" Casey smiled as he offered his hands to assist his daughter in walking about.

December 26th, 08, 03:26 PM
Trinity took his hand stabalizing herself "what are we going to do now daddy?" trinity asked curousily wondering what would be next

"alright sweetie let's see what daddy says before we do anything unless you want to go outside and play"rachel cooed playfully

PaddedPrinceling Joey
December 27th, 08, 03:58 AM
"Ok mom," Joe said sliding off the table, the diaper he wore now crinkling. He liked the feeling a little, no doubt.

"Well... there's the little playground outside if you and Joey want," he offered with a smile.

December 27th, 08, 04:55 AM
"ok daddy that sounds fun I guess" trinity waddled slightly on the way outside as the diaper was thicker then she thought
"Alright then we will go have fun then we will go ahead and set up some ground rules for you two sound alright with you casey?" rachel said as she helped her little boy outside to the playground

PaddedPrinceling Joey
December 27th, 08, 04:13 PM
Joey followed after his sister quietly, but not leaving his mother's side. The diaper's thickness worried him about his ability to walk. And so, he remained silent as he followed with a smile.

"We'll draw up the rules while they play," Casey nodded, as he kept an eye on his daughter.

December 27th, 08, 04:39 PM
"alright that sounds good for me" rachel said as that arrived at the playground she popes joey lightly "off you go and play now sweetie mommy and daddy will be here"

"what kind of rules will you make" trinity asked quickly

PaddedPrinceling Joey
December 28th, 08, 04:22 AM
Joey didn't bother to ask. He knew whatever rules they made, he'd be forced to follow, so he waddled off to the miniature playground.

"Now, I don't think the baby needs to know that," Casey replied as he redirected her to the playground and swatted her bottom.

December 28th, 08, 04:55 AM
Trinity pouts a littleband waddles to join her brother "I wonder what they are going to do next joey"
after trinity was out of ear shot and playing with joey "so what was this about doing away with walking you mentioned earlier casey"

PaddedPrinceling Joey
December 28th, 08, 05:16 AM
Joey shrugged. "I couldn't begin to fathom a guess," Joey replied.

"Well... we could try hypnosis... " Casey replied, unable to think of something else," Or we could just ask."

December 28th, 08, 05:29 AM
"yeah what do you want to do while we are out herejoey?"
"how does hypnosis work I think it could help a little.... Help them lose control and let them be our babies more then giving them bottles of laxitives and waiting for them to use their diapers" rachel liked the idea joey wasn't putting up any fight so he would easy go along if they asked but trinity was questioning everything she could she thought to herself

PaddedPrinceling Joey
December 28th, 08, 05:32 AM
"Umm... well... there's al this stuff to play with..." He said quietly.he was just noticing all the babyish toys lying about on the ground.

"I'm sure there's a sound file we can play while they sleep to make this easier..." He smiled," now onto those rules. In ed by seven?"

December 28th, 08, 03:36 PM
Trinity noticed what joey was pointing out "well yeah... But I feel a little weird playing with those"
"yeah I'm sure we could find somethbg like that online. Hmm rules well no fighting."

PaddedPrinceling Joey
December 28th, 08, 05:51 PM
"Get over it... We're supposed to babies... and it might just get worse if we don't humor them," Joe said, try to distract he from the fact that he was enjoying thi

"Time outs and spankings for punishment for typical little things," he smiled," Definitely no coloring on he walls." This was ju a joke but he remembered how the kids would color he walls.

December 28th, 08, 06:48 PM
"your right I guess" trinity said grimly as she ploped down to start playing with the baby toys at their feet
"casey did you call the store about replacing their beds with cribs already?" rachel looked at her watch it was about 3pm "hmm taking away toys as well. I thnk we have covered about everything. Oh no feeding themselves thats what we are here for"

PaddedPrinceling Joey
December 28th, 08, 09:58 PM
Joey followed suit rather than just stand there, and giggled a little once he felt the air rush out from between the padding and his bottom before grabbing a Dora the Explorer toy,.

"Done and done," Casey smiled with a brief nod. They would be hungry soon, njo doubt. "We've got Gerber baby food in the pantry too," he smirked.

December 28th, 08, 10:21 PM
trinity picked up a cabage patch kid doll and play with joey. After a bit her stomach growled loudly

Rachel sat with casey watching her big babies play and smiled they were playing nicely let with baby or small childrens toys

PaddedPrinceling Joey
December 29th, 08, 12:36 AM
JOey smiled and played along with his sister, although his stomach growled a little.

"Why don't you feed the kids, and I'll go ahead and take care of that sound file?" Casey suggested with a smile.

December 29th, 08, 12:54 AM
"alright dear" rachel smiled and called for the kids "alright trin joey time to come in and eat"
Trinity looked up and smiled. Turning to joey as she stood "race you" and she took off with a running waddle well running the best she could with the thick diaper between her legs

PaddedPrinceling Joey
December 29th, 08, 04:57 PM
Joey didn't utter a single word as he got up, with great difficultyu, and started after his sister. It was clear she had the advantage.

Casey grinned at his kids' enthusiasm to eat as he left for the computer room. It was something small and simple, but he started to search immediately.

December 29th, 08, 05:12 PM
Trinity slowed down as she got closer to rachel calling back to joey "come on slow poke"

PaddedPrinceling Joey
December 31st, 08, 01:18 AM
"Well I'm sorry for not being fast," JOey called as he hurried behind her. "Besides... you've been wearin' a diaper longer than I have."

December 31st, 08, 02:16 AM
Trinity turned To joey "I was in them a few hours longer!" she shouted at him
Rachel walked up behind trinity and popped her bottom then places a pastel pink paci large enough for an adult or baby her size in her mouth "there will be no fighting you two and trin leave it in" she said sternly as trinity went to take it out "joey I have one for you too" she cooed as she placed a pastel blue paci in his mouth

PaddedPrinceling Joey
December 31st, 08, 03:11 AM
JOey made no opposition as the pacifier was popped into his mouth. He sucked on it to not only soothe himself, but pacify his mother's rage as hewaddled into the kitchen.

January 1st, 09, 12:40 AM
rachel cooed as she watched joey suck on the paci "does my widdle joey wike his new paci you wook so cute like that" she picked him up and put him into a high chair so she could feed him. She opened some baby food and started feeding joey "here comes the choo choo open up the tunnel now sweetie"

Trinity stared in awe as rachel fed joey laughing a little at the same time

PaddedPrinceling Joey
January 4th, 09, 08:55 AM
Joe frowned a little at this sudden burst of treatment, but once more he thought of playing along for the sake of his mother. And so he laughed, keeping his mouth agape for the spoon of mush, that he didn't want to eat.

January 4th, 09, 01:33 PM
rachel finished the small bottle slowly playing choo choo each time "I remember you wouldn't eat unless I did the choo choo for you joey" joey had made a slight mess while eating so after the bottle of baby food was finished rachel cleaned him up and let him down. Rachel picked up trinity though it wash really picking her up off the ground and more directing her to the high chair and started feeding her the same way with little resistance.

Trinity had been thinking about what joey said 'we are suppose to be babies and it could be worse if we don't act like it' or something along those lines but she didn't want it any worse for either if them and decided to put up what little fight she had left and try to enjoy this.

PaddedPrinceling Joey
January 5th, 09, 04:31 AM
JOey watched in amazement after he had been fed, he had allowed himself to be seated on the ground, watching his sister eat like any baby would. And he couldn't help but snicker.

January 5th, 09, 05:39 PM
Trinity gives joey a fierce glare though in her current position wasn't much she had baby food all over her face and stuff

PaddedPrinceling Joey
January 6th, 09, 05:16 AM
Joey couldn't help but snicker. She was so messy.

"And what would my baby boy be laughing about?" Casey asked as he walked into the kitchen," I'll prepare their bottles before their naps." He didn't bother to asked his children as he prepared the two bottles of formula, warming them.

January 6th, 09, 12:48 PM
Trinity smiled a nap sounded good even though she wasn't really tired or anything but she would go along with it
"alright dear I just finished feeding them" rachel cleans trinity's face cooing "what a messy baby you are trin trin" she kisses her forehead and let's her down from the high chair and picks up joey "we have a supprise for you two in the room your in while we are here"

January 6th, 09, 01:43 PM
Trinity smiled a nap sounded good even though she wasn't really tired or anything but she would go along with it
"alright dear I just finished feeding them" rachel cleans trinity's face cooing "what a messy baby you are trin trin" she kisses her forehead and let's her down from the high chair and picks up joey "we have a supprise for you two in the room your in while we are here"

PaddedPrinceling Joey
January 7th, 09, 12:32 AM
JOey giggled a little, knowing that was what his mom really wanted. He wrapped his arms around his mom's neck, waiting.

Once the two bottles were finished, Casey smiled, putting one in Joey's mouth, in which he began to drink right away. And then held the other to Trinity," Does my baby want to try walking more?"

January 7th, 09, 04:02 AM
Trinity starts sucking on the bottle smiling she nods her head yes
Casey dear I don't think our babies can walk yet" she took the bottle from casey holding it for joey without removing it from his mouth

PaddedPrinceling Joey
January 7th, 09, 05:22 AM
Joey frowned as his bottle was taken from him, but it was received rather quickly once more, as he suckled quickly.
"We may as well give our baby a little experience," he smiled as he opened the high chair and picked her up," but we'll do that after nap time."

January 7th, 09, 01:12 PM
Trinity sucked on the bottle she was getting use to the taste though she still didn't like it a whole lot. Trinity found herself getting sleepy while sucking on the bottle.
"Alright then I think our little ones are ready for their nappy"

PaddedPrinceling Joey
January 8th, 09, 05:48 AM
Joe was already nodding off as he was being fed the bottle in her arms. He yawned meekly, and waited.

"I think mama is right," he smiled, taking the lead. Soon, he entered the nursery, which had two cribs. One baby blue and the other pink. Sliding down the side of the pink one, Casey laid Trinity down.

January 8th, 09, 12:11 PM
rachel followed casey to the nursery going to the blue crib and taking the side down carefully so she doesn't drop joey and places him in the crib careful not to wake him she raises the side whisperin "sleep well my baby boy"
Trinity is at the door of slumberland by the time they get to the nursery so she doesn't notice the cribs they are getting placed in to sleep

PaddedPrinceling Joey
January 9th, 09, 09:14 AM
Being half asleep before they even left the kitchen, Joey was already sleeping as they were going to the new bedroom. He had no idea, but still.... Soon he found his bottle gone and himself nodding off, looking at the cieling from the crib. Eyes fluttered, putting him to sleep.

Casey smiled at his two children, and once he locked up the side of the crib, he kissed his daughter's forehead, and placed a disk in a Cd Player before he flipped on the night light, and shut off the main light.

January 9th, 09, 11:57 AM
rachel stood in the hall for casey to come out and walked with him to the living room "so what all is the cd going to do?"

PaddedPrinceling Joey
January 10th, 09, 04:51 PM
"It's going to nuture a less... worriesome life," Casey smiled," it saaid that effects should begin to show immediately. Looser control, lack of muscle response..."

January 10th, 09, 05:15 PM
"so we will really have our babies back shortly." rachel smiled and hugged casey and kissed him "I can't wait for it to show full effects. What would you like to do while our babies are napping and weakening?"

PaddedPrinceling Joey
January 11th, 09, 06:57 AM
"I don't really know... should we try and figure out what we should do with our babies... and in the meantime, I suppose we can actually eat a meal," Casey smiled. It was nothing overly special, but with their babies on the way, it would only make their time alone more valuable.

January 11th, 09, 01:04 PM
rachel smiled and chuckled a little "yeah I suppose your right I'll cook what would you like to eat?" rachel took caseys hand as they walked the kitchen "the babies are going to eat more then they use to now that they are bigger."

PaddedPrinceling Joey
January 11th, 09, 06:18 PM
"You are certainly right there," Casey smiled as they waked hand in hand to the kitchen. It was something... wodnerful. "I think some ham and cheese sandwiches would be just fine."

January 11th, 09, 09:36 PM
"alright sit at the table I'll make them" rachel goes and makes 2 sandwitches for them

PaddedPrinceling Joey
January 12th, 09, 05:51 AM
Casey seated himself quietly, humming cheerfully. It was definitely something that they would have their cihldren.

January 12th, 09, 12:01 PM
rachel finished making the sandwitches and sat herself down with case with the plate between them "with a lack of muscle response will they be able to talk at all casey"

PaddedPrinceling Joey
January 13th, 09, 03:26 AM
"I think for a little bit they will... It may just be a little... jumbled," Casey responded. That was the one thing he would miss about his children. Conversation.

January 13th, 09, 03:56 AM
"so with time they will be able to talk a little. It's going to be quite again" (shale we move on)

PaddedPrinceling Joey
January 14th, 09, 05:26 AM
((Yeah, skip ahead a few hours?))
"I think it will be more like falling down, then getting back up again," Casey commented. He didn't think the hypnosis would just work like the drop of a hat.

January 14th, 09, 11:55 AM
rachel got up "well I think the babies are going to be up soon I'm going to check joey and I promissed him the changing table" rachel goes to the nursery and turns off the tape then slides 2 fingers into joeys diaper he is damp but enough that he should be changed. Rachel lowers the gate and picks him up carefully and takes him to the changing table carefully laying him on it

PaddedPrinceling Joey
January 15th, 09, 05:37 AM
Upon being lifted up, Joey stirred. He rubbed his eyes, not speaking, squirming slightly. After all, he could feel the moisture of the diaper, and it was far from pleasant.

January 15th, 09, 12:00 PM
"good morning sleepyhead" rachel cooed as she started to unbutton his onsee and revieling his wet diaper. Rachel lifted his onsee past his stomach and gave him a rasberry before untaping his diaper and cleaning him up "how did my sweet baby boy sleep?" rachel cooed giving him another rasberry and oil and powdered him taping a new diaper on and buttoning his onsee up

PaddedPrinceling Joey
January 16th, 09, 07:06 PM
The little boy, rather than answer, felt compelled to laugh as he was changed in response to his mother's question. He didn't want to say anything right now.

Casey smiled at his boy, and pulled his daughter Trinity out of the crib, cheking her diaper. Definitely needing a change, he rubbed her back and walked over, laying her on a changing pad. "Morning, sweetie," he cooed.

January 16th, 09, 07:33 PM
Trinity squirmed in her diaper giggling a little as she was laid down
"oh do we have a laugher here" rachel cooed picking joey up and bouncing him

PaddedPrinceling Joey
January 17th, 09, 04:11 AM
Now, Joey didn't hesitate to laugh again as he was bounced. Despite being scrawny, he was still a bit surprised even now, by the fact that his mother was holding him with ease. BUt once more, giggles released instead of words.

Casey smiled at his little girl as he untaped the diaper and began to clean up the child. Soon, he made his way so that he taped on the fresh diaper and smiled," Do we want a new pretty dress?" he asked, sitting up Trinity.

January 17th, 09, 01:45 PM
Trinity squeeled and giggled at the question she didn't know why but words wouldn't come just giggles and squeels.
"it looks like our little baby is having fun. Does he want a new outfit as well?" rachel cooed bouncing joey more

PaddedPrinceling Joey
January 18th, 09, 11:38 PM
Now, Joey didn't answer that. What was the point in a new outfit? After all, the clothes he wore weren't totally messed up. But then of course... there were multiple reasons his mother would want it. And he wouldn't deny her anything, because his affection and adoration for her only seemed to have grown since he had napped.

"My, my... Daddy's Princess went ahead and wet her diapey, but daddy's proud of her for that," he smiled picking her up. He hummed lightly," What do you want to do? Does Trinny want a new outfit too?>"

January 18th, 09, 11:50 PM
Trinity smiled and nodded still giggling not wanting to stop
"now now should my baby boy wear tonight" rachel cooed as she picked out a baby blue footed sleeper with a buttoned crotch for easy diaper changes

PaddedPrinceling Joey
January 19th, 09, 12:03 AM
Joey watched a little. Seeing the footed sleeper, he cringed slightly mentally, although he wouldn't allow himself to disturb his mother's fantasy.

"WEll, I do believe we've got a nice warm pair of jammies here for you," Casey smiled, pulling out te bright pink bottoms. He was in a different room from Rachel and Joey, so he wanted to see how the hypnosis worked. Setting Trinity on her feet, he smiled," Ok... now daddy wants you to hold one foot out."

January 19th, 09, 04:41 AM
Triniy lifted one foot slightly but set it down quickly and grabbing caseys shoulders so she wouldn't fall down
rachel stood joey up and placed the footed sleeper on the ground sojoey could step in if he could knowing it should be dificult with what casey said results should begin to show right away

PaddedPrinceling Joey
January 20th, 09, 05:06 AM
Joey knew what his mother wanted, and knowing that he wanted to please her, and this on top of it all? It was a chance to be independent! At least a little bit. But raising one foot up didn't take long before he sprawled back onto his bottom.

"What's wrong, honey? Don't wanna help daddy get dressed?" he asked, curiously.

January 20th, 09, 12:15 PM
Trinity shook her head and tried to lift one leg again a once simple task now took all of her concentration however despite how hard she tried it only took a few seconds to fall down onto her diapered bottom
Aww did my baby fall down go boom" rachel cooed as she started placing joeys legs in the sleeper

PaddedPrinceling Joey
February 14th, 09, 05:21 AM
JOey couldn't help but complain just a little bit as he was slid into the sleeper, one bit at a time. It was completely humiliating to say the least, mainly due to the fact that he was still a big kid.

Zeek smiled as he kissed his daughter's forehead," Good try honey," he cooed as he pulled on some pajama bottoms. He was giving her a two piece for now, but soon he'd move on.

February 14th, 09, 05:31 AM
Trinity giggles as casey dresses her smiling with the new attention shebwas getting
I"it's alright joey" rachel cooed "mommy just wants her baby to be comfortable" rachel smiled and kissed her sons forehead as she zipped the sleeper up

PaddedPrinceling Joey
February 14th, 09, 06:59 PM
"Do I hafta really wear this?" he whined a little as he saw the zipper slide up. Once dressed, he sat up and looked about. Hopefully, his sister wouldn't be able to ridicule him about this.

"Well, now aren't you such a good baby?" Casey smiled as he tugged the top on her body and kissed her," Now let's go and play with your baby brother." He gave her a little room to try and walk on her own again.

February 15th, 09, 04:01 AM
Trinity gets up up slowly and falls down again unable to really stand for a long time alone. Trinity starts to pout sitting on the floor.

it's ok sweetie your sister won't make fun of you if your worried about that" rachel helps joey to his feet. "Can you walk dear"

February 15th, 09, 04:28 AM
thanks i think ill steal the plot to this story and make it a successful roleplay

PaddedPrinceling Joey
February 15th, 09, 05:08 PM
JOey nodded a little. The teen-turned-tot was all in all, ready for the chance to be independent. This was wonderful news for him, seeing as he was already well on his way, sitting up,, which followed by standing. It felt so funny... foreign.

Casey grinned at the little girl pouting and nodded," Right... no walking," he chuckled. The father then proceeded by lifting up his little girl onto his hip and bounced her lightly. "I'm glad you're doing this for your mom."

February 15th, 09, 05:15 PM
Trinity giggled and hugged casey so she wouldn't fall away from him "yuh welcom" was all she could say at the time and that took time to say compaired to what it use to be and take. Trinity burst into a fit of giggles as casey bounced her.
Rachel smiled and held her arms out for joey to walk towards if he was able to walk easily though rachel had her thoughts he would be unable to walk more a shufflebof anything when he couldn't stand on one leg for long

PaddedPrinceling Joey
February 15th, 09, 05:24 PM
The teenager frowned for a moment. He felt a little warm, feeling as though his mother wanted to accept him. And smiling, like any baby would have, he had already made the mistake when he lifted his leg too high and fell. But he wouldn't allow himself to be deterred. He got back up, and Joey began to walk, with difficulty and caution, his feet rising no more than two inches off the ground.

"That's daddy's lil girl," he smiled. He kissed her cheek and carried her to the other nursery where Joey was with Rachel," Trinny's already for beddy bye. But I think a movie would do well first."

February 15th, 09, 05:30 PM
Trinity smiles giggling more waving at joey as he watched him walk to rachel with her awaiting arms.
Rachel cooed "there's my baby boy it's alright mommies here"

PaddedPrinceling Joey
February 15th, 09, 05:37 PM
JOey swelled with a little pride, eventually meeting his mother's grasp. The boy couldn't tell why. Things were strange. Why had they become so childish?

"Isn't your baby brother just wonderful? I'm a little confused though... shouldn't daddy's princess, who's older, be the one walking?" he teased a little, as he turned, to go to the living room, where they would be watching Brother Bear.

February 15th, 09, 06:56 PM
trinity blushed and hid her face into caseys side giggling
rachel picked up joey and carried him into the living room after casey and trinity

PaddedPrinceling Joey
February 16th, 09, 09:24 PM
Joey laughed cheerfully, as he was carried by his mother. Everything was so funny, and yet.

Now, Casey smiled at the teenage toddler with a infectious look, as he kissed her and sat her on the couch, hitting play on the DVD.

February 17th, 09, 01:52 PM
Trinity clapped her hands as the DVD started shortly after it started playing she stopped clapping her hands and leaned against the armrest on the couch
Rachel placed Joey on the couch beside Trinity and joined Casey on the love seat beside the couch. She leaned her head on Casey's shoulder smiling up at him.

PaddedPrinceling Joey
February 19th, 09, 04:30 AM
Joey's face crumpled up a little, knowing how humiliating this was getting. Now they had them watching kiddy movies as well? As it was, he could barely walk. WEll.... he was better off than his older sister right now, for the time being.

"Don't worry hon. They should be out by the time it reaches a climax," Casey cooed as he kissed his wife's cheek. His fingers curled and meshed with hers, and he held her tight.

February 20th, 09, 04:54 PM
Trinity giggled as they watched the movie though her eyes were starting to get heavy after about 15 minutes into the movie she leaned onto Joey's shoulder smiling
Rachel nodded wrapping her arms around casey taking a quick glance over to the two kids on the couch "Well looks like there goes our little trin trin" Rachel cooed using Trinity's nick name from when she was a toddler.

PaddedPrinceling Joey
February 21st, 09, 12:21 AM
Joey managed to hold onto his consciousness perhaps another twenty minutes after his sister had begun sleeping. Seen, his head was cocked onto his sister's and he snored lightly.

"And there goes lil Joe," he smiled as he hugged his wife," ever wonder what it was like to have a couple of girls though?"

February 21st, 09, 12:26 AM
"What do you mean sweetie you want to have another child?" Rachel looked at at casey hugging him closly "or did you want to do something to Joey?"

PaddedPrinceling Joey
February 21st, 09, 12:28 AM
"Now... why don't you toss a coin?" he smiled. He had wanted Joey in the first place, but he couldn't help but wonder... "Either one I'd go for."

February 21st, 09, 12:31 AM
"you flip sweetie your the one that brought it up and I dont have a coin on me" Rachel smiles looking at the two kids sleeping peacefully together on the couch

PaddedPrinceling Joey
February 21st, 09, 12:36 AM
"Alright then... Heads, we'll try for another baby. Tails.. well, we'll have a new baby girl,' he chuckled a little. He closed his eyes and flipped the coin. He let it hit the floor and waited. "So? What is it?"

February 21st, 09, 12:41 AM
Rachel looked at the coin picking it up slowly "Its tails dear. How are you going to change Joey?"

PaddedPrinceling Joey
February 21st, 09, 12:42 AM
"well... I'm not quite sure. WE'll figure it out thouhg," he smiled," First let's get him out of those boy's clothes."

February 21st, 09, 01:03 AM
"I agree would you like to change him or should I change him again?"

PaddedPrinceling Joey
February 21st, 09, 05:55 AM
"I'm gonna get Trin trin into bed, so you can go ahead,' he smiled as he stood. Casey proceeded to lift one of the oversized infants off the bed and into his arms.

February 22nd, 09, 08:09 PM
"alright" rachel heads to the couch and picks joey up carring him towards the new nursery placing him on the changing table carefully trying not to wake him up slowly taking off his blue sleeper and boy diapers. She replaced them with a pair of trins diapers and a light pink sleeper before carring him off to his crib. She would change that in the morning

PaddedPrinceling Joey
February 22nd, 09, 08:48 PM
"Well... that was certainly an interesting way to start our first day as new parents again," Casey chuckled when he approached Joey's nursery. He had tucked Trinity in carefully, which was easy enough. "Perhaps we should turn in early ourselves?"

February 22nd, 09, 08:55 PM
"I think your right I'm glad they are so cute as babies again" rachel hugs casey "thank you for helping with this. And yes I think we should I had forgotten how hard it was to take care of these two"

PaddedPrinceling Joey
February 22nd, 09, 08:59 PM
Nodding, casey wrapped one arm around his wife, as he hit play on the little tape player in Joey's room. Just to be sure. He led her down the hall, making a detour into Trin's room and hitting play, and finally reaching their own. He led her to bed and smiled, as he flopped onto the bed.