View Full Version : The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya Season II

October 12th, 10, 06:18 AM
Hey, anyone pick up a set of this yet? i have and its awesome. then again, I am a Haruhiist :P. whats your opinion on this?

October 12th, 10, 05:11 PM
What gets me is that they did 8 episodes of the same events, but they didn't reuse animation or voice overs, instead redoing them for each episode. It's also pretty strange that the events are contemporary with the first season, instead of continuing the plot, they just added more details to it. I suppose it isn't any weirder than the episodes being broadcast out of order.
I watched it all on youtube, by the way.

October 12th, 10, 09:10 PM
I overall enjoyed it but I liked season one so figured I would. Overall a unique show

Pampered Kari
October 12th, 10, 10:21 PM
I'm more interested in the Movie at the moment
waiting for subs on the DVD

October 13th, 10, 08:16 AM
I thought it sucked, stopped watching it after i saw the same episode 3 times in a row

Also on a side not K-On! season 2 sucks as well, after all the animes i watched started sucking i switched to Ranma 1/2 and Sasameki Koto (Tahts a anime that deserves a second season)

October 21st, 10, 06:20 AM
I agree with treeco.

Season two feels like a wasted season. Three repeating ep would have been enough. Eight was just too much.

K-ON!! feels like it forgot it's own plot. Not sure if it improves though, dropped it early

October 21st, 10, 07:09 AM
I never got around to watching TMoHS. Dropped it dead at the 2~ episode, the airing and chronological order confused me greatly. I might pay another visit to it in the future, dunno.

As for K-ON!!; it was pretty okay. Was better than it's first season, but not that good. For me, it started to get better at around episode 14 when the 'plot' started to kick in. Episode 21 and 24 were pretty touching, I personally thought they were just the nice touch to a semi-good show. I can't help but ponder what the movie will be about though. Makes me wonder if it's a epilogue of them finally making it to Bukodan or probably just a remake of the anime itself, only time will tell I guess.