View Full Version : Most Liked Espada Poll

Stellar Dreamer
November 10th, 09, 06:51 PM
well who's your fav Espada?

November 10th, 09, 08:01 PM
I voted for espada number three, Tia Harribel, and I hope this poll gets many varied responses.

December 8th, 09, 04:48 AM
I voted for Grimmjow Jaegerjaques I just like his ruthless style and the way he looked when he released his Zanbakto (sp?) and I think they killed him a little to fast could have ended many different and better ways in my opinion but oh well its not like I can change it

PaddedPrinceling Joey
December 8th, 09, 04:55 AM
I don't know what you're all talking about. Stark was where it was at. He was totally wicked.

Bandit Keith
December 8th, 09, 05:02 AM
I say grimjaw at lest he wanted to kill that dick izun so he cound becouce king and stop all the hollows from being seent to there deaths

December 8th, 09, 07:15 AM
I'd say Stark, followed by Barragan and Tia.

Stark was an interesting, impressive, and also surprisingly sympathetic character, while Tia always had a nice character design and hints of hidden depths we haven't gotten much of a chance to see. Both she and Stark seemed like they were the only decent hollows besides Nell.

I also like Barragan because let's face it, he was the most badass villain Kubo's written or ever will write. Aizen's villainous cool factor and arrogant monologues have nothing on the God of Hueco Mundo.

December 8th, 09, 10:23 AM
im sorry but i thought stark was amazing.

December 8th, 09, 10:07 PM
I'd say Stark, followed by Barragan and Tia.

Stark was an interesting, impressive, and also surprisingly sympathetic character, while Tia always had a nice character design and hints of hidden depths we haven't gotten much of a chance to see. Both she and Stark seemed like they were the only decent hollows besides Nell.

I also like Barragan because let's face it, he was the most badass villain Kubo's written or ever will write. Aizen's villainous cool factor and arrogant monologues have nothing on the God of Hueco Mundo.

I agree with you. I like Stark because of his character development and the fact that's he's not a complete ass, like pretty much all of the other espada. But, I REALLY loved Barragan, merely because he was such a badass villain. Also, I really like it when a supposedly "all powerful master" is defeated by someone unlikely. (like Haji, for example, whom I also love)

So, with Stark being a close second, I have to go with Barragan.

December 17th, 09, 08:44 AM
I haven't read the manga or watched the anime in a rather long period of time, but if I had to pick a favorite, it would have to be Ulquiorra, he was just such an awesome character.

Lord Taishi
March 3rd, 10, 01:37 AM
id say my favorite is lilynette, mainly because her outfit makes her look like she's diapered. id love to see a pic of her padded.

March 3rd, 10, 01:40 AM
what about nel? i say nel idc what anyone says

Lord Taishi
March 3rd, 10, 01:42 AM
oh yea! nel too! heck, shes probably diapered already lol

March 3rd, 10, 04:25 PM
i liked espada no.8 because
of his fight with myuri

March 4th, 10, 09:08 PM
Well I think it has to be Starrk for me, because of his awesome release. Ulquiorra was cool, but he was played up too much as a plot device for my liking. The sexta espada was as well, as he was about twice as strong as Nnoitra was portrayed, and was played up as a result of popularity. Though... Aizen showed that he could kick the hell out of any of them, as has Yamamoto, so there you go. Strongest Shinigami > Strongest Arrancar... just kinda funny how that worked.