View Full Version : Mother Knows Best (Private RP with Jbone77777)

December 15th, 16, 02:00 PM
"Okay sweetie, we're here!" Comes the woman in the driver seats voice. Her black hair sways slightly as she stops her car, setting the break before turning it off. She then unbuckles her seatbelt and climbs out of the car, smiling back at the child in the backseat.

The woman walks to the trunk of the car, then opens it, humming softly. She grabs a large suitcase and a small box, then carries them inside, making a quick trip to the freshly renovated bedroom. She then returns down to the car and opens the backdoor for her child.

December 15th, 16, 03:35 PM
The kid had been sleeping for most of the time. It had been a rough ride, as he couldn't remember the last time he'd been in the car so long. He'd gotten car sick twice on the trip, forcing them to pull over so he could throw up on the side of the road. As they pulled in, the boy had been sleeping. But his body took notice of the car stopping, and his eyes slowly fluttered open at the sound of the familiar voice...

From the back seat, Luke groaned and rubbed his eyes. He heard the car door close, and the trunk opening along with heavy movement behind him. Then, the door was being opened. The boy fumbled with his buckle a bit and hopped out of the car. His knees wobbled a bit and he grabbed onto her with support.

December 15th, 16, 03:40 PM
Tanaka smiles down at Luke, wrapping an arm around his waist gently for support. She picks him up, resting him against her chest, then she kicks the car door closed gently before trekking inside.

"You're gonna love it here, Lukey, I've even got a special someone who's excited to meet you." Tanaka coos, rubbing Luke's back whilst carrying him. She closes the door to the house once inside, then she sets Luke down, glancing off to her side. A brown tabby cat mewls, waltzing over slowly upon seeing Tanaka and the new arrival. The soft, small cat slowly sniffs Luke, walking around him in curiosity.

December 15th, 16, 03:56 PM
The kid hugged around Tanakas shoulders as she carried him. The poor kid was exhausted, not to mention his diaper was wet from the trip. However, that stuff hardly bothered the kid. The kid nodded, and looked at her. "Who...?" He asked quietly, now curious. Once he was set down, he saw the cat. "Whoa..." he said, slightly in awe. He reached out tentatively to pet it.

December 15th, 16, 04:02 PM
Tanaka smiles, watching Luke interact with the kitty. The cat gently nuzzles into his encroaching hand, meowing softly.

"Her name is Fluffers, she's very happy to meet you." Tanaka says in a sweet, caring tone. She ruffles Luke's hair, then walks upstairs, heading into Luke's room. She grabs the changing mat from underneath his bed, then unfolds it, laying it carefully atop his mattress. She opens a drawer on the nightstand next to the bed, and pulls out some supplies needed for the change, laying them on the mat.

"Let's see... Diaper, check. Powder, check. Wipes, check." The young woman mutters to herself, smiling. "Now for Luke, I can wait until after." She idly comments as she walks downstairs again.

December 15th, 16, 04:24 PM
He smiled up at her when Tanaka ruffled his hair, and then turned his attention back to the cat after she had left. "Mr. Fluffers..." the boy said, giggling lightly. He pet the cat until it climbed into his lap, purring softly. The kid got bored after a few moments and stood up, looking around. He was a bit curious of his new home... he walked around casually and looked around, trying not to intrude on anything or be too rude.

December 15th, 16, 04:31 PM
Tanaka slowly walks up behind Luke, letting him explore. The house was rather large, but well kept. The living room would be the first place he finds himself, and it would contain a bunch of fancy electronics, along with a large couch, and a soft rocking chair. Using his distraction, Tanaka quickly pulls back on his diaper and checks for messes.

"Seems my little prince needs his diapey changed, hmm?" Tanaka asks sweetly, scooping Luke up into her arms slowly. Having elected to put on scented body lotion earlier that day, the younger woman would smell faintly of cherry blossoms. Her green eyes gaze over Luke slowly, a smile gracing her face, when she suddenly leans down and plants a soft kiss on Luke's forehead. Her lips gently smooch against the skin of his head, leaving a small kissy mark.

"I hope you are happy here, Lukey, I really do." Comes the soft, caring voice of Tanaka as she slowly begins the trek upstairs. She hugs Luke firmly against her chest while cradling him, giving him a gentle bounce every so often.

December 15th, 16, 04:42 PM
The kids eyes went wide as he looked around the living room. This was bigger than he'd ever seen! Much bigger than the last home he'd be at... he already liked this place, and Tanaka ten times more. "Whoa!" The kid squealed a bit as he felt his diaper be checked. He hadn't even heard her behind him! "Yeah." The kid agreed, blushing a little. "I'm kinda wet..." he admitted, in truth he was very wet.

In a second the kid was up in her arms, and his own arms instinctively wrapped around her neck lightly. He rested his cheek on her chest, and looked up at her. She smelled so sweet, and her arms felt warm and safe... Luke hugged around her tighter. He hadn't felt this safe in a long time. A warm fuzzy feeling spread through him as she kissed him, and he nuzzled closer into her. "I really like you." The kid told her after a few moments of pondering her question. "T-thank you." He said with a big smile.

December 15th, 16, 04:50 PM
"I really like you too, Lukey, that's why I picked you to come live with me." Tanaka says, rocking him slightly. "You are very much welcome, and I will do my best to make sure you're happy." She continues, walking into Luke's room. She steps over to the bed, then gently lays the younger boy down on it, brushing his hair out of his face gently.

"Also, you don't need to be ashamed about needing diapers sweetie." Tanaka coos as she begins removing his pants. She undoes his belt, then undoes the button, sliding his pants slowly down his legs to his ankles. She slips them off fully, setting them aside while she moves back to the task at hand.

"Want to know a secret?" She asks, smiling sweetly down at him. With a soft ripping sound, Tanaka undoes the tapes on his diaper, letting it fall open. She pops open the container of wipes with a soft clicking sound, then she swiftly pulls one out. Making sure it isn't too cold, she then begins wiping Luke clean. She gets around his legs, wipes his soft rear, and pays special attention to his boy bits, ensuring a proper job is done cleaning him.

December 15th, 16, 05:10 PM
"Thank you." He said again, smiling as he was laid down and his hair was fixed. "I'm... in not embarresed." The boy said, although he began to blush even harder as she removed his pants. He had never been changed by Tanaka before... he was shy about this, and his face was burning. When she untaped the diaper, and looked away completely and tried to ignore the wiping. He actually sniffles a bit, and wipes his eyes on his sleeve. He wasn't going to cry. "Y-yeah..." he sniffed. "W-what's the s-secret?"

December 15th, 16, 05:19 PM
Tanaka disposes of the wet diaper and wipe in the nearby trash can, then she grabs the new diaper off the mat. She unfolds the thick, crinkly diaper, which is plain white, then she gently slides a hand under Luke's lower back. She lifts him gently, sliding the rear of the diaper under his pale rear before lowering him on it. The diaper would feel different than the one he had been wearing prior. It would feel softer, cushier even.

"Your mama wears diapers too." Tanaka says, continuing to smile at Luke. She pauses changing Luke, moving her hands to the waist of her long skirt. She tugs down on it, the skirt slowly falling, a thick, white diaper with flowers all over coming into view.

"We aren't so different, me and you, we both need our diapeys to stay dry." Tanaka coos, electing to continue the diaper change sans skirt. She grabs the bottle of baby powder, popping open the top, then she lightly sprinkles it over Luke's lower half, covering every last bit. She closes the bottle of powder and container of wipes, then she grasps the front of the youth sized diaper. Blowing a quick raspberry on his tummy, Tanaka pulls the diapers front up and over Luke's waist, smoothing it down and pressing the sides into him gently. She holds it in place with her right hand, then uses her left to grasp each tape, and pull them snug over the front of the diaper into place.

"All done! Doesn't that feel better, Hun?" Tanaka asks, patting the front of Luke's new, slightly thicker padding.

December 15th, 16, 05:32 PM
"R-really?" The kid sniffles, calming down a little as she showed him her diaper. It also made him feel a lot less embarrassed. If she wore a diaper too, there was nothing to be ashamed of! "Yeah, were not!" The kid giggled a little, cheering up. For the rest of the diaper change, Luke complied happily and just relaxed, no longer ashamed of anything. Once the diaper was taped up, he gggled and covered up his belly, rolling off the mat and onto the bed. He bounced around in his knees a bit in just his diaper, shirt, and socks. "This is cool! The whole room is mine?" He asked with wide eyes. "And the bed?"

December 15th, 16, 05:38 PM
Tanaka smiles, patting Luke's head gently as he rolls off the bed. She puts away the changing supplies, then folds the mat and stows it under the bed.

"That's right, the bed and the room, all of it is yours." Tanaka says, giving his forehead a kiss quickly before giving him a pat on the rear. "And, while we're home, you can walk around with no pants on, if you want to. I do it a lot, it's relaxing." She continues, bending over to pick up her skirt. Upon grabbing it, she gently takes Luke's hand, guiding him out of the room.

"I need to get my diapey changed, so we'll spend some time in my room, okay?" Tanaka asks, ensuring Luke doesn't mind staying with her.

December 15th, 16, 07:20 PM
"I've never had my own room before." The kid says with a smile, hugging her. He giggled as she kissed his forehead, and hopped forward, shaking his butt at her a bit after she tapped it. "Okay," the boy started. Normally, he'd be way to embarrassed to do that! But now, since Tanaka was doing it, it didn't feel so bad. Luke reached up and took her hand, bouncing along side her into her room. "You gotta change your diapee too?" He asked with a giggle, looking up at her. Once they got into her room, he climbed up onto her bed and rolled around playfully.

December 15th, 16, 07:28 PM
Tanaka smiles more, letting off a small giggle as he shakes his padded rear a bit. She leads him out of his room, turning left and heading down the hall.

"That's right sweetie, mama needs a fresh new diapey, she's a messy baby like you are!" She says, tickling Luke's tummy softly. She turns left into the next room they pass, which reveals itself as the well decorated master bedroom. Tanaka grabs Luke by the sides, then hoists him onto the bed, gently poking his nose afterwards.

"Stay here sweetie!" Tanaka chirps, walking to the other side of her bed. She gets down on her knees and hands, wiggling her padded rear as she looks around under her bed. She soon pulls out her chosen items, being her adult sized changing mat, which she promptly lays out on her bed, and her diapers and supplies.

She reaches into her supplies box, gingerly extracting an adult diaper, one that looks like it was made for a child. The diaper looked rather thick, and was in a baby blue color, sporting plain white kitties all over. Once everything is laid out, she then sits on the mat, lifting her legs up onto it and remaining sitting up.

December 15th, 16, 10:48 PM
"I wasn't messy..." the boy stated matter-o-factly, but soon began to giggle once his tummy was tickled. He giggled and rubbed his nose, trying to grab Tanakas finger as she poked at him. He rolled around on the bed, for the first time since he was here his green eyes were lit with playful mischief. When she got down on her knees, Lucas let out a growl and jumped on her back, holding on and giggling playfully. Eventually as she stood up, he let go and fell back onto the bed. He scooted out of the way, and went up to lay on the pillows, watching curiously as she got ready for a diaper change. Funny, her diapers looked just like his! Only bigger! He giggled at the thought and poked her playfully with his feet.

December 15th, 16, 10:59 PM
Tanaka chuckles as he leaps on her back, wiggling her rear a bit. She untapes her diaper, then gently wipes herself clean before slides her dirty padding out from under her rear. She unfolds her new diaper, then gently slides it under her soft rear before sitting on it.

She grabs the bottle of baby powder, opening it, then she coats her lower half in a layer of lavender scented powder. She closes the bottle and sets it down, then lifts the front of the diaper over her tummy. Being adult sized, it has four tapes, which Tanaka swiftly secures in place snugly. She sits up fully afterwards, a nice, soft, and cushy diaper snugly secured around her waist.

"Ah... I love my diapers, they feel amazing." Tanaka says, smiling at Luke. She gently grabs him, then pulls him onto her lap, hugging him tightly. With a soft giggle, she kisses his forehead, and gives him a few playful swats on the rear.

December 15th, 16, 11:34 PM
Luke watched Tanaka change herself with mild interest. On one hand, he had never seen anybody change their own diaper before! And on top of that, he had never really seen an adult like her in a diaper. On the other hand, he didn't understand why but he didn't feel like it was right for him to see her naked like she saw him. It was different, at least he thought so.
"Yeah." The boy giggled. "Diapees are comfy, when they're dry." He said with a smile. Luke giggled and adjusted himself in her lap, leaning against her chest as she hugged him. He smiled and hugged her back. He looked up at her and gave her a cute smile as she messed around with him and kissed him. He felt warm inside, and he liked it. He had never felt wanted like this.

December 15th, 16, 11:40 PM
"Definitely, and I think you'll like yours. They're nice and thick, so they stay dry longer." Tanaka says, kissing his forehead again. She gently strokes his hair with her left hand, her right arm hugging him tightly. She giggles at his cute smile, continuing to hold him close and embrace him.

"You are just too cute, Lukey... I'm glad I decided to adopt you..." Tanaka says softly, nuzzling Luke's cheek gently. She slides her left hand begins his padded rear, and pats it a little, continuing to hug him tightly.

"I love you, Luke, and I hope that I can make you happy here..." Comes her quiet voice after a short period of silence.

December 15th, 16, 11:53 PM
Luke smiled and nuzzled into her chest. He closed his eyes and sighed happily. Hands running soothingly through his hair, rubbing his back and patting his butt. Holding him close, and warmth. He blushed at the compliments, and looked away. "I am not cute..." he pouted a little, embarresed. Which probably didn't help his case, as his pout was probably even cuter. After a long while, he nodded. "I'm glad you did too. Thank you." He said, humming happily. "I already am happy." He told her, hugging her even tighter.

December 15th, 16, 11:59 PM
"Oh shush, you are very cute. You're my little padded prince, my sweet little crinkle butt." Tanaka coos teasingly, kissing Luke's forehead tenderly. After a while, Tanaka slowly stands up, carrying Luke. She spreads his legs so each one is on one side of her waist, then she supports his rear with her right hand, her left hand against his back. She bounces him a little, smiling as she carried him out of the room.

"I have a gift for you, my little prince, I'm sure you'll like it." Tanaka says, carrying Luke back into his room. She gingerly sets him onto his bed, then pills a neatly wrapped box out from under the bed, handing it to Luke. The box was rather big, and square as well.

December 16th, 16, 12:03 AM
The further compliments only made him blush even more, but he smiled through it, hugging around her neck as she carried him, chin resting on his shoulder. Soon they were off, with Tanaka carrying him. Luke liked being carried. "A gift?" He said, surprised and growing excited. He began to get a little fidgety, and when he was put down in his bed he sprawled out in his stomach, shirt coming up and very much exposed his diaper. His green eyes were wide with excitement, as he regarded the box for a few moments. His chestnut brown hair fell onto his forehead, and he brushed it out of the way with one hand before gingerly touching the box. He began to unwrap slowly. He was so thankful for this, he was worried about even ripping the wrapping. Eventually, he began to more confidently pull it off until it was revealed...

December 16th, 16, 12:08 AM
Tanaka smiles, watching Luke tear into the box. Inside the box was a large, soft teddy bear, a dark brown, plush friend, the teddy bear having a older child sized pacifier looped around it's neck.

"Welcome home, sweetheart." Tanaka says softly, sitting on the edge of Luke's bed. She watches to see his reaction, resting her hands on her clearly showing diaper.

December 16th, 16, 12:20 AM
Luke opened his eyes wide at the gift, and looked over his shoulder at Tanaka. "Wow... it's mine?!" He asked in disbelief, picking up he teddy slowly and hugging it into his chest, resting his chin on it. He slowly removed the binky from the bear, and put it into his mouth. He smiled happily, and still on his stomach, spun around and pulled himself into her lap, hugging her tightly around the waist in thanks.

December 16th, 16, 12:24 AM
Tanaka nods slowly, smiling brightly down at Luke.

"Yes, sweetie, it's yours." She says sweetly, giggling a little as Luke pulls himself onto her lap. She chuckles a bit as she's hugged around the waist, then she sits him up and hugs him properly.

"I'm glad you like your pacifier, I have another surprise for you now." Tanaka says, kissing his cheek and leaving a kissy mark. She stands up, scooping Luke into her arms and cradling him, then she bounces him softly before carrying him out and down the hallway.

December 16th, 16, 12:31 AM
He held the bear into his chest and suckled on his binky happily, smiling as he was hugged and lifted once again. He didn't say anything, just continued to suck on his binky happily. He liked when she called him Lukey, more than his previous... people he'd stayed with. They'd only called him "Lucas", which was horribly boring. "Another?" He asked around his binky, smiling.

December 16th, 16, 12:38 AM
"Mmhmm, it's something of mine that I'm going to share with you." Tanaka says, carrying Luke to a door, white with a heart on it. She slowly opens the door, stepping inside afterwards. The room was a large nursery, sized up for a teenager or short adult. The walls were a pastel green and blue color, decorated with kitties and bunnies. The grown up nursery has a changing table, a chest full of toys, a large crib, and a plush carpet.

"This is mine, well, our nursery. I wasn't sure if you would take to it well, but seeing as you like your new binky, I think you'll like it in here as well." Tanaka says, smiling. "If you ever need to relax, or just want to be a little kid again, let me know and we'll come up here."

December 16th, 16, 12:46 AM
The kid looked around the room, pretty in awe with the whole setup. This was awesome. How did she have a nursery in her house?! He examined the room for a long while, then smiled. "This is sooooooo cool!" Luke exclaimed excitedly. "We can just come here whenever?" He asked

December 16th, 16, 12:48 AM
"Mmhmm. When we're out in public, we'll both be wearing plain white diapers, but when we are at home, we will both wearing cute baby style diapers!" Tanaka says brightly, kissing Luke's cheek. "It's our little playroom and nursery, no one else's."

December 16th, 16, 01:00 AM
"Awwww... can't I still wear the cute diapers out in public?" The kid pouted. He didn't want anybody to see them, but he still liked them. "I like it here." He said, smiling. "It's a cool room." He giggled and nuzzled up against her chest. "Pinky promise it's just us...?" He asked quietly, holding out his pinky.

December 16th, 16, 01:21 AM
"Maybe on special occasions, but we have to wear plain white, just in case." Tanaka says, hugging Luke tightly. She kisses the top of his head when he nuzzles up to her chest, patting his rear gently.

"Pinky promise." Tanaka says, looping her pinky around his. "And once you need a new diapey, we'll get you out of your white diaper and into something cute."

December 16th, 16, 01:58 AM
"In case?" The boy asked curiously, not arguing the point at all. He smiled and hugged her, loving all the attention and affection he was getting. To be honest, the kid hadn't gotten a lot of it in his life, so he was pretty needy for it now. "Okay, deal!" Luke said, making it an unconscious goal to let her know he had an accident right when he noticed he did. He could wait, he wouldn't rush it or anything. The little boy put his binky back in and began to suck on it. He looked up at Tanaka and froze for a moment, before offering her a cute and overly cheesy smile.

December 16th, 16, 02:11 AM
"In case someone sees our diapeys, or in case we go to the doctors, silly." Tanaka says in a teasing voice. She continues hugging Luke, bouncing him gently on her lap.

"I'll make sure your new diaper is extra cute, extra thick, and extra comfy, you deserve to be kept comfy and happy. I even have some cute little kid outfits I got in your size if you wanna try one?" Tanaka asks, bouncing Luke further. She pats his rear with each bounce, smiling contently. She giggles at his adorably cheesy smile, and plants a big kiss on his forehead.

December 16th, 16, 02:19 AM
"But I am a little kid. Kinda." Luke said. He was a bit on the small side for his age too, so he appeared younger than he was. Luke giggled as she talked about the diapers, jumping out of her lap to bounce around on the floor. "Uh... yeah." The kid blushed. "Can I try one on?" He asked, cheeks turning a light shade of red. He bounced back over and leaned in for her to kiss his forehead, and smiled.

December 16th, 16, 02:23 AM
"And a cute little kid you are." Tanaka says, ruffling his hair. "Once your diaper is wet, then I'll change you into one. I don't like to waste, and I'm sure you don't either, but I'll pick out an outfit for when we get you in your new diapey, okay?" Tanaka asks, setting Luke down on the changing table. She walks over to the closet in the nursery, opening it. The closet was partitioned into two sides, one with smaller clothes and outfits, one with larger outfits, all the outfits and clothes being fit for a baby or little child.

"Once we get you all dressed up, I'll get you a bottle of juice, and we'll have pizza for dinner, how's that sound?" Tanaka asks, sifting through the closet.

December 16th, 16, 02:27 AM
"Not cute!" The kid said back loudly, although he was smiling so it was apparent he wasn't really upset about the comment. "Okay! I wanna see all the outfits! I don't need a diapee change right now though..." the kid admitted, frowning a little. "Pizza sounds good!" He said happily. He flipped onto his stomach on the table and looked over. "What outfits do you have?" He asked curiously

December 16th, 16, 02:33 AM
"So are." Tanaka retorts, sticking her tongue out. She opens Luke's side, smiling and motioning for him to come over. There were all sorts of boy outfits, overalls, shorts, cute shirts and sweaters, and plenty of onesies and pajamas. Tanaka's side was similar, with overalls, dresses, skirts and shirts, onesies, and pajamas. There are even sets of baby bottles and pacifiers on each side, sized for their respective user.

"What do you think?" Tanaka asks, patting Luke's rear gently.

December 16th, 16, 02:39 AM
He stuck his tongue back out at her, then giggled. Luke got up and hopped off the changing table, padding over to where Tanaka was on her knees. He put and arm around her shoulders, and stood at her side, looking at all the outfit. "Whoa... cool!" He said after a few moments. "I think you can choose what I wear!" The kid said happily, bumping his butt back into her side playfully, then wrapping his arms around her and going dead weight, trying to pull her down to the rug with him.

December 16th, 16, 02:46 AM
Tanaka smiles, putting an arm around his waist. She chuckles a bit, allowing him to go dead weight and 'falling' to the carpet with a giggle.

"I definitely will, you silly butt!" Tanaka teases, smiling brightly.

December 16th, 16, 02:51 AM
He giggled, rolling around on the ground a bit, before climbing into her and laying on her chest, resting his head in the crook of her neck and hugging her lightly. It would be pretty easy for her to get up from this position, even with him on her. "Okay!" He giggled. "I'll wear whatever you want me to!" He said, hugging her tightly.

December 16th, 16, 02:54 AM
Tanaka let's him roll around, smiling happily. Seeing him happy makes her happy. She wraps her arms around him once he rests his head on her chest, then she gently pats his padding before sitting up.

"You are just... Adorable, absolutely adorable." She coos, carefully standing up with him in her arms. She tugs back on his diapey just to check, then carries him to the changing table.

December 16th, 16, 02:57 AM
"Am not." The kid said with a giggle. "Stop looking at my bum bum..." Lucas said teasingly, sticking his tongue out at tanaka as she checked his diaper. He hugs her as he's carried, nuzzling up in the crook of her neck and smiling. Once he was laid down on the changing table, he put his hands behind his head and spread his legs out. "Whatdya get for me to wear?" He asked curiously, half wanting to know but half wanting it to be a surprise.

December 16th, 16, 03:02 AM
"Oh, it's a surprise, but first, I think it's time for a new diapey wiapey!" Tanaka coos, laying Luke flat. She crouches down and digs around under the changing table, humming softly.

"You'll absolutely love this." She says, slowly standing up. In her left hand, she holds up a thick, dark blue diaper in Luke's size, the diaper covered in planets and stars. In her right hand, she holds a plain white diaper insert. She sets them both on the table, then sets out supplies before untaping Luke's current diaper.

December 16th, 16, 03:07 AM
"New diapee!" Luke echoed with the same amount of enthusiasm as Tanaka. He sucked on his new binky while he lay there, waiting for her to get a new diaper for him, or whatever Tanaka was grabbing from the table. He lifted his shirt up for her, and spread his legs. When she showed him the diaper, the boy nodded excitedly. "I like that one!" He said eagerly, kicking his legs in the air. He kicked around a bit, even when she untaped his diaper and was ready to change him, giggling while he did so.

December 16th, 16, 03:12 AM
Tanaka grabs a wipe, then cleans up Luke again, smiling. She disposes of the old diaper and the wipes then she unfolds the new one. She lifts Luke's rear gently, then slides the back of the thick padding under him before setting him down on it.

"Here comes the great part." She says, gently placing the thick insert into the crotch of the diaper. She then opens the baby powder and covers him gingerly. Afterwards, she pulls it up over his tummy and snugly secures the four tapes on the diaper. She runs her fingers along the leg elastics, making sure the diaper fits perfectly, then she sits Luke up before patting the front of his new diaper.

The diaper would make Luke's legs spread out further, along with keeping him a bit off the table, as if he were on a cushion.

"Now... Time for your outfit!" Tanaka says brightly, smiling.

December 16th, 16, 03:16 AM
Luke calmed down during the change, simply watching Tanaka as she worked. It was surprising that she was so good at changing diapers... he thought it would be different changing yourself as opposed to someone else. If it was, she didn't show any such thing. Once the big diaper was all taped up, the kid sat up. "Wow, it's so big!" He said, looking down at it. He stood up wobbly and jumped into Tanakas arms. "Carry me." He insisted with a cute smile.

December 16th, 16, 03:19 AM
Tanaka chuckles, catching Luke as he leaps into her arms.

"Okay okay, don't worry." Tanaka says, kissing his cheek. Once over at the closet, she sets him down, then removes his shirt. She pulls out a dark blue onesie with cats all over, unbuttoning the crotch.

"Arms up please!" She says, smiling.

December 16th, 16, 03:43 AM
Luke giggled as he was undressed, and stood there proudly in just his diaper. He jumped around the room a bit, happy for so much mobility. Except for the diaper. Oh well... "Okay!" The boy said excitedly, raising his arms up to the sky.

December 16th, 16, 03:49 AM
As soon as his arms were up he would find the onesie being slid on him, it having short sleeves. Tanaka buttons the crotch of the onesie, which makes it press the diaper against Luke snugly. Tanaka smiles brightly, then slips a dark green T-shirt onto him, a cat on the front. She crouches down, now holding a pair of overalls.

"Step into these sweetie, we're almost done."

December 16th, 16, 04:04 AM
Once the onesie was all on, Luke simeled and sat down. It was so nice and comfy, especially with the diaper on. It was cool! The kid stood up eagerly, ready to put on a pair of overalls if Tanaka thought it would be cute!

December 16th, 16, 04:07 AM
Tanaka helps him step into the overalls, then she pulls them up over his T-shirt. She pulls the shoulder straps over and secures them to the front, smiling.

"Oh wow, you look absolutely adorable!" Tanaka says. She scoops up Luke, then peppers his face with kisses.

December 16th, 16, 04:16 AM
Luke was trying to be a good boy Tanaka, standing as still as he could while she dressed him. Once he was all dressed up in the cute overalls and onesie, he gave her a adorable smile. Sure enough, she had him in her arms in a second, attacking him with kisses. He laughed and tried to defend himself at first, but eventually gave in and just let himself be kissed. Mustering up the confidence he had, he leaned in and kissed her back on the cheek, smiling shyly after he did so.

December 16th, 16, 05:02 PM
Tanaka continues the assault of kisses for a bit, giggling. Afterwards, she smiles brightly as Luke kisses her cheek.

"You are just too. Cute." Tanaka says, hugging Luke tightly. She sets him down on the changing table gently, then walks over to the closet. Opening her side, she grabs a pastel green onesie with what appears to be balloons, rainbows, stars, diamonds, apples, and butterflies. She slides the onesie on over her head, then gently buttons the crotch.

December 16th, 16, 08:47 PM
"Thank you!" The kid said with a smile, deciding to take that as a good thing now. He rolled off the table and climbed into a pile of stuffed animals, playing with his teddy bear. He watched Tanaka get changed with mild interest, but was mostly involved in his playing.

December 16th, 16, 08:51 PM
As soon as she got her onesie on, she slips on a knee length, light green dress with a bow around the waist and a lot of frills around the bottom and arms.

"Ready for some din din?" Tanaka asks in a childish manner, smiling at Luke. She grabs herself a big, green butterfly pacifier, and two pacifier clips, attaching one to her own pacifier and dress, and the other to Luke's pacifier and overalls. She scoops up Luke into her arms, and cradles him close against her chest, smiling sweetly.

December 18th, 16, 10:11 PM
Luke watched her pull on the dress, and smiled, tilting his head. "You look nice." The little boy said sweetly, scratching the back of his head sheepishly. "Yeah I'm hungry!" The kid said, giggling as he was lifted. He liked when Tanaka carried him! The kid was happy once his binky was clipped to the overalls, that way he didn't have to hold onto it whenever it wasn't in use. The kid grabbed it and popped it in his mouth happily, hugging his stuffed bear.

December 18th, 16, 10:14 PM
"Why thank you sweetie, I appreciate the compliment." She says, kissing Luke's forehead. She continues cradling the younger boy, who is cradling his own teddy himself. Trekking downstairs slowly, she then walks into the kitchen before setting down Luke.

"Would you like to sit in your high chair?" Asks the older girl with a smile.

December 27th, 16, 10:49 PM
Luke nodded, unable to talk with the binky in his mouth. The little boy didn't want to be put down, he wished he could cuddle with Tanaka for longer. But right now, man, was he hungry! Once he was sat in the high chair, he banged his fists on the tray playfully and smiled at her.

December 27th, 16, 11:35 PM
Tanaka gently places Luke into the highchair, then she snugly buckles him into place before setting the tray down. She kisses his cheek softly, then walks over to the fridge to begin cooking.

December 28th, 16, 12:36 AM
Luke giggled and held her hand until she walked away. "So Tana," he started, deciding to use that as her nickname at least for the time being. "What are we having for dinner again?" He asked with a smile. "I forgot." He giggled playfully.

December 28th, 16, 05:31 AM
"Oh, I was thinking about... Mac and cheese and hotdogs? How does that sound?" Tanaka asks, getting out ingredients for cooking. She then gets out two pots and utensils, beginning to prep the tasty dinner.

December 28th, 16, 03:14 PM
"Sounds good Tana!" He said with a big smile, taking his binky out temporarily to speak, and returning it to his mouth happily when he finished. He hugged his teddy into his chest and hummed happily as he held it on the tray, playing with it and doing little voices with it while she cooked.

December 28th, 16, 03:26 PM
Tanaka smiles sweetly at Luke before resuming her prep work. Soon, the smell of cooking food fills the kitchen, a mixture of pasta and meat, then cheese and meat. Tanaka sways her hips as she cooks, singing a cheery and upbeat song, her padding crinkling with each sway.

"Ohhhh, and I'll flyyy, and I'll flyyy until the, end of the sky, I will beeeee, the one who doesn't, have to say goodbye~" she sings out, dancing along a bit. Her bright, yet soft voice, was calming and beautiful sounding.

December 28th, 16, 03:37 PM
Luke's playtime was soon invaded by the aroma of good cooking, despite the simplicity of the foods being made it was evident Tanaka was a very skilled cook. His tummy began to rumble, and he found it hard to concentrate. When Tanaka began to sing, Luke stopped completely and just watched her as she began to sing and sway. Her voice was very pretty. He found himself entranced by it.

December 28th, 16, 03:42 PM
Tanaka continues her act of singing, dancing, and cooking, finishing up the delicious food. She then grabs two plates, and serves a sizable amount onto each, the hotdogs currently cut up in the cheesy pasta. Smiling, Tanaka sets Luke's plate down along with some utensils, taking a seat right beside him.

"Dig in Pumpkin, it should be really good." She says with a happy smile, beginning to eat her own meal.

December 28th, 16, 03:47 PM
The kid shook his head quickly, blushing as she turned to face him, suddenly very aware and embarrassed he'd been staring. "T-thanks." The little boy said quickly, nodding. His tummy rumbled and growled again, and he giggled at the funny noises. He really hadn't realized how hungry he'd been! Shamelessly, the kid began to dig in, not eating to gracefullly but also not too messy either. Soon the little boy finished and leaned back, smiling. "Thank you Tana~" he said with a smile.

December 28th, 16, 03:50 PM
Tanaka, quite amazed at the speed Luke can eat, chuckles a little, patting his head gently.

"You are more than welcome sweetie." She says, finishing her own food then taking the dishes to the sink.

December 28th, 16, 03:54 PM
He smiled and hugged her as she walked away. He wasn't used to being able to eat... well, whenever he wanted! Before, it was different. They didn't always have enough to eat. Sometimes not for a day or two. He didn't remember much from then. The counslers and stuff had helped... helped him forget a lot of stuff. And he wasn't too upset about that at all. Because he was happy now. The boy let himself out of the chair, and flopped onto the couch in the living room, petting the cat as she lay near them.

December 28th, 16, 08:07 PM
The kitty looks up at him upon being petted, then it licks his cheek before nuzzling against him. Tanaka glances over, and, upon seeing a lack of Luke, peers into the living room. Noticing the two enjoying each other's company, Tanaka smiles and resumes tending to dishes. The brown tabby cat purrs, curling up on Luke's lap gently.

January 1st, 17, 04:02 PM
"Good kitty..." Luke repeated quietly, smiling and petting the cat. From its purring and rubbing against him, Luke guessed the cat liked him! He sat there for a little bit, just petting the cat. He gradually noticed a feeling he was getting, and sighed in relief as he let go, his diaper growing very warm. The kid had worn diapers his whole life, so accidents were a daily part of life; no big deal to him really. He contemplated asking Tanaka for a change or not...

January 1st, 17, 07:30 PM
The cat slowly begins falling asleep on Luke's lap, purring happily at all the attention she's receiving. Shortly after, Tanaka walks into the living room, humming softly to herself. She smiles sweetly at Luke, leaning down and kissing his forehead upon reaching him.

"How's my little prince doing?" Tanaka says sweetly, sitting beside him.

January 1st, 17, 07:51 PM
"I'm good!" The boy said with a smile, having been very focused on petting the cat and keeping him comfy until Tanaka came in. He smiled at her and leaned up against her side, almost purring happily himself. He put his binky in and sat there, kitty in his lap with teddy sitting next to him, sucking on his binky and leaning against Tanaka happily.

January 1st, 17, 07:54 PM
Tanaka wraps her left arm around Luke, hugging him firmly into her left side. She plants another kiss on his forehead, her right hand moving down to his diaper. She presses against it, to check for wetness, and makes note of the change in feeling.

"Mmm... Does someone need a clean diapey?" Tanaka cheerfully asks, giving Luke a gentle squeeze.

January 1st, 17, 08:40 PM
Luke smiles up at her, nuzzling against her even more. She made him feel so loved and at home. All the kisses and hugs and cuddles; he loved them all, and appreciated them more than Tanaka could imagine. He squirmed a bit as she squished the front of his diaper a bit, sticking his tongue out playfully at her and giggling. When she asked the question, he looked down and nodded. "Yeah." Was all he said, sounding a bit deflated. "Sorry."

January 1st, 17, 08:41 PM
"Don't apologise, sweetie. You don't see me apologizing whenever I need a diaper change, and you shouldn't either." She says, gently sliding the kitty off his lap. Tanaka then scoops him up into her arms, bouncing him a little before heading upstairs into the big nursery.

January 1st, 17, 08:49 PM
"Okay, sorry." He said, then shook his head quickly. "I mean, no! Not sorry!" He tried to correct himself, smiling sheepishly at his mistake. Once he was lifted, he clung to her easily. It felt like second nature, almost as if the two had been like this together their whole lives. He frowned slightly at this thought. "Tana, how old are you? Where are you from?" He asked curiously.

January 1st, 17, 08:52 PM
Tanaka rocks Luke gently before setting him down on the changing table, then grabbing some supplies.

"Mmm... I'm twenty three, a little young, but still old enough to be a parent. As for where I'm from... I've lived here most of my life, but my parents came from Japan." She says in reply to his questions. The diaper change process goes as smoothly as before, except this time, Tanaka slips an absorbent insert into the crotch of his diaper. Upon taping it up, Luke would immediately notice the much thicker padding causing his legs to spread a bit, more so than his normal diapers.

January 1st, 17, 09:02 PM
Luke nodded thoughtfully when she finished speaking. He didn't say anything, or really give any context or reason for the questions. It was probably just curiosity. The boy was preoccupied in his thoughts so the diaper change was over in a snap for him. He thought a lot for a little kid, although he tried not to, and certainly didn't let on to anyone about what went through his head. Tanaka was the first person he really had begun to open up to. And even then, there was still a long way to go. The kid stood up, a bit wobbly due to the thick diaper, and suddenly smiled, hugging her. "I'm happy you took me." He said into her shirt, hugging her tightly.

January 1st, 17, 09:07 PM
Tanaka hugs Luke back, kissing his forehead gently. Her hands simultaneously rub his back and pat his rear gently, Tanaka continuing to hold him close.

"I'm glad to hear that..." Tanaka says, hugging Luke tighter. Her reasons for adopting Luke were far from selfish, one of the main reasons the adoption was even allowed to be approved. Having been in diapers the majority of her life, Tanaka knew exactly how Luke feels, and thus could empathize perfectly. As well, she is also an orphan, and she showed immense caring, which, in spite of her age, swayed the officials enough to approve the adoption.

"You can sit up here with me while I change my diaper, okay sweetie?" Tanaka happily says, giving Luke's rear a few final pats before crouching down to dig out supplies. Having never been one to be open, she found it easier to relax and share things with Luke, in part because they happened to be alike.

January 1st, 17, 09:11 PM
He smiled as he was hugged and patted and just overall comforted... he really felt strongly about Tana. He really did like her. The boy nodded as she set him down, and he sat back on his padded rear. The boy sucked on his binky and hugged his teddy as he watched her get the supplies. He would offer to help because it seemed polite, but he had second thoughts, thinking the diaper changing subject might be a bit more embarrassing, and also feeling a bit too shy to ask. So he simply watched instead with mild interest.

January 1st, 17, 09:19 PM
The change goes as smoothly as Luke's had, Tanaka effortlessly opening her diaper, wiping herself, slipping the new one under her rear, then finishing it with lotion, powder, and an absorbent insert before taping it. Luke's diaper is a dark green color with leaves all over. Tanaka's diaper is a light green with bunnies all over, the bunnies themselves being in diapers, and a yellow rectangle at the front of the waist with pacifier outlines on it. Tanaka slowly shifts around, her diaper crinkling loudly, then she sits up, pulling Luke down onto her lap.

"How do you like your new diaper? Is it comfier than earlier?" She asks with genuine interest in his opinion. The patterned diapers were made to be thicker than the usual youth ones, and the absorbent inserts themselves were thick, which added to the softness of the padding. Tanaka gently runs a finger along the legs of the diaper, checking the elastic for snugness.

January 1st, 17, 09:36 PM
"Hm? Yeah, I like it. It's much bigger, but much more comfier too!" He exclaimed with a cute smile. They weren't like the diapers he was used to. It used to be he was just slapped in a generic, white disposable diaper, which never did it's job too well. It was the cheapest option. He was happy that Tanaka cared this much about stuff like that. The boy giggled as her finger involuntarily tickled his thighs, playfully squirming and pushing against her to try and push her on her back.

January 1st, 17, 09:38 PM
Tanaka giggles at his pushing, being rolled backwards until she was resting on her back. She smiles at Luke, watching to see what he might do. It's been a long time since being able to be playful and silly, something Tanaka is glad she can do now, especially since she has a beautiful son to play with.

January 1st, 17, 09:40 PM
Once Tanaka was on her back, Luke giggled and climbed up her quickly, sitting on her chest and leaning forward, grabbing both of her wrists and pinning the to the ground above her head. "I gotcha!" The little boy teased playfully, smiling at her confidently.

January 1st, 17, 09:41 PM
Tanaka giggles again upon being pinned, smiling brightly at Luke.

"Aww, you've got me! Whatcha gonna do Hun?"

January 1st, 17, 09:47 PM
Luke giggled playfully, and shrugged. Not breaking smile, he leaned forward even more, and rubbed the tip of his nose against hers in an Eskimo kiss, still smiling cutely. "Hi." He said with a giggle.

January 1st, 17, 09:48 PM
Tanaka smiles and rubs his nose back, moving her hands out of his grip. She then pulls him down against her chest and hugs him tightly, peppering his face with kisses.

January 1st, 17, 09:53 PM
"No!" He cried playfully as she easily broke out of his grip. His arms were then by his side, pinned there as he was held against her, unable to move. "Ahhh!" He cried, squirming playfully, only able to turn his head left and right, and unable to avoid the barrage of kisses. "Tana!" He said with a giggle, squealing as the assualted him with the playfully kisses. He giggled and leaned in, returning one on her cheek, before returning to defense.

January 1st, 17, 09:55 PM
Tanaka giggles, pausing her onslaught of kisses, only to begin an onslaught of playful spanks. Her hand repeatedly swats against the rear of his diaper, the thick padding removing any potential pain. She kisses his forehead whilst doing this, her left arm remaining wrapped around his waist.

"Gotcha!" Tanaka cheerfully says, smiling brightly.

January 1st, 17, 10:01 PM
"Hmph." Luke put on a playful pout, crossing his arms and going limp. "Fine, you win." He said, making it sound as if he had just given up some champion title. He was pulling a little bit of fake pouting right now, hoping it would lead to some more attention. He quickly rolled off oh her when he grip loosened, and then lay down, head resting on her tummy as he lay perpendicular to her.

January 1st, 17, 10:04 PM
Tanaka smiles, letting her grip on Luke loosen so he may roll off. Upon feeling his head rest on her tummy, she begins to gently stroke his head, brushing down his hair with soft, slow strokes.

"You are just... So cute, the cutest little boy in the world... I'm so glad that you're here with me, my sweet padded prince..." Tanaka coos quietly, continuing to pet Luke's hair.

January 1st, 17, 10:11 PM
The kid blushed at the compliments, cheeks burning bright red. "I'm not cute..." he mumbled, pouting slightly, which in turn probably was counterproductive to his efforts. "I'm glad I'm here too." The boy said with a nod, rolling over and climbing back onto her and into her arms. "What do you want to do?" He asked with a smile.

January 1st, 17, 10:14 PM
"You are too cute, sweetie." Tanaka playfully retorts. Upon Luke rolling onto her, Tanaka sits up, hugging him. She swings her legs off the side of the changing table, then stands up, cradling the younger boy in her arms.

"Mmm... How about... We can go watch a movie?" Tanaka proposes, rocking Luke from side to side. She slowly walks out of the nursery, continuing to cradle the padded youth in her arms.

January 1st, 17, 11:24 PM
Luke giggled and smiled at her. He let himself be carried, just relaxing and leaning against her as she carried him. "A movie?" He said excitedly. "Heck yeah!" He said, pumping his fist. "What movies do you have?" He asked curiously.

January 2nd, 17, 12:00 AM
"I have lots of movies, we can pick one together!" Tanaka cheerily states as she carries Luke downstairs. Upon reaching the living room, she gently sets him down, then removes all of his outfit except for his t-shirt. She does the same for herself, nearly folding their clothes and setting them aside. She then turns her TV on and loads up Netflix, going to the kids section.

"Okay, what seems interesting to you?" She aska, letting Luke look at the movies.

January 2nd, 17, 12:14 AM
"Okay!" Luke said with a smile. Once set down, he stood at in front of Tanaka with his hands on her shoulders for balance. He let her undress him into just his tee shirt and diaper, and watched as she did the same. Luke took it upon himself to go shut the lights off, leaving the room in a nice darkness. He climbed up onto the couch and lay down, pulling a nearby blanket over him and Tanaka. A very soft, fuzzy white blanket, which Luke snuggled into, hugging his teddy under the blanket. He had included his binky from his overalls and held it close by for when the movie started.
"Whoa, you can get them on Tv?" He asked incredulously. "Uh..." he watched as she flicked through. "How about Leelo and Stitch?" He asked.

January 2nd, 17, 12:16 AM
"Lilo and Stitch it is, that's one of my favorites." Tanaka says happily. She gently pulls Luke onto her lap, keeping the blanket wrapped around them both, then she starts the movie, hugging Luke gently.

January 2nd, 17, 12:26 AM
Luke nodded, having never seen the movie before. He liked the whole space part, although he still wasn't quite sure where the movie would be going, even as experiment 626 escaped and crashed to earth. "Hey Tana?" The boy asked quietly. "Can we lay down, and can you... can you lay with me?" He asked shyly.

January 2nd, 17, 12:30 AM
Tanaka doesn't reply, simply just shifting on the couch. Soon, she is laying on the couch, Luke laying stop her. Tanaka hugs him gently, pulling the blanket back over the pair.

January 2nd, 17, 12:32 AM
Luke smiled and snuggled up against her, warm and comfy as he returned to watching the movie. "Ohana?" He said, when Leelo brought it up in the movie. "That's Hawaii talk for family?" He asked, as the movie confirmed it a few moments later. He looked at Tanaka, and nodded to himself.

January 2nd, 17, 12:34 AM
"Mmhmm... Ohana means family, and family means no one gets left behind, or forgotten. You're my ohana, Luke..." Tanaka softly says, giving Luke a soft squeeze.

January 2nd, 17, 12:38 AM
Luke nodded, and took her hand, squeezing it tightly. "Nobody gets left behind." He repeated that part, nodding. "Don't leave me behind." He said to her, eyes wide as he looked into hers, but his face otherwise expressionless. As the movie went on, Luke raised an eyebrow. "We're kinda like them, huh?" He asked. "It's just the two of us, nobody really wanted me or you... but now we both have each other. We're kinda like a broken family then right?" He asked curiously.

January 2nd, 17, 12:55 AM
"I promise, I won't leave you behind..." Tanaka says quietly, kissing the top of his head. She watches the movie, freezing up at his question.

"A-Ah... Yes, we... We are... It's... Not that no one wanted me... My... Parents died six years ago... I've just... Been alone since then... And... You can't say no one wanted you, because if that was true, you wouldn't be here with me..." Tanaka meekly says, a hint of sadness in her stuttering voice.

January 2nd, 17, 01:01 AM
He looked up at her, and winced a little. "I'm sorry... I thought you meant you were adopted too. I..." he frowned. "I never really thought of the fact that you can get adopted because somebody died." The kid admitted. "I just thought it was when people didn't want you... like my parents and all of my foster families. But... I'm glad you're different. You're here for me and I'm here for you." He said, hugging her as tightly as he could.

January 2nd, 17, 01:04 AM
"There are... Many reasons for someone to be in foster care... I never had to be, because I was old enough to be able to care for myself... Sometimes it's because you aren't wanted... Sometimes it's because it isn't safe for you... Sometimes it's because you lose your parents..." Tanaka quietly says, holding Luke tightly.

"Yes, that's right... I'm here for you, and you for me... Always and forever, my child..."

January 2nd, 17, 01:09 AM
Luke nodded. He just hugged close to her now, snuggled up against Tanaka. The movie had made his eyes tired. His body ached from the long day. His head ached from the events of the past week or two. The kid felt his thumb move into his mouth as he drifted off into murky sleep.

January 2nd, 17, 01:20 AM
Tanaka holds Luke close, rubbing his back gently. Noticing his eyes slowly fluttering sleep, she begins to rub his back, a lullaby being sung by her.

"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine... You make me happy, when skies are grey... You'll never know dear, how much I love you... Please don't take my, sunshine away~ "

January 2nd, 17, 01:24 AM
Through the growing darkness, Tanaka's voice started. It surrounded him with warmth, coupled by the murkiness of sleep that his tired body brought him. Her voice was beautiful. It brought him right to sleep. Strangely, his last thought before he was out, was that he had heard somebody sing him this song before, but couldn't place where.

January 2nd, 17, 01:38 AM
Tanaka finishes singing, then snuggles against Luke, falling asleep for the first of many times with her son.

January 2nd, 17, 01:47 AM
At some point, Luke woke up in the middle of the night. "Mama..." he mumbled, rolling over and shaking Tanaka lightly. "We gotta go to bed mama..." he yawned, looking blearily around the dark living room. It was almost 10, way past his usual bedtime!

January 2nd, 17, 01:56 AM
Tanaka yawns softly, her eyes slowly flitting open upon being shaken.

"Mmm... Kay..." She mumbles, slowly getting up. She tiredly cradles Luke in her arms, then shuffles upstairs into her bedroom.

January 2nd, 17, 02:17 AM
He hugged close to Tanaka, and once he felt her up and moving he allowed himself to easily fall back asleep. He felt himself be placed into a bed, and soon felt Tanaka lay down next to him. "Nai nai mama.." the boy mumbled as he cuddled up against her side.

January 2nd, 17, 02:27 AM
Tanaka climbs into bed, setting Luke down, then she curls up beside him, hugging him as soon as she pulls the blankets over them both.

"Nini sweetie..."

January 2nd, 17, 03:03 AM
Luke snuggled close into her, allowing himself to be hugged and cuddled. He woke up in the morning, around 7, to the sound of rain pattering on the window. Dark grey light filtered in the crack between the curtains, and there was a certain cozy feeling under the blankets, curled up with Tanaka.

January 2nd, 17, 03:08 AM
Tanaka is blissfully asleep still, the soothing, ambient sound of the falling rain proving to be rather relaxing. She has her arms loosely wrapped around Luke, a happy smile on her face.

January 2nd, 17, 03:21 AM
Luke yawned and eventually separated himself from Tanaka and rolled over to face the opposite direction. He sniffed, and wrinkled his nose. Something stunk, and he knew it was him. He would need a diaper change. But he could wait. He didn't want to wake up Tanaka. He nuzzled himself back into her arms and just relaxed

January 2nd, 17, 03:25 AM
A short time later, as the grey light illuminates the bedroom, the young woman begins waking up, her eyes slowly fluttering open. Her arms wrap around Luke snugly, pulling him close to her chest.

"Good morning sunshine~"

January 2nd, 17, 03:43 AM
"Morning Tana!" The boy said, humming happily as he felt her waking, and her arms moving around him to hold him close. "Did you sleep good?" He asked sucking his thumb. He felt her moving around a lot, and wasn't sure if she was just a restless sleeper or had a bad dream.

January 2nd, 17, 03:45 AM
"Oh... Sort of... It was better having you with me..." She says, giving him a soft squeeze. Kissing the top of his head, she nuzzles his cheek happily.

"Did you sleep well, sweetie?"

January 2nd, 17, 03:57 AM
Luke giggled and kissed her cheek as well. "I slept good too. It was nice sleeping in here with you." He said. "And you're comfy," he added with a light giggle.

January 2nd, 17, 03:59 AM
"Aww, how sweet, thank you." Tanaka says, scooping up Luke into her arms.

"I know two cuties who need their messy diapers changed~" she coos, carrying the younger male to the nursery.

January 2nd, 17, 04:06 AM
Luke giggled at her praise, the small boy wrapping his arms around her as she carried him. It was second nature now, as if he had been her child his whole life. The boy felt so at home, he was scared something this good couldn't last. He shook his head, removing that thought quickly. He smiled and giggled. "I do! I'm stinky!" He informed her, even though it was extremely apparent.

January 2nd, 17, 04:09 AM
"Don't worry, I am too. Two stinky babies who need their diapers changed~" Tanaka says happily. Upon walking into the nursery, she sets Luke on the changing table, swiftly opening his diaper and cleaning him up.

January 2nd, 17, 04:17 AM
"You made a stinky too?" Luke asked curiously. The boy giggled again, smiling. "Thank you Tana!" He said cutely as she carried him. When he was set down he began to suck his thumb, and spread his legs to make her job easier. He also raised his bum when needed, just in general trying to be helpful.

January 2nd, 17, 04:20 AM
Finishing the cleaning, Tanaka disposes of the dirty diaper and wipes, replacing it with a fresh diaper, light red with cats all over. She places an insert into the crotch of the diaper, then finishes up with lotion, a layer of powder, and taping up the diaper.

"All done!" She coos, patting the front of his padding.

January 2nd, 17, 04:22 AM
The boy thanked her again as he stood up, once he was finished being changed. He jumped off the table, and rolled on the ground, before bouncing up on all fours and crawling over to the closet. "You can pick out my clothes again. Anything, whatever you want!" He said, enjoying the surprise.

January 2nd, 17, 04:25 AM
"Okay sweetie, just let me change my diaper!" She cheerily says, laying on the table. Her change goes swiftly, Tanaka now wearing a bright pink diaper with rainbows all over.

"Now, time for clothes!" She cheerily says, walk over to the closet.

January 2nd, 17, 04:28 AM
"Okay, fine." He joked in mock reluctance. The boy scampered into the bedroom in just his diaper to grab his teddy bear off the bed. He came back with it and sat in front of the closer, playing with the bear while he waited for Tanaka to finish up.

January 2nd, 17, 04:34 AM
Tanaka smiles sweetly when Luke returns with the teddy bear, then she begins picking out outfits for them both. For Luke, she picks out a pair of baggy shorts, a red plaid button down shirt, white knee socks, and a set of black Y-Back suspenders. She removes Luke's current shirt, then slides his arms into the button down shirt before securing the buttons.

Next, she helps him step into the shorts, pulling them up over his diaper and tucking the shirt in. She slides the socks onto his feet, then secures the suspenders to the back of his shorts before pulling them over his shoulders and securing them to the front of the shorts

"You look super adorable, Lukey." She happily comments, smiling sweetly at Luke.

January 2nd, 17, 04:44 AM
Luke smiled and held onto her for support as she dressed him. He could dress himself, but these clothes were a bit tricky to get on. Besides, he liked when she helped. It took a minute or two before they finished. When the boy was all dressed, he stood in front of the mirror and smiled. "I look cool! Like one of those old-timey kids! This is cool!" He said, checking himself out shamelessly in only the way a kid could do. "Thanks Tana!" He smiled, sitting down with his teddy. "Now I wanna see what you're wearing!"

January 2nd, 17, 04:48 AM
"Don't worry, it'll be just as cute as what you're wearing my little padded nerd~" Tanaka teases, picking out an outfit. She removes her shirt, then dresses in a pair of thigh length, black socks with red roses all over, a calf length, black skirt with red trim at the bottom, and a white, short sleeve blouse with a red crop top jacket over it. Both hers and Luke's outfits hide their thick padding we'll.

January 2nd, 17, 02:00 PM
"I'm not a nerd." The kid said, sitting cross legged with his back against the wall. He watched he get dressed, shyly looking away when she'd taken her shirt off. He felt embarrassed looking, so he averted his eyes. Once she finished, he smiled. "You're really good at picking out clothes." He said with a smile. "You have good taste."

January 2nd, 17, 02:49 PM
Tanaka walks over once dressed, then gives Luke a warm, gentle hug.

"Thank you sweetie, I try my best to make sure we're cute." She says, continuing to hug him. While hugging him, she gives his padded rear some firm, idle patting.

January 2nd, 17, 06:08 PM
Luke smiled and climbed into Tanakas arms, hugging her and smiling. While she hugged him and patted his bum, he just leaned against her and smiled up at her. He really was happy. He stretched up a bit and planted a kiss on the tip of her nose, giggling as he did so.

January 2nd, 17, 06:11 PM
Tanaka giggles at the nose kiss, planting one back on his nose. She stands up, hugging Luke firmly against her chest, then she walks downstairs with him.

"I'll make us some brekky, then we have to head into town for a bit. Got some errands to run, and we can stop by the toy store after and I'll let you pick something out, okay?" Tanaka asks as she carries the sweet little boy into the kitchen. With a few quick motions, Luke is deposited into his highchair, buckled in, and has the tray locked in place.

January 2nd, 17, 06:28 PM
The boy giggled and hugged close to Tana, the warmth that radiated off the beautiful woman bringing him comfort. He looked up at the mention of going into town. "That sounds fun!" He thought aloud, grinning. But then... "I get to get a toy too?" He asked excitedly, bouncing up and down in his high chair and clapping his hands. "You're the best Tana! Thank you!"

January 2nd, 17, 06:31 PM
Tanaka giggles softly at his excitement, beginning to cook a delicious breakfast of chocolate chip pancakes and bacon.

"That's right sweetie, you've been such a good boy after all, I think you deserve something special. I also have a special new car seat for you to ride in!" She happily says, bobbing from side to side as she cooks.

January 2nd, 17, 06:33 PM
Luke giggled and sat back in his chair, relaxing as the intoxicating aromas of breakfast drifted about the room, filling his nostrils with the delectable scent of bacon and chocolate chips. The poor kid was almost drooling! "Why are you such a good cook?" The boy moaned, rubbing his tummy as it rumbled loudly. "A new car seat?" He asked curiously, and beamed at her praise, calling him a good boy!

January 2nd, 17, 06:39 PM
"I'm such a good cook because me and you deserve the best food, that's why." She says with a sweet smile. "Mmhmm, I bought it specially for you, it's big enough to fit you, comfy, and it makes you seem like a sweet little baby as well~"

January 2nd, 17, 06:43 PM
"I know, but when it smells to good it's like torture until it's ready to eat!" He moaned again, giggling at the end of his complaining. "A little baby?" Luke pouted slightly. "I'm a big boy Tana." The kid reminded her, ironically dressed in babyish clothes and a diaper, topped with the fact he currently sat in a high chair.

January 2nd, 17, 06:45 PM
Tanaka merely chuckles, finishing up and serving breakfast as he commented. She sets a plate on his highchairs tray, setting utensils down as well, then she sits beside him at the table.

"You may be a big boy, sweetie, but you're also my baby as well." She teases, giving the front of his shorts a patting, which in turn makes his diaper crinkle.

January 2nd, 17, 06:55 PM
The kid smiled when she set the breakfast down in front of him, and looked over to her. "Thank you Tana!" He made sure to say, before digging in. He ate quickly, not taking much time for breaths in between. But it was how he always ate! The kid blushed, cheeks bright red when Tana crinkled his diaper, and looked down as she gushed over him. "Tana..." he whined, blushing.

January 2nd, 17, 06:58 PM
Tanaka gives off a small giggle, turning to begin eating her breakfast. She smiles contently, enjoying making her son flustered by her embarrassing actions.

January 2nd, 17, 07:06 PM
The kid finished eating, color beginning to fade from his cheeks as he shook off the babying. When he finished, he smiled at Tanaka, knowing fully well his hands and face were sticky with maple syrup and chocolate. "I'm done!" The boy declared with a smile.

January 2nd, 17, 07:09 PM
Tanaka finishes her food soon after, then she takes the two plates and sets them in the sink. She then grabs a carton of wet wipes and gently begins cleaning Luke's face and hands, smiling. Afterwards, she lets him down, giving him a small pat on the rear.

"Go get your shoes on, I'll get the diaper bag ready." Tanaka says, heading up to the nursery. Luke would have a brand new pair of dark green canvas style shoes waiting by the door.

January 2nd, 17, 07:15 PM
Luke smiled as she came over, but soon when she was cleaning his face he scrunched it up and turned away, fussing a bit over it. Soon enough it was over, and the kid was down on the floor, smiling up at her. "Okay!" The boy said, going over to the front door. He saw the shoes, and was happy at the fact he was given a pair of new shoes. His shoes had always been hand me down from kids he had either never known or never liked. He sat down and pulled them on, slowly tying his shoes while he waited.

January 2nd, 17, 07:21 PM
Tanaka soon returns downstairs, carrying what looks to be a rather large, rectangular bag, along with her purse. The rectangular bag was dark green, with flowers all over, and looked to be quite full. Tanaka pulls on a simple pair of slip on black and red shoes, smiling.

"Ready, pumpkin?" She asks, opening the front door.

January 2nd, 17, 07:38 PM
"Uh huh!" The boy said, looking up at Tanaka and standing up quickly. He put his hands on his hips and stood proudly, smiling at her. "Are we ready?" The boy asked with a big smile.

January 2nd, 17, 07:42 PM
"Yes, yes we are." Tanaka contently says. She smiles, then grasps Luke's hand, leading him out and to the car. She opens the trunk and stows the diaper bag inside, then she closes it and moves to the backdoor. Opening it, a black, large car seat is revealed resting on the center seat.

"Climb in please, and I'll buckle you in." Tanaka says, smiling contently.

January 2nd, 17, 07:55 PM
The kid followed Tanaka outside, and climbed up into the car seat when he was asked to. He sat down and smiled as she buckled him in. "Thanks!" He said sweetly, smiling wide.

January 2nd, 17, 08:00 PM
Tanaka swiftly secures the full harness, pulling it snug. It keeps Luke pressed back into the car seat, and it also firmly presses into his padding noticably. She gives him a kiss on the forehead, closing the door and getting in herself. Tanaka finally starts the car, pulling out and driving away.

January 2nd, 17, 08:14 PM
Luke relaxed in the seat once he was snugly fastened in. "Thanks Tana!" The boy said politely. After a few moments he began to grow fidgety and impatient in his seat, and looked for something to do. "Can you put on some music?" He asked with a whine. The kid was very hyper, and now that today was his first day being fully rested, he had a lot of energy

January 2nd, 17, 08:15 PM
Tanaka nods along to his request, turning on music. Her phone, connected to the cars sound system, plays what appears to be peppy music from My Little Pony.

January 2nd, 17, 08:26 PM
The boy bounced along to the music. He'd never heard any of the songs before, but they had a pretty good beat. A nice pop beat. He watched out the window as they made their way into town.

January 2nd, 17, 08:28 PM
Tanaka sings along to the songs, quite familiar with them. She cruises along through town, looking out for the proper destination.

January 2nd, 17, 08:46 PM
For a while, Luke just smiled and listened to Tanaka sing. Her voice really was beautiful. Like an angels, soft and soothing. Finally, the boy broke out of his trance and spoke up. "Where are we going first Tana?"

January 3rd, 17, 12:44 AM
"First, the store to pick up my medicine, and we need more diapers and supplies too." Tanaka says, pulling into a large parking lot.

January 3rd, 17, 12:47 AM
"Medicine?" The boy echoed, concern apparent in his voice. "Are you okay? You're sick?" He asked nervously, concerned for Tanaka's health. He managed to unbuckle himself and leaned forward, looking at Tanaka.

January 3rd, 17, 12:49 AM
Tanaka parks the car, then unbuckles slowly.

"No, at least... Not now, but I used to be sick... I was hurt too, but not anymore. I take medicine to keep me from being sick and hurt." She quietly says, trying to assure Luke she's okay.

January 3rd, 17, 12:55 AM
"What do you mean?" The kid asked nervosuly. He rested his chin on her shoulder and put a hand on her arm. "Are you okay?" He asked calmly, concern in his big green eyes.

January 3rd, 17, 12:58 AM
"Lukey, you don't need to worry, I'm okay. I promise you I won't go away." She says before pulling Luke into a tight hug.

January 3rd, 17, 01:07 AM
"Okay... don't leave me, okay?" He asked, just wanting to make sure. He cared about her too much. He couldn't have her leaving. The thought was scary. It terrified him. "If you say so, I'll believe you." The boy finally said, forcing a smile. He didn't want her to think he was worrying.

January 3rd, 17, 01:10 AM
"I promise you, I won't leave, I don't plan on leaving you." She says, giving him a reassuring smile before kissing his forehead. She scoops him up into her arms, then climbs out of the car, grabbing her purse before closing it.

January 3rd, 17, 01:16 AM
He nodded and held her hand as she lifted him, refusing to let go. He leaned against her as she carried him, looking like a much younger child than he actually was. He relaxed in her arms and just went along for the ride.

January 3rd, 17, 01:21 AM
Tanaka carries him to the store, then gently sets him down, grabbing a cart.

"You can take my hand, we'll walk through together."

January 3rd, 17, 01:24 AM
"Okay." Luke nodded firmly, still holding onto her hand as they walked through the store. He looked around at some of the other people, always looking up because everybody seemed to be bigger than him. It was a little bit scary. And there were so many people. He was getting a little nervous, and his breathing quickened. He kept his pace next to Tanaka and kept moving closer against her, walking pressed up against her hip.

January 3rd, 17, 01:27 AM
Tanaka holds onto Luke's hand tightly, walking down the aisle with diapers. She grabs two large boxes of the brand she and Luke are currently wearing, then she heads over towards the pharmacy.

January 3rd, 17, 01:30 AM
The kid bumped into somebody as they walked by, or rather they bumped into him. He let out a small whine as he fell into her leg, just her hand keeping him upright. He frowned a little bit and looked up worriedly. "Can I get in the cart?" He asked shyly, the large amount of people making him anxious.

January 3rd, 17, 01:36 AM
"Oh... Okay, but just this once." Tanaka says. She lifts Luke into the cart, allowing him to crouch down behind the boxes of diapers. Upon reaching the pharmacy, Tanaka speaks with the lady at the counter, making idle chatter. They talk about Tanaka's issues a little, and then the topic shifts to Luke, the lady gushing over how cute he is. Tanaka lets the lady scan the boxes of diapers and the supplies, then she pays, taking her many medicine bottles.

January 3rd, 17, 01:44 AM
He gave her a fierce nod of thanks, and wasted no time climbing in the car. At least now, he was around the height of everyone. No towering crowds of people. Luke listened as Tanaka and the lady spoke. He wasn't eavesdropping, it was just hard to miss some things. Luke wasn't stupid; he was actually a very smart kid for his age. He knew Tanaka hadn't been open with him about her sickness. And the talking now confirmed it. He didn't know if it was wise to push the subject matter. Then they started talking about him. Great. The kid blushed and looked down as the two ladies talked about how adorable he was, which a lot of people seemed to be saying now. Luckily it didn't make Luke's head big, if anything it just embarrassed him more and more.

January 3rd, 17, 01:49 AM
Tanaka begins pushing the cart to the exit of the store, smiling. She lifts Luke out of the cart, storing her medicine in her purse, then she grabs the diapers and begins leading Luke back to the car.

January 3rd, 17, 01:56 AM
The kid walked along with Tanaka, holding her hand as he skipped along side her. He let it go. He didn't need to know, at least not now. He was gonna focus on being happy and hope she did the same.

January 3rd, 17, 02:00 AM
Tanaka stores the diapers in the trunk, then helps Luke into his car seat. She buckles him in, patting the front of his diaper before getting in herself and driving off.

January 3rd, 17, 02:14 AM
The kid smiled, looking at her in the rear view mirror from the back seat. "So ma- uh, Tana! Where are we going next?" The boy said, cheeks turning red as he looked down. "S-sorry!" He apologized quickly.

January 3rd, 17, 02:17 AM
"Sweetie, you can call me mom, mama, or mommy if you want." She says sweetly. She continues driving, humming softly. The music begins playing again, another upbeat song from My Little Pony.

"Mmm... Next, we're going to get some lunch, and after that I have an appointment with my doctor."

January 3rd, 17, 02:27 AM
Luke nodded, still looking down. He wasn't sure he was ready to put that kind of pressure on her yet, it wasn't really fair to her. He also wasn't sure how he felt... he wasn't sure if he was ready yet. He was afraid of calling someone mom again, because he was scared to lose one again. He chewed his bottom lip when she mentioned the doctors again, taking a mental not of it. "Lunch?" He asked excitedly, mind always going to food. "Where at?"

January 3rd, 17, 02:46 AM
"Mmm... I was thinking... You can decide." She says, smiling contently.

January 3rd, 17, 02:50 AM
"Really?" The boy asked with a grin. Luke bounced in his seat excitedly, and looked around. "Oooo, let's go get pizza there!" He said, pointing out the window to a place. The sign read 'Luigi's Pizza Place', a sterottpical Italian name. It had to have good pizza then.

January 3rd, 17, 02:52 AM
Tanaka smiles, then pulls off into the parking lot of the restaurant. She parks, then helps Luke out before taking him inside.

January 3rd, 17, 02:59 AM
Luke smiled and held her hand as they made their way inside. He looked around, at all the cheesy Italian decorations, but it was all made up for by the amazing aroma of pizza, smelling better than any pizza he'd ever had before. His stomach rumbled, and he groaned, looking up at Tanaka with a sheepish smile and giggle. "Guess I'm a bit hungry, haha..."

January 3rd, 17, 03:29 AM
"I am too sweetie, let's order pizza and get drinks." She says, picking up and hugging Luke as she walks to the counter. She orders a large pepperoni and sausage pizza and two drinks, grabbing the cups and paying.

January 3rd, 17, 03:39 AM
The kid had his arms loosely wrapped around her neck, thrown over her shoulders as she carried him on her hip. "Can I have soda?" He asked Tanaka shyly, not really used to drinking the stuff.

January 3rd, 17, 03:41 AM
"Absolutely, I'll get us both a root beer." Tanaka says cheerily. Making a trip to the soda dispenser, she gets two cups of soda, carrying them and Luke to a table. Setting the sodas down, she then sets Luke in a chair before sitting beside him.

January 3rd, 17, 03:44 AM
The kid smiled and leaned to the side, resting his head on Tanakas arm. He held the cup of sofa carefully with both hands, and sipped on it through the straw. "Thanks." He said in between sips. "So Tana, we have to go to the doctors after?" He asked curiously. "What for? Didn't we just get your medicine?"

January 3rd, 17, 03:46 AM
"We do, yes. I have to go for a check up, the doctor needs to look at me and make sure I'm still okay." She says with a smile.

January 3rd, 17, 04:11 AM
"Oh, okay." Luke said, a smile forming on his face. "That's good then. Check ups are good." He agreed. He was relieved it wasn't anything more than just a simple check up. He had to stop worrying about Tanaka. She'd be fine. He knew it.

January 3rd, 17, 04:13 AM
Tanaka smiles and sips on her soda. Soon, the pizza and two plates are brought over, Tanaka smiling more.

January 3rd, 17, 04:16 AM
Luke sat up straight, giving Tanakas arm a break once the pizza arrived. The kid took a bite of a piece and helped, dropping it onto his plate. "So hot!" He said, gulping his sofa quickly. "The top of my mouth... just melted..." he groaned, waving his hands to try and fan his mouth. "Be careful Tana..." he warned her with a grimace.

January 3rd, 17, 04:27 AM
"Drink some of your soda, it'll help." She says, smiling at his reaction to eating the hot pizza. Taking a slice, she lets it cool before biting into it.

January 3rd, 17, 04:44 AM
He nodded and finished his entire glass before his mouth returned to normal. He watched how she took the pizza and mimicked her, this time blowing on the slice before taking a much smaller bite.

January 3rd, 17, 04:46 AM
"Very good sweetheart." Tanaka says, watching Luke blow on his slice to cool it off.

January 3rd, 17, 04:23 PM
He beamed at her, feeling proud of himself as she praised him. Luke took his time eating the pizza until it cooled off enough, and then proceeded to dig in. He finished, and leaned back with a smile. "That was so good!" He said with a sigh, full.

January 3rd, 17, 04:33 PM
Tanaka enjoys a second slice, then fetches a to go box for the remaining pizza.

"I agree, it was delicious. I'm glad you liked it." She says, smiling. Tanaka helps Luke down off the chair, then takes his hand and leads him out to the car, carrying the pizza in her free hand. Once out at the car, she helps Luke in, but also pulls back his shorts and diaper to check for wetness or messes.

January 3rd, 17, 05:06 PM
The kid nodded, smiling as he followed her. Once they got out the door, the boy began to hop and skip ahead a little bit, but always stopped to wait for Tanaka or went back to her whenever he became more than a few feet ahead of her. As he was climbing in the car, he yelled and looked over his shoulder. "Hey!" The boy protested as she pulled back his pants and diaper, exposing Luke's bare bottom. "What're you doing?" He asked, blushing. The boy was a little wet, but not completely soaked.

January 3rd, 17, 05:10 PM
"Just checking you diapey, sweetie. Gotta make sure you're still dry and clean." She says, letting go of the diaper and shorts. She gives his rear a few pats, then helps him into the car seat before securing the buckles snugly. Placing the pizza down on the front passenger seat, she then gets in and begins driving off.

January 3rd, 17, 05:58 PM
"I'm fine!" Luke repeated cheekily, blushing a bit and turning around to hug her right before she buckled him in. Once in his car seat, his eyes felt heavy. Man, he had a full belly and was nice and warm.

January 3rd, 17, 06:02 PM
Tanaka hums, listening to Luke's idle protests. Yes, he may have been a little wet, but the diaper and absorbent insert will ensure he stays dry throughout the whole day. Tanaka glances back every so often, and soon makes note of Luke's slowly closing eyes. She puts on a relaxing, instrumental song from an anime, and, while at a red light, she gently places Luke's pacifier into his mouth.

January 3rd, 17, 10:51 PM
The little boy had been locked in a battle between sleep and staying awake. No way he was going to fall asleep in the middle the day! The boy forced his eyes open, staying determined. However, he quickly began to lose hope when the soft, soothing music came on. At first he cursed his luck, thinking it was just coincidence. But when the second song ended and the third started, the boy hanging onto the edge of consciousness knew something was up. "Tana..." Luke groaned. "You're evil."

January 3rd, 17, 10:58 PM
"Only when I want to be my prince." She quietly teases. Fully intending to have Luke sleep through the appointment so as to not hear anything about Tanaka's issues, her attempt seems to be successful.

January 3rd, 17, 11:41 PM
Luke groaned and leaned back, letting his eyes close. The music was soothing, and pulled him into the murky darkness of sleep. The boy drifted off and went limp, snoring quietly

January 3rd, 17, 11:59 PM
Tanaka smiles once Luke finally falls asleep, pulling into the parking lot of her doctors office. She gently get Luke out and carries him inside. About an hour later, Tanaka departs with Luke, having finished her appointment while Luke slept.

January 4th, 17, 12:37 AM
The kid slept soundly throughout the whole thing, without a hitch or anything to wake him up. The boy was curled up cutely in Tanaka's arms, cuddling close to her chest for comfort. He slept through the whole ride as well, to the toy store or wherever else they were headed next.

January 4th, 17, 12:39 AM
Tanaka drives the two to the toy store, shaking Luke awake when they arrive.

"Sweetheart, wake up, we're at the toy store!" She cheerily says.

January 4th, 17, 12:42 AM
"Huh..." the boy yawned, shying away and shielding his face with his hands. He felt all groggy and disheveled. It took him a moment to register Tanaka's words. "Toy store!?" He said suddenly, eyes shooting wide open as the boy was fully awakened.

January 4th, 17, 12:45 AM
"Mmhmm, we're at the toy store. Gotta check your diaper first, then we can go inside." Tanaka says with a bright smile. She gets out, then opens the door for Luke before unbuckling and picking him up. She carries him against her chest, pulling back his shorts and diaper to check for wetness.

January 4th, 17, 12:48 AM
"Okay." The boy said cheerily, holding a fist in front of his mouth to suppress a yawn. Luke went limp as Tanaka lifted him, and leaned over her shoulder as she checked his diaper. He had wet himself a lot more during his little nap at the doctors office.

January 4th, 17, 12:50 AM
"Mmm... You'll definitely need a new diaper when we get home." She says, closing the door and carrying Luke inside the store. The store was brightly colored and has different sections for toys.

January 4th, 17, 01:03 AM
"Okay Tana." The boy said with a nod, blushing lightly. Once they were in the toy store however, all his emotions were replaced with awe and excitement. "Wow!" He exclaimed, heading turning in all directions as he took in the sights.

January 4th, 17, 01:24 AM
"What would you like to get? You can get absolutely anything." Tanaka says, carrying Luke around.

January 4th, 17, 01:29 AM
"Hm..." the boy looked around as she carried him. He saw a bunch of things he liked. Toy trucks, action figures, army men, legos; the list just went on and on! Howeve, he needed to pick the best one. Something he'd like for a long time. He scanned the shelves, scratching his chin. He finally settled on an action figure he liked: an awesome Captain America action figure. "That one is nice..." the boy said shyly, pointing to it.

January 4th, 17, 01:39 AM
Tanaka happily carries Luke through the store, smiling at his curiosity. She glances at his choice, nodding. "Absolutely, Captain America is great." She says, grabbing the boxed action figure.

January 4th, 17, 01:42 AM
The boy nodded in agreement, smiling shyly. "He's my favorite super hero." He informed her. "He's really one of the only ones I like." He said, thinking for a moment. "He doesn't have these super powers or money like everyone else. He's just a person, and yet he helps so many people. So I guess... he kinda makes it seem like anybody can be a super hero." The boy said, finishing quietly as he realized he'd been rambling. He blushed. "Sorry, I didn't mean to talk a lot..." he said

January 4th, 17, 01:46 AM
Tanaka giggles softly, listening to him speak. "Go ahead and speak as much as you want, sweetie." Tanaka says, carrying Luke to the checkout.

January 4th, 17, 01:48 AM
The boy nodded, still blushing in embarrassment. He hung onto her as they went to check uout, burying his face in her dress to avoid anymore interaction for the moment, as well as not wanting to talk to the cashier or anyone else but Tanaka.

January 4th, 17, 01:56 AM
Tanaka pays, carrying Luke out to the car. As before, he is strapped in, but given his toy as well before they leave.

January 4th, 17, 03:52 AM
When strapped in and given his toy, the kid smiled. The whole ride, Luke pretty much just played with the Captain America action figure, making him fight it out with imaginary enemies and save people as well.

January 4th, 17, 03:55 AM
Tanaka turns the music on, giggling a bit as she hears Luke playing with his new friend. Soon enough, they arrive home. Tanaka helps Luke inside, and up to the nursery.

January 4th, 17, 09:51 PM
Luke knew Captain America couldn't fly. But he could jump. So on the walk inside and upstairs, he held the action figure out by his side, having him run and climb up all the obstacles auntil they got up to the nursery. Once they did, the kid plopped down with a loud squish and began to play with his Captain America.

January 4th, 17, 11:45 PM
Tanaka chuckles, then lays Luke down, beginning the change. A short time later, Luke is in a fresh, thick white diaper with a cat pattern.

January 4th, 17, 11:57 PM
Luke was busy playing with his Captain America action figure, so the change went pretty well. Once he was all diapered up, the kid stood up and smiled. "Tana," he started sweetly. "If we're not going out anymore today, can I wear just my diaper?" He asked. "The clothes make me feel hot when we're inside." He said, giving her his best puppy dog eyes.

January 4th, 17, 11:59 PM
"Of course, sweetie, but I'd like you to wear a t-shirt as well. I'll do the same, we can walk around in our diapers together." Tanaka says, giving Luke a hug.

January 5th, 17, 02:41 AM
"Okay Tana! That's fine with me!" The boy said, smiling and hugging her back. The kid rolled backward and lay down, waiting patiently for Tana to undress him. Then, he changes his mind and stood up, starting to strip the clothes off himself. He stripped down to just his diaper and socks, and smiled proudly. "I need a tee shirt I think..." the boy said, smiling and hugging Tanaka again.

January 5th, 17, 02:43 AM
Tanaka chuckles, letting Luke strip down to his diaper, then she grabs a light blue t-shirt with a cat on the front before slipping it onto him.

"There, much better! Mommy just needs a new diaper, then she'll change too." Tanaka says, stripping to her diaper and climbing onto the changing table.

January 5th, 17, 02:56 AM
"Kitty!" The boy squeals with glee, looking down at his shirt and then smiling up at Tanaka. He climbed up on a pile of stuffed animals and lay on his back, looking at the ceiling. As if on cue, in a moment a furry ball lay on his chest. "Fluffers!" The boy said excitedly, petting the cat gently.

January 5th, 17, 02:57 AM
The kitty mewls happily, licking Luke a bit. Tanaka giggles, quickly changing her diaper while Luke is preoccupied.

January 5th, 17, 03:00 AM
"Pretty kitty, pretty kitty..." the boy said quietly in a sing song voice. If Tanaka was to overhear, she would hear what a beautiful singing voice Luke had. Of course, that's why he almost never sang... he was a very shy boy most of the time. He pet the cat, giggling as it licked him. "Good kitty!" He said cutely, patting its head.

January 5th, 17, 03:02 AM
"Mmm... You have a beautiful singing voice, Lukey." Tanaka says as she pulls on a shirt like Luke's, except in dark red. Her diaper matches Luke's exactly, so that the two are matching.

January 5th, 17, 03:46 AM
"Huh?!" The boy blushed, realizing in horror what he'd been doing. His face was bright red, and he pressed it into Fluffer's furry side so he didn't have to face her. He shrugged shyly, and mumbled an embarrassed thanks into the cat.

January 5th, 17, 03:48 AM
Tanaka giggles, walking over to Luke. She gently moves fluffers before picking up Luke and hugging him to her chest.

"Shhh, shh, it's okay sweetie, you don't need to be embarrassed." She coos, patting his diapered butt slowly.

January 5th, 17, 03:51 AM
"Ah!" The boy squeaked in feeble protest as he was lifted. "W-what? Me?" He sputtered, forcing a smile. "I'm n-not - me? No, pft... of course I'm not embarresed. Why would I be?" He asked, laughing nervously. He sighed, face returning to normal, and went limp in her arms. "I just don't like singing in front of people." He finally admitted.

January 5th, 17, 04:01 AM
"Don't worry... I won't judge you at all, and I won't force you to sing if you don't want to. Not to me, and especially not in public." She reassuringly says.

January 5th, 17, 01:15 PM
"I know." Luke said with a nod. He knew Tanaka cared about him, and would never intentionally put him in a situation where he was uncomfratable. Maybe when some more time passed, he wouldn't feel so self concious. Although he already felt that for only two days together, it felt as if t had been much longer.

January 6th, 17, 02:51 AM
Tanaka walks over to Luke, crouching down to his height, then she hugs him tightly. She doesn't say anything, simply just hugs him, holding the younger boy tightly.

January 6th, 17, 03:11 AM
Luke watches her as she comes over to him, and kneels down. And then, her arms were around him. Luke's arms hung limo at his side for a moment, before they found their way around her. He hugged her tightly, pressing his face into her shirt. A warm feeling resonated at the pit of his stomach, and he smiled happily.
"I... I..." he couldn't find the words, so he sighed and swallowed hard.
"I love you."

January 6th, 17, 03:38 AM
Tanaka smiles brightly at hearing those three special words. She hugs Luke even tighter, kissing his forehead gently.

"I love you too, Luke, always and forever." She says cheerfully.

January 8th, 17, 06:04 PM
The kid nodded, hugging her back tightly. It felt good to get that off his chest. And even though she always said it to him, it felt good to hear it come back to him.
"Thanks Tana." He kid sniffled. He didn't even realize his cheeks were wet, until he went to wipe his face off on his arm. Why was he crying? He didn't feel like he was...

January 8th, 17, 06:06 PM
Tanaka kisses each of his cheeks, then she gently wipes away the tears, holding him close.

"You'll always be loved here, always."

January 8th, 17, 08:53 PM
The kid nodded, laying onto her and hugging her tightly. After a few minutes of this, the kid sat up in her lap and smiled. "Let's go play Tana." The boy suggested, not wanting to be sad anymore.

January 9th, 17, 01:48 AM
Tanaka rubs his back gently, nodding slowly to him.

"Okay sweetie, we can play anything you like."

January 10th, 17, 02:07 PM
"Anything?" Luke asked curiously, wrinkling his nose a bit at he thought. "Uh... how about... wanna play hide and seek?" The boy suggested hopefully, smiling.

January 11th, 17, 07:18 PM
"Hide and seek sounds wonderful, sweetheart, that would definitely be fun." Tanaka cheerfully says, smiling at the suggestion.

January 11th, 17, 07:45 PM
"Okay Tana!" The boy said excitedly, wriggling out of her arms and bouncing up to his feet. "You count first and ill hide. Ready... go!" He said quickly, dashing off. He looked around where to hide, and dashed up into Tanaka's room. He looked around once in there, and opted to hide in her closet. He crouched down behind clothes and shoes, and shit the door.