View Full Version : The names of ab/dl

January 14th, 09, 02:36 AM
by now im sure you guys have read Kamelot's thread, i declare war. well i read the thread and frankly i was outraged by the video. however, after having my share of hate comments on his videos, i thought, "why cant we handle this in a civilized manner." and so i private messaged the guy and laid the rues in the message that neither of us could yell at eachother. we got to compromising and eventually he writes to me,

"I want a civil talk.

Thats all i need.

If you can get your people on skype with me then we can make a truths of such.

You want to plead your case to me saying that your not all a pervs.

If you can do that then i will close my account to proseed work on my other channel that is not connected to what i talk about.

My other channel i do video game stuff.

I need a Civil talk on skype.

P.S This message was created at 1:20 Am.

Good Luck"

I say we give it to him. PLEASE somebody with skype, please reason with him in a civilized way and prove to him we arent pervs. then he will close his hate account. Kamelot, you wanted an end to his video? well here is your chance.

January 14th, 09, 02:37 AM
I refuse to listen to an ignorant fool.

January 14th, 09, 02:40 AM
I refuse to listen to an ignorant fool.

i dont mean any disrespect but by doing this, you yourself are ignorant. just view both sides of the issue. he simply thinks that we are disgusting pervs and its up to us to actually teach him that we are not so. if you refuse to reason with him then fine, im sure another person will do it. you can continue to yell at him as much as you want but the only way to do it is by reasoning.

January 14th, 09, 02:43 AM
You are ignorant by using reverse logic on me but what is being ignorant?That aside i have no intentions to listen to someone who clearly doesn't understand.

January 14th, 09, 02:44 AM
You are ignorant by using reverse logic on me but what is being ignorant?That aside i have no intentions to listen to someone who clearly doesn't understand.

now you are just changing the subject... but listen, i dont want to have an arguement with you. i've laid down my logic and i think it is pretty solid. i am firm on the subject, let the rest of the people here decide

Elemental Anon
January 14th, 09, 02:45 AM
I just don't care any more.

January 14th, 09, 02:45 AM
For the luv of gawd plz drop this topic already sheesh.

January 14th, 09, 02:48 AM
yeah does it matter anymore
It's not like this crap doesn't happen everyday

January 14th, 09, 02:48 AM
jesus christ read the whole thread before you go on making a new one, the damn video was made last april. it is NOT a big deal. now gtfo my /b/

January 14th, 09, 02:49 AM
I think you have your answers by the way i was not changing the subject i just responded to you.

January 14th, 09, 02:51 AM
off topic time =D
Mary had a little *smack* STFU
Hey go buy a monkey
Also the British ate my chocolate in a dark dark cave on the edge of insanity :3

January 14th, 09, 03:07 AM
off topic time =D
Mary had a little *smack* STFU
Hey go buy a monkey
Also the British ate my chocolate in a dark dark cave on the edge of insanity :3

as much as it kills me to say it... i agree.

January 14th, 09, 03:10 AM
sigh be careful yoyu 2.
Beware of Ai, Stoner, Sparky, and white-ham.

January 14th, 09, 03:11 AM
sigh be careful yoyu 2.
Beware of Ai, Stoner, Sparky, and white-ham.

eh.. yeah.. i can see where this might end badly.

PaddedPrinceling Joey
January 14th, 09, 05:34 AM
Just a little bit.
I admit that I don't care much anymore, but is anyone slightly bothered by the fact that we have to "plead our case"?

But anyways, let's forget this and let it fade.

January 14th, 09, 06:03 AM
Just a little bit.
I admit that I don't care much anymore, but is anyone slightly bothered by the fact that we have to "plead our case"?

But anyways, let's forget this and let it fade.


January 14th, 09, 06:37 AM
What the hell is there to talk about? I created a thread to get people around here moving... and it worked 23jacked got banned from this site, my account got restored, the video will be removed and tcby1's account and IP adress will be banned from youtube. So let's talk about the real issues like the fact that diamond miners are paying for the wars in Africa in exchange for mineral rights. This is turn puts diamond miners in debt so they sell at incredably high prices. The retailers that buy at these high prices are forced to raise their prices and create an artificial shortage of diamonds. 70% of the worlds diamonds are being held in storage and 2% of that is released every year so that supply will be limited and retailers can charge what ever they want. This is the kinda thing you should be debating not a problem that has already been solved.

January 14th, 09, 09:08 AM
Marcos, while I'm certain some of us here appriciate what your trying to do, the fact of the matter is that we are not guilty of jack. None of us here have commited a crime that would warrent a 'pleading of the case' type.

From what I can gauge from this man, talking to him is like talking to a brick wall - it won't work. He's a person who is stuck in his ways, his manner of talk, his manner of 'logic' all point to the pure fact that no matter what any of us will say - he himself won't listen.

I've had these types of discussions before with others; a few on the net and once off, they all end the same way EVEN when its the other party that asked for the peace talks. The real problem is that what we humans don't understand, we either fear or shun.

That, and this kid has more than enough access to medical databases, fact-finding sites and other websites on the net that proves who we are and that we not doing anything wrong - however the fact he wants us to 'plead our case' is just more undeniable proof that he can't accept the truths in those sites.

I'm sorry, I would normally not mind sitting down in a chat room and talking it over with this guy, but my condition is purely medical based unlike most here who do it out of desire so I really can't get involved in that discussion since I don't know what it is LIKE for it to be a desire.

And besides, the other reason I don't have a desire to get involved, is the 'pleading of the case' as if we, the AB/DL community, have commited a henous crime.

Now I'm bowing out of this discussion. I've said my piece and don't wish to get involved any further.

January 14th, 09, 02:10 PM
I have always blamed diapers for my fetish but it's not even related.I just wanted something to blame...So i think i understand you a little bit what does it feel to like diapers?i wonder...