View Full Version : Naruto club

Zebra King
July 15th, 08, 04:02 PM
Hey guys.I was wondering if anyone is a fan of Naruto.If so I have this social club where i talk to some members already.So join.

To join go into your members page and on the right side it should say join social groups.Click on it and select naruto then let the chatting begin

July 17th, 08, 10:19 PM
im a naruto fan /\_/\

July 18th, 08, 12:56 PM
In response I shall make an anti-naruto club :D

Zebra King
July 18th, 08, 01:34 PM
You bastard.

July 18th, 08, 05:57 PM
Now, now, lets all try and be civilized here.Chaoswolf I don't know if you ment the anti-Naruto club as a joke, but the way you worded it rubs people the wrong way. If you mean a club that talks about how ridiculous certain aspects of the Naruto series are, then you should have said it like that. If you ment for a club that just bashes an anime, example Naruto, then that's fine too, but you shouldn't announce it on a thread dedicated to fans of the series, it's just rude.

Zebra Trainer, calling someone a bastard like that isn't something everyone would approve of. Wolf might have ment it as a joke, in which case your comment was over the top and unnecessary, or I admit you could have ment it like a joke right back. If not, I'd like to think we're above name calling, even jerk is more acceptable.

Of course, I might be way out of line here, but this is how I see things happening.

Zebra King
July 18th, 08, 08:17 PM
Well i hope he was.

July 21st, 08, 01:11 PM
Ive already made it :D

July 21st, 08, 02:01 PM
Stand on top his mod soapboxI wont put up with any bashing on this board the groups you want make are up to you long there not made for the so purpose to bash others here ..... and as was said this wasn't the place to post opening up a anti group to it take this as warning it will be my last.. Steps off his mod soapbox

now lets all get back to enjoying the forum here...:)

Zebra King
July 21st, 08, 02:42 PM
Thanks Stevie

July 21st, 08, 07:01 PM
T^T Im sorry

Baby Chen
June 27th, 11, 12:46 AM