View Full Version : Naruto Rp

Zebra King
July 15th, 10, 03:26 PM
Sorry guys, I thought I posted it a while ago

Anyways Here's what we got so far:

Zebra king (Me): Neji hyuga
Lonewolf21: Sasuke
atomisk the pirate king: Perve sage
Angel feathers: Hinata
dltbjericho: Rock Lee & Garra
Schi: unknown female character
If you want to join, pm me and I'll add you in

Bandit Keith
July 15th, 10, 03:30 PM
[a how will this start out also I might add another character in my playlist on this rp]

Zebra King
July 15th, 10, 03:31 PM
(Ill start off)

Neji was sitting by a waterfall, counting the birds in the sky. Neji got up and looked over at a giant boulder. "BYAKUGAN" He yelled at the top of his lungs. "8 TRIGRAMS 64 PALMS" He yelled as he rapidly hit the rock. When he finished the rock crumbled before him and a light smirk appeared on his face.

July 15th, 10, 04:07 PM
Rock Lee was running, exercising his endurance. "Won't let you down Guy sensei" he said to himself.

Zebra King
July 15th, 10, 04:10 PM
Neji saw Lee running and making a big dust cloud behind him. "He's even faster than he was yesterday" Neji said as kept watching.

July 15th, 10, 04:14 PM
Lee kept on gaining speed, he eventually stopped, gasping air.

Zebra King
July 15th, 10, 04:19 PM
(Neji walks over) "Lee, tomorrow we have a mission assigned by the hokage herself" "Are you prepared"? he said.

July 15th, 10, 04:21 PM
"Yep, what rank is it?" Lee asked.

Zebra King
July 15th, 10, 04:26 PM
"Its just a simple B Rank, nothing serious" "We have to bodyguard the leader of the wind village, from some rogues that want him dead".

July 15th, 10, 04:29 PM
"Oh, I ready for that mission" he said cracking his knuckles.

Bandit Keith
July 15th, 10, 06:43 PM
the perve sage sees neji and says as he walks over;''well I see the hyuga clan has a fine Ara for the leader.that hinata girl is not leader worthy.''the fact is he has no clue hinata is of the main family.as he had never cared much for details kinda like naruto and the yellow flash of the leaf.he is luckily this was not sead infront of the leader of the hyuga clan.but he never payed mind to who was who as he thinks the clan should stop the rule.

July 15th, 10, 06:46 PM
Sasuke was sitting in a tree and listening to the conversation.

July 15th, 10, 07:11 PM
Lee remembered his training, "Catch up with yah guys later" he said and resumed running, a cloud of dust dust behind him.

Zebra King
July 15th, 10, 08:21 PM
"Lee, remember to get even stronger my rival, because one day we will fight and find out who's stronger". Neji said in his mind

"hmm, that is true Jariya, but I wouldn't underestimate hinata's abilities. Last time we spared she nearly beat me. That's why im out here, to get even stronger"! Neji said as he punched a tree and cracked it.

Bandit Keith
July 15th, 10, 08:41 PM
Jariya nodded as he lessed and says;'' well seeing as Guy is well recovering from a rasegun to the feet .I was ordered to watch over his sguad .so a well what all do you and lee know so far?''infact Guy was a idiot who kicked Jariya when he was eating and Jariya got him back with the rasegun to the foot.it was just barly anything just enough to shatter bones he sent in that foot.

Zebra King
July 15th, 10, 08:49 PM
No, the hokage didn't go into detail about the mission, but she required me to go to her later tonight for further details. (Neji looks around) Do you feel that Jiriya? It feels like were being watched!

July 15th, 10, 08:54 PM
Sasuke jumped down from the tree.

Zebra King
July 15th, 10, 08:57 PM
Ha, I knew it, Sasuke Uchiha, what were you doing hiding in the trees?

July 15th, 10, 09:03 PM
"Taking a break from training." Sasuke said.

Bandit Keith
July 15th, 10, 09:08 PM
Jariya says;''oo great same here all I know is some rogue ninja's with odd justu's may attack some old guy.''

July 15th, 10, 09:12 PM
"Really? Who would that be?" Sasuke asked.

Bandit Keith
July 15th, 10, 09:21 PM
Jariya says;'' well your in the mission aswell just a noble nothing odd about him other then hes into guys''

July 15th, 10, 09:27 PM
"Let me guess I'm the bait right?" Sasuke asked.

Bandit Keith
July 15th, 10, 09:37 PM
Jariya says;''who else would fit better?after all the noble looks like you.that and you are of noble blood these ninja's can tell if a person is the true target unless its a naturel look alike and of noble blood.''

July 15th, 10, 09:41 PM
"Fine. Let me know what I have to do." Sasuke said sighing.

Bandit Keith
July 15th, 10, 09:55 PM
Jariya says;''just act like you don't have a care in the world and basically live it up till the ninja's come. oo and before I forget can you stand chilled monkey brains ?''

July 15th, 10, 09:57 PM
"What is that?" Sasuke asked.

Bandit Keith
July 15th, 10, 10:05 PM
Jariya says;'' just what it sounds like chilled monkey brains this odd ball nobles fav food''

July 15th, 10, 10:57 PM
"I'll try my best." Sasuke said.

Bandit Keith
July 15th, 10, 11:28 PM
Jariya has this planned as he explains the trick to tricking the taste buds

July 15th, 10, 11:33 PM
Sasuke listens and nods when he understands.

Zebra King
July 16th, 10, 02:25 AM
"Great, now that we understand more about the noble, this mission will be a piece of cake. If it's just low life thieves trying to kill him, it will be easy to take them all out. After all, im part of the one of the greatest families in the leaf village, but the hokage did mention this was going to be tougher than it looks. It's not like me to go against her judge mental calls but with a team of super trained ninja's and on of the great sanin here, im sure we will manage quiet nicely". Neji says while smiling.

Bandit Keith
July 16th, 10, 02:31 AM
Jariya laughs saying;''well there tougher then they seem with the justu's they have even I could be defeated thanks to the inteal these seem to all be bloodline users who's clans are ether mixed or close to dieing out.but thats why we can't take them lightly.as those clans powers or not know''

Zebra King
July 16th, 10, 11:39 PM
(Chuckles) "I suppose that is true Jariya, but I myself have an important powerful bloodline, and besides, it will be easier than we think with all the recruits we have"

July 16th, 10, 11:46 PM
"Do I need certain clothes?" Sasuke asked.

Bandit Keith
July 17th, 10, 12:03 AM
[a what so funny zebra]

Jariya says;''no need those work'' cracks his knuckles and gets out a manuscript[a.k.a book in the making] he has been working on sense his first book with wright-en in bold''tails of a gutsy ninja 2''its clear just by looking the pages are of different ages .as he had finaly got over the writers block he keeps getting on this book.he smiles as he rights like unknown mumbling at times.''good very good yes thats it.''he rights at a pase hard to keep up with even with the sharingun.as he he lays the pen down he smiles as he had wrighten 20 pages and finished the book.

he jumps up like a crazed man when he put it in his cloths saying;''yes its finally done the segual to my first book ''he hands them each a copy of his first book.he then sends a clone to get it made.he gets back to his normal self as he says;''so what kind of justu's do you two have?also sorry about the outburst.''

July 17th, 10, 12:12 AM
Sasuke chuckled and said every jutsu he can do.

Zebra King
July 17th, 10, 12:26 AM
(Idk, just thought neji would do that)

Neji blushed as he read the book and his jaw dropped. (Slips the perverted book into his pocket)

"huh-uh, what"? "Oh Jutsu's...lets see" "I specialize in geometrical jutsu like my 8 trigrams 64 palms" "Also, with my byakugan, I am able to snap off nerves, bones, and chakra points at will"

Bandit Keith
July 17th, 10, 12:37 AM
[his first book was not perved]

Jariya nodds saying;'' seems we got a close range justu user and a close to far range justu user.no as for me well I tent to try to just stick to basic hand to hand if possible.as I see it as a more honorable way to fight.tho justu's are abit of each range''

July 17th, 10, 12:39 AM
"To each is own I guess." Sasuke said.

Zebra King
July 17th, 10, 03:14 PM
(Make out paridise, the book kakashi is always reading was written by Jariya, you know how jariya's is perverted and spies on girls)

I think it would be best if I had my byakugan on all the time to sense if somethings wrong. Hand to hand combat is sufficient to use on a mission like this, and since im not really a long range guy, ill use hand to hand as well.

---------- Post added at 03:14 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:16 AM ----------

(lol, like this so far, pm to join)

Anyways, do you too need anything like kunais, paper bombs or even some dia-"cough" diet soda

July 19th, 10, 02:41 PM
Rock Lee comes in running and bumps into Jiraya. "Hey Sage" he said, "I heard that you're our squad leader today, what happened to Guy sensei?" he asked rubbing his head.

Bandit Keith
July 19th, 10, 03:28 PM
Jiraya says;'' he got a rasengun to the foot .enough sead anyway I guess your that kid naruto keeps calling bushy brow.so are you and Guy related for you look like a mini Guy?but anyway heres a gift if your ever intruble in a fight agest a enemy use one.''he hands lee a pack of what appears to be ninja med.but unknown to lee it is a special kind make for drunken fist users.lee has no ideal of his tallent tho.that and the ninja med has no sines it has sake in it.it was made and packaged by tsunada herself.it looks liike it came from the ninja store but has the stamp of the hokage with a note reading.;'' Jiraya's and tsunada's combo ninja med recipe made just for lee the genuis tijustu user.''

infact Jiraya and tsunada both agreed he was is a genuis in tijustu and not to tell him he has the drunken fist justu.

July 20th, 10, 03:12 AM
"Thanks for the meds Sage" he said, "So any detail for the next mission?"

Bandit Keith
July 20th, 10, 03:20 AM
Jiraya says;''first don't call me sage agian its a turn of to lady's instead call me Jiraya .now as for mission details well we got a band of unknown bloodline users we need to beat.sasukes the bait and thats all for know.seeing as this is a plan in the works till we know what bloodline type's we are dealing with.anyway I know your a pure tijustu user so well I need to see your speed with out the wieght's''infact no one told Jiraya about them and the wieghts are never seen or could be told he had them on .but Jiraya could tell it by a glase

July 20th, 10, 03:25 AM
"I'm going to train for a bit." Sasuke said.

July 20th, 10, 03:27 AM
Lee dropped off his weight, smirking, he was already fired up by the running exercise. He started running to positions around Jiraya, barely being seen since he was that fast.

Bandit Keith
July 20th, 10, 03:36 AM
Jiraya says;''ok you can stop know before I get pulled up by the force''infact things that was in his cloths are going in circle's

July 20th, 10, 03:38 AM
Lee stopped in front of Jiraya, "Fast enough?" he asked smirking.

July 20th, 10, 03:40 AM
Sasuke sighed and climbed back up the tree.

Bandit Keith
July 20th, 10, 03:45 AM
[a you put Guy its Jiraya]

he does the spider hand thing as his hair had went up standing strait up and says;''you are never running like that around me again on missions you have the clear to run as fast as you want.but you are way faster then anyone I know well besides the yellow flash that is.''

July 20th, 10, 03:49 AM
(my bad)

Lee picked up his weights, "Who's the yellow flash?" he asked.

July 20th, 10, 03:52 AM
Sasuke chuckled a bit.

Bandit Keith
July 20th, 10, 03:59 AM
Jiraya laughs and says;''oo thats right you never heard the fourth hokage's nickname.he was feared for his speed and battle planing anyway thats a story for another day.but I will tell you this he was a great teacher.''

July 20th, 10, 03:39 PM
Lee kept the name in mind, "So any ideas on what bloodline the ninjas may be coming from?"

Bandit Keith
July 20th, 10, 04:28 PM
Jiraya says;''all I know even form my infiltratesh skills and informents are they group is made up of near dead bloodlines,mixed bloodlines and ones that are the last of there bloodline.but thats it.''Jiraya throws a kunai straped on to metal wire and uses it to cut up a water melon a big one he brought as in 70 pound one they hardly get that big.but when they do there very sweet and juice the slices of water melon falls on four plates evenly so its a good show of skill.seeing as its hard to control a kunia on a wire even with charka sent throw it but Jiraya didn't send charka in the wire at all.he was not really showing off but was more or less had to cut it with a kunia anyway seeing as he forgot a knife. so he used this as abit of test for himself as he has not done the wire kunia thing in years.so he wanted to see how good he was.thankfully the kunia he used was new and sterile seeing as he opened a bag from a ninja store afew monets ago.as he has the kunia come back he lets it drop at his feet.saying as he cleans it ;''lets eat up''

July 20th, 10, 04:39 PM
"Okay" Lee was hungry after the training. Lee was kinda amazed at the kunai and wire trick Jiraya pulled off, seeing as people usually use their chakra to flow through the wire to cut it easier.

July 20th, 10, 04:49 PM
Sasuke jumped down from the tree and joined them.

Bandit Keith
July 20th, 10, 05:37 PM
Jiraya much's on his share as he stops for a moment noting neji has not touched his plate says;''hey anyone know whats with neji he seems abit odd after the chunin exams ? he seems scared of naruto or something.as neji keeps getting wided eyed when he sees him''Jiraya gets in to deep thought as he does alot when he notes ninja's he will be around acting weird.as he eats spiting the seeds on bear ground seeing as its like mud at the time its by one of the posts behind him.its kinda a childish behavior spiting the seeds of something on the ground.he has not broke sense its not a rael bad habit.that with the fact he has been used to traveling alone.so its no surprise he would have a habit like that seeing as he has been travailing sense the great ninja war ended .he was about 18 when it ended so he is abit odd.but sages always are odd in some ways.Jiraya is just more like 16 year old in how he acts most of the time.best example would be the perve that he is.as he soon finishes throwing the water melon rinds in the stream.making him seem more of teen of the leaf.seeing as most teens do it in the leaf.

July 20th, 10, 05:58 PM
Sasuke shook his head. "He doesn't talk to me." He sighed a bit and started eating.

July 20th, 10, 09:50 PM
"I'm not sure" he said going into deep thought, he remembered how Neji never feared people much.

Bandit Keith
July 20th, 10, 10:12 PM
Jiraya says;''once ever ones down eating meet me at the waterfall''theres only one water fall and its ice cold thanks to it coming from a underground spring.as does a little last minute training under the falls taking his shirt off and pants he had thankfully a pare of swim trunks on up most of his legs and arms has weights almost covering them .a 50 year old man normally would look odd with so many weights on as he takes them off each is about the same lee uses.he is buff but the training hes doing is of bareing the cold water.

July 20th, 10, 10:16 PM
Lee finishes the food and takes his shirt and weight off. He follows him, not really willing to train near the ice cold waterfall, but willing to challenge himself to do it.

July 20th, 10, 10:18 PM
Sasuke finished eating and walked to the waterfall.

Zebra King
July 20th, 10, 10:44 PM
Neji walked out without touching the food and saying nothing. "Damn...nice going neji! You nearly blew your own cover" neji said to himself in his mind

Bandit Keith
July 20th, 10, 11:27 PM
Jiraya's force field jusu is one that you have to eat at lest one piece of food to leave as a little note showed outside reading'' ether eat one piece of watermelon or your stuck in there.I never let sguad's under my watch leave on a mission without eating''.Jiraya is one that believe's in eating before a mission. as is one of his codes to live by

July 21st, 10, 01:19 AM
Lee felt the watter and shivered, hating cold water. He wondered how well he can concentrate on training in it.

Bandit Keith
July 21st, 10, 05:37 AM
Jiraya says;'' you know its wise to first train your body and mind before you even trying to train in it.it took me till I was 20 to stand this cold water''.just then it has a tent of deep blue coming from where lee touched spreading its not creepy till it had a almost glow to it.Jiraya sighed and says;''if I was you I would get back lee''

July 21st, 10, 07:10 AM
Sasuke placed his hand into the water and quickly pulled it out. 'He's nuts.'

Bandit Keith
July 21st, 10, 07:21 AM
the water is basically thinking for itself as it shoots at sasuke and lee with perfect aim as if it hate's being touched by people who acts scared,hates cold or just is desresptfull.it aim's for charka points and paying close mind to where they touched the water.

Jiraya just sighs more as he can't stop this its the waters doing not his.

July 21st, 10, 07:27 AM
"What kind of training is this supposed to be?" Sasuke asked in an angry tone.

Bandit Keith
July 21st, 10, 07:39 AM
Jiraya says;''hey I em not doing it the water has like a mind of its own.it hates the people who jerk from it the first time and holds a grunge on them for atlest a month I know .''

the water lands some in sasukes mouth bouncing around hurting worse then a tooth ache not making him bleed but brushing his mouth up.

July 21st, 10, 07:44 AM
Sasuke clenches at his mouth and tries to spit out the water.

Bandit Keith
July 21st, 10, 08:17 AM
the water comes out but jumps at the hand he stuck in the water it some how bites him them leaves him alone.getting soaked into the ground

July 21st, 10, 08:32 AM
Sasuke clutched at his hand and growled a bit.

July 21st, 10, 10:26 PM
Lee tries dodging it, he takes out a kunai.

---------- Post added at 06:26 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:14 AM ----------

He tries cutting through the water with the kunai.

Bandit Keith
July 21st, 10, 10:31 PM
the water wraps around the kunia and its clear the aim is more for the foot as it keeps attacking trying to hit the foot he stuck in the water as it won't stop tell its satisfied teaching lee a lesson or it thinks. anyway as just then it sends a big chunk forming a dog trying to bite lees foot.the one he stuck in the water

July 21st, 10, 10:36 PM
Le pulls his foot back and unwraps some of the bandages on his arm, "I didn't want to use this. " he said opening two chakra/ inner gates.

Bandit Keith
July 21st, 10, 10:46 PM
the water dog backed away as the charka went up the water on the kunia went to his foot biting it slightly just enough to leave a whelp and bruse as then the water acted normal again the water turning a normel color as the water outside the spring went to the ground.the water became come agian

[oo and gate of rest should just be used as it does not harm the person.]

July 21st, 10, 10:50 PM
Lee sealed the gates as the chakra flow lessened.

July 21st, 10, 10:51 PM
Sasuke sighed and sat down. "What kind of water is this?" He asked.

Bandit Keith
July 21st, 10, 11:07 PM
Jariya says;''heck if I would know only one who had know what is up with the water would be the first hokage.only thing I know it hate's people jerking from it.you know when I first did it sent a giant water hand at me throwing me into the ladies spa.oo man that bat tsunada almost killed me with her monster strength that day.''Jariya walks out taking of the steel mesh weighed shirt deal showing clearly the fist imprints of a women's fist all the way up his back side's and front.but clearly was never hit in vital area's.as he shake's himself dry just like kibia meaning like a dog would.saying;''still after all these years those marks hurt.anyway Lee you are while with me forbidden to open the gate's only one you can is gate of rest.any other will only be a have to case.''

July 21st, 10, 11:10 PM
"Okay, so what's the training for today" he said, picking up the fallen kunai and cleaning it.

Bandit Keith
July 21st, 10, 11:35 PM
Jariya thinks and says;''hey are you guys up to training in a area only people who know's about it is tsunada,Orochimaru,myself and the threed hokage know about?''Jariya uses his charka to keep the water from blocking a door made to look like the stone's around it.also with his free hand running on the promise the four of them carved in it. kinda zoning out about the carving in the door the promise Orochimaru curved in.

as Jariya thinks of that day.as what Orochimaru carved on it was to always protect the leaf.he had just crushed the promise of Orochimaru's out of the door into powder.he didn't relive it till he felt the rush of air throw him back.when he swam up spiting out a fish saying;''well that cooled my hot head off''infact he crushed it from hitting the stone carved promise.

July 21st, 10, 11:42 PM
Lee nodded, he was up for pretty much anything with the word, 'training' in it.

Bandit Keith
July 22nd, 10, 12:17 AM
Jariya made it so nether sasuke or lee would tough the water when they went in.

July 22nd, 10, 12:35 AM
Sasuke looked around. "What is this place?"

July 22nd, 10, 03:28 AM
Lee went in, wondering where the training would take place exactly.

Bandit Keith
July 22nd, 10, 04:05 AM
Jariya says;'' see the glow follow it you will find the training area''

Zebra King
July 22nd, 10, 04:49 PM
Neji walks in and uses his byakugan to see the glow more. Neji never takes his eyes off the glow as he coninues walking

Bandit Keith
July 22nd, 10, 05:12 PM
Jariya smiled when he got then it is a paradise untouched by man you could say and its ungrounded theres mountings in the destence odd flowers a hole lot of different birds that are no where else but there's ever creature that's there is only there in this odd underground world the light is not moss but something else as.as Jariya take's a deep breath and says to himself;''ow how I have missed this place''

July 22nd, 10, 06:12 PM
Lee looks wide-eyed at the place, "What exactly is 'this place'?" he asked.

Bandit Keith
July 22nd, 10, 06:22 PM
Jariya shrugged saying;'' I never thought about it I'm like a kid that way I don't look at the big scheme of things realy other then trying to find the answer for peace.''

July 22nd, 10, 06:33 PM
Lee shrugged himself and took a piece of the moss like material and sniffed it. He filcked it away afterward and looked over to Jiraya, "So when do we start training?" he said eagerly.

Bandit Keith
July 22nd, 10, 06:54 PM
Jariya says;''when ever you want just do your best not to harm the wildlife''Jariya took his wights off ''hey Lee want to see who's faster you are me?''Jariya really sounded as more like a kid then Guy sensie.

but just then who came behind Lee was Zabuza saying;''he kid how did you get here?all I know is I woke up here. also I don't want to hurt you infact all I could do is bite you. after that kakashi make my arms useless.other then just for just dayle taste's.''zabuza clearly is telling the truth for he is fumbling with a fruit.a sihn of how bad they are aswell as the weapons still in his back.none of his wounds are infected infact the skin on them looks better then the rest of him the only thing that stinks on him is his hair.zabuza realy is not wanting a fight as the kunia once in his mouth is clearly stuke is a rock.

[yay I em going with he lived so what ]

July 22nd, 10, 07:04 PM
(yay zabuza's back, one of my favorite people!)

Lee almost fell back as he suprised him, usually people couldn't sneak up on Lee that easily. Lee was even more shocked by his size, which was a giant compared to him. "Who is this guy?" he thought to himself.

Bandit Keith
July 22nd, 10, 07:13 PM
Jariya was down the hill playing with some friendly bear's .infact thats the only reason zabuza desiced to show himself

Zabuza smirked saying;''so it seems you know who I em kid ?''he realy is glad he scared some one even in the state he is in as he gave up messing with the fruit and swolled it hole which is a feet in its self even for a ninja

July 22nd, 10, 07:15 PM
Rock Lee remembers Kakashi mentioning him to Guy and himself, "Zabuza Momochi, right?" he said taking out a kunai, "Kakashi said you were dead"

Bandit Keith
July 22nd, 10, 07:40 PM
zabuza says;''right but have no raeson to fight I'm a ninja for higher.besides my arms are of no use to fight.as I sead my arms are of little use other then to do dayle tasks why else do you think the weapons are still in my back''.he turned around showing the rusty weapons in his back knowing if lee wished he could kill him. in fact zabuza didn't realy care for if he fell on his back he would die anyway.

July 22nd, 10, 07:45 PM
Lee eased up, "My name's Lee, you know Jiraya?" he asked putting his kunai away.

(Since zabuzas alive, is it possible that Haku is alive as well?)

Bandit Keith
July 22nd, 10, 08:20 PM
[yay you can play haku if you wish.but if you do we need a reason why haku is not with zabuza after all she would have pulled the weapons out if with him. ]

zabuza says;'' then Lee could you do me a favor and pull the weapons out they realy are a pain?also the sanin Jariya never meet him but know about him''

July 22nd, 10, 08:28 PM
lee pulled the weapons out, it was hard since its been stuck in there for a long time. "Come" he said going downhill to where Jiraya was.

Bandit Keith
July 22nd, 10, 08:36 PM
zabuza ran swifter then lee as he slips to a stop 4 yards from Jiraya as he has a sense of dread . as does not want to push his luck so he ducks behind a builder.no showing fear but its easy to tell hes tensed up.

Jiraya just sees Lee as the bears leave as he yells;'' he what to you thought you wanted to train?''

July 22nd, 10, 08:40 PM
Lee took his weights off, "Hey Jiraya, how fast can you run from there to here?" he asked.

Bandit Keith
July 22nd, 10, 09:12 PM
Jiraya thought and finally sead;'' I don't know never have left my weights off other then on missions'' his watched went off''speaking of which we got 4 hours to get ready till we leave.best to get raedy now unless you have something in-portent to talk to me about.''

zabuza flinched as he thinks he sees haku walk throw the cave intrence.fearing haku well do something if zabuza is not seeing things again he normally does. after all he had rusty blade's in his back and he hallucinated from that alot.but he hope's ever time he sees haku its really haku

July 22nd, 10, 09:18 PM
Sasuke gasped and got into an attack stance when he saw Zabuza.

July 22nd, 10, 09:24 PM
Haku walked out of the cave and disappeared and reappeared in trees above Jiraya and everyone.

Bandit Keith
July 22nd, 10, 09:25 PM
zabuza get up still says;''haku is that realy, you please tell me your not another hallucination?''he walks in plan view clear as the eye can see he raise's his hand waving as if hoping he gets a wave back

July 22nd, 10, 09:32 PM
Haku saw zabuza and grinned behind the mask but couldn't wave without ruining her cover.She threw a needle in the tree right near him for him to know it was really her.

Bandit Keith
July 22nd, 10, 09:37 PM
zabuza realy for the first time showed a smile to haku that is not a covered smile mouthed the words;''sorry for all the wrong I did to you.also your not in any bingo book jion a village if you wish''

July 22nd, 10, 09:40 PM
Haku reappeared in the tree beside Zabuza, "I won't leave your side" she said.

Bandit Keith
July 22nd, 10, 09:53 PM
zabuza sighed and says;''did you bring me here after the fight?oo and is gato dead?but how did you live I thought you died?''its clear zabuza is more talkative then before but its understandable after all he has no clue how he got in the cave that and he has lived alone for atlest 2 years without a human to talk to.

July 23rd, 10, 04:53 AM
"I think Gato's dead, I'm not sure how I survived or how we got here" she said, she looked over to Sasuke, "That kid from the bridge" she thought to herself.

July 23rd, 10, 05:14 PM
Sasuke glaired at them and waited for one of them to attack.

July 23rd, 10, 06:04 PM
Haku jumped down making a hand signal as ice started to surround Sasuke.

July 23rd, 10, 06:12 PM
Sasuke smirked and jumped away.

July 23rd, 10, 06:16 PM
Haku ran around Sasuke with extreme speed, needles coming toward him left and right.

Bandit Keith
July 23rd, 10, 06:17 PM
zabuza gets up and gets ready to fight himself if need be walking up the hill grabing the kunia and sticking it in his mouth and see's hes getting his stretch in his arms back as he felt them starting to gets stronger .soon hes at full strength seeing this know he gets his sword from where its at.seems the weapon's in his back was messing with a nerve or something.seeing as his charka is flowing better aswell just abit better then when he fought kakashi. saying;''the demon of the snow is back in action.''as he fells back in action poping his neck and hope's he gets a worthy aponnet in abit.

Jiraya had not seen zabuza as he went out the other way and gets dressed as he had carried the weights back he gets dressed

July 23rd, 10, 06:19 PM
Sasuke smirked again and created a few clones.

July 23rd, 10, 06:20 PM
Lee appears in front of Zabuza smirking, a kunia in each hand, "Now this is training" he said. Haku throws one at one of the Sasuke's neck, maintaining speed.

Bandit Keith
July 23rd, 10, 06:33 PM
zabuza jumps around easily still with the sword saying;''kid I ow you for pulling those weapons from my back so I will try not to kill you .''he then does the 0 visitable mist justu along with afew water clone's and a added twisted of genjustu[thats the term that tricks the person's sight and sense's right?]smirking him self making his voice echo as he says;''a brat like you can't defeat me.''his voice echo naturely without help of a justu thanks to how the place is.

July 23rd, 10, 06:52 PM
Lee keeps his guard up, not seeing anything but mist, "Don't underestimate the master of taijutsu".

Bandit Keith
July 23rd, 10, 06:57 PM
zabuza laughs evilly as he sends a water clone in to fight he basicly is doing what he does best drawing out the fight.

[heres a vid related kinda http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uHpwNZLcZjs ]

July 23rd, 10, 07:04 PM
Lee speeds around Zabuza's clone throwing kunais, thinking that a close combat fight with Zabuza would be like David vs. Goliath. One of the kunai ends up in Zabuza's clone's foot as Lee charges at him again.

[thats probably the funniest jutsu in naruto, including when he tried it on Gaara)

Bandit Keith
July 23rd, 10, 07:09 PM
[a he sent a clone]

the clone turned to water from the kunia as the real zabuza gets behind Lee and trys to knock Lee out with the handle of the sword sticking to his word of trying not to kill Lee.as he ows Lee for pulling the weapon's out of his back he is raely going agest his style but he raely thinks it best to pay a debt's back .

July 23rd, 10, 07:16 PM
Lee's eyes widen as the clone turns to water, he turns around, "What th-" the handle connects with his hand, him gripping it, "Next time, don't hold back" he said taking out a kunai and pushing back on the handle.


Bandit Keith
July 23rd, 10, 07:24 PM
zabuza's eye's widen surprised his attack was being held back by a kid at that hehas a smirk saying .;''well the second person to block my attack ever.but this change's nothing. ''he goes for a leg sweep still not wanting to kill Lee.he never kills kids if he has a choose.seeing as he only does when needed.

July 23rd, 10, 08:39 PM
Lee hopped up, dodging the attack, "What happed?" he said smirking, "Can't keep up?"

Bandit Keith
July 23rd, 10, 08:48 PM
zabuza varnish's in the mist again as he has a sleeping smoke ball throw to under lee's feet as all his clone's says;''sleep shrimp we are not one's to fight kid's''

July 23rd, 10, 08:57 PM
Lee falls his knees dozing off, "I won't" he said drifting off to his dreams..

Bandit Keith
July 23rd, 10, 09:03 PM
once it was over zabuza stops the mist and stops the clone's as he pick's up Lee and put's Lee in a hamich he had make

July 23rd, 10, 10:15 PM
Lee snored silently, he was completely asleep.

July 23rd, 10, 10:26 PM
Sasuke jumped onto a tree and sat there.

July 23rd, 10, 10:34 PM
Haku appeared beside Sasuke and tried sweepkicking him off.

July 23rd, 10, 10:38 PM
Sasuke jumped from branch to branch dodging Haku.

July 23rd, 10, 10:42 PM
Haku made an ice barrier surrounding both of them, "your not getting out alive this time kid" she said removing her mask.

July 23rd, 10, 10:54 PM
"Why do you wanna kill me?" Sasuke asked.

Bandit Keith
July 23rd, 10, 10:57 PM
zabuza after that pick's his sword up pissed haku is going to kill sasuke seeing as there's no need to kill sasuke he is royally to the fact haku has no reason to fight sasuke.but like sasuke zabuza himself wants to know

July 23rd, 10, 11:04 PM
"I promised Zabuza that I will help him kill whoever steps in his way, you didn't die, and now you will" she said, the ice barrier forming mirrors.

July 23rd, 10, 11:07 PM
"Oh joy this little parler trick again." Sasuke said sarcastically.

July 23rd, 10, 11:10 PM
"You got lucky last time, this times you will die" she said disappearing in on mirror and reappears in all of them. She started shooting needles from all angles at him.

Bandit Keith
July 23rd, 10, 11:11 PM
zabuza gets his sword and walks up the barrior saying;''haku you don't need to kill the shrimp just turn him into a pin cushen after all hes not in are way.we could just capture him after all the person I want to fight is kakashi of the sharigun.''

July 23rd, 10, 11:16 PM
"What did I ever do to you?"

July 23rd, 10, 11:17 PM
"As you wish" she said getting out of the top mirror and throwing the sleeping smoke ball under Sasuke.

July 23rd, 10, 11:19 PM
Sasuke coughed a bit before falling on the ground.

Bandit Keith
July 23rd, 10, 11:24 PM
zabuza already had tied lee up with rope he had snached awhile back and waits to tie up sasuke.

July 23rd, 10, 11:26 PM
Sasuke blindly threw a kunaii at Haku before falling asleep.

July 25th, 10, 03:29 PM
Haku caught the kunai in mid air, she threw it at the ground and tied him up.

Bandit Keith
July 25th, 10, 04:02 PM
zabuza says;''haku do me a favor will you. tell me what that evil charha I felt on the bringe was if you can.oo and you can have your whim with the captive's if you want.just don't free them''zabuza does afew swipe's of his blade cutting sasuke's cloths so he could use the shirt for bait.

July 25th, 10, 05:10 PM
Haku nodded, "That evil chakra I believe was the other kid, I think his name was Naruto" she said, Lee's hand twitched and gripped the floor, but he was still unable to move, Haku glared at him, "Tough kid, isn't he? Who is he? Don't believe I saw him on the bridge." she said.

Bandit Keith
July 25th, 10, 05:39 PM
zabuza says;''that kid is only the second to stop my sword I believe he sead his name is Lee.only reason I didn't him is I owed him for pulling the weapon's from my back.I even ow the kid for after words my arms and charka flow started back up.''zabuza looked around and fell back hullantion laughing like a mad man.realy it show's how back he has been messed with by the rusty weapon's

Jariya at the gate sees garra coming in and says;''hey kid hope your doing better with the extra seal ''

[I'm going with this is around the time when garra turned to a sane person.say when he became hokage in naruto]

July 25th, 10, 07:28 PM
"Yeah it is, I got word from Hokage that your squad may need help on your new mission, so my squads is assigned for backup" he said, looking behind Jiraya's back, "So when does your mssion start?"

Bandit Keith
July 25th, 10, 07:47 PM
Jiraya says;''it should have started but I need to wait for the team.tho I have a felling there in no danger.''

zabuza grabs garra not know the beasts hosts which is bad for him as garra is one as he starts to say with the blade close to garra's neck.getting ready to jump to the hokage's with garra in hand so as not to be messed with.but he most likely will not get jumping at all.thankfully he is noted in bingo books as deiced.so people would think hes a ninja looking like zabuza throw transformation.as he says;''kid unless you want killed do as I say.''

July 25th, 10, 07:53 PM
Gaara stays calm and smirks, he decides to show him his stregnth at the right moment. "Alright, what do you want me to do" he says slyly.

Bandit Keith
July 25th, 10, 08:06 PM
zabuza smirks a evil smirk saying;''oo a cocky one are you.well all I need is you for enough time to get a message delivered oo and don't try to escape''he gets jumping and pretty soon gets the bag with sasuke's cloths cut up and a note taped to it on kakashi's door.he does it to fast for even garra's sand to keep up which is very rare.only has happened three time's now.he then leave's with garra same speed getting to abit past the gate letting him down.he claery is skilled if garra's sand can't keep up when he's on the move not even trying to go fast not even breaking a sweet.

[yay felt he got cheatted in the show seeing as it sead in the show he was the best ninja around seeing as no one lived thanks to zabuza's speed so I was going with if garra is raely trying then his sand can keep up.]

July 25th, 10, 08:36 PM
"So what's next?" Gaara asks, inspecting his surroundings to see when is the best time to strike.

Bandit Keith
July 25th, 10, 08:51 PM
zabuza says;''your free kid just don't run crying like a baby to your mommy''seeing as there at the other outside of the village no one can see a thing.but zabuza realy is pushing garra's button's seeing as his mom died from the justu while garra was being born.seeing as the beast was put in him while he was 8 months old.so she died giving borth to garra seeing as the shikau was clawing its way out when garra's moms water broke at nine months.garra never known his mom

July 25th, 10, 09:15 PM
Gaara was started to get fired up, "What did you say?" he asked, looking around making sure noone was watching.

Bandit Keith
July 25th, 10, 09:23 PM
zabuza smirks saying''did I touch a nerve or you couldn't understand ?I will say it slowly I sead d-o-n-t r-u-n c-r-y-i-n-g l-i-k-e a b-a-b-y t-o y-o-u-r m-o-m-m-y'' zabuza realy for the first time is being a smart ass.he seemed to get it after the battle on the bringe thinking he died.but lived so he is realy got a attitude .

July 25th, 10, 10:23 PM
Gaara snapped as sand rose into the air, some forming a sand clone, and some moving around Zabuza. "Quiet"

Bandit Keith
July 25th, 10, 10:58 PM
zabuza says;''in-trusting I take it your the vessel for the shikau or one tailed sand spirit.thing is you don't scare me I fought the vessel of the 6 tails.that fight was mouth water good fun.as I came close to dieing it was super fun for how close to dieing.''zabuza clearly should creep garra out by now.even tho garra was crazy he never liked being hurt or coming close to death.he literally was scared by it like when he was slightly scarthed by sasuke hes better but is still scared of being cut or seeing his own blood.

July 25th, 10, 11:03 PM
Gaara took a few steps back, scared, then remembered his fight with Naruto, and smirked, "What are you doing here anyways." he asked, meanwhile, Haku had Jiraya, "Unless you wanna die, I suggest you come with me" she said, taking her mask off.

Bandit Keith
July 25th, 10, 11:55 PM
zabuza says;''fuck if I know all I remember before waking up in a cavern was me killing gato.I guess like they say about me even hell is scared of me and will send me back to earth to get rid of me.now come at me one tails come at me with your full power I want to defeat you and be on the brink of death to fell the pleasure of killing and nearly being killed it is so mouth watering happy joy and pleasure.''zabuza is literally drooling at the thought as he runs around a sand clone so fast the sand is spining in the vortex as is he made a mini twister as the other clones get dragged in.being destroyed aswell seeing as its going to fast for then to reform.its for the fact he focused charka to his feet and misses the blade.so he basically was showing sand is useless to fight with when it come's to sand clones atlest.

meanwhile Jiraya's clone says;''you wish brat''infact its a clone as it deforms it shows a paper bomb starting up. Jiraya the real one is three feet behind where haku is he transformed into a rock.

July 26th, 10, 12:55 AM
Haku quickly jumped back from the paper bomb as it exploded. She looked around, putting her mask back on.

meanwhile... Gaara shook his head, "I won't let him out just yet" he said as sand starts to form a coffin around Zabuza.

Bandit Keith
July 26th, 10, 01:35 AM
Jiraya quickly throws a rasengun seeing as haku was a foot infront of him.as he showed himself.

Zabuza smirked getting covered in it but if garra trys a sand burial .he will get a big surprise as for some reason zabuza literary changed in body look and build .he has no clue himself as it never happened before as charka forms so dense around parts of him he will get out alive but will be in no shape to fight if garra does sand burial

July 26th, 10, 01:41 AM
Haku dodged the rasengan barely, she jumped behind a tree, a water clone coming out the other side, throwing needles at him.

Gaara lifted his sand with Zabuza,opening and closing a fist, "Sand coffin! Sand burail!"

Bandit Keith
July 26th, 10, 02:28 AM
[been reading to many fanfiction about zabuza coming back from hell so well end result below]

Jiraya as fast as they came he cot them with his hands and mouth as he then throws them back this time on strings of charka as he uses the senbon like puppets as he sings secert agent man aswell as eye of the tiger.Jiraya as if mocking him as what ever senbon get thrown Jiraya blocks them or make them under his control.with the senbon she throned.as he is not even trying no sweet on his face .as he keeps singing.clearly she made a mistake who to mess with as hes still relaxed.hes not even trying tho he unsnaps the weights with one of the sendon.the weights dropping to the ground as he gets more relaxed.he is realy not moving aside from afew jumps as he sings.

Zabuza breaks out looking like a can't say;''this felling this power I don't care whats happening this felling is great like hell itself is burning my viens .its mouth watering this pain'' his right arm is broke aswell as his right foot along with his lift leg is broke.but zabuza lets out a evilly laugh even scaring his own self showing how creepy it was.as he gets up shakily gets up but with eye's that could scare death himself saying;''this is power ''he hardly is moving but is inching his way till he falls down and the power vanishs them aswell as going back to normel.this should be giving garra a scare of his life.seeing as zabuza changed that and lived even tho zabuza is badly hurt.he is alive as he seems to sink into the ground.but grass where he stepped was burned.he for the first time was beat by some one fully.

[going with zabuza was thrown out of hell seeing as the demons was scared of him. maybe haku could have been one that they where not sure weather to send to heaven or hell.I don't know seems fitting to me why he came back and the way haku was as stated.]

July 26th, 10, 01:31 PM
Gaara's heart was beating rapidly, "Who is this guy?" he said

Haku kept dodging the needles, she sensed Zabuza was in danger, but she couldn't get out of the fight herself. The needles shot through her clone eventually. The real Haku, ran after Zabuza.

Bandit Keith
July 26th, 10, 02:25 PM
zabuza still up pops his hand and gets in place to talk coughing up blood saying;''I'm zabuza demon of the snow.I guess I realy was thrown out of hell.kid ''*coughed up blood*''you have beat me''

July 26th, 10, 02:30 PM
Gaara was scared stiff by his words. He saw someone in the corner of his eye. Haku kicked sand that blocked her feet, "Zabuza!"

Bandit Keith
July 26th, 10, 02:43 PM
zabuza looked around seen haku he smiled and says;''I wounder why haku is here tho.anyway kid''*coughed up more blood*'' I guess the demons was scared of me.''zabuza has a flash of those mermerys he some how forgot about from hell''aa yes I was right*coughy no blood coming*.that gato was a shrimpy demon I was tormenting to no end and slashing other demons.well kid why are you scared not like I can fight for the time being.''he grabs his sword proping himself on a rock and laughed abit''so I guess haku they was not sure where to put.''

July 26th, 10, 03:00 PM
Gaara looked back at Haku, he being to fast, she kicked at angles all around Gaara, getting one threw.

Bandit Keith
July 26th, 10, 03:09 PM
zabuza just watched with a smile thinking demons scared of me thats very cool as he does hands sighs makeing water soek gara's sand some how doing it with one hand.he was thinking odd till he thought back to a old poem about the three great ninja wars.

July 26th, 10, 03:39 PM
With Gaara's sand soaked more kicks came through, he jumped back. "You okay?" she asked Zabuza, landing beside him.

Bandit Keith
July 26th, 10, 03:47 PM
zabuza says;''yay tho now I remember why I em here alive or maybe living dead.tho I might know why your here aswell.''zabuza pops his neck getting up with the sword showing his one arm and leg broke aswell as his foot as he walls showing no pain.which is no surprise but what is surprising is what he sead.

July 26th, 10, 04:01 PM
Haku was shocked, "W-what? How did I come back?" she asked.

Bandit Keith
July 26th, 10, 04:17 PM
zabuza says;''hey I don't know for sure its just a guess.I have a felling ether they could not decide where to send you or you had strong felling holding you back.I don't know on you but like they send about me is true.''he looks at garra sand going from his face zabuza walks to garra grabing some sand thats still dry watching it turn to glass in his hand for some reason.zabuza thought shit thats freaky as he trys to jump but a jolt of pain went throw his leg as they buckled. falling face flat on the ground.

July 26th, 10, 04:24 PM
Haku rushed to him, "Your hurt, you need some rest, I'll deal with the kid" she said, ice forming around both of them and lifting in the air.

[Haku vs Gaara = EPIC

Bandit Keith
July 26th, 10, 04:30 PM
[I could temp control garra if you want]

zabuza has passed out but some how is still holding his sword.

July 26th, 10, 04:41 PM
[okay] Haku's image showed in all of the mirrors, "This outta be quick"

Bandit Keith
July 26th, 10, 04:51 PM
garra oddly has that evil killer look in his eyes of a mad man.the scare has reawakened his old self as he says;''bring it on bitch I need blood the sand thrusts for blood.''he clearly has a crazed murders tone in his voice as sand shoots at ever mirror while he still has plenty of sand to make a full shield.while some of it drills in the rocky soil making more sand.he looks at each mirror looking for the slightest sigh which ones the real one.

July 26th, 10, 04:56 PM
A water clone flinches at the sand and jumps out to attack.

Bandit Keith
July 26th, 10, 05:07 PM
garras sand blocks it with his sand arms closed not moving for anything but in lays a ripple affect as it make's the clone bounce off and busted the clone's hand but the clone's still there miss a hand .as spike's go at the mirrors trying to brake them

July 27th, 10, 03:28 PM
The mirror don't even crack as needles start shooting from everywhere.

Bandit Keith
July 27th, 10, 03:43 PM
needles most where blood but three hit his leg as he gets gelling out like when sasuke hurt him before.it's almost like hes sending out a sound wave .as he then pulls out the senbon says''mirror bitch stop playing dirty''garra drops into a tunnel his sand made he raely had no clue of it but does no care as his head starts hurting.sand acting just slight weird.

July 27th, 10, 03:48 PM
"Time to end it" she said as more and more needles came down, "Demon art: Devil Region Ice Death!"

Bandit Keith
July 27th, 10, 04:00 PM
garra is completely covered now as he sayings;''you are my pray .pray does not kill whats hunting them.''a giant arm pops out as a sinister voice come's''finally this kids emotions are triggering me''it looks quickly almost grabbing haku.but the one tails can't get all the way free as garra is still sane atlest .hes surplessing the one tails as much as he can.

July 27th, 10, 04:05 PM
"Let it go, show me your one-tailed full power" she said smirking behind the mask and moving in front of Gaara, there was no water on the ground anywhere so she improvised with a puddle of blood below Gaara. She stepped on it, making a one hand hand sign, "100 needles of death" she said jumping back as the blood rose in the air forming big, sharp needles.

[i thinks its one hundred, not thousand]

Bandit Keith
July 27th, 10, 04:15 PM
garra's eye's went small as he shakes the sand covering half his body as it pulsates charka even worse then the nine tailed fox charka that was from before as the tail forms a 100/ guard as garra says in a vioce so evil its worse then 100/ haku has heard before;''you want power of it I can in time transforming takes time and your blood''

July 27th, 10, 04:21 PM
"Then bleed" she said slamming her hand on the ground preparing for another jutsu.

Bandit Keith
July 27th, 10, 04:32 PM
garra yells as it takes over now covering him completely not to the giant-form but sleek as the one tails what to try something new.as the one tail lunges stoping hakus justu as it grawls;''human you will pay for releasing me to protect this kid''he jumps around basicly bitch slapping haku with the tail and hands till a fist gets raedy

July 27th, 10, 04:38 PM
Haku dodges the last fist, "This demon is fast, it is time to lure him to his death" she said standing still, "Hit me with all the you have beast" she said, getting ready.

Bandit Keith
July 27th, 10, 04:56 PM
the one tail laughs;''you think I'm foolish like the 9 tails thats rich''he grows about 5/ what he was and sends a air bullet at haku.

July 27th, 10, 05:00 PM
Haku barely dodges the bullet from jumping, "That was close" she said.,