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March 2nd, 09, 01:58 AM
The Village Hidden in the Sound, an up and coming shinobi village, a safe haven for outcasts and missing nin alike. Few outside the village knew that it would someday become one of the most feared villages in the shinobi world, and it would all start with one genin team particating in the chunin exams in the Hidden Leaf Village.

Team Dosu had just returned from a C turned B rank mission. It had been originally an escort mission, however they had been ambushed by a squad of Grass Nins. The Hidden Grass Village specialized in poisons, however this squad seemed to be an exception, one that the team was thankful for. Team Dosu was currently giving their mission briefing.

March 2nd, 09, 02:14 AM
Tayuya had also been on a mission, but that had been a solo, B-ranked mission. It seems that the Grass Village was being especially aggressive recently, as Tayuya's mission ended with her attacked by a a different squad from that village. She defeated the squad, receiving little more than a few scratches from what seemed to be normal senbon needles. Tayuya returned to village roughly the same time that Team Dosu did, and went to give her results.

March 2nd, 09, 02:24 AM
"And that's what happened." Dosu finished. "We managed to successfully escort our client to his village, despite being attacked by chunin level Grass nin. Aside from a few cuts and bruises, the team is fine...aside from Kin anyways."

"Oh shut up." Kin snapped. There were holes in her pants, and she had ripped one of her sleeves to bandage a particularly nasty wound on her other arm. "I'm fine, just a little woosy from bloodlose if anything. Once I take a blood pill I'll be fine."

"Maybe if you hadn't actually jumped in the way of that kunai, you would never have gotten that wound." Zaku sneered, trying to get Kin belittled by the Jonins in front of them.

"Yeah, you're right. I wouldn't have gotten hurt, but our client would have gotten that kunai in the neck. We would have failed the mission then." Kin explained, feeling a headache coming on. "A flesh wound is worth the mission's success, maybe if you weren't trying to get in that blond's pants back at the academy, you'd have learned that."

The Jonin just shook his head at the childish display in front of him.

March 2nd, 09, 02:29 AM
"You three done bickering yet, so I can get my cash?" Tayuya snarled from behind them.

She walked up closer to them, stumbling a bit due to a sudden bout of lightheadedness. She shook it off, and slapped her hand on the desk.

"Mission complete, cash now" She stated, holding her other hand out expectedly.

March 2nd, 09, 02:36 AM
Team Dosu immediately backed away upon realizing who they were dealing with. Tayuya was a well known figure in the sound village, even Orochimaru avoided her around that time of month.

"Y-yes, well, I need a m-moment to find y-you mission's scroll." The Jonin stuttered. "D-don't want to g-give you l-less money then y-you earned."

As the jonin ducked under his desk, searching, Kin was beginning to sweat, a feeling of lightheadedness coming over her. She took a ragged breath as she leaned back against the wall behind her, clutching her arm.

March 2nd, 09, 02:44 AM
"Just hurry it up." Tayuya snarled to the Jounin.

As Tayuya waited, she turned to look at Kin who looked a bit distressed and a tad beaten up.

"There were three of you and yet you allowed her to take that much damage?" Tayuya asked, mainly to Dosu and Zaku, "Do you guys suck that much, or are you just too chicken-shit to fight for yourselves, leaving her to take all the..."

Tayuya trailed off, suddenly feeling another bout of dizziness, combined with a bit of nausea. She assumed she was just hungry, and shook it off, but not finishing her sentence, as her point was made clear.

March 2nd, 09, 02:53 AM
"For your information, we were dealing with three of the four Grass nins when Kin jumped in the way of that kunai." Zaku arrogently stated.

"Kin is the weakest of us, so it's expected she will be injured more often then either of us, even without gender added into the equation." Dosu said.

Kin growled, both at the jab at her skills and her gender. She pushed herself off the wall, and moved to grab some of her special senbon needles, when a wave of dizziness and nausea brought her to her knees.

The Jonin was still under the table. He had found the mission scroll, but now he was hiding; making a sexist comment with trained kunoichi in the room was not a smart thing to do, regardless of rank.

March 2nd, 09, 02:59 AM
"The only reason she should be taking a kunai hit, is because you two morons are too scared to do so yourselves." Tayuya mocked, "As for her being the weakest? I doubt it, compared to you, the Human Hair-dryer, and you, The Mummy." She added, referring to Zaku and Dosu, respectively.

Tayuya kicked the desk, giving the Jounin the hint to hurry up.

"You should take her to the hospital, before your screw-up costs her her life." Tayuya replied, casually.

March 2nd, 09, 03:08 AM
Dosu turned to Zaku. "You take her to the hospital, I'll wait here and get our money."

"What? Why do I have to drag her sorry ass to the hospital?" Zaku demanded.

"Because I'm the team leader." Dosu said. Leaning in, he whispered, "And I can counterfit money better then you. Take her, and we'll split Kin's cut." Zaku grinned at this.

"Fair enough." Zaku moved over to Kin, and grabbed the back of her vest. "Come on, the sooner we get you in the hospital, the sooner you can get a shower, you smell like you roled in vomit."

As Zaku lifted Kin to her feet, Kin suddenly lurged, vomiting all over Zaku's head and shirt. Groaning, Kin collapsed to the floor as Zaku began to puke himself, the smell and fact he was covered in vomit to much for him.

The Jonin peeked out from under, set a sack full of money for Tayuya's mission on it, then ducked back under.

March 2nd, 09, 03:14 AM
"I heard you, moron" Tayuya said to Dosu, "I'll be making sure you give Kin her cut plus an extra 40% for letting her take a bad hit."

Tayuya winced as Kin vomited, barely stopping herself from doing the same.

"Ugh, you're all pathetic," She stated, referring to Zaku and the cowardly Jounin.

She simultaneously grabbed her money sack, and kicked the desk hard, smashing it through the wall just enough to trap the Jounin in the cavity he was hiding in, but basically making it a cage via the wall of the room.

"C'mon Kin, I'll take you there." Tayuya said, "I don't trust these morons to do it themselves."

March 2nd, 09, 03:22 AM
Kin moaned softly, she had never felt as horrible as she did now. Not trusting herself to speak, she nodded her head at Tayuya, only to close her eyes as the dizziness got worse.

Dosu was silently fumming at the position he and Zaku were now in. The two of them were no match for Tayuya, one of Orochimaru's elite body guards, and now they had to give Kin 40% of their cut for a B ranked mission. Their total was now the equivalent of a D rank mission, while Kin got an A ranked mission.

The Jonin was out cold, stuck under the table. Several mission scrolls and bags of mission pay were scattered around him, which would leave the jonin working for several extra hours later that night.

March 2nd, 09, 03:28 AM
Tayuya lifted Kin, ignoring her own dizziness, and gave Dosu and Zaku one more menacing glare before she exited the building, and made her way towards the hospital as quick as she could. She had sealed her money sack into a scroll, not trusting a wallet to be adequate in a world of ninja.

March 2nd, 09, 03:41 AM
Kin's arm was throbbing, or so it felt to her. That was just the biggest pain, it felt like her blood was getting heavy, as if it was iron, and it was a constant pain flowing through her. Kin reached a shakey hand to her wounded arm, and clasped it.

"P-p-poi-iso-on." Kin croaked. It was the only thing that made sense to her body reacting to such a minor flesh wound. Kin's eyes rolled back in her head, as she promptly passed out.

March 2nd, 09, 03:44 AM
"Dammit, a poison?" Tayuya muttered, increasing her speed towards the hospital.

As she continued, she began feeling shaky and nauseous herself.

I-Is it possible I was poisoned by one of the senbon, also...

As if to answer her question, her vision doubled for half a second before returning to a bit of a blur.

"...I need to hurry..."

March 2nd, 09, 03:52 AM
Kimimaro exited the hospital, it was one of the rare occassions he was healthy enough to walk around. He took a deep breath of fresh air, then decided to head to Lord Orochimaru's office to see if he had any use of his services. Before he started to move, he noticed his squadmate, Tayuya, walking towards the hospital, carrying another girl in her arms.

"Tayuya? Why are you carrying such weak trash?" If the girl couldn't make it to the hospital on her own two feet, she deserved to suffer, that's what he was raised to believe. He took notice of Tayuya's movements, and saw they weren't the same as her usual authoritive self.

March 2nd, 09, 03:55 AM
"Shut...it...Porcupine..." Tayuya wheezed, the strain of carrying Kin increasing the progression of the poison's effects.

She tried to run past him and into the hospital, but her knees were getting weak, and her vision blurrier as she stumbled.

March 2nd, 09, 04:05 AM
Kimimaro sighed, he had hoped to spend this rare day outside of the hospital completely, but it was obvious that something was wrong with Tayuya, as the girl she carried couldn't weight anywhere near enough to effect her movement as much as it was.

Kimimaro moved over to Tayuya, and grabbed her by the back of her shirt. Spinning her around, he proceeded to drag Tayuya and the girl she carried into the hospital. Stopping at the front desk, he faced the receptionist. "These two, fix them." Was all he said. He then released his grip on Tayuya's shirt, and exited the hospital.

March 2nd, 09, 04:14 AM
Tayuya tried to curse him out, but she was too dizzy to form the words. She saw the receptionist walk over, and call for two stretchers, and tried to wave off the second one wanting to walk on her own power. Unfortunately for her, she passed out right after, last thing she heard was a nurse say "Get them a room, now!".

March 2nd, 09, 04:32 AM
Kin groggily opened her eyes, only to shut them immediately, the light was too bright for her, and appeared to be flashing. She didn't know how long she was out, all she knew was that her body felt like it had pins and needles running through her veins. She moaned pitifully.

"Ah, you're awake Miss. Tsuchi." Kin could only assume it was a doctor speaking, and managed to nod her head. "You'll be happy to know that we've identified the poison running through you...unfortunately, we're currently out of the proper materials for the anti-toxin."

Kin risked an eye to glare at the doctor, managing to lace it with killer intent. Why would she need to know that they knew what she was poisoned with if they couldn't help her?

"We do, however, have a new experimental treatment that works on all forms of toxins. We just need your consent to administer it to you, or else you'll have to wait for us to get the proper materials for the actual anti-toxin...which you may not last long enough for." The doctor explained.

Kin just gave out a groan, and nodded her head. She'd deal with any consequences later, right now, she just wanted to end the pain coursing through her body.

March 2nd, 09, 04:35 AM
Tayuya woke up just a few minutes later, and was explained the same situation as Kin. It took a bit longer to explain to her, because she was repeatedly giving the doctors death threats and screaming for their inability to make the anti-toxin.

March 2nd, 09, 11:07 PM
"Alright Miss. Tsuchi," the doctor started, "We'll begin the treatment. As stated, this is experimental, so we have to ask you to write down what you're feeling as the anti-toxin works through your system, once you are able to that is."

The doctor inserted the IV into Kin's arm, and let the drip begin to work. He then placed a clipboard with paper, a brush, and an ink bottle on the table next to Kin. "Call for a nurse if you need anything."

March 2nd, 09, 11:12 PM
Despite her bravado and cruel attitude, hospitals were always something that freaked Tayuya out. All that piercing medical equipment and creepy machines made her skin crawl, and now was no exception.

"Just give me the damn experimental treatment" She told the doctor, turning her head as the IV drip was added to her arm.

March 2nd, 09, 11:16 PM
Kin laid back on the hospital bed, staring at the ceiling. She hated hospitals, they made her feel the one thing she hated above all else, powerless. It also didn't help the flashbacks she always got to her first admition to a hospital...and the cause.

Kin shivered at the memory. Turning to the side, she noticed Tayuya was in a bed near her. "You poisoned too?" She asked, trying to get her mind off her memories.

March 2nd, 09, 11:26 PM
"That's why I'm here..." Tayuya muttered back, preferring not to look at the various equipment in the hospital.

"You going the experimental route, as well?" She asked Kin, looking over to her.

March 2nd, 09, 11:30 PM
"Better to be alive and dealing with any complications then to risk being dead." Kin replied. "By the way, why did you help me back there? I mean, you're one of Orochimaru's elite bodygaurds. I'm not complaining, but why would you waste your time helping a genin like me?"

March 2nd, 09, 11:37 PM
"I can't argue with that logic..." Tayuya stated, "I don't trust these idiot doctors to get the anti-toxin done before I'm buried..."

Tayuya stretched her sore body, trying not to move the arm with the IV in it, lest she feel the needle inside her move and freak her out.

"Eh, you seem better than a genin from what I can tell", She answered, "Plus it's not like Tweedle-Dee or Tweedle-Dumb were going to help you out."

March 2nd, 09, 11:48 PM
"Heh, thanks for that." Kin said. "The most I got are ideas, I just don't have the means to test them out, if some of them can be tested at all. I don't have the clearance for some of what I'd need right now anyways, especially with how uptight Orochimaru-sama is with information about seals."

March 2nd, 09, 11:51 PM
"Yeah, you know how Lord Orochimaru is. You've no idea how much time it took for him to allow me a flute to use." Tayuya responded, "God forbid my current one breaks, I'll be waiting a couple months for a new one."

March 3rd, 09, 12:02 AM
"You'd think he'd be a little more leanient when the requests could greatly benifit the performance of him ninja. All I need is a chakra storage seal, then I could apply it to my bells and lose the strings I need to attach to them." Kin said. "I wonder if he'd even remember me, he did recruit me himself afterall."

March 3rd, 09, 12:05 AM
"I'll see if I can't put a good word in for you. Lord Orochimaru's memory is immaculate, so he'll definitely know who you are."

March 3rd, 09, 12:13 AM
Kin smiled at that. "Thanks Tayuya, if my idea works, my performance will be greatly enhanced. Then I would be able to say I'm stronger then Tweedle-dee and Tweedle-dum."

March 3rd, 09, 12:15 AM
"Eh, no problem. Besides, you could probably say that now, what with their crappy skills."

March 3rd, 09, 12:24 AM
Kin shook her head sadly. "Their brute strength overwhelms my strategy. My illusionary bells technique can only hold a person for about two minutes. Divide that by the number of people added to the technique, and then I'm out of chakra. I only have a small window of time to finish my opponents off, that's why I want the seals, to prevent people from cutting off my only means to activating and maintaining my jutsu, and to be able to store my chakra away in it so I wouldn't have to use my own reserves at that point in time, save it for other techniques like a substitution jutsu."

Kin laid back after that explination, she figured she wait a minute before speaking again, she was feeling light headed.

March 3rd, 09, 12:29 AM
"Eh, that makes sense I guess. Either way, those two idiots are destined towards failure. You, not so much."

Tayuya stretched again, feeling a bit nauseous.

"Ugh, this experimental treatment better work, or that doctor is going into the grave with me."

March 3rd, 09, 12:33 AM
"And if you can't get him there, I'll be sure to send him...with some senbon needles up his ass. I hate doctors, knowledgable about medicine, stupid when comes to looking between the lines." Kin managed to say softly, memories of her past starting to come forward. She shook her head, then stopped as some mild nausea passed over her.

March 3rd, 09, 12:36 AM
"I...hate hospitals in general. Give me the creeps" Tayuya divulged, "Doctors don't quite help with that, either..."

March 3rd, 09, 12:41 AM
"Never really helped me much either. The docs back at the orphanage were paid off, would only heal us enough to cover our wound and be able to walk agai-" Kin stopped speaking, she didn't want to revisit her past.

March 3rd, 09, 12:43 AM
Tayuya raised an eyebrow at Kin's words.

"I see..."

March 3rd, 09, 12:46 AM
"Say, Tayuya? Did the doctors tell you how long this anti-toxin would take?" Kin asked. "I hate sitting around, doing nothing. Makes me feel weak."

March 3rd, 09, 12:50 AM
"Hmm? no, they didn't." Tayuya replied. She knew that Kin was just trying to change the subject, but had no desire to try to drag old memories of Kin's to the surface. "I agree, especially since we're doing so in a, ugh, hospital."

March 3rd, 09, 12:53 AM
Closing her eyes, Kin relaxed her body and mind. "I'm going to take a nap then. Can you wake me if you beat the info out of any of the docs? Or just beat them?"

March 3rd, 09, 12:59 AM
"Heh, I can't argue against that request." Tayuya smirked.

March 3rd, 09, 01:13 AM
Three days passed as the experimental anti-toxin worked on Kin and Tayuya. It was slow at first, but by the end of the second day, they had both almost fully recovered, much to the doctor's relief.

One of the male doctors had tried to give the girls a physical, which had been completely unneccesary at that point in time, and thus resulted in Tayuya being forcible sedated after nearly casterating the doctor, Kin loving every moment of it. The incident aside, they were both ready to be released the following day.

March 3rd, 09, 01:19 AM
Tayuya had kept a scalpel on her at all times after that incident, letting the doctors know not to mess with her. She was feeling close to 100%, although a bit sluggish from being in a hospital for a few days.

March 3rd, 09, 01:23 AM
Kin took her first breath of fresh air in three days. "Finally! Thought I'd never get out of there!" She turned to Tayuya. "Say, wanna spar? I know I'm no match for you, but it'll be a good way to work off some rust for the both of us."

March 3rd, 09, 01:29 AM
"Eh, sure, why not?" Tayuya responded, "Better than sparring with Lardass and 6-arms, at least."

March 3rd, 09, 01:36 AM
"Alright then! I'll race ya to training ground 24, a good way to get the blood pumping before a spar." Kin said, before focusing chakra to her legs and shot off towards the training ground.

March 3rd, 09, 01:39 AM
"Well, if you insist..."

Tayuya launched into action, rushing towards the grounds as quick as she could.

March 3rd, 09, 01:49 AM
Kin leaped off the ground and took to the roof tops, focusing on her target and not Tayuya's location. Looking up ahead, she spotted her teammates eating at an outdoor diner. Deciding to have a bit of fun, she leaped down, and smashed the circular table they were eating on in half, causing each of their meals to go flying into the other's face.

Wasting no time, Kin leaped back onto the roof tops, hearing her teammates cursing whomever it was that did that. Kin giggled to herself, she had been fast enough to not be seen by her team, she got away with it.

March 3rd, 09, 01:55 AM
Tayuya had seen what Kin did, and laughed all the while, pointing at Zaku and Dosu as she zipped past them, seeing Kin getting closer to her.

March 3rd, 09, 11:50 PM
Kin knew her stunt had cost her some distance between her and Tayuya, as apparent by the sound of laughter getting closer. She smirked, it might cost her the race, but it was worth it, getting one up on those two.

Kin leaped off the last building and into the tree line, it wasn't much farther till they reached the training ground.

March 3rd, 09, 11:59 PM
Tayuya saw Kin getting closer, no surprise since she was still a genin, while Tayuya was one of Orochimaru's hand-picked squad members. Still, the hospital stay had slowed her down a bit, and Kin had gotten a head-start, so she needed to catch up. The training grounds were quickly approaching, so Tayuya increased her speed higher than her body was able to go at this point, causing a bit of pain in her side.

March 4th, 09, 12:06 AM
Kin sensed Tayuya's increase in speed, and began to push herself as well. About a minute later, she broke through the foilage, and into training ground 24. All she had to do was land first and she'd win the race!

March 4th, 09, 12:09 AM
Tayuya pushed her body to it's current limits, and launched through the leaves, landing in the training grounds. She turned as saw Kin standing there as well, knowing it was close, but not knowing which one landed first.

March 4th, 09, 12:17 AM
Kin panted, it had only been a few days, but having not expending chakra for that length of time, then using as much as she did, it took alot out of her.

"What say we call that race a draw? I think it was a win for both of us, what with our treat to Zaku and Dosu." Kin gave a small giggle at the memory of the look on their faces just before their plates hit them.

March 4th, 09, 12:19 AM
"Heh, can't argue with that logic." Tayuya smirked, breathing heavily.

"Ugh, I've got to get back into shape quickly. I know that Lord Orochimaru won't accept injury as an excuse for poor performance."

March 4th, 09, 12:23 AM
"Perhaps, but if anyone knows anything about poisons, it would be Lord Orochimaru, so hey may cut you some slack if he sees you working hard to get back to full fighting form." Kin said.

Stretching her back, she heard a few cracks. After doing several other light stretches, she then took a taijutsu stance, facing Tayuya. "Now whats say we start this song and dance."

March 4th, 09, 12:27 AM
"I can only hope he will." Tayuya responded.

"Taijutsu may be my weakest style, but I think I can hold my own well enough." Tayuya went into an odd stance, one meant to confuse those who were knowledgeable about taijutsu, in order to throw them off guard.

March 4th, 09, 12:36 AM
Kin noticed the somewhat odd looking taijutsu stance Tayuya took, however it made little difference to her. Still being a genin, she was still green to the different styles of taijutsu out there.

Kin ran forward, rearing her arm back. When she was a few feet from Tayuya, she pushed a large amount of chakra out of her feet, catapulting herself forward as she aimed for the center of Tayuya's body, in hopes of hitting something even if she tried to dodge.

March 4th, 09, 12:41 AM
Tayuya's odd stance had her forward foot turned around, so it was almost pointing back towards Tayuya. As Kin ran at her, she pivoted her body using the forward foot, her momentum increased due to her foot wanting to go back to standard position. As her body spun forward, she swung her other leg out, hoping to kick Kin out of the air.

March 4th, 09, 12:48 AM
Kin abandoned her original attack as she saw Tayuya spin forward. Kin managed to use both hands and shove herself off Tayuya's leg in a leap frog like move. Landing on the ground behind her, Kin launched a kick aimed for Tayuya's stomach while she was still off balanced.

March 4th, 09, 12:51 AM
Tayuya was off-balance, but her arms were free to try to grab onto Kin's leg or foot as it came close to her, and then throw her away from her body.

March 4th, 09, 12:58 AM
Kin managed to do a back flip from the throw, landing on all fours like a cat, and then lunged forward, aiming to tackle Tayuya. When regular fighting didn't work for Kin, she'd do something unorthadox, just to mix things up abit in hopes of the fighter turning in her favor.

March 4th, 09, 01:01 AM
Tayuya smirked as Kin lunged, seeing her odd form of attack which reminded her of her own. Tayuya jumped into the air, doing a flip, intending to pound Kin into the ground from above. Tayuya was not one to go easy on her opponent, even in a simple spar.

March 4th, 09, 01:05 AM
The minute Kin touched the ground, she launched herself to the side. She could tell Tayuya was being serious in this spar, and while that was what they were aiming for, Kin did not want to be on the recieving end of an attack thrown by Tayuya.

March 4th, 09, 01:16 AM
Tayuya's legs slammed into the ground, her eyes fixated on Kin's movement. Without hesitation, Tayuya ran at Kin, pouring chakra into her feet to enhance her speed as she reared her fist back to hit her.

March 4th, 09, 01:19 AM
Kin narrowed her eyes as she saw Tayuya's speed increase. Waiting for her to get close, Kin leaned back till her hands touched the ground. Kin then scrunched her body up tightly, before launching a pair of chakra enhanced boots at Tayuya, with added spring effect behind them.

March 4th, 09, 01:30 AM
Tayuya's own increased speed allowed her to dodge the attacks, although she was impressed at her attack. As Kin passed her by, Tayuya turned around and attempted to grab Kin around the throat to throw her to the ground.

March 4th, 09, 01:33 AM
Kin managed to duck under the grab, however, her hair wasn't so lucky. Consentrating on her chakra, she began preparing to use a technique she'd been designing for a while now.

March 4th, 09, 01:35 AM
Tayuya held Kin by the hair, yanking her back to try and punch her.

"You shouldn't let the opponent ever grab you by the hair. That'll never end well."

March 4th, 09, 01:39 AM
Kin grinned. "A ninja's always gotta have an ace in the hole, now here's mine!"

Kin focused her chakra to her hair, head, and neck. She then leaned forward and swung her head down, using just enough force to lift Tayuya off her feet and over her head.

March 4th, 09, 01:48 AM
"Not bad..." Tayuya said as she went into the air, releasing her hair at the exact right moment to launch her forward. her feet hit the tree, and she used her chakra to shoot off it, speeding through the air towards Kin.

March 4th, 09, 01:59 AM
Kin felt her neck crack at the force she had used, and winced. Seeing Tayuya so close now, and knowing she couldn't escape even with a substitution jutsu, she did the only thing she could. Kin hopped off her feet, and raised her arms in front of her in an 'x' shape, using chakra to strengthen her arms.

The force of the impact would have knocked Kin over, however by jumping, Kin would be able to use the force behind the attack to gain some distance from Tayuya, allowing her time to regroup.

March 4th, 09, 02:06 AM
Tayuya's fist made contact with the center of Kin's X, launching her backwards. Tayuya landed on the ground, her fist sore from the punch.

"You'll need to do better to get me, Little Kin." Tayuya mocked.

March 4th, 09, 02:13 AM
Kin rolled head over heel from the attack, her arms sore at the point of impact. Forcing herself to shrug it off, she managed to push off the ground mid roll, and launch herself into the air.

Upon reaching a nearby tree branch, Kin used the rest of the momentum from Tayuya's attack to push her feet into the branch. The branch was pushed back quite a ways, before swinging back into place, amd subsiquentially launching Kin forward.

Kin spun around while flying through the air at Tayuya. Upon getting close to her, she swung her leg out with a cry of, "Little this!"

March 4th, 09, 02:19 AM
Tayuya saw Kin coming, and held her own arms out to block the kick. When her leg hit, Tayuya was knocked to the side quite a ways, arms sore from the attack. Tayuya slid across the ground, and launched herself as she stopped, both arms held out to punch depending on which way Kin tried to dodge.

March 4th, 09, 02:25 AM
Kin may not have been an expert on taijutsu, but she recognized how there was no way to escape her current position. So, Kin improvised. Moving to the left, she sent out a chakra infused kick, aimed at Tayuya's fist.

March 4th, 09, 02:31 AM
The fist and kick combined, each attack blocking the other. Tayuya leapt back a few feet, and went into a defensive stance, ready for Kin's next attack.

March 4th, 09, 02:37 AM
Kin was thrown off balance by the force of the impact, but managed to perform a back flip and land on her hands and feet, in a manner similar to a cat. She flinched as her foot and leg seemed to throb slightly, but forced herself to her feet. Kin also assumed a defensive stance, the less she moved at this point, the better.

March 4th, 09, 02:39 AM
Tayuya watched Kin for any offensive movements, and decided to take the first move, leaving her stance, she ran at Kin, placing her hands on the ground before she reached her, in order to swing her foot down from above and attempt to hit her in the head.

March 4th, 09, 02:44 AM
Kin saw what Tayuya was planning, and so she moved into Tayuya's guard, and launched her foot towards her face, while aiming at Tayuya's leg with a chakra infused uppercut.

March 4th, 09, 02:47 AM
Tayuya saw what Kin intended, and decided to change her plan. Instead of trying to slam her foot onto Kin, she let the flat of her foot land on Kin's hand, and use it as a pivot to stand up, avoiding Kin's foot, and jumping into the air, using Kin's uppercut to enhance her momentum, bringing her high into the air.

March 4th, 09, 02:53 AM
Kin smirked, the problem with being in the air was that it was hard to manuver out of the way of an attack. Twisting her body around as she shrunk down towards the ground, she overloaded her feet with chakra and released it as she launched herself into the air like a bullet. She untwisted herself, causing her body to spin, and reared back an arm, ready to slam her fist into Tayuya.

March 4th, 09, 02:57 AM
Tayuya smirked as well, adding chakra to one foot, and swinging it around, its extra strength giving her enough momentum to spin end over end, attempting to kick Kin's fist with her spinning leg.

March 4th, 09, 03:24 AM
Kin couldn't move her fist out of the way in time, and as a result, the momentum from pushing her fist causing her to spin out of control through the air. Kin landed hard in a pair of thick, thorny bushes.

March 4th, 09, 03:28 AM
Tayuya's attack was not designed to be easily controlled, and as such, she was unable to stop her spinning as she hit the ground. She was a bit sore, especially her leg, but she stood up and looked over to where Kin had landed.

March 4th, 09, 03:30 AM
Kin's clothes had rips and tares in them, and a few slightly bloody scratches along her face and arms. her back, leg, and fist were throbbing, but she croutched down in the thorn bush, out of sight, ready to stike when Tayuya came looking for her.

March 4th, 09, 03:33 AM
"She has the advantage right now, unless she's too badly injured..." Tayuya muttered, looking around cautiously as she walked around the battlefield.

March 4th, 09, 03:36 AM
Seeing Tayuya wander in another direction, Kin allowed herself a small moan of pain, all the while preparing to counter attack. It was cheap, it was dirty, but it was the way battles were fought in Sound, and that was a fact Kin forced herself to accept early on in her career as a kunoichi of the Sound.

March 4th, 09, 03:39 AM
Tayuya glanced around, still not seeing Kin. She used her enhanced hearing to listen, but heard nothing out of the ordinary around her. She took a glance up, seeing if she might have been a tree or something.

March 4th, 09, 03:44 AM
Realising she'd have to sell this, Kin moved her head close to the ground, and gave a loud grunt, followed by a groan. She then shifted into a battle ready position.

March 4th, 09, 03:46 AM
Tayuya turned as she heard a sound, seeing a thorn bush where the sound originated from. Partially afraid that Kin was seriously hurt, she slowly walked over to it, looking for any sign of the girl.

March 4th, 09, 03:54 AM
Kin waited until Tayuya was close enough, before making her move. "Gotcha!" Kin yelled.

Kin forced chakra out of her legs as launched herself forward, managing to head-butt Tayuya square in the stomach.

March 4th, 09, 03:59 AM
"I was careless!" Tayuya shouted as Kin flew towards her. She was unable to do anything, feeling Kin collide with her abdomen. She felt immense pain, but also some thing warm and wet. Afraid that she had begun to bleed heavily, Tayuya looked down at her pants, seeing a stain spread across the front. She was about to pop a Plasma Pill to replace the blood she lost, when the acrid smell of urine permeated her nose.

"What...the...fuck!?" She wheezed, still in pain, "D-did I just..."

March 4th, 09, 04:07 AM
Kin skidded across the ground uncontrollably, having put a bit more chakra into her launch then she should have. Rolling onto all fours, she drug herself onto her feet, clutching her head.

"I think I overdid it." Kin murmered. She spotted Tayuya and took a defensive stance, but blinked as she saw her stand there unprotected. "Tayuya, you okay?"

March 4th, 09, 04:09 AM
"I just pissed myself, of course I'm not ok!" Tayuya snarled, glaring at Kin.

March 4th, 09, 04:14 AM
Kin's eyes widen in shock as she took an involentary step back. She had actually caused Tayuya to piss her pants with that head-butt! A wave of guilt crossed over Kin, followed by a wave of fear. Tayuya was one of Orochimaru's bodyguards, if she wanted, she could activate her curse seal and end Kin in an instant.

Kin swallowed hard before speaking. "I, I didn't mean to make you...what can I do to make up for this?" Kin figured it was better to try and make ammends with Tayuya, then to risk another trip to the hospital, and that was IF she survived.

March 4th, 09, 04:19 AM
"...Do it as well." Tayuya answered after a few seconds, "If I pissed myself, you're going to as well..."

Tayuya stood up, most of the pain from the headbutt already gone.

"Also, I want half the cash you got for that mission."

March 4th, 09, 04:25 AM
Kin blinked, then felt her face flush. She hadn't had an accident since...she shuttered as the memories flooded her mind. Shaking her head to clear it, she gave Tayuya a nod. Half her mission's fee and a pair of wet pants and panties was worth avoiding a trip to the hospital.

Kin closed her eyes, relaxed her body as best she could, and tried to go. After a few seconds of being unsuccessful, Kin grunted, and got down on one knee, and tried again. About a minute later, unsuccessful, she sighed and stood up.

"I can't go. I may not have enough to piss myself right now. But if you want...take a shot and make me." Kin stretched her arms to the side, and left herself wide open should Tayuya take her up on her offer.

March 4th, 09, 04:27 AM
"I'd rather wait until you have enough to go by yourself." Tayuya responded, "It'll be more embarrassing for you that way."

March 4th, 09, 04:31 AM
Kin blushed, but nodded in understanding. "Okay then, tell you what. Meet me at the cafe I crashed in half an hour, my treat. After that...well, you know what I'll do...It'll give you enough time to clean up and you get a free meal out of it. You should be able to get to your appartment or where ever you live under a hengen and move fast enough."

March 4th, 09, 04:35 AM
"...Deal" Tayuya said, not one to turn down a free meal. She placed her hands together to perform a Henge, and then gave a smirk as a cloud of smoke engulfed her. When it faded away, standing there was another Kin, but still with wet pants.

"Well, I'll see you there. You better hope no one recognizes 'you'..." Tayuya smirked.

March 4th, 09, 04:40 AM
Kin's face was priceless as Tayuya started on her way. Clenching her fist, and count backwards from ten, Kin exhaled, and stared off in the direction Tayuya took off in.

"If someone does see her...I won't forget this."

March 4th, 09, 04:51 AM
Tayuya continued smirking as she headed for her apartment, purposefully taking the common routes in the hope of being seen by someone. There weren't too many people out today, though, so she wasn't sure that she was seen by anyone. Still, it was an effective punishment for the one who caused her to wet yourself. Tayuya arrived at her apartment, opening the door to the usual mess. She walked across the items spewed along the floor, and entered her bedroom.

March 4th, 09, 04:59 AM
Kin made her way down to the apartment complex where Dosu and Zaku stayed. They had the money from the mission pay, and she needed it for the lunch she was about to pay for. Upon reaching the boys apartment, she banged on the door.

"Hey, it's me! I need the mission pay and your 40%, or else we all got Tayuya to deal with!" Kin yelled. There was a moment of silence, before the door opened and a bag of money was thrown into her face, topling her over. The door slammed shut as Kin sat up, rubbing her head.

"Bastards...?" Kin heard some funky type of music, along with some moaning. Fearing the worst, she got out of there with speed rivaling the body flicker jutsu.

March 4th, 09, 05:03 AM
Tayuya opened her dresser drawer as she undid the Henge, and grabbed a new pair of underwear from within. She removed her current pants and underwear, tossing them into the trash. She wet a rag to clean the spare urine off of her skin, and slid the new panties on, along with a new pair of pants. She exited the apartment, and headed for the cafe.

March 4th, 09, 05:11 AM
Once Kin reached the cafe, she got a table for two, and quickly ordered a bottle of wine and a glass of soda. The wine to get rid of the thoughts of what was taking place with her team mates, and the soda to water it down , if only somewhat.

March 4th, 09, 05:13 AM
Tayuya arrived shortly after, seeing the bottle of wine first.

"I didn't peg you as a drinker" Tayuya said, raising her eyebrow.

Tayuya sat down in the other seat.

March 4th, 09, 05:14 AM
"You'd drink to if you heard what I did, I had to go get the money from Dosu and Zaku. Apparently, they were here on a date." Kin explained, taking a swig from the wine bottle.

March 4th, 09, 05:15 AM
Tayuya blinked. "A what!?" She exclaimed, "You mean...together!?"

March 4th, 09, 11:27 PM
"Yeah, a date. Don't get me wrong, in a way I'm happy they managed to find someone to love, regardless of gender, it's just what's under Dosu's bandages that freaks me out, and imagining what he's doing with what's under it with Zaku..." Kin took another swig of the wine bottle. "I'm just hoping to destroy enough brain cells to forget that memory."

March 4th, 09, 11:30 PM
"Well, that's...interesting..." Tayuya responded, "Still gonna be able to eat after that?"

March 4th, 09, 11:32 PM
"I think I'll stick to liquids, just to be safe. I still got your bill though, as promised." Kin took a swig of her soda this time, then passed Tayuya a menu.

March 4th, 09, 11:36 PM
"Good, cause I plan to eat...a lot." Tayuya stated, looking over the menu, "Also, don't forget the rest of our deal..."

Tayuya yelled loudly for the waiter to come, and he came running over just seconds later, scared out of his wits. Tayuya ordered a large amount, and sent him on his way.

March 4th, 09, 11:38 PM
"I know, half the mission pay from my last mission. I got it right here, and the meal's comming out of my pay." Kin said patting the money on the seat next to her.

March 4th, 09, 11:39 PM
"Ok, but what about the other part of the agreement...?" Tayuya smirked, "I hope you didn't forget that."

March 4th, 09, 11:46 PM
Kin sighed. "I didn't forget, that's why I'm risking having anything in my stomach right now. I will...go...when I'm able to." Kin blushed as she finished her sentence, taking another swig of her soda.

March 4th, 09, 11:49 PM
"Hehe, good..." Tayuya smirked cruelly, "I can't wait..."

Her food arrived quickly on a couple of plates, and Tayuya devoured it as quickly as possible, not caring for manners or etiquette.

"Oh man, I haven't had such a good meal in ages."

March 4th, 09, 11:54 PM
Kin's eye twitch at the display before her. She placed her head in her hand, took another swig from her drink, not knowing or caring which one, and let her mind wander.

March 5th, 09, 12:01 AM
Tayuya finished eating her meal, and let out a large burp, not caring that others turned to look at her.

"Ah, damn good food this place has got."

March 5th, 09, 12:06 AM
"I'll have to try it sometime then." Kin said. She pulled up the bag with her mission pay, and dumped it out on the table. "This is everything, we just need to split it down the middle and..." She trailed off as she looked at the bills.

They all had the same code on them, they were counter fit! Kin's mind race as she figured out what happened. "Son of a bitch!"

March 5th, 09, 12:08 AM
Tayuya raised her eyebrow, not yet looking closely at the money.

"What'd you call me?"

March 5th, 09, 12:16 AM
"Not you Tayuya!" Kin quickly said. "Dosu and Zaku played me! They made those noises, figuring I'd take it as them...and threw this bag of counterfit money at me knowing I wouldn't check it right away in favor of getting out of there. It wasn't a date they were here for, they were spending the mission pay on themselves!"

March 5th, 09, 12:21 AM
"Those damn bastards!" Tayuya snarled, "Let's go get our money back!"

March 5th, 09, 12:25 AM
"Here, I'll give you the address, and you can get them. One of has to stay so we can pay afterall, otherwise they may not serve us all this delicious food again." Kin said, writting down the address on a counter fit bill, and slid it over to Tayuya.

March 5th, 09, 12:28 AM
"Hehe, my pleasure..." Tayuya said,, cracking her knuckles.

She grabbed the piece of paper, and leapt from the cafe, heading for the address on the paper.

March 5th, 09, 12:35 AM
Kin ordered another soda, so as to keep the waiter from demanding the bill. She had sweeped up the counterfit money, and sealed it away in a scroll. It was then that she felt it, she needed to pee.

March 5th, 09, 12:38 AM
Tayuya arrived quickly at the address, kicking the door down without warning.

"Where are you little fuckers!"

March 5th, 09, 12:45 AM
Zaku and Dosu both fell off the couch they were on, both in a just a shirt and boxers, and a number of beer cans around the area.

Zaku stood up, rubbing his head. "Who's making all the-" Zaku then caught sight of Tayuya. He giggled pervertedly, before leaning over to Dosu. "Hey, Dosu, would you wanna bang that piece of ass?" Zaku points directly at Tayuya.

Dosu looked at Tayuya, then snorted. "You must be drunk to think that thing is attractive."

At the cafe, Kin's urge to pee was growing unbarable, however a smile worked itself onto her face, one she always had when her teammates royally screwed something up.

March 5th, 09, 12:47 AM
"Give me my money now, and I'll pretend I didn't hear that...", Tayuya muttered, "In fact, I want ALL the money you got for that mission for trying to cheat me and Kin out of our cash."

March 5th, 09, 12:51 AM
"You hear that Dosu? She wants money." Zaku said, picking up a beer can and drinking what's left from it.

"Well, then let's give her a chance to earn it." Dosu said, standing up. Then both dropped their boxers.

"Come get little Zaku!" Zaku drunkenly called out.

Kin was now doubled over on the table. She felt herself give a small squirt into her panties, and gasped.

March 5th, 09, 12:55 AM
"Fine, sounds good..." Tayuya stated, walking over. Suddenly, she leapt up, and kicked both Dosu and Zaku in the crotch with one foot. Pushing off them to add to the pain, she landed back on the ground, and looked for the sack of money.

March 5th, 09, 01:01 AM
Both boys were rolling across the floor, holding their wounded manhoods. That attack had pretty much knocked them out of their drunken stupor, and both boys dragged themselves behind the coffee table in an attempt to distance themselves from Tayuya.

At the cafe, a waiter walked over to Kin. "Are you alright miss? Is there anything I can do for you?"

Kin gasped as she felt herself begin to urinate uncontrollably. "Where's your bathroom?" The waiter pointed out the bathrooms, and watched in astonishment as Kin stood up as she was wetting herself, and ran to the rest room.

March 5th, 09, 01:04 AM
"Give me the money now, or you'll be wishing that's all I did..." Tayuya threatened, stomping the coffee table into a pile of splinters.

March 5th, 09, 01:10 AM
"T-the safe in my room, it has enough to cover it!" Zaku squeeked out. "I'll give you the combination!"

Over at the cafe, Kin was in a bathroom stall, looking stunned at herself. She had wet herself with little warning. And she did so in a populated area. She sniffled, and curled herself into a ball.

March 5th, 09, 01:13 AM
"Fine, what's the combo, assface?" She snarled, grabbing him by the head.

March 5th, 09, 01:14 AM
"1 left turn, 1 right turn, 1 left turn! The number one each time!" Zaku yelled out in panic.

March 5th, 09, 01:17 AM
"That dumbass combo is quite fitting for you..." Tayuya threw him at Dosu, and walked over to the safe, inputting the combo that he was told.

March 5th, 09, 01:23 AM
Zaku and Dosu crashed into the ground, landing in a rather compromising position. The instant they realised their position, they both yelled out and scrambled to get off of each other.

March 5th, 09, 01:33 AM
"Hah, nice going, dumbasses" Tayuya remarked, "Well, I'll be on my way with all your cash. Thanks, morons!"

She left their apartment, and headed back for the cafe.

March 5th, 09, 01:39 AM
Dosu and Zaku looked at each other. "We never mention this again." Dosu said.

"Yeah." Zaku agreed.

At the cafe, Kin was still in the restroom, just finishing washing her face. "Get yourself together girl." She told herself, looking at her reflection. "You would have had to wet yourself anyways, it can't be helped. Just move on, and don't let it happen again."

March 5th, 09, 01:43 AM
Tayuya arrived back at the restaurant, but didn't see Kin at the table.

"She had better hope that she didn't ditch me..." Tayuya muttered, looking around.

March 5th, 09, 01:47 AM
Kin sighed, then made a hengen of herself, but without her wet pants, and exited the bathroom. Walking back to the table, she noticed Tayuya had returned. Grabbing her chair, she spun it around, showing the small puddle of pee on the chair.

"It's done, I couldn't hold it in until you got back. Now let's just split the money, pay for the meal, then get out of here, I want a shower." Kin said.

March 5th, 09, 01:51 AM
"Oh no, you don't." Tayuya said, "You were supposed to do it in front of me, not wait till I was gone."

March 5th, 09, 01:52 AM
"So, what? You want me to do it again? I told you, I couldn't hold it, and nearly everyone here saw me do it, or figured out what I was doing when I ran to the bathroom, isn't that enough for you?" Kin exclaimed!

March 5th, 09, 01:54 AM
"...Fine." Tayuya replied, "But no using a Henge to cover your pants."

March 5th, 09, 01:59 AM
"Fine then." Kin formed another hand sign, a was hidden behind a cloud of smoke. When it cleared, in Kin's place was Tayuya, in wet pink panties and a matching color bra. "I'm not hiding it with a hengen." Kin smirked, as several menin the area got nose bleeds at the near nude girl near them.

March 5th, 09, 02:07 AM
A vein on Tayuya's forehead throbbed at the sight she saw in front of her.

"De-activate that...before I break your spin in half..." Tayuya stated, visibly angry.

March 5th, 09, 02:10 AM
Kin shrugged, and in a puff of smoke was back to herself, wet pants included. "You walked around town in a hengen of me, so I returned the favor. I'd say we're even once we sort the money out, and can we do that now, I wasn't lying, I'd like that shower soon."

March 5th, 09, 02:16 AM
"...Fine, fine..." Tayuya muttered, still annoyed, "I could use a shower, too."

She placed the sack of money on the counter, ready to divvy it up.

March 5th, 09, 02:17 AM
Kin emptied the bag on the table, and began dividing the money up evenly, taking a small amount and putting it into a third pile. "For the bill, you pile will be the biggest." Kin explained.

March 5th, 09, 02:27 AM
"Yeah, I know it will be." Tayuya replied confidently.

She looked at each money pile, examining it for any discrepancies.

March 5th, 09, 02:30 AM
After a few minutes, Kin finished sorting the piles. Tayuya had close to a B rank mission's worth of money, Kin herself had a slightly larger then average pay for a C rank mission, and a couple hundred in bills were in the pile to pay for the food and drinks.

"There we go, all set." Kin said.

March 5th, 09, 02:33 AM
"Good, good" Tayuya replied, scooping up her money and sealing it in a scroll.

March 5th, 09, 02:35 AM
"So, will I be seeing you around, or will you be to busy with your work Miss. Bodyguard?" Kin asked. Yeah, they fought, but she actually liked the idea of someone like Tayuya as a friend.

March 5th, 09, 02:39 AM
"Eh, I might see you around, assuming I've got nothing better to do." Tayuya replied, shrugging.

March 5th, 09, 02:41 AM
"Alright then, I'm off for a shower. See ya around Tayuya." Kin said after sealing away her money.

March 5th, 09, 02:48 AM
"Yeah, see ya." Tayuya replied, turning for her own apartment.

March 5th, 09, 03:21 AM
A few days passed since both kunoichi had left the hospital, and had accidents as well. It had been an extra day for Kin till she could resume missions, as her team mates were unable to preform do to strainious activities, at least that's what Kin had the report say.

Today, however, Kin and her team were called to Orochimaru's chambers. None of them knew what the reason was, but upon recieving the message, all three dropped whatever they were doing and rushed to the tower.

March 5th, 09, 03:25 AM
Tayuya also found herself called to Orochimaru's chambers, and ran as fast as she could there. She was hoping for another high paying mission, to go with large sack of cash back at her apartment.

March 5th, 09, 03:31 AM
The three genin arrived at the door to Orochimaru's chambers, where the guards let them enter. The room itself was dark, so it took amoment for them to get their bearings. Kin was first to noticed Orochimaru sitting on his throne, and after kicking both Dosu and Zaku in the shin, moved forward and knelt down on one knee in front of him, the others following suit.

"Lord Orochimaru, to what purpose do we have the honor of being summoned before you?" Kin asked. Orochimaru chuckled.

"Indeed, it is an honor to be called before me. I was wise to recruit you when I met you Kin." Orochimaru said. "I have a mission for you, however we are waiting on your final member, given the severity of this mission."

March 5th, 09, 03:34 AM
Tayuya entered the chambers just moments later, kneeling in front of his desk without noticing the other.

"Lord Orochimaru, I'm here as you requested."

March 5th, 09, 03:45 AM
Kin couldn't help but grin as the boys shuffled away slightly from Tayuya. Orochimaru also took note of this.

"Ku, ku, ku, it looks like you've already met your team mates for this mission." Orochimaru said.

"We've had the pleasure of meeting before." Kin said with a smile.

March 5th, 09, 03:50 AM
"Hmm?" Tayuya lifted her head, seeing Kin and the two bozos.

"I'm going on the mission with the genin squad? Are you trying to tell me that I'm not good enough, Lord Orochimaru?" Tayuya asked.

March 5th, 09, 04:02 AM
"Why not at all." Orochimaru started. "I called upon your services because I knew a genin team wouldn't hold you back. They are merely accompanying you along on an intelligence gathering mission.

"You four will travel to the land of waves, and see what has become of an old business partner of mine, Gato, he was last seen there. If he has been killed, you four will infultrate his base of operations, and steal his riches from his vaults, he always was a bit paranoid about who had access to his money. You four are welcome to a small amount yourselves, but money only, any scrolls or artifacts are to be brought to me. Understood?"

"Crystal clear Lord Orochimaru." Kin said, gaining nods from Dosu and Zaku.

March 5th, 09, 04:05 AM
"Understood" Tayuya stated, "I'm sorry for doubting you, Lord Orochimaru."

March 5th, 09, 04:10 AM
"It's quite alright, I know how women are around that time of month, so emotional, it's easy to question what you know." Orochimaru stated. "Now leave me, and begin your mission."

March 5th, 09, 04:12 AM
"Err, right..." Tayuya responded, despite that not being the reason at all. Tayuya stood up, and turned for the entrance.

"C'mon you three, we're leaving now."

March 6th, 09, 12:36 AM
Kin grinned. "Lead on, you're the leader of this mission afterall."

Zaku rolled his eyes. "Quit trying to kiss up to her Kin."

"Who said I was trying to kiss up to her, I was just stating fact." Kin said , shrugging as they exited the room.

March 6th, 09, 12:39 AM
"If you're smart, you'll follow her example," Tayuya responded, speaking to Dosu and Zaku, "I won't take any crap from you on this mission."

March 6th, 09, 12:46 AM
"Phhh, if by follow her example, you mean suck on a battlefield, then I'm willingly disobaying that order." Zaku said.

"I'm in agreement with Zaku, Kin is the weakest member of this squad, her actions now are only to gain favor from you." Dosu stated. "We will do our job on the field, and we shall do so effectively."

Kin said nothing, just played with a special senbon needle and trying to resists the temptation to casterate her teammates.

March 6th, 09, 12:49 AM
"You two really are idiots, aren't you?" Tayuya replied, not turning to look at them, "Watch your backs, is all I have to say."

March 6th, 09, 12:53 AM
"Try putting up with them everyday." Kin said. Not giving either boy the chance to say anything, she continued. "Anyways, Does anyone need to grab any supplies before we go? I got a few storage scrolls back at my appartment that we can use to move the money."

March 6th, 09, 12:57 AM
"Grab whatever you need and meet up at the village gates in twenty minutes. Do not be late." Tayuya warned, looking at all three of them.

March 6th, 09, 01:03 AM
"That means now screwing in your appartment boys." Kin said, then ran off before they could reply.

Upon reaching her appartment, Kin immediately grabbed her storage scrolls, several changes of clothes, sealed them up, then grabbed the rest of her ninja gear. She then locked the door and made her way out of the appartment building and over tp the gate, waiting for the others.

March 6th, 09, 01:07 AM
Tayuya grabbed her own pack back at her apartment, stuffing as much as she could into it, closing it. She slung it over he shoulder, and ran over to gates, intending to be there first.

March 6th, 09, 01:13 AM
Kin arrived at the gate first. Nodding to the gate guards, she leaned against the wall waiting for the others to arrive.

March 6th, 09, 01:14 AM
Tayuya arrived just seconds later, seeing that Kin had beaten her.

"Now we just wait for the idiots."

March 6th, 09, 01:21 AM
About a minute later, both Zaku and Dosu were approaching the gate, chating with each other. As they drew near, Kin managed to catch the end of their conversation.

"...you ring?" Zaku finished, causing Dosu to chuckle lightly. Kin held back a giggle herself, remembering Tayuya's last comment about them.

"You dip sticks ready yet?" Kin asked.

March 6th, 09, 01:25 AM
"If you two are going to hold us back, we'll leave without you." Tayuya stated, "I'm not going easy on any of you."

March 6th, 09, 01:31 AM
"Us hold you back? If anyone will hold you back it's Kin." Zaku stated. He then doubled over as Kin rammed her fist into his stomach.

"I've had enough of your shit. Just focus on yourself, not on me, asswipe!" Kin growled, then moved back towards the gate. "Lets go already." She said to Tayuya.

March 6th, 09, 01:39 AM
"Nice tactics" Tayuya replied, "Let's get going now."

"If you want to avoid more blows like that, watch your damn mouth."

March 6th, 09, 01:42 AM
Zaku growled, but did nothing else as Dosu laid a hand on his shoulder. "Fine, lets just get going already!"

"For once I agree, the sooner this mission is done, the sooner we can leave these dip sticks." Kin said.

March 6th, 09, 01:55 AM
"Stop bickering" Tayuya demanded, walking through the gates, "I want to get this mission over with as fast as we can."

March 6th, 09, 01:57 AM
"Agreed." Kin said, walking through the gates as well. Zaku and Dosu followed as well.

March 6th, 09, 02:04 AM
Tayuya began tree-hopping towards their destination, making sure the three were following her.

March 6th, 09, 02:10 AM
Kin, Dosu, and Zaku followed Tayuya tree-hopping, going at a steady pace.

March 6th, 09, 02:15 AM
As the day continued, Tayuya eventually increased their pace, not happy with the progress that they had thus far made.

March 6th, 09, 02:18 AM
Kin sped up as well, only slightly panting at having tree-hopped for so long. Dosu and Zaku increased their speed, only looking mildly winded.

March 6th, 09, 02:23 AM
Without warning, Tayuya flicked a soldier pill at each of them, expecting them to catch it with their enhanced reflexes.

"Use it when you reach your limits" She shouted back to them.

March 6th, 09, 02:28 AM
Kin managed to catch her pill with ease, being a markswoman she saw it coming a mile away. Dosu caught his, as did Zaku after juggling it with his hands. The three continued following Tayuya, not yet at their limit.

March 6th, 09, 02:37 AM
Tayuya stayed silent as they passed the country border, not being one for idle chit-chat.

March 6th, 09, 02:41 AM
Kin said nothing, seeing as Tayuya didn't seem to want to chat, and Kin didn't want to talk to her teammates, who seemed to be coversing with each other softly as they continued tree-hopping.

March 6th, 09, 02:48 AM
They continued until well into the night, until Tayuya suggested that they rest for a few hours.

March 9th, 09, 12:19 AM
"Sounds like a plan." Kin replied. Dosu and Zaku also agreed.

March 9th, 09, 12:25 AM
Tayuya stopped tree-hopping, and fell to the forest floor below.

"Ok, we'll take a few ours to rest and eat, and then we're back on our feet."

March 14th, 09, 08:56 PM
Zaku and Dosu dropped down to the forest floor as well. Kin, however, stayed up on a branch above them.

"I'll be right back, gotta take care of some business." Kin announced. "Mind keeping the boys from peaking at me Tayuya? The secret code for when I get back is what I made you do during our spar."

Kin then leaped off into the forest, away from the squad.

March 14th, 09, 09:00 PM
Tayuya nodded.

"Don't worry, they won't peek" She responded, "Unless they want me to give them the same genitalia that you have."

March 14th, 09, 09:06 PM
Dosu and Zaku shivered, remembering their encounter with Tayuya when they were drunk not so long ago. Kin leaped across a few trees before going down to the forest floor, surrounded by bushes.

A few minutes later, Kin walked back to the camp, making certain that they could hear her once she got close.

March 14th, 09, 09:18 PM
Tayuya smirked at the two boys, pleased with their reactions.

"You two morons make the food for our break" Tayuya demanded, hearing Kin on her way back.

March 14th, 09, 09:25 PM
Kin leaned against a tree just outside the camp area, and pulled out one of her belled senbon needles. With a small flick, the bell rang, low enough that only the people in the camp could hear it. She knew Tayuya wouldn't want her to say the password in front of the boys, so better for her to come to Kin.

March 14th, 09, 09:28 PM
Tayuya heard the bell, and leapt over to where Kin was, making sure the boys were making the food, and giving them a threat. Tayuya landed next to Kin, and looked over to her.

March 14th, 09, 09:33 PM
Kin looked over at Tayuya as she landed next to her. Using her senbon needle as a toothpick, Kin told her the code.

"I made you piss your pants during our spar, then you walked through the village in a hengen of me." Kin said, grumbling a bit at the end. Her eyes then lit up. "When we get back, I'm gonna run around the village hengened as Zaku in wet pants, you wanna join as Dosu?"

March 14th, 09, 09:36 PM
Tayuya laughed, "Well, that's definitely you, and that sound like a great idea." She replied, "Hell, we could have them make-out in public, too."

March 14th, 09, 09:38 PM
Kin flushed at this. "That would mean we'd be making out...not that I care, I'm bi-sexual my self. I'm just a little surprised you'd suggest that."

March 14th, 09, 09:42 PM
Tayuya smirked, "We're kunoichi, we're taught to do anything to get the mission done, no matter what. This is no different, except the mission is to cause them as much embarrassment as possible." Tayuya replied, "No big deal, really."

March 14th, 09, 10:04 PM
"Ah, I see..." Kin, for some reason, felt a little put down from that explanation, but shrugged it off. "Well, if it's embarrassmeant, then we should run around hengened as them in dirty diapers, making out. That'd totally ruin their reputation in the village."

March 14th, 09, 10:07 PM
Tayuya raised her eyebrow, "Well, that would be more embarrassing, that's for sure."

March 14th, 09, 10:14 PM
Kin blushed as she realized what she suggested. "Something like that happened at the town I lived in before I came to Sound, it's not something I just came up with..." Kin cleared her throat, deciding to change the subject. "So, what are tweedle dee and tweedle dumb up to?"

March 14th, 09, 10:27 PM
"Ah..." Tayuya replied, not quite believing her, but having no reason to continue the discussion.

"They're making our food right now, or at least, they better hope they are."

March 14th, 09, 10:37 PM
Kin stomach rumbled at the mention of food. "Good, shall we go then, I'm hungry!"

March 14th, 09, 10:46 PM
"Yeah, me too." Tayuya replied, "Those two had better hope that they are good cooks."

March 14th, 09, 10:57 PM
Just then, a small explosion erupted a short distance away. Kin rushed towards it, dropping into a small clearing near a river. She spotted Zaku and Dosu comming out of a smoke cloud.

"What the hell happened?" Kin demanded.

"Zaku blew up the fish we were cooking." Dosu said before going into a coughing fit. Kin blinked.

"You two used explosive notes to cook fish?"

March 14th, 09, 11:07 PM
Tayuya leapt after Kin, looking for the source of the explosion.

"You two couldn't possibly be that stupid, could you?" Tayuya growled, ready to strangle them.

March 14th, 09, 11:11 PM
"It wasn't on purpose!" Zaku said. "We were arguing which one of you lovely ladies would be better in bed while we were cooking the fish we caught over a fire. We started fighting, then Dosu accidently kicked the bag with my explosive tags near the fire and a few fell into it and...yeah." Dosu nodded his head in agreement.

Kin reached into her pouch and pulled out a curved kunai. "And which one of use would be better in bed?" She let a bit of killer intent out at the boys.

March 14th, 09, 11:21 PM
"I'm curious about the answer, as well..." Tayuya snarled, glaring at them, "So go ahead, tell us..."

She grabbed her flute, which may not be sharp, but would strike fear into their hearts due to her reputation with it.

March 14th, 09, 11:27 PM
Both boys were sweating now. They watched as Kin twirled the curved kunai in her hand and Tayuya holding her flute threateningly. Dosu gulped,drawing Kin's attention.

"It doesn't matter, there are two of us and two of you, and even then it would never happen." Dosu stated. Kin raised an eyebrow and looked at Tayuya, wanting to see her reaction before she did anything.

March 14th, 09, 11:39 PM
When Kin turned to look at Tayuya, she saw nothing, as Tayuya had launched herself at high speed over to Dosu, roundhouse kicking him in the face.

March 14th, 09, 11:46 PM
Dosu flew back into the river from Tayuya's attack. Following her lead, Kin rushed forward and slugged Zaku in the face, then kicked him into the water as well.

"Stay in there until you got our food. I'm holding onto your supplies until you boys are done cooking te fish." Kin told them, putting away the kunai and grabbing the boy's supplies.

March 14th, 09, 11:51 PM
"And watch out for those snapping turtles, I heard they hurt like a bitch," Tayuya replied, smirking.

Dosu and Zaku glared, but looked for some fish, noticeably worried about Tayuya's comment.

March 15th, 09, 01:19 AM
"Don't let the turtles bit ya where Tayuya shoulda hit ya!" Kin called out cheerfully. She then turned to Tayuya. "So, what should we do in the mean time?

March 15th, 09, 01:32 AM
Tayuya shrugged, "Good question. Any ideas?"

March 15th, 09, 01:35 AM
"I'd say train, but I don't want to give away our position...not that those boys were any help in that." Kin said, sending an unseen glare at the boys in the water.

"Besides, don't want to wear ourselves out before we reach our objective, or incase an enemy attacks us. Not that I'd mind some payback against those grass nins."

March 15th, 09, 01:40 AM
"Yeah" Tayuya nodded, "I'd've voted against training, as we need to save our energy for the mission."

March 15th, 09, 02:02 AM
Just then, the boys came out of the water with hands full of fish. "Well it's about time! Now get to cooking those things, or I'll use your genitals for target practice with exploding kunai!" Kin yelled at them. Both boys rushed to the fire and started cooking the fish.

Kin turned back to Tayuya. "I'm sorry, could you repeat what you just said?"

March 15th, 09, 02:09 AM
"Err, it's not important now..." Tayuya replied, glancing over to the boys' attempts at cooking the fish, "I'm hungry, so get a move on, morons."

March 15th, 09, 02:14 AM
"Unless you want to eat burnt fish, you'll have to wait a few more minutes." Zaku said before leaping to the side, avoiding a kunai thrown by Kin.

Kin turned to Tayuya. "I think you're rubbing off on me...sensei."

March 15th, 09, 02:20 AM
Tayuya smirked, "Heh, it's kinda nice being called that, not to mention having a student."

March 15th, 09, 02:29 AM
"I wouldn't complain having you as a sensei, but then, who wouldn't like one of Orochimaru's elite bodyguards to teach them." Just as Kin finished, something wet smacked into the back of her head. Turning around, she saw an uncooked fish at her feet, and the boys chowing down on their own cooked fish.

"Come and get it!" Zaku called.

March 15th, 09, 02:37 AM
"Heh, thanks," Tayuya replied, her face somewhat flushed from the compliments, "I'll keep that in mind for the future."

As she spoke, Zaku threw the fish, and yelled to them. Tayuya facepalmed, but walked over to their meal.

March 15th, 09, 02:51 AM
Kin's eye twitched rapidly as she felt the wetness of the fish on her hair. She walked over to the fire and grabbed a fish herself. "You'll regret doing that when we get back to the Village, mark my words." Kin told the boys, not knowing which one threw the fish at her.

March 15th, 09, 02:53 AM
Tayuya chuckled, "I'd be afraid if I were you two." She skewered a fish with a kunai, and chomped into it.

March 15th, 09, 03:00 AM
Dosu grunted while Zaku just ignored them both, as both boys just ate their fish.

March 15th, 09, 03:03 AM
Tayuya continued eating, due to being quite hungry. As she ate, she looked over the three members joining her on the mission.

March 15th, 09, 03:21 AM
As Kin ate her food, she twirled a senbon needle around her unoccupied hand. Zaku was leaning back against a tree, eyes closed, looking like he hadn't a care in the world as he ate his fish. Dosu was a short distance away from the others, eating his fish without his face being visible to the others.

March 15th, 09, 03:25 AM
"I wonder what Mummy-boy is hiding under those bandages," Tayuya muttered to Kin, "He won't let us see him eat."

March 15th, 09, 03:30 AM
"It's out of consideration to us, we'll need this food to stay in our stomachs and our strength to complete this mission. Dosu has a horribly disfigured face, hell, half his body is disfigured. He's never told us how it happened, but if he ate with us, we'd lose our lunch." Kin explained.

March 15th, 09, 03:34 AM
"Ah..." Tayuya replied, simply, "I guess he's the smarter of the two, then, although that isn't saying much..."

March 15th, 09, 03:39 AM
"They act like retards now, but in combat they are rather skilled...I'm the weakest of the three when it comes to battle. All I can do is keep an enemy paralyzed temporaraly, and my aim isn't at it's best when my concentration is split to maintain my technique." Kin explained.

March 15th, 09, 03:48 AM
"Just keep practicing," Tayuya replied, "You can train your body and techniques, but not your intelligence, which gives you am advantage over those two."

March 15th, 09, 03:58 AM
"Training my body against people who don't use chemical reactions to affect the body, aka Sound nin and poison specialist, is pointless, and I've already mastered all the techniques I know. Sure, I can tweak some of them, but I need knowledge in sealing to do so..." Kin explained, sighing. "Maybe Orochimaru will listen to my request after completing this mission, otherwise, without access to new jutsu or other techniques, I'm at my limit."

March 15th, 09, 04:03 AM
"I don't buy that," Tayuya said, munching her fish, "You give up on yourself too easily"

March 15th, 09, 04:12 AM
Kin sighed. "I have no way of advancing much further on my own...not enough to rise in the ranks anyways." She bit the last of her fish and swallowed it. "That doesn't mean I have any intentions of quiting, Sound gave me my life back, no, Orochimaru gave me my life back, I have no intention of dieing before I repay him."

March 15th, 09, 04:15 AM
"Good to hear." Tayuya replied, "If you lose out to these two doofuses, I'll be the one that kicks your ass."

March 15th, 09, 04:20 AM
"Why do people always talk about my ass? Is it really all that?" Kin asked with a smirk, a hand on her backside.

March 15th, 09, 04:24 AM
"Heh, I wouldn't mind my own looking that good." Tayuya replied.

March 15th, 09, 04:35 AM
"Yours is a lot more toned then mine is, if the muscle structure of the rest of your body is any indication." Kin said as she stood up. "I'm set to go when you are, everyone should probably try and take care of their business before we depart."

March 15th, 09, 04:41 AM
"Well, muscle tone isn't always a good thing..." Tayuya replied, also standing up, "Yeah, let's get ready to depart. Ok you guys, take care of whatever you have to do, and then meet back here."

March 15th, 09, 08:18 PM
10 minutes later, everyone was set to leave. "Ready when you are Tayuya!" Kin said.

March 15th, 09, 08:23 PM
"I'm ready as well." Tayuya replied, "We should arrive at our destination by the end of today, if all goes well."