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March 15th, 09, 08:28 PM
"Alright then, lead on!" Kin said, getting nods from both boys too. They, however, just wanted to get this mission over with so that they could get away from the girls. Kin seemed to act more agressively when Tayuya was around, and that wasn't something they liked, nor wanted to get used to, they prefered her submissive self to this side.

March 15th, 09, 08:34 PM
Tayuya nodded, and hopped up to the top of the trees, leading the way toward the Water Country.

March 15th, 09, 08:50 PM
Kin, Dosu, and Zaku leaped after her, following her to water country.

March 15th, 09, 08:52 PM
The rest of the day went by just fine, as they passed the border into the water country, mere hours away from their destination.

March 15th, 09, 11:12 PM
Kin sped up till she was tree-hopping next to Tayuya. "How much farther do we have to go? It's getting kinda late." She asked.

March 15th, 09, 11:14 PM
"Two hours, at most." Tayuya replied, turning to look at her.

March 15th, 09, 11:23 PM
"Good..."Kin replied, not having anything else to say.

March 15th, 09, 11:30 PM
They soon reached their target, stopping some distance ahead of it to check for any possible security around the complex.

March 15th, 09, 11:36 PM
Kin moved closer to Tayuya. "Given what I know of this team's abilities, and what little of your own, should we need to split up, Dosu and I would be the best match, while you and Zaku would be the best combination too. Zaku's air cannons can distract an opponent while you catch them in genjutsu, and my Illusion Bells can paralyse my opponents while Dosu disables or takes them out all together."

March 15th, 09, 11:51 PM
"Indeed, that's exactly what I was thinking," Tayuya responded, "I'm just not sure if a split-up is necessary at this time."

March 15th, 09, 11:57 PM
"Just making all our options known." Kin said. "We can only examine the security outside the facility, we have no idea what's it's like inside. If we are attacked, and must split up to escape, we now have a plan we can implicate immediately."

March 16th, 09, 12:01 AM
"Before we do that, though..." Tayuya stated, placing her hands together in a handsign. In a poof of smoke, another one of herself appeared next to her. The clone then changed its handsign, and in a poof of smoke, used a transformation jutsu to turn itself into a rat. The rat clone scurried down towards the complex, looking for any possible guards or security measures.

March 16th, 09, 12:14 AM
"What kind of clone is that?" Kin asked. She'd heard that solid clones used elements, but the one Tayuya used didn't appear to have one, and was even able to use jutsu. Dosu and Zaku also listened in, curious.

March 16th, 09, 12:17 AM
"It's a Shadow Clone" Tayuya replied, "It takes more chakra than a regular clone, but it has its advantages."

March 16th, 09, 12:20 AM
"Like a sparing partner?" Kin asked. She then shook her head. "Meh, nevermind, you can tell us later...if you want."

March 16th, 09, 12:25 AM
"That's one possible use." Tayuya replied.

Meanwhile, the rat examined all it could before disappearing, transferring its information back to Tayuya.

"Hmm, there aren't many guards around the complex, but the only viable entrance is the front door. The windows look like they're made of shatter glass, glass that will shatter loudly at small provocations."

March 16th, 09, 12:29 AM
"Sounds like it would make a great distraction." Kin said.

"Hold up, how do you know this?" Zaku demanded. "Only your clone left, so unless you can share your information, you're just full of it."

Kin leaped to a branch away from Tayuya and Zaku. "Sounds like someone's mad about not being in charge..." She waited for Tayuya's reaction to Zaku's call on her authority and knowledge.

March 16th, 09, 12:38 AM
"Don't question me, idiot!" Tayuya growled to Zaku, "When the clone was destroyed, it transfered all the information it received into me."

March 16th, 09, 12:43 AM
"What kind of clone can do something like that?" Zaku demanded, not backing down. Dosu moved to his side, showing his support. A second later, a senbon needle appeared in the bark of the tree the were standing on, having traveled between Zaku's legs.

"Tayuya is the superior officer on this mission, questioning her now is not only hindering the mission, but is borderline insabordination. So zip you lips and follow her orders, worse case scenario she can activate her curse seal and blow us an escape route out of here." Kin growled at the boys.

March 16th, 09, 12:45 AM
"Heh, I like your style." Tayuya said to Kin, "Now, do you two idiots really think I'm lying? What kind of thing would I have to gain by doing so?"

March 16th, 09, 12:51 AM
"Could send us ahead to take the blunt of security while you and Kin leave and take all the riches of this place for yourselves, assuming this guy kicked the bucket." Zaku said.

Kin turned to Tayuya. "I find it funny they'd suggest that, it's almost like they've considered doing it themselves. Maybe it would be best to split up inside in our groups, put both sides at ease, while keeping an eye on one another. Human greed is a powerful thing after all."

March 16th, 09, 12:57 AM
"Ugh, I agree, these idiots can't be trusted" Tayuya replied, "Ok, Kin and Dosu, you two go in first, and take care of any guards you can, as quietly as possible. Me and Zaku will take care of the ones on the other side, and meet you back at the entrance."

March 17th, 09, 02:35 AM
"I understand." Kin responded. She turned to Dosu. "You gonna follow orders, or should we just dispose of you two here and now?"

Dosu and Zaku looked at each other, then sighed. They might be able to handle Kin, but Tayuya was in a whole other league. Dosu moved forward.

"We'll split up, but we'll be watching you both." Dosu said. Kin snorted at this.

"Whatever, just follow our orders, and we'll get through this mission faster." Kin said.

"Hold up, Tayuya might out rank us, but you aren't squad leader, Dosu is. You listen to him, you don't have the authority to order him around." Zaku growled.

March 17th, 09, 03:01 AM
"How about you all shut up, before I shove you through these tree trunks?" Tayuya growled, "We have a mission, and it's not to sit here bickering."

March 17th, 09, 03:07 AM
"It would make a nice distraction, leaving these two stuck through tree trunks." Kin said, adopting a thoughtful look on her face. "Of course it would slow us down escaping." She shook her head.

March 17th, 09, 03:12 AM
"Agreed, now can we continue this mission, or am I going to have to use one of you as a distraction...?" Tayuya threatened.

March 17th, 09, 03:17 AM
"Fine, let's go Kin." Dosu said, before leaping off. Kin grumbled under her breath, but leaped off after him.

March 17th, 09, 03:23 AM
"C'mon, Zaku, let's go." Tayuya stated, leaping around to the other side of the complex, Zaku following close behind her.

March 20th, 09, 01:24 AM
Kin and Dosu were hiding in the trees near an outpost of the facility. They watched as the guards patroled the grounds in set formations and routes. After a minute's analysis, Dosu turned to Kin.

"We need to knock these guards out without raising a ruckus. You will provide the distraction and I will knock them out from behind." Dosu told her.

"And how should I do that? I could use my illusionary bell jutsu to paralyze them, but it wouldn't prevent them from making noise." Kin replied.

"An attack or a chase would cause a ruckus..." Dosu closed his visible eye in though for a minute before it opened. "Get naked." Kin had a shuriken at his crotch a second later, two of the four points aimed for his 'buddies.'

"Now is not the time for your sexual fantacies Dosu." Kin growled.

"It would cause a distraction, and as such it would gather all the security in the area to you. Just tell them that you were told to come to the facility for a good time, and while they're distracted, I'll swoop in from behind and knock them out with my melody arm." Dosu explained. "Gato is a slave trader, so it would be no surprise for your appearance, and it would find out if Gato is still alive or not."

Kin thought it over, and slowly moved the shuriken away from Dosu crotch. "I'll use a hengen, same effect, but with more dignanty." Was all she said.

March 20th, 09, 01:52 AM
As Zaku and Kin leapt to the back of the building, they noticed that the guard count was higher than expected.

"You have a plan?" Zaku asked.

"Of course," Tayuya replied, "I'll place them in a genjutsu, and you go down and knock them out."

"Sounds to easy" Zaku replied, clenching his fists.

"Due to the number, you'll have to do it in 30 secs." She answered, "I can only hold a genjutsu on that many people for that long."

"I can do it." Zaku responded.

Tayuya nodded, and took her flute out. Right as the music started, Zaku jumped down, prepared to fight.

March 20th, 09, 02:11 AM
Kin leaped down into the bushes, out of sight of the guards. She then activated a hengen and transformed herself. She now had stunning red eyes with matching hair, and wore dirty grey rags that bearally covered her now over exaggerated chest and overall figure.

Kin made a lot of noise as she exited the bushes, getting the guards attention. "Halt! Stay where you are!" Several of the guards approtched her. Upon a closer look at her bust size, a few of the guards descreetly, or so they thought, motioned for the rest to join them. "What are you doing here, sneeking around in the bushes?"

Kin smiled happily at the guards, gaining confused looks from them. "I was sent for about a month ago, Mr. Gato was asking for 'a good time,' and my boss sent me. Our convoy got attacked by some bandits, but we managed to escape. I had to travel the rest of the way by foot, my boss didn't make it unfortunately."

One of the guards stepped forward, he was notibly dressed different, most likely a higher rank. "Gato is no longer of this world, however, I'm sure we could find some use for you."

Kin was about to reply when she suddenly felt something wet trickle down her leg. A glance down, and she realized she was peeing herself. She found herself unable to stop it, and was thankful she had her hengen cover face with a big smile. The guards took note of the puddle forming around her feet.

"Sorry about that." Kin managed to get out with a surprisingly even voice. "It happens when I get excited. Anyone up for a little bubble bath fun?" The guards around her grinned at that idea while Kin was mentally telling Dosu to get his ass moving.

March 20th, 09, 02:27 AM
Tayuya began playing her flute, placing all the guards into a genjutsu that prevented them from seeing or reacting as Zaku knocked their lights out. Tayuya could detect each guard that was placed in the genjutsu, noting that there was more than could be seen out in the open. After about twenty secs, Zaku had knocked out all the ones in the open, leaving the three that were hiding. Zaku thought he had finished, flashing a thumbs-up, but Tayuya shook her head, trying to point with her flute while playing. It took Zaku a few seconds, but he realized what she meant, and leapt where she pointed to get one guard. She pointed towards the second one, and he found him, as well. At this point, the thirty seconds had elapsed, Tayuya finding it strenuous to keep the genjutsu up any further. Despite the directional help, Zaku found himself struggling with the last guard, unable to find him. Tayuya was forced to end the genjutsu, noticing for the first time the puddle that was spreading from her perch on the tree.

"What the hell?" She muttered, realizing that she was peeing uncontrollably.

At that moment, Zaku walked out of the bushes, throwing the unconscious body of the last guard into view. He flashed the thumbs-up again, not noticing Tayuya's accident.

March 20th, 09, 02:42 AM
Dosu leaped off the tree branch he was on and slammed his melody arm onto a stone that jutted out of the ground. The vibrations from the impact launched at the guards, and subsequently at Kin. All the guards cried out in pain as their ear drums were blown out before they passed out in pain, their cries not heard over the sound waves.

Kin cried out as well, but was of the right state of mind to use chakra coated hands to cover her ears, blocking most of the damaging soundwaves. Kin was forced to kneel down in the puddle of urine as she tried to recover from the sound that got through.

"Someone have an accident?" Dosu asked as he walked over, chuckling. Kin growled as the ringing in her ears faded away.

"Your stupid attack caused this, just look at what it did to the other guards!" Kin responded. Dosu looked away, and Kin casted a minor genjutsu, one only a genjutsu expert could tell was there, it was so tiny.

Dosu looked over the guards. Several of them laid in puddles, a few of them with blood and vomit flowing out of their mouths. Dosu turned back to Kin. "Whatever...I'll have to remember that frequency for future use." He turned and started walking towards the facility.

Kin grumbled, and cast a second hengen, this one her normal clothes, just not with the wet stain running down her pants. She then followed Dosu towards the facility.

March 20th, 09, 02:53 AM
Tayuya took stock of the situation, but realized the mission was more important than her dignity, hopping off the tree down to the ground. Zaku raised his eyebrow when he saw the stain, not sure what it was.

"I sat in a puddle" Tayuya replied, glaring.

"...But..." Zaku began, but stopped when he saw the look on Tayuya's face.

Tayuya and Zaku stealthily edged around the building, looking to join back up with Dosu and Kin.

March 20th, 09, 03:04 AM
Dosu and Kin waited in the shade provided by the building. Dosu was chuckling under his breath while Kin shifted in place, trying to find a comfortable position in he wet clothes, unsuccessfully.

"You know, I'm sure we could find a bathroom inside." Dosu said, getting Kin's attention. "It would be quicker to clean you up if we both work-" Dosu stopped mid word as a shuriken embedded itself in the wall next to his neck, the bandages around it ripping.

"Shut up." Was all Kin said.

March 20th, 09, 03:11 AM
Tayuya and Zaku turned the corner, but not before checking for active guards. Not seeing any, they went around and met with Dosu and Kin near the entranceway.

"Good, all the guards are incapacitated," She began, "So we need to go in and complete our mission quickly, before they wake up."

March 20th, 09, 03:15 AM
Kin's mind raced at seeing Tayuya's wet clothes. She didn't say anything about it, seeing as Tayuya seemed more focused on the mission. Turns out, she didn't need to.

"You wet your pants too?" Dosu asked. "I hit Kin with my melody arm while knocking out the guards, what's your excuse?"

March 20th, 09, 03:17 AM
"...I sat in a puddle, you idiot." Tayuya growled, "Tell him, Zaku, you were there." Tayuya shot him the worst glare she had ever given someone, nearly causing him to leave Dosu as the only one not in wet pants.

"Uh, yeah, I think I saw that..." He muttered, backing away from Tayuya.

March 20th, 09, 03:27 AM
"Think?" Dosu questioned. He would have said more had the shuriken Kin threw before had not come flying past his head and into Kin's waiting hand via chakra string.

"We're on a mission, focus on it. If I was an enemy in diguise, you'd have been dead, as I wouldn't have missed the back of your head with that attack." Kin told Dosu. Not giving him a chance to reply, she turned to Tayuya. "What's next Tayuya?"

March 20th, 09, 03:32 AM
"Now, we need to deal with the possibility of cameras along with more guards inside." She began, "Kin, you need to figure out a way to activate a bell or something similar away from the entrance, to see if any guards respond. If they do, Zaku, take them out from here with your Air Cutter. It's important that no one goes inside yet. If there are no guards, or they are incapacitated, Dosu, you are to release a sound wave that will shatter the glass of any video camera, but not the windows."

March 20th, 09, 03:38 AM
"With all due respect Tayuya, casting light infracting genjutsu in the area would be alot more efficient while we move into the building. Cutting the camera feeds will cause some alarm by the guards. I can check for guards via my bells as you ordered, but after that I can cast the illusion over the group as we move in, we'll just have to move any guards out of the camera sights." Kin explained as she pulled out a large bell from her pouch.

March 20th, 09, 03:42 AM
"Hmm, that's true." Tayuya replied, thinking, "OK, we'll do that instead. Nice job."

March 20th, 09, 03:52 AM
"I'll most likely need a soldier pill at some point, and everyone will need to stay within three feet of me." Kin explained. "First thing's first."

Kin quietly opened the door a nudge. Moving her bell near the crack, she focused chakra into her opposite hand, and flicked the bell once. The bell rang once, sending a supersonic soundwave, mute to all but Kin. About a minute later, Kin regained focus.

"There are no guards in the hallways, just by a one door, most likely a stair well. My genjutsu can keep us from being seen from the cameras and the guards, but we'll have to take the guards out and immediately remove them from any camera's sight." Kin said, as she got ready to cast her genjutsu.

March 20th, 09, 03:55 AM
"You heard her," Tayuya said, looking at them, "stay together and be as efficient as possible. We can't afford a single mistake."

March 21st, 09, 02:28 AM
"That also means no noise making or ass grabbing, I'll need my complete concentration to pull this off, light manipulative genjutsu is one of the most difficult genjutsu to pull off." Kin explained. "Once I cast the genjutsu, one of you slowly open the door, as if the wind was blowing it open. When we encounter the guards, I'll widen the genjutsu range for as long as I can, but I won't last long, you'll only have a few seconds to take out the guards at the stair well, and one of you will have to stay with me to feed me a soldier pill."

Zaku and Dosu moved near Kin, Dosu with his hand on the door as Kin began her handsigns.

March 21st, 09, 02:32 AM
Tayuya stayed close, waiting for the jutsu to begin.

"Zaku, you'll feed Kin the soldier pill, while me and Dosu take care of the guards, understood?"

March 21st, 09, 02:44 AM
"Yeah, whatever." Zaku said.

Kin cast the genjutsu, and the area around the group distorted. Dosu slowly opened the door, and the group shuffled in. Kin's face was scrunched up in concentration as she held the genjutsu around the group as they moved down the hallways. She soon stopped at a split in the hallway, where two guards were standing outside a door.

Kin extended her elbows out, touching Dosu and Zaku, to alert them she was going to expand the field of the genjutsu so they could get ready. After a few seconds, she made an additional handsign, and the distortion grew and passed over the guards.

March 21st, 09, 02:45 AM
The second the distortion encased the guards, Tayuya and Zaku leapt into action, knocking out each guard as quick as possible, and moving them behind objects, so that the cameras would not pick up on the bodies.

March 21st, 09, 02:48 AM
Kin fell to one knee as sweat poured down her forehead, despite her headband. Dosu inserted a soldier pill in her mouth, and with the rush of chakra, Kin managed to get back to her feet. She moved over towards the door, which Dosu opened, and both walked through, Kin standing next to the door to keep Tayuya and Zaku within the genjutsu range.

March 21st, 09, 02:53 AM
Tayuya and Zaku ran back to Dosu and Kin, staying close while they passed through the door.

March 21st, 09, 02:59 AM
Kin looked carefully at her surroundings, and noticed there were no cameras in the stairwell. As Dosu closed the door behind Zaku and Tayuya, Kin released her genjutsu and leaned against the wall.

"No cameras here." She rasped out. Kin closed her eyes, and leaned back further against the wall, trying to relieve the stress on her body and chakra system from using such a straining genjutsu for so long by relaxing for however long it took to formulate the team's next move.

March 21st, 09, 03:10 AM
"Ok, here's what we're going to do now. I'll toss a shuriken into the next room, and when all the guards run to it, we look for cameras. If we see any, I'll cast my own genjutsu. If we don;t, we take out the guards and continue going." Tayuya stated, looking at Kin.

March 21st, 09, 03:15 AM
"Or I can use my bell technique again and determine if there are any guards on the floor we reach." Kin said, her eyes still closed. "It doesn't take much chakra to do, so I'm not at risk of chakra exhaustion any time soon. And just a fun fact, only light altering genjutsu works on cameras. Can you make light altering genjutsu Tayuya?"

March 21st, 09, 03:17 AM
"Well, if you can use your bell again, go ahead." Tayuya began, "As for the genjutsu, you just let me worry about that."

March 21st, 09, 03:24 AM
Kin nodded, and after pushing off the wall, moved up the stairwell to the door at the next floor. Not wanting to risk anyone on the otherside of the door, Kin knelt down by the crack under the door, and used her bell technique.

"Sound style: Tracking soundwave." After a minute of using the jutsu, Kin motioned for everyone to continue up the stairwell. "That floor is empty, any of Gato's valuables would most likely be guarded."

March 21st, 09, 03:28 AM
The rest nodded, and made their way higher up, until they reached the next door.

"Go ahead, Kin."

March 21st, 09, 03:34 AM
Kin knelt down, and preformed the tracking soundwave jutsu again. Her face hardened as she stood up. "This floor is full of bodies, a number of them laid out on the floor. Best estimation, 20 on the ground, 30 more around a large door. Those 30 are most likely guards as they are stationary. No one is outside this door, only bodies."

March 21st, 09, 03:40 AM
Tayuya nodded, activating her curse seal's first state. "Ok then, I'll perform a genjutsu that makes the enemy view us as small ants, if they even see us. Any cameras with audio will affect the guards viewing them, so we're in the clear as long as you stay near me and don't bump into any of the guards."

March 24th, 09, 12:13 AM
"That works." Kin said, moving closer to Tayuya. "Everyone will have to watch their steps, I can guess that the people on the ground are dead, probably trying to get some loot for themselves now that Gato's dead. At least that's what the guard outside said."

"And where you pissed your pants." Dosu said as he moved closer to Tayuya, Zaku following suit.

"Keep mentioning that and I'll make certain you piss out your ears and crap out your mouth." Kin growled.

March 24th, 09, 12:17 AM
"Both of you shut up" Tayuya muttered, placing her flute to her lips and playing a soft melody.

The 4 ninja would notice nothing, but the genjutsu was in effect, casting them in an illusion. They slowly opened the door, and walked inside the room, all but invisible to the guards.

March 24th, 09, 12:22 AM
Zaku blinked as a thought struck him. "Hey, since Tayuya's genjutsu uses sound, wouldn't that give away our presence to the guards?"

"Doesn't matter." Kin whispered as she followed Tayuya. "I might be able to use my light infragment genjutsu again, but then I would be out of expendable chakra, and would become a liability for the rest of the mission. If we were escaping, it wouldn't be as much of a problem for one of you to carry me, but now, while we're still dealing with guards and sneaking around, it would only hinder the mission."

March 24th, 09, 12:36 AM
Tayuya shook her head at Zaku's words, unable to speak while trying to keep the genjutsu up. In truth the genjutsu's other effects made the guards forget their was any music the second they were affected, so that they wouldn't hear it.

March 24th, 09, 12:44 AM
Kin noticed Tayuya shake her head, and silently wondered how she was able to do so and maintain the genjutsu at the same time. Putting it to the back of her mind, she followed Tayuya closely, Dosu and Zaku following close to them as well.

As the group made their way through the hallways, Kin's assumption proved to be correct. Dead bodies and pools of blood were seen here and there as they moved closer to where the guards were, Kin directing Tayuya with a hand on her shoulder.

As the group rounded a corner, they finally encountered the group of guards. Almost all of them looked like heavily armed thugs, but one of them had a head band of the hidden stone village, a slash across the emblem.

March 24th, 09, 12:54 AM
Tayuya kept the genjutsu up as they walked, guided by Kin's gentle hand. As they saw the thugs, Tayuya stopped walking, waiting for her team to take action.

March 24th, 09, 01:03 AM
Once Kin felt Tayuya stop, she took her hand off Tayuya and reached into her pack. Pulling out her special belled senbon needles, she quickly detatched the bells from them and reattached several to a kunai each. Attaching string to each one, she motioned to the group her now belled kunai, then to the guards. She saw the others nodded in acknowlegement before she made her move.

Kin tossed the four belled kunai at the guards with expert precision. Three of them landed near clusters of guards, while the fourth and final one landed at the feet of the missing stone nin. Kin quickly activated her illusionary bell technique, paralyzing each of them while causing illusions of any and all objects in the area.

March 24th, 09, 01:13 AM
Due to the guards being paralyzed, Tayuya began walking around them, thinking it'd be best not to attack them, just in case a camera saw them get taken out by seemingly invisible assailants. She continued forward, careful not to bump into any of them.

March 24th, 09, 09:41 PM
Kin moved away from the doors and out of sight of the cameras. Because she needed to maintain the jutsu, she would not be able to continue onward. She was mentally drained due to doing the light infracting jutsu, but she could very easily keep her jutsu going for thrity minutes easy, thanks to the soldier pill she took.

March 25th, 09, 02:36 AM
Zaku nodded as Kin motioned that she'd stay behind, as Tayuya, Dosu and Zaku continued walking towards the vaults, a bit quicker than before.

March 25th, 09, 03:06 AM
As Tayuya and the boys entered the vault, the genjutsu hiding Kin's presence vanished, revealing her to the paralyzed guards. Due to the use of more bells, the paralysis of Kin's illusionary bells was enhanced, causing the paralysis to raise up to the guards jaws, forcing them to breath through their noses. Only one guard seemed to have trouble with that.

Upon seeing Kin, most of the guards eyes widened, but none as much as the missing stone nin.

'That girl! She looks just like Mitsukai! How could...' The missing nin's mind raced as it tried to come up with a logical explanation. Meanwhile Kin just smirked at the paralyzed guards and their helplessness to do anything.

March 25th, 09, 03:14 AM
Tayuya, Zaku and Dosu entered the vault, which was an empty room consisting of many rows of drawers, most likely ordered by what type of valuable it contained. Zaku and Dosu started looting, while Tayuya ended the genjutsu, knowing that if there was a camera they couldn't see, they'd be exposed by the drawers opening and things floating from them, anyway.

March 25th, 09, 03:25 AM
Kin focused on her jutsu and chanelling her chakra. She knew she had about twenty minutes left before she'd be out of chakra, twenty-five if she expended enough until she only had enough to live.

March 25th, 09, 03:32 AM
Tayuya joined the duo in the looting, sealing most of the valuables in the scrolls, and a little bit in her own wallet scroll. She had to stop them each a few times from stealing something for themselves that was a bit too valuable not to go straight to Otogakure, but otherwise, he looting went pretty smoothly.

March 25th, 09, 03:38 AM
Kin panted as she reached the twenty-five minute mark of her jutsu. Five more minutes, and then she'd have to dig deep into her chakra pool for more time. She just hoped the others would hurry up, otherwise she wouldn't be able to prevent the guards from sounding the alarm.

March 25th, 09, 03:44 AM
The three inside sealed every last ounce of material into the scrolls, taking about 1% of it for themselves (Tayuya took twice as much, in order to give Kin her share). Even though it was a small percentage, it was still a sizable amount of money. They quickly left the vault, meeting up with Kin outside.

March 25th, 09, 03:54 AM
Kin, despite herself, fell to one knee as she reached the thirty minute mark, just as Tayuya and the others came out of the vault. Her jutsu lulled for several seconds, but it was all that the missing nin needed.

The missing nin used shushun to appear before Kin the instant he felt he could move, and slid a kunai into his hand from his sleeve. He brought it down, aimed at Kin's face.

Time seemed to slow down for Kin. Watching the blade come down towards her, her life flashed before her eyes...and she wasn't ready to die just yet. Kin flared as much chakra as she could out of her body and through her jutsu. Thought something different happened this time.

The chakra that flowed off her body outside her jutsu changed color, into a blend of brown and gold, before solidifying. The missing nin's kunai clanged loudly as it impacted the solid mass formed from Kin's chakra. His eyes widened.

"Crystalist!" Was all he managed before he was paralyzed again.

March 25th, 09, 03:57 AM
Tayuya lunged in and disposed of the missing nin, while Zaku and Dosu took care of the other two.

"Are you ok?" Tayuya asked, lifting the obviously exhausted Kin onto her shoulders, "And what was that just now?"

March 25th, 09, 04:04 AM
Kin gasped for breath, unable to respond for a moment. Taking a second to compose herself, Kin was about to answer when she saws the solid wall made from her chakra. She got an odd feeling from it, and reached out to touch it. The instant she touched it, the wall shifted into chakra and surrounded her body, restoring her reserves to that of before her chakra burst.

"The hell?" was all Kin could say. Her vision seemed to blur, and she fought off the sudden pain in her stomach, not unlike the urge to throw-up.

March 25th, 09, 04:08 AM
"C'mon, let's get out of here quickly." Tayuya said to Zaku and Dosu, still carrying Kin on her back. The group left as quick as they could, Tayuya's CS1 allowing her to retain speed, despite carrying Kin.

March 25th, 09, 04:13 AM
The group was soon out of the facility. Kin bounced a bit on Tayuya's back as the group began tree-hopping away. At one point, Zaku was about to leap ahead of them, when Kin's stomach couldn't take the abuse anymore, and Kin turned her head and vomited...right on Zaku as he passed.

March 25th, 09, 04:15 AM
Tayuya almost laughed at sight, but realized it might be serious, so she hurried.

"We have to get her to the Oto hospital ASAP!" Tayuya stated to the other two, seeing Zaku nearly vomiting himself at being splashed in regurgitation.

March 25th, 09, 04:20 AM
Kin managed to spit out a bit of vomit left in her mouth before her head slumped onto Tayuya's shoulder. "Sorry...Tayuya..." Kin passed out.

March 25th, 09, 04:23 AM
"It's ok, let's just get you to a hospital soon." Tayuya stated, "No breaks till we return to Oto."

March 25th, 09, 04:28 AM
Zaku cursed at this, he wanted to get the vomit off him. Dosu just grunted, but complied without anything more relating to a complaint.

March 25th, 09, 04:30 AM
They continued at increased speed through the night, merely a few hours away from Oto at this point, due to the lack of breaks and the higher rate of travel.

March 25th, 09, 04:36 AM
Kin gave a soft moan as she slowly became consious. She opened her eyes and noticed she was still moving, still on Tayuya's back. She also felt that while her senses were distorted a bit, her chakra reserves had recovered somewhat.


March 25th, 09, 04:37 AM
"Hmm, you doing ok up there?" Tayuya asked, looking over her shoulder.

March 25th, 09, 04:40 AM
"Dizzy...head ache...stomach ache..." Kin listed in a mumble. She couldn't remember much of what happened after forcibly dropping her jutsu, though the word 'crystalist' seemed to repeat in her memory. "Light headed..."

March 25th, 09, 04:42 AM
Tayuya slid a small bit of food up to Kin's mouth. "You should eat, you used a lot of energy."

March 25th, 09, 04:48 AM
Kin chewed the food slowly, gaging slightly as she tasted some of thevomit from before, but swallowed none-the-less. "Tastes like vomit." She said.

March 25th, 09, 04:50 AM
"Zaku cooked it, what do you expect?" Tayuya joked, continuing closer towards Oto, "We'll be at the village in another hour or so."

March 25th, 09, 04:51 AM
"Makes sense...that's good." Kin managed to say. "Tired..."

March 25th, 09, 04:54 AM
"Yeah, rest up." Tayuya replied, feeling tired from the prolonged use of her cursed seal.

March 25th, 09, 04:59 AM
Not fully in the right state of mind, Kin snuggled into Tayuya's back, nuzzing her cheek onto her shoulder. She was out less then a minute later.

March 25th, 09, 05:01 AM
"Heh" Tayuya mumbled to herself, "Good to know that my back is comfortable, I suppose."

March 25th, 09, 05:04 AM
"Won't...ride...hump...Dosu......" Kin mumbled in her sleep.

March 25th, 09, 05:06 AM
Tayuya sweatdropped as Kin talked in her sleep, wondering what dreams were causing said outbursts. As Kin babbles, Tayuya saw the village gates in the distance, continuing to speed towards them.

March 25th, 09, 03:36 PM
A guard entered Orochimaru's chamber. "Lord Orochimaru, Tayuya's squad has returned from their mission. They are currently on their way to the hospital to aid the other female member of the assigned squad."

Orochimaru rubbed his chin in thought. 'Hm, I wonder what would cause Tayuya to not report in immediatedly...she knows I hate to be kept waiting...'

"Very well then, return to your post. I'm departing to the hospital." Orochimaru announced, rising from his throne.

March 25th, 09, 03:51 PM
Tayuya headed into the hospital, out of breath.

"She needs some help, now" Tayuya stated, speaking to the receptionist.

A nurse came and wheeled Kin on a stretcher to her private room, so that they cold begin working on her.

March 25th, 09, 05:23 PM
Kin mumbled incohearently as the doctors examined her.

"Chakra exhaustion for one..." A doctor murmured. "She's recently recovered from poison through the experimental anti-toxin, so we should give hera full examination to insure it's not responsible for this."

The other few doctors in the room agreed and they all got to work.

March 25th, 09, 05:28 PM
Tayuya waited in the lobby, wanting to hear a report before she reported in to Orochimaru.

March 25th, 09, 05:35 PM
"Kukuku, what have we here?" Orochimaru asked as he walked up to Tayuya. "You know you're supposed to report directly to me when I give you a mission Tayuya. For what reason have you delayed your report? I hope fr your sake it doesn't involve your wet pants." He chuckled again.

March 25th, 09, 05:37 PM
"...No, Lord Orochimaru." Tayuya replied, "Kin exhausted herself keeping a jutsu active that allowed us to loot the vault. I reported her directly to the hospital upon our arrival."

March 25th, 09, 05:44 PM
"I assue it's a jutsu that incopasitated any resistance? And any word of what's happened with Gato?" Orochimaru demanded.

March 25th, 09, 06:07 PM
"Yes, and it appears that he is dead, Lord Orochimaru." Tayuya stated, "His complex was littered with the dead body of looters."

March 25th, 09, 06:11 PM
"I see...A pity, he was such a good supporter." Orochimaru sighed. "I trust you succeeded in looting his valuables? And how did your team perform?"

March 25th, 09, 06:14 PM
"Of course, Lord Orochimaru," Tayuya replied, "The team performed admirably, especially Kin."

Tayuya handed over all the scrolls that they had stored, except for their own wallets.

March 25th, 09, 06:20 PM
Orochimaru took the scrolls. "Especially Kin? What did she do to gain your praise? And I want a detailed report of what's happened on this mission by tomorrow morning."

March 25th, 09, 06:24 PM
"Without her light-refracting genjutsu and paralysis jutsu, we would have been unable to get through the base undetected by the guards or camera," Tayuya stated, "I understand, I'll get started on that right away."

March 25th, 09, 06:26 PM
"Very well then." Orochimaru turned to leave. "If there's nothing else to report, I must return to my work."

March 25th, 09, 06:28 PM
"Yes, Lord Orochimaru." Tayuya nodded.

March 25th, 09, 06:38 PM
Orochimaru left the hospital. Upstairs, the doctors continued examining Kin. As one of them waved a chakra encoated hand over her stomach, Kin groaned in her sleep, and suddenly filled the back of her panties. Confused by this reaction, the doctors paused and discused the reaction while the nurses started to clean Kin up.

March 25th, 09, 06:42 PM
Tayuya continued to wait in the lobby, waiting for any word on Kin's condition.

March 25th, 09, 06:57 PM
One of the doctors approatched Tayuya causiously. "Miss Tayuya? I'm in charge of examining Kin Tsuchi, and I would like to ask you some questions reguarding her recent mission and health. Anything you can give us will be helpful."

March 25th, 09, 07:05 PM
"Ok, what do you want to know?" Tayuya asked.

March 25th, 09, 07:08 PM
"We need to know if anything unusual happened to Kin, as well as her condition through out the mission. I'd ask if she did drugs or alcohol, but I don't think you know her well enough to say so." The doctor explained. "Basically anything she's been exposed to on a chemical or chakra level."

March 25th, 09, 07:11 PM
"Well, there was that anti-toxin we both took..." Tayuya replied, "Could that be it...?"

March 25th, 09, 07:13 PM
"That is a possibility, but we need to know if there's anything else. Our initial examination showed chakra exhaustion. Did she take a soilder pill before that? We also saw that she got a chakra transfusion as well, who performed that?" The doctor asked.

March 25th, 09, 07:17 PM
"Yeah, she took a soldier pill." Tayuya stated, "And what do you mean by a chakra transfusion?"

March 25th, 09, 07:23 PM
"We detected that chakra originally different from her own entered her body. Chakra transfusions usually take place to save lives." the doctor explained. "Are you saying that none on your team performed a transfusion?"

March 25th, 09, 07:34 PM
"No, none of us did." Tayuya explained, "There was that odd...thing, though..."

March 25th, 09, 07:37 PM
"What odd thing?" The doctor asked. "If anything unusual happened, no matter how insignificant, we need to know. It may help us discover what's wrong with Miss Tsuchi."

March 25th, 09, 07:45 PM
"I dunno, but when she was attacked, there was this gold-ish energy/material thing for a second that seemed to block the opponent's attack." Tayuya said, "Maybe I was just seeing things, though."

March 25th, 09, 07:52 PM
The doctor rubbed his chin. "Hmm, a bloodline perhaps?" He checked Kin's medical record. "She doesn't have one listed, so maybe she's just awakened one. We'll have to test her later on it." He turned back to Tayuya. "Thank you for your help, Kin is currently stable and we'll inform you of any changes on her condition."

March 25th, 09, 08:11 PM
"Ok, I understand" Tayuya replied, stretching her sore body.

March 25th, 09, 08:12 PM
"Do you or the other members of your squad need any medical attention?" The doctor asked.

March 25th, 09, 08:16 PM
"No, just a little sore." Tayuya responded, rubbing her shoulder.

March 25th, 09, 08:38 PM
"Alright then, take care." The doctor said.

Upstairs, the doctors were doing a chemical analysis on Kin's body, keeping her in a forced sleep state. The data they were reciving wasn't pleasent.

"Low chakra reacts negatively with the anti-toxin...same with having full reserves...effects vary upon point of intake or injection..."

March 25th, 09, 08:46 PM
Tayuya turned to leave the hospital, and found her lunch suddenly spew from her mouth and all over the floor. She suddenly got dizzy, and fell to the floor, feeling something warm and sticky before she passed out.

March 25th, 09, 08:58 PM
"Whoa, need some help over her!" A doctor called out as he saw Tayuya collapse. he quickly checked the girl's pulse, finding it irregular, but not life threatening. As the doctor moved to flip her over, he noticed a fowl smell. Checking, he saw the girl had messed her pants.

Although finding it hilarious that such a tough girl had craped her pants, he knew something had to be seriously wrong with her to warrent this type of reaction. A group of doctors arrived with a stretcher, and Tayuya was soon transported to a room, near Kin as fate would have it.

March 25th, 09, 09:05 PM
Tayuya stayed unconscious throughout the entire ordeal, dreaming of absolutely nothing the entire time.

March 25th, 09, 10:06 PM
Kin groaned as she slowly came too. She had no idea how much time had passed since she had last woken up on Tayuya's back. Glancing around, she noticed she was in a hospital room, causing her to shiver as past memories came to the forefront of her mind.

Kin suddenly felt a warmth flow over her crotch. Shaking the remaining cobwebs from her mind, she quickly came to the realization that she was wetting herself! She tried to leap out of bed, but could only tumble off the side as a wave of dizziness washed over her body. Kin clutched her head as she fought off the dizziness, and finished wetting herself. To her surprise, she felt the wetness stay on her skin and pool down to her backside. She looked down at herself, and took a page from Tayuya's book.

"...Why the fuck am I wearing a diaper?"

March 25th, 09, 10:44 PM
Tayuya came to not long later, finding herself groggy. She shifted, and felt something warm and wet between her legs. She reached her the hands toward her crotch, looking to feel what it was that was down there.

"What the fuck!?" She shouted, her voice echoing down the halls.

She shot up from her bed, enraged, looking ro smash the face of the first person she saw through the floor.

March 25th, 09, 10:48 PM
Doctors walked into both girls room.

"I see you've woken up Miss. Tsuchi...and in need of a diaper change at that. I'll call a nurse to show you how in a minute, as you'll need to know, unfortunately." The doctor told Kin, pulling her to his feet.

"Why the hell am I wearing a diaper? Why would I need to know how to change myself. And why is it a pink diaper at that? I hate pink!" Kin demanded as she moved back to her bed.

March 25th, 09, 10:57 PM
"What the hell am I wearing!?" Tayuya shouted at the doctor that walked in, vein throbbing in her forehead.

"Eh...err, well, it's a, um, diaper..." The doctor replied, afraid for his life.

"...Do you want to die?" Tayuya responded, face reddening.

"I-it's just that...you need it..." The doctor said, holding his clipboard in front of his crotch.

March 25th, 09, 11:15 PM
"Pink was the best color we had for you, unless you prefered brown." The doctor told Kin as she moved back under the blankets. "As for why you'll need to know and wear them, well, that's because of a side effect of the anti-toxin you took."

Kin narrowed her eyes. "How?"

"As we said, the anti-toxin used to cure you of your poison was experimental. It appears to react negatively against the body depending on the amount of chakra either in it at the time, or being used.

"It targets whatever organ was closets to the point it takes effect. Since you swallowed it, it went through your digestive system, and out of your system through your bladder and bowels. As a result, they are being targeted, your bladder and bowels moreso due to remaining there longer before your, well, release." The doctor explained.

Kin absorbed this information for over a minute before she immited killer intent at the doctor. "And give me one good reason why I should casterate you and the rest of the doctors in this hospital?"

Kin reached behind herself to where her pouch was usually around her waist. She grabbed at where she usually kept her senbon needles, and focused chakra around it's shape, and pulled it in front of her. Instead of a belled senbon needle in her hand, Kin had a golden colored piece of crystal in her hand, shaped as a senbon needle. "What the?"

March 25th, 09, 11:33 PM
"Why do I need it?" Tayuya demanded, glaring.

"Err, well, that anti-toxin we gave you seems to have some side-effect we were unaware of..." The doctor responded, "It seems to have left you without control of your bladder and bowels. A nurse is on the way to teach you how to change yourself."

Tayuya responded simply by socking the doctor in the face, knocking him out cold. She could feel the warm garment between her legs, growling at the knowledge of why it was warm.

"I'm going to kill them all..." She muttered, as the door opened and the nurse walked in.

March 25th, 09, 11:42 PM
The doctor blinked at the weapon in Kin's hand. "Interesting, it looks like you did awaken a bloodline."

Kin filed that information away for later. "You never answered my question."

"Ahem, yes, well," the doctor began, "We are currently examining the anti-toxin and are trying to find an antidote for the side effects you and the others are suffering from. By, um, going through with your threat, you would be delaying your time of retraining yourself...assuming we find a cure."

Kin growled at the doctor's last words, but knew that if she wanted a chance at getting cured she'd have to let the doctors work. She clenched her fist, causing the crystal to disolve into chakra and be reabsorbed into Kin's chakra reserves.

The doctor gave a small bow to Kin before leaving, a nurse comming in a minute later.

March 26th, 09, 12:04 AM
"...What do you want?" Tayuya growled at the nurse.

"I need to teach you how to change yourself" The nurse replied.

"I think I'd rather beat the crap out of you and every other person in this hospital." Tayuya responded.

"Fine, but you'll still need diapers, you just won't know how to change yourself." The nurse stated.

Tayuya cursed, knowing she was right. The nurse tapped the bed with her hand, telling Tayuya to get in. Tayuya hesitated, but got into the bed.

March 26th, 09, 12:12 AM
"...Then you just pull the tapes across the front of your diaper, then check for leak holes across the leg holes." The nurse informed Kin as she changed the girl's diaper. Kin nodded in understandin, but was in no mood to say thank you for her aid. The nurse seemed to catch onto this, and excused herself, leaving Kin to her thoughts.

'I have a bloodline, but what good will it do me when I'm stuck wearing diapers? How can I be a ninja if I'm going around crinkling with each step...maybe a silencing seal in my pants? That could work, but wouldn't do a thing about odor. Is there a seal against that? Kami, what do I do now?'

March 26th, 09, 12:33 AM
As the nurse went to undo the tabs of Tayuya's diaper, she slapped her hand away.

"Hey, I told you that I would learn how, not that you could change me!" She shouted.

"I can't teach you without showing you." The nurse replied.

Tayuya mumbled a few obscenities, but let the nurse do her job, watching and listening as she worked.

Ugh, this is horrible...

March 26th, 09, 12:53 AM
"So how long wil I be in here doc?" Kin asked as she ate some of the hospital food. It tasted horrible, but she knew it would help her regain her strength faster.

"Just a few more hours, you and one other person are the only people who have been exposed to the anti-toxin, we need blood samples among other things from the both of you so that we can fix our anti-toxin and the two of you." the doctor explained. Kin grumbled, but said nothing else and just dug into her food.

March 26th, 09, 01:06 AM
After the nurse had changed Tayuya, she gave her some hospital food to eat. It was gross, but she was hungry, so it didn't matter. She ate in silence, wondering how this would affect her career as a kunoichi.

March 26th, 09, 01:17 AM
Kin finished her food off and placed the tray on the cart the nurse wheeled in. "Who was the other person that's being tested?" Kin asked.

"One of Orochimaru's bodyguards, Tayuya I believe her name is." the nurse said.

"Any chance I could visit her? I just got back from a mission with her."

"I don't see why not, it'll be easier to get samples too. I'll grab you your pants and inform the doctors where you'll be." The nurse exited the room for a minute, returning with Kin's clothes and ninja gear. Kin took a minute to change, noticing how her pants seemed to puff out due to her diaper, then asked the nurse what room number Tayuya was in. After learning it, Kin left her room and headed for Tayuya's.

Once she arrived, she knocked on the side of the open door. "Tayuya?"

March 26th, 09, 01:32 AM
"Kin?" Tayuya made sure that the blanket was covering her diaper as Kin walked in, "How're you doing?"

March 26th, 09, 01:35 AM
"I've been recovering, and apparently I have a bloodline." Kin said. She then blushed. "Tell me I'm the only one here that's wearing a diaper."

March 26th, 09, 01:45 AM
Tayuya sighed, and slid her blanket down enough to reveal her own diaper.

"Guess we're in this together..." She stated, "What kinda bloodline?"

March 26th, 09, 01:55 AM
Kin raised two opened fingers and focused her chakra through it. Her blue chakra changed to it's golden color before solidifying. Sliding it into her hand, she then tossed it to Tayuya.

"Aparrently, I can solidify my chakra. Into what, I'm not sure yet." Kin said, taking a seat at the edge of Tayuya's bed.

March 26th, 09, 03:03 PM
"Huh, interesting." Tayuya remarked, looking the crystallized chakra over.

"You want to help me kill every doctor in this hospital?" Tayuya asked, glancing at her own diaper again.

March 26th, 09, 04:24 PM
"I considered it, and casteration would be better, make them live with the pain from wronging us." Kin said. "The doctors are the only ones that can come up with a cure for our current...disability...better to use them to fix us first, then make them regret putting us through this embarressment."

March 26th, 09, 04:25 PM
"Bah, fine..." Tayuya grumbled, "I just hope to get out of here as soon as possible."

March 26th, 09, 04:29 PM
"We only need to be here for a few more hours, thankfully. The docs just need some sample from us to examine." Kin told her. She then frowned. "You as worried as I am about how this'll effect our ninja careers?"

March 26th, 09, 04:33 PM
"Yeah, this is going to complicate basically any mission," Tayuya replied, "Wait...sample, what kind of sample?"

March 26th, 09, 04:40 PM
"The doc's words were, "Blood samples, among other things." I'm not fully certain what the other samples could be, but I have a suspision." Kin said, hoping she was wrong. She formed another solid needle from her chakra and fiddled with it in her hand.

March 26th, 09, 04:43 PM
Tayuya's face whitened as Kin spoke. "Blood samples...? Hell no, I'm getting out of here!"

March 26th, 09, 04:54 PM
"Whoa, hold up a sec. Why are blood samples so bad? It's not like they're, well, asking for our eggs or anything." Kin said, blushing at not having an easier way to put it.

March 26th, 09, 05:00 PM
"There is no way in hell I'm letting them get blood from me." Tayuya replied, "Those needles, and the device that takes the blood in and all that..." She shuddered.

March 26th, 09, 05:05 PM
Kin couldn't hide her amusement. "A bodyguard of Orochimaru is afraid of needles and shots?" Kin shook her head. "That's pretty pathetic Tayuya. At least I have a reason to be afraid of hospitals and doctors."

March 26th, 09, 05:12 PM
"Shut up, I'll kick your ass right here and now" Tayuya growled, vein on her forehead throbbing.

March 26th, 09, 05:21 PM
"I have no doubt you would." Kin said. "I'm just saying there are worst things in life then getting stuck by a needle for blood..." She took a deep breath. "At least you never had to experience being beaten and raped, then healed only to be raped again. A doctor back where I came from did that to me."

March 26th, 09, 05:23 PM
"...Ah" Was Tayuya's simple response, not sure exactly how to respond to that.

March 26th, 09, 05:30 PM
"That's why I hate hospitals, it brings back the memories of that insident. I don't trust male doctors, but I trust the women moreso." Kin said. "That's why I can't believe you'd be afraid over drawing some blood. I mean, your name is know to everyone in Oto, you're the one all true kunoichi in the village look up to, and by true I mean they aren't sluts. It's just, well, kinda a blow to the image you gave everyone to find out you're afraid of needles."

March 26th, 09, 05:32 PM
"Pfft, everyone's afraid of something, no matter how strongwilled they appear," Tayuya responded, "It's just a fact of life."

March 26th, 09, 05:39 PM
"I guess..." Kin said. "Look at it this way, would you rather spend the rest if your life shitting yourself, or would you bare facing a needle for a possible cure? I'm willing to face the male doctors for a chance of not shitting myself...what about you?"

March 26th, 09, 05:55 PM
"...Fine" Tayuya mumbled, looking annoyed.

March 26th, 09, 06:05 PM
"Good." Kin said. "And don't worry, your secret is safe with me." As she finished saying that, a nurse wheeled in a cart, several needles on it for drawing blood.

"Okay ladies, we just need some blood samples and you'll be all set to go!" the nurse said.

Kin blinked. "Just blood samples? I thought we had to give something else?"

"You already did, your urine samples." The nurse explained. "Now hold out an arm you two."

March 26th, 09, 06:07 PM
It was futile, as Tayuya had passed out upon seeing the cart containing the needles, her face as white as a ghost's.

March 26th, 09, 06:12 PM
"Don't worry about her." Kin said as she got her blood taken. "She's just tired, used her curse seal for over an hour on our last mission. I can only imagine it would take alot out of you."

The nurse nodded in understanding and quickly took Tayuya's blood sample. "Alright then, you two are free to go. Just head down to the lobby and the staff will give you a form to give to a local pharmacis to get you free diaper supplies."

March 26th, 09, 06:26 PM
Tayuya woke up shortly after, happy that she was not conscious during the sampling.

"Finally, we can get out of here now." Tayuya stretched, and then got dressed quickly.

March 26th, 09, 06:29 PM
"Yeah...What should I do about my bloodline? Doesn't Orochimaru-sama have bloodlibe users regester or something like that?" Kin asked as she watched Tayuya get dressed.

March 26th, 09, 06:40 PM
"Hmm, good question." Tayuya replied, "You could always ask Kimimaro, if you want to be sure."

March 26th, 09, 06:44 PM
"You mean your group's leader?" Kin asked. "I thought he didn't like being disturbed, I heard a rumor that the last person who spoke to him ended up with a bone blade through his head."

March 26th, 09, 06:45 PM
"Well, I wasn't going to suggest it" Tayuya replied, "just that the possibility was there."

March 26th, 09, 06:51 PM
Kin crossed her arms and closed her eyes, thinking of her options. After a minute, she opened her eyes. "You're going to give Orochimaru-sama the mission report directly right? I could go with you, since I'm sure he'd want a demonstration of it anyways. I also need to speak to him about seals that might help the both of us with our new disability."

March 26th, 09, 06:55 PM
"I'm not looking forward to that conversation..." Tayuya began, "But I guess it would help if you were there, as well."

March 26th, 09, 06:58 PM
"Yeah, we're pretty much in this together. If Orochimaru-sama agrees to my plan, then the only thing we'll have to worry about besides changes will be being able to fight while suddenly going in our pants." Kin replied.

March 26th, 09, 07:00 PM
"Ugh, that's not a happy thought..." Tayuya muttered, "They'd better figure an antidote soon."

March 26th, 09, 07:10 PM
"Tell you what, those docs don't have anything in a few days, you and I can give the an incentive to hurry up." Kin said with a grin. Her hand was raised, and chakra coated it, solidifying, forming very jagged edges.

March 26th, 09, 07:18 PM
"Hehe, I like your plan." Tayuya replied, cracking her knuckles.

March 26th, 09, 07:22 PM
"Alright then, shall we head out? I'll write up a report from my perspective as well since we split up twice." Kin said. She clenched her fist, causing the crystals on her hand to convert back to chakra and be reabsorbed into her reserves.

March 26th, 09, 07:27 PM
"Yeah, the sooner we leave here, the better." Tayuya replied, "Let's go write those reports."

March 26th, 09, 07:35 PM
Kin and Tayuya discharged from the hospital and got the form for free supplies. As they exited the hospital, Kin turned to Tayuya. "So, where to? Your place or mine to write up these reports?"

March 26th, 09, 07:36 PM
"Eh, either or, I don't really care" Tayuya replied.

March 26th, 09, 07:45 PM
"Well then, you can come over to my appartment." Kin said. "Follow me." Kin leaped to the roof tops and started on the short trip to her appartment.

March 26th, 09, 07:47 PM
"Sure, whatever." Tayuya said, following Kin to her apartment.

March 26th, 09, 08:00 PM
It had taken only a few minutes to reach Kin's appartment, which wasn't anything special. After getting a quick snack, Kin pulled out two scrolls and tossed one to Tayuya. It only took an half hour for the two to finish their reports.

"Alright then, I'm ready when you are. Should we grab supplies first, or do the report?" Kin asked.

March 26th, 09, 08:01 PM
"Let's not keep Lord Orochimaru waiting any longer than necessary" Tayuya said, "We'd best deliver the report first."

March 26th, 09, 08:08 PM
"Point taken, just not sure he'd appreciate us giving our report in wet diapers, nore the smell." Kin said, then shrugged. "Lead the way then."

March 26th, 09, 08:20 PM
"I'd rather do that than to leave him waiting" Tayuya replied.

They left Kin's apartment, and then jumped towards Orochimaru's lair.

March 26th, 09, 08:26 PM
Orochimaru was in his throne room, looking over a kiddy porn magazine. He heard a knock on his chamber doors, and quickly sat on his magazine.

"Enter." Orochimaru said, knowing his voice would carry the length of the room.

March 26th, 09, 08:30 PM
"Lord Orochimaru, it's Tayuya, and I've come with my report." Tayuya stated, entering.

March 26th, 09, 08:36 PM
"Excellent...it seems you're not alone." Orochimaru said, as Kin entered.

"Lord Orochimaru, I've also written up a report for the mission Tayuya and my squad took part of. We had to split up several times, so I figured it'd be best for a second report to cover both sides." Kin explained.

"I see, how very thoughtful of you Kin. You may both hand over your reports, I have important...business...to take care of." Orochimaru told them, chuckling at the end.

March 26th, 09, 08:38 PM
"I understand, Lord Orochimaru." Tayuya placed her report on his desk, and backed away.

March 26th, 09, 08:59 PM
Kin moved forward and placed her report down as well, before moving away. "Lord Orochimaru, there is something that happened on that mission I believe you should know. I unlocked a bloodline."

Orochimaru gained a gleeful expression. "Do tell, what is it?"

"I'm still trying to figure it out completely myself, however what I know so far is that my chakra can solidify, into what I'm not sure, but it's strong enough to stop a kunai. Also, I can break down the solidified chakra and reabsorb it into my reserves." Kin explained.

March 26th, 09, 09:17 PM
Tayuya sat in silence, listening to their conversation as it went on.

March 27th, 09, 12:55 AM
"Facinating...demonstrate." Orochimaru ordered. Kin nodded her head and held out her hands. Chakra coated her hands and the void between them, before solidifying into golden crystals. Kin set the crystals from between her hands down on Orochimaru's desk, then broke down the crystals coating her hands back into chakra and reabsorbed it.

Orochimaru examined the crystals for a moment, before a look of glee came upon his face. "Kin Tsuchi, you possess the crystalist bloodline, originating from Kami herself." Kin's jaw dropped.

March 27th, 09, 01:22 AM
Tayuya raised her eyebrow at these words, "Huh, interesting."

March 27th, 09, 02:54 AM
"Kami created bloodlines?" Kin asked when she found her voice.

"A rare few. Some come from simple genetic mutations, others from demons and angels, and a rare few from Kami and Saten." Orochimaru told her. "Saten's bloodlines were far superior to Kami's, but came at tremendus costs to use at maximum efficency. Kami's, however, had elements that benifited forms of living. An example is your bloodline. Those crystals, though made of chakra, are worth tens of thousands of dollars, and are completely untracable as being formed by chakra."

Kin couldn't hold in her excitement, and gave a squeal of delight. Having such a rare bloodline would certainly allow her to aid the village that had saved her life. She then gasped, however, as she felt a warmth grow at her crotch, and blushed furiously.

March 27th, 09, 03:01 AM
"T-tens of thousands of Ryo!?" Tayuya shouted, "Holy crap!"

March 27th, 09, 03:10 AM
"Indeed, we have a rare opportunity on our hands." Orochimaru stated. He noticed Kin's blush, but thought it was of embarressment from praise. "Kin, one way to raise chakra reserves is to expend them till they're nearly empty. If you are willing to help supply our village with your crystals, I can make it worth your while."

Kin knew this would be her best chance to get what she needed, and what Tayuya would need. "Lord Orochimaru, as a kunoichi, I've reached my limit of progressing my skills and abilities. I have ideas for ways to improve my effectiveness with what I have, however I require knowledge of seals to do so. Mainly chakra storage seals so I can examine the effects of my own original jutsu. I will need some silencing seals and odorless seals if such a thing exists." Kin paused to catch her breath. "I'm only asking for seal knowledge to improve myself as a kunoichi of the sound and to better serve the village, that is why I ask for these."

March 27th, 09, 03:13 AM
"Umm, yeah, what she said I guess..." Tayuya stated, still thinking of the money.

March 27th, 09, 03:18 AM
Orochimaru examined Kin thoroughly, in expression and body language. "I understand the chakra storage seals, as you've mentioned your illusionary bells technique in your past reports, but why do you want silencing and odorless seals?"

Kin gulped at this, and glanced at Tayuya out of the corner of her eye. she didn't want to reveal their new need of diapers unless Tayuya was comfortable with her telling.

March 27th, 09, 03:23 AM
Tayuya looked away, forcing Kin to rely on her own decision for this one.

March 27th, 09, 03:29 AM
Kin sighed, before looking directly at Orochimaru. "Nearly a week ago, my team return from a mission where we encountered some Grass nins. I had been poisoned, and nearly died from it. The doctors at the hospital managed to save me with an experimental anti-toxin, however w-I'm suffering some side effects that, well..."

"Continue." Orochimaru ordered.

"Long story short, unless there's a cure developed, I'll be stuck in diapers for the rest of my life." Kin blurted out. Orochimaru blinked once, then twice, and continued blinking.

March 27th, 09, 03:31 AM
"...Me too..." Tayuya muttered, looking away.

March 27th, 09, 03:42 AM
Orochimaru then did something he had done only a handful of times in his life. He openly gawked at the two girls before him. It was only for a few second before he regained control. He was surprised this anti-toxin could have such an effect on a normal person, much less one with his curse seal.

Orochimaru moved forward till he was in front of Kin. He raised her head up so they could see the other's eyes. "You still wish to serve the village despite your need for diapers?"

"I can only speak for myself, but I do. If I'm permitted to continue on active duty the silence and odorless seals would help hide the presence during missions." Kin replied.

March 27th, 09, 03:47 AM
"Of course I still plan to aid the village!" Tayuya remarked, "I'd do it naked, if I had to."

March 27th, 09, 03:53 AM
"I'd have phrased that better, some might request that if word gets out on what you just said." Kin said. Orochimaru chuckled as he walked back to his throne, thankful no one had noticed his magazine.

"Very well, I'll have the scrolls containing what you need to make the seals delivered to you Tsuchi. I expect them back once you've memorized them. I'll be sending a few extra scrolls for some crystals as well." Orochimaru told her. He turned to Tayuya. "Tayuya, you shall aid Kin with the seals and her training. I wish to see what she is capable of now that she's awakened her bloodline."

March 27th, 09, 03:55 AM
"Of course, Lord Orochimaru" Tayuya replied, "I shall see that it goes well."

March 27th, 09, 04:09 AM
"I'll give it my all Lord Orochimaru!" Kin said.

"I expect nothing less. I shall order the doctors to increase their efforts on finding a cure for you both. I will expect a report of your progress in one week." Orochimaru stated.

"Yes sir, Lord Orochimaru!" Kin said, bowing to him.

March 27th, 09, 04:10 AM
"I understand, Lord Orochimaru" Tayuya stated, bowing as well.

March 27th, 09, 02:57 PM
"Very good, now leave, I have business to take care of." Orochimaru ordered. Kin nodded her head and walked towards the exit, a spring in her step.

March 27th, 09, 03:00 PM
Tayuya followed after her, bowing to Orochimaru before she left.

March 27th, 09, 03:02 PM
Kin turned to Tayuya. "Looks like we're stuck with each other." She said, a small smile on her lips.

March 27th, 09, 03:04 PM
"Heh, guess so." Tayuya said, stopping for a second while a warmth covered her lower half, "Ugh, that's going to take some time to get used to."

March 27th, 09, 03:07 PM
"Yeah, but I'm gonna try to not let it bother me." Kin said. Her eyes suddenly lit up. "I can think of something that'll cheer us both up!"

March 27th, 09, 03:09 PM
"Hmm? And what would that be?" Tayuya questioned.

March 27th, 09, 03:14 PM
"Remember during the mission what we were talking about around the campfire? Our prank idea?" Kin asked with a grin.

March 27th, 09, 03:20 PM
Tayuya smirked, "How could I forget...sounds fun."

March 27th, 09, 03:21 PM
"Before that though, we should probably get our supplies. The last thing I want is to train with a rash." Kin said, shuddering.

March 27th, 09, 03:26 PM
"Yeah, I agree" Tayuya replied, "Let's get this over with."

March 27th, 09, 03:28 PM
"I know a store a close by here. You still got your form?" Kin asked.

March 27th, 09, 03:30 PM
"Yeah, I got it." Tayuya replied, "I don't plan on paying for these things."

March 27th, 09, 03:34 PM
"Alright then, follow me." Kin said.

The two walked out of the office and headed down the street. It was a few minutes later that they entered a small store that had what they needed.

"They're probably in the back." Kin said.

March 27th, 09, 03:36 PM
"Ok, I just hope we don't see anyone we know here." Tayuya stated, walking towards the back.

March 27th, 09, 03:39 PM
"If we do, we'll say we're just getting supplies for a mission. Can't do anything about that, and even if they try, between your curse seal and my bloodline..." Kin trailed off with a grin as she followed Tayuya.

March 27th, 09, 03:43 PM
"Heh, that's true" Tayuya smirked, "Let's just get what we need and get out of here."

March 27th, 09, 03:51 PM
"Right." Kin said. Once they reached the ail, Kin examined the supplies. "Aside from the obvious, we'll need wipes, powder, and oil as well." She explained, trying tobe descreet due to the few people hanging out near the ends of the ail.

March 27th, 09, 03:55 PM
"Right, right, let's just hurry up." Tayuya muttered, staring down each end of the aisle.

March 27th, 09, 03:58 PM
Kin nodded, and after examining the diaper sizes, grabbed two bags that would fit her. She then grabbed two boxes of wipes, two bottles of powder, and a large bottle of baby oil.

March 27th, 09, 04:01 PM
Tayuya did the same, looking around once again for anybody that she knew.

March 27th, 09, 04:06 PM
Kin took the long way to the check out, that route having next to no people along that route. Once she got there, she placed the items on the counter and placed her excuse form on top.

March 27th, 09, 04:10 PM
Tayuya waited behind Kin, but not close enough to arouse the suspicions of anyone, even those that did not know her.

March 27th, 09, 05:41 PM
The cashier looked over the form and nodded her head. She then reached down under the counter and placed a pacifier with the rest of Kin's supplies. "We have a special today, so enjoy." The cashier said with a smile. Kin wanted tp throttle the girl for that tease, but that would draw attention to herself. She quickly sealed up her supplies and walked outside to wait for Tayuya.

March 27th, 09, 05:51 PM
Tayuya placed her items on the counter glaring evilly at the girl ringing her items up. The girl shakily gave the bag to Tayuya, who walked out. As she left the building, she noticed that the girl had slipped an orange pacifier into the bag, despite Tayuya's non-verbal threat. It took all the energy she had not to rush back in there and gouge her eyes out, although it was very tempting.

March 27th, 09, 10:29 PM
"Is your place closer then the west district appartment complex?" Kin asked once Tayuya exited the store. "I really need to change."

March 27th, 09, 10:31 PM
"Actually, yeah it is." Tayuya responded, "I do as well, so I guess we'll go to my place."

March 28th, 09, 03:16 AM
"Alright then." Kin said. "Lead on...Tayuya-sensei." She giggled a bit.

March 28th, 09, 03:21 AM
"...I could get used to that." Tayuya hopped towards her apartment, Kin following behind her. When they arrived, Tayuya opened the door, revealing her immensely messy apartment, things strewn about everywhere.

March 28th, 09, 03:27 AM
Kin's eye twitched at the look of the appartment before her. "I guess I shouldn't be surprised, you work with slopy men, why not have your appartment look like one lives here?"

Kin sighed and moved deeper into the appartment, watching her step as she moved along. "I take it you'll be changing in your room while I change in the bathroom...or we take turns in the bathroom."

March 28th, 09, 03:31 AM
"Eh, either way." Tayuya replied, "Just don't make a mess."

March 28th, 09, 03:37 AM
'Not that she'd notice if I did.' Kin thought to herself, but nodded outwardly. She walked over to the bathroom and closed the door behind her. As she fittled with her belt buckle, she noticed several of Tayuya's undergarments littered around the floor, and hanging off the shower head.

Shaking her head, Kin removed her belt, then her pants, letting her sagging pink diaper be exposed to anyone who could see, which was no one right now thankfully. grabbing the scroll from her belt, she unsealed her supplies and got started changing herself.

March 28th, 09, 03:47 AM
Tayuya sat on her messy bed, and dropped her pants. She poured the contents of her bag onto her bed, and began the process of changing her sodden diaper, as much as it annoyed her.

March 28th, 09, 03:58 AM
Kin untaped her diaper and carefully lowered it to the floor. Grabbing some wet wipes from the box, she carefully cleaned herself up. She realized how irritated she felt down there, due to the wet hair, and decided she'd have to do something like that later.

Once she was done cleaning herself up, she grabbed the baby powder and gently massaged it into her diaper areas, giving off soft moans as she did so. "This part I could get used to." She moaned softly.

Foregoing the baby oil this time, she opened the package of diapers, this pack being full of purple colored ones, better then pink in her opinion. Kin opened it up fully, then pulled it up between her legs. Moving her legs together, she then carefully applied the tapes to the front of her diaper, adjusting it till she couldn't find any leak holes by her legs.

Taking a moment to really feel the diaper between her legs, Kin found a small smile form on her face. 'At least it's comfortable.'

March 28th, 09, 04:05 AM
Tayuya wrestled with the tapes of the old diaper, deciding to just rip them, instead of undoing them. She lobbed it into her garbage can, and used the wipes to wipe herself clean. She reluctantly powdered herself, but found it slightly enjoyable for certain "purposes", despite the embarrassment. She ripped open the pack of diapers, causing them to spill onto the bed. She noticed that they were an orange-ish color, and while that was infinitely better than pink, it was still somewhat annoying. Still, she slid it under her, and taped it up, although it was not the greatest taping job. After that, she slid her pants back on and stood up.

March 28th, 09, 04:18 AM
Kin cleaned up the supplies she used and sealed them back in her scroll, including the used diaper and wipes, out of common curtisy for Tayuya. She then pulled up her pants, reattached her belt, and washed her hands before exiting the bathroom.

March 28th, 09, 04:19 AM
Tayuya left her supplies on her bed, seeing as it was her room and all, but threw the used items in the garbage. She exited her room, still not used to the bulkiness of the diaper.

March 28th, 09, 04:24 AM
Kin also noticed the slight bulk of her diaper, but it was significantly less then the hospital ones. She vaguely wondered if it was an athletic type of diaper before dismissing the thought as Tayuya exited her room.

"Wanna grab a bite to eat before we get down to business and ruin the reputation of two of our fellow sound ninjas?" Kin asked.

March 28th, 09, 04:25 AM
"Sure, I'm starving!" Tayuya replied, rubbing her gut.

March 28th, 09, 04:28 AM
"Great, I know this place a little ways away from here that makes sushi, among other things. And with the money we just got from our last mission, we don't have to worry about cost right now...well, as long as I'm your student you don't have to worry about how much anything costs." Kin said, forming a crystal tooth pick, and cleaned her teeth.

March 28th, 09, 04:31 AM
"Hehe, let's eat till our guts can't hold anymore." Tayuya said, licking her lips.