View Full Version : need adult/baby furniture

baby supergirl
October 19th, 09, 09:37 AM
my mom has finaly decided that i need to "grow up" and is moving me out of the house.
i will be staying with my sister untill i am able to get a place on my own and a job...but now here is the real problem

My parents and my family in general HATE the idea of me being a baby so i need to find some baby furniture that can "double" as adult furniture (cribs that turn into beds high chairs to barstools that sort of thing)
any suggestions for it?

October 19th, 09, 12:53 PM
Try using normal furniture while you live with her. If you're seriously going to decorate your house after your fetish, at least have the decency to do it in a house where only you are going to live. I still wouldn't recommend it, though, since people who visit your house will get a horrible first impression of you.

Stellar Dreamer
October 19th, 09, 01:41 PM
well if memoru serves me his sisters like him soo.....

October 19th, 09, 01:54 PM
...yeah, that doesn't exactly help. Two siblings living together in a house furnished for living out a fetish sounds like a fatal scoop.

Stellar Dreamer
October 19th, 09, 02:08 PM
yeah maby. I was only tryin to help.

October 19th, 09, 07:51 PM
well wait a while. i plan at a time to start a business that does that make modern looking AB/DL furniture

October 19th, 09, 09:02 PM
well wait a while. i plan at a time to start a business that does that make modern looking AB/DL furniture

Better learn some heavy carpentry and become an apprentice first if your going to do that. Youll need it to make anything thats half decent considering how much you have to strengthen traditional designs to support an adult's weight

To OP:

AB furniture is not something you can exactly buy at a store and there is no safe way to modify existing mass produced furniture for your function. The materials are just to shitty and the work required pretty much says your better off commissioning or buying a piece specifically made for Adults.

If you want to try go ahead but dont complain if you injure yourself.

There is a reason why a carpenter charges $200 or more an hour and some AB cribs can go as high as $1000 a piece and I suggest you wait till you have your own property before you go sinking 4 or 5 grand into a proper set of furniture like this.

baby supergirl
October 19th, 09, 11:47 PM
well i wont furnish it while i am living with my sister... i will be getting a job and getting my own place. i want a crib that you can remove the sides to make it a regular bed... or womthing that can be "taken down" to hide if like my mom comes to visit

October 20th, 09, 02:37 PM
When you get your own house, there's nothing stopping you from telling them to screw the hell off. Also, in that case, I'd say it would be better to get a house with some kind of storage room and then buy both a bed and a crib.

October 21st, 09, 12:41 AM
When you get your own house, there's nothing stopping you from telling them to screw the hell off. Also, in that case, I'd say it would be better to get a house with some kind of storage room and then buy both a bed and a crib.

sorry for going off topic but Nozomi are you in to this?

and I think the bambino website has links to furneture and stuff

Winnie Cooper
October 24th, 09, 06:26 PM
I built a frame that goes around my bed, and crib sides that attach to it, out of PVC pipe. It's not too difficult, pretty inexpensive (like, 50 bucks), and easy to take apart when someone comes to visit or you have to move.

October 24th, 09, 06:55 PM
For a crib just buy a bed with no I guess head/foot railing ordamint. Measure the lenth and width of the bed. Go to Lows or any other home maintence store and buy 4 premade fence to fit your mesurments, 6 door hinges, and a gate. lacthIf done correctly you should have a colapesable crib bars.

... or likevic said... I honestly did know he posted that.