View Full Version : A New Experiance

November 4th, 08, 12:46 AM
(This is a RP for me and Arfan5890 only)

It was a little bit after school when Kail got droped off from the school bus. He walks into his house that he had all to himself for awhile. His older half sister would be home in a few hours. And then later his mother coming off of work. He puts away his bookbag in his room. He then silently goes into his sisters room. You see a few days ago he saw his sister wearing a diaper. This got him intrested and was too afraid to ask her.

He goes looking through her droors until he finds the diapers. He strips off his pants,shoes and his underwear. The diaper was a tad girly looking but did not care. He was curious and wanted to feel what a diaper felt like. "How do you put one of these on" he said and was having a hard time geting it on.

November 4th, 08, 12:58 AM
Kathy(Kat) Gardener arrives home awile later after her coboned gymnastics, dancing, and cheerleading practce eneded early due a fake bomb threat. Kat wlaks into her room putting her shoes on the hsoe rack, her backpack on the shel, and she sees Kail trying to put one of her diaper she responds "you should have told you wnated to wear diapers because mom&dad would have bought you some for your random nighttime wetting problems."

November 4th, 08, 01:09 AM
"AH Kat.....I.....uhm sorry...." said Kail as he was embareist that his sister cought him red handed. "Would...you mind diapering me....I just wanted to try one on"he said and then thought he was weting the bed more often. He should have out grown it. But maybe he should start wearing them.

November 4th, 08, 03:11 AM
Kat pwoders, oils, lotions, and rmeoves excess hair form her brother Kail's diaper area, thane she effecientlyu diapers h im the cute diapers. She the pulls his baggy pants over the bulky diapers and hugs Kail while replying " I will get mommy&daddy to get your own since you need them at least at night for a long time."

November 4th, 08, 03:32 AM
Kail while being diapered up by his big sister felt oddly enough wonderful. As the smells and just being pampered like that felt really good. Kail then lets out a childish laugh "Why do you wear diapers" he asked her and then he just takes off the pants as he was feeling more comfortable in just a shirt and the diaper. He just feels the texture of it.

November 4th, 08, 03:39 AM
Kathy replies "I was born with a lack of bladder muscle control and my bowel control is so-so in the day but I've just have been and infantilist which mom&dad happy since their little girl didn't need tp grow up too much too fast."

November 4th, 08, 03:49 AM
"Well its that I hardly get to see you anymore. But...I think I like wearing diapers I feel more secure in them. Plus the feel and everything like them......Do you think...I can weaken or....my bladder and such so I can wear them from now on" said Kail as he looked up at his sister. He wanted to be very young again so he could wear them.

November 4th, 08, 04:34 AM
Kat replied "The trick is go whenever you have have to pee and use you use diapers exclisively all of the time which will weaken your bladder control." Kathy pullls down her skirt to show KAail she is diapered and then Kat put her skirt back in place to go finish her homework while helping her berother with his difficult school work.

November 4th, 08, 04:52 AM
Kail nods his head as he then goes to his room to do his homework. He did not have much trouble with it a all. And then he felt like he needed to go real bad and then tries to go. And then it was a trickel and then he slowly filled his diaper with pee. It felt good as he felt very very warm. He gets up and the says something "Uhm....how offten do you need to change yourself. I just went potty in my diaper" he said as it was saging a bit.

November 4th, 08, 05:26 AM
Kathy replies "you diaper is sagging whihc means it needs changed and if you are messy it needs changed even sooner." Kat quickly rediaperes Kail and then changes her wet&messy diapers so she can help kail finish his schoolwork.

November 4th, 08, 05:43 AM
"I've got most of my homework done anyway" said Kail as he was almost done with his homework. As he was working on this he speaks up "So you would like to wear teen sized baby clothes and do some of that stuff" Kail asked his sister. "Also...I'm going to have to know how to change a diaper as well" he said again.

A few minutes later there mother Serenity comes home. "Kids I'm home" she calls out and walks into the kitchen. Mostly to see what she could cook for dinner.

November 4th, 08, 02:54 PM
Kathy hugs&kisses Serenity her mommy and responds "Kail is a really great brother for me since he helped me change my diapers when I needed his help while you were out."

November 4th, 08, 09:15 PM
"Oh he did well he certaintly is a good brother" said Serenity and hugs her daughter back. Kail walks in with shorts but they look too big for him. "Is he wearing one of your diapers honey" she said to Kat. "Mom...can...you buy me my own...diapers"he asked her.

November 5th, 08, 01:58 AM
Kathy replies "he looks so very cute in diapers and he needs them at night at the least so I see no harm in him wearing diapers as long as he is wearing his own diapers."

November 5th, 08, 02:06 AM
"That is true he does look cute in them. Well its still early so why do'nt we order something to pick up for dinner. And then we go get some very cute diapers for your baby brother here"said Serenity as she quickly makes a phone call to a Italian restarunt on what the wanted.

"....Uhm thanks you two" said Kail as he blushes from there cute coment. But what would they get for him though? He goes to the frige to get a bottle of water to drink.

November 5th, 08, 03:09 AM
Serenity puts Kathy in her highchair and puts Kail in the new high chair from the garage while responding "you wiil have to be fed like this until we can figure a new sytsem after we buy Kail's new diapers&booster seats."

November 5th, 08, 03:21 AM
Kail nods at this "Ok Mommy I'll be a good baby boy for you" he said and was put in the high chair. Things were geting intresting now for him that is.

November 5th, 08, 03:34 AM
Kathy giggles as he farts then noisely fills her diapers with poop plus some pee and she replies "mommy I just made another big poopy in my diapers plus some pee too."

November 5th, 08, 03:43 AM
"Oh let mommy take care of that" said Serenity as she gets Kathy out of the high chair and takes her to the bathroom. She gets out a changing mat and then takes of Kathy's dirty diaper. The cleans her up powders heavly and then puts a very poofy diaper on her. "All done and I hope you do not mind if use some of your diapers for you brother. I'll buy you those special diapers you wanted" said Serenity.

Meanwhile Kail was geting figity and went potty again in his diapers "Mommy can you change me" he asked nicely to her.

November 5th, 08, 04:46 AM
Kath jumps back in her high chair and eats some food while mommy changes Kail whil eher mom responds "now you are changed Kail&we are going to buy you both some specuila new diaperes>"

November 5th, 08, 04:52 AM
"Oh really mama I can't wait for that" said Kail as he was geting excited by this. As Serenity puts Kail back into his high chair so he could finish eating. "Ok as soon as you two are done we are going shoping" she said.

November 5th, 08, 05:06 AM
Kathy finnishes first with a messy hands&face which is why she is glad she uis wearing a bib and she wits for momy to clean her up.

November 5th, 08, 05:18 AM
"Oh dear looks like we got a messy one here" said Serenity as she quickly cleans Kathy up. "Well looks like the two of you are done ready to shoping"she said sweetly as Kail nods his head several times.

November 5th, 08, 05:29 AM
Kathy jumps down gingerly and then responds "we need to get Kaila carseat tha mathces mine except in color."

November 5th, 08, 05:36 AM
"Alright then" said Serenity as she walks out to her van and gets Kathy into her car seat. And then buckels in Kail Securely in next to his sister. "So Kat have you been at this store before" Kail asked as there mother head to the big baby store.

November 5th, 08, 05:40 AM
Kathy replies I have been here four or five dozen times since I was knee hhigh to knee so you will love it too once you see this wonderful store." Serenity responds "I have to this store evne more than your sister since I am an adult baby for fun and the owner&I used to be roommate in college."

November 5th, 08, 05:48 AM
"Yay I can not wait to see what they have in there" said Kail very happy as he was going to do something very special with his family. And was loving every minute of it now.

November 5th, 08, 06:05 AM
Kathy thinks to herself "Kail is for abog surprise hwne he sees how babyishs store is and how many bnagbyihs things he have planned for him" Serenity parks then puts the kids in the double wide bog baby seat of the cart and she enters the store while greeting Patty "hey you stoe ios now bigger than ever&I have the following list for you loctae these items for all three of us." Patty pushes the cart through while Serenity's hand and they quickly get all iof the item sthey need so she takes her friends card, rings then uo, and loads up the items including putting Kail's new seat in while waving bye bye to the whole group.

November 5th, 08, 06:12 AM
Kail was amazed how babish things there were in this size. he cought glimpses on what they got was not sure what they got. Whatever it was it was going to be a surprise for him. "I wonder what we got today" he asked and his car seat was very comfortable and was slowly falling asleep.

November 5th, 08, 04:16 PM
Kathy falls asleep in her carseat with a new pacifier in her mouth and she giggles as hse thinks about all of the babyishthings for Kail plus some more babyish things for Kathy.

November 5th, 08, 04:58 PM
They get finaly home and Serenity wakes up Kathy as she gets her and Kail out of there car seats. "We are home" she said and starts takeing the stuff into the house. "So what did we all get" said Kail as he wondered on what babish things they got for him.

November 5th, 08, 05:11 PM
Serenity responds "we have pacifiers for all three of us, diapers for all thre of us in disposable&cloth, a changing table, wipes, powders, oils, lotions, rash creams, plastic pants&panties for all three of us, a crib for you&Kathy to share in the nursery when you want to sleep in there, stuffed animals, diaper pails for three of us, milk in all forms forms for all three of us, and of course we have all of the medicines&devices for when we are sick/naughty babies."

November 5th, 08, 05:36 PM
"oohhh nice" said Kail as he saw everything there. "So should I change into some other clothes though" since he wanted to get into the spirit of things. "Mama I have a question how long does it take to be good baby to lose control of my pee and poopy.I just want to be a good baby to you" he asked and looked over at some of the items there.

November 5th, 08, 05:42 PM
Serenity responds " I can speed up the process with medicine that will constantly weaken your bladder&bowelsthout surgery which is tough to explain to doctors&social workers." Kathy replies "the best way to weaken your bladder and bowels is never use the toilet again which will permanenmtky rmove your toilet training."

November 5th, 08, 06:09 PM
"Ok...I just wanted to ask" said Kail as he felt he needed to go. He relaxes right then and there and with that he fills his diaper. "I need a change I made a big one in here" he said and hoped either his sister or mom would change him.

November 5th, 08, 06:13 PM
Serenity changes Kail's mega diaper which is replaced with the same style diaper so they can be used up and she changes Kathy's sagging pee soaked diaper which is alos re;paced with the smae stlyle as her brother. Kathy replies "thank you mommy you are great at diaper changes andI didn't even I had to go until my diaper was wet."

November 5th, 08, 06:25 PM
"Well I had a lot of time to change diapers and make them fit. So how do my babies love there new diapers" as Serenity puts a paci into Kail's awaiting mouth. And then looks for something. "So Kathy what should we put Kail in. And then you" she said and had bought some teen sized baby clothes for them.

Kail was just on cloud 9 right now as he loved the new diaper he was wearing. And sucking happly on his paci and was wondering what they were doing now,

November 5th, 08, 06:42 PM
Kathy responds "I love overalls&onsies for me and I was thinks coveralls&onsies for Kail since he looks so cite all of the time."

November 5th, 08, 07:06 PM
Serenity then dresses the both of them. "Ok kids go and play mommy has to do a few things" she said and takes them to there new play room. She had to think on a few things about her new babies.

"Yay lets play then" said Kail looking for some toys.

November 5th, 08, 07:22 PM
Kathy with dols, puzzles, board games, and played housee with Kail as the baby&she is the mommy in the game.

November 5th, 08, 07:55 PM
Kail sees something in the corner "Wow when did you get the dress up stuff" and saw over kinds of toys. "Did you have this before sis" he asked her.

November 5th, 08, 08:06 PM
Kathy responds "yes we had it before but it looks like mommy bought is some more since the last time I was in this room which was a nursery a few years ago."

November 5th, 08, 08:17 PM
"So what are the new things she added" Kail asked curiously through the trunk.

November 5th, 08, 08:21 PM
Kathy responds "She added nw costumes, new toys, and most all she added a new paint scheme with an fish theme which is very calming."

November 5th, 08, 09:31 PM
"So under the sea huh? You must have liked the Little Mermaid" said Kail as turned to his sister. "Say....dress me up in something and surprise me" he said to her.

November 5th, 08, 10:31 PM
Kathy dresses Kail as a Mermaid in diapers and she adds a cute bikini outfit for herself to with the cute flip flops from the closet.

November 5th, 08, 11:06 PM
"He he its my turn" said Kail as he then puts the same outfit he was wearing. Kail walks over to a mirror "If I did not know better I could be mistaken for a girl" he said out loud.

November 5th, 08, 11:12 PM
Kathy replies "I am sure mom would like to see you as a girl but that is physically impossible without magic."

November 5th, 08, 11:28 PM
Serenity hears this and walks away and then does something for a few minutes. She then walks into the room "Kail if you really want to be a girl I have something that I can do. Once you do this there will be no turning back" she said to him.
Kail thinks for a moment and looks very hard at it. He would be able to fit in with his mommy and big sister. "Well what is it" he asked her and might as well do it. He had no friends to speak of anyway.

"Well I would have to breast feed you for a bit" As she used a spell on herself. Plus she wanted to feed her babies as well. Kail then walks over to her and starts to nurse.

November 5th, 08, 11:49 PM
Kathy nurses on mommy breast which make sher let out a cute belch and then there is a gas bubble realeased oit her butt as a cut efart which fills her diapers with alot of poop plus some pee. Kathy responds "mommy the breastmilk made poop and pee my diapers so can you please change my diapers right now."

November 6th, 08, 12:31 AM
"Ok wait just a few minutes your new baby sister is almost ready" said Serenity said as Kail or Kali now as she was almost done feeding. As Kali had small pert little breasts and they could see the body changed as well. With the same sounding fart Kali had filled her diapers. She then changes both of them into very girly looking diapers.

"So sissy how do I look" she said to her big sister and looked down. Seeing that she was now a girl now.

November 6th, 08, 12:38 AM
Kathy responds "Kali you look so cute in my opinion and we both will need diapers now the spell effected you the way my medical condition affected me."

November 6th, 08, 12:48 AM
"Well I do'nt think she minds at all does she" said Serenity as she redresses Kali into what she was wearing. And then continues "I will continue brest feeding you Kali after every meal to make sure you will stay like that" she said.

Kali was so over joyed that she huged both her mother and sister Kathy.

November 6th, 08, 12:50 AM
Kathy responds "mommy cna you please breastfeed me as well since I think it might slow down my incontinence and if not I love when breastfeed me all of the time."

November 6th, 08, 12:54 AM
"Ok sweety I will but for now just play for a few more hours and then its bath time" said Serenity as she leaves the two alone for now.

"Sissy I need help being a girl now" Kali said to Kathy as she looked very cute in the mermaid outfit.

November 6th, 08, 12:58 AM
Kathy responds "you look awesome as girl and I hope you can stay tha wya way forverr since you weren't happy as boy."

November 6th, 08, 01:06 AM
"Well I hope so and why do we do fastion show since he have all of these pretty things" said Kali as there were other costumes and such to dress up as.

November 6th, 08, 01:25 AM
Kathy dresses as a nurse and she dresses Kali as a Cowgirl with the magic hart&boots wehich matches her sisters diapers.

November 6th, 08, 01:40 AM
Kali struts around a bit showing her self off a lot. "*giggles* I may never want to be a boy again" she said. "I look to cute now and plus my diaper feels much more better then before" Kali said again.

November 6th, 08, 02:29 AM
Kathy responds "girls look better in in diapers and we both look very cute in our diapers right now sine they are required unless we want wet&messy pants." She dresses in a montague of costumes and falls asleep cuddling up with er new sister Kali.

November 6th, 08, 02:38 AM
"Yes thats soo true" said Kali as she gets in a fairy outfit and then falls asleep next to her sister. Serenity sees them asleep and double diapers them. She changes them into some very cute sleepwear. Places both of them in the crib and heads off to bed as well.

November 6th, 08, 05:55 AM
Kathy coos in her sleep and rolls to cuddle up with Kali her new permanenr sister who also needs diapers 24/7.

November 6th, 08, 06:44 PM
Kali does the same thing and cuddles up to her sister being a very happy baby girl right now.

November 6th, 08, 06:52 PM
Kathy wakes up crying for mommy from her messy diapers from diarrhea which came from an unknown source since she fine when she wen to bed.

November 6th, 08, 07:22 PM
Serenity quickly comes into the room "Whats the matter" as she gets Kathy changed into a new diaper and quickly puts another one over just to be safe.

November 6th, 08, 07:34 PM
Kathy responds "mommy my tummy feels really funny right now and I think I should go back to sleep to feel better in the morning."

November 6th, 08, 07:36 PM
"Ok sweety is there anything you need so you can get back to sleep" said Serenity as she redresses Kathy back into her bed clothes. "And just to be sure I'll get some medicin for your tummy" she said to her.

November 6th, 08, 08:13 PM
Kathy replies "all i need is some water and the medicine for my tummy which is what is preventing me from getting back to sleep."

November 6th, 08, 08:45 PM
Serenity gets the water and the medicine to Kathy. "There you go baby" she said and gave her the medicine. And then gave Kathy the water to wash it down.

November 6th, 08, 08:51 PM
Kathy drinkt the water while taking the medicine and she falls back a happy dream filled sleep after the medicine starts to kick in for the night.

November 6th, 08, 08:53 PM
"Goodnight you two" said Serenity as she puts Kathy back into the crib. She then closes the door and goes to her bed to sleep.

November 7th, 08, 04:21 PM
Kathy wakes up happy the next morning then asks mommy Serinity for a diaper change since her diapers are extremley wet&messy right now. Sernity bathes Kathy first then she resdiaper her in two diapers just in case and she dresses Kathy in her favorite Overalls outfit with matching Sailor Moon shirt with socks&shoes in a babyish style. Serenity carries her daughter into the litchen where she feeds Kathy in her purple highchair some eggs, toast, bacon, and a sippy cup of apple jhuice to wash it all down.

November 7th, 08, 07:20 PM
Kali stirs "Mommy I need a change now I'm very full" she said and her diaper was very full. At it was starting to iritate her skin and was starting to get hungry. She loved her cute onsie in a cream color.

November 7th, 08, 08:29 PM
Serenity picks up Kali then bathes her in the tub, she puts rash cream&ltion on Kali;s sore, then poeders&oil her butt, doubke dauerps her daughter, then dresses her in her favorite outfit, and places her in her highchair where she feeds her breakfast. Serenity finishes by breastfeeding Kali&Kathy on both breasts and she changes their wet&messy diapers after the breast milk works its way through their bodies.

November 7th, 08, 08:50 PM
Kali's apperiance turned even more effeminin as her chest grew a bit. And was continualy changeing "So big sis whats going on to day" she said and saw her hair growing out a lot longer. And her lower area was geting more sensitive with each day.

November 7th, 08, 08:59 PM
Kathy responds "we are going to watch tv, movies, and play video games in my room unless mommy Serenity has a better idea." Serenity cleans up Kali&Kathy and then puts girls in the their former room which is now a family room with a big screen tv, video games for all, and a dvd player with a bunch of movies.

November 7th, 08, 09:08 PM
Kali looks through all of the DVD's and finds something and finds a Cardcaptor Sakura season one colection. And puts in the frist DVD "I wonder what I can do with my hair" Kali said as she looked at her hair.

November 7th, 08, 09:14 PM
Serenity&Kathy puts Kali's jair in two ponytails with puprle ribbons in ponytail with the rest if her in braids and Kathy watches the dvds with Kali while drinking warm bottles of mommies breastmilk with snacks for movie watching.

November 7th, 08, 09:35 PM
Kali was enjoying the anime and saw her hair beautiful hair done up so cutely done. And was drinking the breastmilk as well with the snacks. Kali then let a fart and fills her diapers. "Looks like I made a big one" she said and wanted a change and wanted thicker diapers as well.

November 7th, 08, 09:50 PM
Serenity changes both of their messy diapers then put them two nighttime thicknmess diapers and then gives them two mire bottles of her milk while she replies "Kali you are turning into such a pretty girl who will be that way permanentky in a few days." Katy "thank you mommy for miklk and most of for Kali who is a wonderful cute sister."

November 7th, 08, 10:00 PM
"Ok mommy" said Kali as she was feeling the changes to her body. And huged her sister on the cute coment. "I want to stay like this forever" she said to her mother and sister.

November 7th, 08, 10:04 PM
Serenity responds "you will stay like for a long time especially at the rate you are drinking my breast milk and that and you wnat to be that forever." Kathy adds "I was only bladder incontinent before but mommies milk helped to be big baby diapergirl for the rest of my life."

November 7th, 08, 10:14 PM
"I guess we will always be mommys little babies" said Kali and rubed the front of her diaper. This got a reaction out of her as she was almost completely becoming a girl.

November 8th, 08, 12:36 AM
Kathy responds "you are my favorite sister right now and I wonder if mommy can make me cuter while not changing my age with her milk." Serenity responds "I can make you younger, older, cuter, incontinent, and many other things with my milk except I can't affect people that don;t wnato change. She puts her babeis to sleep after they fall asleep watching tv and she soon is aslepp in own bed to await her babies requests during the night.

November 8th, 08, 06:01 AM
Kali wakes up after having a very intresting dream. She starts to touch herself down there and wanted to experiance a female release. Once she was done and starts to go back to asleep.

November 8th, 08, 11:50 PM
Kathy has wondeful dram in which is babied by everyone while having constant wet dreams from her awesomely wet and mesy diapers 24/7.

November 9th, 08, 12:07 AM
As Kali slept she messed and peed and was having a wonderful fime being babied.She giggled in her sleep and cooed as well.

November 10th, 08, 07:51 PM
Serenity changes Kali&Kathy's diapers and breasfeeds them until they fall back to sleep to happy babyish dreams about bieng mommies baby girls 24/7 for the rest of their lives. Kathy rool over her sleep and cuddles up to Kali who is looking more girlish&babyish over time.

November 10th, 08, 07:54 PM
It was the next day and Kali wakes up frist needing a change. Since she was very wet and messy. After breakfast and being brestfed she would be 100% female. She would need to get her own clothes soon though.

November 11th, 08, 04:57 PM
Kathy hugs&kisses Kali while replying "you can borrow some of my older clothes Kali until we acn fidn you some new clothes and donate your former male clothes to charity."

November 11th, 08, 06:11 PM
"I wonder what mommy is doing right now" said Kali as she did need a change. "Yeah I hope they will be put to good use" she said to her sister Kathy.

November 11th, 08, 06:23 PM
Kathy changes Kali's diaper&her own aftera quick shower and she hands Kali a cute yellow dress with a matching bra&shoes in Kali new size. Serenity finishes Kali's diaper change&helps her new daughter into her clothes and she replies "you need to thank Kathy for your clothes&later today we will pick up a whole wardrobe for you my newest baby girl."

November 11th, 08, 06:30 PM
Kali had finished her transformation into a girl. "Thank you Kathy" as she now hugs her sister. As she was geting use to her new body her breasts were quite sensitive. Her intire body was sensitive accualy and would take awhile to get use to it. Kali wondered if she would get cuter as time passed.

November 11th, 08, 06:55 PM
Serenity responds "I need to keep breastfeeding Kathy&you Kaki to keep you cute forever since if I stop Kali might go back to being male and Kathy would be angry with me for stopping the bonding we have always had with each other." Kathy replies "mommy may I please have another diaper change since I just made a big poopy in my diaper and now I jsust soaked my diaper with pee."

November 11th, 08, 07:37 PM
"Ok sweety let mommy take care of that now" said Serenity as she takes her frist baby to get changed. She quickly diapers Kathy very quickly in some cute and very girly diaper. "Ok my little babies lets get you fed" she said and starts breakfast. And Kali wanted pancakes this morning since she wanted them real bad.

November 11th, 08, 08:05 PM
Kathy eats in her booster seat while happily eating breakfast and she laughs as she drinks her sippy cup of juice.

November 11th, 08, 08:36 PM
Kali eats as well from a high chair as well loving the food that her mommy made for her. Serenity made her own and was already thinking of several cute out fits for Kali to wear. She also had something in mind when they were going out today as well.

November 11th, 08, 08:40 PM
Kathy replies "mommy do we stuill hav e my double striller which would come in handy for our outings and I still fit in it right now."

November 11th, 08, 10:39 PM
"hhhhmmmm Ok I'll pull it out a bit later but I do'nt think it will fit both of my babies" said Serenity as she wipes away something for Kali's mouth. And as soon as they were done eating Serenity gets them out of there high chairs. She removes her shirt and bra "Ok you two time for your milk" she said and sits down on the couch so they could nurse. Kali runs over to her mommy and starts to drink her mother's milk.

November 11th, 08, 11:51 PM
Kathy responds in kind the she burps cutely after finishinh er mother's milk which once it is though his system causes her fill her diapers almopts to bursting with pee&poop and she exclaims "mommy may I please have a diaper change after Kali is finished nursing."

November 12th, 08, 12:01 AM
"Ok sweety Kali is almost done" said Serenity as Kali finishes her breast milk. She lets out a burp but did not fill her diaper yet. "Lets get you into a clean diaper" said Serenity again and places Kathy on the changeing table and quickly changes her. As she was finishing diapering Kathy,Kali fills her diaper to the max.

"Mama....I need a change I made a big mess" Kali said very cutely as Serenity then changes Kali. "I have something special for this little baby" she said and places a exessively thick diaper on Kali and then places yellow plastic panties on her to match the dress.

November 12th, 08, 12:10 AM
Kathy responds "wow Kali you awesome&cute in my old clothes and I can't wait to see you in your new clothes form whereever we are going shopping today."

November 12th, 08, 11:03 PM
"I can't wait either" said Kali as she waddles a bit due to the very thick diaper she was wearing. "I wonder what I should get for Kali though" said Serenity as she gets her baby girls into the van and off to a clotheing store.

November 13th, 08, 01:35 AM
Kathy hugs&kisses both Kali&Serenity while replying "I have no clue what we will get for Kali but I need more shoes plus some more clothes for school wher everyone accepts me for being myself including my diapers on a daily basis."

November 13th, 08, 01:37 AM
"Well I can always home school the both of you. I have a lot and do mean lot of money in the bank. So we are taken care of for a long time Sweety" Serenity said to Kathy as Kali was asleep in her car seat.

November 13th, 08, 02:38 AM
Kathy falls asleep right before they reach the clothing store and she yawns as wakes up from her quick happy nap.

November 13th, 08, 04:25 AM
Serenity gets to the clotheing store "Well little baby girls we are here" she said and parks the car and then gets her children out of there car seats. Kali then speaks to her older sister "Say Kathy I do'nt know what I should get" she said. There mother was geting her purse/diaper bag for the two. "Ok lets go on in" she said and entered the store.

November 13th, 08, 04:32 AM
Kathy responds "you need shoes, dresses, skirts, pants, socks, bras, shorts, shirts, blouses, and much much more."

November 13th, 08, 04:59 AM
"Well then lets get this started then" said Kali as Serenity started to get some clothes for her to try on. "Kathy sweety start geting stuff for your sister there" she said.

November 13th, 08, 05:33 AM
Kathy picks a bunch of ecah item then takes to the dressing room for Kali try on and she tries on shoes&bras while waits for her sister to pick her new clothes.

November 13th, 08, 05:38 AM
A few hours later they were finishing up and got a lot of things for Kali. "Ok who needs a change" said Serenity as they were in a secluded area. As she layed a changeing mat down in the large open area of the van. Kali was dry for now but you never know though.

November 13th, 08, 06:23 AM
Kathy "Mommy I am dry&mess free for now and we should go home and eat dinner which will soon unless I am mistaken."

November 13th, 08, 06:30 AM
"Ok my little baby girl" said Serenity as she gets them into there car seats. She gets verything to go and heads off home. It was uneventful until they got home and out of the van. Kali had made a farting sound telling that she made a messyone in her diaper. "I made a real messyone" she said and was taken to the changeing room. "Kathy sweety can you take care of your sister? I need to answer the phone" said Serenity and quickly answered the phone.

November 13th, 08, 06:33 AM
Kathy quickly changes Kali into another thick diaper with blue plastic panties to match her blue overalls outfit and she watches cartoons with Kali on tv.

December 4th, 08, 07:25 PM
Serenity came in and served them lunch which was a few slices of pizza. Kali thanked her mother very much. As she was watching TV there was a thought that came to mind. What things she could do now then when she was a boy. But did not think of it too much right now.

December 5th, 08, 05:25 AM
"you can still play sports as a girl aatough you are more athletic now then when you were a boy Kali, you might be bisexual like which menas you boys&gir about the same, and there is so much more that I will tell you in time."

December 8th, 08, 02:33 AM
"Really huh well I might get into some other kinds of sports" said Kali as she drank some juice from a sippy cup that was on a near by table. She moved closer to her older sister since Kali was more touchy feely.

December 9th, 08, 02:53 AM
*Kathy hugs and kisses Kali while rubbing her head in a loving fashion.*