View Full Version : New to this (sort of)

June 23rd, 09, 01:27 AM
Hey folks.

As per the title, I am new to this RPing thing. I've kind of role-played on a messenger program before, but never really in a forum, and definitely not in an Anime-themed forum (though this site does interest me quite a bit ^_^)

I've been studying the pages among pages of RP threads, and I see some that I really like (Magical Babysitters is my favorite thus far) and some that don't interest me much, such as the overly graphic/sexual threads.

I'm a writer and have an extraordinary imagination, so I think I'd be pretty good at the whole RPing scene, but I've never really tried it.

I guess I'm posting this because I'd like to know how you folks get started and find people to join, or how you yourself would go about joining one? Any help would be much appreciated :)
