View Full Version : No more "what do you think about me" poll threads

March 24th, 09, 12:35 AM
There has been a lot of "what do you think about me" poll threads that is very irritating.

Mods, please delete them on sight.

Arigatou gozaimasu.

March 24th, 09, 02:36 AM
There has been a lot of "what do you think about me" poll threads that is very irritating.

Mods, please delete them on sight.

Arigatou gozaimasu.

You know I started it with the first one like a week ago just out of curiosity. the ones now are just cancer.. so yeah id have to agree with you >.>

March 24th, 09, 02:51 AM
3rd support they are annoying and can go off topic quickly and don't really matter much though yes I can understand them but pint stands they are off topic areas

March 24th, 09, 05:11 AM
I know what you guys mean... I clicked on one and didnt know who the poster was.

PaddedPrinceling Joey
March 24th, 09, 05:57 AM
That's kind of a big problem there... Half the people don't post.

Winnie Cooper
March 24th, 09, 08:28 AM
It would seem to me that a person would post such a thread because they want attention. So I guess the best way to stop such threads would be to ignore them. Most of you now here on this thread complaining about these type threads have been the biggest contributors to them. Now you want us mods to clean up the crap you have created.

If you want attention whores to stop whoring, stop giving them attention.

And yes, I find these thread highly annoying as well. But you won't find a post by me in any of them. I find it ironic that those who have made this type of posting successful now come complaining about it.

March 24th, 09, 12:13 PM
It would seem to me that a person would post such a thread because they want attention. So I guess the best way to stop such threads would be to ignore them. Most of you now here on this thread complaining about these type threads have been the biggest contributors to them. Now you want us mods to clean up the crap you have created.

If you want attention whores to stop whoring, stop giving them attention.

And yes, I find these thread highly annoying as well. But you won't find a post by me in any of them. I find it ironic that those who have made this type of posting successful now come complaining about it.

so i thought deleting a thread just required the click of a button or two. or closing. whichever. but whatever. makes sense.

guess this forum is full of bitchy mc bitch bitch bitchersons.

March 24th, 09, 10:21 PM
as victoriahnichole states they shall be deleted on sight, too many issues can result from such threads.

March 25th, 09, 12:04 PM
as victoriahnichole states they shall be deleted on sight, too many issues can result from such threads.

i love how victoriah never stated that in her post at all. whatever though. thanks. they did get a bit annoying despite my involvement.

Winnie Cooper
March 25th, 09, 05:39 PM
Here, I didn't. But in the Mod chat I did - the day before it was brought up here, in fact.

And it was me who deleted them as well.

March 25th, 09, 09:36 PM
Here, I didn't. But in the Mod chat I did - the day before it was brought up here, in fact.

And it was me who deleted them as well.

Mah bad, mah bad. I didn't know that. ^^

March 25th, 09, 10:06 PM
Here, I didn't. But in the Mod chat I did - the day before it was brought up here, in fact.

And it was me who deleted them as well.

lol, indeed.. should have elaborated more with my reply but the message got through.