View Full Version : own catagory in the fiction area.

December 29th, 08, 08:12 AM
I was wondering exactly how one goes about getting their own category in the fiction area, do you ask an admin or mod, or do you need to have a certain amount of stories approved first?, I cant find a way to create a category on my own.

the reason I ask is I dont have alot of stories, persay, but the ones I have are kinda long, and are not even close to being finished yet, I feel it would be easier for me to have my own category to post my stories, so they dont get lost in the shuffle of the communal area before I can add to, or finish them.

just a question, if not I can post them in the communal area if need be.

December 29th, 08, 08:17 AM
Yes you do need them to be approved and there is a certain amount required. Just as there is a certain amount of art required to get an art section.

December 29th, 08, 08:26 AM
thanks for the help chaos, I'll get to posting some stories shortly, and I already read the post in this area about telling an admin about the story so it can be approved/ disaproved quickly, I have one other question, but I think I already know the answer, does the story get frozen/locked after the first post?, and then awaits approval? because, as with most, but not all story writers here and elsewhere My stories are in parts/chapters, Id like to know for sure, so I know to post 1 chapter, or a few to give the admin an idea of whats going on in the story.

I dont think I'll run into any problems with approvals tho the only things one might find bad/offensive about my stories are the vulgar language and graphic violence, I have yet to post a diaper story anywhere, I do have a few diaper stories, but Im kinda at odds about posting them. but all my stories are fan-fictions concerning my rp characters and whatever anime, tv show or otherwise they are based on.

December 29th, 08, 08:34 AM
Nah Ive seen comments posted and such we keep them open so others can give their opinions about it if the mod/admin approves he/she will leave a little mark on the bottom of your posted story. Everyone will have a different opinion about it but if its not disgustingly inapropraite then it will be approved.