View Full Version : Pacific Diaper Dream :)

March 16th, 09, 07:53 PM
Hey all, I just got back from Hawai'i and thought I'd share my diapered antics with ya.

Well, my parents and I were staying in a condo we rented for the week and the small store down the street had the old plastic covered Depends in 3-packs for a dollar...so of course I bought one :)

I wore (and wet) for three nights until they were all used (luckily I stayed upstairs alone!). After they were all gone, though I was kinda sad...so one day I rented a moped to check out the rest of the island and bought a pack of depends (the new crappy cloth-covered ones) and wore them all day. I then proceeded to wear them 24/7 for the rest of the trip and on the plane ride back, it was awesome!

I was kinda nervous the whole time that someone might find out, though, especially since I was sitting with my parents for 7 hours on the plane!

March 16th, 09, 08:17 PM
nice... i have been wereing almost 24/7 for like a week cus now my mom knows though i still got to hide a little... it is fun... sitting with them on it is not hard to hide... only when moveing... and the old cloth sux

March 17th, 09, 11:55 PM
you wear cloth? How does that work out for ya?

March 21st, 09, 01:38 AM
haha nice
I think i'm pretty good at being careful with them when at home or at school
i cover it pretty well

March 22nd, 09, 06:56 AM
Ooh, wow, that sounds great.

Stupid me wouldn't be able to buy some even far away from home... >.<"

Why don't cha' take me next time?! :O

March 24th, 09, 03:47 AM
lol, no prob, we'll make plans next time i ever head out to the pacific :p but, don't forget, there's always our good friend the interwebs...