View Full Version : parasite (rp) (open)

Zebra King
March 5th, 09, 02:55 AM
This all started with a crazy little experiment on a virus that turned all its victims into monsters. It mutated their skin and made them forget all of things within reason. They attacked at the smell of human flesh. Only a handfull of disease free survivors (loaded with weapons and armor) must fight their way to the safe land

where the disease has died out completley and that is when humanity can finaly rebuild.

The disease is airbourne and all the survivors are immune to the disease. The rest have turned into those monsters that have no sense or reason.

I will allow up to 10 survivors.

(Diapers allowed if wanted)

Please post a small biography of who you are and what you have.


Name: Mike
Gender: Male
Race: Italian/American
Weapon: 10mm pistol with scope.
Armor/clothing: Police armored suit
Diapers: Only wears them in private

Please, last rps ive had havent even got off the ground

March 5th, 09, 03:03 AM
I'll join. Looks really fun.

Name: Carey
Gender: Male
Race: Caucasian
Weapon: M4 Carbine with a red dot site
Armor: Dragonscale Vest (Look it up, it is one of the strongest pieces of body armor to date.)
Diapers: No one knows his fetish

Zebra King
March 5th, 09, 03:14 AM
For others: Join in anytime

After the disease sprad out the world changed completely. Billions died and onlt left only 250,000 people alive and disease free.

Mike, a former police officer was walking out searching for his dinner. He broke into homes and took all he could find. Mike scavenged through a cabinet and found his meal for the night. He walked out and then urned his attension to a huge hole in the wall. Mike pulled out his gun and turned the corner. An infectant dg jumped on him and went straight for the throat. Mike shot it in his face 3 times before it finnaly died. He pushed the dead carcas off of him and got up. He poped a cigar in his mouth, lit it and walked toward his home.

March 5th, 09, 03:21 AM
Walking silently down the street making sure not to alarm anyone of his presence, was looking for a place safe enough to crash without being attacked during the night. Casey, the former US Marine had been wandering since the outbreak of the disease, sleeping where it was safe trying to stay ahead of the former humans, always leading to him having to make a quick escape. Casey heard gunshots in the vicinity of him and started maneuvering towards the gunshots location. "Could there really be someone alive here?" thought Casey as he silently made his way to the location of the shots.*

Zebra King
March 5th, 09, 03:28 AM
Mike started getting a chill up his spine. There were several parasited hunters on the rooftops of buildings. They were all staring at him with their bright yellow eyes. Mike quickly startd running down the road, being chased by a dozen hunters. He took his gun and started shooting at them while trying to run. He managed to get 7 down before he ran out of amunition. Still 5 chased him, running fast after him. Mike took a grenade out of his pocket and tossed it behind him. The explosion lite up the sky and bodies flew everywhere.

March 5th, 09, 03:34 AM
*Casey heard the explosions and started running all the more faster to it's position hoping to come across someone that was more concerned with living than human flesh. Turning a corner he comes across a man with a pistol in his hands, and flames and debris everywhere behind him, including the bodies of several infected humans and animals spread around the streets. Noticing there were still a few zombies chasing him even after the explosion, he put his M4 to his face and gunned down the remaining zombies. After gunning the rest of them down he ran up to the guy who was no longer being followed.* "Hey you! Are you okay?"

Zebra King
March 5th, 09, 03:37 AM
Yes im fine and thank you. Its been so long maybe 2 years since I spoke to a survivor. Im Mike and who are you?

March 5th, 09, 03:39 AM
"Casey. You are the first survivor I have ever talked too. Most people I knew didn't have much chance and died off. Where were you heading too?"

Zebra King
March 5th, 09, 03:42 AM
My home to get my food back safely. I only met 1 person out here and I had to put a bullet in his head so dont try anything funny, and uhh, thanks for killing the rest of them mutants.

March 5th, 09, 04:20 AM
*Casey just nodded* "Care if I tag along? With more than one person we are likely to fend off the mutants much better."

Zebra King
March 5th, 09, 11:57 AM
That may be true and there is no one else around. Id love to have some company.

Bump: We need to get back to my place. Ill provide food, shelter and security

Bump: We need to get back to my place. Ill provide food, shelter and security

March 6th, 09, 12:59 AM
"It's better than nothing. Lead the way."

Zebra King
March 6th, 09, 01:00 AM
Mike took his 22in knife out from his pocket. Ill be more than happy to.

March 6th, 09, 01:06 AM
*Casey reloaded his M4 just in case of another attack* "Alright lets go."

Zebra King
March 6th, 09, 01:19 AM
(They walked down the road for several miles).

"Get down" Mike yelled

a hord of infected blood flies few above their heads. One little drop of blood and you'd be eaten just as fast as a pireana could eat.

March 6th, 09, 01:26 AM
*Casey ducked down as he did looking up. He had come across these once before, but he was sure to stay a good distance away from them. Funny he didn't notice them before. Just as the flies passed a horde of mutants ran out of a nearby building running straight for them* "There's mutants! Get ready!" *pulling his M4 to his face still laying down and picking off a couple of them.*

Zebra King
March 6th, 09, 01:47 AM
A mutant jumped on Mike and clawed at his face. Mike took the blade straight into its troat. Mike got up and slashed away at the mutants.

March 6th, 09, 01:50 AM
*Casey yelled to Mike as he readied a flashbang* "Cover your eyes!! This will disorient the mutants for a little while" *As he tossed it covering his own eyes in the process*

Zebra King
March 6th, 09, 01:55 AM
Mike covered his eyes and the flash was so bright that it burned Mikes eyes with his eyes closed. Mike opened his slightly burning eyes and slashed at the other mutants. Soon there were only a couple blinded mutants left. Mike yelled at Casey to get back and Mike tossed a grenade into the remander of mutants.

March 6th, 09, 01:58 AM
*Casey ducked down again covering his head as the explosion went off from the grenade. Looking up at what had just taken place he noticed there were parts of the mutants laying around everywhere along with debris from the explosion, some still falling down. Casey got up and left out a hand for Mike* "You okay?" *He said to Mike*

Zebra King
March 6th, 09, 02:02 AM
Actualy no, I think that asshole mutant made a scar over my left eye. It hurts very badly.

It isn't bleeding is it?

March 6th, 09, 02:08 AM
( i might get into this... but not tonight... bio tomorrow ^^)

March 6th, 09, 02:18 AM
(Alright cool. We need more than 2 people ^^ Make it a bit more interesting.)

*Casey noticed the scratch by his eye* "Hm.. It doesn't look too bad but we should really treat it." *With that he pulled out a small bottle of peroxide and some Gauss* "This may hurt a little. Do you want me to help you with it?"

Zebra King
March 6th, 09, 02:28 AM
Yes plaease. The peroxide was poured onto a cloth and rubbed over Mikes cut. It burned but not as much as he thought it would because it wasn't bleeding too badly.

"Alright, we have to keep on moving now". Within another 5 minuts they were at the house.

"Make yourself at home"! Mike said.

March 6th, 09, 02:40 AM
*Casey took up his offer and set down his M4 and took off his dragonscale vest revealing his dirty gray shirt and sat down on a nearby chair* "So. How long have you been here?"

Zebra King
March 6th, 09, 02:50 AM
Ive been here about, 12 years. This is my natural home so even before humanity was turned into those mutants ive lived here. Every day I take my scoped pistol out and either find food or hunt those demons. I have heard about this area up north where the infection doesn't spread at all and in fact there is actualy a colony of survivors there.

March 6th, 09, 02:57 AM
"Really? I've been looking for that ever since the infection started to spread. Do you have any leads on where this might be? A general 'Up north.' won't be of any use."

Zebra King
March 6th, 09, 03:05 AM
Out at sea on the Parakan Island. Supposedly there are over 100,000 survivors there and their all healthy.

So you hungry?

March 6th, 09, 03:11 AM
"Huh. New to me. Sure I'll take you up on that offer, I'd love something to fill my stomach, if only a little."

Zebra King
March 6th, 09, 03:17 AM
I got red salmon, some beans and a can of corn. I guess that makes our meal.

(Mike opens everything into bowels and places them on the table. Dinner is served.

March 6th, 09, 03:18 AM
"Thanks." *He said as he gladly dug into the food. He hadn't had this much food in awhile, usually rationing what he finds and eating a small portion, though he had been out for a little while*

Zebra King
March 6th, 09, 03:25 AM
Mike took several bites at the salmon. It was really good. Then Mike had a bad feeling, almost like a sith sense. He looked out the window and saw a huge swarm of mutants walking down the road.

"Quick, help me bring the metal doors down on these windows".

March 6th, 09, 03:30 AM
*Casey quickly realized why and set his food down and ran to help him with the doors*

Zebra King
March 6th, 09, 03:32 AM
The metal window blockers were pulled down and Mike and Casey got out of a huge massacre. Mike turned the lights off and lit a candle on the kitchen table.

March 6th, 09, 03:34 AM
"Hah I take it this happens alot?"

Zebra King
March 6th, 09, 03:40 AM
"Only about twice a month at most"."Its actualy not that bad".

"There was a hord of mutants that came by here last year and they stook around for at least 4 days". "That was really really fun (Sarcasm)"

March 6th, 09, 03:42 AM
"I bet it was" *Casey smirked knowing all the encounters he himself had run into.* "Anyways, enough of this. How do you suppose we get to this place with survivors?"

Zebra King
March 6th, 09, 03:47 AM
Ive thought about it and well need to move down to the sea by day. We travel and kill in the morning and sleep at night with the doors locked. We should make i there within the month. Its only 200 miles away. We could travel 10 miles a day and camp at empty houses.

March 6th, 09, 03:49 AM
"Hm. Well it's worth a shot. There isn't anything here. We really should gather a bit more supplies tomorrow morning if we plan to make this trek."

Zebra King
March 6th, 09, 03:54 AM
I have all the ammo I need for my gun. For your gun, there is a weapons and combat shop 14 miles from hear. Luckily it is in the direction we need to be going in. I picked up this 22in blade there.

March 6th, 09, 04:01 AM
"Good thing too" *He said checking his pack.* "I have what's in my gun now and 2 clips. What do you say we hit the sack and wait for morning to come by so we can start"

Zebra King
March 6th, 09, 04:04 AM
I say, what took you so long to say it.

March 6th, 09, 04:07 AM
*Lets out a laugh* "I guess we are both tired from today's events. Alright, where am I sleeping?"

Zebra King
March 7th, 09, 12:19 AM
You can have the guest room. Oh you might want to kick the walls before you go to sleep because I got these nasty mice that llike to hump inside the walls. It is really iritating.

March 7th, 09, 12:23 AM
*Casey laughs a bit harder this time at what he said* "Did you say hump the wall??"

Zebra King
March 7th, 09, 12:25 AM
That's right, they're nasty bastards

March 7th, 09, 12:27 AM
*His laughing died down* "I'll remember that." *He picked up his stuff and walked to the guest room* "Good night."

Zebra King
March 7th, 09, 12:32 AM
Good night Casey. Tomorow we will travel so ill stay up and pack up the gear we need for tomorow.

March 7th, 09, 12:57 AM
*Casey hopped on the bed. He hadn't been on a bed in a couple years and just fell asleep the instant he touched it snoring*

March 7th, 09, 02:40 AM
(Sorry, forgot the name of this RP x_x)

Name: Haiku Koroshu
Gender: Male
Race: Unknown

1. Life Sprout (a seed that he launches upon the enemy(ies) through a simple toss of his hand, being able to dig into the skin, or shell of anything; and morph into any wooden based substance.

2. Finished Wicker Bow (a guilded wicker bow, able to disassemble and reassemble through enchanted binds, arrows are made of Life Sprouts - turned into purity arrows, which infest the enemy with weed-like spreads of roots, binding the enemy and draining life and or will.

Armor: Finished wicker wood armor (guilded wicker wood)
Diapers: None
Physical Features: haiku wears the Armageddon Mask of the Forest, which grants him power of plant and wooded life, it is a plain mask, that consumes his entire face but his eyes, with roots sprouting as curved horns, hair is white... and his eyes "spark life" which means he is petrifying too make eye contact with..... his armor is in the form of a sage robe for the bottom half, and as far as the top, his chest is exposed; but guilded with the power of his mask, His sleeves are baggy like that of wizard robes, but are embroidered with wooded roots.

March 7th, 09, 02:56 AM
(Haha alright ^^)

*Casey Woke up the next morning better than ever. This was the best sleep hes had in awhile despite the rats in the walls*

"Mike you up yet?" *He asked, putting his dragonscale vest on and putting on his pack and M4 on his back*

March 7th, 09, 03:02 AM
"DIE DAMMIT!" haiku exclaims as he forges one of his life sprouts into a wicker blade. He reaches for his Bow and conjures up an arrow radiating a prism of light, as he shoots it at a crowd of infected people he screams, "KYRIE ESSEN!"as it makes contact... a beam of light shines down from the skies above and beams upon the crowd, engulfing them; and frying off their flesh.....

<Kyrie Essen - "Divine Armageddon", a blast or intense beam of fatal power, possessing holy attributes >

(i use wicker wood for i feel it is one of the strongest, if not THE strongest wood I'm aware of ;¬|)

March 7th, 09, 03:18 AM
(This should be rather interesting.)

"What was that?" *Said Casey when he hears hears the commotion outside and begins to run towards the door unlocking the door and running outside to witness all the mutants being burned alive.*

March 7th, 09, 06:01 AM
Haiku hears the door open, and with quick reaction; readies another arrow in casey's direction commanding, "Who are you!? are you a mutant!?" he squints as he takes aim at his target.

(thanks, this character I've actually been working on as an OC, though; his original hand-weapon design was that his bow act as both a bow and a blade :P, the bow would have a handle at the general location of where he puts his hand out to hold it, so he could wield the handle, and the bow itself would have ceraded edges ;D)

March 8th, 09, 01:07 AM
*Casey sees the unknown person and readies his M4 to his face aimed right at his head.* "A mutant? I was about to ask the same to you."

March 8th, 09, 01:14 AM
Haiku withdraws his bow, dimming the lights emitting from the arrow itself, revealing his covered face and oddly made outfit.

"Looks like you're a survivor too huh? any others with you?"

March 8th, 09, 01:27 AM
"Well there is one other with me but it seems hes still resting." *As he says this he puts down his M4*

March 8th, 09, 01:32 AM
Haiku throws down a life sprout directly in front of casey, which immediately forms a red herb bush, twice the size as a normal one.

"Need any?" Haiku asked, forging a smile behind his mask, as he walked towards the bush and picked a few leaves from it, and created medicine of the leaves.

March 8th, 09, 01:40 AM
*Casey was a bit surprised. He had never seen anything like this before.* "What are these?"

March 8th, 09, 01:44 AM
"They're Life Sprouts a bit of my own seedlings, when i found i had obtained a floral power; i also discovered i had the ability to produce seeds, not knowing what they were at first. I experimented and later on realized i can manipulate the seeds into any shape or type of plant life." Haiku stated as if the questioned asked was a routine for him.

March 8th, 09, 01:54 AM
"So then these can be used for medical use or well. food?"

March 8th, 09, 01:59 AM
"correct... I find it very resourceful, along with other things..." Haiku held a single Life Sprout in his palm, as it started to glow, it morphed into a wooden sword, with bladed edges.

Zebra King
March 8th, 09, 02:10 AM
Mike sat up and grapped his pistol and walked outside with the other.

March 8th, 09, 02:11 AM
Haiku startled as Mike emerged from the doorway, ready to attack if ready.

March 8th, 09, 02:13 AM
*Casey looks back at Mike* "Bout time you woke up. We have a guest." *Pointing over at Haiku*

Zebra King
March 8th, 09, 02:14 AM
Wow another survivor. Its nice to meet you. Im Mike, and you are?

March 8th, 09, 02:17 AM
Haiku let down his guard, "This man is your companion?" he asked seriously, as he threw 3 sprouts on the ground, two emerging as an oddly colored orange plant, quickly sprouting a fruit on each of them, each fruit had been blue and green.

"This should assist you two on our conquest, it's a forever fruit, it can never be consumed completely, another one of the things I've discovered through these sprouts, my name is Haiku Koroshu, I've been blessed with Woodland Attributes."

The third sprout conjures up a Black Angel Feather "This will be of great use to all of us, if we are at the verge of death, we are ressurected as Woodland attributes... whatever shape or thing you take on is random..."

March 8th, 09, 02:20 AM
"Yeah this is Mike. He's the one I said that was still sleeping. Our original plan was to head north of here in search of other survivors." *Casey takes one of the fruits* "So this will sustain us forever then?" *Looking at the fruit oddly*

Zebra King
March 8th, 09, 02:21 AM
So this Forever fruit is basicaly all the food well need because you never finish it. Sounds good to me. So I think now we should set out now. The closer the darkness is the closer of a mutant attack.

March 8th, 09, 02:23 AM
"yes, it is everlasting; and never spoils, it contains a formula even I'm still not aware of... I've noticed that whatever distress you may be in, whether it be restoration, or energy... it supplies it with great portions.

March 8th, 09, 02:30 AM
"Alright. Let's set out. Mike is right. If we don't cover ground by daylight, we may come under attack during the night"

March 8th, 09, 02:36 AM
"hmm... well if you want to fret about attacks at night... i could always do this..." Just then Haiku started glowing, and turned himself into a blue seed that has a diameter of 1/16th of an inch, his voice echoed "place me in your pocket, so i can rest and then i can watch out for any attacks while you two sleep at night.

March 8th, 09, 02:37 AM
*Casey takes the seed and places it in his pocket* "Alright. Let's go."

March 8th, 09, 02:41 AM
as haiku was being picked up, he planted a Life Sprout upon Casey's skin, he decided to activate it as dual swords, the seed grew and suddenly two swords fell to the ground... clashing together, making the sound a solid block of wood does when his against a table.

March 8th, 09, 02:42 AM
*Casey noticed the swords dropped* "What's this about?"

March 8th, 09, 02:45 AM
the haiku seed echoed "these dual swords I've infused with the power of wind, if matters grow unstable and you find yourselves unable to defend yourself through sheer ranged weapons, use these."

March 8th, 09, 02:47 AM
*Casey being an Ex Marine had been trained in melee weapons besides ranged weapons and picks up the two swords and sets them on his back. He had no knife because of a previous incident involving one of the mutants and knew these would come in handy* "Alright, good thinking."

March 8th, 09, 02:56 AM
Another seed formed and popped out of his backpack, turning into a katana infused with the power of ice, it made it's way to Mike and placed itself in his hands.

Zebra King
March 8th, 09, 08:23 PM
hmm a katana of ice (puts in his coat pocket). Very interesting indeed. I think we should go now. Evry day that passes, those monsters get more and more agressive.

March 8th, 09, 08:30 PM
"yes, we must proceed onward." Haiku's voice echoed softly through the minds of both. restoring his energy in case he had to use his final attack

March 8th, 09, 08:46 PM
can i please join it looks awesonme

March 8th, 09, 10:04 PM
*The group had finally reached one of the destinations they were looking for, at least Casey and Mike in any case. The gun shop was about 40 yards from them. They should be able to find some equipment there and ammo for their guns.* "There's the gun shop." *Casey exclaimed*

(Yeah charley you can join, just make a bios.)

March 8th, 09, 10:06 PM
both mike's and Casey's weapons started to glow their respective colour attributes (i.e. fire = red) as it was a signal that mutants were close by.

March 8th, 09, 10:07 PM
*Casey pulls his rifle up to his face cautiously looking in every direction looking for anything out of place.*

March 8th, 09, 10:08 PM
(can i be half mutant but still on your team so i, in a way, am immune)

March 8th, 09, 10:10 PM
(i think that would be a bit of godmodding, though if you're fully human the forever fruit will aid you n-n)

a hybrid mutant suddenly comes up behind mike and casey, charging at them with it's horns aimed towards them.

March 8th, 09, 10:14 PM
*Casey turned around to see the charging mutant. Casey fired a few rounds hitting his head but the thing was still running towards him. He fired a few more rounds hitting various parts of the mutant, and jumped out of the way when he got too close.*

March 8th, 09, 10:16 PM
the dual swords started to glow and vibrate fiercely, signaling it was time to use them.

March 8th, 09, 10:22 PM
name chaz mahaz
gender male
race britsh
weapon trench gun and desrt eagle
armor aluminium
no diapers

-jumps out of a ventalator and shoots a mutand the the head with the d-eagle-
hi im chaz

Zebra King
March 8th, 09, 10:42 PM
Mike pulld out his 22in and killed several mutants before he was jumped by one of them.

"Casey, I need your help".

March 8th, 09, 10:44 PM
-shoots it with the d-eagle-
wat bout mine

March 8th, 09, 10:58 PM
*Casey had his own problems with the mutant that was in front of him. He pulled out one of the blades that was given to him and sliced at the mutant finding it cut the thing quite easily killing the demon with one swipe. He then ran to Mike's position and stabbed the demon that was on top of him and quickly pulled the mutant off of him and grabbed Mike's hand* "You alright?"

March 8th, 09, 11:02 PM
the dual blades opened up a small compartment at the handle, just then all of the demon, from the demons the blades had sleighed were consumed into the holes, then immediately closed again. the blades grew more defined and stopped glowing.

March 8th, 09, 11:03 PM
maybe intros can wait for now then
look at this horde
man theres loads

March 8th, 09, 11:07 PM
*another Life Sprout emerged from the bag, and made it's way to chaz, morphing into an Axe embodied with the elemental power of Fire.*

March 8th, 09, 11:12 PM
(oh yea i love fire)
ok wat the hell
where did the axe comes from
y is it red

Zebra King
March 9th, 09, 12:17 AM
Mike takes the blade and shoves it into the head of the mutant. He pulls the blade out and wipes the blood off.

March 11th, 09, 09:44 PM
"I applaud your skillful arts with the blades i have bestowed upon you... i fear that sunset is coming to flourish... perhaps you should obtain shelter."

March 13th, 09, 03:05 AM
*Casey nods* "You're right. Let's take shelter in the gun shop for now."

March 13th, 09, 03:08 AM
Haiku flew out of Casey's bag and returned to his normal form, preparing for what the night had in stock.