View Full Version : Poor Spelling/Story Development in RPs: What Are Your Thoughts?

June 28th, 09, 05:10 PM
I've yet to actually get into the RP thing, although it has caught my attention. I'd like to try it sometime (with exceptions, of course).

For the past few weeks, I've been studying the RP threads so I can get a better idea of what people are typing and how the RPs are developed. However, one major thing I noticed was the lack of spelling/grammar skills in the posts. This is something that I cannot overlook so easily, especially because I'm a writer. I aim for perfection in my writing, even if I'm talking to somebody in a chat room or posting on a forum.

The other thing I've noticed is the lack of story development. I can see the popularity in some RPs over the others, but it seems hard to develop a solid story to move the thread along when most posts are mere one-liners.

I'm not saying any of this to be rude, I just want to know what your thoughts are on this? These things are what make me hesitant to start. Any thoughts? :)

June 28th, 09, 05:29 PM
Rping is sorta a make-it-up-as-you-go-along sort of thing. It's also about having fun between the rpers, they get so into it that their grammer can sometimes suffer, but so long as it's understandable it's not that much of a problem.

As a writer myself, I can understand what you're saying, I usually need a basic plot idea to start rping, and pick up things as the rp progresses. And too much grammer errors tend to make me want to pull my hair out, i.e. actually typing like a toddler would.

Anyways, those are my thoughts on the subject.

June 28th, 09, 06:17 PM
Hmm i agree, there's one rp i'm in with my friend, diaperanmie, that has a rule, she made, you have to have, at least two sentances or if you can't do two sentances. One very good sentance or a sentance that moves it along.

Well I can't remeber, excatly what it said.

I don't mind grammers or/and spelling errors as such, well if they don't come up loads of times.

What annoys me the most is that some rpers don't use speech marks, which is kind of annoying.

I also don't mind baby talk as long as I can understand what they are saying.

Most of all though, the main one for me is plot, if it dosen't have a good enough plot I lose interest in it.

June 29th, 09, 01:49 AM
Thanks for your input! It gives me a better idea of what people prefer and whatnot. I'm still debating whether to join/start an RP thread. :)

June 29th, 09, 02:20 AM
poor spelling i am very guilty of and development of rps takes time and good connections

June 29th, 09, 02:58 AM
# 1 rule in the english language in writing or talking, "Use as less words as possible and can be easily be reconizable."
Unlike a story, a rp is a series of subplots that 2 or more people try to transition into the next scene or action.
Not everyone is triffic at grammer and diction... well if they're typing as a toddler on a AB/DL site... well some like to be in character, but it still needs to legable.
If the group can transition and can try to react towards everyone's set conditions the rp will go far.
Spelling is a traffic block that gets in everyones way, but if its understandable then no harm is done.

their is my opinion and I think this ez ova 5 or 20 characters.

July 1st, 09, 01:36 AM
I think the major thing that I find disconcerting around here is the lack of originality between the RPers, I can understand one liners to an extent and I can understand making spelling and other errors as well. After all everyone is human and not everyone is a literal genius, so making up long and flowing posts isn't exactly for everyone. It really gets me that the roleplay in question tends to devolve into the same thing over and over and over again. This could probably fit along with the lack of story development that was mentioned earlier, though if RP is original and people actually care about what their RPing the story should care for itself.

I'd also like to point out that because there's so much horrible Roleplaying going on around these boards that I've been pretty scared away from roleplaying cause I don't feel like wasting my effort on someone who absolutely sucks. I think that might be the case for others as well from what I'm reading.

PaddedPrinceling Joey
July 3rd, 09, 06:46 PM
Yes, yes. I do believe we've already had a forum addressing this topic, and as such, we can't do all that much to change the role players that are already here. The best one can do is simply make a more strict role play in which you deem that you want at least a paragraph and such.

Also, Jojob, I do believe you mean "Use as few words as possible." And that's not a rule of English... It's a rule of slackers.

Role playing here is rather... trying at times. But someone has to try and set up a kind precedence. Yet... that becomes a wasted effort. Either way, just can't leave it be.

July 3rd, 09, 08:45 PM
DR J I understand what you mean with story development as people just type what they mean as mistress stated "as they go along" which normally is consitant and boring. As for spelling and grammer, most people are either to lazy to correct it or genuinely have a problem such as myself with Dyslexia.

July 3rd, 09, 08:52 PM
Hmm. Well I have been considering trying to form an RP thread or even possibly joining one, but I feel...hesitant for some reason.

I've got some ideas, and I think I would make some general rules in a new thread to try to get folks to add more to each post (imperfect spelling I can handle to an extent). The way I see it, two to three sentences per post would enable all of the participants to think of new ways to continue the RP. One sentence could impede the ability to continue, although I know from reading many of the RP threads that this isn't always the case.

PaddedPrinceling Joey
July 3rd, 09, 10:46 PM
That's completely understandable, Doc. Another thread that would be a good one would be traveler's The Green Light.

All you have to do is be a bit more selective than most are on the site.

July 4th, 09, 01:33 AM
I just hope I'm not too selective ^_^ I also don't want to make RPing feel like a chore since it's supposed to be fun. I do, however, want it to be engaging. I kind of feel like RPing is a form of Round Robin writing, which is why it has this odd appeal to me.

I'll just have to give it some thought so I can create a valid, engaging, and fun RP thread :) That or perhaps join one. I'm just waiting for the right one to come along while I create one.

Thanks for the suggestion, Widdle ^_^

July 8th, 15, 07:17 PM
I have yet to do a roleplay, but have participated in many interactive stories on another site. Probably because I excelled in spelling as a child -- and my age (59) -- I am anal regarding poor spelling. It drives my boyfriend nuts, but now he asks me how to spell words before posting them to Facebook. But it drives me equally nuts to have my eyes trip all over a word or phrase which makes no sense to me. Everyone makes mistakes, but we live in an age of word processing spell checkers. There is no need to post unedited work, when technology exists to help us. I realize that most, if not all, members here are younger than I am, and have varying abilities. I will attempt to not put anybody down because of this. My disabilities are physical and major depression. Someone may have some great story ideas, yet possess a learning disability. My youngest son is 27 and has ADHD. He no longer medicates and it does affect his abilities as an adult. I can take all of this into consideration, and if English is not your first language. Just try your best, okay? :)