View Full Version : Possibly leaving :(

November 1st, 08, 01:30 PM
I may be leaving because my dad found about me and told me that it all has to stop now he's making me throw everything out. It is highly possible that he will block this site on the Internet for me I will try not to leave as much as is possible but it may happen at some point. I thank you all for everything if I do leave -hugs all who read this- my dad also wants me to talk to someone because of it. Again thank you for everything may you all be happy and may the lurkers come out to play.

November 1st, 08, 01:35 PM
What!! awww :( hey if he blocks the site use portable Firefox i heard and used it for unblocking site in shool and college but anyway -Hugs back- Good luck dude Wish ya the best of luck :3

November 1st, 08, 02:53 PM
Or you could go ahead and use a proxy.
I wouldn't recommend that, though. If he will really block the site away, i guess it's better to comply instead of starting to sneak around it. He is your father after all, and no matter how right or wrong he is, he's the one out of three persons in the world, that you can trust in the most.

If he really wants you to go to a psychologist, then I think you should. They will understand you better than your father (that's their job), and whatever they advice you to, it will be to your own gain only.

November 1st, 08, 03:22 PM
NO!! That sucks! Good luck out there, dude. We'll miss you here. D:

November 1st, 08, 03:36 PM
I may be quite new here, but I sorta disagree through your father's opinion....its like making him say "Holy Shit!! My own kid might eat some girl's shit if he looks at it too much"....I mean, its just diapers...and ass..and accidents...We've all seen ass before...and best of all...the site offers good ways to treat their own children in diaper mannerisms XD!!...btw...I'm sorry if you actually love your father so much, but I'll speak the truth....your father has no right to ruin a child's dream as long as it doesn't involve anything that would corrupt the family and/or nation...

November 1st, 08, 03:53 PM
Nope I think hes an ass. I havnt loved him for a long time I only say those words in the same sentence when me makes me as proof of that and yeah I know. Oh well I knew how he would react to it.

November 1st, 08, 04:18 PM
That sucks. My advice, make friends with the psychologist before going into discussion about the diapers and everything, ask him about his work, if he enjoys it, what it's like to work with so many different people. Once you two get comfortable, then ease into the topic. I know from experience, befriend them and it makes things a bit easier.

November 1st, 08, 04:19 PM
Well, we all can't do anything now....He is your dad..and you just have to accept that....believe me....I felt something quite "Devious" as you...but in a different perspective since they're telling me that Hentai is an 8 yr. old porn...if you liek it then you don't respect the gifts of the "REAL WORLD"..."GET A LIFE"...Thats what I'd definitely get...they were my so-called "FRIENDS" who play on me...and why the hell did your father have to hire a Psychologist, to make you feel guilty on watching girls in diapers?? Oh come on...Is that a crime?? That just doesn't make any sense...either that, or to the fact that he thinks you'll be "diaper retarded"....

November 1st, 08, 04:31 PM
I think you might have misunderstood he wants me to talk to someone and will force me to talk to someone if be thinks it's still a problem. Though I thank you for the advice and support it does mean a lot

Obito Uchiha
November 1st, 08, 04:44 PM
Even though I just meet you I will be really sad to see you go as I was hoping we could be friends. Even though I do not wear diapers I support those who wear them as well as Adult babies and Diaper lovers. but yet on the other hand I agree with chibigo since he is your dad and your dad knows best after all if he wants you to see a psychologist then you should cause they will understand you better then your dad will at this point.

I wish you all the luck in the world with everything you choose to do. I hope to see you again.


November 1st, 08, 05:06 PM
To The Punisher:
I think that you are very wrong, Punisher.
First of all, he's Pyrohs father and you don't know anything about him. You should let it be Pyrohs job to judge him, and Pyroh only.

To Pyroh:
Please don't say that you don't love your father like that.
I have been angry with my parents many times, and I said some things to my friends that I regret saying very much. And even though my parents have never gotten to know about it, i still feel bad about it, even if it's many years ago and long forgotten.

Now about the Psychologists. These are very professional people. They see right through you most of the time, but they won't judge you or anything.
If you are going to talk to a psychologist then be honest. Do not try to put up a facade. Do not try to make friends with them or turn them against your father. Tell them the truth and let everything that hurts out. They are not going to put you in jail or punish you for doing something wrong. Psychologists are there to help you, and they do that best if you just trust them.

I will give you my word on this. A visit to a psychologist were you are completely honest can never make your life worse. After all, they can only, and i mean ONLY give you advice (unless you are insane and they have to send you to an institution. But I doubt that). You are in no way obligated to follow any advice.

You should also remember that the psychologist are not going tell your father, if you told them something you don't want him to know. (Actually, it is illegal for psychologists to tell anyone about their client and whatever problems they have)
And the psychologist will probably know all that i know about fetishes and more. So they will most likely tell you to not worry too much about being mentally damaged, since a fetish is fairly normal and unharmfull.

November 1st, 08, 05:27 PM
I dont know my dad very well though I live with him. he and my mother split up when I was too young to know him I was raised by my mother and older brother. As I was growing up I only saw him once or twice a year if I was lucky. Thats why I'm able to say that I dont love him. I barely know the man I see him maybe for an hour at most every day because of school and work now that I live with him and have for about 4 years now The only thing that does help is having a house to sleep in though at this rate will be only until I graduate high school and he kicks me out on my own. I dont mean to come across harsh towards him its just hes never around to get to know me and the only real time we talk to each other is when hes yelling at me which is roughly every day now mainly over school crap.

as to Psychologists I don't know how much I really want to talk to someone right now talking to you guys is easy because we share something in common somewhat. I have talked to a psychologist before because I had some anger issues during elementary school and havnt talked to one sense I never really liked them much. But thanks for the advise non the less it does help.

shadow king
November 1st, 08, 05:32 PM
I'm sorry, ~hugs~ I hope it doesn't go too badly for you...if you find a way around him come and visit (if he actually forces you to quit). Anyway, sooner or later you'll be able to walk away from him and everyother naysayer out there and do as you please

November 1st, 08, 05:33 PM
by law I can walk away from him now and am starting to be very tempted to. I just dont have a car or anything to leave easily.

November 1st, 08, 06:22 PM
You won't need a car.
A car will just make it harder for you to make it on your own for draining money to repairs and gas.

And I shall draw my remark about the "not loving him" back. When it is as you tell, I obviously can't tell what's wrong or not when my parents are not divorced.

I guess I just saw a storm in a glass of water. Don't be too serious with whatever I already wrote, if it's really not such a big deal. ^^

In my opinion though, the only reason why I'm not seeing a psychologist regularly is because It's expensive. If it were free, I would do it anytime, even though I have no problems at the moment.

November 1st, 08, 06:37 PM
that's true but a car would let me leave easier and I value others opinions as they do help more then some think. But that's not the point. I agree it is expensive to see them and I don't want my parents to waste so to say their money as it is already tight.

November 1st, 08, 09:37 PM
LOL Seems like just yesterday we were making friends and RPing. Now everyone is Dying. Wtf?

November 1st, 08, 09:58 PM
Yeah i know but Hopefully Pyroh will be back :3 Hammy already returned, Hopefully for good :3

November 1st, 08, 10:00 PM
Yeah i know but Hopefully Pyroh will be back :3 Hammy already returned, Hopefully for good :3

LOL Hammy returned?

Is that right?

November 1st, 08, 10:08 PM
Yeah that's right :3 she said she has

November 1st, 08, 10:17 PM
In my opinion though, the only reason why I'm not seeing a psychologist regularly is because It's expensive. If it were free, I would do it anytime, even though I have no problems at the moment.

Yeah, I'd probably see one everyday if it were free. I'd give anything to be able to talk anonymously about this to someone who actually knows a thing or two about it. But yeah, take advantage of the situation. Whether or not you're father's sending you to see the psychiatrist to get rid of these feelings or something like that, that's definitely not the psychiatrist's job.

November 1st, 08, 10:44 PM
To The Punisher:
I think that you are very wrong, Punisher.
First of all, he's Pyrohs father and you don't know anything about him. You should let it be Pyrohs job to judge him, and Pyroh only.

To tell you the truth, I have a hot-tempered father who gets mad at me for no reason and might even insult me :mad: like, you fucking DUMBASS!! and a bitchy elder sister who never leaves our house tells us what to do and not even our father could make her leave....I've been through the worse......The only family I really have is my Mother, and my Brother....

To Pyroh:
Please don't say that you don't love your father like that.
I have been angry with my parents many times, and I said some things to my friends that I regret saying very much. And even though my parents have never gotten to know about it, i still feel bad about it, even if it's many years ago and long forgotten.

Now about the Psychologists. These are very professional people. They see right through you most of the time, but they won't judge you or anything.
If you are going to talk to a psychologist then be honest. Do not try to put up a facade. Do not try to make friends with them or turn them against your father. Tell them the truth and let everything that hurts out. They are not going to put you in jail or punish you for doing something wrong. Psychologists are there to help you, and they do that best if you just trust them.

I will give you my word on this. A visit to a psychologist were you are completely honest can never make your life worse. After all, they can only, and i mean ONLY give you advice (unless you are insane and they have to send you to an institution. But I doubt that). You are in no way obligated to follow any advice.

You should also remember that the psychologist are not going tell your father, if you told them something you don't want him to know. (Actually, it is illegal for psychologists to tell anyone about their client and whatever problems they have)
And the psychologist will probably know all that i know about fetishes and more. So they will most likely tell you to not worry too much about being mentally damaged, since a fetish is fairly normal and unharmfull.

Really?? I could use some Psychology....

Princess Felicia
November 1st, 08, 10:47 PM
kill him i meen dam another person leaveing >_< this aint right

November 1st, 08, 10:49 PM
But the other person has returned XD
And i agree with Falica KILL KILL lol nah cant he just sit and talk with you or something?

November 1st, 08, 11:19 PM
Um... Are your father realy a FATHER? A father should respect the childrens intrest in what he like. Not what the father like. Ofc i now say that taking drugs or thouse things aren't what a father would accept but waow speaking of your father taking like youre mastrubation or looking into a porn site.

November 1st, 08, 11:50 PM
*snif snif, wipes eyes* you will be missed

November 2nd, 08, 02:51 AM
The fact that the site isnt blocked right now likely means that He wont block it. He has had all day to block it and hasnt. so by the looks of it I wont be leaving Ill just have to be more careful. Sorry for worrying you all I was just posting a possibility

November 2nd, 08, 02:52 AM
Yay!! no leaving!! ^^

November 2nd, 08, 03:53 AM
your dad is mean TT.TT; even though i don't find it natural to have a diaper fetish, i feel that if you have a fetish, that isnt affecting anyone else negatively; you should be able to continue on with the fetish....

Best of Luck my friend; hope kindess guides you wherever you're life shall take you

~(Edit)~ YAY for not leaving : D i still think your dad is mean for forcing you to see a psychologist and all; its just a fetish, so you like wearing baby-wear and possibly enjoy messing them.... big deal?

November 2nd, 08, 03:57 AM
that is the problem for him he says it will only cause problems for me in the later in life. OH well I will continue as he will not stop me.
~You can not change those around you only yourself~

November 2nd, 08, 04:03 AM
agreed; i had hoped by 2 years ago that i would have grown out of my fetish by now; not sure why but I've been realizing that I've had a diaper fetish all my life, though no one really caught on, neither did i untill a few years ago, then again; i believe the only reason i actually like diapers is because i feel infants get a good amount of attention and love, which now; seems like something im getting very little of... so there is some sort of correlation between my fetish and infants.

November 2nd, 08, 04:08 AM
I feel that I lost my child hood at age 5 so I never really had a childhood because of my younger sister who I had to help take care of and if she got hurt who ever around here was the one that got in trouble even if they had nothing to do with it

November 2nd, 08, 10:33 PM
My father has restricted my internet so I can't get on after 10:30 pm

November 3rd, 08, 07:24 AM
Well I am glad that you will not be leaving us pyroh. I am sorry to hear about what happened with your father I had the same situation with my mom who basically got rid of the Internet in the house and I had to use the Internet at the library to contact people.

Anyway, I kind of agree with chigo about a psychiatrist helping you with your problems. However, that is probably only because I have a bachelors degree in psychology and I am currently talking to a therapist about my own chronic depression problems that I am trying very hard to overcome at the moment. I am just trying to get it so that I can get a single friend at the moment and get outside my apartment for anything but work and running. Hopefully that day will come soon. Anyway, sorry for the rambling. Good luck pyroh.

Your Friendly Neighborhood Spiderman

November 3rd, 08, 03:48 PM
Really?? I could use some Psychology....

Then I think you should go and see one. If you really feel like you need it, I think it is going to be good for you.
Just coming out with it to someone can be really good. And since it's a psychologist job NOT to judge people no matter what, there's really no catch in it.

~You can not change those around you only yourself~

WRONG! It's the opposite way. Only you can shange those around you, and only those around you can change you. ^^
Believe me, I think he's going to accept it, if you can just make sure that he isn't reminded of it constantly.

Now I don't know you father, but if he's able to restrict the internet like that, he's probably also intellegent enough to put to and to together and find out that since you are his son, he should care only for your well-being. And I am pretty sure myself, that that has been what he cared for the whole time. ;)

November 4th, 08, 01:31 AM
I can't understand what getting rid of this site would do. This is just having friends to vent to. Although, there are a few questionable pics on here... It would be easy to think this is a porn site.

December 7th, 08, 07:16 PM
So my dad has blocked anythng to do with 'diaper'im the heading or search on my home computer. He is also taking my phone away for putting school first over work and not him I got a detention. Dunno when I'll be back next feel free to continue rps without me I'll be in a coma for a bit on da

December 7th, 08, 08:04 PM
Oh my. I hope you get through the crisis swiftly!

December 7th, 08, 08:07 PM
As do I. I will return some day possibly around christmas because I'm flying to my mothers in minnesota