View Full Version : Problems

Princess Felicia
September 1st, 08, 05:07 AM
ok so lets see tomorow is going to be very annoying and hard lets begin with my problems then what i have to do

(this is cause idk)

I have mental isues a few of them and they not good

Parinoid Skitsofrania(sp?)
DID- Disosiative Idenity Disorder (Multiple personalitys)
Bipolar (if you dont know your an ididot)
Manic Depresion

my biological mom has more and these are mine i was also born on drugs yes im a drug baby everything that exsisted in 1988 she did while prognent with me pluss abuse afterwords

im odd i dont realy hold grudges and i have somewhat forgiven her but she is doing drugs again i live with my grandma and have since i was resqued (literly my two uncles came all the way to Cali and brought me back)

tommorow me and my grandma have to go to bio moms house to talk about her new adiction and her boyfriends adiction (he called me about some pills and such untill he figured it was me and freaked)

so tomorow i have to deal with that today was ok thankfully (i halucinated very little) (o and i dont take meds for anything) so i need some pointers or tips or anything to help me stay calm tomorow and in control or anything

September 1st, 08, 05:56 AM
well your always there to help me so ill do evreything i can to help you

first off your problems maybe real but dont think about them and the effects wont be as bad lots of people have all those things and more so i wouldnt worry the slightest about anything to stay calm just try to think of something really nice or all the good things that can happen mabye you could help your mom very very much and sooo many more you could chane her entire life and your own for the better in my mind it would be a great day and even if it turns bad (HIGHLY doutful ) just think of somthing calm and realxing mabye a ice soft diaper and think about how when you get back youll be able to use one and it willcalm you down greatly giving you something to anticipate mabye if you really need to take a little benadril or somthing like cold medicine to make you mcuh more relaxed or sliglty sleepy it works wonders in my stressed life so many more good things can com out of that day than bad things can
be sure to get plenty of sleep and always remebr your mother and entire faqmily will ALWAYS love you NO MATTER WHAT!

thank god for years of pshycaitry classes

remember you mean alot to alot of peoples,... lifes including mine ;)

from ~ your freind forever, Nicole

Princess Felicia
September 1st, 08, 05:58 AM
well the her love is a no she was the one to abuse me so i doupt that but thanks *hugs* ^.^

September 1st, 08, 06:00 AM
i know it sounds strange but deep down she loves you i know you dontbeleive me but just try to ok i know alot of this from horrible life experinces


you were there for me and im here for you


Princess Felicia
September 1st, 08, 06:13 AM
thank you Dei you are a good friend inddeed

September 1st, 08, 06:22 AM
I just know im insane and im not going to get into details because ill drive you away :D. Lets just say me and hannibal would be friends lol

Princess Felicia
September 1st, 08, 06:28 AM
hmm how did i know

September 1st, 08, 06:42 AM
lol..........you rly dont........I need a room with padded walls be for I have a break down lol. I dont know how much longer I can control my insanity..........and im being serious

September 1st, 08, 06:48 AM
hmm...well i pray that everything will be fine tomorro (prayer works :D) ive known a few friends dat experienced alot of pain and ive experienced a lil myself...i try to keep myself optimistic whenever troubles come but yea...i'll be praying for u ^^

September 1st, 08, 06:48 AM
*hands wolf cookie*

that help?

September 1st, 08, 06:49 AM
good luck princess were all here prayin that things go the best ;)

September 1st, 08, 06:51 AM
lol..........you rly dont........I need a room with padded walls be for I have a break down lol. I dont know how much longer I can control my insanity..........and im being serious

i feel u bro...and rite now i smoke to maintain control (yes very unhealthy for me and im trying to quit)

September 1st, 08, 06:55 AM
hmm...well i pray that everything will be fine tomorro (prayer works :D) ive known a few friends dat experienced alot of pain and ive experienced a lil myself...i try to keep myself optimistic whenever troubles come but yea...i'll be praying for u ^^

if you honestly think prayer works then your more insane then I am XD

September 1st, 08, 06:58 AM
think what you want woof but ill be praying for hours on end all night just to help even if it does nothing

Princess Felicia
September 1st, 08, 06:58 AM
thank you everyone and wolf padded rooms are no fun let me tell you cause before you go into that room you get striped searched (o btw she also had me locked into a mental hom how i know about the strip search) and let me tell you those rooms they do it in are COLD and so are there hands

September 1st, 08, 07:01 AM
-shrinks- I cant wait..........

September 1st, 08, 07:01 AM

Princess Felicia
September 1st, 08, 07:01 AM
hmm yes well have fun with the rapeage by the persons hand them man

September 1st, 08, 07:01 AM

the horror T-T

Princess Felicia
September 1st, 08, 07:02 AM
yea you dont sit for a while let me tell yea

September 1st, 08, 07:04 AM
if you honestly think prayer works then your more insane then I am XD

ey man...im devoted to these stuffs i had alot of issues myself and friends nd i kno i can rely on God for this

September 1st, 08, 07:05 AM
well i better start praying

princess if you ever need zanything please remeber im here for you just like you where there for me ;)

sorry im soundin to emotional a little -_-'''

Princess Felicia
September 1st, 08, 07:05 AM
lol its ok and i will Dei or is there anything else you wish me to call you

September 1st, 08, 07:07 AM
ey man...im devoted to these stuffs i had alot of issues myself and friends nd i kno i can rely on God for this

talking to no one really helps I guess lol. I just talk to myself alot and things are just peachy :D. Its really just thinking out loud

September 1st, 08, 07:08 AM
calll me anything i really dont mind

wolf you talk to yourself....yep cazy ;:P

Princess Felicia
September 1st, 08, 07:09 AM
i talk to my other personalitys useing computers and a word document and umm lol idk Dei

September 1st, 08, 07:10 AM
im just kiddin trust me i talk to myself most people do i used word documens before especially when streesing over programming and desighn problems >_<

Princess Felicia
September 1st, 08, 07:11 AM
aww poor dei *pokes her* just had to now then you need a nick name

September 1st, 08, 07:11 AM
ok lol and talking to myself is actually heriditary in my family XD. Seriously like everyone in my family is fucking insane or has some damn problem. But insanity is normality :D

September 1st, 08, 07:12 AM


September 1st, 08, 07:13 AM
hey my nicknames wolf............and im ok with it :D

Princess Felicia
September 1st, 08, 07:13 AM
yesh but i need sleep so i shal think of it tomorow

Princess Felicia
September 1st, 08, 07:14 AM
o and we call you wolf cause we dont care enough to give you a cooler name

September 1st, 08, 07:14 AM
night ^-^

sleep tight dont letthe demons off the underworld bite


September 1st, 08, 07:16 AM
Night and dont let the bedbugs crawl under you skin and lay eggs inside your flesh which will hatch and eat you from the inside out and then grow to a giant size and start feeding off of your family and then the whole world. GNight :D

September 1st, 08, 07:17 AM
you love to cross the lines between funny and beyond scary dont you >_>


September 1st, 08, 07:18 AM
goodnight felicia your in all our prayers

September 1st, 08, 07:19 AM
How do u get such attention like this

September 1st, 08, 07:20 AM
I know its a retorical question but im gonna answer. Yes yes I do lol. Im insane remember? I no longer thing no I shouldnt say that, I think why the hell not? lets see what happens XD

September 1st, 08, 07:21 AM
dat was to wolf btw

September 1st, 08, 07:23 AM
he gets attention by pluggin a toaster in his ear sticking his younge in it turning it on and typig what words come to his head

September 1st, 08, 07:23 AM
thanks anyway sorry I guess and goodnight have nice diaper dreams why dont ya? lol

September 1st, 08, 07:24 AM
......should I really go down as the insane and most hated person in the forum......hmmmmmm

September 1st, 08, 07:25 AM
wolf...that ship has already sailed

September 1st, 08, 07:25 AM
but we still ove you :3

September 1st, 08, 07:27 AM
yay :3. I usually try to still be loved :D. Seriously im a nicer guy in real life then on the interweb lol. I guess it allows me to vent my insanity without people really knowing me and giving me that awkward O_o hes insane stare lol

September 1st, 08, 07:28 AM
as long as you act normal in at least a few forums i think youll be loved always :P

September 1st, 08, 07:30 AM
lol im pretty sure u do dat for attention...dats wut id do

September 1st, 08, 07:30 AM
lol ok

Princess Felicia
September 1st, 08, 05:44 PM
no one love you XD jk jk

September 1st, 08, 07:54 PM
Wow, that's intense. Honestly I can relate, I have quite a few mental issues myself, and I'm actually disabled because of it. Why aren't you getting help, like talk therapy, or on medications? I thought by law that anyone diagnosed as a paranoid schitzophrenic was at least prescribed them. And if you have financial issues, you can always apply for aid, like I did. At one point, I was borderline schitzo-affective and I had/have D.I.D., same as you. But now mostly it's the Bipolar, anxiety and O.C.D. that I have to deal with, and honestly they don't present much of a problem now that I'm leveled out with the medications. I lead a pretty normal life, save for not being able to work. I go to school, drive myself around.

But as far as having to deal with the encounter with your mother, I guess all you can do is mentally prepare yourself for a bit of emotional disarray. It would be one thing walking into it blind, but you already know that your mother is going to be a bit unstable, so just kind of mentally prepare and tell yourself that it's going to suck, but you're there to try and help her, and when you're done, you get to go home and have the satisfaction that at least you're trying to help your mother. My father is an alcoholic, and more often than not I try to stay away from him, lest he bring me down with him, but on occasion I do call him and tell him that I love him, and I try to take him to lunch once in a while to get him out of the house. Even though your mother might be upset at your little 'intervention', she will notice that you came and tried to do something good for her, and I'm sure a part of her will know that you love her and are trying to help. I'm sure a part of her loves you as well. So I think all you can do is be honest, don't drag in past issues, stick to the current topic and just tell her that you care about her and don't want to see her hurt or sick.

Princess Felicia
September 1st, 08, 10:07 PM
thats a read i couldnt completly read x.x lot read and yes i know to my granmda hasnt decided wat time we go there and i no let doctors know i no see them i no want meds I WILL NOT TAKE THEM so yea

September 2nd, 08, 11:36 PM
In no way trying to be condescending, but is English not your native language? o.o;

Princess Felicia
September 2nd, 08, 11:37 PM
rofl umm i think so XD as far as i know i learned Cali girl then english XD

September 3rd, 08, 01:46 AM
Well I myself dont have any "mental issues" im just selectivly insane :D

Princess Felicia
September 3rd, 08, 01:47 AM
are you makeing fun of me *GOES INSANE* jk

September 3rd, 08, 01:51 AM
nope lol im just saying I dont have any physical signs of mental issues but for some reason I choose to be insane. -checks MRIs again- yup I guess I just choose to be crazy

September 3rd, 08, 01:53 AM
I know of a whole bunch of possible things that could occur during your visit to your mom and right now most of the current possiblities are good if can manage to tolerate each others company for the duration of your visit to her house.

Princess Felicia
September 3rd, 08, 01:53 AM
yes luckily it was posponed XD and good i dont think so

September 3rd, 08, 02:02 AM
lmao well I guess your happy now. Sucks people just wont accept us for who we are >_<

September 3rd, 08, 02:59 AM
tell me about it T~T

September 3rd, 08, 03:22 AM
lmao well I guess your happy now. Sucks people just wont accept us for who we are >_<
yes indeed >///<
i wonder how it would be like where society would actually accept as *starts drooling on Felicia's head*

Princess Felicia
September 3rd, 08, 03:38 AM
Hey stop that

September 3rd, 08, 03:39 AM
*snaps out of deep thought* huh? what? *wipes his mouth*

Princess Felicia
September 3rd, 08, 03:40 AM
>_< if you do that again i shall head but you

September 3rd, 08, 04:23 AM
and your chest shall then be slobberey :P

Princess Felicia
September 3rd, 08, 06:22 PM
*cleans my self up* discusting boys

September 3rd, 08, 06:50 PM
yawn.....god I hate school....good thing im back home on here and listening to death metal

Princess Felicia
September 3rd, 08, 06:53 PM
rock on man

September 3rd, 08, 06:54 PM
as always lol

Princess Felicia
September 3rd, 08, 07:02 PM

September 3rd, 08, 07:03 PM
Talking about the book?

September 3rd, 08, 07:04 PM
lol cool oh and im still working on your request im wondering if you wanted her hair white or the strands on her hair white and have the rest purple with black. Your request wasnt to clear lol

Princess Felicia
September 3rd, 08, 07:05 PM
meh it was for my game desings so yea it would be the three strands are white the rest black and purple and


September 3rd, 08, 07:06 PM
You're taking request C.Wolf? Pic requests at that?

September 3rd, 08, 07:08 PM
lol Im doing three right now ill let you know when im open k?

September 3rd, 08, 07:10 PM
I'd like to see your work before I make any requests C.Wolf, but I'll keep your offer in mind.

Princess Felicia
September 3rd, 08, 07:17 PM
lol im going to change some probaly i want my picture to be perfict since its of my charecter design

September 3rd, 08, 07:18 PM
X_x fine lol means erasing shit..........oh and try finding my art in the communal gallery twilight its ok.....I could do better if you want me to just takes me longer lol

Princess Felicia
September 3rd, 08, 07:19 PM
lol this is only human form hes drawing for me twiligh XD in a gothic loli style dress

September 3rd, 08, 07:22 PM
oh and twilight the requests are free so you wont lose anything other then the thought that I can draw well >.> lmao

Princess Felicia
September 3rd, 08, 07:22 PM
just wait till demonian form in the mistress outfit XD RATED M FOR MATURE

September 3rd, 08, 07:23 PM
wait what? O_o

Princess Felicia
September 3rd, 08, 07:25 PM
lol that charecter has a few forms one of them is demon like

her demonian for she wears nothing but a black leather bra strapless. fishnet tights a skirt that is cut on the left side all the way up to 2 inches below the top of the skirt and high heal knee high leather dominatrix boots o and she has a whip for a weapon

September 3rd, 08, 07:26 PM
Boner after school is nice XD thanks

Princess Felicia
September 3rd, 08, 07:27 PM
... *slaps wolf* not till your done and if you make it good enough i might have you draw certain situatiions with it

September 3rd, 08, 07:30 PM
mkay lmao but wait what do you want me to draw now? I need an organized specific list of what your request is or do I just stick with what I was originally told?

Princess Felicia
September 3rd, 08, 07:32 PM
the one i already sent you once i say shes in perfect form i shall sned you the demonian form specs ok

September 3rd, 08, 07:33 PM
ok youll have to remind me after im done with the first one lol. I only have 30 minutes on here b4 parents come home X_X this sucks I wish my comp was in my room lol

Princess Felicia
September 3rd, 08, 07:34 PM
mine ish in my room XD

September 3rd, 08, 07:35 PM
Laptop is mine, but a big screen one is downstairs, good for watching music videos and stuff on.

Princess Felicia
September 3rd, 08, 07:36 PM
lol o and i shall tell you a mistress pose after twilight has had you draw her

September 3rd, 08, 07:41 PM
well does she still want a pic from me?

Princess Felicia
September 3rd, 08, 07:45 PM
o she will trust me she will

September 3rd, 08, 07:47 PM
Nothing against you, but I don't want a pic of me done. i borrowed my Bro's OC, Amara, and a pic of her would violate the conditions of her usage. The avatar I'm using is of the closest character I could find that resembles her, Mariam of Beyblade V-Force. But as for pics, I'm not looking to get any right now. but like I said, I'll keep your card, C.Wolf.

September 3rd, 08, 07:47 PM
ok lmao I dint know my art was good enough to want a request lol. Compared to so many other artists....but I guess its because its free lol

September 3rd, 08, 07:48 PM
WHen have I had a card? Ive gone pro and I didnt even know lol

September 3rd, 08, 07:48 PM
Wow, the awkwardness of tying and post speed strikes again.

September 3rd, 08, 07:49 PM
lmao eh oh and Im wondering if you like my art? lol I never like my art

September 3rd, 08, 07:51 PM
It's a hell of a lot better than what I can do. I'm still stuck with the whole "Don't go outside the lines" thing of basic artwork. LOL

September 3rd, 08, 07:53 PM
dont worry lol its not to hard after awhile. My art really just needs more depth ppl tell me and yes color but I like sketching lol. Im making an acception for princess but I might start coloring more anyway to improve the quality and get more people to look at me art :3

Princess Felicia
September 3rd, 08, 07:55 PM
you shall draw twilight when your done with my mistress one and i shall have the situation be very very nice hehehe

September 3rd, 08, 07:56 PM
lol but she said it would be against some policy or w/e

Princess Felicia
September 3rd, 08, 07:57 PM
>_< grrr dont make a scitso mad especialy when tht skitso isnt haveing a great day

September 3rd, 08, 07:57 PM
fine ill make a random anime girl XD

Princess Felicia
September 3rd, 08, 07:58 PM
meh but it shall be called twilight but that is for later ^.^

September 3rd, 08, 07:59 PM
Well I have to go cya guys later

Princess Felicia
September 3rd, 08, 07:59 PM
byebye smelly >_> some one needs a diapy change

September 3rd, 08, 08:02 PM
I'll go halfway with you both. C.Wolf, Draw a diaper pic of Mariam, that should be acceptable as terms for the agreement I have with my bro.

Princess Felicia
September 3rd, 08, 08:03 PM
lol XD

September 4th, 08, 02:17 AM
ok and yeah I wish I had a diaper on me :3 lol

Princess Felicia
September 4th, 08, 02:19 AM
lol :p mine are in my closet

September 4th, 08, 02:22 AM
T^T please dont brag.......im going to try and get 20 bucks off my mom this week and order some lol

Princess Felicia
September 4th, 08, 02:22 AM
20 wont be enough to order some sorry man and you need a card

September 4th, 08, 02:23 AM
She teases me to wolf, and at least you guys can get diapers. I won't be able to until I move out next year.

Princess Felicia
September 4th, 08, 02:24 AM
soory twilight *hugs*

September 4th, 08, 02:25 AM
lol 20 bucks is enough to get 8 bambinos :P ive done it b4. I was going to wait till I could buy the 48 pack but I need some noooooow lol

September 4th, 08, 02:26 AM
Apologize to her.......lol

Princess Felicia
September 4th, 08, 02:26 AM
calm down mate

September 4th, 08, 02:27 AM
(>-_->------o(fire) I am calm lol

September 4th, 08, 02:27 AM
She already has, and whenshe doesn't, I just mention the Olympics.

September 4th, 08, 02:28 AM
lol? Im lost

September 4th, 08, 02:29 AM
Oh and money order to princess thats how I got them the first time ^_^ guess its only for the US lol

Princess Felicia
September 4th, 08, 02:29 AM
AHHHHH *charges wolf with my boken and smashes it on his head at the mention of olympics*

September 4th, 08, 02:31 AM
-dies forever-

September 4th, 08, 02:32 AM

September 4th, 08, 02:33 AM
-resurects like jebus

Princess Felicia
September 4th, 08, 03:44 AM

o no you didnt chaos

September 4th, 08, 03:45 AM
(>-_->------o(fire) I am calm lol

lol a death attack :P

Princess Felicia
September 4th, 08, 03:46 AM
*Roars like a lion* (never said what kind of kitty i was like XD)

September 4th, 08, 06:59 PM
-howls like a blood thristy wolf from castlevania that is like 10 feet tall on all fours and 14 long lol